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April 28, 1953 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1953-04-28

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Latest Deadline in the State



Tie Sts U


Tidelands Oil
Voted Down
Senate Rejects
Federal Control
ate yesterday booted out of the
way a proposal to substitute fed-
eral control for the states' owner-
ship provisions of the submerged
off-shore lands bill.
It voted 56 to 33 to table a fed-
eral control amendment offered
by Sen. Clinton H. Anderson (D-
* * *
ADVOCATES OF states owner-
ship of the oil-rich offshore areas
hailed the ballot as an indication
that eventually the bill will be
passed by an even greater margin
with no important changes. ,
Just when the vote on final
k passage of the bill will come was
still a guess, but leaders on both
sides of the controversy saw pos-
sibility of an end' to the debate
by the end of this week.
Senate Republican Leader Ro-
bert Taft of Ohio, who contends
that all of the pertinent arguments
have been brought out over and
over again in the debate which
started April 1, has threatened
around-the-clock sessions if some
agreement isn't reached soon on
when there will be a final vote.
Democratic Leader Lyndon B.
Johnson of Texas told newsmen
all-night sessions would be started
THE DEFEAT of the Anderson
amendment carried along with it
the oil-for-education proposal of
Sen. Hill (p-Ala.), which Ander-
son incorporated in his own
amendment just before the voting
Taft had refused to permit a
separate vote first on the Hill
amendment, saying it dealt only
with a procedure of handling
ft eral revenues fron offshore
oil lands.
He said the Anderson amend-
ment got at the heart of the is-
sues involved in the states versus
government fight over control of
the lands beneath the marginal
The Hill amendment still could
be reworded, however, and offered
later as a proposed change in the
bill itself. Just before the vote on
the Anderson amendment, Hill
again challenged Taft to call a
separate vote on his proposal. The
Republican leader once more as-
serted that it was not a test of the
basic issues involved.
* * *
ANDERSON TOLD the reporters
that the object of prolonged de-
bate was to draw the public's at-
tention to all the issues involved.
He said this goal was being accom-
plished, and he held out hope that
a final vote could be reached by
the end of the week.
A number of perfecting amend-
ments have yet to be discussed and
voted upon, Anderson added.

Ike Sets
McCarthy Lands
Security Test
Eisenhower yesterday set up a
tight new security program in-
tended to make sure that the mil-
lions of federal employes have
"complete and unswerving loy-
alty to the United States."
Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R-Wis.)
called it "a pretty darn good pro-
* * *
THE NEW plan goes into opera-
tion May 27. It provides for a
security test of some kind for
everyone appointed to a govern-
ment job. Strictness of the inves-
tigation will vary according to the
nature of the job.
Anybody seeking a "sensitive
position" - one in which he
could bring about "a material
adverse effect on the national
serurity" - will have to come
through a full-scale investiga-
tion under rigid, sweeping stan-
dards laid down by the Presi-
dent in an executive order.




ace Pact



-Daily-Ed Chodoroff
, * " *

At Last.
House interior subcommittee
listened to all the facts yester-
day, then unanimously voted to
permit Ohio to come into the
Union-50 years and 27 days
Although seven. U.S. Presi-
dents have been, elected from
that territory, some historians
poking into records found that
somehow, Congress never got
around to accepting Ohio offi-
The resolution still must get
the approval of the full com-
mittee, the House, the Senate
and the President.
Interest Lag
On Marriage
Series Seen.
T h e 15-year-old University
Marriage Lecture Series is again
threatened with extinction because
of campus disinterest in the pro-
Established in 1938 in answer to
demands by campus groups .and
individual students for some kind
of instruction for students facing
marriage, the Series is a joint un-
dertaking of a student-faculty
committee on which members of
the Union,.League, Daily, SL and
SRA serve.
* * *
BECAUSE OF the large number
of veterans on campus during the

The new order is in keep-
Ps rSeesEducatio ing with campaign promises of a
clean-up in Washington and is
i~r dat hnt the PrP id nt ha.


Crisis withConform
The crisis in American education today is caused by internal
anti-intellectualism, as well as financial difficulties and outside pres-
sures to conform, Prof. Richard Hofstadter of Columbia University's
history department said yesterday.
Delivering the first Hayward Keniston lecture in a series estab-
lished last year in honor of the University's former Dean of the lit-
erary college, Prof. Hofstadter spoke on "Democracy and Anti-intellec-
tualism in America."
* , , ,*
WHILE CRITICIZING the "political shysters who make a living
by putting pressures to conform on the academic community," Prof.
-'Hofstadter emphasized that anti-
.intellectualism is found inside the,
CAMPUS-MA DE: academic community as well as
CF Tl r-r XKT* outside.

aimea a wa e ties men lis
described as "the disloyal and the
Some of the guidelines to be
followed in security investigations
1. Anything indicating an in-
dividual is unreliable or un-
2. Deliberate misrepresentations,
lies or commission of material
3. Criminal, infamous or dis-
graceful conduct, including sex-
ual perversion and addiction to
liquor or drugs.
4. Signs of insanity.
5. Anv fact indicating a Berson

-Daily-Don Campbell
High School Girls, Adults
Replace Striking Busboys"
Six Ann Arbor High School girls helped bus dishes at West
Quadrangle last night after 35 busboys on the evening crew walked
out in protest over their 80 cents hourly wage.
Supplementing the girls and seven remaining busboys were adults
drawn from the business office and kitchen of the quad and from
East and South Quads. The meal was served - nd dining rooms cleaned
up on schedule with little difficulty, Business Manager of Residence
Halls Leonard A. Schaadt, reported.
* * *s

Pledges Full
For Security
Peace Congress
Appeal Answered
MOSCOW-(P)-Soviet Foreign
Minister V. M. Molotov told the
Soviet-supported Peace Partisans
that Russia favors their appeal for
a five-power peace pact, Soviet
newspapers said yesterday.
The newspapers published an
answer by the Russian government,
signed by Molotov, to the "Con-
gress of the Peoples in Defense of
Peace." Molotov's answer was sent
to a committee of the Congress in
Paris Sunday.
* * *
THE CONGRESS had appealed
to the governments of Russia, the
U.S., Chinese Peoples Republic
(Red China), Britain and France
to begin talks to conclude a peace
pact among the five big powers,
the Moscow papers said.
In his answer, Molotov de-
clared the Russian government's
"constant readiness to cooperate
with the governments of other
powers for the attainment of the
high purposes of strengthening
of universal peace and interna-
tional security."
The Peace Partisans have been
proposing for some time that Rus-
sia, the U.S., Britain, France and
Red China conclude a peace pact.
ACCORDING TO Monday's an-
nouncement, the Congress propos-
ed once more that these five should
sign such a pact.
The Congress includes such out-
standing leftists as Frederic Joliot-
Curie, French atomic physicist;
Pietro Nenni, Italian socialist, and
Ilya Ehrenburg, Russian writer.
The telegram said tcle "govern-
ment of the USSR, following its
policy of strengthening peace and
cooperation among peoples, solid-
arizes with the appeal of the Con-
gress in defense of peace and with
the proposal contained in it."
The word "solidarizes"' was used
in the English translation of Mo-
lotov's telegram as released by
the Soviet censor. It was apparent-
ly meant to convey the idea that
the Soviet Union identifies itself
with and supports the appeal of
the Congress.




a. ny 1Lu lla11 ~a
might be persuaded to act against late war years and early post-war AFTER CALLING Schaadt.
the best interests of national se- years, this was the time of greatest;appeal for a wage increase this
curity. student interest in the project. At- - -p-a-
R Anv. t.oc ith c - tendance has fallen steadily since4

yesterda° afternoon to make a final

semester, John Curry,
-> ar l Schmude, '53,

'S3R, and Rich-
led the walkout.,


UJ 10 View
Unique Film.
Gregor Samsa-man turned in-
sect-returns to Ann Arbor at
7:30 and 9:15 p.m. today in Archi-
tecture Auditorium in a campus-
made film version of "Metamor-
Given its first national perform-
ance here in 1951, "Metamorpho-
sis" tonight will be given its last
showing in the country prior to a
transcontinental jump to the
Sixth Grand Prix Avant Garde
Film Festival in France.
The film adaptation of a night-
marish, symbolic Franz Kafka
short story, it traces reactions to
Gregor's "metamorphosis" through
his own eyes by the use of the uni-
que camera-eye technique.
Admission for the one-night;
showing is 50 cents.

Differentiating between intel-
lectuals and journeymen, he de-
fined a journeyman as "one who
lives off ideals, while the intel-
lectual lives for ideas and is not
concerned with their practical-
The two attitudes incuded in true
intellectualism, he maintained, are
religion-"often the sole piety of
the sceptic"-and mental playful-
Democracy is not merely consti-
ty rights. Populistic democracy is
the meeting place of far right and
left opinions, the historian said.
ALTHOUGH there is no neces-
sary connection or opposition be-
tween democracy and intellectual-
ism," he continued, "in our civili-
zation there has been a persistent
tension between the two forces."
In this age of mass communica-
tions and the mass man the major-
ity can easily have mass tyranny,
he observed "Our popular move-
ments have been noted for their
opposition to liberal education and
free discussions of theology."
Prof. Hofstadter added, "The
ideology of normality present in
America causes people to ask not
'who they are' but 'how they can
spontaneously conform'."
technic Sale
Michigan Technic, campus
enginers magizine, will be on
sale again today in the Engi-
neering Arch.
The price is 25 cents.

. tny cunnecwu nsWitlb
tage, espionage, treason or sedi-
7. Sympathetic association
with individuals or organizationsl
interested in overthrow the U. S.
government by violence or un-
constitutional means.
8. Unauthorized disclosure of
security information.
9. Serving interests of anotherl
government in preference to those'
of the U. S.
World News
By The Associated Press
Allied countries were reported last
night to have proposed to the
United States that high-level civil-
ian advisors, perhaps seasoned dip-
lomats, sit with the UN Command
in truce negotiations at, Panmun-
U.S. Navy Base at Guantanamo
reported last night that 11 men
were killed and four others in-
jured in an "engineering casu-
alty" aboard a U.S. aircraft car-
* * *
BONN, Germany - Chancellor
Konrad Adenauer yesterday sud-
denly dropped his plan to bypass
balky senators in his drive for final
approval of twin treaties joining
a . rearmed West Germany with
free Europe's defenses.

then and ticket sales have been so HL o e
low that repeated threats have H iss Lases
been made to abandon the project
entirely. I CourtC se
According to Dean of Women
Deborah Bacon, reason for the
great interest drop has been a WASHINGTON-(AP-Convicted
change in the character of the perjurer Alger Hiss lost twice yes-
campus as a whole. The de- terday in the Supreme Court.

crease in the number of veterans
has caused a parallel drop in
the overall age of the students,
and subsequent disinterest in
the problems of marriage.

Schaadt said Saturday that, while
no wage increase is possible this
semester, he has been working on
a possible 10 cent raise for next
September to adjust with the $50
increase in quad rates which will
be effective next year.
Asked whether he objected to
the high school girls receiving the
busboy's regular pay plus their
meals, Curry said, "It seems pret-
ty funny that they have to use
girls to entice the boys back to
Berta Miller, sophomore at Ann
Arbor High, who was one of the
six "busgirls," said she got the job
through friends at school because
she was curious to know what the
quads were like.

In a 6 to Q decision the court,
disbarred the former State Depart-G
inent official from further law
practice in the high court and re-

In view of the fact that women fused to aid him in his efforts to
have expressed a great interest in s t dse s

Lectures, Exhibitions
Planned for Summer
A series of lectures, exhibitions and special related courses have
been scheduled to supplement the regular summer school curriculum
at the University.
The program, entitled "The Popular Arts in America," will com-
bine courses, talks by noted artists, composers and authors, panel
discussions by University faculty members and special art and
library exhibits.
BEGINNING the lecture series, which is open to the public,
Milton Caniff, creator of the popular comic strip "Steve Canyon,"

the psychological aspects of mar-
riage, while men exhibit a greater
interest in the medical side, the
four proposed lectures for this year
have been planned to cover a wide
variety of topics.
Tickets for the Marriage Lec-
ture Series will be on sale from 9
a.m. to noon and from 1:30 to 5:30
p.m. today and tomorrow in the
Undergraduate Offices of the Lea-
gue. Tickets for, the set of four
lectures are priced at $1.50.
22 Commissions
Direct commissions in the Air
Force are being offered in 22 ca-
reer fields to senior and graduate
students, according to ROTC
An officer procurement team

Action in the disbarment pro-
ceedings, started in January,
1952, had been held up pending
outcome of Hiss' appeal for a
new trial.
Three justices -- Frankfurter.
Reed, and Clark-took no part in
disposing of the two cases. Frank-
furter and Reed testified as char-
acter witnesses in Hiss' first trial

"It's lots of fun, even though
some of the boys are pretty ob-Truce


The IHC and the West Quad
SCouncil still remain neutral on
the issue, according to Sam Alfi-
eri, president of the quad council.


in New York. Clark was attorney ! wet(1 'To Speak
general at the time of the prose-
"uti". Ati Law Banquet

Hiss was convicted in January,
1950 of lying to a New York grand
jury when he said he had not given
government secrets to Whittaker
Chambers, self-described courier
for a pre-World War II Russian
spy ring.
Hiss is serving a five-year sen-
tence in the federal prison at

win a new trial.

Harrison Tweed, 'president of
the American Law Institute and
the American Legal Aid Society,
will speak at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow atE
a banquet in the League Ballroom
honoring winners of the Campbell
Case Club Competition.
Final round arguments in the
competition, which, started last
fall in the law school, will be at
2:15 p.m. tomorrow in Hutchins

will talk to interested students to- 1 Lewisburg, Pa.
day through Thursday on the third His petition for a parole was de-
floor of the Union. nied last November.

Adjourn Short
Peace Talks
.By The :associated Press
The Allies early today threaten-
ed to suspend once again the new-
ly-revived Korean armistice talks
unless the Communists produce a
constructive proposal on the cru-
cial prisoner exchange issue.
Lt. Gen. William K. Harrison Jr.,
senior United Nations Command
delegate, opened the 39-minute
session by asking the Red dele-
gates whether they were ready to
nominate a neutral nation to su-
pervise the war prisoners who
don't wont to go home.
Harrison told the Reds bluntly
in the third day's session of the
renewed talks:
"We do not intend to become
involved in protracted and use-
less arguments." The UN broke
off the talks last Oct. 8 for that
Meanwhile, the first group of
repatriated American prisoners of
war were scheduled to leave Tok-
yo from Haneda Airport for the
U.S. early today.
Selective Test
To Be Offered
Students who missed the April
23 Selective Service College Qual-

London, Hess To Highlight 1953-54 Season
_______ * * *-.-, __--------- * * * 4

League, Union
Boards Meet
A meeting of the League Board
of Governors and the Union Board
of Directors will be held at 8 p.m.
tomorrow in the Union.
Discussion on the coed union
problem is planned but formal ac-
tion is not expected.

will talk on "Art and the Comic
Strip" June 25.
On July 1, Kenneth Millar,
author of mystery novels, will
lecture on "The Scene of Crime:
Social Meanings of the Detec-
tive Story."
"The Birth of the Blues" is the
title of a talk to be given by W. C.
Handy, composer of "The St. Louis,
Topics to be discussed by panels
will include "Censorship and Pop-
ular Literature," Science Fiction"
and "The Popular Arts in Amer-

George London, Myra Hess and'
more than 12 other star perform-
ers will highlight next year's 75th.
annual Choral Union and Extra
Concert Series, Charles Sink, pres-
ident of the University Musicalj
Society, announced yesterday.
The 10-concert season will open
Oct. 7 with Metropolitan Opera
coloratura soprano Roberta Peters,
who will make her Ann Arbor de-
but on that occasion.<

Feb. 28 and Elena Nikolaidi, -con-
tralto of the Metropolitan Opera
will perform March 12.
DAME MYRA HESS, who can-
celled her May Festival engage-
ment because of illness, will give
the closing concert in the Choral
Union Series March 17.
In the Extra Concert Series
five concerts will be presented.
On Oct.12 Guoar .Novaes.

siah" will take place Dec. 5 andI
6 with a new cast of soloists.
Soprano Maud Nosler, contralto
Carol Smith, tenor Walter Fred-
ericks and Metropolitan Opera
bass, Norman Scott will partic-
ipate in the program, along with
the Choral Union, the Musical
Society Orchestra and org~tni~t
Mary McCall Stubbins, under
the direction of Lester McCoy.
The annual Chamber Music Fes-

i .

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