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October 03, 1952 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1952-10-03

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1 i i


The Return of
Sen. McCarthy
AS THE POLITICAL caravans wend thei:
way through the country and politician
become more adept at name-calling and ta
reporting, a little noticed dispatch fron
New York told of impending politicking
which will no doubt hit a new low in poli-
tical campaigns. The news item concerne
Sen. Joseph McCarthy and his announce-
ment that he would soon reveal his researci
findings on Gov. Adlai Stevenson.
Americans enjoyed a slight respite from
McCarthy's menacing blasts during the
summer and early fall because the verbose
witch hunter was ill. Now, endorsed by a
tremendous margin in the Sept. 9 Wis-
consin primary, McCarthy is ready to un-
leash new attacks on whatever or who-
ever fails to appeal to him.
McCarthy's apparent popularity is a re-
sult of the preseint state of apprehension
concerning the safety of the nation. Much
of the fear is a direct result of McCarthy's
charges of Communists in the State Depart-
ment. With unfailing regularity and an
amazing disregard for accuracy and evi-
dence, the Wisconsin Senator in the past
three years has juggled his figures so rapid-
ly concerning Communists in key positions
that even his ardent admirers are unable
to keep pace with him.
His vicious attacks on General George
Marshall and Secretary of State Dean Ache-
son have shaken public faith in the Admin-
istration and the military. By accusing
Marshall of "selling out" tQ Russia he also
indirectly censured Dwight D. Eisenhower,
Marshall's World War II cohort.
MeCarthyism has become part of the
English language for lack of a better term.
It is synonomous with misrepresentation,
slander, untruths and character assassi-
nation. Innocent people have lost life sav-.
ings clearing themselves of false charges
and others live in apprehension for fear
of being falsely accused.
Personality-wise, McCarthy is an inter-
esting study. As his charges grew in wonder,
his fame spread and his ego became irre-
pressible. He styles hmiself as "tailgun Joe,"
a World War II hero vho carries ten pounds
of shrapnel in his body, when in reality he
was an intelligence officer during the war
who was never wounded.
In one respect, McCarthy's one-man
publicity show has hurt him, for he has
interested a good number of investigators
himself. These sleuths have turned up
some startling facts. Included among them
are McCarthy's failure to report a $40,000
capital gain in his 1943 income statement,
the fact that he ran for Senator while a
circuit court judge in violation of a state
statute, his acceptance of $10,000 from a
company applying for an RFC loan while
he was on a Senate committee investigat-
ing the RFC, and his failure to pay state
income tax between 1946 and 1949 while
he was earning $60,000.
In light of this record, the primary vote
in Wisconsin is especially discouraging. Mc-
Carthy's baneful disregard for truth was
overlooked by Wisconsin voters who gave
liim a margin double that of all other can-
didates in both parties.
The danger of McCarthyism is far great.
er than generally supposed. All too many
individuals, of the same bent of mind,
have been flocking to identify themselves
with the "patriotic" crusades of their he-
ro. If these frantics continue to grow in
numbers, it will not be long before every
American will be in danger of suffering a
personal attack.
The greatest sign of political maturity the
citizens of Wisconsin could show would be
to defeat McCarthy at the polls in Novem-
ber. Then and only then would the country

be able to approach the Communist threat
with a sane, sober, and rational point of
-Eric Vetter
IFC, Jr.
AT FIRST GLANCE, the Interfraternity
Council's move to establish a junior IFC
may seem to be just a minor bit of reorgan-
izing. Actually, however, it is a commendable
step towards strengthening the IFC for the
prominent role it could play in the Univer-
sity community.
The new body will operate on a one
semester trial basis for this fall's pledge
classes and will be under the supervision
of members of the main IFC. The pur-
pose of the council is to coordinate com-
mon pledge activities and to get more men
interested in the IFC.
One of IFC's weaknesses has been the
rather haphazard recruiting and training
program it offers to the good potential that
too often is allowed to lie dormant through
a semester of painting walls and occasion-
ally putting jam on the doorknobs.
One of the main objections offered by
the 10 house presidents who voted against
the proposal Tuesday night was that at-
tending two more meetings a month would
be too much for the hard-working pledges.
If this is the case, perhaps it would be pos-
sible for the fraternities to omit a few over-
night hikes from the schedules of those who
become active in the junior IFC.
-Mike Wolff

" A Matter of Morals
By CAL SAMRA candidate, the GOP has launched a high-
Daily Editorial Director powered campaign to discredit Stevenson.
NOW THAT both Senator Richard Nixon Their purpose is all too obvious: With
and Gov. Adlai Stevenson have bared the Governor's name thoroughly raked
their incomes before the public, it would over the coals, it was felt that the two
seem appropriate to re-examine the case incidents would cancel out nicely and a
of the $18,000 funds in terms of ethics in potentially fruitful political issue for the
government-a hackneyed subject, to be Democrats would be laid to rest.
sure, but one that deserves to be taken out Een the normally-sober New York Times,
of the political arena for a quick airing. Eva n a do as bt, herk tme
. "as a dog chases a cat," hearkened to the
In brief, Sen. Nixon received $18,000 same line. The more subtle Times attempted
from a group of welathy California Re- t
publicans to pay political expenses. Gov. to equate the two dealings from an ethical
Stevenson, on the other hand, used an standpoint, and castigated both candidates
$18,000 campaign fund stockpile to sup- equally in one liberal breath of editorial
plement the salaries of eight Illinois state garlic.
employees, who according to the Governor,
"were making sacrifices to stay in the What The Times and the GOP were
government." ignoring, however, is the old Biblical dis-
tinction between giving and receiving.
In neither case is graft or any violation Considered in this light, L'Affaire Stev-
of the criminal code evident, so any excess enson can in no way be viewed with the
ballyhoo regarding the two payments can same suspicious interest as L'Affaire
be dismissed as irrelevant. Nixon. Gov. Stevenson, it is quite evident,
Meanwhile, however, the well-worn drums was not on the receiving end; nor did he
of moral indignation have been beating prosper financially or politically by his
steadily, and the self-righteous political dealings. Sen. Nixon was; Sen. Nixon did.
mobs-who are always ready to throw a And, since several of those benefitting from
stone but who will seldom look into a the Governor's fund were Republicans, it
mirror-have been sharpening their knives, would seem that the Grand Old Party had
The loudest of these have been the Re- better drop its accusations pronto. After all,
publicans. Embarrassed by the near- there isn't supposed to be such a creature
fatal blunder of their vice-presidential as a dishonest Republican.
Congressional Pay Boosts
AS THINGS went, the give and take Nixon unjustifiable on ethical grounds and re-
Affair had at least one constructive as- cognizing that it may lead to graft and
pect-it spotlighted the inadequacy of Con- influence peddling.
gressional salaries. .
The majority find themselves either in-
According to an extensive questionaire, volved in some sort of private business or
sent recently to members of Congress by enterprise back home. In order to make
New York Times reporter Cabell Philips, ends meet many have been forced to expend
the average Congressman finds a large dis- their valuable time and energies in lecture
parity between his income and his ex- tours, writing magazine articles and radio
penses; he therefore finds it necessary to and television appearances.
find some other source with which to sup- In several cases, congressmen have found
plement his government pay. themselves so immersed in debt that they
have been compelled to drop out of office.
Each member of Congress draws an an- .
nual salary of $12,500 plus a tax-exempt The obvious solution would simply be to
non-accountable expense allowance of $2,- raise their salaries. A figure of $25,000
500. Pressed with his social obligations, the has been suggested by many students of
necessity of maintaining two homes-one in the problem. Such substantial wages would
Washington and another back home, poli- not only free the lawmaker from crushing
tical expenses, living expenses and taxes, financial pressures, but would also at-
the average lawmaker finds a deficit of tract abler men to public life.
about $3,216 between the total intake of C
$15,000 and the average expenditure of $18,- Congress has in the past shrunk from
216. voting itself a pay boost, fearing the in-
evitable howls of the tax-burdened populace.
Some Congressmen bridge the gap as But if increased salaries means fewer scan-
Senator Nixon did-by accepting a pri- dals of the Nixon type, the lawmaking body
vate fund. Most of them, however, have could for once, ignore public opinion.
steered clear of such a course, finding it -Jan Winn
Architecture Auditorium At The Michigan.. .

Strip Poker

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

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WASHINGTON--Last spring this column told the inside story of a
stormy secret session of the Senate elections committee at which
Sen. Guy Gillette of Iowa threatened to resign.
After the story appeared, Senator Gillette issued a statement,
resorting to the easiest epithet of a politician: "Pearson is a liar.
Seventy-five per cent of what he wires is hog-wash," stated the
Senator from Iowa.
However, in a letter dated Sept. 10, 1952, now made public, Sen-
ator Gillette wrote to Sen. Carl Hayden of Arizona, as follows:
"As you know, I tried to resign as chairman earlier this spring,
but you pointed out the situation with reference to membership
on the rules committee, which made it difficult to fill my place
with a new assignment from the Democratic side of the com-
In retrospect, Senator, who was it that was really lying?
Reports to Washington from Operation Mainbrace indicate that
the big North Sea naval maneuver was a flop.
A heavy gale kept the carrier planes out of action at the cru-
cial moments; submarines slipped through and claimed torpedo
hits against all the carriers; and the surf was too rough to land
the marines on a beachhead. Instead, they had to be hauled
around on the lee side of Denmark in order to go through their
When these reports reached Washington, Admiral Fechteler, chief
of naval operations, almost blew his top. He let out a mighty roar,
charging that the submariners exaggerated their reports and that
they would have needed "a whole transport full of torpedoes" to make
all the hits they claimed.
Here is what the politicians reported to Eisenhower as of the
end of last week: Taft told him Ohio would go Republican, though
his brother, Charlie, would have a tight race for governor.
In West Virginia, Rush Holt, the pro-Nazi sympathizer, pre- l
dicted he would be elected governor, while others predicted Chap-
man Revercomb would lose to Senator Kilgore. North Carolina and
Virginia were considered hopeful but doubtful. ..
General Eisenhower spoke at every whistle stop his managers
requested. But he drew the line at one thing-climbing down from
the rear platform and shaking hands with the crowd at every stop, as
urged by Congressman George Bender of Ohio. . . . The producer who
staged Senator Nixon's broadcast, one of the most dramatic and ef-
fective in years, was Ed Sobal, NBC's top television producer. The
man who helped write it was ace-attorney Bill Rogers. ...
THE BIG STEEL companies, and particularly U. S. Steel, haven't
been renowned for pro-labor sympathies. But John L. Lewis
can chiefly thank them for the generous new contract he got from
the coal operators, giving him a $1.90 daily pay boost, plus extra
welfare benefits.
Bargaining negotiations vfith John L. Lewis usually go on for1
days. This time it was strangely different, and Moses practically
jumped over the bargaining table at the first meeting to come tol
terms with Big John.
(Copyright, 1952, by the Bell Syndicate)

On Acheson . .
To the Editor:
PROFESSOR Arthur J. Carr has
published in your issue of
September 30 some passages from
Secretary Acheson's protest against
the omission of a sentence in Eis-
enhower's quotation from the
speech by Acheson before the
Press Club on January 12, 1950.
-However, the interpretation now
put upon this one sentence by
Acheson and his defenders seems
to me to be quite impossible un-
less Secretary Acheson was gifted
with prophetic powers nowhere
else met with in modern times.
Acheson declared that it would
be our national policy to defend
Japan, the Ryukys, and the Philip-
pines "just as we would our con-
tinental area." But in case of at-
tacks on other areas in Asia, areas
which he left unspecified, he con-
tinued: "Should such an attack
occur-one hesitates to say where
such an armed attack could come
from-the initial reliance must be
on the people attacked to resist
it and then upon the commitments
of the entire civilized world un-
der the Charter of the United Na-
tions which so far has not proved
a weak reed to lean on by any
people who are determined to pro-
tect their independence against
outside aggression."
This, says Secretary Acheson,
was "the warning which I gave in
January 1950." It is therefore im-
portant to inquire whether it
could have been considered a ser-
ious "warning" at the time it was
uttered. The following facts may
help to set Acheson's statement in
the context of events.
1. In January 1950 the problem
of Korea had been pushed into the
background by the immediate and
critical problem of Formosa. In
December 1949 Chang Kai Shek
had been defeated by the Chinese
Communists and he retreated with
his Nationalist troops to Formosa,
where it was feared the Commun-;
ists would follow him. On January
2. 1950, both Herbert Hoover and
Senator Taft suggested that our
navy should intervene to prevent!
any Communist invasion. On Jan-
uary 5 President Truman proclaim-
ed a policy of non-intervention in
that area. On January 12 Secre-
tary Acheson made his speech in
which he indicated that Forniosa,
and Korea and other Asian areas
if attacked would have to seekf
protection from the United Na-
On February 7 the Chinese Na-
tionalist delegate to the Unitedt
Nations requested a UN patrol to
protect Formosa, but no action wast
taken. After the Korean police ac-
tion had been in progress for three,
months, Secretary Acheson on Sep-
tember 20 asked the Assembly of
the United Nations to discussthe1
future of Formosa, and two months
later, on November 15, a proposal
to discuss was brought in, but was
tabled by the Political and Se-i
curity Committee. Formosa was
the burning issue when Acheson
made his speech, but it does not
appear that his "warning" consti-
tuted any protection to the Chi-
nese Nationalists there. ,
2. Action against any aggressor
must be by the Security Councili
of the UN, and is subject to the
veto which Russia has exercised
so many times. It so happened
that in June 1950 the Russian
delegate, for mysterious reasons
known only to the Kremlin, was
boycotting the United Nations,
and the nine other members of

the Council voted unanimously to
resist the North Koreans.
Had the Russian delegate been
present, he could, and certainly
would, have vetoed this proposal.
Acheson's "warning" on January
12, 1950, therefore resolves itself
into this: that Korea is outside of
our national defense perimeter,
and that in case of attack South
Korea could have to present its
request for help to the Security
Council where Russia could exer-
cise a veto. It is idle to pretend
that such talk would strengthen
the military situation for the
South Koreans. The fact that the
Russian delegate would be absent
when the North Koreans struck
was something neither Acheson
nor anyone else outside the Krem-
lin could have known in January
3. Had the masters of the Krem-
lin read the "warning" in Ache-
son's speech in the manner the
Secretary now wants it read ret-
rospectively in the light of subse-
quent events, they would hardly
have boycotted the United Nations
in. June 1950. When the Korean
police action started, they dis-
patched their representative to
New York very promptly.
It seems clear enough, by this
time that the Russians were com-
pletely surprised when the United
Nations came to the defense of
South Korea, and that they had
not seen any serious "warning"
either in Secretary Acheson's sen-
tence in his speech or in the gen-
eral policy pursued by the Admin-
istration in Asia.
-Louis I. Bredyold
Department of English
* * *
YD Ihallege.. .
To the Editor:
REPUBLICAN Senatorial candi-
date, Charles Potter, has re-
cently announced that he would
not alter his schedule to engage in
public debates with his opponent,
Blair Moody. Senator Moody has
stated that he would be glad to
come to campus at some time be-
tween now and election day and
debate Potter or, in Potter's ab-
sence, deliver an address on Im-
portant issues. The Young Demo-
crats had hoped to co-sponsor with
the Young Republicans a Moody
Potter debate. Potter's recent
statement makes prospects for L
such an affair look dim.
Potter's reluctance to debate is
a natural outgrowth of the type
of campaign he is waging. He has
avoided the real issues and is at-
tempting to identify the Demo-
crats and Moody with dishonesty
and Communism. Potter knows
that in open debate his attempts
to associate Moody or his party
with either of these evils would be
shown up as absurd.
If candidate Potter or his sup-
porters feel that what I say in
this letter is unjust, there is only
one -way for them to prove it. Let
the Republican candidate accept
the challenge of his opponent and
the Young Democratic Club and
consent to appear in a debate with
Senator Moody at the University.
If Potter refuses, we will be for-
ced to attribute his refusal to the
weakness of his cause.
-David J. Kornbluh
Secretary-Treas. Young Democrats
Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young .......Managing Editor
Cal Samra ..........Editorial Director
Zander Hollander .......Feature Editor

Sid Klaus.......Associate City Editor
Harland Britz..........Associate Editor
Donna Hendleman ....Associate Editor
Ed Whipple.............Sports Editor
John Jenks ... Associate Sports Editor
Dick Sewell . .. .Associate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler ....... Women's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor
Business Sta ff
At Green .....Business Manager
Milt Goetr. ..Advertising Manager
Diane Johnston ...Assoc. Business Mgr.
Judy Loehnberg ...Finance Manager
Tom Treeger . -...Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1




BRIEF ENCOUNTER, with Celia Johnson
and Trevor Howard.
sort that the British do so well. It has a
compactness and sharpness of detail which
make it almost perfect.
Celia Johnson and Trevor Howard por-
tray two middle aged and rather ordi-
nary people who accidentally meet at a
suburban railway station and fall into
a hopeless kind of love. Both of them find
it impossible to break away from their
families, and yet cannot stay away from
each other. Their only moments of happi-
ness are on Thursday afternoons, when
she goes to the town for some shopping and
he visits at the local hospital; their "af-
aire" is limited to luncheons, the cinema,
and motor trips around the countryside.
Both Howard and Miss Johnson are su-
perb actors, and perform with technical ex-
cellence as well as a depth of feeling. The
story is clever, and by no means overly sen-
timental or maudlin. Stanley Holloway and
Joyce Carey, as two of the employees at the
railway station, provide several comic epi-
sodes which serve to relieve the tension of
the emotional scenes. It is during these se-
quences, and a few others interspersed
throughout the picture, that the wit of
producer Noel Coward glows forth.
Perhaps the only real complaint that
might be voiced would be over the use
of the Rachmaninoff second piano con-
certo as background music; too many
other movies, usually of an inferior type,
have employed it, until it is almost au-
tomatically associated with a sickly sweet
melodrama. It would not have been diffi-
cult to replace.
John Grierson's documentary "Song of
Ceylon," which is the accompanying feature
this week, is a fine portrayal, in both sound
and picture, of the essential nature of Cey-
lon and. its people. The second section, en-
titled "The Virgin Island," is particularly
enjoyable; it vividly brings out the spirit
and character of the Ceylonese, and oc-
casionally approaches the vital dramatic
uailt o nf the Janne nietiir "achnmon n

Monroe and Richard Widmark
THIS PICTURE should be a delight to
those students of psychology who like
their neuroses clear cut and neatly labeled.
The first character to be frustrated is
a night club singer, played by Anne Ban-
croft, who finds she must give up her
boy friend, Richard Widmark, because
he is interested in wine, women, and song
to the exclusion of the more homely vir-
Widmark, after being told bluntly that he
just isn't a nice guy, goes off to his hoteL
room to brood. A timely glance out the win-
dow reveals Marilyn Monroe in an opposite
room, and in a trice Widmark is knocking
(despite the title) on her door.
Miss Monroe plays the part of a girl who
has just come to the big city after spending
several years in a mental institution. With
very little provocation she becomes con-
vinced that Widmark is her dead lover, and
proceeds to relapse into insanity. Next she
attempts to murder a little girl whom she
blames when Widmark leaves her.
He returns, however, in time to prevent
her from committing suicide, and gently
hands her over to the authorities. Pro-
foundly affected by this episode, a new
Widmark goes back to Miss Bancroft, wad-
ing knee deep through the milk of human
Miss Monroe, despite an ingenuousness
too dewy-eyed even for a psychotic, turns in
a creditable performance in her first serious
dramatic role. If one can overlook a certain
gushiness and a tendency to leave not one
word unsaid, the picture provides fairly good
--Bob Holloway
"THE PHILOSOPHER is no better able to
determine the best universe in the con-
crete emergency than other men. He sees,
indeed, somewhat better than most men
what the question always is . . . He knows
that he must vote always for the richer
universe. for the good which see mn t



(Continued from Page 2)
the Press in The Netherlands." Dr. E.
V. van Raalte, Lecturer on Interna-
tional Juridical Organization, Univer-
sity of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Mon., Oct. 6, 3:00 p.m., Auditorium D,
Angell Hall.
American Chemical Society Lecture.
Fri., Oct. 3, 1300 Chemistry Building, 4
p.m. Dr. W. A. Weyl, Head, Department
of Mineral Technology, Pennsylvania
State College, will speak on "The Chem-
istry of Surfaces and Polarization of
Ions." Subscription dinner for the
speaker at the Union at 6:15 p.m.
Academic Notices
To All Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: No courses may
be added to your original elections aft-
er Fri., Oct. 3.
Organ Recital. Robert Noehren, Uni-
versity Organist, will present the first
of three Sunday afternoon organ re-
citals at 4:15, Oct. 5, in Hill Auditorium.
The series will cover organ music of Jo-
hann Sebastian Bach, with the first
program including his Fantasia in C

minor, Three Chorale Preludes from
the "Orgelbuchlein," Prelude and Fugue
in G major; Canzona, Trio Sonata No.
5 in C major, and Fantasia and Fugue
in G minor. The program will be open
to the general public.
Events Today
UNESCO Council organizational meet-
ing, 8 p.m., Main Lounge Madelon
Pound House, 1024 Hill St. Speaker:
Dr. Preston W. Slosson, "The History
of Nationalism." All interested students,
faculty, and Ann Arborites cordially in-
The Geological-Mineralogical Journal
Club will present a lecture by Dr. Rob-
ert V. Ruhe on Erosional Surfaces in
Central Africa, 2054 Natural Science
Bldg., 4 p.m. The public is invited.
Roger Williams Guild. Harvest Hike.
Come dressed for outside activity over
rough terrain. Meet at Guild House, 8
Newman Club. Open House, 8-12 p.m.
Games and dancing. All Catholic stu-
dents and their friends cordially invit-
Canterbury Club. Supper and dis-

cussion at 6 p.m., 218 N. Division. Come
one, come all!
Coming Events
Welcoming program for newly arrived
students from other lands in Rackham
Lecture Hall, 8 p.m., Sat., Oct. 4. Re-
ception, refreshments, and dancing to
follow in the Assembly Hall.
Saturday Luncheon Discussion Group
meets at Lane Hall, 12:15 p.m. Mr. De-
Witt C. Baldwin will continue his re-
port on his recent European travels.
Archery. Anyone interested in an
Archery Club contact Charles Sleicher,
3-0811, or Jim Burnett, 306 Hayden
House, East Quad., 2-4591.
Recreational Swimming-Women Stu-
dents. There will be recreational swim-
ming at the Union pool every Saturday
from 9 to 11 a.m.
Schoolaof Music Assembly Council
Meeting. Sat., Oct. 4, at 1, 406 Burton
rower. Good attendance at this meet-
ing would be appreciated,
Newman Club. Latin-American party,
Sat., Oct. 4, 8-12 p.m. Dancing and Lat-
in music. All Catholic students and
their friends cordially invited.


Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press la exclusively
entitled to the use for republication of
all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.

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