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May 20, 1953 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1953-05-20

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YI e

Latest Deadline in the State





No Tax Cut, Scientists View

Tells Nation
Ike Introduces
Five-Point Plan
By the Associated Press
President Eisenhower's firsi
formal radio speech to the natior
last night stressed a five-poini
tax program offering no immediat
reductions and an extension o
the present excess profits tax or
corporations, currently scheduled
to end on June 30.
In addition to the excess pro-
fits tax extension, the proposal
made in the presidential address
include: repeal of the five per-
cent reduction (from 52 'to 57 per-
cent) in the regular corporate in-
come tax scheduled for next April
1; postponement of a cut in ex-
cise taxes set for the same date
unti after Eisenhower has made
recommendations to Congress next
January for a sounder excise tax
system; postponement also of the
increase in the old age security
taxscheduled for next Jan. 1 and
a 10 percent reduction in individ-
ual income taxes to go through
on Jan.,1.
THE EXCESS profits tax move
is an effort to "provide more rev-
enue (an estimated 800 million dol-
lars) and to prevent a federal defi-
cit," according to Pres. Eisenhow-
er. The alternative is an increase
in regular corporate taxes, while
the present system taxes those pro-
fits madein excess of established
Concluding his address, Eisen-
hower said "We believe that no
citizen, once satisfied that his
government is operating with
honesty and economy and plan-
ning aforesight wants any tax
savings at the price of essential
national .security."
Prof. Richard Musgrave of the
economics department said he was
"not at all surprised" at Eisen-
howers program. "The adminis-
tration made the initial mistake,"
he. stated, "in the campaign
speeches which raised hopes for
tax reductions. To anyone at all
familiar with the fiscal outlook it
has been obvious all along that
this year will see neither reduced
taxes nor a balanced budget."
"HAVING created expectations
of a reduction," Prof. Musbrave
continued, "the administration
will find it difficult to make Con-
gress hold to the proposal."
"Eisenhower's recommendation,"
Prof. Musgrave - commented, "is
merely a postponement of a politi-
cal crisis which is bound to arise
eventually." Although Prof. Mus-
grave said he foresaw no reduc-
tion in 1953 or 1954, he stated "a
balanced budget might be com-
patible with a tax decrease in
April of fiscal 1955, but only if
there is a drastic defense cut-
Prof. Musgrave attributed the
statement of Senator Taft (R-
Ohio), that a continuation of the
excess profits tax is preferable to
an increase in regular corpora-
tions, to the probability that an
excess profits tax is less likely to
become permanent.
Although most tax experts would
probably prefer a corporation tax
increase, Prof. Musgrave said, he
himself saw little long-run differ-
ence between the two alternatives.
Rushing Rule


Phoenix Gains
Businessmen Hear Project Heads
Tell of Recent Atomic Development
A vivid progress report of scientific and social development in
atomic research unfolded yesterday before some 250 businessmen at-
tending the second annual "atom day" program of the Phoenix Project.
Prof. H. R. Crane of the physics department, led off the morn-
ing program in Auditorium A, Angell Hall, describing plans now

All students interested in
registering for next year's flash-
card display will have their last
opportunity to do so from 12:30
to 3:30 p.m. today in Barbour
According to Wolverine Club
officials, the Block 'M' section
comprises 1200'seats between
the 20 and 35 yard lines.
Due to a lack of financial
support, the club is charging
a 25 cent membership fee to
cover operating expenses.
-ni e




Tal ks

To Revise, POW Proposal

being worked out for super cyclotrons and synchrotrons capable of N-
bouncing 25 to 100 billion volts off atom nuclei.N eA u m
"THE PROBLEM WHICH at present is most exciting to physicists in 71


Mental Unit C nrvry

President Harlan H. Hatcher
said yesterday that decision in the
controversy over location of the
proposed children's mental hos-
pital must be left up to the state
legislature, not the University.
Ann Arbor had been chosen as
the site of the hospital by the
state senate, but the plan's op-
ponents are seeking to have it re-
placed by a Northville site. Mon-
day, Gov. G. Mennen Williams pro-
posed that hospitals be built at
both places and that the legisla-
ture appropriate additional funds
for the purpose.
One of the chief obstacles in es-
tablishing a site is that a hospital
built in Ann Arbor would probably
be the first unit of a general ped-
iatrics center to treat all types of
children's diseases, physical as well
as mental. Proponents of the
Northville plan advocate an in-
stitution dedicated solely to the
care of mentally disturbed child-
ren. This plan is backed by the
Michigan Society for Mental
Health, headed by W. J. Norton.
Pediatric physicians at the Uni-
versity have stressed the necessity
for a combined hospital to serve
the state's needs. "It is not pos-
sible-to divide physically and men-
tally disturbed children into two
distinct and separate groups," said
Dr. Ernest Watson, assoiate pro-
fessor of pediatrics in the medical
Dr. Watson was in accord with
President Hatcher's statement that
"the' best medical opinion seems
to be that mental disturbance in
children is often associated with
other basic rhysical illness and
that it can be best treated with
our total medical resources rather
than in psychiatric or geographi-
cal isolation."
"The University needs a hos-
pital for the study and treatment
of interrelated diseases of child-
ren," he continued.

nis the creation of new and pre-
viously unknown particles of mat-
ter out of energy," Prof. Crane
Prof. Isadore Lampe of the
roentgenology department, con-
tinued the discussion telling of
such new principles of radio-
therapy as internal administra-
tion and injection in -fluid form
of radioactive substances in the
treatment of cancerous diseases.
Concluding the first series of
reports Prof. Henry Gomberg, as-
sistant director of the Phoenix Pro-
ject, said, "it has been estimatedj
that the energy resources in known
deposits of fissionable U-235 and
fertile U-238 represent more than
20 times the energy available in
all the world's known coal re-
sources." .
* * *
PROF. GOMBERG pointed out
that already the unique radiation
accompanying the fission process
has shown that chemical and bio-
logical processes can be altered,
accelerated or inhibited and that
disease cycles involving parasite
organisms can be broken under
easily reproduced conditions.
Reporting on the results of
Phoenix Project No. 30, "Legal
Problems of Atomic Energy,"
Dean E. Blythe Stason of the
Law School, said in the after-
noon session, "There are sev-
eral provisions in the Atomic
Energy Act which seriously im-
pede, if not completely preclude,
41% x1... _ lz .o~t l . n~sl ift

Fund Drive
Establishment of the "Michigan
Alumni Fund," a program designed
to build up the University's gen-
eral resources and support for
special activities was reported yes-
terday by University President
Harlan H. Hatcher.
The new program, to be admin-
istered by the University's Devel-
opment Council, will be initiated
g uring the 1953-54 school year.
FIVE general objectives for the'
new activity have been outlined
by Alan W. MacCarthy, Director
of Development. They are:
1. To provide more scholarships
and fellowships to encourage and
provide an educational opportuni-
ty for young men and women of
2. To maintain a high level of
faculty caliber and distinction.
3. To enable and University to
serve better the interests of her
alumni body.
4. To obtain new physical equip-
ment, materials and research tools
that would be impossible to ac-

Peron .lifts
U.S. Press
I gentine governmen't opened the
way Tuesday for U.S. news agen-
cies to distribute news in this
country again, after having ban-;
ned incoming news through these!
agencies since May 12.I
Permits of the Associated Press
and the United Press to operate'
their own communications stations
in Argentina, suspended by the Ar-
gentine posts and telegraphs of-
fice, were reinstated last night by
Antonio Navatta, director of tele-
NAVATTA said the order had-
come from Communications Min-
ister Oscar Nicolini.
A third U.S. news service op-
erating in the country, the In-
ternational News Service, did not
operate its own station.
The posts and telegraphs office,:
which handles wireless reception
for INS, had said it would stop
the income service Saturday. -
HOWEVER, INS continued re-;
ceiving news. dispatches without
interruption because the entire ban

-Daily-Don Campbell
BUCKET BRIGADE--Vic Hampton and Bob Ely prepared the 20
buckets which will be used in the Student Legislature Tag Day
today and tomorrow. Proceeds from the drive will be used to fur-
ther the SL program of financial assistance and cultural contact
with the Free University of Berlin. In connection with the Legis-
lature's drive, Prof. Percival Price, University carilloneur, will play
a selection of pieces in a carillon recital at 8 a.m. today.
warren Giveas Hophead
Talk; Winners Named .
"Pre-Atomic Age readings" highlighted an address by .Prof. Austin
Warren of the English department as he delivered the First Annual
Hophead Award Lecture yesterday..
Following the applause, Tom Arp '54, announced the Hophead
Award winners. First prize, a check for 20 dollars went to Edwin S.
Sader. '53. Fred Garber '56, won an all-expense paid trip to Ypsilanti


- -- i - -1 - - - -- - ---- - ---- _: - - --- - -

quire through normal revenue against the U.S. news agencies was
sources. being reconsidered.
5. To expand and develop the News agencies had been under
University's vast resources for in- pressure since President Peron, in
vestigation and research, both ba- his May Day address opening Con-
sic and applied, in all fields. gress, accused the agencies of con-
The Alumni Fund Board, at ducting a campaign to defame him
a weekend meeting, approved abroad and accepting orders from
plans for beginning advance the U.S. State Department.
public relations prior to the ini- At Peron's request, Congress ap-
tialappeal late this summer. pointed a nine-member commis-


tne flow of (privae) c 4into 5s w e Development officials have sion to investigate the President's and Martin Bloom, '56, was awarded the third prize certificate redeem-
this new field. stressed the fact that revenue from charges. able for one black gumball.
In a section by section analysis the fund will be used in areas not The earlier decision to suspend * * *
of the' roadblocks to private in- provided with State appropria- the agencies' right to receive in- CLAIMING TIBET as his nativ' land and admitting hesitancy
dustry's participation in atomic tions. coming news and last night's order with the English language, Prof. Warren greeted his audience as
energy research, Dean Stason Officers of the newly created reinstating their permits stations
pointed out that at present it is board are Edward P. Madigan, were both issued without explana- Fe hargoylians,dgoylianettes, --
unlawful for private interests to Chicago attorney, chairman; Mrs. tion. Feo traveting egg eaGs, dead-
own facilities for the production Lola J. Hanavan of Detroit, vice-- ---- -heads and turnip tops." _ _ _
of fissionable material. chairman. Don W. Lydn, Toledo, ( * - He then rendered three eccle- *Q
has bee nelected secretary, and !Cs tic See siastical selections-"a mode of Resi dent
URGING amendment of the act University Vice President Wilbur literature with which I am par-
in several important particulars: K. Pierpont is serving as treasur- Ho pkins ar ticularly conversant," he ex- DamI H a -
Dean Stason said, "the time has er. fS ta g.plained. no*)rvdpot .k.t e expgea
now arrived to take the next great
step in the development of atomic .eWith loud shouts and gesticula- Chilled, exhausted yet ha
-- _-_---,-_- ,-; .. . n P e i r in Pn xro oa 9frw Chlexautdytappy at

UAN May Add
Time Limit
Action in Korea
By the Associated Press
Critical armistice negotiations
were postponed until Monday yes-
terday by the United Nations Com-
mand, gaining time to revise a
truce plan which may contain a
time limit for Red acceptance.
Details of the Allied plan were
secret but informed sources' in-.
dicated it may involve spot re-
lease of North Korean prisoners
who refuse repatriation to Com-
munist rule if negotiations break
* * *
UN headquarters in New York said
the U. S. has decided to modify
truce proposals but the precise
changes have not been worked out.
Truce talks had been sched-
uled to resume yesterday after
a three-day recess for "admin-
isttative" reasons but the UN
Command asked for a six-day
extension in a meeting of liai-
son officers at Panmunjom.
The UN Command said it "de-
sired more time to review past ef-
forts to settle the prisoner of war
question and to consider complete-
ly the present position of both
sides with regard to this important
RED OFFICIALS agreed to the
extension but a communique'
This side considers that the
negotiations should not be drag-
ged out."
A Peiping radio broadcast, hard
in Tokyo, said the coming Monday
meeting~ was a "simple but crucial
test" of American intentions to-
ward reaching an armistice.
MEANWHILE-reports from Seoul
said UN troops threw 300 Chinese
Reds out of Allied trenches in
hand-to-hand fighting on the
Western Front early today.
Eighth Army leaders said the
UN infantrymen definitely killed
45 of the attackers, may have
killed 50 others, and wounded
103 in the sharp 25-minute
clash with knives, bayonets and
rifle butts on Outpost Yoke at
the base of T-Bone Hill.
UN artillery fire later chopped
up regrouping Chinese on a near-
by hill.
Experts Label
Council's Plan
As 'Sensible'
Prof. E. Lowell Kelly of the psy-
chology department and fiember
of the Selective Service Scientific
Advisory Committee, feels that
the National Manpower Council's
recommendations to allow science
and engineering majors to continue
their college education are "sen-
sible" and hopes they will be fav-
orably acted upon.
The Manpower Council stated
yesterday in their recommenda-
tions to President Eisenhower that
the shortage of scientists and en-
gineers has had serious conse-
quences on the nation's defense
Donald M. Brown, Research En-
gineer at the Willow Run Research
Center, said "We are not follow-
ing the example of other countries

which let scientists and engineers
finish their education before they
draft them." He also said that
many men not allowed to finish
college would be more valuable if
they had been able to complete
their education.
Selective Service
Tests To Be Given

energy by introducing the initia-
tive, imagination and enterprise of
private capital."
Final report of the day was by
Prof. Ferrell Heady, assistant di-
rector of the institute of public ad-

- ii~ciiic

'Garg' Out Today

L A SCritics from leading newspapers
were among the "first night" aud-
ience of Jane Bowles' new play "In
SBy Atom Blast #the Summer House.".
Making its world premiere' as
the second production of the
LAS VEGAS, Nev.-(U)-A pow- Drama Season, the play starring
erful atomic explosion rocked por- Miriam Hopkins. was attended by
tions of three states yesteirday and co-producers Lyn Austin, Roger
cast a radioactive pall over St.**
George, Utah, virtually closing theA
town for three hours.
The Atomic Energy Commission
advised the 4,500 residents of St.
George-about 120 miles east of
the Nevada Proving Ground-tof
remain indoors for about three'
hours up to noon, by which time
the nuclear cloud had passed.

Lionsk rof Warren readan a ery
Hard-Shell sermon on "The Harp
of a Thousand Strings." Repro-
ducing "Archbishop" Eliot's own
sepulchral tones, he recited a par-
ody of Eliot's work written by Hen-
ry Reed.
In introducing Prof. Warren,
jArp stressed the need for en-
couraging the humorist. He ad-
mtited Gargoyle's aim in spon-
soring the contest "had been to
steal a bit of fire from their au-
gust spiritual brothers, the Hop-
wood Awards."
Arp extended an advance invi-
tation to the second annual Hop-
head lecture scheduled some time
in May 1954.

having fulfilled the requirement
of a one night stay at Ferry Field,
a south quad freshman returned
yesterday to his more comfortable
dormitory accommodations.
Convincedby other students that1
a one night stay at Ferry Field
has been a traditional University
requirement for incoming fresh-
men since 1911, the hardy student
spent the night on the 50 yard
line wrapped in two blankets and
a raincoat.
"It was damp," he said.
However, in spite of "slightly
annoying" passing trains, the en-
terprising student reported he slept
somewhat during his 11 p.m. to 8
a.m. outing.

Change Made
Fraternity rushing rules were
amended at the IFC House Presi-
dent meeting. last night to allow
IFC rushing counsellors to par-
ticipate in rushing at their own
It was unanimously felt that the
change would encourage the fra-
ternities to provide their best men
as rushing counselors. The coun-
selors will still be "on their-honor
to be unbiased while counseling,"
District representatives to the
executive committee of IFC were
also elected at the meeting. Neil
Vanselow, '54. is the district one
representative Dick Roth, '54, dis-
trict two; Dick Young, '53, district
4 three; Hal Abrams, '54, district
four and Harry Jones, '54BAd, dis-
trict five.
Reporting on the IFC Ball, Bob

RADIATION monitors held up
100 northbound and 90 souttibound
cars at St. George during the
warning period. Sofne of the cars
required a decontamination wash-
ing at the AEC's expense.
Despite the precautionary
measures, the AEC insisted that
"radiation had not reached a
hazardous level."

-Daily-Don Campbell
. . . Detroit Drafha Critic

1ne Wa'4s set of11n muggy11 Stevens and Oliver Smith, as well
weather, was felt in Nevada and as by drama critic Russell Mc-
Utah and even gave earthquake f Lauchlin of the Detroit News.
conscious Californians, as far as Smitl , who designed the sets
400 miles away, a good jolt. for "In the Summei House," is a
The pre-dawn blast at Yucca B
Flat paved the way for the long-B ay scene designer.
awaited firing of a nuclear shell Also appearing at last night's
from the Army's 280 mm. can- performance were John Baragrey,
non Monday. who will play a supporting role in
-next week's play "Old Acquaint-*
East Quad 4o~ui il ance," and Patricia Barry, a
Broadway and Hollywood actress.
Elects Officers Many University faculty and

ord News Roundup
By The Associated Press
LONDON -Responsible British sources said last night Prime
Minister Churchill has informally taken up with Russia the idea of
promoting a Big Three conference to insure world peace and that
his move has met with Russian approval.
WASHINGTON-The Senate voted yesterday to extend thb
Defense Production Act for two years in modified form, but it
refused to give President Eisenhower broad powers to freeze
wages, prices and rents in a national emergency.
* * * *
WASHINGTON-The Regents of the University of Michigan ap-
plied to the Communications Commission yesterday for a non-com-
mercial television station at Ann Arbor on channel 26.
WASHINGTON-Chairman Velde (R-Ill.) said yesterday the
House Committee on Un-American Activities is considering contempt
charges againstmvariousnwitnesses who have refused to testify about
alleged Communist connections g
LANSING-The House last night passed, 67-2I, the Senate ap-

i (

The East Quad Council last
~virh - n - - --. v i n~e nv h.

students, as well as local citi-
zens were present to see Miss Hop-
king; in the tmi-conmrey of te

nig.nt eieete( new onicers rex the

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