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March 03, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-03-03

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9 Folly in Atlanta and Moscow

Daily Managing Editor
T IS MORE than a little disturbing to ob-
serve the failure of the State Depart-
ment to stand up against the invidious ef-
forts of Sen. McCarthy and crew to govern
by investigation.
When a large executive department
finds it necessary to reverse three deci-
sions of internal policy within a week
merely because of the vagaries of testi-
mony before an investigating sub-com-
mittee, then the independence of the exe-
cutive branch is hardly more than a con-
stitutional fiction.
When Sen. McCarthy launched one of
his now-familiar demagogic tirades against
the directive permitting use of writings of
Communists if they could be turned against
the Kremlin, the State Department, witl
obsequious haste, rescinded the order.
It is obvious that any anti-Moscow ma-
terial that can be gleaned from'the writings
of Communists is ten times as effective with
the audience at which the Voice of America
is aimed as the most orthodox denuncia-
tions from 100 per cent American sources.
Such willingness to temporize and vacillate
on sound policy under the most ill-consid-
ered type of pressure will quickly dissipate
any public confidence in the oft-maligned
department before it really is consolidated.
It is likewise impossible to expect vig-
orous and resourceful' performance from
the State Department staff if they must
fear that today's decision or opinion may
be tomorrow's crucifix before the relent-
less spotlights of McCarthy's committee.
It is impossible to operate, particularly in
the delicate field of diplomacy, under
klieg lights.
There was little comfort gained from Sec-
retary of State John Foster Dulles' posi-
tion that McCarthy would have a generous
measure of free rein now, but his encroach-
ments upon executive prerogative might be
resisted at some future date if they became
impossibly flagrant. Now is the time for
Dulles to run his own department.
ADDING SUBSTANCE to the suspicion
current in many quarters that the ap-
pointment of Harold E. Stassen as head of
the Mutual Security Agency was one of the
poorer choices of President Eisenhower, was
the rather amazing factual inconsistency
contained in his testimony last week be-
fore a congressional committee.
Stassen claimed that he had effected
a ten per cent personnel cut in his agency.
The truth of the matter, as uncovered
by alert Washington newspapers, is that
the ten per cent reduction was brought
about by a hiring freeze ordered by Presi-
dent Truman during the last 'weeks of his
administration. Stassen, it was pointed out,
had made no reductions-and had even
added a few to the payroll.
It is impossible to believe that Stassen
left this mis-impression, with the committee
YESTERDAY'S "sneak preview" of Bar-
bara Ward Jackson in action augers
well for the success of the first Mott Founda-
tion project.
Annually, some distinguished figure will
be invited to spend a week or two on
campus, lecturing and talking with stu-
dents, with as much emphasis on the lat-
ter as possible. Topically, the series is
keyed to "religion" in the broadest sense-
side-stepping the more spiritual purposes
of "Religion in Life Week."
Mrs. Jackson seems particularly qualified
to open the series. Her lively British urban-
ity, broad fund of information both general
and specific, and challenging interpreta-
tions of contemporary political and eco-
nomic situations place the Mott lectureship
in a highly desirable, non-theological con-
text. Her ready responses to diverse ques-
tions captivated her luncheon audience.
If Mrs. Jackson can maintain the pace
she set yesterday, her stay here is sure to be
a success. And if the University can find

as good an attraction every year, the Mott
Foundation lectureship will make a real
contribution to the campus.
Red Cross
SUNDAY THE Washtenaw County Chapter
of the American Red Cross initiated its
month-long 1953 fund raising drive, "Ans-
wer the Call," in conjunction with other
Red Cross chapters throughout the nation.
At the request of the Office of Defense
Mobilization, the National Research Coun-
cil and the National Foundation for In-
fantile Paralysis the Red Cross has in-
creased its goal by seven million dollars
this year.
This increase is asked to help bolster rec-
reational facilities for troops in Korea and
for the production of gamma globulin, a
blood derivative now being used as a pre-
ventive for paralysis in polio. These are just
two additional jobs the Red Cross has been
asked to perform.
This year the Washtenaw County Chap-
ter has set its goal at $70,400.
Last year, the faculty and staff of the


Daily Editorial Director

WHEN RODGERS and Hammerstein wrote
the score for "South Pacific," they were
probably unaware that the successful musi-
cal would some day be denounced as so
much "Communist propaganda."
After a recent two-week run of the
play in Atlanta, Georgia, two state legis-
lators knitted their eye-brows, angrily de-
nounced the musical as "offensive to the
South," and nobly announced that they
would propose bills to outlaw movies, plays
and musicals which "have an underlying
philosophy inspired by Moscow."
The two state senators were particularly
incensed by the song "You've Got To Be
Taught," which they believed urged justi-
fication of interracial marriage.
"To us," said the two gentlemen, "that is
very offensive. Intermarriage produces half-
breeds. And halfbreeds are not conducive to
the higher type of society. We in the South
are a proud and progressive people. Half-
breeds cannot be proud.
"In the South, we have pure blood lines
and we intend to keep it that way."
The gentlemen didn't quite explain the
meaning of "pure blood lines," and I suppose
they would be annoyed to learn that many
of their ancestors no doubt -were prigs who
were transported to the South from New-
gate Prison in England back in the 17th
century. Trusted historians tell us that
these prigs, having established their for-
tunes, dotted the entire South with half-
breeds, who also made their fortunes.
However, perhaps it would be more
agreeable to their peace of mind if they
remain in blissful ignorance of their gen-
etic constitutions.
The rest of the tale speaks for itself.

THIS BIT OF human folly had its coun-
terpart in Moscow last week when The
Literary Gazette slapped down another Rus-
sian writer for being "unorthodox" in his
latest novel.
The novel, "For the Right Cause," writ-
ten by Vassily Grossman in commemora-
tion of the Battle of Stalingrad, had pre-
vioysly received high praise from the Un-
ion of Soviet Writers.
Last week, however, Pravda discovered
that Grossman had selected as central char-
acters in the book a family named Shaposh-
nikov and a Professor Sturm. These char-
acters, Pravada felt, could have nothing in
common with a "typical Soviet family or
with the typical heroes of the Stalingrad
Grossman is apparently going to re-
cant in the customary Soviet tradition.
It is interesting to speculate on what
would happen in this country if a govern-
ment official suggested that Amos Berry did
not represent the typical American business-
man and demanded that Allan Seager either
recant or be sent to Alcatraz. The uproar,
I suspect, would be terrific.
THE ENTIRE cast of the Arts Theater
should be commended for its last per-
formance, "Much Ado About Nothing."
In three years, this writer has not come
across such a thoroughly enjoyable pro-
duction on a college campus. Though I
do not profess the dignity of a critic, the
Shakespearean comedy seemed to be well-
The theater-in-the-round is a group'
which makes one of the greatest contribu-
tions to the life of this town. Unfortunately,
it is not fully appreciated by many stu-
dents and townspeople.

Daily-111 H mp 1o 1
. r
} y
--Daily-Bill Hampton
"Now repeat after me, Professor Schultz: "I do want to pass
Logan .. , I do want to pass Logan . .. I do . .:
Policy for the Ws

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the


MSC- M' Relations .. .
To the Editor;
DURING the past week numer-
ous articles clipped from the
Michigan Daily News have been
appearing on MSC bulletin boards.
These attracted my attention not
so much because I am a student at
State (for I'm a graduate student,
and I may lack much of the old
'college spirit'), but rather because
I am an out-of-state (and a r'el-
tively impartial) student.
In my opinion Michigan's insti-
tutions of higher education 'are
tops in the nation. Not only are
they outstanding in size and prog-
ress and service to the state and
nation, but they are also outstand-
ing for the good names which
they have earned. Does a good
name mean so little today that we
actually delight in slandering our
fellow statesmen-our fellow stu-
dents? Our country has the best
educational system in the world.
How can we deliberately and ac-
tively attack each other with a
force intended to retard, cripple
or destroy the very basis of Ameri-
can progress-our educational in-
Is the 'State' student actually so
different from the Michigan stu-
dent? Is there really some way to
distinguish between them except
by the colors of their sweaters or
the design of their class rings?
Aren't they all from the same
cities and counties? Didn't they
all grow-up together as friends
knowing no 'caste system' which
pegged them either as cultured
snobs or as hick 'stump jumpers'?
Why have we allowed these stere-
otypes to become the masters of
the very minds which we are try-
ing to develop in our universities?
College would not be college
without rivalry-but it Ahould be
a friendly rivalry-a' constructive
rivalry. Wolverines and Spartans,
in philosophy and principle we are
the same. If we must fight, lets
fight on the same side. Let's fight
for what we believe in-not against
--Robert L. King, MSC

Dutch Relief . . .
To the Editor.
WISH to thank all the organiza-
tions and individuals who co-
operated in the Dutch Flood Relief
Drive. Each person who manned a
bucket deservedly received the
thanks of Holland Flood Relief,
Inc., via Student Legislature. The
money is already en the way to
Holland to aid the rebuilding of
the dikes.
--Bob Ely
Sixty-Third Yea?
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young.....Managing Editor
Barnes Connable.........City Editor
Cal Samra............Editorial Director
Zander Hollander......Feature Editor
Sid Klaus........ Associate City Editor
HarlanduBritz.... . Associate Editor
Donna Hendleman.....Associate Editor
Ed Whipple............. Sports Editor
John Jenks. Associate Sports Editor
Dick Sewell.....Associate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler......Women's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor
Don Campbell .... Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Al Green..........Business Manager
Milt Goetz......Advertising Manager
Diane Johnston.... Assoc. Business Mgr.
Judy Loehnberg....Finance Manager
Harlean Hankin....Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication o
all news dispatches credited to it .
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor. Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail $7.00.




A DELIGHTFUL performance of the F
Major Piano Concerto and the familiar
Rhapsody in Blue by the pianist Sanroma
highlighted last evening's enjoyable Ger-
shwin Concert.
Both of these significnt works show Ger-
shwin at his best in his battle to make jazz
a respected art form. The Concerto is a
particularly interesting demonstration of
Gershwin's attempt to put the jazz idiom
inside the classical and formal concerto de-
Its charm and vitality and occasional in-
tense expressiveness make it well worthwhile.
The second of its three movements is a not-
able example of Gershwin's expressive pow-
ers with its haunting first melody and then
with the delicious mocking sounds of the
piano at its first entry. Sanroma made the
most of the capricious rhythms throughout
the Concerto, and projected convincingly the
musical interests of the work.
One of the remarkable features of the
evening's program was the conductor, Lor-

in Maazel. Often a conductor gives the im-
pression of being detached and omnis-
cient, of being noticeably in charge of the
performances. With Mr. Maazel, though,
it was clear that he had imminent power
as chief co-ordinator-he became as much
a part of the music as the tonality.
The orchestra was responsive. But occa-
sionally when accompanying the vocalists
their enthusiasm and sonority outdid that
of the singers. Carolyn Long and Theodor
Uppman did a creditable rendition of selec-
tions from Porgy and Bess and other musi-
cal shows.
An arrangement into a fantasy of five
Gershwin melodies by Peter Bodge was an
amusing addition to the program. How-
ever it made too intricate a use of prog-
rammatic devices to be successfully integrat-
ed into its short length. The orchestra's play.
ing of "An American in Paris" was rhyth-
mically energetic and paid close attention
to the humor of the music.
-Anne Young

+- MUSIC +

N THE WICKED world of foreign affairs, innocence is not enough.
Good intentions are not enough. For better or for worse-pre-
dominantly for better-the major powers of the West are governed
democratically, and the opinion of the electorate is the final arbiter
of public action.
In these circumstances it becomes vital that a large number
of voters understand not only the motives but also the technical
mechanics of international policy. For this reason one would like
to see at least one of Mrs. Barbara Ward Jackson's books join
Mr. Kennan's "American Diplomacy" -in the company of the
drug store paperbacks. No better mentor could be imagined. Her
shining virtue is clarity. The economic and political forces of the
contemporary world are a maze of complexity; and yet as one
accompanies Mrs. Jackson from problem to problem the course
seems easy, and one feels that he could have found his own
way.to the same conclusions. This is the illusion created by per-
suasive advocacy.
It would perhaps be in place to remark that one senses a training
with the abstract notions of philosophy in her ability to simplify
to its essentials the vortex of her subject matter. Much of the unity
is in economics because "they make up such a large part of the de-
tails of policy-once that policy has been decided." But the main deci-
sions themselves are frequently moral and political ones.
In "The West at Bay." which was published in 1948, Mrs. Jackson
examines the problems of Western Europe in the context of world
crisis. The collapse of the old order is considered historically with
the conclusion that it cannot be recessitated.
She sees "only two ways of curing the disequilibrium from which
Europe suffers; one is planning and regulation on the European side
to discriminate directly against American products and thus reduce
Europe's dependence on dollar supplies. The other solution lies, not
in Europe's hands, but with the Americans (or Canadians or Argen-
tines) themselves. It is quite simply to buy abroad as much as they
Her own solution is worked out around the complementary
ideas of Marshall Aid and "Western Association," the latter de-
fended as a flexible, not-too-formalized alliance-based more on
economic necessity than sentiment, and suggesting long-range
political implications. "Provided that the determination of the
Western nations is equal to the task, unity in Western Europe can
be achieved first as the framework of a general recovery pro-
gram, and then as a political organism existing of its own right
and yearly strengthening its inner cohesion." This is an over-
simplification of a thesis, the advantages and disadvantages of
which are both throughly and soberly examined.
The second volume, "Policy for the West," expands her thesis
both theoretically and geographically. Her diagnosis remains muph
the same, but three years and the Korean crisis had pointed up
some of the inadequacies of her earlier prescription. Given the fact
of Soviet hostility and the economic inter-relationships which en-
twine the present world, the idea of a self-sufficient state, even the
U. S. A., is a complete "anachronism." There can be no doubt that
she is right in this, and that she is equally right when she says, "A
union based on Europe is insufficient for either defense or economic
stability, while a union based on the Atlantic is not."
For this trans-Atlantic unity of action-"federalism" is a mis-
leading thing to call it-she recommends the setting up of three
agencies; a combined Chiefs of Staff to direct the strategy of con-
tainment, a Production and Resources Board, and an Economic
Aid Board. The Production and Resources Board, combining the
virtues of competition with those of cooperation, and accepting
the expansive solution to the problem of Europe's disequilibrium
rather than the discriminatory, would control and direct the key
points of this combined economy, allowing enterprise and the
free movement of resources to play their parts in increasing
efficiency and productivity in all other fields. A stable framework
for the world economy must be accepted as an "essential condition
of a successful struggle against Communism."
The Economic Aid Board, concerned mostly with the problems of
Asiatic under-development and poverty, would work chiefly through
the United Nations, because only in this way could investment be
carried out entirely free of the association of imperialistic motives.
Once again Mrs. Jackson implies-and hopes-that the process of
working together would lead toward a more significant unity.
THE WORLD ultimately is moved by ideas. But as Mrs. Jackson
points out ina brilliant expository critique of Marxism, wrong
ideas have been as potent in history as right ones. It is her thesis
that Communism has sprung from the impurities in the manifestation
of the "Western Spirit." When men are unemployed or hungry-when
the Asiatic has to labor for the foreigner, Western civilization assumes
in their eyes the aspects of injustice and inequality and complacent
"Let us admit frankly," she writes, "that in our society we have
not fully mastered the forces of industrialism and nationalism and
that they still produce results incompatible with the Western promise
of freedom, personality, justice, and equality."
Springing from the rational genius of the Greeks and the
moral genius of the Jews, the Western notion of improvement
towards an ideal is emphasized as the positive impulse-and that
of material determinism as the negative, the reactionary, the


I --- - - -Wiv





Organ Recital . .
THE FIRST of two organ recitals Sunday
by Robert Noehren was devoted to music
of contemporary composers. There were
works by one Hungarian, one Dutchman,
six Frenchmen, and one American. The
American was Homer Keller, and the oc-
casion marked the first performance of
his Sonata (1952).
The effect this work had in comparison
to the rest of the program was that of the
new world pitted against the old. For Mr.
Keller no more complimentary surround-
ings could have existed. After the super-
ficial chromaticism of the Alain, Choral
Dorien, and the precious doodlings of the
Litaize, Scherzo, his second movement,
resting on a harmonic and tonal struc-
ture organic to its theme and mood, was
real, unartificial sensuousness. After the
academicism of the Vierne, finale from
the Fifth Symphony, and the van der
Horst, Toccata, his musical logic, dictated
by the music, not superimposed upon it,
gave the concert a feeling of vitality and
freshness that it heretofore lacked.
This is not to say that the work would not
fare as well under dissimilar conditions. By
itself it is a highly enjoyable work, classic
in intent. But the contemporary composer
always runs the risk of being programed
with someone like J. S. Bach, and the
chances are that his music will not be quite
as impressive.
Mr. Noehren, always the understanding
interpreter, played it and the rest of the
program with perception and sensitivity.
His keen ability to project the organ brought
out all the qualities of the music, including
their obtrusive faults. I am looking forward
with anticipation to his recital, next Sun-

I Sonata Recital .
THE SECOND faculty concert of the day
was presented Sunday evening in Angell
Hall Auditorium A by Professors Emil Raab,
violinist, and Benning Dexter, pianist. At
first glance, the programming of Faure,
Stravinsky, and Beethoven, in that ordex,
seemed strange, but by the end of the even-
ing I doubt whether anyone would have
wished it otherwise.
The Faure Sonata in A, Opus 13, was
written in 1876 and deserves at least as
much esteem as the one Franck modeled
after it some ten years later. The spirit
of this music might best be described as
high romantic, often recalling Schumann
and Brahms, although always in the pe-
culiar but wonderful harmonic progres-
sions for which Faure was so famous. The
performers resisted the temptation to
over-emphasize the romantic quality,
without sacrificing the requisites of musi-
cal expression. This included some ex-
tremely sensitive phrasing, especially on
the part of Mr. Dexter.
In his Duo Concertant (1932), Stravinsky
was admittedly concerned with the various
effects possible between the combination of
strings bowed and struck. The final Dithy-
rambe attains real power and meaning, and
transcends the balance of the work, which
seems too experimentally preoccupied with
fiddling and picking. The whole was dis-
patched with suitable elan.
Beethoven's C minor Sonata, Opus 30,
No. 2, was one of a group of three dedi-
cated to Emperor Alexander. Its mood is
usually associated with that of the "Eroi-
ca" Symphony, and Professors Raab and
Dexter gave it the full blood and thunder
treatment. For sheer noise this sonata
overpowered everything else on the pro-
gram, particularly the last movement.
If anything had followed, it would have

(Continued from Page 2)
Group Preliminary Doctoral Exami-
nation in Math. All who intend to take
the group preliminary doctoral exami-
nation in mathematics to be given in
April please notify Mrs. Broze in 3012
Angell Hall by Wed., Mar. 4.
Seminar in Complex Variables will
meet Tues., Mar. 3, at 7 p.m. in 247
West Engineering. The speaker will be
Mr. Storvick on "Harmonic Measures."
Seminar in Hilbert Spaces will meet
Tues., Mar. 3, at 7:30 in 246 West Engi-
Events Today
Young Demorcats. Meeting at 7:30
p.m., Room 3-D, Michigan Union. A
group discussion on the European De-
fense Community will be held. All in-
Generation Fiction Staff will meet at
7:30 tonight in the Union. Please read
all the stories before the meeting.
Science Research Club. The March
meeting will be held in the Rackham
Amphitheater at 7:30 p.m. Program:
Homeostasis in hemostasis( problems
in blood coagulation), William W. Coon,
Surgery; Spectrographic search for
hydrogen emission stars, Karl G. Henize,
Deutscher Verein meeting at 7:30 in
Room 3B, Michigan Union. Dr. Kratz
will speak about the Norse invasion of
North America. Everyone welcome.
Motion Picture. Ten-minute film,
"Wild Fowl Conservation." shown Mon.
through Sat. at 10:30, 12:30, 3 and 4
o'clock and on Sun. at 3 and 4 o'clock
only, 4th floor, University Museums
Square Dance Workshop for budding
callers, experienced dancers, and any
others interested, Lane Hall, 7:30-10:00


S.R.A. Council meeting, Lane Hall, 5
Ballet Club. Meeting tonight in Bar-
bour Gym Dance Studio; Intermediates:
7:15-8:15; Beginners: 8:15-9:15. All per-
sons interested are invited to attend.
Coming Events
Forum on College and University
Teaching, Second session, Mar. 6, 3-5
p.m., Rackham Amphitheater. A panel
composed of Professors Ronald Freed-
man, William C. Gibson, Lawrence B.
Kiddle, and George A. Peek, with Pro-
fessor Wilbert J. McKeachie as chair-
man, will discuss "How to Plan a
Course." Faculty of the University and
graduate students are invited.
Wesley Foundation. Morning Matin on
Wed., Mar. 4, 7:30 to 7:50, Refresher Tea
from 4:00-5:30 p.m.
Roger Williams Guild. Yoke Fellow-
ship, Thurs., 7 a.m. Meet in the Prayer
Room of the First Baptist Church. We
have a finehbreakfast and are through
by 8 a.m.
ULLR Ski Club. Meeting Wed., Mar.
4, 7:30 p.m., Michigan Union. Plans
for spring vacation will be discussed,
and all members, are urged to come.
Young Republicans. There will be a
special business meeting Wed., Mar: 4,
at 7:45 p.m., in the Union. Consult the
bulletin board. All registered members
should attend.
Pre-Medical Society presents Dr. John
Morley, who will speak on the subject
of "The Field of Public Health," Wed.,
Mar. 4, 7:30 p.m. in Auditorium D, An-
gell Hall. A film on public health will
accompany Dr. Morley's talk.
Roger Williams Guild. Lenten Chat,
an informal gathering of Baptist stu-
dents and their friends for refreshments
and fellowship, on Wed., 4:30-5:30.






by Dick Bibter





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