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March 26, 1953 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1953-03-26

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PA 1RE THi.;ii~i

Lack of Multi-lettermen
Plagues Varsity Sports

Robinson, Orwig
In New Grid Jobs

Outfielders Pose Problem for Fisher


P What's happened to the time-
honored nine-letter man so syn-
onymous in the past with Michi-
gan athletics?
Where is the all-around athlete,
the one that competed 12 months
out of the year with time out only
for a few honors and an occasion-
*al swing on the banquet circuit?
* * *
THIS UNUSUAL breed has be-
come virtually extinct on the Wol-
verine sports scene. The last in
line was versatile Pete Elliott,
tenth and most prolific among
these athletic demons.
But Elliott graduated with his
12 letters in 1948, and since
then Maize and Blue athletics
have seen only one-sport spe-
cialists, with an occasional com-
er who makes the grade on two
Original man "to die for dear
old Michigan" was the immortal
Neil Snow, primarily known for
his gridiron exploits around the
turn of the century.
* * *
SNOW, hero of Michigan's Rose
Bowl Victory over Stanford in
1901, gained four football em-
blems from 1898 through 1901,
and also picked up three more let-
ters in baseball and two more
running on the cinders.
It was almost a 20-year jump
until Bob Dunne completed the
cycle in the big three-football,
baseball and basketball in the
four-year span from 1918 to
He was followed by "Hlopping':
Harry Kipke, who distinguished
himself in the same three sports
from 1921 - 1924. Kipke later
coached the Wolverine football
squad to four Big Ten titles and
one national championship in nine
ALL - AMERICAN end Bennie
Oosterbaan, called by many the
greatest athlete in Michigan an-
nals, was also outstanding on the
basketball court and baseball dia-
mond. He cavorted actively from
1925 - 28, garnering All-America
grid honors three times and lead-
ing scores distinction in the cage
wars once.
Muscular Norm Daniels, cur-
rent football mentor at Wesleyan
College in New England, hit the
charmed circle for his exploits
from 1929 to 1932, with his big-
gest achievements coming in
the cage sport.
Daniels also lettered thrice un-
der the tutelage of youthful Ray
Fisher in baseball and Kipke in:
NEXT IN LINE was Russ Oliver,
all-around boy in the middle thir-
ties, and on his heels came Dan!
Smick, seventh in succession of
these sports greats. Smick starred!
for Maize and Blue gridiron forces
from 1937-39.
Three entries rounded out the
select ten in the 1940s, with big
Don Lund leading the parade
in baseball, basketball and foot-
ball from 1942-45. Lund is the

same Lund now campaigning
for a starting berth in the De-
troit Tiger outfield.
Bullet Bob Wiese, football cap-
tain in 1944, scored many touch-
downs in the early Crisler era
over four seasons of play from
1942-46. As an outfielder for Fish-
er, Wiese led Wolverine batters in
1944 with a lofty .378 average.
AND THEN we come to Elliott,
who won monograms four times
each in football, basketball and
When Elliott's career came to
a screeching halt, so seemingly
did Michigan's reputation as a
national athletic powerhouse.
ThenWolverines were national
grid and hockey champions in
1947. They annexed Big Ten titles
in golf and basketball the same
year. Since then all-around ath-
letes have been scarce as T-for-
mation quarterbacks in a single-
Aside from hockey, athletic
laurels have been almost as scarce.

. . . end of an era?

Netmen Face Hoosiers, MSC
In Struggle for Championship

Two members of the Michigan
staff, Don Robinson and Bill Or-
wig, were named yesterday to share
the duties of backfield coach, and
assistant basketball tutor Matt
Patanelli was added to the gridiron
strategy board in a realignment of
positions by head coach Bennie
Robinson will coach the backs
on offense, while Orwig will han-
dle the group on defense in addi-
tion to working with the ends on
offense. Patanelli will take over
the job of teaching defense to the
fiankmen, and also will take Rob-
inson's old job as freshman base-
ball coach.
-* * *
J. T. WHITE, who has been em-
ployed as assistant line coach, will
add the duties of junior varsity
coach to his tasks and will also
continue in the capacity of scout.
The changes were necessitated
by the departure of George Cei-"
thaml, formerly backfield coach,
to the University of Southern
Robinson starred for both- the
Michigan football and baseball
teams, being elected captain of
the 1943 diamond squad. A four
year stint in the Army Air Corps
interrupted his college career and
prevented him from actually lead-
ing the 1943 baseball team.
HE HAD ONE of his greatest
days on the gridiron at Notre Dame
Stadium in 1942 when he helpedI
his mates to a resounding 32-201
conquest of Frank Leahy's Fight-
ing Irish. It was the only home re-
versal over an eight year period forI
the Irish.
Orwig earned letters in foot-
ball anid basketball during the
late twenties and was a contem-
porary of Oosterbaan's. He
played on two conference cham-
pion cage outfits. After gradua-
tion he coached high school foot-
ball and basketball in Benton
Harbor and Toledo.
Patanelli, former captain of the
1936 Michigan football team,
earned eight letters in football,
basketball and baseball. He came
to Michigan last year as an as-
sistant to basketball coach Bill
** *
THE NEW innovation is an ex-
periment in "platoon coaching"'
and should make for greater spe-
cialization among the varsity tu-

tors. A great burden will be placed
on the men new in their jobs due
to the rule change which has
brought back the era of the sixty
minute player. The same men will
now have to be instructed in both
phases of the game. -
The rule has also increased
the importance of spring foot-
ball practice, which will give the
coaches a chance to appraise
their material and attempt to
build up two-way players.
Michigan is slated to begin
spring drills on the first day of
class after spring vacation, Many
positions which had seemed
cinched under the two-platoon rule
will now be wide open. The pri-
mary necessity is, as always, the
training of an efficient corps of
defensive halfbacks. Pass defense
has long been a Michigan weak
spot, and in several contests last
autumn a leaky secondary greatly
hindered the overall effectiveness
of the team.
St. Louis (A) 4, Chicago (N) I
Philadelphia (N) 7, Detroit 0
Brooklyn I, Milwaukee 0
Washington 4, Boston 0
St. Louis (N) 7, New York (A) 1
Chicago (A) 6, New York (N) 3
Baltimore (IL) 8, Philadelphia (A) 3
St. Louis (N) "B" 5, Cincinnati "B"

The formost problem confront-
ing Michigan's veteran baseball
coach Ray Fisher this spring is
the selection of a first string out-
He has no less than nine candi-
dates for the three positions and
seven are returnees from last year's
Big Ten championship outfit.
PAUL LEPLEY, Frank Howell,
Bill Billings, Jerry Harrington,
Dan Cline, Bob Topp and Peri
Gagalis from 1952, and newcom-
ers Bob Leach and Lowell Perry
are all conceded a chance of break-
ing into the starting lineup.
Of these only Lepley, who was
the regular leftfielder last sea-
son, has a .job almost cinched.
The left handed hitting sopho-
more led the Wolverines in hit-
ting a year ago, belting the ball
at a neat .343 clip.
In Big Ten competition, Lepley
hit .302 aid tied Don Eaddy as
Michigan's top man in the runs
batted in column with nine. He
also led the Conference in fielding
with a perfect 1.000 mark.
* * *
AT PRESENT, Howell has in in-
Be Sure To Vote
Tuesday & Wednesday

side track for the starting center-
field berth. The fleet bootball star
led the Big Ten in home runs last
spring, but is somewhat weak de-
fensively and doesn't hit southpaw
pitching too well.
For that reason, Fisher may
use him only against right hand-
ers, and switch Jack Corbett, one
of the Wolverines' top three
pitchers to the outfield when a
portsider is working for the op-
position. Corbett hit Conference
pitching at a .286 clip a year ago.
Billings has been showing prom-
ise of regaining the hitting form
he demonstrated early last spring
and may step into the vacant right
field berth.
* * *
THE STOCKY righthanded hit-
ter, who handles Michigan's punt-
ing chores during the football sea-
son, is a good fielder and hit well
until mid-season last year when he
fell into a slump and his average
tumbled to below the .200 mark.
Fisher is hoping that a similar
tailspin won't result this year.

Also in the thick of the compe-
tition to rove regularly in the. out-
er garden are Harrington and
* * *
HARRINGTON has been in and
out of the Michigan lineup for two
years but never has managed to
realize the great promise he has
often shown in practice. He hit
only .125 in the Big Ten last year,
stepping to the plate only eight
Cline is a sophomore who was
used very sparingly in reserve
roles in 1952. The powerfully
built left handed hitter has indi-
cated in spring practice that he ,
may be ready for front line ac-
Perry, best known for his foot-
ball exploits, is out for baseball for
the first time, and according to
Fisher, has been making consid-
erable progress. Due to his natur-
al speed and the jumbled condi-
tion existing in the outfield picture,
he may manage to break into the


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Michigan's tennis squad will
have, a tough row to hoe this sea-
Two meets with Michigan State
are scheduled and one with the
1952 Conference champion, In-
* * *
BOTH TEAMS have a large
number of veterans returning, the
same men that put them at the
tap of the Big Ten last season.
The Hoosiers boast a contin-
gent of five men who captured
championships in gve singles di-
visions and took the second di-
vision doubles crown in the
1952 Big Ten meet.
Eli Glazer, second division sin-
gles champ, rates as Indiana's top
threat. Behind Glazer are wane
Gomer, John Hironimus, Bob Mar-
tin, and Tom Lynch. All five of
these men won victories in last
year's Michigan-Indiana meeting
when the Wolverines were bested,
tional junior Stan Drobac back.
Runner-up to Norm Barnes of
Iowa in No. 1 singlese, he will be
bidding for top Conference honors
again this campaign.
Drobac downed Michigan's Al
Mann, 7-5, 6-3, in their match
during the 1952 dual meet sea.
Top seeded in Big Ten No. 2
singles Tom Belton was runner-up
to Glazer in actual play. The 25-
year old senior trounced Steve

Bromberg, 6-1, 6-3 in dual com-
petition against the Wolverines.
erts, and Dick Reiger round out
a quintet that is packed with pow-
er; all were seeded in the Confer-"
ence meet.
In Drobacand Belton, Spar-
tan Coach Frank Beeman has
the No. 1 doubles team in the
Big Ten.
The Wolverines definitely are
lacking a surplus of seasoned vet-
erans like these: though there are
six returning lettermen Coach Bill
Murphy has only two men who
played in the Conference meet, Al
Mann and Jim Holtz.
Mann was winner of the conso-
lation tournament in the first di-
vision playoffs while Holtz reach-
ed the semi-finals of the sixth
division before bowing to Reiger
of MSC.
Going by early practice per-
formances both of the Maize and
Blue netters have looked good, and
Mann is a good bet to be playing "
in the number one slot again.
The squad will not make a trip
South during Spring vacation as
in past years but practices will be
scheduled for those members re-
maining in Ann Arbor.
With the first meet a month
away Murphy has' not yet formu-
lated any definite lineup and com-
petition for the starting spots is
wide open.







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