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February 18, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-02-18

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K i

he 'Shame' of Our Colleges


Daily Associate Editor

field have collaborated to bring the
public a slick piece of sophistry in the
March issue's, "The Shame of Our Col-
leges." Taking a blast at the nation's in-
stitutions of higher learning, Bromfield says
he is deplored by the enormous number
of degrees being granted to uneducated per-
sons. He cites three conditions as the main
reasons for intellectual suffocation on the
nation's campuses: a failure to discipline
the nation's children, tolerance of subver-
sion in the schools, and a cultural emphasis
on the degree rather than on college edu-
Bromfield's basic complaint, the ignor-
ance of many college graduates, prob-
ably could be substantiated by a com-
prehensive poll. There' are thousands of
uneducated and unthinking people grad-
uated from colleges yearly. Numerous
students, driven by a cultural approbation
of the college graduate, do concentrate all
their efforts on obtaining a degree, and
it is singularly easy, even in a University
with the stature of Michigan, to play
through four years of classes and emerge
at the end of the alloted time with noth-
ing more to show than a leather-bound
scrap of paper.
If Bromfield had centered his complaint
around this argument, he might have pre-
sented some valid criticism of American ed-
ucation. But, two-thirds of his article was
concerned with his other two suppositions,
both of which appear to show the effects of
the currently popular pastime of blaming
our cultural ills on "subversion" and/or mo-
dern education.
A lack of discipline, he charges, without
which education is impossible, begins in the
anarchic American home, and is insidious-
ly encouraged through the medium of mo-
dern education. The author's criticism of
progressive education, which centers around
this lack of classical "discipline," is not
grounded in a substantial understanding of
the meaning of current educational thought.
He admits this himself when, after defin-
ing his idea of progressive education, he im-
mediately states that his'interpretation may
or may not do justice to the full extent and
purpose of John Dewey's educational theory.
"Progressive education means," he sup-
poses, "that the child should do as he
pleases, study what he pleases, when it
pleases him, learn everything through
experience, with an absolute minimum of
precept or discipline." Conveniently ab-
sent from Bromfield's notion is any men-
tion of the teacher's role in the modern
school. This is one of direction and sug-
gestion, and when properly carried out,
provides neither anarchy, laisses faire
nor a lack of discipline In the classroom.
Seeing modern schools as havens of anti-
intellectualism, the author would have it
that children must be "provided with the
means by which to live, both in a material-
istic and in a cultural sense, to (have) cre-
ated in them an interest in everything, to
have encouraged and sparked their enthu-
siasm along the lines of their. special incli-
nations." Ironically, critic Bromfield has
nicely stated\ the ideal of every modern
schoolroom and the ideas which direct a

modern teacher. It is hard to swallow the
implication that these aims were or ever
have been carried out in the rigid atmos-
phere of the old-time school, where children
have been stuffed ,rather than stimulated
inhibited rather than "sparked" by author-
itarian principals of direction and control.
* * *
PERHAPS EVEN more preposterous than
his interpretation of modern education
is 1romfield's explanation of "subversion,"
on k'subversive" teachers in the colleges. Al-
though' admitting that there are probably
no more actual Communists in profess~orial
ranks than in any other group, he main-
tains that this danger is supplanted by an
even worse one: the dishonesty and pseudo-
intellectualism of numbers of educators (he
doesn't say how many). Driven to nourish
leftish ideas by a variety of circumstances,
these "dishonest" teachers inculcate stu-
dents with their ideas, subtely "softening"
them up for the benefit .of real Marxists.
Behind his argument is a pat interpre-
tation of the dynamic social-psychology
of the Average professor. ,Unappreciated
in our modern materialistic society, the
professor is apt to feel frustrated by the"
fact that he is getting no recognition for
his work. Professors being only human,
this reward deficiency tends to "make our
teachers and professors shy and to turn
them more and more in upon the limited
world of the campus and the devoted nar-
row circles just outside."
Thus, it is easy to see, he says, why the
professor becomes devoted to Marxist so-
cialism; "which promises everything to ev-
If this glib analysis were not so danger-
ous, it would be even humorous. If there is
an Average professor, he is probably more
vital and more aware of the world beyond
his campus than any Average business man
is of the things around him. Just as there
are shy or unhappy people in any walk of
life, there are those of these types Who make
their living by teaching.
Bromfield calls the professor a victim of
the "folklore which portrays him as an ab-
sent-minded dolt pottering around in frow-
zy old clothes and ignoring the really valu-
able things of life . . ." But he himself
helps to perpetuate a new folklore, the pic-
tuie of the frustrated intellectual who is
forced to seek solace in leftist ideology be-
cause the American world does not appre-
ciate him. If the first picture victimizes the
professor, .it at least leaves him human and
loveable. Bromfield's equally unfounded
proposition leaves him nothing.
It is frightening to reflect on the back-
ground of "The Shame of Our Colleges."
It Is written by a man who is highly-
reputed in the intellectual world, and one
who presupposes himself a true "intel-
lectual." He harps continuously on hon-
esty, yet has presented views which are
based not, only on any real knowledge of
the situation, but on subjective ideas,
half truths and unrelated causes and efy
His article, so typical of many "analyses"
these days, mirrors rather pointedly the
very real dangers in dishonest and pseudo-
intellectual thought, the same dangers
Bromfield discusses but fails to recognize in
his own work.

A ttacks
On Education
AT LEAST ONE Michigan educator has
had the courage to stand up against
the Congressional committees that are now
supposedly looking for Communists and
"Communist-thinkers" in public schools
and colleges.
Virgil M. Rogers, Superintendent of
Schools in Battle Creek and President of
the American Association of School Ad-
ministrators, pointed out Sunday the
damage that reckless charges of subver-
sion in public schools has created.
In a speech before the Association's an-
nual convention, Rogers said one of the
Congressional committees had charged that
"150 subversive teachers were employed in
the Detroit schools, but, when challenged
for evidence, the committee could give no
specific information."
"There have been a fe wstupid persons
who have joined Communist organizations,
but they are extremely few, he said. "They
can be caught by local school boards. We
must not depend upon Washington to come
into the local communities and dictate what
should be taught in our schools."
Rogers also warned that the press must
come to the rescue of public education,
and "soon, if we are to preserve, it."
Perhaps it is time that the nation's press
realized its obligation to counter indiscrim-
inate attacks on education, rather than
flowing with the current of political dema-
-Dorothy Myers



At Hill Auditorium,.. .
JASCHA HEIFETZ, assisted by Emanuel
Bay, pianist.
concert; to hear the music of a compos-
er, to listen to a particular soloist, or both.
Naturally these divisions are arbitrary. Mu-
sic is non-existent without the composer-
performer-listener triumvirate, which fast
alone makes total separation, as in the first
two categories above, impossible.
But Jascha Heifetz comes as near as it is
possible to being completely in the second
category. If anyone in the audience at Hill
Auditorium last night had been asked before
the concert where they were going, the an-
swer undoubtedly would not have been that
they were going to a recital of Strauss,
Bruch, Schubert, Sibelius, Ravel, Szmanow-
ski, and Wieniawski.
They were going to hear Heifetz, and the
music to be played was more than likely
immaterial. For Heifetz as a virtuoso is a
musical myth. This is not just the result
of impeccable technique. He is more
than a pro-technician. Every subtlety of
the instrument, from rapid double stop
runs to minute tonal colorings, is under
his steady control.
And the pleasure derived from a Heifetz
recital is almost totally one of the medium
being performed. Those who seek a more sub-
stantial, more purely profound musical ex-
perience, should seek their pleasures else-
where, for here the instrument reigns su-
preme. We are awed and delighted by the
brilliant tone and perfect intonation that
he achieved in the andante sostenuto move-
ment of the Bruch, or his graduated dynam-
ic command coupled with dexterous finger
and bow facility in the Wieniawski.
In composers such as Wieniawski and Szy-
manowski this musical approach is valid. Its
intent is projection of the instrument, the
music being secondary. Likewise was this
true in the Bruch "Scottish" Fantasy, where
the melodies, of folk derivation, were means
to an end, not the end itself. And in the
Strauss I found it far better to listen as a
violin solo, though its musical weaknesses,
too much rambling, were still audible.
However, the Schubert sonata was ham-
pered by this procedure. The music was
not projected, and the work sounded
slighter than it need be. More pointed
enunciation of crescendos and a greater
differentiation between the general char-
acter of the movements would have aided
The exception to the rule was the Ravel,
Nos. 6 and 7 of the "Valses nobles and sen-
timentales." Here both composition and per-
formance shone through, with the result
that it was the most satisfying selection of
the program. The feeling was of the violin
line building and growing by virtue of the
inherent demands of the music, rather than
a declaration of the instrument's abilities.
Now the question most commonly asked in
connection with a recital of this type is one
of value. Is it worth it, or is a sonata recital,
say of Beethoven or Mozart, more valuable.
Though personally I prefer the latter, there
is certainly room for both. But still there
can be virtuosity in the performance of great
music. There is no escaping the importance
of the composer in the musical experience,
and no greater tribute to the performer than
an understanding interpretation of truly
great music.
. -Donald Harris

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Fraternities .. .
To the Editor:
I BELIEVE this is either the sec-
ond or third rushing period
during which I have read with
much amusement my friend Har-
ry Lunn's sentimental editorials
on the niceties and "advantages"
of fraternity life. I am so amused
because Harry uses a lot of sense
in discussing just about anything
except fraternities. On this sub-
ject, however, he somehow gets
carried away until he comes out
with such high-sounding and un-
warranted conclusions as, "Thus
on all counts the fraternities are
providing a more worthwhile edu-
cational experience than Quad
house mothers and Quad govern-
ments have ever done or promised
to do."-
Harry mentions such "advant-
ages" in his latest editorial, "Ed-
ucation in Fraternities," as super-
ior physical facilities, far more
aid along academic lines, less ar-
tificial social programs, more fun,
and greater participation in cam-
pus activities. Does he consider
the antiquated fraternity houses
on the Michigan campus as con-
stituting better physical facilities
than our ultra-modern South
Quad? Or does he stop to con-
sider that many fraternities need
more aid along academic lines
than independents? Does he con-
sider some of the extremely dull
and stuff fraternity parties and
dances I have attended as less
artificial and more fun than many
of our Quad and individual house
affairs? Does he consider invol-
untary participation in campus
activities as a worthwhile educa-
tional experience?
Poor Harry, having to sacrifice
the "homelike atmosphere" and
"friendliness" evident on my cor-
ridor in the South Quad pent-
house for the required brotherly
attitude of a faltering fraternity
-Louis R. Zako, '53
* * *
To the Editor: -
H ASN'T MR. LUNN omitted a
number of appropriate ad-
jectives and phrases in his lauda-
tory article on fraternities?
The column should have been
written something more like this:
"It is far more valid to make a
comparison of how well the vari-
ous housing groups contribute to
(every) individual's educational
experience. By educational exper-
ience is meant the academic, so-
cial and campus activities, factors
which make a university educa-
tion meaningful (for everyone).
"In providing personnel help
and counseling, the (Caucasian)
Greeks give far more aid to their
fellow (Caucasian) memnbers along
academic lines, while in quads,
("mixed") freshmen and sopho-
mores are more or less left to
themselves. The social programs
(for the Caucasians) are better
organized, less artificial and more
fun (for the Caucasians) in fra-
-Chuck Arnold.
* * *
Co-op Living...
To the Editor:
A FIRST GLANCE at Sunday's
editorial page left me with a
feeling of discouragement. On one
side of the page was a tribute to,
Brotherhood Week and on the
other a list of thirteen fraterni-
ties on this campus having bias
clauses. Side by side, the two stor-
ies revealed a deplorable state of
However, this is not being writ-
ten for purposes of denouncing
the situation, but rather to bring
to light some facts concerning a
way of college living which em-

College Humor
- - - ~ - ~ -
7- -
tin Ij Lil

phasizes Brotherhood Week every
week of the year-student coop-
eratives. I maintain that student
co-ops as living units offer all the
advantages of ,a fraternity and at
the same time are completely de-
void of all the undesirable char-
acteristics associated with the
Greek organizations.
Open membership is the back-
bone of student cooperatives. With
co-opers, brotherhood and toler-
ance are everyday things. By
working together and liking it,
we have learned that there are
absolutely no personality differ-
ences to be associated with a giv-
en race or religion. Therefore, it
is only logical that we look with
disgust upon those who have not
come to this realization.
Individuality is respected and
encouraged in co-ops. We have
found that individualists can be-
come part of a smoothly run or-
ganization while still maintaining
distinct personalities. There is no
such thing as the "co-op look."
The cosmopolitan atmosphere
to be found in co-ops provides the
stimulus for much unbiased think-
ing on a variety of topics. °
Rules governing co-ops come
from within the local organiza-
tion. No national body dictates
policy. Rather, our national or-
ganization concerns itself with
service to and coordination among
campus cooperatives.
This way of living is open to
anyone enrolled at the University.
-Bob Farmer
Pres. Inter-Cooperative Council
* * *
YR Statement ..
To the Editor:
rHE EXECUTIVE Board of the
Young Republicans hgs asked
me to make known its emphatic
position on membership and party
affiliation. At its recent meeting,
it was voted that the extraordi-
nary Bernie Backhaut be strongly
censured for acting under non-
existent authority in making im-
plied use of the Club name in a
manner likely to deceive. We dis-
tinctly repudiate his ill-advised
Membership in the YRs is open
to all who sincerely support prin-
ciples of Republicanism (of what-
ever intra-party group) and who
intend to give general support to
party candidates. We welcome any
disillusioned Democrats or inde-
pendents. Such persons are wel-

come to attend or observe meet-
ings, to listen to Republican
speakers from the outside des-
cribing our party and its views,
and to get acquainted. That is
only fair. But no one who is not
positively REPUBLICAN may ac-
tually join or hold a card. The
thought that people may join the
YRs as Democrats is ridiculous.
We are indeed but quasi-offi-
cial, yet we do considerable prac-
tical work with and for senior
party organizations. Several of us
have been delegates to senior par-
ty state Republican conventions.
We do not require members to be
downright elephant-worshippers.
On the, other hand, we are not a
squirrel cage of political floaters.
Independents may drop around to
visit us, but they must be Repub-
licans when they join. On that we
cannot compromise.
-Jasper B. Reid, Jr., President
U of M Young Republican Club
* * *
Botany Lecture...
To the Editor:
THE NOTE in the Daily of Feb-
ruary 12th reporting a speech
by Professor A. G. Norman of the
Department of Botany entitled
"Food for the Future," is an ex-
ample of bad headlining. It was
headed, "Botanist Sees Food Scar-
city." Scarcity was what Pro-
fessor Norman did not predict. He
predicted that if botanical re-
searches were continued and ex-
tended properly they ,could make
possible the production of suffi-
cient food to supply our increased
population for a long time in the
future. Professor Norman decried
the "prophets of doom" who pre-
dict dire scarcity in the near fu-
ture, but the headlining used here
would°make him one of them.
The reporting was as bad as
the headlining for the article says
Dr. Norman visualized the need of
one hundred million acres of new
land. Actually Dr. Norman said
that we could circumvent the need
for one hundred million acres of
new land, which are nowhere
available, by improved practices
in farming, improved crop plants,
etc. Such improvements are en-
tirely possible as a result of 'ex-
tended researches.
Dr. Norman's outlook is a dis-
tinguished and constructive rath-
er than pessimistic, as the head-
line implied.
Professor Norman is a distin-
guished biochemist and plant phy-
siologist who spoke with quiet au-
thority based on sound knowledge
and experience. He deserved to be

heard, and his remarks were well
worth reporting. But a kindly si-
lence would have been much bet-
ter than a complete misrepresen-
tation of his message which was
given an unusually clear and logi,
cal presentation.
-C. D. LaRue
Professor of Botany
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Although the
lead of the story in question was cor-
rect, The Daily regrets that cutting
in the shop prevented an adequate
explanation of Prof. Norman's pre-
* * *
The Clown ...
To the Editor:
M ARP'S wonderful critique
of "The Clown" was a mas-
ter! His reviews are always such.
I always enjoy them for the hu-
mor and candidness, he pours
forth so profusely.
How come you didn't drag
young Tim Considine the support-
ing actor in this "saccharine sen-
timentality" through your jour-
nalistic mud? Is is because you
are beginning to believe in the
sanctity of old women and young
children? As a critic, of course, it
is your prerogative to omit any-
thing if you wish. You should
have taken advantage of this and
omitted your views on the "Hoax-
ters," too. You see, there are a lot
of unintelligent people like my-
self who didn't see that the whole
film was a lie as big as any in-
vented by Hitler or his compan-
ions in infamy.
Anyway, Tom, good luck on your
future assignments. Perhaps the
Chicago Tribune can use a cri-
ticaster of your calibre.
-Mick Walker
Soph Cab..,.
To the Editor:
S JUST ONE of the many that
attended Soph Cab this week-
end, I would like 'to express my
thanks to all that made this won-
derful dance possible. So often we
hear the classic gripe "Michigan
has no school spirit." I think this
dance was a good example to dis-
prove this idea. The decorations,
booths, and floor show, needless
to say took many hours to prepare
but the result was a dance that
had a zip to it like few dances I
have seen at Michigan.
Nice going Soph Cabbers.
--Tom Leopold
Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
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4 t


i i

WASHINGTON-While the country rings
with forecasts of an adventurous po-
licy in the far east, the Eisenhower admin-
istration is actually considering a very dif-
ficult course of action. For this country,
the main feature of the new scheme will be
the gradual but eventually complete with-
drawal of American divisions from the fight-
ing line in Korea.
This is to be the answer to the routine
political pressure to bring the boys home,
which is now taking the form of a deluge
of White House mail demanding that
President Eisenhower "keep his promise"
to end the Korean war.
The American divisions are to be re-
placed, of course, with South Korean divi-
sions. In sonfe measure this process has
begun already. The new South Korean di-
visions created by General James Van Fleet,
have taken over a part of the battle-line.
An estimated three American divisions have
already been pulled back into reserve. Butj
General Van Fleet, an aggressive-minded
commander, at no time contemplated com-
plete replacement of the American divisions
by Korean divisions. And complete replace-
ment is the new scheme's real novelty.
In order to reduce the substantial risk'
involved, tw elve to eighteen months will be
allowed for the replacement process. Even
after the American Infantry have been pull-
ed out of the line, American heavy artil-
lery and other special components will ne-

cessarily continue to support the South
Koreans. An although certain American di-
visions now in Korea may be redeployed to
Japan or to this country, a fighting reserve
of approximately three divisions will be re-
tained in Korean training areas, in 'case
of an enemy offensive.- 4.
Then too, the.South Koreans will con-
tinue to receive full American air and
naval support, on the present scale. Fur-
thermore, it will be clearly indicated to
the Soviets and the Chinese Communists
that no holds will be barred-that all
limitations on American air and naval ac-
tion will be brushed aside-in the event
of a major offensive effort by the enemy.
Finally, the Korean economy, which will
be bled white of manpower by the increased
demands of, the army, will be artificially
sustained by heavy injections of American
aid. It goes without saying that, the Korean
forces will be armed and sustained by us.
In the new situation, major aid in the form
of foodstuffs and other consumers' pro-
ducts will also be needed, according to the
most probable forecast.
So far as the Korean war is concerned,
these appear to be the main points. It
'is not clear whether the other UN na-
tions will be invited to withdraw their
units from the battle line. Nor is it clear
howsthe administration proposes to solve
the difficult command problem, which
will certainly, arise if General Maxwell
Taylor has no American troops fighting
side by side with the Roks.



by Dick biblw

(Continued from Page 2)

Feb. 23, at 3 p.m. in 7611 Haven Hall.
Anyone not. able to attend this meet-
ing should arrange appointments
through Mrs. Davis, 6615 Haven Hall,
Ext. 2237.
Seminar in Applied Mathematics,
Thurs., Feb. 19, 4 p.m., 247 West Engi-
neering. Professor E. D. Rainville will
speak on, "Properties of a generating
function for Hermite polynomials."
Graduate Students now enrolled in
the University of Michigan who wish
to apply for admission to the Doc-
toral Program in Social Psychology
should submit applications to the office
of the Program, 5633 Haven Hall, on or
before Mar. 2, 1953.
Course 402, the Interdisciplinary Sem-
inar in the Applications of Mathematics
to the Social Sciences, will meet on
Thurs., Feb. 19, in 1007 Angell Hall at
4 p.m. Mr. R. Lowell Wine, of the Math-
ematics Department, will speak on
"Sociometric Matrices."
Room Changes for Sociology-Psychol-
ogy 62 are as follows: Section 1, 2435
Mason Hall; Section 2, 1435 Mason Hall;
Section 3, 1437 Mason Hall; Section 4,

Geometry Seminar will meet on
Wednesdays at 4:15 p.m. in 3001 Angell
Hall. First meeting will be on Wed.,
Feb. 18.
Seminar in Organic Chemistry,
Thurs., Feb. 19, 7:30 p.m., 1300 Chemis-
try Building. Mr. Don Overbeek will
speak on "Recent Developments In
Tropolone Chemistry."
Combined Seminars in Physical and
Analytical-Inorganic Chemistry, Thurs.,
Feb. 19, 7:30 p.m., 3005 Chemistry
Building. Dr. W. C. Bigelow will speak
on "Electron Diffraction and Micros-
cope Studies of Heat Resistant Alloys."
Student Recital. David Murray, bari-
tone, will present a program in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the
Bachelor of Music degree at 8:30 Wed.,
Feb. 18, in Auditorium A in Angell Hall.
He will be accompanied at the piano
by Helen Karg in compositions by Han-
del, Beethoven, Gretry, _ Mozart, and
vaughan-williams. The recital will be
open to the general public.

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