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April 26, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-04-26

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SUNDAY, APRIL 26, 1953



On The Egyptian Revolution
*Farouk Fiddled While Cairo Burned

"And Some Of Those Countries Aren't
American At All"

WASHINGTON-As the fateful Korean
truce talks are resumed, the hope lingers
on in official circles that the Soviets and
their Chinese Communist allies are gen-
uinely eager for an easing of world tensions.
But this hope is notably dimmer than it was
a few weeks ago.
The main reason for this dimming of
hope is to be found in the small, little-
known, jungle-covered state of Laos, in
The Communist invasion of Laos may be
directly connected with the Soviet-Chinese
initiative which has led to the Korean truce
talks. If this is so, it may also be that the
invasion of Laos and the current Soviet
peace offensive, including the Korean truce
talks, were planned some time ago, before
the death of Stalin.
Both the Chinese and Indo-Chinese Com-
munists began hammering on a new, propa-
ganda theme even before Stalin died. The
new theme is menacingly reminiscent of
Japan's war-time drive for a "Greater East
Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere." The Commun-
ists have been beating the drums for the
creation of a "Greater Thai Area."
This new "Democratic Peoples' Repub-
lic"' would consist of Laos which is largely
inhabited by Thais, the northern state of
Burma, and of course, Thailand itself.
Such place names have little meaning to
most Americans, which is one reason why
the Communist invasion of Laos, which took
place after the Soviet peace offensive start-
ed, has not received much attention. For
the "Greater Thai Area" is in fact the
heartland of South East Asia: If this area
falls into Communist hands, the rest of
Burma and Indo-China will be flanked, and
the British position in Malaya rendered al-
most untenable. South East Asia, in turn,
with its immense reservoir of untapped
riches and its strategic situation, is the
key to all Asia.
The invasion of Laos by Indo-Chinese
Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap's forces is a logical
first step in a drive to establish the "Great
Thai Area."
Laos is virtually defenseless. Aging King
Sisavang Vong has a few thousand native
troops. But the Laotians are a cheerful,
indolent, and notably unmartial people,
and it is highly improbable that they will
put up much of a fight against Giap's
hardened guerilla veterans.
The French are trying desperately to re-
inforce their Laotian garrison, which
amounts to hardly more than a corporal's
guard. But reinforcements are possible only
by air, and the rainy season, which will
transform the Laotian airfields into a sea
of mud, soon starts.
There is a risk involved for the Commun-
ist forces, to be sure-the risk that the
French and loyal Indo-Chinese will be able
to cut off their supply lines at the base. But
full Communist control of Laos unquestion-
ably seems a prize worth taking risks to
Laos Is a long, thin hand, holding
Thailand in its trip, and punching up
against Northern Burma. If the Com-
munists wish to establish their "Greater
Thai Area" In a hurry, Laos provides the
ideal jumping-off place for an invasion
of Thailand or Burma.
If they were willing to wait, an overt
invasion might not be necessary. Infiltra-
tion and other pressures might topple weak-
ly defended and political turbulent Siam
and Burma of their own weight.
The more pessimistic officials interpret
these facts in some such fashion as follows.
As George Kennan and others have pointed
out, the process of Communist imperial ex-
pansion is like the flowing of a great mass of
liquid, which continues to spread out, around
obstacles which stop it. The Chinese Com-
munists have been stopped in Korea. Their
Indo-Chinese allies have been stopped in
Viet Nam. The invasion of Laos represents
a flowing-around process.
Before starting the flow, according to this
interpretation, a major peace offensive ac-
companied by a Korean truce -initiative

would offer certain very great advantages.
It would serve to concentrate the attention
of the United States and its allies on Korea.
If a Korean truce were actually negotiated,
this would free the hands of the Chinese
Communists for a drive on South East Asia.
At the same time, the negotiations ini
Korea combined with the increased pres-
sure in Indo-China might impel the French,
weary of the terrible burden of the Indo-
Chinese war, to agree to a "truce" of some
kind in Indo-China. This would simplify
the problem of seizing control of South
East Asia.
This sounds all too logical. But it is of
course purely speculative, and less pessi-
mistic officials claim that Americans
usually give the Communist leaders too
much credit for far-sighted deviousness.
The invasion of Laos, following on the
heels of the Kremlin's peace offensive and
the Korean truce initiative, may have
been a purely local and coincidental mat-
But at least the above facts serve in part
to explain why Indo-China has been on
the agenda of the National Security Council
for five consecutive meetings of the Coun-
cil. What is hannening in the strange little

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Prof. Ramzi, of Fouad I
University, Cairo, is on loan to the University
political science department, under the auspices
of both a Fulbright and Ford Foundation fellow-
ship. He was among the Egyptian intelligentsia
who "participated" in the July revolution which
ousted King Farouk. Prof. Ramzi anticipated the
Egyptian Revolution in a pamphlet entitled
"Studies in Politics and Applied Government,"
published three months prior to the coup. An
excerpt from that tract is cited below.)
"We are of the opinion that revolution is a le-
gitimatespoitical instrument underscertain
conditions. It is the culmination of successful
political achievement to effect revolution when
necessary. The world owes much of its progress
to triumphant revolutions. It is a pity that the
term revolution has been painted in very dark
hues on the public mind. This is unfair and
technically wrong."
t c -Mohammad Tawfik Ramzi
Three months before the Egyptian
Professor of Political Science
rTHE BURNING of Cairo on January 26,
1952, by the agents of Farouk and the Brit-
ish, was definitely the last straw on the
camel's back. It was clearly visible that the
unholy alliance between the ruling family
and the British occupying forces was des-
perately gasping for a new lease of life. It
is little wonder for both groups were foreign
to Egypt, and both were bent on retaining
their position intact, come what may. The
British since their forcible occupation of
the country in 1882 realised that they
could not preserve for any length of time
their illegal position without the internal
connivance of the ruling family. Similarly
that family, whose folly and unprecedented
extravagances have turned the hearts of
the people, against it could not remain se-
cure without the help of the British.
Active steps to get rid of both enemies
actually started, took shape and effect
with the Orabi Revolution 1881-2. That
was followed by another attempt in 1919,
and a third in 1935, and a fourth in 1946,
and a fifth in 1951. The prevailing idea
was to beat down first and overcome the
weaker of the two enemies, namely the
foreign intruders from Britain. It was
considered easier to marshall in unity and
determination the country's strength
against the external foe.
After the burning of Cairo it became ap-
parent to all revolutionary leaders in Egypt,
and there were not a few of them, that if
the King is done away with together with
his family and all they stood for, the uncon-
stitutional power of the corrupt palace clique
would come to an end, and in its tail the
last vestige of British power in the land
would also be abruptly severed.
* * * *
THE OMINOUS cry 'down with the king'
proclaimed for the first time at Fouad
University, Cairo, was now echoed in the
streets and public squares of the turbulent
metropolis. Without trial or due process of
the law prisons and concentration camps
opened their gates to steadily increasing
numbers of intellectuals and patriots. In
the course of seven months, five ministerial
cabinets were formed and resigned. Repres-
sive measures were taken against any ris-
ing voice. Ruthless censorship weighed heav-
ily on the hearts and minds but it could
not effectively silence or contain the cres-
cendo or thunderous calls to revolution. A
weekly magazine consistently depicted the
king as a horrible monster and called its
caricatures 'corruption.'
More than any other term, the word
'revolution' was in quick circulation.
Summer temperature began to rise and
with it tempers. The king retired to his
summer resort in Alexandria. With him went
his invincible military guards, caterers for
his vice, companions, servants, and cabi-
net ministers, in that order of preference
and scale of values according to the diseas-
ed mentality of the incorrigible monarch.
* * * *
ON THE EVE of July 23, 1952, in the cool
of the night, a lieutenant General of

FF I ' U ;i, k E e , I
At the State.
TONIGHT WE SING, with David Wayne,
Ezio Pinza, Isaac Stern, etc.
SPECIAL recommendations from theater
managers notwithstanding, this is not a
very good picture, even for those who prefer{
caviar. It pretends to be the story of im-
pressario Sol Hurok's rise to fame, but like
so many splashy technicolor show businessl
biographies is sentimentalized, idealized and
embroidered beyond any semblance of "real
David Wayne, who is given the role of
Hurok, is probably the leading character,
but he seems as much a supporting player
as the rest. He is only a personification of
"integrity, ingenuity and imagination," the
qualities for which he is praised by Ezio
Pinza (Feodor Chaliapin) early in the film.
To be sure, the standard romantic difficul-
ties are as present as ever, but he is both-

the Army called Mohammad Naguib was
sitting quietly with a few friends. Sipping
their iced drinks, they talked generally, con-
centrating on no particular topic, least of all,
politics and the army. To all outward ap-
pearance the reticent general was in his
natural element and humour. But a storm
must have been raging furiously in his mind,
for that was indeed zero hour minus a few
minutes! Languidly the friends said 'good
night' and went home. No sooner had Naguib
left than the wheels of fate and revolution
began to turn with breath-taking speed. A
batch of commandos occupied the Broad-
casting offices and transmitting station. An-
other contingent in armoured cars and
tanks stormed the Army Headquarters aft-
er slight resistance. Mobile forces were dis-
patched to strategic locations in the city
and around embassies and legations.
Instead of the usual morning news bul-
letin, listeners all over Egypt and the
world heard a very strong indictment of
government corruption and the king. It
ended by asking everyone to do his duty.
That bugle to action sounded notes of hope
in the heart of every true patriot. Jet
fighter planes went zooming at very low
altitudes in the skies of Cairo and Alex-
andria. The Cabinet resigned, the king and
his entourage was paralyzed. The king's
emissaries were nonchalantly dismissed
and instructed to tell 'His Majesty,' that
this was 'It.' "Anything to save the situa-
tion and retain my place," said the king.
Demands were made by the movement and
immediately granted. The King's hangers
on and palace clique were all dismissed
their offices, and left their master alone.
Rats behaved in the true character of
rats when the ship was sinking.
The mere retention of the king on the
throne was an anti-climax to the whole
movement of liberation. The association of
university professors in Cairo, declared that
'evil must be curbed from the roots.' Every-
one knew then that that was a clear demand
for the abdication of the king. The whole
country rallied behind the professors.
* ** *
EARLY IN the morning of July 26, 1953,
powerful armoured and infantry units
of the army had surrounded Ras-el-Tin
palace in Alexandria where the king was
seeking asylum, surrounded by his guards.
An impetuous Guards captain opened fire
on the army of liberation, soon to be met
by a terrific barrage that rocked to the
foundation the palace and all who were in it.
In a few moments Guards emissaries came
out with white flags in hand. An hour longer
than eternity passed before Premier Maher
told the king solemnly "Your Majesty, they
are demanding your abdication before 12
o'clock noon, and your eviction from the
country before 6 p.m." So it was.
At 6:05 p.m. the yacht carrying the ex-
king and his children was on its way
"Western ahoy." With the exiled ex-king,
went a woman called Narriman, osten-
sibly having the legal status of a wife, but
in fact and at heart, a moral degenerate,
accepting for herself a position that the
humblest of Egyptian peasant women
would have found beneath her dignity. In-
famy surrounded her when she married
on the understanding of sharing her hus-
band with other women. Greater infamy
will forever follow her for giving up the
husband of her choice when the halo of
vainglory gave place to a crown of thorns.
In the course of a few months reforrs
were effected that would under normal cir-
cumstances have taken generations to ac-
complish, if at all. The splendid achieve-
ments of this ancient yet young and aspir-
ing country have no doubt dazzled and ar-
rested the attention of the world. But tha
is only the beginning. Greater progress, in
freedom and equity, with rad.iant hopes will,
I am sure, be attained by that youngest of
all democratic republics to be: Egypt

well; but they simply get in the way. If
the purpose of the film, and of this we are
repeatedly assured, is to present the story
of Hurok, then much too much footage goes
to the artists he managed. Actually biogra-
phy is just a secondary part, and the effect
is really similar to that of the Soviet "Grand
Concert." There is a lot of music and ballet,
most of it worthwhile, but the story in "To-
night We Sing" is as much a barrier as the
propaganda was in "Grand Concert."
-Tom Arp
THE FEAR of communism in this country
is not reasonable. It is a phenomenon as
old as civilized society, but its wide prev-
alence and its possible dominance here im-
ply a radical change of the character of the
dominant race and a reversal of all the tra-
ditions of civilization. It is at war with the
national common sense, and that may be




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The Daily welcomes communications, from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

Opera .. .
To The Editor:
T SEEMS to me that a few words
of appreciation and recognition
of fine work are due to the School
of Music and the Department of
Speech, and especially to Prof.
Josef Blatt, for the fine work done
in presenting the two opera pro-
ductions of the year.
The cast, orchestra, and direc-
tors receive their share of recog-
nition from the persons attending
the performances, and from the
critics in the "Daily" and the "Ann
Arbor News," but there are many

The South African government
has contemptuously ignored both
the Human Rights Declaration and
the General Assembly's resolution
over the jurisdiction of South West
Africa. These violations pose this
question for Americans: Should
such a member nation (Union of
South Africa) be permitted to de-
liberate and vote on crucial mat-
ters relating to human freedoms
and world peace?
-L. V. Naidoo
* * *
GC Statement...
To the Editor:





orlc'i 'l3- 1 ?i t..oc rt.
Y K W.4i * PpreN Post ce

others who deserve the thanks of THE Graduate Student Council
the University's show-going many has sent the following letter
for their work in the background. to the President and Regents of
I refer to the unseen multitude of the University. We would like to
workers on sets, costumes, light- call it to the attention of the cam-
ing, promotion, tickets, and the pus community.
many other factors which com- "The Graduate Student Council
bine to make the productions a of the University of Michigan
success maintains the philosophy that
Ann Arbor, and the University graduate study is a cooperative ef-
are indeed fortunate to have this fort of mature, responsible and
means of becoming at least ac- inquiring minds engaged in the
quainted with grand opera. Al- search for truth and the intelli-
though hampered by the lack of gent application of such truth to
an auditorium large enough to the problems of our time.
make productions on a grand scale "The Council believes that this
fnancially sound.' Prof. Blatt andI vital enterprise nan Pexit nt d




The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Noticesshould be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (before
11 a.m. on Saturday).
SUNDAY, APRIL 26, 1953
Vol. LII, No. 140
Student Loans for Men. Students un-
able to pay in full loans due on or
before June 1, should see Miss zimmer
immediately in 1059 Administration
Building. The Student Loan Commit-
tee will meet on the following dates:
April 28, May 5, 19, and 28. Applica-
tions should be completed and appoint-
ments made before scheduled meetings.
Education School make-up Examina-
tions. For all wishing to get teaching
certificates who did not take'the battery
of Freshman examinations on entering
Michigan. and are graduating in June
or August. Business Administration.
Room 130, Tues., Apr. 28, from 7 to 11
Attention Seniors. Cap and Gown
orders are now being taken at Moe's
Sport Shop at 711 North University.
Measurements will be taken upon or-
dering the gowns. Drop down soon and
avoid the rush.
Mortgage Loans. The University is in-
terested in making first-mortgage loans
as investments of its trust fundsrThe
Investment Office. 3015 Administration
Building, will be glad to consult with
anyone considering building or buying
a home, or refinancing an existing mort-
gage or land contract. Appointments
may be made by calling Extension
Personnel Requests.
American Airlines will have a repre-
sentative on May 7 and 8 at the Shera-
ton Cadillac Hotel in Detroit to talk
to women interested in becoming Stew-
Elgin, Joliet, and Eastern Railway Co.,
of Joliet, Ill., has an opening for a
Civil Engineer and also one for an Ar-
chitectural Engineer. The work would
be in connection with design, estima-
tion, and preparation of construction
The American Agricultural C hemi-
cal Co., of Detroit, isrinterested in o-
taining the services a Chemist, prefer-
ably a Physical Chemist, for a position
in Research and Development. Some
travel is involved from Chicago to Bos-
ton with Detroit as the home base.
The Philadelphia Naval Shipyard an-
nounces examinations for student
Trainee positions for the summer in
the following fields: Mechanical, Elec-
trical, Electronic, Metallurgical, Chem-
ical, Aeronautical, and Structural En-
gineering, and also Chemistry and Phys-
The May Co., of Cleveland, Ohio,
has open a position for a woman as
Assistant Buyer, and also another po-
sition for a woman in their Personnel
The Montgomery County Personnel
Board, of Rockville, Md., o ers summer
positions as Planning Aide to those
with work in City Planning, Regional
Planning, Architecture, Landscape Ar-
chitecture, or Civil Engineering.
The Sutherland Paper Co., of Kala-
mazoo, Mich., is in need of men to fill
positions as Industrial Salesmen.
Those interested should contact the
Bureau of Appointments.
Engineering & Research Corp.,of Riv-
erdale, Md., has open various Engineer-
ing positions for Design, Development,
and Production.
Michigan State Highway Commis-
sion, of Detroit, would like to hear from
young men interested in work as Traf-
fic Survey Field men. Individuals with
degres in Business Administration Sta-
tistics, Psychology, or Engineering may
The Detroit Civil Service Commission
has sent to the Bureau of Appointments
a large series of announcements for var-
ious positions for LSA, Business Admin-
istration, Engineering, Health, etc. stu-
dents. rhere are some available ope-
ings for those with two years of college
The Wayne County Civil Service an-
nounces examination for Personnel As-
sistant. This is open to both men and
wome and the work would include tech-
nical aspects of Public Personnel Ad-
ministration. Application blanks are
available at the Bureau of Appoint-
The Pennsylvania Civil Service Com-
mission announces examination for the
fnlwn niinronoin-a Ann-a-

"AA.aA" vaurv. cv tu ta Li mui xsu ana
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Adn.n- his co-workers have done their flourish only in an atmosphere of
istration Building, Ext. 371. best, and -dad, very much, to- free inquiry and research in an
wa.d ,ie "rebirth" of grand opera institution dedicated to the pres-
Lectures in this country. ervation and protection of aca-
The Hayward Keniston Lecture on -Malin VanAntwerp, 55L demic freedom.
Liberal Education and Democratic In- * * * "The Council wishes to express
stitutions; auspices of the Collegerof YR St temente . . . its deep concern with the increas-
Literature, Science, and the arts, RStemn inl.evr.n dneos.het
"Democracy and Anti-Intellectualism in ingly severe and dangerous threats
America," Richard Hofstadter, Pro- To The Editor: to academic freedom in the Unit-
fessor of History, Columbia University, ed States, which are being direct-
Mon., Apr. 27, 4:15 p.m. Rackham Lec- AT OUR last meeting, we Young ed-at the undermining and de-
ttre Hall. Republicans resolved to re- struction of the very process of
quest in most urgent fashion that scholarly endeavor by reducing it
University Lecture, auspices of the our two Michigan Senators and s a c ndexrcey cn
Department of Anatomy and the Medi- ongressman Meader insist upon to a conformist exercise that can
cal School, "Circulatory Changes inslead only to intellectual sterility
the Fetus at Birth" (illustrated), Dr. the taking of prompt action to and moral stagnation.
Samuel R. M. Reynolds, Physiologist insure an immediate end to the ademoltaatio
and Lecturer in Obstetrics, Johns Hop- frightful inhumanities visited up- -The Council takes note of the
kins University, and Acting Director, significant ifluence these threats
Department of Embryology, Carnegie on our prisoners in Communist have had upon American colleges
Institution of washington, Baltimore, hands. It is as well-documented and universities in general and
Maryland, Tues., Apr. 28, 4 p.m., Rack- as it ever can be that inoffensive that there has been some improve-
ham Amphitheater. United nations prisoners have ment in this University's generally
been systematically ill-treated and positive attempt to withstand
A cad e tic NOtice s brutally murdered by the"agrar- these attacks.
ian reformers" who hold hamrand poitv atep to wthtn
The University Extension Service an- deny captive Americans the pro- "The Council believes that the
nlounces the following course:deycpieA rcastero University has the ability and ob-
Delightful Things to be Done in Lat- tection of international law and liatit sas te tbitetfnd-
er Maturity. This course s designed to recognized rules of warfare. amental American faith in the in-
some experience in various types of ac It is indeed sickening to realize tellectual vigor and moral judge-
tivities of interest to older adults. Con- that nothing has been done, in ment of its student-citizens.
sideration will be given to the things three long years, on the part of "The Council wishes to express
lder peopleand sko fs thaetcommuni our Government, to protect ade- its expectation and trust that the
veloped or practiced In later years, quately the welfare of captured Uniiversity will be ever more pre-
methods and place of training for var- United Nations servicemen. We pared to maintain and defend the
sous skills. Workshops and studios of are not attempting, needless to academic freedom of its faculty
successful workers will be visited. Six say, to make political capital out and student body.
weeks. $5.00. Instructors:W ilmaT. * of the misery of tortured Ameri- "The Council wishes to pledge
Donahue and others. The first meeting
of the class will be held at 7:30 p.m., can captives. Such protests are, its full and unswerving support to
Mon., Apr. 27, in Room 171 of the of course, far more constructive the University in this defense of
School of Business Administration on than pleas to save the atom spies. freedom of thought and inquiry
Monroe Street. Students may register Rather, we should like to take which is the essence of the whole
in the half-hour preceding the first the lead learnin
meeting of the class. among campus groups in learning process and the meaning
demanding that responsible steps of the word, 'University.' "
Interdepartmental Seminar on Meth- be taken and that the well-being -The Graduate Student Council
ods of Machine Computation. Meeting of utterly defenseless captives be Alan Davis, President
at 4:30 p.m. on Mon., Apr. 27, 429 Ma - gvntppirt.W ugs
son Hall. "Design Problems in aSimple given top priority. We suggest
Computer Now Under Construction at that any other interested personsTi
the University of Michigan," by Prof. communicate at once with their iIS Angell .
N. A. Scott, Electrical Engineering. Senators and the congressman To the Editor
Mathematics Colloquium. Monday from their own home district. The
(otetheunusual day), Apr. 27, at 4 YRs have made a start, and we FCING West on State Street
p.m., 3011 Angell Hall. Dr. Makoto Oht- hope that groups and individuals between North University and
suka, of Nagoya and Harvard Univer- of all political faiths may follow. South University is an imposing,
sities, will speak on Asymptotic values -Jasper B. Reid, Jr., President white stoned, eight pillared build-
of functions analytic in the unit circle. Young Republicans ing the name and specific fune-
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics, * * tion of which have long meant
will meet Tues., Apr. 28, from 2 to 4 S tconfusion to many individuals.
in 3217 Angell Hall. South*Afria * Now a large elaborate sign con-







Faculty Concert. Benning Dexter,
pianist, will be heard at 4:15 Sundayj
afternoon, Apr. 26, in Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theater. His program will open
with compositions by Destouches, Cam-
pra, Couperin, and Loeilly; Beethoven'sI
Sonata in E, Op. 109, and Scriabin's So-
nata in F-sharp major, Op. 30, will com-
plete the first half. After intermission
Mr. Dexter will play Scherzo in E, Op.
54, by Chopin. variations on a Theme
of Alban Berg by Ross Lee Finney, Com-
poser in Residence at the University.,

To the Editor:
TO THE 8,000,000 non-whites in
South Africa who are actually
denied voting rights and have only
token representation in parlia-
ment, a "Malan" victory or a
"Strauss" victory would have
meant no change in the white su-
premacy practices against those
peoples. The recent "elections" are
a farce in so far as democratic pro-
cedures are concerned.

spicuously informs all that this is
Angell Hall, home of the College
of Literature, Science and the
Arts, and now every doubt has
been stricken from minds at this,
our magnificent, wonderful, own
University of Minnesota.
-E. Sterlin Sader

and Copland's El Salon Mexico. The Malan's victory means not only
general public will be admitted without that the whites steadfastly adhere
charge, to the fascist concept of race su-
Student Recital. Betty Lou Ratliff, periority, but that they prefer also
pianist, will be heard in a recital at Malan's policies in subjugating the
8:30 Monday evening, Apr. 27, in the! non - whites. Consequently the
Rackham Assembly Hall. It will include
works by Bach, Beethoven, Debussy, plight of Africans, Coloreds, and
and Schumann and will be open to Indians is far graver now than dur-
the public. Miss Ratliff is a pupil of Ava ing the first five-year term (1948-
Comin Case and will play the recital 1953) of the present government.
in partial fulfillment of the require- What Malan most needed was a
ments for the degree of Master of Mu-
sic, new term in office to complete leg-
islation which would force the non-
Student Recital. Helen Karg, pianist, whites into ghettos and relegate
will be heard at 8:30 Tuesday evening, them to a status of virtual slavery.
Apr. 28, in Auditorium A, Angell Hall,
playing a recital in partial fulfillment In the elections, he has played his
of the requirements for the degree of cards well. Though he faced tem-
Bachelor of Music. Her program will porary setbacks in the supreme
include compositions by Handel, Schu- court decisions, he never toned
bert, Beethoven, and Finney, and willcordeionh nvrtnd
be open to the public. Miss Karg is a down his ravings about the "threat
pupil of Marian Owen. to white civilization" in South Af-
rica. The equally racist opposition
Exhibitions was less vociferious in champion-
Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial ing jimcrowism.
Hall. Exhibit of Accessions 1952 and With an increased"and safe ma-
Modern Bible Illustration. Open through jority, Malan's government has
April 28 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on week- been given the green light to carry
days; from 2 to 5 p.m. on Sundays. The ut his policies ruthlessly. At-
public is invited. Iothsplce uhesy t
{ tempts to fulfill this program will
Events Today undoubtedly result in the inten-
I sification of the struggles by the
open Forum at Lane Hall, 8 p.m. All non-whites for survival.
.,..lfi n4.. vit rl



Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young. Managing Editor
Barnes Counble...... .....City Editor
Cal Samra .... Editorial Director
Zander Hollander. .. Feature, Editor
Sid Klaus . Associate City Editor
Harland !3ritz.........Associate Editor
Donna Hendleman .... Associate Editor
Ed Whipple.Sports Editor
John Jenke. ... Associate Sports Sditor
Dick Se.vell....Associate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler Women's Editor
Mary Jane ils, Assoc. Women's Editor
Don Campbel......Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Al Green Business Manager
Milt Goetz Advertising Manager
Diane .ohnston Assoc. Business Msr.



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