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February 09, 1953 - Image 29

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1953-02-09

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onday, February 9, 1953 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Eleven
Beta Beta Pi fraternity will climax "Know-Your-Brother-Better
Week" Friday by staging a stag dinner and slumber partyfor the
't esneighboring Wee-Gees. The BBPi house will take on the appearance
of a gigantic steamroom to provide atmosphere for the all-night
es taffair.
A Monte Carlo party, "You Bet Your Ace," will be feaured
s"Saturday night at the Kappa BB house, while the neigboring
Tappa Thighs will dance to the music of Tommy Scabbard and
his Blades.
Rho Rho Rho and their dates will dance Saturday in an oceanic
atmosphere for the "Navel Warfare Whirl." Tiny boats floating in
' 3punchbowls will emphasize the theme. During intermission, the
s ss4 dancers will participate in a group game called "Sink Your Navel."
Members of Alpha Kappa Rho, honorary medical fraternity, will
entertain alumni at the yearly "Chiropractor's Carousing" Saturday
night. The party will be given in a ward-like setting, and AKR
j .pledges will give free hormone injections at the door.
' " Gifts fron a Jeweler are alva is most
welcome and we can supply your wants a
MPUS LEADER UNDERGOES OPERATION-Knave Black, '53, former judge on the Studentec
urt of Drunken Appeals, undergoes an indelicate operation at University Hospital. The operation fue eritpis oruapieceno je 'ty.jewry
as ordered by the University as punishment for disturbing the peace. Black plans to recuperate or a fne puceof damond jewelry.
m his operation in Denmark.
We also have a large selection of Sterling
a Sw eeny both Holloware and Flatware.
ed in Waard /o t atSpecial Someone- -
. Joseph's Maternity Ward
the scene of a small cere- SEND FLOWERS
y yesterday when Mr. and FLO ER
Apeneck Sweeny witnessed n A N E A
marriage of their daughter,V
ebel to Don Juan Gallagher, '52. I
r. Sweeny carried a neat, f
lv polished .32 caliber rifle. uFLOWERS
tiss Sweeny, a member of Chi L t e O S
6 Chi sorority, is a senior ma- oltie AND GIFTS ib terfletweter
ring in elementary nailheadO
Forating. Gallagher, a gradua~te
business embezellment school, 334 S. STATE PHONE 5049 308 South State
s just signed up for a ten year ()G()0()O()Qief)ca)dnOse0m0a' cs
i'ich in the Foreign Legion.
f --
~i un A u~iy

75c - 8 P.M.

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