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May 02, 1953 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1953-05-02

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Latest Deadline in the State

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New Driving
j Discussion Held
At Conference
Liberalization of Univers ity
driving restrictions to allow all stu-
dents except freshmen to have cars
on campus received an informal
4 stamp of approval at the Presi-
dent's Conference yesterday.
Top campus leaders and Uni-
versity officials, gathered to dis-
cuss the driving regulation prob-
S lem, gave the plan 14 tallies in a
straw vote. Twelve votes were cast
for a system which would allow all
but freshmen and sophomores to
PRESIDED over by President
Harlan H. Hatcher, the Co fer-
ence meets twice a semesters a
forum to air administration and
student views on current prob-
No formal action is considered
by the group, although straw
votes are sometimes taken to
determine the group's views on a
In yesterdy's meeting the driv-
ing ban topic received chief at-
tention. Discussion centered large-
ly on which students should be al-
lowed to drive under a policy lib-
An Office of Student Affairs
plan which would permit seniors
or students over 21 to drive re-
ceived only four votes in the in-
formal poll.
* '. s
Student Legislature presented sev-
eral alternative plans which had
resulted from extensive study of
t r the question in cooperation with
the OSA.
Most student leaders present
backed the proposal to allow all
but freshmen to drive, with the
plan permitting driving privi-
leges to all but freshmen and
sophomores receiving their sec-
ondary support.
A system grantig driving rights
to all students received only four
votes, but the present -regulations
limiting permits to anyone over 26
or to special cases got no support.
Necessity for adequate in-
surance and safety inspection
for student automobiles was
emphasized by several Confer-
ence members.
The Conference also discussed
the need for additional student ac-
tivities facilities. Jay Strickler,
'54, Union president, and Sue
Riggs, '54, League president, out-
lined progress of meetings be-
tween their organizations concern-
ipg the problem.
University public relations di-
rector Arthur Brandon also an-
nounced that plans were under
way to include two student mem-
bers on the University's Devel-
opment Council.

-Daily-Frank Barger
TAG DAY-Dean of Men Walter B. Rea collects Dora Hartwell's
contribution to the 33rd annual Tag Day Drive. Funds, which
amounted to $2,760.84 at the end of yesterday's drive, will be used
to send under-privileged boys from all over Michigan to the Uni-
versity's Fresh Air Camp. The drive will continue throughout
campus and downtown Ann Arbor until noon today. The final
total will not be ascertained until pails for additional contributions.
to the drive are collected from the stores Monday and until
seven missing pails are returned.
Police Cracking Down
On, Obscene Literature
In a sweeping directive the Ann Arbor police department has
ordered all local book dealers to clear their shelves of "obscene"
pocket books within a month or face public prosecution.
The order, issued by Detective Sgt. Claude Damron, is part of a
county-wide drive to remove a steadily increasing influx of obscene
literature from public sale.
0 * * *
BASING JUDGMENT on a list of pocket books labeled "obscene"
by the Detroit Police Censor Bureau, Damron has included 300 of
' these questionable books in the

WQ Busboys
To Resume
No-strike Voted
By OtherQuads
West Quad busboys will be called
back to work today by leader John
Curry, '55NR as a result of a 'no-
strike' vote taken last night in
busboy meetings in East and South
The action was taken pending a
tri-quad meting Tuesday with
Leonard Schaadt, residence halls
business manager.
SIX EAST QUAD workers willi
meet today to discuss next year's1
wage schedule and other busboyI
grievances. Monday -the situationi
will be aired at general meetings1
of South and West quad busboys;
and, later the same evening, at a
meeting of several representatives1
from each quad.
Action at last night's meetingsi
followed talks at East and South
quads by Roger Kidston, '54, East
Quad president.
Kidston, who had conferred with
Schaadt earlier in the day, told
the busboys that "no wage increase
seems possible at this time." He
explained that Schaadt has to
plan his wage schedule in accord-
ance with the residence halls bud-
get which is separate from the
University's budget.
* * *
Schaadt is "more than willing to
discuss wage plans with student
He pointed out that if the strik-
ers return to work, outside help
will remain to relieve the busboy's
East Quad 'workers cast votes
during the day yesterday on a
slow down strike. The vote wag
not counted after the decision
reached after Kidston spoke.
IFC Initiates
Dress Rules
After 12 years of strict formality,
the IFC Ball has gone the way of
similar dances throughout the na-
tion, and turned semi-formal.
The change, announced yester-
day by retiring IFC president Pete
Thorpe, '53, is designed to increase
the popularity of the dance by re-
laxing formal dress rules.
BY DEFINITION, women may
wear either a ballerina or full
length gown while men may at-
tend the dance in either a dark
blue suit or white dinner jacket.
As a formal dance, the IFC
Ball has fallen on bad times in
recent years with a $600 loss
being sustained last year.
Tickets for the Ball, to be held
from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Saturday,
May 9, at the Intra-Murl Bldg.
may be purchased for $3.60 in the
lobby of the Administration Bldg.
The dance will feature Ralph
Flanagan and his orchestra.
Board To Rule
On EQ Action

East Quadrangle resident direc-
tor John E. Bingley and Quad
president Roger Kidston, '54, met
last night to discuss the outcome
of the reception several East Quad
residents gave Kappa Alpha Psi
fraternity members when they ser-
enaded quad coeds Wednesday
Kidston said that the East Quad
council would decide Tuesday
night what actiontotake about
the men who appeared in white
sheets to welcome the 20 serenad-
ing fraternity members.
AFTER SINGING for five wo-
men's dorms, the singers moved to
the sole coed housing unit on cam-
pus only to be met in the court by
jeering Quad men clad in white
The names of the Quad resi-
dents involved were not divulged.
Kidston expressed hope that
such a thing "won't happen
again." "I'm sure the men who

It finally happened!
A gay Lothario last night
placed a ladder against a win-
dow sill of Taylor House, one
of the women's residences in the
East Quad. Whether or not his
purpose was accomplished is not
known. The prospective eloper
was not available for comment.
Peron Hits
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina -
(P)-Addressing Congress on a
May Day opened with a series of
bomb explosions, President Juan
D. Peron charged yesterday that
imperialist forces abroad were
trying to weaken his government
and block South American unity.
He denounced the United States
by implication-and former U.S.
Ambassador Spruille Braden, the
Christian Science Monitor of Bos-
ton and three American news
agencies by name-in a speech of
two hours, 10 minutes on the po-
litical state of the nation.
SIX BOMBS had been fired-
mostly harmlessly in open spaces
-before Peron made his 2%-mile
ride to the Capitol along a route
lined by policemen at 10-yard in-
The seventh, apparently bur-
ied in a sandpile at the building
under construction less than a
block from the capital, went off
while he was speaking. It did
some damage and rattled win-
dows for several miles.
Peron accused The Associated
Press, United Press and Interna-
tional News Service of spreading
lies about him and said "I will ask
the honorable Congress for a quick
complete and urgent investiga-
tion, as well as deserved punish-
Argentina's economic crisis has
been overcome, Peron delared, but
the three have tried to show that
the nation is in the midst of an
emergency to demonstrate that the
Peronista party's "social justice"
is nothing but a slogan.
When a million workers rally at
the Plaza de Mayo, he said, the
news agencies "can see only 100,-
000 public employes who, accord-
ing to the agencies, were forced
to attend."
Bishop Backs
Birth Control
"Birth control is not a sin if
used wisely and soberly," the Rt.
Reverend Richard Emrich, Epis-
copal Bishop of the Diocese of
Michigan said last night at the
Canterbury House in the third of
a series of five lectures sponsored
by the Episcopalian Student Foun-
Speaking on the subject "Birth
Control, Sin? Christian?" he ex-
plained that planned parenthood
knowledge like any other scientific
or medical knowledge should be
used by man to eliminate human
Bishop Emrich cited the fact,
however, that knowledge of birth
control like knowledge of atomic
energy places upon man the "re-
sponsibility of not using it against
the will of God." Childlessness is
against God's will, and we must
not use birth control to commit
this sin.

He maintained that planned
parenthood was not against mar-
riage's divine purpose, to propa-
gate the race, as it enabled parents
to give their children a more se-
cure and happy upbringing.

-Daily-Don Campbell
* * * *
'NI' 'Baseball Team
Nips Gophers, 10-6
Michigan used a silver platter and a versatile relief pitcher to
pound out its fourth consecutive Big Ten baseball triumph yesterday,
a 10-6 walkathon over invading Minnesota.
The first-place Wolverines meet Iowa today in a double-header
scheduled for 1:30 p.m. at Ferry Field.
* * * *
THE SILVER PLATTER in yesterday's single game was provided
by four Gopher moundsmen who served up ten walks, two hit batsmen
and a wild-pitch to figure in every one of the Maize and Blue's
four scoring innings.
The versatile Michigan relief pitcher was Garby Tadian,
unsung junior right-hander who hurled and batted his way

UN Suspicious of Red
Motives in Panmunjon
As Futile Week Closes

Dulles, Stassen
Plan Asian Tour
of State Dulles and Harold Stassen,
the mutual security director, will
visit the Middle East, India and
Pakistan this month. Stops also
will be made in Greece and Tur-
The State Department announc-
ed their plans yesterday. The two
will leave Washington May 9 and
return May 29.

Ann Arbor file.
Although the present drive is
aimed solely at pocket books,
Damron expects his department
to start a clean-up drive against
"girlie" magazines soon.
Within a month, book dealers
refusing to comply with the order
will be prosecuted, Damron said.
"BY GIVING dealers time to
remove these books from their
stands, we are trying to be as fair
as possible," he added. "However,
we expect their cooperation in re-
turn. We realize that it takes some
time to check through book stocks
in order to remove objectionable
The police department's order is
authorized by an old state law con-
trolling the sale of obscene litera-
ture. Wayne County has made full
use of the statute in recent weeks
by banning many pocket books,
"girlie" magazines and "indecent"
comic books.
Locally, the Washtenaw county
sheriff's department and Ypsilanti
and Michigan State police are co-
operating in the county-wide cam-
paign. This will ensure against
prospective buyers travelling out-
side the Ann Arbor city limits to
purchase obscene literature.

Reds Refuse
To Nominate
Neutral State
Sabres Hit City
Ini Quick Attack
By The Associated Press
The UN Command today was
growing more and more suspicious
of Red objectives at the Panmun-
jom truce table as the reborn talks
rounded out a week of futility.
The long-recessed discussions
got going last Sunday after seem-
ing Communist peace overtures
from Moscow and Peiping but so
far the .overtures have failed to
bear fruit.
At another session, the Com-
munists today discussed four
Asian nations in the revived
armistice talks .but refused to
nominate any as a neutral. The
Reds said that among the Asi-
an nations they would consider
neutral were India, Pakistan,
Burma and Indonesia.
The Reds said they would not
nominate any of the four until the
Allies agree first to send prison-
ers to such a neutral state.
Earlier, Rear Adm. John C. Dan-
iel said he had "indisputable evi-
dence" that the Reds still hold 375
disabled Allied prisoners, despite
their assurance that the 684 al-
ready returned cleans the slate.
The trade now is a one-way af-
fair. The UN was turning over
probably its last batch of 500 ail-
ing Red captives today, running
the total to nearly 7,000.
Lee Sang Cho, the Red liaison
chief, pushed aside Daniels' de-
mand for 375 more ailing Allied
POWs, saying the admiral's claim
was "a willful slander."
He said the Reds do hold an
-undisclosed number of Allied
sick and wounded but these are
"not fit to travel because of
their physical condition."
In Tokyo, a returned prisoner,
Sgt. James F. Daniel, a medic
from Alameda, Calif., said he had
access to Red medical recods
showing that 2,538 captive Allies
died of starvation and diseaseIn
less than a year.
Meanwhile, fifty U.S. Sabres ID
their deadly new role of dive
bombers hurled destruction yes-
terday on the North Korean capi-
tal at Pyongyang.
The Fifth Air Force did not say
what damage was wrought by the
lightning raid.
POW Victims
Of Propaganda
In California
Calif.-(P)-A planeload of re-
patriated American prisoners of
war from Korea, designated by the
Air Force as "victims of Com-
munist propaganda," arrived here
yesterday under a cloak of mili-
tary secrecy.
The Air Force did not announce
the arrival and it didn't become
known until one of the POWs, Cpl.
Paul Schnur Jr. of San Francisco,
was taken to Letterman hospital
in that city 40 miles southwest of
The cloak of secrecy was clamp-
ed down Thursday when the plane
left Tokyo. The Air Force said it
was ordered by the Pentagon and
issued this statement:
"We are co-operating with the

other military services in main-
taining security over this partic-
ular operation, because of the posi-
tion taken by the Army and others
that these men may have been
misled under conditions of duress
and hardship during the period of
their captivity."
R ohbers Eseane

< to his initial win of the 1953



St. Joseph's
Hospital Plans
New Addition

Festival Youth Chorus
To Perform In Concert
Two Ann Arbor newcomers and a chorus which has become a
41-year-old Festival tradition will highlight the two May Festival
concerts at 2:30 and 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
Under the direction of Prof. Marguerite Hood of the music school
the 400-voice Festival Youth Chorus chosen from Ann Arbor's public
schools will perform contemporary English composer Benjamin Brit-
ten's "Suite of Songs." French-born violinist Zino Francescatti will
play Beethoven's "Concerto in D major, Op. 61, for violin and
orchestra" in the third of six con-
. f!1T7 T' \T /f'{l1TT

Plans for a seven-story $5,000,-
000 addition to St. Joseph's Mercy
Hospital were announced yester-
day by The Sisters of Mercy, Cath-
olic nursing order which operates
the hospital.
The X-shaped structure will be
built in the near future on the
property now used as the hospital
parking lot at the corner of N. In-
gall and E. Catherine Streets.
S* "
THE ADDITION will accommo-
date 200 beds and when completed
will give the hospital a total of
490 beds.
. Plans for the hospital, which
will probably take 14 months' to
build, include a parking area east'
of the addition and also behind the
present hospital, capable of accom-
modating a minimum of 235 cars.
Hospital officials say the need
for additional beds prompted the
move to enlarge present facilities
and abandon plans for a separate

Tadian came on the scene as'
the third Wolverine thrower in
the sixth inning with his team
holding a slim 7-6 advantage and
a Gopher runner dancing off sec-
ond base. He proceeded to get out
of that frame and went on to
limit the Minnesotans to a lone
single over the next three innings.
* * *
BESPECTACLED right-hander
Don Streeter got the starting as-
signment for the visitors instead
of the previously announced Paul
Giel, but Streeter didn't get past
the third inning as Michigan
jumped to a quick 5-0 advantage.
With one out, the Gopher
hurlerhwalked five straight Wol-
verine batters to chase home
twowruns and himself to the
His replacement was southpaw
Bob Jonason, and left-fielder Paul
Lepley immediately greeted the
newcomer with a line single to
center which knocked two runners
across and left men on first and
* * *
AFTER Jack Corbett walked to
reload the bases and Gil Sabuco
popped up for the second out,
Dick Leach topped a roller to-
See BASEBALL, Page 3

OTHER NUMBERS to be per-
formed tomorrow afternoon by the
Philadelphia Orchestra, guest con-
ducted by Alexander Hilsberg, will
include Rossini's overture "Ital-
iana in Algeri" and Tchaikovsky's
overture-fantasia, "Romeo and
Tomorow evening Metropoli-
tan Opera bass Cesare Siepi will
make his Ann Arbor debut sing-
ing Mozart's "Mentre ti lascio"
(K.513), Gomez' "Di sposo di
padre" from Salvator Rosa and
Verdi's "Ella giammai m'amo"
from Don Carlo.
The Orchestra, under the direc-
tion of Eugene Ormandy, will play
Richard Strauss' tone poem, "Don
Juan," Hindemith's "Mathis der
Maler" and Weinberger's "Polka
and Fugue" from Schwanda.
VIOLINIST Francescatti made
his first western hemisphere ap-

High School Students
To See University Today
Among the more than 1,400 high school students taking part in
today's University Day program may be a future Phi Beta Kappa
and the captain of the University's 1956 football team.
Coming here from all parts of Michigan, Indiana and Ohio, the
high school juniors and seniors will open their day at the University
with a welcome session at 9:30 a.m. in Rackham Auditorium.I
* * *
ON HAND TO greet the potential University students will be
University President Harlan Hatcher, Director of Admissions Clyde
Vroman, Dean James Robertson of the literary college and Jay
Strickler, '54, president of the Union.
Included on the intinerary for the day are the laboratories
of the Medical School and pharmacy department as well as Bur-
ton Tower, and new Angell Hall addition and Randall Physics

Engine School Holds Open House

# < )

Magic and differential calculus,
electronic brains and ship engines
from the Spanish-American War,
1908 Runabouts and racing cars
for the future vied with each other
for interest yesterday in the first
day of the Engineering School's
bi-annual Open House.
Scheduled to run from 9 a.m.
to noon, and from 1 to 5 p.m. to-
day, the event features numerous
exhibits depicting the many ad-
vances that have taken place in

limalligg: ', * :

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