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March 28, 1953 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1953-03-28

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Latest Deadline in the State


Publications Heads Named

Bob Shrayer, '54, and Bob Wells,
'55, were appointed managing edi-
tor and business editor, respective-
ly, of the Michiganensian by the
Board in Control of Student Pub-
lications last night.
At the same time the Board ap-
pointed Janet Winn, '55, as man-
aging editor of Gargoyle and Al-
ton Becker, '54, managing editor
of Generation.
SCHRAYER, a 20 year old jun-
ior from Chicago, has been on the
'Ensian since his freshman year
and this year was associate editor
in charge of tryouts. He. is affl-
iated with Zeta Beta Tau frater-
nity and a member of Sphinx,
junior honorary.
Sophomore Bob Wells from
New Haven, Connecticut joined
the 'Ensian two years ago. jie
was general sales manager and
promotions manager on the '53
yearbook. Wells is a member of
Phi Gamma Delta.
Miss Winn is an 18-year-old
sophomore from New York who
x has worked on student publica-
tions for two years.
Alton Becker who will head
Generation next year is a junior
from Monroe. He has been on
the staff for two years.
* * *


* *

-Daily-Tim Richard

OTHER senior editors
three publications were
by the Board.

for thel

Appointed as engravings edi-
tor of the 'Ensian was Maureen
Sweeney, a junior from Bay
City. Vonda Genda, '54, receiv-
ed the position of tryout editor.
She is a member of Wyvern and
Senior Society honoraries. Jeff
Pemberton, '55, from Detroit
was appointed picture editor.
Paul Geiger, '55, was named
'Ensian general sales manager.
Geiger is from Honolulu and is
affiliated with Phi Gamma Delta.
Sally Habermann, '54, a member
of Alpha Xi Delta is the new ac-
counts manager. Ken Perkins, '55,
completes the list of 'Ensian edi-
tors with the position of advertis-
ing manager. Perkins is associat-
ed with Theta Xi.
Appointed toLGargoyle's senior
staff were Jim Labes, '54, business
manager and Leila Deutsch, 54A,
.. art editor. Labes, who held the
same position this year, is affiliat-
S ed with Zeta Beta Tau.
Lue Stinson, '54, was appointed
Generation's new associate editor.
She is a member of Alpha Phi.
Max Bergman, '55, a member of
Zeta Beta Tau, rounds out the
Generation staff as business man-
Yanks Retake
Lost Outpost
In Bitter Fight
SEOUL - OP) - Hard-fighting
U.S. Marines after knocking out
possible two-thirds of the 3,500 at-
tacking Chinese Reds, clamped a
firm grip early today on the first
hill ground recaptured since the
Communists unleashed their spring
drive in Western Korea Monday.
Last night, the armor-vested
4, Marines climaxed 10 hours of sav-
age, hand-to-hand combat by win-
ning back Vegas Outpost. They
struck behind a whooshing rocket
barrage and screaming shells from
tanks rumbling far out in front of
the Allied lines.
VEGAS was one of two outposts
near Bunker Hill where Marines
fought to the last man before
yielding to human sea waves of
Chinese attacking at 10 points
The Reds had swung their
punch to the Marine sector after
driving U.S. 7th Division in-
fantrymen off Old Baldy, 25
miles to the northeast, on
While yesterday's fight for Vegas
Outpost was at its height, the em-
boldened Reds apparently tried to
send MIG-15 jets down to the
front against the Marines. They
got within 25 miles before inter-
cepting Australian twin-jet mete-
ors turned them back, probably
shooting down one MIG and dam-

-Daily-Alan Reid

May Quotas
LANSING - (P) - The biggest
draft call of the year-2,650 men-
was announced for May by Col.
Arthur A. Holmes, State Selective
Service Director yesterday.
The May call compares with 2,-
527 called for April.
The quotas for individual local
boards will be:
Washtenaw Board 85, 30 men;
Washtenaw Board 341, 37 men;
Wayne Board 87, 60 men; Wayne
Board 88, 64 men; Wayne Board
89, 45 men; Wayne Board 20, 95
men; Wayne Board 91, 62 men;
Wayne Board 92, 63 men;
Wayne Board 93, 62 men; Wayne
Board 94, 32 men; Wayne Board
95, 35 men; Wayne Board 96, 55
men; Wayne Board 97, 50 men;
Wayne Board 98, 39 men; Wayne
Board 99, 30 men; Wayne Board
100, 63 men; Wayne Board 101,
60 men; Wayne Board 102, 60 men.I

Ten Initiated
Into Rho Chi
Honor Society
Ten new members were initiated
into Rho Chi, honorary pharma-
ceutical society, last night at the
annual initiation banquet held in
the Union.
Dr. Robert C. Elderfield of the
chemistry department, delivered
the main address in which he dis-
cussed the development of the
anti-malarial agents introduced
since the beginning of World
War II.
Those initiated were Juanito
Abcede, Grad., Richard Allen,I
'54P, Robert Cox, Grad.; Carol
Diamond, '54P;, Norman Dooren-
bos, Grad.; Henry Millson, Grad.,
Mona Roesner, '54P; Shirley Swin-
son, '54P; Eduard Superstine,
Grad., and Lawrence Wong, Grad.

Bohlen OK'd
As Russian
Ike's Choice Gets
Confidence Vote
ate voted resounding approval late
yesterday for President Eisenhow-
er's choice of Charles E. (Chip)
Bohlen to be ambassador to Rus-
Amounting to a vote of confi-
dence in the President, the tally
came exactly one month after he
submitted the nomination.
* * *
ON A ROLL call, 74 senators
voted to confirm the nomination
and 13 voted against it.
Both Michigan Senators-Fer-
guson and Potter, Republicans
-voted for Bohlen. They said
in advance that they would vote
for him, though reluctantly.
Bohlen, 48-year-old career dip-
limat and Russian-language ex-
pert, was under bitter attack dur-
ing the month-long interval from
Bridges, McCarthy, MCarran and
* * *w
QUESTIONS were raised about
him on loyalty and security
grounds. Secretary of State John
Foster Dulles said an FBI investi-
gation had turned up nothing to
cast doubt on his loyalty.
Taft, of Ohio, the Republican
leader, and Sparkman, of Ala-
bama, 1952 Democratic vice pres-
idential nominee, upheld Dulles'
findings in a separate inspection
of the FBI's report.
Bohlen's critics also contended
he had been too closely identi-
fied with foreign policies of Dem-
ocratic President Harry Truman
and Dean Acheson, secretary of
state in the Truman Administra-
They also criticized his presence
at Yalta when the late President
Franklin D. Roosevelt made con-
cessions to Russia in the Far East
and secured a Russian agreement
to enter the war against Japan.
Bohlen has said he was there
only as an interpreter.
In the end, President Eisenhower
made the appointment a matte
of presidential prestige by declar-
ing that Bohlen was his own per-
sonal choice and the best quali-
fied man for the post.
Twelve Dead
In NY Central
Train Wreck
CONNEAUT, O.-(/P)-Two pas-
senger trains piledaatop a wrecked
( New ork Central freight train
last night, and police said 12 per-
sons were killed and 20 injured
four miles east of Conneaut.
SThe bodies of the dead were left
at thebscene while personnel of
funeral homes in the area worked
at the chore of getting the score
of injured to hospitals.
FIRST fragmentary reports said
many other persons were injured.
Hospitals in three communities
were alerted to receive accident
In New York the railroad said
the trains involved were two
passenger trains; No. 5, a Buf-
falo, N. Y. to Chicago express,
and No. 12, the Southwestern
Limited from St. Louis to New

York, and a freight.
The Cleveland Plain Dealer said
the wreck occurred this way: a
west-bound freight train struck an
automobile or truck at a grade
crossing. The freight train was
No. 5, a fast westbound pas-
senger train running on a par-
allel track, ran into the freight's
wreckage, which was spread over
four tracks.
Then came the Southwestern
Limited, eastbound, which plowed
into the wreckage of No. 5.
Since all three trains were on
different tracks, automatic signals
didn't stop them.
Russia Grants
Neww Pardons
MOSCOW - (AP) - The Soviet
government announced yesterday

Ogden Nash will add to his
literary fame when Gargoyle
comes out on April Fool's Day
with a piece of genuine Nash-
ery in the poet's own hand-
Don Malcolm, '54, managing
editor, announced this coup de
grace as a result of a request
madethe poet during his re-
cent appearance on campus.
The noted humorist submit-
ted "The Purist," which had
been previously published, but
never in so informal a form.
Party Probe
CalledOf f
Local commentators agreed yes-
terday the proposed investigation
of 1950 Democratic district con-
ventions in Detroit lay outside the
jurisdiction of the House Govern-
ment Operations Committee.
Committee chairman Rep. Clare
Hoffman (R-Mich) called off his-
probe yesterday reportedly because
it did not meet with the approval
of House leaders. Hoffman said
both the Democratic and Republi-
can leadership believed his com-
mittee lacked the jurisdiction to
investigate charges of convention
PROF. JOHN P. Dawson of the
law school said it was "quite clear"
the power of Congress to investi-
gate is practically unlimited.
"But the question is whether
it is proper and consistent with
our form of government for
Congress to investigate the
methods of choosing delegates to
county and district conventions
within a state," Prof. Dawson

hibits the proverbial
starting gun in yest
entry of Sigma Nu fr
Van Ty

Prof. Joseph E. Kallenbach of

-Daily-Don Campbell
Connie Giles, '54, of Kappa Nu, grimly ex-
college try as he braces himself for the
erday's Wolverun Derby. Giles drove the
fie ,SRacer Wins
Woliverun Derby

the political science department By JOYCE FICKIgating committee said Roberts vi-
felt it was doubtful if Congress '1165', a compact black racer entered by Van Tyne House of l olated at least the spirit of the
had any function that would be South Quadrangle nosed out Theta Xi's entry by one tenth of a state's lobbying law in handling a
furthered by investigating local second yesterday to carry off first place in the annual Wolverun Derby. 1951 building transaction which
party organization. The Van Tyne racer traveled the down-hill Washington St. course netted him a $11,000 fee.
In calling off the probe, which in 22.2 seconds compared with the runnerup's 22.3. * * *
he announced Sunday, Hoffman * * * * THE WHITE HOUSE issued this
got into a verbal battle with Rep. Er. S i0tiVrnaw the fir ofe n,-hp Uninnd istatement by the President:
OAPBOX eb'a th *ist J art o ,fle ne Unon~ anLt~*a emnbyhePsdn:

Lobby Probe
Roberts Defends
Actions to Press
Roberts resigned under fire yester-
day as Republican National Chair-
man, saying he was the victim of
a "carefully contrived" political
plot in Kansas.
President Eisenhower called the
resignation a "wise decision."
* * *
ROBERTS quit his $32,500 a
year post shortly after a Kansas
legislative investigating commit-
tee held that he violated the spirit'
of the state's lobbying law.
Before announcing his resig-
nation, Roberts conferred at the
White House with Eisenhower
and left with him a copy of his
letter of resignation to the GOP
National Committee.
Roberts wrote the President that
he honestly believes "that I never
in all my life committed a dis-
honorable act, and that my part in
the transaction at issue was and
is to me right and proper for the
best interests of all who were con-
The Kansas legislative investi-

GOP Chairman Quits
Post Under Pressure*
Ike ApprovesDecision

McCormack (D-Mass) after add-
ing the opinion that House leaders
considered the matter "too hot to
McCormack quickly denied
this. "It is definitely a case of
being outside the jurisdiction of
the committee," he said.
Hoffman's probe, originally set
for early April, was specifically
aimed at examining cham~es by
Rep. Charles G. Oakman (R-Mich)
that "CIO goon squads usurped
control of the conventions."
The proposed investigation was
condemned Tuesday by state Dem-
ocratic leaders including party
chairman Neil Staebler who at-
acked as. "pure fiction" GOP
charges of violence during the 1950
district conventions in Wayne
Ike To Open YI
Julie Conventioi
PIERRE, S. D.-(/')-President
Eisenhower has accepted an invi-
tation to keynote the National
Young Republican League Con-
vention in Rapid City, S. D., June
11, sources here said yesterday.
The sources said Sen. Francis
Case (R-S.D.) had informed them
the President had accepted-the in-

League-sponsored Spring Weekend
Defense Ring
To Be Set Up
Around Cities

Trophy for the most "unique-
ly dressed" driver went to Phi
Gamma Delta for a Fiji complete
with cigar, top hat and grass
skirt. And honors for the most
original, best constructed racer
went to Acacia's black, coffin-
like speedster.
Other entries ranged from elab-

WASHINGTON-UP)-The Army orate, transparent vehicles with
announced yesterday it will start sealed in drivers to the simplest
this summer to ring the nation's one of all-four wheels, a board
cities with guided missiles capable and a man. A modernistic, red
of knocking down enemy aircraft I:"repgcapus apathy" racer

travelingfaster than sound.
The new weapons carry the
name "Nike," the name of the
Greek Goddess of Victory. Army
anti-aircraft battalions now equip-
ped with conventional 90MM and
120 MM guns have been training
in the use of guided missiles, the
Army said, and will be ready to
replace their old heavy gun bat-
teries in a few months.
Yesterday's announcement' in-
dicated the Army has accumulated
a sufficient number of the new
missiles to take their place in the
air defense of the nation. The
Army said the missiles would sup-
plement the radar-guided, fully
automatic "Skysweeper" anti-air-
craft guns which would be used
against medium and low-flyingj

made good its name ant crept to
a first heat defeat.
ONE DRIVER appeared dressed
like a Tyrolean mountain climber.
Another was an oversize replica of
Dennis the Menace.
About 700 enthusiastic per-
sons turned out for the begin-
ning of the closely contested
race, but by the 6 p.m. finish,
cold winds and hunger had
lured all but a handful of par-
tisan rooters home.
Students may view the second
installment of Spring Weekend at
8 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium
when six groups of students match
wits in a Skit Night program.
Unreserved seat tickets will be
on sale at 7:30 p.m. at Hill Audi-
torium. They are 75 cents each.

Student Cam paigners'
Expenses, Average $22
Student Legislature candidates, limited by no restrictions except
individual pocketbooks, spend an average of $22.23 for their campus-
wide electioneering.
Relying more on ingenuity than on dollars and cents, candidates
nevertheless make a considerable dent in their student budgets with
funds shelled out for posters, pamphlets and novelty odds and ends.
* * * *

"I have just received a letter
from C. Wesley Roberts inform-
ing me that he is submitting to
the Republican National Com-
mittee his resignation as nation-
al chairman.
"He was selected for that post
in January by the Republican Na-
tional Committee with my con-
currence because of our confidence
in his abilities, integrity and
"A situation involving him has
arisen and I have read the forth-
right public statement concerning
it that he has released.
"Resignation was decided up-
on by Mr. Roberts on his own
"I believe his decision a wise
"Nevertheless, I should like to
express appreciation of the valu-
able and tireless efforts he has
devoted to the Republican party
both during the campaign and
since January as chairman."
World News
By the Associated Press
A third day of torrential spring
rains and melting snow last night
poured floodwaters over New Eng-
land and upper New York, driving
hundreds from their homes.
WASHINGTON-Secretary of
State Dulles yesterday urged
French Premier Rene Mayer to
seek at the "earliest opportun-
ity" a settlement with Germany
of the knotty Saar issue, which
has stood in the way of French
ratification of the six-nation
European defense force.
United States challenged Red
China and North Korea yesterday
to send all American military per-
sonnel who have allegedly con-
fessed to waging germ warfare to
a neutral area for United Nations
WASHINGTON-Secretary of
the Army Robert T. Stevens is
flying to the Far East today to
"make a survey of the ammuni-

Regent Candidates Discuss Views

s * *


TOTAL EXPENDITURES for the 26 candidates contacted came
$578.90. Thirty-two students will make the race for 20 SL seats
all-campus elections Tuesdays
d Wened

.a w eanesaav.

I aau v cuicou y.

Generally, candidates stick
close together expenditure-wise.
Most of the campaign budgets
fell in the $20 to $30 bracket,
with the bulk of the sum going
for professionally-printed pos-
High budget was $50.50 and $10
was the lowest sum reported, al-
though one candidateindicated he
wa s'pnding rnothing' for the

THOUGH student campaigners
have usually been sufficiently fi-
nance conscious to limit expendi-
tures to a moderate sum, SL has
considered setting up restrictions.
several times in the past, accord-
ing to elections committee chair-
man Phil Berry, Grad.
Main factor influencing the
Legislature's decision not to de-
fine expense limits was the im-
possibility of enforcementeBer -
r said A The ga.h. c 'avmnl

Gov. G. Mennen Williams and
Democratic candidates for two
Regents' posts demanded yester-
day that representatives on the
University governing body reaf-
firm University needs and inter-
ests to a Republican controlled
State Legislature.
In a series of .discussions and
rally sponsored by the local Dem-
ocratic organization, Thomas N.
Robinson and Hazen Hatch, can-
didates for Regent explained their
views on the duty of a Regent.
* * *i
ELECTIONS for Regent's posts
are scheduled for April 6, when
Robinson and Hatch will oppose


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