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February 22, 1952 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1952-02-22

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.By Gene Mackevich


Puckste rs

Seek Fi fteenth



INTRAMURAL DIRECTOR, Earl Riskey, recently came up with
a new interest-arousing idea, and, from all indications, it looks as
though it may be on its way to becoming another successful IM acti-
Thursday, Feb. 28th, has been set aside as Faculty-Student night."
Competition in eight athletic events between faculty and student
teams will highlight the evening's activities. Approximately 200 per-
sons will represent each squad,
The eight activities include volleyball, basketball, squash, hand-
ball, bowling, billiards, paddleball, and ever dangerous water polo. All
contests wil be open to the general public, and a list of all starting
times will appear in The Daily early next week.
Twelve volleyball matches are on schedule. Many students will
be playing against their instructors when Romance Language
meets the Turks, the Physical Education teachers engage the
phys. ed. students, and Zoology plays Nu Sigma Nu, the medical
Other contests pit Education against Adams House, Chemistry will
battle the Hawaiian3s, Psychology requested the Law Club, and the two
Willow Run teams, the Rockets and Simulators, take on Pi Lambda
'Phi and the Foresters, respectively.
Political Science encounters Phi Delta Theta, Engineering Me-
chanics face the Chinese, Public Health meets Wenley House, and
Museum plays against Zeta Beta Tau.

In Home Appearance-with Mc Gill

Improved Dunne Ranks High in Big Ten
{> 0*1

Basketball Teams Ready
BASKETBALL SHOULD BE one of the evening's most entertain-
ing sports. A fine selection of faculty and student cage talent promises
4 to result in a well played contest.
Captain of the student five is Bill Putich. Other members of the
squad include John Fortenberry, Howie Maturen, Frank Putich, Bob
Fleming, Joe Cassis, Russ Smith, and Don Peterson.
Assistant basketball coach Dave Strack will captain the facul-
ty team. Bill Orwig, varsity end coach, and J. T. White, J-V bas-
ketball mentor will give the instructors ample height. Nels Lehsten,
University High Athletic Director, will also play.
The squad is rounded out by Rod Granbeau, assistant IM director,
Don Robinson, J-V football coach, Elmer Swanson, assistant track
mentor, and Rich Donnelly of the phys. ed. department.
Squash, handball, paddleball, billiards, and bowling all have their
captains chosen, and are now going through a stage of organization.
Bowling will consist of four teams, each of which will have five
members. The faculty captains are E. D. Mitchell and golf coach Bert
Katzenmeyer. Jay O'Keefe and Dick Smith are the two student cap-
tains. Word has it that O'Keefe has maintained a 190 average while
bowling in his league at the Union.
Either Williams or Hayden House will meet Wenley in the
residence hall finals of water polo. The champion will face a fa-
culty team organized by captain Chuck Fries. This is one sport that
you really have to know what you're doing, because, as those of
you, who have played it know, ANYTHING GOES.
If all goes well next Thursday night, Mr. Riskey plans to have a
similar activity in the spring. At that time softball, golf, horseshoes,
and tennis would be featured.
Frank Putich and Bob Fleming recently teamed up to win the
all-campus doubles championship. They defeated Len Pearlman and..
Bill Reiger two straight games: 21-15 and 21-11.
Four Schools Compete in Handball
THIS SATURDAY four handball teams from the state of Michi-
A gan will compete on the IM courts. Two singles and one doubles team
will represent Michigan State, the University of Michigan, Detroit, and
Wayne University. Semi-final matches are scheduled for the morning,
while finals will be played that afternoon.
Bill Riekel and Bob Spatz will play 1-2 singles for Michigan, while
Nonn Weinstock and Frank Wollowitz will team up for doubles
Last night at 7:30 residence halls, independents, and social fra-
ternities were timed in the quarter mile relay at Yost Field House.
The teams with the four best times in the fraternities and the
four best in the residence halls will take part in the IM division of
the Michigan-Ohio State track meet to be held March 1. Last year
the winners in the respective divisions were Kappa Sigma, Williams
House, and the Newman Club.
That's about all the news from IM headquarters for the week. Be-
fore closing, one final reminder: Faculty-Student night should turn
out to be an enjoyable evening for all concerned. So why not come out
. and see some of your profs and instructors compete with your fellow-
We all may be a little surprised to discover that some of the aging
teachers might be able to handle students, both in and out of the
classrooms ... .

At every Michigan wrestling
meet this year, hoots and howls for
Moose Dunne have become the
favorite cheer of Wolverine fans.
Dunne, one of the most popular
grapplers to hit the Michigan
scene in many a year, takes it. all,
in his stride and still goes onto
the mats determined not neces-
sarily to give a good show, but to
* * *
AND WHAT'S' more, of late he
has been winning! !
Dunne has come along this year
under the expert tutelage of Coach
Cliff Keen and Assistant Coach
All those interested in one of
the following all-campus tour-
naments, please send your en-
r tries to the IM building imme-
diately. Tournaments will be
held in squash, table tennis,
bowling, handball (singles),
and indoor tennis.
-Earl Riskey
Bob Betzig, and has emerged to
the point where he is probably as
good as any heavyweight wrestler
in the Big Ten.
But everything wasn't always
this well with the 215 pounder
from Winnetka, Illinois.
Dunne comes from a long line
of Michigan graduates; and all
of them played varsity football.
So it is, that when Art came to
the University he would have
liked nothing better than to
play the fall sport.
But tradition was to be broken.
Moose did not have the natural
co-ordination, it appeared, to be
a sucess on the Michigan football
team. And so he decided to go out
for wrestling.
* * *

because down deep they could
see the potential of a successful
heavyweight wrestler.
Not until this year has the po-
tential been reached.
Dunne started off his varsity
career by grappling in two varsity
matches in his sophomore year.
He lost them both, one of them by
a pin to Bill Miller, Ohio 'State's
former national champion heavy-;
weight wrestler.
* * *
THAT WAS the 1949-50 season,
end for his efforts Dunne was
awarded a reserve letter.
Last season Keen expected
great things from the Wolverine
mammoth. But even though
great improvement was noted,
he still did not reach his apex.
He ended up the year with a
record of three wins, four losses,
aql three ties.
This year Dunne has developed
to such a point that he has won
more matches thisyear, four, than
he won in the previous two years
But if you ask Cliff Keen, he's
sure that the best is yet to come.
"The Big Ten meet," he says,
"will show 'em just how good
Moose really is."

Tigers Open
Twenty-Two Players
To Report to Lyons
LAKELAND, Fla.-(P)-An ad-
vance contingent of 22 players
will be on hand today for the op-
ening of the Detroit Tigers spring
training season.
* * *
THE SQUAD which will greet
Lyons will be composed of 17
pitchers, four catchers apd out-
Sports Tryouts
An opportunity to work on
the Sports Staff of the Michi-
gan Daily, one of the most com-
petent collegiate newspapers in
the country, was offered yester-
day to all University students.
Ted Papes, Sports Editor, an-
nounced that all tryouts would
be welcomed at the Sports Desk
of the Student Publications
Building at five p.m. on Mon-
day, February 2'. 1952.
"The Sports staff," he added,
"offers the student fellowship,
knowledge, and enjoyment, plus
the satisfaction gained by par-
ticipation in extra-curricular
fielder Vic Wertz who received
permission to report early. The
remainder of the outfielders and
infielders are not due until March
Hal Newhouser hasn't signed
his 1952 contract but will be per-
mitted to take part in the drills.

NIL Rules To Be Enforced
In Two-Tilt Redmen Series

The Michigan pucksters take
on their third Canadian foe of
the season when they face the
Redmen of McGill tonight and
tomorrow at 8 p.m. in the Coli-
Both games will be contested
under National Hockey League
rules, which permit body check-
ing in all zones.
* * *
seeking their fifteenth win of the
season, as against four losses. The
* *" * *

. . . popular 'M' grappler
dination, and natural ability, he
was much behind the rest of the
squad when he reported. He was
brand new to the game, and the
nickname of 'Moose' seemed very
appropriate indeed.
Keen and Betzig worked very
hard with the young :sophomore

"The Redmen play rough,
hard-hitting hockey, which is
colorful from the fan's view-
point. They play their best
games on the road. The team
improves with every game, and
should provide the Wolverines
with a good battle."
This is primarily a building
year for the Redmen, under their
new coach, Rocky Robillard. De-
fensively, the squad is sound,
boasting two veteran goalies, Bob
MacLellan and John Wright.
At forward, Albert Schultz,
leading McGill scorer, teams
with William Duke and Pete
McElheron for the first line.
The latter is probably the most
improved player on the squad-
a swift skater with a lot of
" drive.
Another forward who will see
action is Dick Irvin, Jr., son of
Dick Irvin, coach of the NUIL.
Montreal Canadiens h
THE MICHIGAN squad is gen-
erally in good shape, except for
Doug Philpott, who will miss the
series. Philpott, second line cen-
ter, is in Health Service with a
bad cold.
Wolverine Mentor Vie Hey-
liger says Telly Mascarin, Wind-
sor freshman, will dress in
place of Philpott. Paul Pelow
is slated to take over at center
between John McKennell and
Eddie May to complete the sec-
ond line.
Heyliger will probably start
Earl Keyes, George Chin, and Pat
Cooney as forwards, with Reg
Shave and Jim Haas on defense
in front of goalie Willard Ikola.

Big Ten Court Lead at Stake,
As Iowa encounters Illinois

. . . McGill forward
* *$*
Redmen have lost five tilts in
Canadian Senior College play.
They have beaten Laval and tied
Toronto, a team that gave Michi-
gan two tough battles here earlier
this season.
Word from Montreal on the
McGill team is this:

BECAUSE of his lack of co-or-
Dick Button
Wins Second
Olympic Title
OSLO-{A)--Dazzling Dick But-
ton, king of the figure skaters,
won his second Olympic Cham-
pionship with a masterful ice
show yesterday, and became the
first repeating titlist of the 1952
winter games.
T h e handsome, 22-year-old
Harvard University senior from
Englewood, N.J., completed his
skating contest with a spectacu-
lar series of improvised whirls and
jumps that brought repeated
rounds of applause from the small
crowd of 5,000 at Bislett Stadium.
* * *
cumulated a total of 731%2 points
and further cut into Norway's
commanding lead for unofficial
team honors. The Norwegians
held first with 101.
Austria follows second place
U.S. with 56, and Finland is
fourth with 41.
Button's triumph brought a
bright glow to a day otherwise
marred by defeat and near
'tragedy for American forces.
The U.S. hockey team, rated'
with Canada as a favorite for the
championship, suffered its first
setback of the round robin tour-
nament-a 4-2 loss to Sweden's
European champions.

A whole season of Big Ten com-
petition will be packed into one
basketball game tomorrow night.
Statistically-favored Iowa, which
has taken nine out of ten con-
ference. tests, meets defending
champion Illinois, holder of an
identical record against confer-
ence foes.
* * *
THE HAWKEYES defeated Il-i
linois, 73-68, earlier this season at
Iowa City, but they don't figure
to have such an easy time of it on.
the Champaign hardwood.
Coach Bucky O'Connor's tall
Iowans must overcome a visi-
tor's jinx that has limited the
corn staters to one victory in
19 games on the Huff gymna-
sium court since 1928.
A strong point in the Hawk-
eyes' favor is six-foot-eight-inch
center Chuck Darling, who is
headed toward one of the most
remarkable records in cage his-
* * *

coming in conference play. He is
almost certain in the four remain -
ing Iowa contests to crack the
Western Conference record of 277
points for 14 games, set by Ray
Ragelis of Northwestern last year.
Also in the starting lineup of
a squad that has won 17 of 18
s t a r t s are forwards Herb
Thompson and Deacon Davis,
and the backcourt duo of Bob
Clifton and Skip Greene.
Coach Harry Combes' Illini five
ranks defensively as the best. in
the circuit, having allowed only
586 points to the opposition for a
58.6 average.
* * *
WHILE LACKING any scorers
in the league's top ten, Illinois
boasts a 63 point average as com-
pared with 71 for the visitors.
Top point-setter for the home
forces is sophomore center John
Kerr who has hit for 129 Big Ten
tallies. Kerr is backed up by
Clive Follmer and Irv Bemoras at
the forwards and Rod Fletcher
and Jim Bredar at the guards.
Bob Peterson, a 6-7 big boy with
94 points to his credit, spells Kerr
at the pivot position.



.rq!idn; i s

Variety 'tiow


Tomorrow Night !

points in 181
erage, with

HAS smashed 459
games for a 25.5 av-
262 of the markers

Ft. 'I

* * * *


SigEps Top Relay Field

lot Ann Arbor It's the
VFW Club for
FREDDIE BENTZ and His Orchestra
Mary Lou, Vocalist
" 2 . and Guests
Ph. 2-3972



Sigma Phi Epsilon paced the
field of qualifiers in the 880 yard
preliminary relays at Yost Field-
house yesterday, turning in a
1:42.8 timie. Williams House led
the residence hall finalists record-
ing 1:46.2 for four times around
the fieldhouse 220 yd. oval. Top
time for the Independent League
was negotiated by the Foresters
who ran the distance in 1:48.0.
THE TOP FOUR teams'repre-
senting fraternities and residence
halls will determine final posi-
tions by running the finals along
with the Michigan - Ohio State
track meet this Saturday. Com-
peting for fraternity honors along
with the Sig Eps will be Sigma
Alpha Epsilon, Alpha Tau Omega,
and Phi Delta Theta. Finalists
in the residence hall league be-
sides Williams House are Cooley

House, Strauss House and Allen
The top four positions in the
Independent division were de-
termined last night. Following
The Foresters were Wesleyan
Guild, Newman Club and Mich-
igan Cnristian Fellowship, in
that order.
None of the relay teams came
close to breaking the 1:37.5 rec-
ord set by Lloyd House in 1941.
*a * *
included professional fraternity
and Independent basketball and
faculty volleyball. There were
three thrillers in the basketball
play with Alph Kappa Kappa ek-
ing out a 31-30 victory over Delta
Sigma Delta, Alpha Chi Sigma
out-fighting Phi Delta Chi 20-18,
and Lutheran decisioning Roger
Williams Guild 26-25.

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