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May 17, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-05-17

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SUNDAY: MAY 17, 1953

Faculty Senate
cently unprecedented life Monday aft -
ernoon With passage of two resolutions deal-
ing directly or indirectly with the tenuous
position of the college professor in the midst
of Congressional investigations.
Passage of resolution No. 1-strong in-
dorsement of an American Association of
University Professors' statement protesting
methods used in legislative investigations-
is less significant than the absence of fac-
ity approval of a more comprehensive
document adopted by the American Asso-
ciation of Universities. The brief AAUP
resolution, in broadly encouraging an at-
titude of freedom of inquiry and expres-
sion, steers clear of certain specific con-
siderations which had encountered heated
opposition among individual faculty mem-
bers but which had evidently prompted
administration support. Most controver-
sial AAU provisions were twofold: "invo-
cation of the Fifth Amendment places
upon a professor a heavy burden of proof
of his fitness to hold a teaching posi-
tion and lays 'upon his university an obli-
gation to reexamine his qualifications for
membership in its society"; "since present
- membership in the Communist Party re-
quires the acceptance of (world-wide rev-
olution and thought control), such mem-
bership extinguishes the right to a uni-
versity position."
The significance of the' Senate's failure
to accept the above provisions lies partially
in the text of the statement,. but more im-
mediately in the fact that objections from
certain faculty quarters were strong enough
and vocal enough to defer in some way a
Senate vote of approval and to swing fac-
ulty support behind a resolution which had
less administrative preference.
Discussion of the AAU resolution had been
scheduled for the Monday meeting; indi-
cations were that it was no one-sided forum.
Of probably more momentous import is
Resolution No. 2-a provision that a seven-
man study committee be set up to reevaluate
present safeguards extended to faculty mem-
bers recommended for dismissal. While the
study will obviously be one of long-range
benefit, it appears that the short-range
probability of Congressional investigators in
the immediate vacinity has been a prompting
At any rate, present faculty safeguards .
can stand reviewing. Regents by-laIs cur-
rently outline an extensive chain of hear-
ings by school or college executive com-
mittees ending with Senate Advisory Com-
mittee review. But these appeals are pro-
vided only where "any school or college
dean, director or executive committee pro-
poses to recommend to the Board of Re-
gents the dismissal or demotion of any
member of the University faculty."
* Dismissal proceedings instigated against
a faculty member by an administrative of-
ficial or by a Regent technically cannot be
appealed under the present set-up. The de-
fect is obvious and the remedy equally so.
Whether or not the omission of appeal guar-
antees in recommendations of dismissal by
administrators or Regents was intentional,
it is now an essential safeguard and should
be recommended for inclusion in the by-laws.
Doing so, the study group could effect a
conclusive -follow-up to Monday's encourag-
ing Senate action.
-Virginia Voss

University Attendance -
A Right not a Privilege

. .CLletteri wo th 6ditor


T APPEARS THAT by tending to accept
the dogma that attendance at a university
is a privilege rather than a right the Ameri-
can student has denied himself and has been
denied by his society that invaluable pos-
Once the individual tacitly or actively
maintains that he is subject to another's
charity and that his existence depends on
the magnanimity of his benefactor an
entire pattern of society is formed in which
one cannot justify the right to Rights.
Such has been and may well indefinitely
continue to be the case in the state-owned
With the negation of his rights, the stu-
dent concurrently is forced to say that he is
not a respected or respectable member ef
the soci'ety because he does not really belong
to it.
He is, by virtue of this reasoning, an un-
derprivileged breed of man, who is right-
fully subject to any whim of sardonic fancy
that the society feels proper to subject him
Privileges may be granted to him but
never rights. And these privileges may be
rescinded at any time. He is to be used and
molded (through his education) as the
people of his state (always an incalculable
span of time behind the present) or the ad-
ministraton of an institution of higher
learning see fit.
And so, with rights that do not exist, with
privileges that are temporary at most, and
without- any claims to the freedom enjoyed
by the society around him, the college stu-
dent is expected and does in time receive an
education of sorts.
Objections to this shoddy philosophy filled
with fear, negation, authoritarianism and
denial of freedom, are immediately obvious.
If it is the purpose of education in a
democratic civilization to produce men free
in thought, unafraid to instigate and even
clamor for change, no one, no group, re-
gardless of how huge numerically, can

ever deny to its offspring for any great
length of time the right to free inquiry
and with it the right to act on the basis of
the conclusion reached as a result of this
never ending expression of Man's indomit-
able energy.
The only sure test determining if rights
exist beyond the theoretical is whether or
not there is the freedom to put them into
If rights are natural and inalienable they
are so for all men regardless of an arbitrary
age of twenty-one which is set to mark
Wisdom and Maturity. And if rights are nei-
ther natural nor inspired by the gods, but
are merely a question of utility they may
still not be denied by claiming that they
are useless and meaningless. None among
us is capable of this arbitrary and final judg-
From whatever source rights arise (and
indeed there is the pressing need for a,
redefinition of the source) these free-
doms should not be taken from any group
within the society which is capable of us-
ing them constructively. This is especially
true in the case of the student where only
through practical expression of his learn-
ing are rights ultimately tested.
If one rejects the theory that the student
is a select and inferior being in the human
element, one must also reject the entire the-
ory on which the foundation of many of our
educational systems are based.
The opponents of student freedom with-
in a university can never justify freedom,
outside a university. If freedom can be seen
as having such arbitrary limitations with-
out any pangs of conscience it may be as
easily denied to other groups in the society.
It is imperative then, to re-examine the
entire philosophy behind the thought that
education is a privilege rather than a right.
Perhaps, we will realize that quite the re-
verse ought to be the case.
-Mark Reader

How Right Is Clement A ttlee

CLEMENT ATTLEE, opposition leader in
the British House of Commons and for-
mer Prime Minister of England, has charged
that "there are elements in the United States
that do not want a settlement" in Korea.
Continuing his charge that these ele-
ments want an all-out war with Commu-
nist China and communism in general, he
went on to question "who is more power-
ful, President Eisenhower or Senator Mc-
One wonders when reading these opinions
just how correct Mr. Attlee is. It is possible
that United States action justifies his obser-
vation. If our close British Allies questjon
our sincerity on truce talks, what may neu-
tral and Soviet-dominated countries be sup-
We must stop to consider what the United
States will have as an answer to the Labor
Party leader, for surely we cannot shy away
from an answer by saying he is only a minor-
ity leader and is expressing unique opinion.
His charge that certain elements in our
Jcountry profit from the Korean war war-
rants examination. The government with
its strained budget is at the present time
studying measures that would allow de-
fense funds to be cut as soon as serurity
permits. Certainly the population at large
favors a quick peace settlement in Korea.
And although agriculture and labor forces
indirectly benefit from the cold war, big
business seems to be the only element that
makes a huge profit from our war econ-
omy. (Note for example, the "threat of
peace" cries which come from Wall Street

at the inception of the new Korean truce
Businessmen make up a majority of the
President's cabinet; their powerful lobbies
-support a majority of our? Congressmen. The
eternal reasoning that capitalism can keep
up a balanced economy only on periodic
wars is, then, with perhaps some justification,
implied in Mr. Attlee's charge.
The Britisher's statement about Senator
McCarthy is also a serious charge. The Sen-
ator has proceeded to misuse his power with
only slight opposition from the Administra-
tion and Congress.
The fact that minority Congressional
forces and the population at large have op-
posed McCarthy is encouraging however, and
would seem to indicate that President Eisen-
hower is still more powerful in American pol-
In addition, Attlee, in his address to
British statesmen, brought up another
delicate issue of dispute, that of seating
Communist China in the United Nations
Security Council. Britain's government has
realistically recognized MaoTseTung's re-
gime as both the de facto and de jure gov-
ernment. The United States, however, con-
tinues to withhold recognition of the new
power in China.
This, plus U.S. unwillingness to compro-
mise in Korean peace talks has quite natural-
ly led to the observation by one of our closest
Allies that we do not want a settlement. Per-
haps it is time for both business and govern-
ment to re-examine their motives on the
Far Eastern front. -Pat Roelofs

Israel . .
To the Editor:
AN REPLY to several letters to
The Daily, I would like to point
out the following facts:
1) Israel was never an Arab
country. In ancient times it was
Jewish, and during the last cen-
tury it was a deserted land. Politi-
cally, it belonged to Turkey, Finan-
cially, the land was owned by rich
absentee owners, residing in the
Arab countries, from whom it was
bought for fantastic sums of
money. Arab peasants were at-
tracted to the country by the Jew-
ish immigration which raised their
standard of living.
2) During the Israel war of in-
dependence, the Israelis tried to
persuade the Arab population to
stay in the country, but-as offi--
cial British statements and Arab
newspapers show-the Arabs were
influenced by their leaders to leave
the country.
In spite of the fact that the en-
tire responsibility for the creation
of the Arab refugees problem rests
with the Arab League, Israel is
the only country in the Middle
East which extended aid to these
refugees. The Israeli government
asserted its willingness to deal
with the problem as a whole, un-
der over-all peace negotiations. It
.is the Arabs who refuse to do it.
This suggests that the Arab
leaders are interested in the exis-
tence of the problem rather than
in its solution. It is a part of the
picture of political instability in
the Middle-East.
The political leaders, who are
the rich minority there, are try-
ing to maintain their rule by di-
verting public opinion from their
own poverty and misery to for-
eign issues. The Arab refugees are
also held as scapegoats by the
Arab leaders for the same goal, as
may be suggested by their com-
plete refusal to negotiate any set-
tlement of the problem through an
international agreement.
When the Arab states will ac-
quire leaders who are interested
in the well being of their own
people, they will find it desirable
to establish peace with Israel for
their own benefit, and for the
benefit of the entire area.
-Mordehai Kreinin
Slosson's Reply ...
To the Editor:i
REGRET TO intrude again on
the Palestinian discussion, on
which I have no special expert
qualification, and on which I have
certainly no reason at all for any
bias, since I am neither a Jew nor
an Arab. But several speakers and
correspondents have (unintention-
ally, of course) misrepresented my
position, so I have evidently failed
to make it plain, and I should like
one more opportunity to set things
Mr. Awada asks if Judaism in
my opinion is a race or a religion.
Certainly it is not a question of
race. In Israel it isha question of
nationality: elsewhere a cultural
tradition. There is a Jewish reli-
gion, but I have met agnostics and
atheists who still considered them-
selves Jews, so it is not merely
that. I do not, myself, attach any
weight at all to the claim of "his-
toric right;" that is, the long oc-
cupation of Palestine by the Jews
in ancient times, because that ar-
gument proves too much; it could
be used by all sorts of people in
claiming all sorts of places. Tho
I am a historian, the present and
the future interest me much more
than the past. I have never said,
nor in any way implied, as Mr.
Farjo charges, that the Jews were
"more intelligent than the Arabs."
What I did say was very different.
I said that the Jews brought a
highly developed European and
American type of modern culture

with them, which is a plain fact.
As far as innate intelligence goes,
I should say (so far as my observa-
tion goes) that both the Arabs
and the Jews have a very high
Again, I have never at any time
defended any wrong to any indi-
vidual. Where Zionists have com-
mitted wrongs (such as the as-
sassination of Count Bernadotte)
I have always condemned such
wrongs. I am quite in favor of
putting the resettlement of refu-
gees on both sides up to the Uni-
ted Nations. I am in favor of put-
ting all boundary questions up tc
the United Nations for final deci-
sion. I do not, however, regard the
peaceful purchase of land as an
"aggression," and the forceful ex-
pulsion of Arabs from Israel ad-
mittedly began after the attack on
Israel by members of the Arat
League. Moreover, there are Jew-
ish refugees from other eastern
countries, as well as from Europe,
who also have to be considered.
I am, I confess, very much
alarmed indeed at the tone of Mr.
Awada's second letter. He says that

+W.s +4 w «cra4g rwI.4 sU'1 ..
Rebuttal ...-
To the Editor:
TPHIS LETTER is in rebuttal to
Mr. Baum's letter "'Biting the
Hand."sThere are two possible con-
clusions to draw from his letter,
it is either a blund'ring attempt
at irony, or complete stupidity and
ignorance of the facts of the causes
of the busboy strike. Of the two,
.I strongly suspect the latter.
To begin with, the strike was in
no way connected with any "in-
sidious foreign ideas" or any of
the things that Mike Sharpe
stands for. It seems to me that
anyone who is a "Real American"
as Mr. Baum seems to think he is,
would not be hoodwinked by the
tactics of a Mike Sharpe. It is ap-
parent to all rational thinkers that
these organizations which are on
the Attorney General's subversive
list always jump in when any dis-
contentment arises, just to give
the impression that they are
"Champions of the Underprivileg-
ed or of the Victims of Prejudice."
The strike was completely organ-
ized and already in progress be-
fore Mr. Sharpe decided that this
would be a good opportunity to add
to the propaganda for his organ-
ization as a "Champion of Bus-
boy's Rights." But did Mr. Baum
stop, and attempt to find out more
of the facts before he labels the
incident as Red inspired? No, he
becomes completely obsessed with
his owntrighteousness, and blindlyI
applies the label Red. ,
Had Mr. Baum taken a long look
at the "so-called grievances" of
the busboys he would have found
a firm strong foundation. The
wage offered is not adequate and
just. All members of the Quad
staff get $1.03 per hour plus meals.
The meal is part of their wage,
whether they choose to use it or
not: We as busboys earn $.80 per
hour and must pay for our own
meals. Assuming equal treatment
of all Quad personnel, we are en-
titled to the meals at which we
work, but in reality we are earn-
ing only Sc to 10c per hour de-
pending on the "value" the Quad
places on their meal. Yet, Mr.
Baum calls this an "adequate and
just wage."
It appears that Mr. Baum is in
complete agreement with the
handling of the strike, and would
go so far as to coerce the strik-
ers by the threat of expulsion. I'm
sure that the administration should
be most happy that at least one
of its many "charges" is qualified

-z', 2
as a future prospect for an ad-
ministrative post in the Residence,
Halls System.
-Jim Balconi '53
* * *
Misleading Lecture. .
To the Editor:
O THOSE who attended Dr.
Cueto's conference on: "A
comparison between Education in
Latin America and the United
States" we are writing this letter,
for we consider he has made mis-
leading generalizations which af-
fect our countries.
The St. Mark University's Dean
of Education considered that the
present Peruvian Educational Sys-
tem is applied all throughout Lat-
in America. Nothing could be more
inexact. Fortunately enough a
good many of the Latin American
countries realized long ago that
this- "peruvian" idea of education
for an "elite" would produce-
within our environment-a very
abjected enlightened despotism.
When Dr. Cueto made his state-
ment, he decided to forget the
Venezuelan Ceciliot Acosta, who
said, "The Light which is more
helpful to a nation is not the one
that concentrates, but the one that
In Colombia, Ecuador and Vene-
zuela, we have always strived for
an equality of opportunities in edu-
cation. We could hardly be tempt-
ed to create elites when the drama
of the Peruvian masses is so vivid
in our mind.
-Norberto Calderas
Diego Maruri
Luis Escobar
Greene House
To the Editor:
STUDENTS complain about and
ask what the Student Legisla-
ture is doing for them. They may
have cause to complain because
the services of S. L. certainly are
not obvious. One reason S. L.
gives for this deficiency is not
enough money. I can point to an
annual saving of $500 that could
be spent here on campus for stud-
ent activities. This sum is an-
nually paid to the National Stud-
ent Association or NSA. Why
should we pay?
Before we consider disaffiliation
we should know what NSA does
and who leads-the organization.
What they do besides taking
$500 a year is illustrated bythe
action of Stephen Voykovich ,a
I vice-president of NSA from Ford-

"Maybe We'd Better Start With A Big 2 Meeting"
A~ I

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ham University. He urged upon
the Fordham Student Council and
was instrumental in passing a re-
solution banning the Students of
America because it was "un-
American". The honorary'presi-
dent of Students for America is
General Douglas McArthur.
By self admission Voykovich's
action violated NSA's constitution
which states "the right of any
student organization to be re-
cognized upon filing a statement
of purpose, a constitution and a
specified minimum membership
list." Voykovich has not taken
steps to rectify his action.
The only conlusion that we
can draw is that Voykovich does
not respect the constitution he is
serving under and that the na-
tional council of NSA approves of
his action because they have not
repremanded him. Apparently the
thinking of Voykovich and of NSA
has two standards, one for organi-
zations they approve of and
another for the rest,
I' wonder if Voykovich would try
to ban the Labor Youth League
for what it is, the successor to the -
Young Communist League, or
would he shy away and not call it
Such are the leaders of NSA.
-Ronald E. Seavoy
+L . *
Naidoo's Informer.. .
To the Editor:
MAY I, through the courtesy of
your columns, reply to the edi-
torial entitled "Naidoo's Inform-
er" by Miss Alice Bogdonoff.
It would appear that this edi-
torial was prompted as a result
of my having written to the Min
ister of the Interior, complaining
about the constant attacks by Mr.
L. V. Naidoo against the Union of
South Africa.
For the information of the
reader, Mr. L. V. Naidoo was in-
formed by myself of my action.
I am concerned with people
from my country, whose state-
ments (whether they are made
within or without the country)
will lead to further rioting and
bloodshed as, was witnessed not
so long ago in South Africa. I re-
fer in particular to the brutal kill-
ing of a white Nun, a doctor who
for years toiled as a medical help-
er and comforter for the African
sick, just after she had confined an
African mother in the location.
The "Resisters" then indulged in
an orgy of burning and destruction.
Is this the "Non-Violence" which
Mr. Naidoo is constantly talking
about? And advocating?
If my concern for the internal
security of my country which is
being threatened by so called Non-
Violence Movements, is to be
dubbed as "self-appointed spying
by one student on anther," "back-
biting," and "informing" partic-
ularly when the person concerned
was informed of the complaint,
then I can only express complete
However, we are all entitled to
our own opinion, depending upon
whose bull is being gored.
-Rhoda Barry
University of Illinois
Taj Mahal ..
To Thy Editor:
on the International Ball states
that a model of "the famous In-
dian palace"-the Taj Mahal-
will be featured at the ballroom
entrance. In the interests of ac-
curacy I should like to point out
that the Taj Mahal is not a pal-
ace, but rather the tomb built by
the Emperor Shah Jahan for his
favorite queen. Since her title
was "Mumtax-i-Mahal" ("Elect
of the Palace") the tomb has be-
come to be called Taj Mahal. Our
popular ignorance of things Indian
is well underscored by making a
tomb a fit entrance to a scene of

-Maureen L. P. Patterson, Grad.






At the State

0 .*


TITANIC, with Clifton Webb and Barbara
WITH THE EXCEPTION of the final reel
this "recommended" picture is for the
most part finely and sensitively done. It is
a story of the lives of a group of people who
participated in the sinking of the "Titanic"
in 1915, or rather a gathering of small bits
from their lives. Most of the people have lit-
tle in common except their experiences on
board the ship, but the omission of any flash-
backs keeps their little episodes unified and
localized and prevents any wide digressions
from the disaster at hand.
Clifton Webb and Barbara Stanwyck
form the central group and are best able
to make themselves into real characters.
Webb is a hard, cynical member of the
international set, suave and polished to the
last; Miss Stanwyck is his wife, a woman
whose practicality and homey nature have
at last decided her to take her children
out of the European social whirl and back
to the farm in Michigan. Needless to say,
their problems are efficiently solved when
the unsinkable sinks.
The other members of the cast-Richard
Basehart, Robert Wagner, Thelma Ritter,
et al.-all have their private difficulties
which meet the same solution. They are
played with just the amount of reserve to
make them interesting but not obtrusive.
However, the last portion of the film, be-
ginning at about the time the ship meets the
iceberg, gives suddenly away to a torrent of

AN EVENING of modern dance and ballet
is a tradition only spasmodically per-
petuated on this campus, but the originality
of last night's entertainment, presented by
the Choroegrapher's Workshop, Ballet Club,
Modern Dance Club, and the Michigan State
College Orchesis, showed that this need not
be the case.
The program, which was considerably
varied, brought out two contrasting ap-
proaches to the dance, as the visitors from
East Lansing conceived their numbers in a
different manner from our representatives.
The two major works of the evening, "They
Who Wait" danced by the Michigan Chore-
ographer's Workshop, and "WaL Is Kind" by
the Michigan Staters, amply demonstrated
this point.
Michigan State viewed the stage more as
a measure of depthr as a total pictoral
space in which the dancers were figures
whose movements outlined a whole dy-
namic and expressive scene. The Choreog-
rapher's Workshop, on the other hand,
told their story by four characterizations
each of which individualized through
movements four diverse emotions, a moth-
er, sister, and sweetheart experiencing a
soldier's leavetaking. Both dances were on
war themes, and both were highly inter-
esting, though Michigan State seemed in
this case more in the true spirit of dance
with Michigan following the style of dra-

Two experiments in the use of percus-
sion as dance motivations were Winifred
Imgram's "Fog" and Mac Emshwiller's
Rythmus." In both works the movements
were more contained than boisterous, and
this seemed to take away part of the ex-
citement of the dance. The tone set by the
percussion was followed by the dance, but
greater variation within this tone would
have lent more interest. But both choreog-
raphers showed ingenuity in combining
their accompaniments with the dance.
Humour on the program was deliciously
provided by Pat Jones and Howard Given,
of Michigan State, who danced Lewis Car-
roll's "Jabberwocky." Their grotesque posi-
tions were truly funny, danceable, and in the
spirit of Carroll's verses.
William Doppman's "Dance Suite," first .
performed at the Student Art's Festival,
and Gwen Arner's version of Leonard Bers-
tein's "Age of Anxiety" were both dances
for two people, the first with intense move-
ments and a contrapuntal developments,
and the second with jagged, driving
rhythms, Mac Emshwiller, who danced in
the Bernstein along with Henrietta Tier-
melin, seems to confine his work to this
type of rhythmically syncopated move-
ments; although he executes them well, it
would be nice if he would branch out into
something else.
"Dance Suite" was choreographed by Rob-


(Continued from page 2)
Building. Transportation provided to
Silver Lake where there will be outdoor
games and liking.
Deutscher Verein annual picnic on
the Island. Meet at Tappan Hall on
Sunday, May 17, at 2 p.m. Charge for
both members and non-members.
Evangelical and Reformed Guild: Lane
Hall, 7 pm. Discussion topic: "What Is
Present-day Buddhism Like?"
Young Friends: Meet at Lane Hall
for an Outing, 3 p.m. Bring your lunch
and your friends.
Congregational Disciples Guild: 7 p--
in. Dr. Barton Hunter will speak on
"But For the Grace of God."
Lutheran Student Association: Leave
for an all-day Ouiting after the i11:30
am. Service. No meeting at the Center
in the evening.
Westminster Guild: 6:30 p.m. Meeting
a The Firs tpreshverian Church The

Unitarian Student Group: 7:30 p.m.
at Unitarian Church. Discussion on
"Book Banning." Guests will include
Dr. Arthur M. Eastman and Mr. Robert
Marshall. Those needing or able to fur-
nish transportation, meet at Lane Hall
at 7:15 p.m.
Coming Events
Motion Picture. Fourteen.minute film
(color) "You'll Take the High Road,"
shown Mon. through Sat. at 10:30, 12:30,
3, and 4 o'clock, and on Sun.. May 24,
at 3 and 4 o'clock only, 4th floor, Uni-
versity Museums Building.
Phi Sigma Society. "Studies on the
Potential Genetic Effects of the Atom-
ic Bomb in Japan." A description of
the studies, by william J. Schull, In-
stitute of Human Biology, to be pre-
sented in the Rackham Amphitheatre
at 8 p.m., Mon., May 18. Open to the
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society Initia-
tion: Tues., May 19, 8 p.m. Rackham
Amphitheater. Prof. Leslie A. White,
will sneak on "Develonment of Civiliza-

Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by studentw of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control -of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young........Managing Editor
Barnes Connable...... Qity Editor
Cal Samra-----..... .Editorial Director
Zander Hollander------..Feature Editor
Sid Klaus.........Associate ity Editor
Harland Britz... ......Associate Editor
Donna Hendleman......Associate Editor
Ed Whipple....... .. ...Sports Editor
John Jenke. ..,.Associate Sports Editor
Dick Sewell . ....Associate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler-------Women's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor
Don Campbell.......Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Al Green ....... Business Manager
Milt Goetz-------.Advertising Manager
Diane Johnston.... Assoc. Business Mgr.
Judy Loehnberg-......Finance Manager

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