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May 12, 1953 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1953-05-12

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TUESDAY, MAY 12, 1953




Dance Motif
C Will Feature

Lantern Night Winner

Senior Ball To Revive
Campus Social Event


ndian Palace

Scenes of 'Gai Paree'
To Decorate Ballroom
At International Affair
A look at the Eiffel Tower, as
well as at Mount Fujiyama and
the Taj Mahal, will be offered to
couples attending the eleventh an-
nual International Ball from 9 p.m.
to 1 a.m. Friday in the Union Ball-
In line with the "Cosmopoli-
tan Night" theme of the semi-
formal, the ballroom entrance will
be transformed into a model of
the Taj Mahal.
* * *
THE 18 FOOT replica has been
fashioned by committee members
to resemble as nearly as possible
the famous Indian palace.
Emerging from the renowned
building, couples will find them-
selves amid the sands of Egypt,
as they gaze at a model of one
of the famous pyramids. Typical
desert plants will help complete
the illusion.
A model of the Eiffel Tower will
help create the atmosphere of
"Gai Paree," as couples wander
to the other side of the ballroom.
Palms and flowers will add fur-.
ther color to the festive atmos-
Houses typical of a Japanese
village will cluster around the foot
of Mount Fujiyama. A model of
this famous peak will rise near
the south end of the ballroom.
* * *
CREPE PAPER streamers, flow-
ers and bushes will complete the
transformation in the main danc-
ing area.
When couples attending the
ball, which is sponsored by the
International Students Associa-
tion, decide to "sit this one out"
they can stroll into the corridor.
Lined with large paintings of
world-famous monuments and
landscapes, the hallway will also
be in keeping with the internation-
al flavor of the dance.
The sketches, painted especially
for the occasion, will represent al-
most every country in the world.
Tying all the decorations togeth-
er will be a large United Nations
flag, to be placed over the band-
Open to everyone on campus,
the International Ball will fea-
ture the music of Carl Bonner and
the Bonnaires. Liz Palmer will
provide vocal varieties.

-Daily-Betsy Smith
Martha Cook Captures First Place Honors
In Annual WAA Lantern Night Songfest


"Abstract Aires," the 83rd Sen-
ior Ball, will be held from 9:30
p.m. to 1 a.m., Saturday, May 23,
in the League Ballroom.
This all-campus semi-formal
dance has the honor of being the
oldest traditional dance on cam-
pus having been established long
before J-Hop.
* * *
THE EARLIEST records of spe-
cial entertainment in honor of
graduating students appeared in
the first student newspaper, The
Chronicle, a bi-monthly edition
which was later replaced by The
In 1870, The Chronicle's first
year of publication, a story was
printed telling of a reception
held by the president at his res-
idence for the graduating class
and alumni of the University.
The senior reception program
continued to rise in popularity un-
til a dance was held along with
the reception and finally, a Sen-
ior Ball evolved.
THE YEAR, 1911, was an unus-
ual one for the senior event. The
dance was held from 8 p.m. to 3
a.m. and the grand march was
omitted because of the "unavoid-
able confusion and delay" it
Two senior dances were sched-
uled at the last minute in 1931
because of a demand for tickets.
Tal Henry and his North Caro-
linians played at the Union Ball-
rogm and the Union Orchestra
provided the musical setting at
the League.
Three-day house parties preced-
ing Senior Ball were the special
attractions in 1936, when Ted
Weems and his orchestra traveled
to Ann Arbor for the event.
AMONG THE suggestions given
by The Daily in 1935 for desirable
gowns to wear to the Senior Ball
was the following: "Dainty puffed
sleeves, trim white collar and cuffs
and a tightly fitted waistline form
a charming evening dress of dark

blue marquisette which would win
approving eyes of any coed's date."
The Daily was also keeping
pace with the fashion of the day
in 1935 when it described "the
very new, but already much
talked about shortbevening
dresses which would be seen at
Senior Ball."
Louis Prima played for the event
in 1946 when they used the theme,
"We came, we saw, we conquered."
Programs were designed to resem-
ble military discharge papers.
Last year's dance took place in
a "Once Upon A Time" setting
where modernized versions of
Mother Goose and her family made
an appearance for the occasion.
Through Senior Ball's long and
varied history, it has remained
one of the most important and
prominent events on the campus
social calendar.
Tickets for the dance for seniors
will be on sale today and tomor-
row from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the
Administration Building.

It is not too early to think of
Gifts for Graduation. Let us help
you with your selection.
The newest in better jewelry
Fine stone ring
Nationally-known watches
The better patterns in sterling
Selections gladly held till wanted.
Mailing service available.
303 South State Street

Martha Cook will have its name
engraved on a silver loving cup
for copping first place honors in
the Women's Athletic Association's
Lantern Night Sing held last night
in Hill Auditorium.
Second place in the songfest
went to Kappa Alpha Theta while
Delta Delta Delta came in third.
FOR BEING the group with the
most correct posture Kappa Kap-
pa Gamma earned the right to
keep the posture cup for a year.
Second and third place winners in
this division were Delta Delta
Delta and Alpha Xi Delta.
Because the posture cup win-
ner was selected at the elimina-
tion session, all 23 houses that;
originally entered the contest
were eligible for the trophy.
For its winning selection Mar-
tha Cook, directed by Sue Schaef-
er, sang an "American Medley"
which consisted of "Give Me Your
Tired and Your Poor," "Dixie,"
"Yankee Doodle," "America," and
"This Is My Country."
* * *
ALPHA PHI had the honor of
sponsoring the winning house.:
Like most of the other supportingI
groups, members of Alpha Phi
sang a special pep song as the
singers from Cook mounted the'
Second place winner Kappa
Alpha Theta presented "Float-
ing Down To Cotton Town.'
Directed by Margaret Hult, the
sorority received the support of
Attired in bright red cotton
skirts, Delta Delta Delta, support-
ed by Jordan, won third place for
its medley of moods.
ANN ALBERTS directed this
group in such songs as the "Man
I Love," "Fascinating Rhythm,"
"Someone to Watch Over Me" and
The program opened shortly,
before eight o'clock with Chi
Omega giving its rendition of
"Cindy." Linda Hiler led this
group and Stockwell acted as
its sponsor.
What happens "When You Wish
Ppon A Star" was explained to
the audience by Alpha Chi.Omega
under the supervision of Joan St.
Denis. Vaughn House cheered this
group on.

WITH Couzens Hall as its spon-I
sor, Maury Clark led members of
Alpha Gamma Delta "In a Persian
Competing for top honors Al-I
pha Xi Delta harmonized on
"Christopher Robin." Song lead-
er Sally Hansen received the
support of Kappa Delta.
With two sponsors, Adelia
Cheever and Prescott listening,
coeds from Betsy Barbour sang
"Three Little Words" under the
supervision of Miriam Broderick.!
* * *
spring formals, Pi Beta Phi har-
monized on "Exactly Like You."
Collegiate Sorosis sponsored this
choral groupawhich was directed
by Ann Pletta.

club. The first and second place
winners are: badminton, Veda
Cohen and Margaret Ann Smith;
basketball, Couzens and Mosher;
bowling, Stockwell and Couzens.
Other first and second place
winners were Adelia Cheever and
Delta Delta in softball; Betsy Bar-
bour and Delta Gamma, swim-
ming; and Helen Newberry and
Stockwell in volleyball.
BESIDES the appearance of two
WAA presidents, Abby Funk, the
group's leader in 1951-52 witness-
ed the Lantern Night festivities.
An announcement was also
made at the program that re-
cordings of the various selec-
tions may be purchased at
Hi-Fi Studio on East Liberty.





Last year's winner Gamma Phi With the cooperation of the
Beta, once again under the weatherman Lantern Night got off
leadership of Lucille Stansber- to a flying start as the Michigan
ry, presented its version of "Lady Marching Band led a large con-
in Waiting" with Newberry in tingent of coeds from Alumni
the supporting role. Memorial Hall to Hill Auditorium.
With warpaint on their faces thile the coeds fo eaictos"
and feathers in their hair, thet.a,,
"squaws" of Kappa Kappa Gam-#and "Varsity."
ma rose in a tribal salute to aid: With everyone then standing at
their fellow tribesmen Alpha Omi- attention, "The Yellow and Blue"
cron Pi. Members of AOPi re- was sung.
sponded with their rendition of
"Baia."' . .u
DELTA GAMMA supported Al-
pha Delta Pi when the latter
group sang the "Prayer from Han-
sel and Gretel." Director for this
number was Rae Byron.
As a special treat, Beta Theta
Pi, winner of this year's IFC
Sing, sang their prize-winning
selection before the Hill Audi-
torium audience.
On the 60th anniversary of thexc
founding of the WAA, the or- tS'' Delightfuil for
ganlztior's pesidnt, aria the home, excellent
ganization's president, Marian .cfor bridge prizes ...
Swanson, introduced the person hand decorated,
who, in her words, has contributed pine sce andles
. give off a tangy pine
greatly to the success and growth aroma while burning
of the organization, Dr. Margaret '...also dissipate
Bell, Chairman of the Women's . andtobaccoodors
Choice of red or green.
Physical Education Department. "'' -".." ='' Pa cked in gift box.
* * *
ON THIS occasion the WAA
president presented a white or- T
chid to Dr. Bell, who has been
cato part ent s nce 19 3Edu-:
catin Dparmentsine 123.107 East Liberty



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Employment office hours:
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Tuesday through Friday 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.
Saturday 9:00 A.M. to 1 :00 P.M.





211 East Liberty
Phone 8727

Daily Classiifeds
Brimg Quick Results

The retiring WAA president,
Nancy Fitch, also took the stage
to announce the winners of
sport activities sponsored by the




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