from the Sidelines
. . .By Dick Sewell
Faculty Squ1
Teachers Win Hoop Tilt;
Also CaptureWater Polo
Students, 13-11
THANKS TO A big assist from Old Man Mumps, Coach Matt Mann's
unbeaten natators stand a real chance of splashing to an upset
triumph over power-laden Ohio State in their annual grudge meet
here tomorrow.
Reports from Columbus indicate that ace Buckeye free-styler Dick
Cleveland may be forced to miss this weekend's festivities and perhaps
even the Big Ten Championships at Iowa City March 6 and 7, because
of "a real good case of the mumps."
* * * *
WITHOUT THE FLEET Hawaiian, who holds the world's 100 yard
free-style mark of 49.2 and who won the Big Ten and NCAA 50-yard
free-style events in 1952, Mike Peppe's crew will find it tough going
against steadily-improving Wolverines.
In fact, many local observers are of the opinion that the
defending Western Conference champs may get their lumps
Cleveland or no Cleveland.
Michigan's recent lopsided victories over Michigan State, Iowa
State and Minnesota lend credence to thi, feeling. In churning to six
easy dual meet wins the Maize and Blue swimmers have shown enough
depth and talent in the free-style events to make up for the lack of
strength in the breast and back strokes, and ,seem to have come up
with a better than average diver in sophomore Jim Walters.
* * * *
LEADING THE formidible array of free-style talent are Olympic
strokers Ron Gora and Burwell "Bumpy" Jones, junior Don Hill, and
Captain Wally Jeifries.
Reinstated Gora Adds Strength . .
The recent reinstatement of strong-stroking Gora has added
strength to the 100 and 220 free-style events. The 19-year-old sopho-
more teams with Hill in the 100 and with capable Captain Jeffries in
the 220 against Ohio State's Olympic champ Ford Konno.
DASHMAN HILL stands ready to give Cleveland a real test in
the 50 and 100-yard sprints if the bed-ridden Buckeye should re-
cuperate in time for the meet. Always a top performer, the speedy
junior's most memorable exhibition to date was his double victory
over Michigan State's Olympic 100-meter free-style winner Clark
Scholes in last year's dual meet with the Spartans.
Mann's only problem with the versatile Jones has been where
and when to use him. The 19-year-old Detroit sophomore is Mich-
igan's top entry in the 440, the 150-yard individual medley, and
the 100-yard backstroke. He has also been used upon occasion on
the 300-yard medley relay and the 400-yard free-style relay.
Jeffries, the fourth member of the Wolverines' crackerjack free-
style corps, is a consistent point-getter in the 220 and 440, and often
sees action on the 400-yard relay squad.
* * * *
SOPHOMORE DIVER Jim Walters has come along well in recent
meets, and may well provide unexpected opposition to the Bucks' tra-
ditionally powerful diving borps, headed this year by perfectionists
Jack Clotworthy and Msorley Shapiro. Walters' lone loss this season
was a close decision at the hands of MSC's Ken Coyne.
The Wolverines' sorely miss world champion John Davies, and
Stu Elliot and Rusty Carlisle in the breast stroke, and are once
again weak in the backstroke (a situation sure to be remedied
next year when freshman Jim Kruthers and Bert Wardrup be-
come eligible).
The Buckeyes, on the other hand, enjoy the services of Olympic
backstroke winner Yoshi Oyakawa and breaststroker Jerry Holan.
Mann will be hoping for seconds and thirds in these events to keep
his boys within range.
Given a good day all-around, an a few breaks, Michigan may
well break Ohio's deathlock on the Conference swimming champion-
ship, if they don't it won't be because they didn't try.
For the third straight year the
faculty proved its mastery over
the students in other than aca-
demic fields.
The score of the annual IM
Student-Faculty sports program
was 13-11 in favor of the faculty.
HIGHLIGHTING five hours of
athletic activity was the Student-
Faculty basketball game which
saw the teachers pull away in the
last quarter to a 64-52 victory.
Captain Dave Strack, J. V.
basketball coach, sparked his
team with 19 points, 13 of which
came in the last quarter. The
scoreing for the losers was even-
ly distributed as Dick Strozew-
ski caged 13 and Ted Topor net-
ted 12.
The Faculty proved its super-
iority in the water as well as on
land. Trouncing the students in
water polo by the score of 11-4.
Art! A rf I
(4') - A sturdy South Geor-
gia pointer nicknamed "Ole
Freckleface" was chosen the
1953 national birdog cham-
pion here Thursday.
It was the second time Shore's
Brownie Doone, owned by Mrs.
G. M. Livingston of Quitman,
Ga., had won the national
"Ole Freckleface" first won
the nation's No. 1 field trial
classic in 1950.
Eugene Powers led the scoring with
four goals. Fellow faculty mem-
bers, Charles Fries and Robert
Hall netted three apiece against
the hapless Chicago House team.
* * *
VOLLEYBALL played an im-
portant part in last night's acti-
vity. Of the seventeen matches
played, nine were won by the
A team must win four out of
seven games in order to get
credit for the victory. All but
four of the victors were forced
to play six or more games before
coming out on top. In some of
the onesided games, Economics
defeated Pi Lambda Phi, 4-0;
Dental Materials Lab trounced
L. S. A., 4-0; Air Force beat Sig-
ma Chi, 4-1, and Hawaiians tri-
umphed over Business Admin-
istration, 4-1.
The faculty easily copped the
squash event, winning all seven
matches played. Doug Hayes, Tay-
lor Culbert, Alex Allison and Earl
Riskey didn't lose a game while
taking their matches.
* * *
THE ONLY onesided victory
registered by the students came in
the two bowling matches. The stu-
dent keglers won the first match
by 211 pins.
Phil Barad and Hanley Gur-
win rolled a 573 series and "a
531 series respectively. The best
the faculty could offer Was 513
for three games, rolled by G.
The second match victory was
even more decisive as the student
bowlers rolled a 2734 series to win
by 550 pins. Ed Pearce led the
way with a 561 series. Close behind
him were teammates Lars Linden
and Chuck Barnhart. Each rolled
560 for the three games.
THE OTHER victory recorded
by the students came in handball
as they won three out of four
matches. Team captain Nonny
Weinstock and his partner Bill
Ockman started things rolling by
winning their match, 2-0.
Shaffer and Putich quickly
evened the score by taking their
match, two games to none. How-
ever, the students went on to
take the next two matches and
therefore the event.
The only event on the eight
event program to end in a tie
was handball. Both students and
faculty found the going rough as
they split six matches.
the only double win of the night
as he and his partner Dave Mit-
chell, took their match, 2-1. TL:U
victory was quickly offset as Major
Davis and Captain Jordan won
their games for the faculty.
The final event of the Student-
Faculty IM Sports Program was
billiards. The faculty team of
Harry Carver, Matt Mann, War-
ren Good, and Cecil Craig took
the Straight Rail title, 3-1.
The other billiards event, Three
Cushion, ended in a 2-2 tie.
'M' Engages
McGill Six
At Coliseum
(Continued from Page 1)
A familiar name in the Mc-
Gill lineup is that of Dick Ir-
vin, Jr., son of the famed mentor
of the Montreal Canadiens. Ir-
vin bears his famous name well
and is known as one of 1he
smartest hockey players in col-
legiate circles.
Besides Irvin and Emo, Guy
Bourgouin, Pete McElheron, "Whi-
tey" Shutz and Jean Tessier are all
Matman Kaul Sports Unbeaten Record
Eight straight victories includ-
ing six conference wins, this is
the wrestling record of Wolver-
ine matman Andy Kaul.
Kaul, wrestling his first full
season as one of Coach Cliff Keen's
regular starters, has met and de-
feated all who have faced him this
* * *
ONLY TWO weeks ago in Yost
Fieldhouse Kaul was responsible
for bringing an era to a close. Up
to that time Pete Compton, Illini
wrestling captain and Big Ten
137 pound champion, had been
undefeated in a dual wrestling
meet in five years of high school
and college wrestling.
However, Kaul took the Illini
captain in stride and added him
to his long list of wrestling vic-
tims. Starting slow Kaul came
from behind to pin an 8-4 de-
feat on the previously unbeaten
Last season as an understudy to
Jack Gallon, Kaul wrestled in four
meets, winning two and losing
two. One of his defeats being suf-
fered at thenhands of this same
Pete Compton.
Montreal 4, Toronto 1
An accredited bilingual summer
school sponsored by University of
Guadalajara in co-operation with
Stanford University faculty mem-
bers will be held in Guadalajara,
Mexico, June 28 - Aug. 8, 1953.
Offerings include art, folklore,
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courses. $225gcovers six-weeks
tuition, board and room. Write
Prof. Juan B. Rael, Box K, Stan-
ford University, Calif.
he is hoping to be in top form
for the conference championships
in March.
With only one more dual meet,
against Ohio State this Satur-
day, before the championships
Kaul is expected to end the regu-
lar season with an untarnished
However, despite his remarkable
string of victories, Kaul will
meet some very strong competition
in the finals and will have a rough
time in annexing a 137 pound
wrestling championship trophy.
WHEN ASKED who his tough-
est opponent .has been Kaul im-
mediately answered "they're all
tough, and they seem to get tough-
er as the season progresses."
Besides Compton, Kaul has
whipped such notables as Michi-
gan State's previously unbeaten
Dick Gunner, Pittsburgh's George
Matthews, and only last week pin-
ned Purdue's Pat Amore.
Kaul is unable to credit any
special holds or techniques for his
success but instead states that the
tough competition encountered in
practice sessions adequately pre-
pares him for anything that may
happen in a regular contest.
. . . clean slate
* * *
more Kaul is rated-as one of the
most improved matmen on Coach
Keen's squad. Improving as the
season moves along and practicing
about three hours every afternoon
.. .rugged defender1
potent forwards who promise toj
give the sterling Michigan defen-
sive unit plenty of trouble.
Coach "Rocky" Robillars also
boasts in Jim McGowan and Ron
Robertson a couple of hefty rear
guards who, teamed with netmind-
er Mae Lellan, give the Redman a
tight defense.
MICHIGAN will go with prac-
tically the same lineup that faced
North Dakota last week-end, al-
though Chin's injury may cause
Coach Vic Heyliger to shift Bert
Dunn up from the third line. Dunn
will then play right wing beside
center Doug Mullen and Pat Coo-
ney who skates from the left flank.
Doug Philpott, Johnny Mat-
chefts and Jim Haas again com-
prise the first trio and Telly
Mascarin and Ron Martinson
will appear in reserve.
Defensive star Alex McClellan,
who limped out of the second
North Dakota game after re-injur-
ing a charley horse in his left leg,
is as good as ever
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Jones Puts Spark in 'M' Swim Team
Burwell "Bumpy" Jones and his
natatorial feats have sparked
Michigan's swimming team to vic-
tory for the past two years.
Bumpy, a sophomore, is a pro-
duct of Redford Higi School in
Detroit where he gained recogni-
tion by coping five of the seven
Detroit swimming records during
his four years on the team. He
was named to the AAU All-Amer-
ican swimming team in 1949, '51
and '52.
* * *
+ ----
JONES HAS been to foreign
countries exhibiting his swimming
skills. He was named to the team
which participated in the Pan
American Games in 1950. These
games were held in Buenos Aires,
Last summer, the husky lad
from Detroit earned a berth on
the American Olympic swimming
team, a fitting reward for his
outstanding accomplishments in
swimming. He swam one leg of
the 400-meter free style relay.
The team reached the firnals in
Helsinki, Finland. Jones event, the
individual medley, was not in-
cluded in the schedule *of events.
For five years Bumpy had been
under Coach Matt Mann's tute-
lage at Mann's summer camp. He
attributes Matt's assistance as a
big factor in his success as a
Jones has worked dilligently for
his success, practicing more than
six months of the year. His team-
mates admire him for his easy-go-
ing manner but also for his con-
scientious approach to swimming.
He will undoubtedly continue to
show his worth in the remaining
meets this year and in the two
seasons yet to come.
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