_____________________________________ U U
THIS WEEK the liberal faction of the
Senate, which repeatedly has attacked
the use of the filibuster as tool of those who
wish to obstruct the democratic process,
has fallen prey to its own condemnation.
For twenty-two hours and twenty-six
minutes Sen. Wayne Morse, Independent
from Oregon, demonstrated against the
pending offshore oil bill that would give
ownership of submerged coastal oil lands
to the states. Although the almost round-
the-clock speech is by far the longest
continuous oration by any one individual
in the history of the Senate, Sen. Morse
denies that his lengthy discourse was a
filibuster. Instead, he prefers to classify
his performance as an attempt to drama-
tize the offshore oil issue by the use of
delaying tactics.
Notwithshtanding the terminology, it
would seem obvious that the Senator's ac-
tion has not promoted speedy and unob-
structed legislation.
Perhaps an all-day filibuster might be
tacitly condoned or at least seen as con-
sistent with past actions if it had come from
those who proudly laud the Senate as be-
ing the greatest deliberative 'body in the
world. However, when Sen. Morse, with
about twenty-five other Senators calling
themselves "a little band of liberals," prac-
tice the same tactics of delaying legisla-
tion, then one begins to wonder whether
or not the entire issue of the filibuster is
not just another political football to be
kicked-about at times - and hugged at
Although the Graham-Holland bill
should be opposed as a grab by powerful
Oi interests, it is difficult to find justi-
fication for the use of the filibuster by
the very same men who so vehemently
oppose the regular adherents of unlimited
For example, no opposition to Sen. Morse's
verbal marathon has been heard from Sen-
ators Lehman, Humphrey, Douglas, or the
host of other "liberal" representatives to
the senior house of Congress. Ironically,
these same men have persistently combat-
ted the present Wherry closure rule, and
sought to replace it with a cloture ruling
that would facilitate limiting debate. In
fact, all the above-mentioned Senators have
long histories of opposition to the filibus-
ter and to the usurpers of unlimited dis-
Thus, it would appear that the use of the
filibuster as a political manipulation is to be
reconciled by Senators whenever they find
it advantageous, and to be lambasted by
the same individuals when it serves the
needs of the opposition.
-Eugene Abravanel
A FEW NIGHTS ago a group of fraternity
men gathered together in the court-
yard of the East Quadrangle and began a
five-minute serenade for the women of Pres-
cott House.
From across the yard, Prescott House's
capricious quadmates, masculine gender,
began to "bay and whinny" as boys will
do being roused from sleep, study or po-
ker games by a chorus of voices raised
in song.
Serenaders (members of Kappa Alpha Psi,
a Negro fraternity) having been drowned
out,-two apparitions clad in flowing white
robes (sheets we're told) appeared in the
"All this was perfectly normal and not
malicious," (so one East Quadder writes.)
Shall we believe a local chapter of the
Ku Klux Klan resides in the East Quad-
rangle or that the whole incident, which
has hurt and insulted a large segment of
of the campus, was simply the overtime
working of a perverted senses of humor.
Such exhibitions are indeed regretable.
But even more regrettable are the unconsci-
ous motivations and unforgivable insensi-
tivity coming from individuals who ask to
be treated as adults.
-Gayle Greene
In welcoming 1,400 high school stu-
dents to campus today, the University
gives the state's top flight students a
chance to become better acquainted wtih
one of the finest universities in the world.
Unique in many ways, the University
is at once small town and international.
It blends a complex of studies, research,
activities, culture and sports into a re-
warding experience for students. Most
important, the University provides a place
for free study and research-it is, in
most ways, a haven of free thought in a
troubled nation and world.
Although we are not always satisfied
with speaker censorship or the progres.
of student government, we still acknow-
ledge the great experience that life at
the University offers.
And as the students spend an all too
brief day on campus, we hope they will
capture something of this same spirit
and come to consider the University as
exceptional an institution as we do. -
-Harry Lunn
WASHINGTON - The right background
" for the President's press conference on
national defense is the story of what really
happened at Paris. Judging by the reports
now trickling back across the Atlantic, the
NATO planning meeting was a fairly omi-
nous rally.
Some pretty big cracks had begun* to
show in the walls of the house of the
West. Trouble with the foundation was
all too clearly indicated. But repairing
foundations is always expensive and bo-
thersome. Everyone wanted to avoid ef-
fort and expense. So the assembled states-
men slapped some plaster into the cracks.
They muttered a private prayer that the
foundations would last for another little
while. And they issued a public statement
that construction was triumphantly pro-
gressing according to plans.
That is about the best figurative summary
of what happened. To be more specific, the
first offer that Messrs. Dulles, Humphrey,
Wilson and Stassen brought to Paris is now
known to have spread something very close
to consternation among the other NATO
Perhaps the British, the French and the
rest have been foolish to suppose that Pre-
sident Eisenhower would wish to complete
the great NATO structure that he himself
designed, in his former incarnation as Gen-
eral Eisenhower. At any rate, they were
surprised and shocked by the American dele-
gation's original program. It virtually ig-
nored the persistent European and British
dollar gap. It almost wholly eliminated
most of the supporting types of military
aid. And it only provided for a reduced
level of direct military aid.
When the British got the news, they
named Chancellor of the Exchequer R.
A. Butler, chief planner, Sir Edwin Plow-
den and a representative of their Chiefs
of Staff to tell their story to Messrs. Dul-
les, Humphrey, Wilson and Stassen. What
the British said-and what the French
later said-was simple enough. In effect,
they would be forced to renege on their
most vital NATO commitments, if the
United States reneged on its past policy.
Such a public failure would have been
politically embarrassing for everyone, as
well as affecting the Kremlin the way bad
fish affects an excitable cat. Considering
the circumstances, there was a surprising
amount of good will around the council
table-Chancellor Butler and Secretary of
the Treasury Humphrey, for instance, are
said to have formed a close alliance. The
threatened crisis was avoided by good will,
by ingenuity, and by sacrificing the Eisen-
hower design for NATO.
(Copyright, 1953, New York Herald Tribune Inc)
LAST NIGHT'S performance of Bach's
B Minor Mass, the second concert of
the current May Festival, constituted to me
the culmination of what is admittedly a
long-standing grudge. Before I came to
Ann Arbor, three years ago, I had heard
about the wonderful festivals of music held
here every spring. I looked forward to them
with great anticipation after my matricu-
lation, but the first fell far below those
expectations. I had always thought that a
festival of music was based upon a central
theme or purpose, such as the music of one
particular composer, country, period, or
style. The potpourri of compositions and
performers was extremely disappointing, but
I passed it off as the consequence of an off-
year. Regretably enough, the programming
and the artists have not improved: in fact
they have been inclined the other way.
Apparently the University Musical Society
has hit upon a formula for pleasing enough
of the public every year to clear a nice
profit, and their aims have ceased to be
anything but pecuniary.
The formula seems to be such that the
second concert shall be a work for soloists,
large chorus and orchestra, without any
relation to the preceding or succeeding
concerts except that members of the -Phil-
adelphia Orchestra are used to accompany
the University Choral Union. This year
was no exception. Bach's B Minor Mass is
always 'sure-fire' for any prospective ser-
ious audience. In itself it should always
be welcome to any serious audience, but
last night's performance even smacked of
the commercial, with enough money and
effort expended to make the audience be-
lieve they received their money's worth,
yet with the budget trimmed to a mini-
mum in order to assure a goodly return
at the box office.
The programs passed out to the general
audience did not name the star performers
of the evening: the instrumentalists. The
extremely difficult flute, oboe, horn and
trumpet parts were played with supreme
mastery by anonymous members of the
Philadelphia Orchestra, whose names were
known only to those who purchased a souve-
nir program. We of the rabble were also
deprived of knowing who played the organ.
Chorally, the opening Kyrie displayed a
good sonority, and correct balance between
choir and orchestra. This was seldom
equalled thereafter. Some of the more
difficult sections were omitted, and others
paced slowly enough to allow everyone an
opportunity to sing his notes.
Among the soloists, Dorothy Warrensk-
jold, soprano, and Kenneth Smith, bass,
were the most acceptable. The contralto,
Janice Moudry, was obviously miscast. Her
voice was pleasing enough in the higher
registers, but lack of a lower resonance
forced her to resort to chest tones which
were dull and colorless, especially when
combined with the richness of the soprano.
Harold Haugh has often sung better than
last night, and even his intonation was
vague at times. Stylistically, however, all
the soloists seemed closer to the spirit of
the music than the overall interpretation.
In sum, last night's performance suffered
from a lack of conviction only possible when
all concerned are devoted to a common
musical cause. Unfortunately, too many of
us remember the overwhelming beauty of a
recent performance of Bach's "St. Matthew
Passion" by University and other non-pro-
fessional musicians. This makes it extremely
difficult to see the reason for paying money
to see an inferior performance, which is also
part of a "package deal" involving a large
conglomeration of music-making which is,
for the most part of the same calibre. Not
until this problem is solved will there be a
musical justification for the May Festivals
at Ann Arbor. -Tom Reed
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily
are written by mmbers of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writer only.
This must be noted in all reprints.
"We Killed 'Em In Europe, Boss"
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The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (before
11 a.m. on Saturday).
Vol. LXII, No. 145
Regents' Meeting Fri., May 22, at
10 a.m. Communications for considera-
tion at this meeting must be in the
President's hands not later than May
Late permission for women students
who attend the May Festival on Thurs.,
Apr. 30, will be no later than 11:05
Cooperative Housing Applications for
the men's and women's co-ops are now
being accepted for students' desiring
membership for the summer or fall ses-
sions. Students should make applica-
tion in person, or write to Luther Bu-
cheie, 1017 Oakland. Office hours from
1-5 p.m. Phone 7211.
Josephine Riggs, representative from
the Tobe Coburn School of Fashion,
will be in the League Undergraduate
Office Mon., May 4, to interview any in-
terested seniors.
Lecture, College of Architecture and
Design. Professor Catherine B. Heller
will give an illustrated lecture on her
recent sabbatical trip to Mexico and
South America, Mont, May 4, 4 p.m., Ar-
chitecture Auditorium. T
Ai i
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters, of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the
Second Essay for Orchestra; Ravel's
"La Valse"; and arias-Beethoven "Ah,
perfido"; verdi "Pace, pace" from "For-
za del destino"; and Verdi "Ritorna
Vincitor" from "Aida."
Tickets are on sale at the box office
in Hill Auditorium. Librettos will be
on sale preceding eachconcert in the
The public is requested to arrive suf-
ficiently early as to be seated on time,
since doors will be closed during per-
formance of numbers.
Events Today
Congregational Disciples Guild. Fire-
side at Guild House, 7:15-8:30. No. 1 in
series on "Love, Courtship, Marriage."
Music School Council will hold a
meeting Saturday morning 9 a.m. in
808 Burton Tower.
U. of M. Sailing Club will move their
boats on Whitmore Lake this weekend.
Rides will leave the Union at 9, 10, and
1 on Saturday and at 8 on Sunday.
Coming Events
Pre-Medical Society will present Pro-
fessor Bruno Meinecke and a panel of
four medical students in a discussion of
premedical problems and the needs and
experiences of the medical student,
at their next meeting, Tues., May 5 at
7:30 p.m., in Auditorium D, Angell Hall.
A business meeting will follow, at which
time there will be an election of officers
for next year. All pre-medical students
are invited to the meeting,
Phi Epsilon Kappa is sponsoring a
movie, entitled "Physical Education in
the Cincinnati Public Schools" (in col-
or). Following the movie there will be
reports rom the Spring Picnic commit-
tees, and the election of- next year's of-
ficers. The movie is open to the pub-
lic. Time: Mon., May 4, 7:45 p.m., Room
3-B, at the Michigan Union.
The Newman Club will sponsor a
Communion Breakfast Sunday, May 10,
after the 9:30 Mass. A guest speaker will
be featured. Tickets may be obtained
after all of the masses Sunday, May 3,
and during the week either from the
dormitory and quad repregentatives or
in the clubrooms. Everyone welcome.
Economics Club. Dr. Leo Tornquest,
Professor of Statistics, University of
Helsinki, will speak on "Concept of De-
cision-Making" at 8 p.m., Mon., May
4, Rackhiam Amphitheater. He is sub-
stituting for Prof. Gottfried Haberler,
who is unable to be here on account of
illness.. All staff members and students
in Economics and Business Adminis-
tration are invited. Others who are in-
terested will be welcome at the meet-
wisely placed near an open win- z (CaLtif!Ifl iN. o L oe
The Serenade dow during some quiet, warm eve- Doctoral Examination for Prahlad C.
To the Editor: ning to draw holds and squawks Rajam, Bacteriology; thesis: "The Effect
HIS LETTER is written in in- of Pneumonia, Produced by D. Pneu-
dignation and disillusionment. (rom sleep-happy East Quadders, moniae, Type I, on the Ascorbic Acid
I am indignant because the na- (including women). More than one of Tissues of the Guinea Pig," Sat.,
-evening this year intermittent jab- May 2, 1564 East Medical Building, at
ture of a recent occurrenceawas berings between male and female 9 a.m. Chairman, W. J. Nungester.
very insulting to my race as aI residents across the courtyard Dcoa xmnto o retWl
whole. I feel disillusioned because have knotted into climaxes of Doctoral Examination for Ernest wa-
I expect a little more intelligence avo i ciae ter Retziaff, Physiology; thesis: "Neu-
txe aclitlesmoreeln yapping and hooting. Remember rohistological Basis for the Functioning
where the actions of a supposedly the evening before Christmas va- of Paired Half-Centers," Mon., May 4,
semi-intellectual group such as at- cation? It seems to me such out- 4017 East Medical Building, at 2:30 p.m.
tends the University of Michigan bursts are quite innocent when Chairman, Robert Gesell.
is concerned, kept within such bounds. With Doctoral Examination for Willis Merle
I am referring to the unfortu- that in mind you still may not Carter, Mechanical Engineering; the-
nate scene which took place at like what happened, But indigna- sis: "A Study of the Injection Refrig-
East Quad on the night of April eration Cycle as Applied to a Novel Type
28, when a certan Negro frater- tion should be out of the question Compressor," Mon., May 4, East Coun-
n28y waenaedin erorterdi when you realize the occurrence cil Room, Rackham Building, at 3 p.m.
nity wasengaged in serenading was perfectly normal and not ma- Chairman, H. E. Keerler.
the women in that residence. For licious in the least.
some incomprehensible reason al Ithink the fraternity men have, oncerts
group of East Quad "boys" found an explanation coming too.I
it necessary to ridicule these don't really believe anyone bother- Third concert, sat., May 2, 2:30: Zino
young men by throwing articles ed to ascertain who it was sing- Francescatti, violinist. Program: Ros
at them, shouting derogatory re- ing down in the shadows of the sini overture "L'Italiana in Algeri";
marks, and later appearing robed patio. It could have been ' frater- Tschaikowsky Overture-Fantasia, "Ro-
in white sheets. meo and Juliet"; Beethoven Concerto
In my opinion their action was nity men, quad men . . . or an in D major for Violin and Orchestra;
tirel lled f d idicat alarm clock. It was late and the Alexander Hilsberg, conductor. Festival
ed that peaps this nd in- noise in the courtyard offered an Youth Chorus, Marguerite Hood, con-
ed tat prhas ths rnownin-opportunity for a bit of custom- ductor, in a Suite of Songs by Benjaminsttiooflangisalngnarfu.Ado'togeigngBte;adPhaepiaOcsr.
stitution of learning is failing In poru yfrabt fsngin Britten; and Philadelphia Orchestra.
its effort to develop mentally and ary fun. And don't forget,sm Fourth concert, Sat., May 2, 8:30: Ce-
physically sound men and women, is better than ppingh. . iay sare Siepi, bass; Philadelphia Orches-
physiallybe we wished we'd thought of it tra; Eugene Ormandy, conductor. Pro-
who, ironically, in the near fu- first But that's another sub- gram: Strauss "Don Juan"; Hindemith
ture will be the leaders of our ject, and probably belongs to the 'Mathis der Maler"; Weinberger Polka
"democratic" country causes for pantie raids and Fugue from "Schwanda"; and
The incident itself is a repre-c p erais s arias-Mozart *Mentre ti lascio Ver-
setto-fsprse eie n-Jerry Wisniewski di "Ella giammai m'amo" from "Don
sentation of suppressed desires mi.209 Greene House Carlo"; and Gomez "Di sposo di pa-
the minds of the people who par- * ,4 4dre" from "Salvator Rosa."
ticipated in it. I doubtsvery se- OE on Congestion .. Fifth concert, Sun., May 3, 2:30: Ru-
ously if any of these students IoeOi* doff Firkusny, pianist; Philadelphia
would like to openly affront one To the Editor: Orchestra; University Choral Union;
of the serenaders without the pro- FOR THE past year I have been Thor Johnson, conductor. Program:
tection of his obviously mentally one of the many students Schubert overture iNo 2 forian St e
deficient companions. caught in the writhing, twisting Orchestra; two choral works-Brahms
My one hope is that this ob- streams of traffic referred to by "Triumphlied," and "Prairie" by Norm-
noxious demonstration does not Mr. Charles Davis in his letter of and Lockwood with baritone solo by Ara
represent the sentiments of the April 28, concerning the conges- Berberian,
Sixth concert, Sun.. May 3, 8:30: Zinka
entire student body at Michigan. tion problem in the hallways of Milanov, soprano; Philadelphia Orches-
It would be sad indeed to know Mason and Angell Halls. tra; Eugene Ormandy, conductor. Pro-
that one cannot even participate I never attributed this condition gram: Haydn Symphony No. 7; Barber
in traditional campus activities to the architects' lack of under-
without being harassed and hu- standing human nature, however. Freedom Loving
miliated. The solution to the problem, I be-
--LaVern Lane lieve, lies in the students them- At a moment when an increas-
* selves. ing number of sick and wounded
Noisy Serenade . . . The ten minute intervals be- prisoners are being liberated in
LAST NIGHT the residents of tween classes seem to provide an Korea, when even the Communist
Prescott House, in the East excellent opportunity for a short regimes are beginning to proclaim
Quadrangle were honored by a social gathering or a quick smoke. amnesties for "minor offenders,"
serenade of Kappa Alpha Psi. Inconsiderate or unthinking stu- the thoughts of freedom-loving
The singing was indeed beauti- dents stop in the middle of the peoples turn, with mounting an-
ful, yet we were unable to enjoy hall to chat with friends or to ger to the continued detention of
it fully because of the deplorable light a cigarette. This, of course, prisoners of the "cold war," and
lack of respect and manners ex- brings traffic to an abrupt halt especially to the most notable of
hibited by the residents of Hins- and may even be the cause of a these-William Oatis.
dale and Greene houses in the cigarette burn to some unsuspect- Surely a telephone call from
Quad. No sooner had the frater- ing victim. Moscow to the Czechoslovak pup-
nity begun to sing when cat-calls, Anyone who may be in a hurry pets to release Mr. Oatis is the
whistles and shouted insults were to reach his next class, must eith- least they can do to demonstrate
hurled from the direction of the er elbow his way through the the goodwill in which they wish
men's houses. Climaxing this dis- crowd in a futile attempt to break the world to believe.
play of distaste several of the past the human barrier, or wait -The New York Times
Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
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Subscription during , regular school
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+ CtRt'O.
A rchitecture Auditorium
WITH A super-cast of big-name stars, Jul-
ien Duvivier has put together a set of
tales which are often amusing even though
they tend to be sentimental and slick. Their
shortness is against them in this respect--
relying on "gimmicks" reminiscent of O.
Henry, they present facile solutions to barely
developed complications. One doesn't object
to this kind of treatment for the episodes
which simply attempt light-hearted clever-
ness, but it is less successful with more ser-
ious objectives.
A tail-coat with a curse on it is the de-
vice on .which the stories are strung to-
gether. Starting out high in the tail-coat
world, in the wardrobe of a wealthy actor,
it descends gradually through the social
ranks to the humble position of a scare-
crow. It has its function, but probably even
Duvivier would consider taking it as a
a tolerably good job of a naive young mar-
ried woman. Clever effects abound in this
episode; we descend through a maze of
subtly photographed animal horns, on the
pair in the hunting lodge where they are
planning a deception of the unhar yp
husband. The air is simply laden with
The episode in which Paul Robeson and
Ethel Waters set a tiny Negro community to
rejoicing is sadly disappointing. The situa-
tion involving manna from heaven, is a
hackneyed one. It fails to evoke the right
kind of response not because of its unreality,
but simply because we've seen the same sort
of thing over and over.
There's a lot of fine talent in this picture,
and the bright spots easily outnumber the
dull ones.'
-Bob Holloway
At the State .,
formed into quite the moral and righteous
young woman, a champion of John. Her
dance-certainly a spectacle in itself- is
performed to save him, but the wicked
machinations of her mother Herodias ruin
her plan. Difficult though it may have
been, after all their attempts to give the
story a new theme, the producers found
it necessary to allow John to be beheaded.
Whether this new version is accurate or
not, it is certainly not as convincing or
interesting as the old one.
Rita Hayworth is Salome. She tries, with
the best of her meager abilities, to be the fine
and noble woman this story demands, but
like "Gilda" and "Affair in Trinidad" her
greatest moments are to be found in a sen-
sual strip-tease.
Charles Laughton, however, steals the
show, even during her dance. He is Herod
to perfection, a complete lecher to the last.
Judith Anderson is much less convincing
as Herodias. For all her hissing and glar-
ing she never becomes more than a small
men appeared in the courtyard
dressed in white sheets. Despite
the constant interruptions and the
pleas on the part of the girls to
stop yelling and listen, the Quad
boys continued their poise.
Finishing their serenade, the,
fraternity men left directly. There
was no attempt to return the in-
sults hurled at them.
The childish approach of these
Quad men to a serenade brought
to light the contrast between these
groups. The residents of East
Quad have much to learn from
the example, of good conduct
shown by the members of Kappa
Alpha Psi! -
--Brenda Wehbring and 20
other irate Prescott resi-
S* *
patiently for five or six minutes
before he can proceed to his des-
I'm not advocating the elimina-
tion of friendly discussions or ci-
garette smoking between classes,
but I do believe that these acti-
vities should be indulged in to one
side of the hallway and not in the
direct center of the traffic.
Perhaps a system of traffic
lights could be constructed, requir-
ing all students to move at given
signals. At any rate, this would
prove much faster and far safer
than the present situation.
No, we can't blame a professor
or student for arriving late to an
Angell Hall classroom. In view of
present conditions, we may praise
him for arriving at all.
-Josephine Gomez
Little Man On Campus
by Bibler
7 / ' y
tNOt AfattiOls . . . ..
LAST NIGHT a group of frater- ; lIebatfng SOCiety .
nity men invaded the East To the Editor:
Quad patio at 12 midnight to ser- THE STUDENT Legislature dis-
enade the women residents. The plaved an attitude Wednesday