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May 28, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-05-28

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THURSDAY;.MAY 28, 1953

Crditv/I 7kte

Daily Managing Editor
WITH TODAY'S issue, The Daily winds up
its 63rd year of publication. And with
this edition, the retiring Senior Staff re-
inquishes its official title to offices unoffi-
cially shed a month ago.
The University's 136th year, President
Harlan Hatcher's second, Frank Robbins'
40th-all these things are coming to an
end, as the University goes through the
annual process of deceleration, clearing
the decks for the tranquility of summer
sessions, waiting for the interlude of stu-
dents who talk of Socrates and Silver Lake
instead of academic freedom. This juncture
has ever been deemed fit by generations of
>Managing Editors for some terminal ob-
servations; I find myself disposed to take
advantage of this tradition before fading
into a khaki oblivion.
A few personal plaudits might be handed
out to the retiring business staff, Al Green,
.Milt Goetz, Diane Johnston and Judy Loehn-
berg, under whose hard-boiled administra-
tion The Daily has come back into a posi-
tion where it can cease depending on 'Ensian
profits to balance the budget. And to my
tireless colleagues, Barnes Connable, Cal
Samra, Zander Hollander, Sid Klaus, Har-
land Britz and Donna Hendleman, plus vocal
Sports Editor Ed Whipple and patient Wo-
men's Editor Lorraine Butler, much tribute
is due for a task capably performed.
While passing out laurels, a name de-
serving recognition is that of Prof. John
Reed of the Law School, who as publica-
tions board chairman has done much to
safeguard the free integrity of The Daily
and perpetuate the happy tradition of in-
dependence which has been our founda-
tion throughout our 63 year history. Free-
dom remains, as always, the essence of
The Daily.
And not to be overlooked is shop super-
intendent Ken Chatters, the man who during
his twenty years has built for The Daily a
mechanical set-up superior to any college
plant in the country.
The blemish on the record for this year
in the minds of many of our readers may
have been the J-Hop Extra. For those items
of dubious taste which gave offense, we sin-
cerely apologize. An addition to the Daily
Code of Ethics has been made to ensure
that there will be no repetition.
*S* * *
37 HE YEAR on campus has produced sev-
eral significant trends in student af-
fairs. First in chronological focus was the
December collapse of student efforts to com-
promise with the Lecture Committee on its
restrictive policies on outside speakers.
The problem had moved into a crucial
phase last spring, when a succession of
speakers felt to be of dubious political hue
were banned in an extended interpretation
of the Regents by-law regulating the use of
University property by outside speakers. Stu-
dent Legislature tried to grapple wth the
problem, working through the Lecture Com-
mittee. After some hopeful progress in the
preliminary stages, an impasse was reached.
This breakdown marked the end of the road
for those hoping for a more enlightened and
bigger attitude on the part of a University
which prides itself on greatness.
The atrophe of left-wing student groups
also ranks as one of the most significant
developments of the year in campus poli-
tics. What I regard as a significant con-
tribution of The Daily this year was a fac-
tual description of the aims, activities and
methods of the Communst and fellow
travelling knot on campus, a group which
has done as much harm to the cause of
academic freedom as the University's pub-
lic relations neurosis.
The fact that this group, despite much
venom in the Letters to the Editor column,
could not cite one factual error in the series

is eloquent testimony to the thorough, pains-
taking job done by Hollander in writing the
series. The LYL spokesmen admitted the
authenticity of the secret LYL document
from which much of the most damaging in-
formation was gleaned.
During the course of this spring, the
Young Progressives, most vocal LYL front
group, quietly died. It had long since ceased
to attract very many genuinely liberal stu-
dents, and hence ceased being useful.
Other organizations largely dominated
by this group had either failed for lack of
a faculty sponsor or members, or were in
the process of withering on the vine. The
LYL movement had become completely
alienated from the liberal student opin-
ion which it had hoped to infiltrate. Its
leaders were well-known, walled-off and
The liberal organizations which had been
in danger of succumbing to LYL control
this fall have now rid themselves of this
element. LYL leaders and some liberal stu-
dents cried that these organs were dying be-
cause of "fear"; it would seem more logi-
cal to conclude that they were dying be-
cause of good sense.
, , * .
ALSO ON TRIAL this year was campus
student government. Early in the fall,
SL suffered from a severe personnel and
morale crisis; students and administrators
called for reorganization. After a slow start,
SL came out of its slough of despond, drew
a record percentage of the campus to the
polls in the fall.
Reorganization-mongers were brought in-
to a large, all-campus committee to study
the problem. After four months of delib-
eration, they argued themselves around to
the viewpoint that representative type of
government not only possessed theoretical
advantages, but was the only practicable
method as well.
A difficult problem was posed by the
growth of a pattern of administrative neg-
lect of the student voice, culminating in
an outburst of near-unanimous protest to
an arbitrary change in final examination
schedules. The violent reaction to this
seemed to produce a compromising atti-
tude on the part of a surprised University
At year's end, a summary of the innum-
erable small but in sum total significant ac-
complishments presented an impressive pic-
ture of progress. A year of trial had been
passed with flying colors. Perhaps most im-
portant in a campus dominated by tradi-
tion, SL had put another year under its belt.
FOR THE UNIVERSITY, as we leave, we
see an unresolved decision. There is no
mistaking it-the intellectual and physical
resources of the institution are breath-tak-
ing in their enormity. It has gathered an
educational plant of a consistently high and
often outstanding quality. These resources
are being utilized to produce a truly impres-
sive contribution to human learning.
However, through this, there is a note
which I find vaguely disquieting. It is an
intangible administrative tendency to sub-
ordinate too readily the fundamental
values of the educational process to the
exigencies of public relations and pending
appropriations bills or corporation grants.
At some point, the issue must be squarely
and honestly faced. Either public relations
or educational values must triumph. The
two are divergent and often incompatible
needs. For the University to retain its stature,
the latter must regain a clear ascendancy. A
prerequisite to continued greatness is the
intellectual integrity of the academic com-
It is with deep pride in University that
we leave; it is with fervent hope-and home
trepidation-that we wait for the University
to make its choice.

SAC Veto of
Rushing Rule
STUDENT Affairs Committee action Tues-
day in vetoing the Interfraternity Council
by-law revision allowing rushing counselors
to participate in their own house's rushing
program deserves a note of explanation.
Since the measure had received unanimous
approval from the House Presidents' As-
sembly, IFC officials were quite disturbed
when SAC turned it down. They felt con-
siderable time and thought had gone into
the resolution, and were disconcerted to
have this effort pass to no avail.
However, two points should be made
which explain SAC's vote and clear up the
controversy over its authority in the case:
In the first place, the change was regard-
ed by SAC members asan extremely unwise
move which would offer no definite chance
of improving the counseling system, and
more likely would do it serious harm. Be-
lieving a serious violation of the basic aims
of the program would occur if rushing coun-
selors could assume a regular rushing role
in their houses, members thought the dichot-
omy thus set up would be unfortunate.
The change was requested chiefly to at-
tract better men into the counseling sys-
tem since fraternity presidents were sup-
posedly not willing to lose good "rushers"
by appointing them counselors, and were
instead sending mediocre men to fill these
posts. This condition was supposed par-
ticularly to occur in the smaller houses.
In dicussion it was brought out that only
a small number of houses were probably in
such dire straits that they could not spare
a member for counseling who would be a
good representative of the fraternity sys-
tem. SACtmembers felt the initiative for re-
cruiting top flight men for these positions
should rest with the houses. Furthermore a
conflict in time obligations was seen between
rushing and counseling duties since a coun-
selor admittedly must devote many hours of
work to do a decent job.
Secondly, the fact that a unanimous
House Presidents' Assembly vote was re-
versed has no bearing on the case. Since
SAC has the responsibility to review the
IFC constitution and by-laws as well as
the rules of other campus organizations,
it must carry out that function regardless
of how many house presidents vote for a
rule change. Considering as they did that
the change was unwise, SAC members had
no choice but to reject it.
If the fraternity presidents still find the
counseling system unworkable, they should
apply the remedy at home by sending good
men to act as counselors thus correcting
the malady without subverting the program.
-Harry Lunn

"You Explain It To Me, Mr. Secretary"
6 -
7 ,.
& R

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length,. defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
hecondensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the
! editors.


,' .


*'w f=TzaLe~~r..a PQSYt.


Tax Bill

Detroit Business
And World Trade

Gov. Williams and three Republican leg-
islators aired the dispute over the state's
new tax bill over the radio yesterday.
The Republican dominated legislature,
admitting the impossibility of drafting a
budget that would put the state back in
the black, agreed with the governor that
the only way to balance this year's books
and lower last year's deficit lay in raising
anealready existing tax or levying a new
Williams urged a state corporation profits
His legislature, however, came up with a
new business receipts tax affecting business
and self-employed people and farmers, with
a basic ten thousand dollar exemption.
Sen. George N. Higgins (R-Ferndale)
described the bill as: A fair business tax;
a tax that favors the little business man; a
tax that cannotpyramid from manufactur-
ers to jobbers to wholesalers to retailers to
consumers; a stable tax; a simple tax to ad-
minister and a tax that has the best formula
for taxing interstate business "we can find
under the circumstances."
Considerable criticism of the bill has
been voiced in the state press. hTe bill re-
ceived strong pemocratic and slight Re-
publican opposition, much of it based on
what was considered inadequate study
and knowledge of its contents.
Pending Williams decision, the legislature
had held up approval of the 1953-54 budget.
Faced with a choice between signing a bill
he terms inequitable, vetoing it and thus fac-
ing the current fiscal year without funds or
letting the bill become law automatically,
Williams chose the latter course and ex-
plained to Michigan citizens he had allowed
the bill to become a law because "the state
is very near to bankruptcy."
He said he refused to sign the bill "be-
cause those who drafted it . . . must bear
full responsibility before the people.. . .
Actually the bill has less of the evils of
other tax laws that have been suggested but
it is obviously a political maneuver hustled
through the Legislature and placed upon the
Governor's desk with a no-out ultimatum
that Williams met in what was unfortunately
the only way possible.
-Gayle .Greene
rinwvr ! ria lc 2,,. mor n-nnip) EA fnm

(Continued from Page 3)
versity Regulations: One student fined
$15.00 after fine in Municipal Court of
Detroit Urban League is currently in
the market for male counselors for its
camp which is located near Grass Lake,
Michigan. Call 31511, Ext. 2614. for fur-
ther information, or visit the Bureau of
Appointments, 3528 Administration.
Kaiser-Frazer Corp., in Willow Run,
Mich., has an opening for a Methods
Analyst. Men graduates applying should
know something about engineering, ac-
couting, or business administration.
The New York Life Insurance Co. will
have a representative from their Con-
troller's Office visiting Detroit on June
5. Anyone who might be interested in
working in that office may contact the
Bureau of Appointments for informa-
tion concerning an appointment with
the representative.
The Camp Fire Girls, Inc., in Newj
York City, is looking for women gradu-
ates to fill permanent professional po-
sitions with the organization as Field
Directors and Executive Directors in
localities throughout the country. Ap-
plicants should have a background of
social group work, psychology ,soci-
ology, recreation, education, adminis-
tration, and allied fields. There are also
openings for undergraduate students
as Camp Counselors this summer.
The U.S. Atomic Energy Commission,
Oak Ridge, Tenn., has an urgent need
for candidates to fill a number of Ac-
countant ad Auditor positions located
in Oak Ridge; Portsmouth, Ohio; and
Paducah, Kentucky.
The Formica Co., in Cincinnati, Ohio,
is interested in hiring men graduates
in Bus. Ad. or LSA for a six months'
Sales Training Program with their or-
ganization prior to assignment to field
Campbell Soup Co., of Chicago, Ill.,
has current openings for two men in
Accounting, one man in Quality Con-
trol, and one man for the Technologist's
Department. Business Administration
graduates who have majored in Ac-
counting may apply for the Accounting
positions; graduates with some Engi-
neering or Chemistry background would
be best suited for the Quality Control
and Technologist positions.
The Lord & Bushnell Lumber Co., in
Chicago, Ill., has openings in their plant
for men graduates who want tolearn
the lumber business. These jobs may
lead to selling and management posi-
The American Coating Mills Division
of the Robert Gair Co., Inc., of Chica-
go, Ill., is looking for men graduates
who have majored in Personnel Admin-
istration or Industrial Psychology to
fill a vacancy that exists in the Per-
sonnel Department of their Elkhrt
Plant in Indiana.
The National Advisory Committee for
Aeronautics is currently acceptingnap-
plications from all types of Engi-
neers, Physicists, and Chemists for posi-
tions at their various stations through-'
out the country.
The New York State Civil Service
Commission has announced examina-
tions for the positions of Assistant in
Test Development and Test Develop-
ment Aide which exist in the Bureau
of Examinations and Testing, Educa-
tion Dept. in Albany. Applications will
be accepted up to June 19, 1953. Further
information as to requirements may be
secured at the Bureau of Appoint-
The Clark Equipment Co., Transmis-
sion Division, in Jackson, Mich., is in-
terested in hiring Draftsmen, Tool De-
signers, and Production Design Engi-
neers. Men with one or two years of
Engineering or Drawing Courses will be
The New England Mutual Life Insur-
ance Co. of Chicago, Ill., is looking for
Sales personnel as well as Office Man-
ager and Cashier Trainees.
Kendall Co., textile and surgical
dressing manufacturers, have announc-
ed the various courses which they of-
fer to men graduates as Management
Trainees. The training program with
the Kendall Mills Grey Division pre-
pares trainees for appointment to a
supervisory position as an Asst. Dept.
Head in one of the cotton mills. The
Kendall Mills Finishing Div. gives a
Textile Sales training program, and the
Bauer & Black Div. offers a program
which gives a general background in
Sales, Manufacturing, and Business
The American Viscose Corp. is offer-
ing career opportunities with their
organization to men graduates who have
majored in Chemistry, Chemical Engi-
neering, Mechanical Engineering, In-
dustrial Engineering, Accounting, or
Sal es

diana; Republic Steel of Cleveland, O.;
and the Granite City Steel Co. of Gran-
ite City, Ill. All interested students areC
urged to apply directly to the respectiveI
employment offices.2
For appointments, applications, andj
additional information about these and
other openings, contact the Bureau ofI
Appointments, 3528 AdministrationC
Bldg., Ext. 371. t
All students who are registered withC
the Bureau of Appointments are re-v
quested to notify us if you have already
accepted a position; if not, to adviseT
when you will be leaving Ann Arbor and
where you will be. If not informed oth-
erwise, the Bureau assumes you are at1
your permanent address after the dateX
of Commencement. Since positions comer
in all during the summer, it is neces-
sary that we know of your plans so
that we may correctey inform em-r
ployers and notify you promptly ofa
Those seniors and graduate students8
who have not yet registered at the
Bureau of Appointments are urged tot
do so as soon as possible. AssistanceC
will be given to those who have placedj
their credentials in the office for em-r
ployment after graduation, after mil-
tary service, or for future promotionst
in any of the following fields: Educa-
tion, Business, Industry, Technical andt
Government. The office is located inE
the Administration Bldg., Room 3528,
and is open on Monday through Friday,
9-12 a.m, and 2-4 p.m. Call Ext. 371 for
Aceademnic Notices
Students who took Philasophy 65I
(Problems of Religion) are asked to
pick up their note books immediatelyX
in Angell Hail, Room 2218. Note books
not picked up before June 5 will be
Room Assignments for Final Exam-
ination, English I and 2, Saturday, MayJ
30, 2-5 p.m.
English 1
Baker, 2440 MH; Cox, 451 MH: Cul-
bert, 439 MH; Firebaugh, Aud. C; Gil-
man, Aud. C; Markman, Aud. C; Moon,r
207 Ec.: Muehl, Aud. C; Newman, Aud.-
C; Squires, 3023 AH. 2
English 2
Ackerman, 3010 AH; Allison, 1018 AH;t
Bader, 1429 MH: Bagoe, 209 AH; Barn-
hill, Aud. A: Batzer, 1025 AH; Bedard,t
2082 NS: Boys, 3017 AH; Carr, 3017 AH;t
Cherniak, 1025A; C 3ugston, 2439 MH;t
Cobb, 3 Tap.; Cochran. 103 Ec.; Copple,t
2443 MH; Crippen, 1007 AH; Dickey,
2402 MH; Dickinson, 439 MH; Downer,
1412 MH; Eastman, 435 MH; Engel, 2225s
AH; Feiheim, 2235 AH; Foster, 2 Tap.;o
Fraiberg, 2408 MH; Glenn, 203 Ec.;f
Grace, 417 MH; Green, 1025 AH; Gross,
3017 AH; Guth, Ad. A; Hankey, 411
MH; Hart, 2029 AH; Hendrick, 1025r
AH; Hendricks, 212 AH; Hill, 447 M;
Hynes, 1020 AH; Kaufman, Aud. A;j
Kessler, 2235 AH; King.u2219 AH; Kraus,
2037 AH; Lamberts, 2203 AH; Lawrence,
Aud. A; McCaughey, 443 MH; Mandel,
2029 AH; Mason, 2082 NS; Miller, 1402
MH; Morillo, Aud. D; Oppewal, 1433r
MH, Parsons, 202 Ec.; Pearce, Aud. A;
Pinkus, 3231 AH; Rockas, Aud. D;
Rueckert, 2013 AH; Rus, Aud. A; Schend-
ler, 3209 AH; Shafer, Aud. D; Speckhard,t
Aud. D; Steinhoff, 1408 MH; Stockton,r
2435 MH; Swartz, 2215 AH; Ussery, 407E
MH; Weimer, 2235 AH; Wells, 2016 AH;S
Woodruff, 2014 AH; Zale, 2412 MH.
Room Assignments for Sociology 51,4
Principles of Sociology, Final Examina-
tion on Sat., May 30, 2-5 p.m., are asE
Instructor Room
Aberle.................... 2 Economics
Freedman and Lenski .. 2413 Mason Hall
Greenblatt ......Aud. B, Angell Hallf
LeBlond .............. 2231 Angell Hall
Ostafin.......... 225 Angell Hall
Schulze ............... 1035 Angell HallX
History 50, Final Examination, Mon-
day, June 1, 2-5: Sections 1. 2, 5, 7, 11f
and 13 (Miller), A.H. Aud. A; Sectionst
3, 6, 10 and 12 (White), A.H. Aud. C;
Sections 4, 8 and 9 (Brown), 2235 A.H.
Course 402, the Interdisciplinary Sem- l
inar in the Applications of Mathematics1
to the Social Sciences, will meet on1
Thurs., May 28, 4 p.m., 407 Mason Hall.1
Dr. J. R. P. French, Center for Group
Dynamics, will speak on "Applications
of Graph Theory"
History 1, Lecture Group T-Final
examination Wednesday, June 3, 9-12.
Hoar's and Smith's sections in 1025 An-s
gell; Heilbronner's in 1035 Angell;7
Slosson's in 2235 Angell. P. Slosson. I
Doctoral Examination for Lynn Mah-

Until Today .. .
To the Eidtor:
MY WIFE and I are both Uni-
versity of Michigan graduates
and-since we feel some attachment
to the school we have subscribed{
to the Daily this year and have
read it enthusiastically. That is1
until today. Today the postman1
delivered last Friday, Saturday and1
Sunday's copy of the Daily. I sat;
down to read them with great in-1
terest as I had done all semester.1
The first thing that caught myi
eye was that all seven of the1
Union Opera Executive committee
wore Repptries, probably not too
unusual for the University, but
still I wondered. I read Ed Sulli-1
van's letter to the editor and see-
ing nothing else of interest I
turned to Saturday's Daily.
I wondered where the odd $8,-,
704.42 the Regents accepted came
from; I was delighted to see that
Bibler had not deserted us, and
the glassware on the last page re-
minded me of "The Man in the
White Suit." But Sunday!
I picked up the Honors Supple-,
ment thinking it was the news
section and ran down a few of the
lists of names hoping to find that
one or more of my friends had
been honored. One did, but he had
an asterisk in front of his name.
Innocently thinking that this
might have some special signifi-
cance I searched from page one
to page five looking for the clue.'
I didn't find any, but I did find
out that the fact that Martha Cook'
was a sorority was kept from me'
during the four years I spent at
Michigan. Quite a feat since my
wife was a Martha Cook resident
last year. Undaunted I continued'
my quest for the clue, but instead
ran head on to "Pale and Gaunt
Connable scanning copy for er-
rors" I thought he must truly be
an amazing man with an even'
more amazing set of eyes to be
bale to catch typographical errors
as the Daily rolled off the press.
I took one look at the picture of
the straw hats on page five, shud-
dered, and sought refuge in the'
Lexicon on page two. My nerves
had calmed down somewhat by the
time I had reached the end of the
third paragraph of the story and
then I tried to find out what hap-
pened to Volume II.
Three thoughts then came to
1) Finals are coming up, the ed-
itors must be tired,
2) The hats on page five looked a
lot different from the ones we wore
in Basic Training last fall, and
3) Can "Pale and Gaunt" Con-'
nable find Volume II?
Maynard Miller, '51BAd
* * *
"Small" Complaint ...
To the Editor:
T HAVE one "small" complaint to
make concerning the Ensian. It
seems that Miss Renee Joseph's
name and address were placed
across from my picture in the sen-
ior section. Now I realize that
Joseph is a much shorter name
than Karnischky but I didn't
think that the Ensian staffwas
trying to conserve space. I imagine
that Miss Joseph was rather per-
turbed to see a picture accompany-
ing her name that she had never
seen before. She probably thought,
"My, have I changed in the past
four years." Furthermore, as far
as the Ensian is concerned I am
not graduating at all for my name
is not listed in the senior section.
It certainly is frustrating.
Four years of work for nothing.
The fact that my name was put
under a group picture which I was
not even in is of little consequence.
It seems to me that the senior pic-
tures and the data accompanying
them should be correct and should
have preference above all else. Aft-
er all the book is dedicated to the
seniors, isn't it?

I realize that there is a great
deal of material to compile and
believe that there is margin for
error when names are similar, but
really ...
It seems too bad that more care
wasn't taken with the book. As
far as I am concerned, the Ensian
was "thrown together" without
much caution and it certainly is
not a tribute to the University.
Why not work a little more care-
fully and give the students some-
thing to really cherish.
-Nancy Lee Karnischky
liam Wall, Mathematics; thesis: "Some
Results in the Theory of Algebras with
Radical," Tues., June 2, 3220 Angell Hall,
at 4 p.m. Chairman, R. M. ThraL
Student Recital Postponed: The piano
recital by Mary Ann Smeltzer, previously
announced for Thursday, May 28, in
Auditorium A, Angell Hall, has been
postponed until the summer session.
The new date will be anncunced later.

Language Requirement
To the Editor:
IT IS discouraging to learn that
a movement is once again afoot
to double the foreign language re-
quirements for liberal arts under-
graduates. This backward step pro-
posal is beng urged this time on
the grounds that language study
enables us to understand foreign
peoples better, replacing the more
untenable "mental discpline" ar-
gument that was the mainstay of
language study proponents until it
was refuted by psychology. It is
difficult to see how anyone who
has plodded his way through the
typical ° college language course,
could accept the "international un-
derstanding" thesis. Such work is
closely analogous to army close
order drill, and at the completion
of it the student knows little more
about foreign peoples than he did
at the start. Language study has
been emphasized much more in
Europe than in this country, but
Europe's international relations
can hardly be said to have been
better than ours.
The evil conditions that lie at
the bottom of modern war do not
exist because people are unable to
converse with each other in sev-
eral languages. They exist because
economics, sociology, anthropol-
ogy, social psychology, political
studies and history are for the
most part unfamiliar to them in
any language. The universities are
doing a poor job of acquainting
the main body of their students
with these subjects, and one of
the many reasons is that the ar-
chaic language requirements do
not leave sufficient time for such
work. It is sad to see a course in
the problem of business cycles,
upon the solution of which the fate
of the western world may hinge,
attended by as few as 20 students
out of 17,000, while perhaps sev-
enty times as many are being
herded through their language
course during the same day. A more
useful, though painful, change in
the curriculum than doubling lan-
guage requirements would be to
abolish language requirements al-
together, leaving those who need
a foreign language for some clearly
defined purpose to elect that study
for themselves.
-John C. Bowen
Book Exchange..
To the Editor:




THE Student Legislature Student
Book Exchange has begun op-
erations again. In an attempt to
permit students to set their own
prices on the books they want to
sell the Exchange, through agents
in every sorority and fraternity
and in all the residence halls, will
be accepting books for sale next
semester. The collections officially
begin Monday. June 1 and will con-
tinue through Friday, June 6.
Other collection centers will be
located at the Student Legislature
building every afternoon and- on
the center of the Diag from 11:30-
2:00 and from 4:30-5:30. This sec-
ond booth will be in Mason Hall
if its rains.
From the price which the seller
puts on his books, the Student
Book Exchange deducts 10% to
cover the state sales tax, service
charges, salaries, and other oper-
ating expenses. The remaining
90% will be returned directly to
the seller.
Please remember that the suc-
cess of the exchange depends di-
rectly upon the support which you
give it this spring. Without books
the exchange cannot operate;
without your support, we will not
have books.
-Vic Hampton, Chairman
Student Book-Exchange Board








ONE OF the more forward-looking busi-
ness organizations in the nation is the
Detroit Chamber of Commerce. Some time
ago the group issued a statement support-
in President Eisenhower in his attempts
to have reciprocal trade agreements renewed.
Over the weekend the Board reiterated its
stand when president John S. Coleman de-
clared that group fighting extensions of the
act "do not reflect either business or public
Perhaps this stand is influenced by the
fact that Detroit is making a determined
effort to secure a larger portion of the
nation's import and export trade. Hand in
hand with this, the St. Lawrence Seaway
is being supported by Detroit. interest
groups. Lower tariffs and the seaway would
boost Detroit commerce and establish it
as a leading world port.
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Whatever the motivations for the Board's
action, it should be noted that some business
interests are waking up to the fact that
lower tariffs serve as a business stimulus.
Basic economic principles explain the bene-
fits derived from such action. Greater de-
mand for domestic goods, emphasis on effi-
ciency because of increased competition, in-
creased purchasing power by foreign na-
tions because of greater U.S. buying abroad
under low tariffs and the elimination of in-
direct uneconomical subsidies resulting from
tariffs are only a few of the factors favor-
ing unrestricted international trade.
Business interests in the past have led
the fight for high tariffs. Their high water
mark of success was reached in 1929 with
the passage of the Hawley Smoot tariff.
Now that Congress is considering renewal
of the Reciprocal Trade Act, certain pressure
groups are calling for more restrictive tariff
methods. The stand of the Detroit group is

Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority at the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young. Managing Editor
Barnes Connable.......... City Editor
Cal Samra...........Editorial Director
Zander Hollander ...... Feature Editor
Sid Klaus .Associate City Editor
Harland Britz........Associate Editor
Donna Hendleman.....:Associate Editor
Ed Whipple........... Sports Editor
John Jenke .... Associate Sports Editor
Dick Se wehl......Associate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler . Women's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor
Don Campbell Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Al Green .......... Business Manager
Milt Goetz ....... Advertising Manager
Diane Johnston . Assoc Business Mgr.
Judy Lnehnhera Finance Manager




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