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March 31, 1953 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1953-03-31

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hirty-One Candidates Run


Twenty SL Posts


A VaoAiS Vo1e Opinions



n imiajorm ainpus issues
Thirty-one Student Legislature candidates today and tomorrow
will watch the campus elect 20 of their number to fill SL posts.
The week and a half of campaigning for "first place votes" and
waiting for them to be cast will be climaxed in lengthy ballot-count-
ing sessions tomorrow night in the Union.
* * * *
NINETEEN OF THE candidates elected will serve full year
terms on SL. The twentieth to emerge from the ballot count is elected
to a semester term.
To sound out candidates' opinions on issues of campus im-
portance, The Daily again distributed election questionnaires,
which read as follows:
1. Which of the four possible student government organization
plans do you favor:
A. Status quo
B. Addition of an administrative council composed of organiza-
tional representatives in an advisory capacity to the present SL.
C. Unicameral congress with both directly elected and organiza-
tional representatives.
D. Bicameral legislature with one house directly elected and one
house composed of organizational representatives.
2. Should the planned expanded Union facilities be made co-
3. Do you feel that SL should push for a non-profit bookstore?
A. No
B. Yes, on the North Campus
C. Yes, in the proposed Union addition
D. Yes, as an enlargement of the present book-exchange
4. What specific projects would you like to see SL initiate in the
near future?
5. What SL committees would you like to work on?
Individual candidates' names, questionnaire answer and state-
ments appear below.
* * * ______________________

the fact that I, as a student, feel
that several urgent, constructive
measures must be put into immedi-
ate effect, for my welfare and for
that of the entire student body-
among these being: the reorgani-
zation of the system of representa-
tion to SL and the assimilation to
a greater degree of foreign stu-
dents into the community of the
Davidson, Dave, '54
1. C; 2. Ies; 3. C; 4. having
regular meetings with faculty
and administration personnel to
let them know what SL is do-
ing; 5. Cinema Guild.
I have always had a latent in-
terest in SL and its purposes, and
now, as a pre-legal concentrate, I
am sure that SL could fulfill my
own ambitions; moreover, I now
feel that I will be able to provide
a positive contribution to SL.
Ely, Bob, '55E
1. B; 2. Yes; 3. Yes, wherever
practicl; 4. follow up on non-
profit bookstore and coordina-
tion with other campus organi-
zations; 5. Campus Action, Ca-

It is my belief that the Student
Book Exchange should be expand-
ed and each living unit supplied
with collection boxes, that the stu-
dent advisors program should be
strengthened and extended to the
College of Engineering and that an
effective and inexpensive public
relations and education program
should be inaugurated to counter-
act current student apathy towards
* * * *
Gordon, Keith, '55
1. B; 2. Yes; 3. B; 4. more stu-
dent representation, pre-regis-
tration; action on driving ban;
5. Public Relations, Campus Ac-
I will try to see that SL takes
some action on the issues the stu-
dents present and to make SL a
more active organization rather
than just a figurehead.
Hampton, Vic,
'54 BA d.
1. A; 2. Yes; 3. C; 4. conscien-
tious completion of present pro-
jects; 5. Public Relations, Cul-
ture and Education.
My work for the past year as a

I believe that student govern~-member of the Administrative
Swing and recently as Treasurer of
ment is basically very worthwhile. Cinema Guild and as an appoint-
I feel that my three semesters on ed member of the Legislature has
our SL will be of great value to given me an idea of the jobs which
me in working for a more effectivem dns whsnd
SL through improved relations for the Legislatures
with other campus organizations, *
the students whom we claim to re-
present and the administration. Hatla1UIer, Dieter,
* * * I

Bachman, Larry L.
'54 Ed.
1. C; 2. No.; 3. C; 4. no answer;
5. Cinema Guild.
The electorate definitely feels
that SL is ineffective and of little
consequence as a governing body.
I believe that drastic measures
should be taken to restore confi-
dence in the Legislature and make
it meaningful. The Constitution
needs revising. In this manner, stu-
dent government will reflect the
real desire of the student body.
Having accomplished a fundmen-
tal change, SL will be ready to
consider specific issues.

Baldwin, Lorraine,
1. A; 2. Yes; 3. D; 4. a tax on
students of as little as 14 cents
payable with tuition which would
make possible a stable source of
income, also student voting re-
presentation on University com-
mittees; 5. Public Relations,
Campus Action.
I would like to serve on SL mak-
ing a special effort to promote stu-
dent awareness of SL's aims and
projects. Only with this awareness
on the part of the student body
and their support can our student
government become an effective
and representtive organization.
Berliner, Hank, '56
1. B; 2. no opinion; 3. D; 4.
pre-registration, uniform elec-
tion laws, abolition of discrimin-
atory housing and scholarships;
5. Campus Action.
I favor student representation
on faculty committees concerned
with student affairs, removal of
driving ban and appointment of
SL members to represent, directly,
specific student housing units. As
a member of the Legislature, I
would endeavor to think, speak
and act in the best interests of
the student body.
- -* * *
Chigrinsky, Bob,
1. C; 2. Yes; 3. D; 4. I would
like to see SL initiate its own
reorganization, thereby render.
ing this body more representa-
tive of the students; 5; Campus
Action, International.
It would be an outright breech
of honesty if I were not to admit
that I desire the prestige which
is accorded an elected representa-
tive. More prevalent, however, is

Carol Lee, '55
1. B; 2. Yes; 3. D; 4. legisla-
tion to further international
students' integration, as a quo-
ta system in housing units; 5.
International Human Relations.
I want to serve on SL to help'
implement plans already begun
and to aid in initiating others I
feel necessary. Of course, I will do
my best to represent student opin-
ion on the Legislature. I parti-
cularly want to serve on the In-
ternational Committee where I
feel I can contribute the most to
the Legislature by virtue of my
knowledgeand interest in the'
problems and aspirations of this
segment of our University com-
* * *
Gilman, Rick y,'55
1. A; 2. Yes; 3. C; 4. compul-
sory education for candidates
wherein they can learn the laws
of the University and their ap-
plications, and a system to make
each person on SL directly res-
ponsible to a group on campus;
5. Campus Action.
The apparent administrative, fa-G
culty, and student indifference to
the aspirations of SL is a stark ar-
ticulation of the serious challenge
threatening SL on this campus. To
realize its potentiality, SL must
raise the standards for candidates.
prepare future members and inte-
grate the resources of the Univer-
. *
Glover, Fritz, '55F
1. A, unless C can be proven
workable; 2. Yes; 3. D; 4. an
examination of SL's internal or-
ganization; 5. Culture and Edu-

1. A; 2. Yes; 3. D; 4. an organ-
ization for freshmen to give
them more and better informa-
tion concerning the possible ac-
tivities on campus which they
could join; 5. Campus Action
and Intercollegiate.
As treasurer of the student gov-
ernment of my high school I de-
veloped a deep interest in all forms
of student government. I have
been participating in my house
government but now I wish to
branch out into campus govern-
ment. It is my serious desire to
serve the student body to the best
of my ability.
** *
Harris, Larry, '56
1. A; 2. Yes; 3. D; 4. a more ex-
tensive student book-exchange
and a new system of conducting
all-campus elections such as the
SL elections; 5. Campus Action,
Public Relations.
At present SL is not an effective
organization on this campus. It
lacks prestige, it is not responsible
to the needs of the students and
it is too often a mere debating
body. Since a strong and repre-
sentative student government is
essential, I would like to work on
SL in order to strengthen it and
make it more representative.
Hicks, Fred, '54
1. B; 2. Yes; 3. D; 4. fulfill-
ment of the present plan for stu-
dent representation on Univer-
sity committees; 5. Cinema
Guild Board, Book Exchange
If re-elected to SL, I would en-
deavor to expand and enlarge the
Student Book Exchange. I would
seek a method by which SL could
have a firm financial basis with
which to expand its projects and
services to a greater degree. I
would strive for student represen-
tation on administration and fa-
culty committees which affect stu-
dent life at Michigan. There
should be greater understanding
and co-ordination between SL and
various organizations on campus.

Jacobson, Marc, '55
1. C; 2. No; 3. C; 4. project to
assess each student a quarter at
most for SL, and student voting
representation on faculty com-
mittees; 5. Intercollegiate, Cam-
pus Action.
Student Legislature is a repre-
sentative of the students, and as
such is obligated to them. I want
to see that the students' interests
are acted upon in the students'
best interest. Naturally this can
best be done by serving on SL.
Jacobus, Phil, '55
1. A; 2. Yes; 3. B; 4. registra-
tion by mail, and a small student
tax to help support SL; 5. Cam-
pus Action, Public Relations.
I believe that student govern-
ment on this campus should have
more power and should work to-
wards that goal by increased pub-
licity and closer relations with ex-
isting quad, fraternity and soror-
ity government.
* * *
Jessup, Mar yalice,
1. reorganization according to
party systems; 2. Yes; 3. C; 4.
student tax of 15 cents per stu-
dent to make SL financially
self-reliant; 5. International and
Campus Action.
I would like to serve on SL in or-
der to help with its many worth-
while programs, such as the Inter-
national Committee's present un-
dertakings, and to help instigate
the fuller use of some of its now
undeveloped powers.
klame, Sue, '55 a
1. A; 2. Yes; 3. D; 4. greater
coordination of SL with student
groups by directly communicat-
ing with the groups during the
formation of policies that may
affect them; 5. Campus Action,
Public Relations.
While speaking on SL's Speak-
ers Bureau I have become aware
of many other areas in which stu-
dents would like to see SL work. I
would.like to be on SL in order to
increase SL's efforts to obtain this
student opinion annd to effect it.
D(rol Barry, '56
1. D; 2. Yes; 3. D; 4. Lecture
Committee, academic freedom,
women's hours; 5. Public Rela-
tions, Campus Action.
During my attendance at this
University, I have pecome aware
of the activities of SL. I believe
that its worthwhile projects
should be continued and expand-
ed. However, the student body, in
general, does not show an aware-
ness of SL. I therefore, want and
shall strive to have the student
body become more awae of SL.
LaFond, Dolores,
'54 Ed.
1. A; 2. Yes; 3. D; 4. continua-
tion of faculty evaluations with
more emphasis on individual stu-
dents' criticism and comments,
and improvement of Cinema
Guild through use of a new aui-
torium and audience question-
naires to determine movie pref-
erencesi; 5. Intercollegiate Rela-
tions, Cinema Guild.
I have worked with SL for a
year now, as an appointed member
for just a few weeks, and I sin-
cerely believe in the ideals and
goals for which it is striving. Al-
though I do not think it is per-
feet, it is representative and demo-

cratic and a basis for any further
developments that are necessary.
Because I do believe in student
government I want to work with,
it and for it for the benefit of each
individual student and the Univer-
sity community as a whole.
* * *
Dominique, '56
1. C; 2. Yes; 3. C; 4. a student-
faculty committee to provide for
legal aid to foreign students; 5.
Campus Action, International.
I am running for SL because I
feel that, through this organiza-
tion, I can express and promote
some of the interests which many
of the members of the student
body have.
Eugene, '56E
1. C; 2. no definite opinion;
3. B; 4. I would like to see SL
concentrate on public relations,
a factor which has been neglect-
ed as evidenced by student opin-
ion; 5. Public Relations.
Student interest in SL must be
revitalized. Interest in SL has
lagged primarily because student
opinion has not been accurately
and effectively represented to its
full extent. If SL strives to rep-
resent more accurately the opin-
ion of the student body, it is
bound, by this action alone, to im-
prove its over-all effectiveness and
thereby revitalize student opinion.
Neary, Bob,
'54 BAd.
1. B; 2. Yes; 3. B; 4. further
student representation on Uni-
versity committees, and a "Mich-
igan Forum" plan to have stu-

dent, faculty, or administration
debates on University issues.
I. would like to continue my
wprk on the Legislature for the
third year. I believe my experience
can be of some help in promoting
effective student government. I
firmly believe in the purposes of
student body. I will devote every
effort to this task.
* * * ,
Netzer, Janet, '54
1. A; 2. Yes; 3. B and D; 4.
student tax, effective student
representation on curriculum
committees, improvement of ac-
ademic counseling; 5. Campus
Action, International.
I believe that my experience on
SL and in other campus organiza-
tions will enable me to work ef-
fectively for the accomplishment
of (1) greater student represen-
tation on joint faculty-administra-
tion-student committees, (2) ex-
change of ideas and expression of
student opinion on a national and
international level through NSA,
(3) centralization of the respon-
sibility for co-ordinating student
activities in SL to the greater ben-
efit of the student body as a whole,
(4) stable and adequate finances
to insure the continued efficient
functioning of SL.
*, * *
Rehn, Rosemary,
1. B; 2. Yes; 3. B; 4. referen-
dum on student tax, coordina-
tion of committees which have
the same duties and interests;;
5. Culture and Education, Pub-
lic Relations.
I believe that every college stu-
dent should have and take the op-
portunity to run his student gov-
erhment. For this reason, I de-
sire to work with faculty, admin-
istration and other students to
promote SL.

Rossner, Ruth, '55
1. B; 2. Yes; 3. C; 4., clarifica-
tion of Ann Arbor voting regu-
lations for students; 5. Culture
and Education, Campus Action.
I feel that my year and a'half of
work on the Legislature has
showed that I have the knowledge
and capability to help provide the
continuity the body needs. I sin-
cerely believe that students
should participate in shaping
their educations, and feel that I
can help this principle be realized.
Schechtman, Ethel,
1. B; 2. Yes; 3. C; 4. resolution
on academic freedom, legal aid
to foreign students; 5. Interna-
tional Committee, Human Rela-
I desire to serve on SL in order
to (1) strive for the defense of the
University against McCarthyite in-
vestigations, (2) help carry
through the student, mandate
against the Lecture Committee,
(3) strive for fair employment
practices by the University and
affiliates, (4) help guarantee civ-
il rights for foreign students, (5)
secure a student book store.
* * *
Simon, Ned, '55
1. A; 2. Yes; 3. D; 4. more stu-
dent representation on faculty
committees directly concerned
with students; 5. Campus Action.
The SL still has a long way to
go. The action of the administra-
tion in neglecting to consult any
phase of student opinion in chang-
ing the finals schedules aptly dem-
onstrates this point. SL needs
workers, not people who promise
revolutionary changes. I would
like to continue being one of those
See SL, Page 3








OVER ...
to the
soda bar

LOST-Ladies gold Elgin. Reward. Call
4533 Lloyd. 3-1561. )26L
LOST-Black, wool mittens on bus or
State St. vicinity. Ph. 7952. "27L
LOST-Yellow envelope with pictures
between 11:00 and 11:30 Saturday
morning; between Calkins Fletcher
Arcade and Madison St. Ph. 2-2646.
ARMY-NAVY type Oxfords--$6.88. Sox,
39c: Shorts, 69c: military supplies.
Sam's Store. 122 E. Washington. )7B
1941 DeSOTO, good running condition,
5 good tires, $180.00. Ph. 3-5996. )57F
1951 PLYMOUTH 4 -door Cranbrook.
Beautiful light blue. Best offer over
$1265 takes it. Excellent condition.
Ph. 2-5142. )58F
FOR SALE-Tuxedo, black. Size 40 long.
STuxedo shirt included. Like new.
Priced to sell. Ph. 2-4401. )59F
FOR FREE-Kimball piano. Must be
moved. Come and get it. 1124 E. Ann

Hot plate, near campus, maid service.
Call 2-7108. )21D
3-ROOM furnished campus apartment.
Private bath, first floor. Prefer girls.
Ph. 3-8454. )22D
KEEP S. L. out of hot water. Re-elect
TO CALIFORNIA-Riders wanted. Leav-
ing in new Chevi this week. Call
Hugh Gundel, 6943. .)7T
WANTED-Driver to Washington State,
reimbursement car expenses, new
Plymouth station wagon. Daytime
call 2-4561, night 2-4019 )9T
agent, also Willow Run airport serv-
ice. A. A. Yellow and Checker Cab Co.
Ph. 3-4244. )10T
LEAVING for Baltimore Friday after-
noon. Have room for riders. Share
expenses. Ph. 3-0521 ext. 194. )71T
to Willow Run afternoon and evening
of April 3. Tickets, window No. 9 AD.
Building Tues. - Thurs. 1-4. Reduced
rates. Return buses April 12, 7:30 on.
DISHWASHER -- Small Fraternity, 3
meals, machine. Full board, immediate
employment. Call S. L. Brown, 3-4707.
COUNSELORS for children's camp near
Delafield, Wisconsin. Camping expe-
rience preferred. Salary plus mainte-
nance. Write Robert Gilbert, Director,
at 1444 N. Prospect, Milwaukee, Wis-
consin. )29H

Auto - Home - Portable
Phono & T.V.
Fast & Reasonable Service
"Student Service"
1215 So. Univ., Ph. 7942
11 blocks east of East Eng.

Be Sure To Vote
Tuesday & Wednesday



Now Playing through April 12
By I. M. Synge
Discussion will follow tomorrow's performance.


An erotic drama of Brother-
Sister love." - Cue
"CURRtEHT & CxoicE


SUITE to share with board. 520 Thomp-
son. )8D
ROOMS, roomettes and apartments, by
day or week for campus visitors. Cam-
pus Tourist Homes, 518 E. William.
Phone 3-8454. )3D
ROOMS FOR MEN-Complete second
floor and bath. Ph. 2-5268. )19D
PRIVATE single room furnished. Mod-
ern bath and refrigerator facilities.

TYPEWRITERSI Portable and Standard
for rent, sale and service.
314 S State St.. Phone 7177. )2B
and delivery. Phone 2-9020. )5B
WASHING - Finished work and hand
ironing. Ruff dry and wet washing.
Also ironing separately. Free pick-up
GOOD rental typewriters available at
reasonable rates. Office Equipment
Company, 215 E. Liberty. Ph. 2-1213.
ALTERATIONS on ladies' garments.
Prompt service. 2-2678. 510 Catherine.
to Willow Run afternoon and evening
of April 3. Tickets, window No. 9 AD.
Building Tues. - Thurs. 1-4. Reduced
rates. Return buses April 12, 7:30 on.
While you wait at SNIDER STUDIO.
213 S. Main. St. )6B
GRADUATING COED wishes to share
her apartment or wants to move in
with someone else. Ph. 2-6966. )2X
TWO WOMEN graduate students desire
3, 4 furnished rooms by April 12.
Private bath, near canpus. Call Miss
Hendleman. 2-3241. )3X
SPECIAL student faculty rates. Phone
6007 and charge your order. Monthly
specials. Gift cards mailed. Students
Periodical Agency. )7M
Read Daily Classifieds
Ending Today
She never pretended
to be a Lady!



..fit, , y,
r - - T /


The Theosophical Society in Ann Arbor
International Lecturer

of the Mayans!


In addition to regular program we will pre-
view a new production. Come at 7 or 9 o'clock.
Preview is at 9 o'clock'
It's both preceded and followed by the
regular program!
Regular Feature is
"HE T in








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