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February 11, 1952 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1952-02-11
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Monday, February 11, 1952 Sec. Two, Page One
It was a blend of many things, but all added up it seemed
that just about everyone at the 1953 J-Hop had a pretty fair
Whether it was the sweet Spivak, hot Long music com-
bination, the tropical setting, the chain of parties before and
after the dance with all their embellishments, a new gown, a
new girl, or hardly reason at all, most of the couples were
still smiling when they shouldered through the cloakroom jam.
IT PROBABLY started around six the day of the dance
a@ with a party or two before dinner. In a happy mood, they
crowded fraternity houses-now occupied by the men's
f---,dates-or local banquet halls for a
a festive meal to be followed by
ne-U o more parties.
'mob F " i3 If the Hop-goers arrived at
a g~sthe dance before twelve, they
--wo Dates ere probably concerned about
the success of the affair. The
crowds didn't arrive till mid-
night. Then it got moderately
jammed, and couples joyfully
trudged about looking for fami-
y 3This being Leap Year, and the liar faces at house rest camps
J-Hop Committee being predomi- along the side of the dance
nately made up of women, it floor.
BOOM OR BUST-ARTISTRY IN ORCHID WAS ALL THEIRS seems that we have dispensed with Even at that, things didn't look
.the 1953 J-Hop Committee the courtesy of listing the attend- too bright for the function finan-
« *«* ants of the University's annual so- cially. Final totals aren't ready
cial festival by the young ladies yet, but it appeared that the at-
Sad ns r stig tendance mark fell some five hun-
attendants by the names of the dred people from last year's 4,50.
.young rgentlemen. May the shock j l d r s
s "# not be too greatl THE WHOLE place was turned
s-ninetoA h*Jane ar-nHer- eMuge tropical "paradise"
' ° Bsle . Al sn and JRne an- At the door each woman dancer
muE rl Aber on and Has,-.o al res ands n
ane ARosenrg Robi. Abh was presented with an orchids
eober e drt ys Once past the battery of photog-
Hamet Sraphers,the couples swriled onto
SAien Aiemann and RuthHannum, Mr. and the glazed floor in the midst of a
S ! Mrs George Adomian Angelo Ag- jungle of decorations.
nello and Juanita Schwartz, Her- ur the walls dpicted
bs BAles and Goiny s an, anrisland rereat with figures
BE lerti and Jean Alberti, F. of prlm trees, haciendas, 'nd
John Allaire and Robin McPhail bsm rss-te midens
mGege L. Allen and JDorothyn predominatins r
f n r f7Hammtt.Revolving colored lights played
TsAllen Allie.nd Connie Hilton, noon perfumed fountains, and
Ken Alter and Joanna Cannon.bd turned the wall, into a continuing
Amhsod s and Gladys Beavory, sunrise, sunset.
" , _-ti{ ruce J. Amabs and Carolyn Clark From the ceilin hung gi an-
An dur and Babs Zeitlin, Wi - tAe orchids-the theme of the
* rnam Ansrm an and Joanne affair, "Artistry in Orchid".
r ".Thompson, Donald A. Anderson Some dan ers thouht the a rtis-
A 6N'TrWHA7TrHEYrUS T A andBarbara Knpp, Terry Andre try wasisomewat spoiled by
x and Mary Glynn Chuck Annable pices of red. not orchid. drap
and Marian Robinson, Dan Antrim w
J.nNancy ve adtaKeT A rill ike foil.
BY-GONE DAYIS RETLIVED IN OLD PHOTO REP PODUCTIO\- and Ruth Prochnow Jerrold Ar- A few of the more tipsy felt
mour and Lois Graier. that t revolving chandliers,
-Norton Armour and Lois Was- which cast a constant ripple at
Aerman, Stanley B. Aronoff and coloreds i kersover the floor
AIN'T WHAT THEY USTA BE: Marion Magolfs. Alien Ash and were a little too much to bear up
Maily Kaplan George Aster and under. ,
r t i m rt T e l h l dJ r a s x ny n es n m t te J anice E verett, K eith A veri l and T H E IR b r igh test attire a
n as k . y ud er y n d . gs ka e Colison, Kenneth Averill th e social seaan, the young ladies
0 ldt im herTells Joysw. f Pst JH y u S buhernice och, Norman B. chose a variety of gowns, with
itandall,_bu_ y d t Amor and iscAnn p oll, Larry mst of them wrapped in a stole
Ayers and Ruth usl. o ot hc onro ae o
By HOMER TITLEBOTEM ANYWAY, now the he t TB' THING WAS hat on e of ektanEledVwith their eort. Tails
Sh REs you probaly had a real haverthemes a partiessan thbl o GG BABOT and Dorothy were a rarity, usually sported by
Sprince of a time at the ball cohol and organized sex and all at my concession as a matter of auman, Paul Bachmann and 1 the patrons who themselves got in
and all last week .. . but you could that before they can have a good fact. e gives one look at the Carolyn Keith, Donald Bachrach a few dances.
have had a much better time, be- time. It certainly isn't the way it President. and boy all Hell breaks and Joan Saul. Bruce Bacon and The couples as usual cer all
lieve me you could have, used to be. I know. loose. They was very quiet about Charlotte Havers Norman Bagu- sorts from everywhere. Many
I know. To see my old man was You see, to tell the whole it and all, but you could sure tell ley and Ann Campbell, L. ailes, men and a few women invited
the first concessionaire that work- trth, it was my concession that that all Hell was breaking loose. George Baibok and ilsa Vera, their guests from out of town.
_ __.. IJohn Baty and Jeanie Robinson, Others were from the Univer-

ed at the J-Hop. He brought me really caused all the trouble. I "Why, what are you doing William Baird and Cynthia Vary, sity and showed varying exper-
up in the concession business. don't regret it as doing anything here?" says the Regent. Newton D. Baker and Cynthia L. sions of delight, disappointment,
Back in the '90's, that's when they wrong you understand. The only "Oh, I just thought I'd drop Smith, Charles Bancroft and Don- vivacity and fatigue throughout
had a good time. They really did. thing I'm sorry about is that ina h al"sy h rs-na Westerland. h seig oedne h
They had all these concessions, now no one has any fun at the in at the ball," says the Presi- naWseln.the evening. Some danced the
Thesee. I remember one night one dances. Not really, dent. He was obviously scared Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Ban- whole time. Others wandered
you see I mb e neght on silly, even though he was grin- non, Curt Baker and Lois Bart- around seeking acquaintances.
the University himself was at the What happened was that some- ning and nodding and bowing lett, Hazen J. Baron and Julie C. Some just sat and chatted.
ball. They came right aver to our body told this new President that and all that sort of thing. Enders, Joel J. Baron and Barbara Although practically everyone
concession-we always had the one of the past Presidents-the "I don't believe you should be Binday, Michael A. Barnard and was having a good enough time,
best nthe floor-and every dy one I told you about before-had here," says the Regent, Phyllis Jacks, Roberts S. Barnes they were ready to leave when the
was happy. They sure had a rood gone to the ball, and had had a and Ann Aves, Ronald Barnett and music faded out at 2 a.m.
time then. really good time, at the concession So the President left, and pretty Jeanne Knechtel, Tom Barnum On the off-day, most groups
and all you know. So this new soon the Regent left too. Those and Jerrilyn Briggs, Fred Barrett held some type of party, either to
But after a while there was a President decided he'd have the Regents, they were always hang- and Mary Ann Chennault, Pat get in condition for the dance, or
big squawk somewhere along the best too. Naturally he came to my ing around the concessions. Barrett and Mary Elferdink, Ralph to recuperate from it. When the
line, and they did away with the concession. As I said my old man Anyway that's why there aren't J. Barron and Reeva Gaul. week end was all done, it was
concessions and the concession- brought me up in the concession any more concessions or anything. Henry Baskin and Sonia Cohen, more a fuzzy recollection rather
aires and all the rest. I'm glad my business, and he always was the That's why you didn't have as Edward ' Barthel and J e a n n e than a vivid memory. And just
father never lived till that day, it top concessionaire at any ball, or good a time as you could have had Freshour, Bill Bates and Anne about everyone was a little glad it
would have killed him. practically any place besides. the other day. Believe me. I know. (Continued on Page 6) was finished for a year.

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