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February 25, 1953 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1953-02-25

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Scientists Will Test Irradiated Foods

Photometer Measures
Mineral Content of Blood

Tribune Awards NROTC

* * «

* * *

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An apparatus which can meas-
ure the mineral content of human
blood within a matter of minutes
is now being used both on Korean
battlefields and in University Hos-
pital laboratories.
The device, a flame photometer,
which costs about $2,000, is help-
ing to save lives in Asia because
of its portability and high speed
Little more than six cubic feet
in volume, it can tell a doctor
whether or not the delicate min-
eral balance in the body has been
SL Agenda
The following topics will be
on the agenda when Student
Legislature meets at 7:30 p.m.
today in Strauss Dining Rm.,
East Quadrangle:
Appointment of National Stu-
dent Association Committee
Motion to ask representation
of foreign students in campus
housing units
Motion on driving ban
Report on action to support
Free University of Berlin
Motion on calendaring chari-
ty drives
Student Affairs Committee
report ,
SL invites all interested
students and faculty members
to attend the meeting.
IAU Group


upset so that he can provide prop-
er treatment. This helps to pro-
tect patients who are in shock or
who have undergone surgery.
To determine the amount of
a particular mineral, the blood
serum is diluted in a carbonate
solution which is also used sep-
arately as a control for the test.
It is poured into a small glass
funnel in the machine and from
there goes, in a fine spray, into
a flame burning in the top of
the photometer.
The flame changes color with
different mineral solutions, and by
use of a sensitive photo-electric
cell lights caused by the blood ser-
um is compared with the lights
caused by the control.
* * *
RESULTS ARE recorded on a
dial on the front of the apparatus
within minutes from the time the
first blood solution was poured
into the funnel. Previous methods
of measurement took hours, or
even days.
A University Hospital doctor
said that while the machine
doesn't do a great deal in the
way of saving lives in Ann Ar-
bor, it is nevertheless helpful
in confirming laboratory findings.
The human body sets up an
"extremely delicate" mineral bal-
ance which must be maintained
within very narrow limits, he said.
Bonds Passed
By CityVoters
(Continued from Page 1)
addition to Slauson Junior High
In addition, a $630,000 contin-
gency found will be set up from
bond sales.
* * *
JUBILANT school board mem-
bers and school officials heard
election returns at the old senior
high school last night. The fav-
orable vote climaxed three years
of intensive work to find a solu-
tion to the city's problem of
cramped school facilities.
Superintendent of Schools Ot-
to W. Haisley recalled how three
years ago small discussion groups
were formed to determine what
facilities the city needed and
how these could be provided.
Haisley cautioned, however, that
in five or six years higher enroll-
ments will result in crowded
schools even with the new build-
ings. Pointing out that 580 more
students enrolled in the fall than
did last spring, he predicted the
trend will continue.
"The building problem will not
be solved with the bond issue," he
But with the new bond money,
he added, Ann Arbor would gain
one of the nation's finest high
schools. "The election was a great
civic victory," Haisley concluded.



NROTC COMMENDATIONS-Two members of the University's
NROTC received Chicago Tribune Awards for outstanding
achievements in military and scholastic fields. Battalion Com-
mander James Kenneth Kneussl, '53, (left) was the recipient of
the gold medal, the highest honor the newspaper offers. Jack
Kincaid Ehlers, '53, Battalion Executive Officer, was presented
with a silver medal.
Coeds Inspire Dates to Tip,
Ann Arbor Cab Drivers Say





* * * K.?* * * *
The University's powerful lump cially processed foods might be- Vaughan dormitory was less than
of cobalt-60 is worth about $50,- come possible, Prof. Brownell said. one would receive from a radium
000. Scientists estimated that a oe pibe Prof B sai. one would rec.
comparable amount of radium He explained that a staff of dial wrist watch.
would cost something like $200 health physicists is constantly Prof. Brownell also pointed out
million. checking to see that the amount that the walls in the small room
If the Atomic Energy Commis- of radiation is well within safe housing the powerful cobalt-60
sion. decides to make inexpensive limits. are so thick a person could stand'
fissionable waste products avail- He added that a test yesterday next to a wall 24 hours a day for
able to industry, gamma steriliza- revealed the highest amount of the next 20 or 30 years without
tion and preservation of commer- radiation in neighboring Victor: being affected by the radiation..

School Offers
Job Training
For Women
Mrs. Clement A. Smith of the
Graduate Management Training
Program at Radcliffe College will
interview women who are inter-
ested in entering fields of busi-
pess usually reserved for men at
10:30 a.m. today and 10 a.m. Fri-
day at the Bureau of Appoint-
The Radcliffe program is a one-
year non-credit study offered in
various types of business admin-
istration. Two periods of full-
time field work totalling ten
weeks give practical experience in
business situations.
The first field work assignment,
lasting four weeks at the begin-
ning of the program, serves as an
orientation into personnel rela-
tions with workers in the manual
occupations. The second, a six
week program, provides contrast-
ing administrative experience.
Between the two field assign-
ments, classes will be taught by
the faculty of the nearby Harvard
Graduate School of Business Ad-
ministration. Courses in market-
ing, management practices, sta-
tistics, personnel relations, retail
distribution, accounting and la-
bor relations will be given.
Fifteen full tuition fellowships
of $650 each are available based
on merit and financial need.
Appointments for interviews
may be made through the Bureau
of Appointments, 3528 Adminis-
tration Bldg.
Linguistics Group
To HoldMeeting
The Linguistics Club will meet
at 8 p.m. today in the East Con-
ference Room, Rackham Bldg.
Prof. Lawrence B. Kiddle of the
Spanish Department will speak on
"The Use of 'Vos' in Spanish-
American Spanish and Eloise Ker-
lin on "Language and Culture."
The public is invited.

To GivePlay
The Inter-Arts Union will pre-
sent "The Late He and She," a
play written by Robert Rice, '54,
as a part of the Fifth Annual Fes-
tival, which will be held March
X7 and 28.
At a meeting yesterday plans
were discussed for the play's pre-
sentation. All interested students
may attend a general meeting at
2:30 p.m. Sunday in the League.
At that time the student director
of the play will be announced.
Students are also encouraged to
submit material for an art ex-
hibit to be held in conjunction
with the Festival from March 9
to 28.
Illness Causes
Aiken Absence
Prof. Henry David Aiken, visit-
ing professor in the Department
of Philosophy, has terminated his
teaching for two weeks because of
a reoccuring laryngitis attack.
The two week rest will help to
prevent a permanent voice loss.
During the absence of Prof. Ai-
ken, Prof. William Frankena,
chairman of the philosophy de-
partment, is giving the lectures in
the course on the Philosophical
Bases of Communism, Fascism
and Democracy.
Prof. Irving Copi is temporarily
taking over Aiken's course in
Law Review
Posts Revealed
Appointments of seven new
members to the student editorial
board of the Michigan Law Re-
view have been announced by the
Law School.
Gene Overbeck, '53L, will serve
as associate editor for the spring
semester. New assistant editors in-
clude Alfred Blumrosen, '53L, Law-
rence DeVore, '53L, Eliot Gerber,
'53L, Sherman Itlaner, 53L, Rich-
ard Shupe, '53L and Walter Wei-
ner, '53L.
The student editorial board of
the Law Review, headed by Rich-
ard D. Rohr, '53L, editor-in-chief,
now includes 33 senior law stu-

The tight-fisted Michigan male
is apt to tip cab drivers readily
and with a great deal of show
when out with a date.
Local drivers say, however, that
besides fellows trying to impress
their women and crowds roaring
home from local pubs, University
students don't tip.
* * *
DESPITE their stinginess, cab
drivers say they like the campus
clientele. But a woman cabbie, who
has been driving a cab in Ann
Arbor for two years, has a dif-
ferent idea.
"I don't like them," she said,
"because every day when they
change classes they come tear-
ing by on bicycles, cutting in
front of my cab, or unexpectedly
run across the streets."
"They drive me crazy, especial-
ly when its early in the morning,
wearing out me and my brakes."
* * *
OLD-TIMERS don't think there
has been any noticeable change
in students over the years:
One cabbie who has been driv-
ing in Ann Arbor for 22 years
said the only real change was in
the town itself. "Why, years ago,"
he said, "I could drive from one
end of town to the other without
stopping once. But the customers
haven't changed."

Evidently students are either
getting poorer or else conserving
their money, for cab drivers gen-
erally think students took more
cabs years ago.
"Usually whole bunches of girls
who live by fraternity row would
all pile into a cab and come down
to campus every morning together.
It seems more people are walking
Drivers suggest that parties were
wilder too. "At least," one 'said,
"it seemed like that from out here
in the cab."
Dutch Aid Drive
To BeginToday
jcontinued from Page 1)
In a telegram of gratitude for
gifts from the Detroit area, Queen
Juliana recalled her Michigan visit
last April as "the highlight of the
American tour," Von Weller said.
Today's bucket drive for aid to
Holland, managed by Student
Legislature member Bob Ely, '54E,
will be handled by personnel from
the following organizations: In-
ternational Relations Club, Pan-
hellenic Association, Interfrater-
nity Council, Inter-House Council,
Assembly, Union, League, SL, Stu-
dent Religious Association, The
Daily, Triangles and Vulcans.




-Daily-Don Campbell
* s* * *
Costume Designers Completing
Preparations for 'Faust'

In one of the many rooms sit-
uated off the labyrinth of passage-
ways underneath the Ldia Men-
delhhohn Theater the costume
crew is busily at work putting the
finishing touches on the garb for
the speech department's and
School of Music's joint production
of Gounod's opera, "Faust."
Surrounded by the flash of sil-
ver helmets and iron swords sits
Phyllis Pletdher, costume designer
for the opera. Miss Pletcher has
designed all the costumes to be
used in the play, scheduled for
production at 8 p.m. Friday and
Saturday, and on March 2 to 4
in Lydia Mendellsohn Theater.
* * * *
LIKE ANY artist Miss Pletcher,
through her costume designs, has
given her own interpretation to
the dynamic opera. Instead of the
traditional garb of the romantic
period, she has decided to fit the
costuming to the later Renais-

One of the most important
problems which Miss Pletcher
had was the character interpre-
tation of Mephisto, the Devil.
"In Medieval times," Miss Plet-
cher said, "the Devil was pictured
as having horns and a tail, and
also as being rather cunning.
"However," she continued, "in
order for the character to appeal
to the modern audience, I felt that
the Devil would be best portrayed
as a sophisticated man about
For this reason she decided to
use black as the predominant col-
or in the Mephisto costume. Black
and red, she points out, are the
traditional colors associated with
the character. Faust, who is cor-
rupted by the Devil, will wear a
blazing red velvet costume, to lend
the dramatic'symbolism of being
the Devil's counterpart.
Tickets may be obtained at the
theater box-office.

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during Lent on Great Christian Beliefs.
1432 Washtenaw Avenue




The Theosophical Society in Ann Arbor



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