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February 21, 1952 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1952-02-21

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A Note to Miss Snead

"Now,, Here's A General I Have Confidence In"

j OFTEN THINK back to my grade school
days. I suppose many of us do for we all
enjoy a good reminiscence now and then.
And, far from unwarranted sentimentalism,
recollecting is a healthy passtime.
It enables one to get a firmer hold on
the present by putting in order his thoughts
and impressions of the past. Also, if the
indulger isat all objeitive, he can squeeze
a little constructive criticism into his re-
Verie which might be helpful to the next
My memories of grade school are various.
One of the most vivid is of a class I attend-
ed once a day for perhaps four years. It
was called "auditorium" but its subject mat-
'ter was much wider than the title indicates.
The three subjects taught in auditorium
which I most clearly remember are art and
music' appreciation and citizenship. To the
extent that a 10 year old can appreciate
Michelangelo and Bach, the music and art
instruction was a success. The teachings in
citizenship were not.
Blind patriotism, which better suits a
totalitarian subject than a democratic ci-
tizen, was the prevailing tenor of the ar-
gument. It was in this class that I first
learned to cheer George Washington and
to hiss Benedict Arnold. I am not inti-
mating that such reactions are improper
for an American citizen but I do suggest
that they are shallow.
Miss Snead (our teacher) took a danger-
ously narrow view to her subject. I cannot
recall ever hearing anything about tolerance,
sympathy, human dece cy, the importance"
of personal friendships or any other of the
qualities necessary to individual citizens in
a free and civilized society. The emphasis
was on how-how to pledge allegiance to the
flag of the United States of America, how
to behave properly while someone else was
talking. Obviously Miss Snead's prime -con-
cern should have been why: why pledge to
the flag, why behave graciously towards the
speaker at a meeting. .
We are all aware of the consequences of
the "how" manner of instruction. Its auto-

matic assumption that pledging to the flag
or being quiet while another speaks is the
right thing to do discourages a critical atti-
tude on the part of the pupil. Its aim be-
comes mechanical obedience rather than un-
derstanding and independent action. Later
on, when someone tells the child that Jews
are bad and must be exterminated, as Hit-
ler did the German youth, he does not ques-
tion the truth of the fact but only thinks
about.how he can put it into practice.
Thus, though it can be called the easiest
and quickest means of grade school in-
struction ("Let the children understand
later"), it is actually dictatorial. As such,
it is disasterous to democratic attitudes
and Institutions.
Nor is the "how" method of instruction
the exclusive property of Miss Snead or the
primary schools, for if it were there would
be small cause to worry. "The children"
would understand later and all would be
I REMEMBER my high school Americas
history book. It was full of half-truths;
all of them hiding sordid facts about the
United States or giving us more credit than
we deserved.
.he colonies, as this book would have
it, fought and defeated the British prac-
tically singlehanded. It did mention that
the French gave us some aid, principally
'in the form of Lafayette, but ignored Bri-
tain's great conflict with France, com-
pared to which the revolution was a side
show. Nor did the book report William
Randolph Hearst's part in pushing the
U.S. into a largely unprovoked attack on
Spain in 1898; nor did it tell how the
Rockefellers and Morgans and Vanderbilts
really made their fortunes. All these facts
and many more are part of American his-
tory and U.S. citizens should know about
The connotations that the history book
carries are obvious. High school students are
still considered "children" and thus they
must find out .the "why"-the facts-later
By the time a person graduates or leaves
high school, however,,it is already too late.
A big part of our youth neVer even get out
of grade school; the army carries on its in-
struction on the 5th grade level. Thus, only
Miss Snead could have had the chance to
instill a democratically critical attitude in
the first place. Of the high school graduates,
only a small minority ever go on to college
or do enough reading on their own to find
out that behind the glitter of America all is
not gold.
* * *
NOW LET US LOOK at college, for a pe-
culiar thing happens here. Suddenly our
mental child has become a grown up. Edu-
cators assume that he already knows enough
to make intelligent well-grounded decisions
on national problems and he is put to work
learning a profession.
Thousand enter engineering college.

Thousands more become pre-dental, pre-
medical, nursing, business administration,
education, and etcetera students. At the
same time our educators are making this
assumption, society as a whole is making
another. It still considers the student a
child and woe be to the university which'
'does not outwardly concur. Universities
must ban political speakers, since the child
is liable to get a good idea from the wrong
man. They must regulate their student's
hours carefully, provide a home away from
home down to the last soda fountain. The
university must read the student paper
carefully, so that its better moneyed alum-
ni will not be offended. And so forth.
Inwardly, however, the universities , are
holding their own. They can still offer
courses like "The Philosophic Basis of Com-
munism, Fascism and Democracy," and "The
Mind of Primitive Man" to the few liberal
arts students left who wish to take them.
They .can still use history books written by
a German or Russian author.
But the pressure is growing greater and
perhaps someday sooner than any of us
would like to think the colleges will have to
succumb to blind patriotism too. The House
un-American Activities Committee is com-
ing next week. Maybe loyalty oaths will drop
in the next. And where is this anti-demo-
cratic, anti-critical, conform-to-the-tradi-
tional - without - a - doubt pressure coming
from? From all' the people who never got
past the Miss Snead level of instruction.
They are everywhere. They are the chil-
dren who were never allowed to grow up
and who will insist that their children
not be allowed to mature either. They are
the children who are voting, raising fami-
lies, rising to responsible civic and eco-
nomic positions and getting scared when-
ever someone disagrees with the majority
view. They are the fuzzy thinkers who re-
fuse to distinguish between dictatorship,
socialism and atheism just because Rus-
sian Communism incorporates all three;
and who insist we kill all the ideas with
a gun.
Well, this is enough. This is the reason I
would like to suggest to all the prospective
grade school teachers who have read this far
that they broaden their approach in teach-
ing their pupils citizenship. That they ex-
plain why to their students. That they en-
courage questions, help them to doubt and
to know what they are pledging allegiance
to. At the same time they might say a few
words on behalf of tolerance, friendship and
There are some who will say that chil-
dren are incapable of understanding such-
things. I would disagree with them; we are
the ones who teach them to be intolerant in
the first place. Also,'a person canriot grow
up unless he is given a chance, and the exist-
ing educational system discourages growth
on nearly every level. If we are to encour-
age maturity we may as well start at the
-Richard King

The Daily Welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the



(Continued from Page 2)
Applied Math. Seminar: Thurs., Feb.
21. 4 p.m., 247 W. E. Prof. Churchill
will speak on Legendre transforms and
Prof. Dolph's proposed convolution
Seminar in Linear Spaces will mect
every Thursday at 4 p.m. in 3011 A.H.
Mr. Kuller will speak on Banach Alge-
Geometry Seminar: Thurs., Feb. 21.

followed by a discussion on the "Pur-
pose of Criticism in Modern Poetry."
Prospective members and interested
parties are urged to attend.
American Society for Public Adminis-
tration Social Seminar. 7:30 p.m.,
West Conference Room, Rackham Bldg.
Speaker: Irving McNayr, County Man-
ager of Montgomery County, Maryland.
Subject: "Organizing County Govern-
ment for Efficiency and Economy."
Members, wives and friends are in-

4:10 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Mr. Kilby
will continue his talk on "Convex Poly- Newman Club. Mardi Gras party,
hedral Cones". 8-12 midnight, Fri., Feb. 22, Recreation
room, Saint Mary's Chapel. Entertain-
Rotating Seminar in Mathematical ment: comedy skits, musical renditions,
Statistics: Sat., Feb. 23, 2:15 p.m., 3201 square and round dancing. Refresh-
Angell Hall. Speakers: Prof. D. A. ment. All Catholic students and their
Darling, University of Michigan, and friends are invited.
Prof. Benjamin Epstein, Wayne Uni-
versity. International Relations Club. Pan-

Modern Poetry
P IS CAMPUS has long had the reputa-
tion, though sometimes phrased in dif-
ferent terms, of being culturally arid in
most circles and sopping wet in other,
smaller ones. The culture hounds, generally
speaking, are supposed to have little ,to do
with the non-aesthetes, and definitely visa-
Not being an enthusiastic backer of this
theory, I find myself encouraged now and
then to hear about projects or activities
which tend to disprove it. The latest is
the announced revival of the Modern
Poetry Club.
I might say to begin with that I am dis-
tinctly biased in favor of .the group, having
enjoyed participating in its activities for
some time prior to its disbanding two years
ago. The basi idea was then, and presum-
ably will be now, the discussion of modern
poetry in an easy, non-academic climate,-the
nat.ural result of a small group talking over
matters in which they are interested. This
is not to say that we didn't learn anything;
on the contrary, I think we all profited to
some extent, perhaps primarily in learning
how to appraoch modern poetry for the most
As I recall, membership was never lim-
ited, either in name or in practice, to stu-
dents. of English or closely associated
fields..Rather, anyone who felt a sufficient
interest to show up at a session was wel-
comed, and I have been assured by the new
sponsors that this will hold true now.
Of course, the success of the Modern Po-
etry Club at this point rests in the interest
of its members. They will have their first
meeting tonight in the League, and if you
are so inclined, why not drop up and sea
what goes on? I can promise some interest-
ing talk, not an unpleasant thing in itself,
and if you happen to pick up a little edu-
cation on the side, so much the better.
-Chuck Elliott
rVHE RECENT news story out of San Fran-
cisco telling how the good citizens voted
a Chinese born mechanic out of their neigh-
borhood seems to indicate that some of our
people could use an Americanization course
from foreign born citizens.
Sing Sheng and his American born wife,
in typical democratic fashion invited the
residents of the neighborhood in which
he moved, to take a vote on whether they
wanted the Sheng family to remain their
neighbors. The neighbors responded in
equally undemocratic fashion by asking
the Shengs to leave their white paradise.
We have heard the social scientists over
and over again explain that the coloring of
the skin and the slanting of the eyes means
no more than the coloring of the eyes or the
slanting of the toes.
Of course if we interpret a different col-
ored skin as a red stop light and never get
close enough to see what makes the person


At Lydia Mendelssohn;.
JOAN OF LORRAINE, by Maxwell An-
derson, produced by the Student Players.
THE STUDENT PLAYERS, in six produc-
tions since their organization in Febru-
ary, 1950, have been devoted to bringing to
the campus the Broadway flavor in play
production. At times, as in last spring's
"Finian's Rainbow," they have managed to
match anything that has been presented by
amateurs hereabouts in the last five years.
The very things that made "Finian's
Rainbow" so good, however, operate to
the disadvantage of "Joan of Lorraine"
and leave it no more than a moderately
interesting student production. At least,
the same wide-eyed innocence and pur-
poseful energy that brightened last .
spring's musical popped up so frequently
in the current offering that the brooding
quality of the drama was dissipated in the




one-level force of the presentation.
These qualities (innocence and energy)
are, no doubt, real elements of the enigma
of Joan of Arc, but the playwright felt, for
maximum effect, they must be funneled
through the sophisticated alter egos of the
director and the star who are putting on the
play of "Joan." Without the implication of
still unspent resources in these characters,
the play will not really come alive and be
left somehow groping by the challenge of
the trial and adjuration scenes.
James Brodhead, in the important role
of Masters, plays with cynicism, but with-
out much sense of tired humanity. Patricia
Skinner, in the difficult title role, has
warmth, but not quite enough range to
give the dual part its fullest meaning.
Theatrically, the play moves very well. It
uses the same "stage which is a stage" that
"Our Town" employs and compels interet
with equal effectiveness. It is probably at its
best in the last half of the first act in the'
scene which introduces the Dauphin. This
role, played- by Roy Strozzi, does not re-
quire much dual interpretation but gives the
play some of its richest moments. Among
the best of the supporting cast were Shirley
Forsyth and John Geralt.
The production does, in short, competently
handle Anderson as a dramatic technician,
but beyond, leaves him little more than a
cracker-barrel tragedian.
-Bill Wiegand
At The Michiganz. .
RACE RIOTS are not pretty things, and
this picture carries the realism leading
up to one much further than any of the
previous Negro problem movies. Because
of the relatively unknown cast and the cas-
ual acting of extras, the film assures the

Law School Admission Test: Candi-
dates taking the Law School Admission
Test, February 23, are requested to re-
port to 100 Hutchins Hall at 8:45 a.m.,
Sat. The session will last until 1 p.m.
Psychology Colloquium. Fri.. Feb. 22,
4:15 p.m., Rackham Assembly Hall. Dr.
Ronald Lippitt, of the Research Center
for Group Dynamics, will speak on
"Replication of a Field Study on Social
Doctoral examination for Peter Ray-
mond Girardot, Chemistry; thesis: "A
Tracer Study of the Reaction between
Sodium and the Diammoniate of Di-
borane," Thurs., Feb. 21, 3003 Chemis-
try Bldg., 1:30 p.m. Chairman, R. W.
Bacteriology Seminar. Fri., Feb. 22,
11 a.m., 1514 East Medical Bldg. Speak-
er: Dr. Cyrus Levinthal. Subject:
History Make-up Examinations. Sat.,
Mar. 1, 9-12, 2016 A. H. You must ob-
tain written permission from your in-
structor, and then sign list in History
Organ Recital: Carl Weinrich, guest
organist, will be heard in a program at
8:30 Thursday evening, February 21, in
Hill Auditorium. Compositions by
Buxtehude, Sweelinck, Bach, Haydn,
Honegger and Hindemith. Open to the
public without charge. Mr. Weinrich
is Director of Music at Princeton Uni-
versity Chapel.
Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial
Hall. Four Centuries of French Prints,
through February 26; Venice (LIFE
Photographs), through February 28.
Weekdays 9 to 5, Sundays 2 to 5. The
public is invited.
Fine Arts under Fire, a photographic
exhibition prepared by theaeditorsof
LIFE magazine, through March 1. first
floor Exhibition Corridor, College of
Architecture and Design.
Events Today
Seminar. Lane Hall, 7-8 p.m. First
meeting of a series of ten on the sub-
ject: "The Thinking of One of the
World's Great Men-Albert Schweister."
Discussion leader: Dr. Kenneth Leisen-
Pershing Rifles, National Honorary
Military Society of Pershing Riflemen.
Smoker, 8 p.m.,, Room 3D, Union. All
first and second year cadets, in either
the Armty or Air ROTC, interested in
becoming members of this organiza-
tion are invited to attend. (All P. R. of-
ficers not needed for drill are to be
at the Union at 7:45 p.m. in complete
First year experiences in marketing
jobs. The 6tudent Marketing Club
presents three speakers from the mar-
keting field. Each speaker is a re-
cent graduate of this school and will
discuss with students his experiences
during his first year in marketing work,
prospects in his field, etc. Speakers:
Donald J. Massnick, U.S. Steel Co.-
Marketing Research: D. Roger Mac-
Naughton, I.B.M.-Industrial Selling;
and Arthur Cone, Sears, Retailing. 7:30
p.m., 131 Business Administration. All
students are urged to attend,
Modern Poetry Club. Organizational
and membership meeting, League, to be

el discussion by three students on
"What should be the policy of the
United States toward Indo-China,"
7:30 p.m., 1035 Angell Hall. Open to
everyone on campus.
Kappa Phi: Supper and program,
5:30 p.m., at the Methodist church. All
Imembers are urged to be present.
International Center Weekly Tea for
foreign students and American friends,
4:30-6 p.m.
U. of M. Sailing Club. Meeting, 7:30
- p.m.311 West Engineering. Business
La p'tite 'ausette meets from 3:30 to
5 p.m. in the south room of the Union
Wolverine Club: 'Ensian pictures
wil be taken at 7:15 p.m., Union.
Canterbury Club: Holy Communion,
7 a.m. on Friday, followed by breakfast
in Canterbury House.
Motion Pictures, auspices of the Uni-
versity Museums. "Cell-Structural
Unit of Life." "Cells and their Func-
tions," and "Life in a Drop of water."
7:30 p.m., Fri., Feb. 22, Kellogg Audi-
Second Michigan Conference for Fac-
ulty, Administrators and Graduate Stu-
dents will meet at the Union Sat., Feb.
23. for an all-day conference, the theme
being: "Christian Values in Higher
Education." Open to local faculty as
well as those from colleges over the
State. Speaker at the luncheon: Dr.
Edwin E. Aubrey, 'University of Penn-
sylvania: "Adequate Resources for the
Christian Teacher." Telephone Lane
Hall for reservations.
Oratorical Contest.
The University of Michigan sponsors
an oratorical contest with speakers
from the Universities of Michigan, Wis-
consin, Minnesota, Northwestern, Iowa,
and Western Reserve. Preliminaries will
be held Fri., Mar. 14, 4 p.m., 4203 n-
gell Hall. This contest is open to
sophomores, juniors, and seniors. The
topic must be one of public interest,
the length not over 1800 words.
Further information may be had
from members of the staff of the De-
partment of Speech, or at the office
of the Department, 3211 Angell Hall.
'Age of Reason'
The very nature and design of
religion, if I may so express it,
prove, even to demonstration, that
it must be free from every thing
of mystery, and unincumbered
with every thing that is mysteri-
ous. Religion, considered as a
duty is incumbent upon every liv-
ing soul alike, and therefore, must
be on a level to the understanding
and comprehension of all. Man
does not learn religion as he
learns the secrets and mysteries
of a trade. He learns the theory
of religion by reflection. 'It arises
out of the action of his own mind
upon the things which he sees, or
upon what he may happen to hear
or to read, and the practice joins
itself thereto.
-Thomas Jefferson ;

SL Reasons . .
To the Editor:
AS "one of the .campus's most
popular young dillitantes,"
who helped to push the time limit
motion through Student Legisla-
ture and the Student Affairs Com-
mittee last year, I feel it only fair
that the arguments in favor of
the new bias bill proposal be pre-
sented more fully than Mr. Hel-
man has stated them.
Certainly the new version is
watered down, not because SL is
afraid of another setback, but be-a
cause the last setback taught
many of us that it is necessary to
proceed slowly when dealing with
such a conservative, perhaps reac-
tionary administration.
Many of those who voted
against the time limit did so in
the conviction that SL must move
more slowly toward a strong and
effective motion, and that such a-
motion will come about only after'
the administration has tightened
its safety belt and admitted in an.'
actual law that discriminatory'
clauses are bad and cannot be
allowed to remain untouched by
a democratic institution in a
democratic society. To date the
University has never admitted
that campus organizations should
attempt to remove discriminatory
clauses before they can be con-
sidered full members of a demo-
cratic society.
Some who voted against the
strong and in favor of the weak
proposal did so to test the truth
of rumors which have seeped'
down through the lines to us-
rumors that state the University
does not care whether or not
campus groups have discrimina-
tory clauses in their constitu-
The new, weak, necessary mo-
tion asks only the simplest actions
from offenders. There is no ex-
cuse for the failure of its passage
unless the rumors are true. If the'
rumors are not true, the Student
Legislature will have forced the
University to take some stand on
this issue, no matter how weak a
Therefore, the way will be open
for future strong legislation on
this subject. But there must be
something on the books concern-
ing discriminatory clauses before
we push through a time limit. The
University is too conservative to
swallow a time limit before de-
vouring an appetizer..
-Leah Marks
* * *
French Rule . .
To the Editor:
There has been a great deal of
criticism in the last month on the
French administration of Morocco
and Tunisia. Much of it has given
a false impression of the forty
years that France has been in
these countries.
Like any 'orm of government it
has brought both advantages and
disadvantages. If, on the one
hand, Prance has controlled
rather than I merely protected
Morocco and Tunisia, on the other
hand it has furthered economic
prosperity, social peace, and a
healthy population. If the French
peopleare hated, how does one
explain the thouands of young
Moroccans and Tunisians who
voluntarily enlist in the French
On the other hand, it is true
that the rights of free speech and
assembly are not always respected
and that theiFrench are still re-
fusing the idea of a Moroccan
Union, which means, in effect,
that the Moroccan workers will
have to join the French Commun-
ist CGT (Union).
If the French were not taking
steps to encourage further im-
provements and to end, their con-
trol, there would be nothing to say
in their defense. But they have

promised to bring Tunisia and
Morocco to independence. This
program for the welfare of Moroc-
co must not be sacrificed in 'order
to satisfy the demands of colonists
who fear that their interest may
be affected by a change of sover-
eigns. Nor must it be accelerated
at a time when the possibility of
Communist control is still threat-
ening. I am sure that North Africa
will finally be .given complete in-
dependence and not just a change
of rulers.
The representatives of the Arab
countries, who are trying to raise
sentiment against foreigners in
order to make their people forget
the troubles they have had under
their own rulers, would be better
off to start worrying about the
day they will no longer have their
favorite scapegoat.
J. G. Castel

Month's Research . . .
To the Editor:
IT is interesting to note, in con-
nection with Rich Thomas'
controversial article, "I Killed the
President" (Michigan Daily, Jan-
uary 15), that the Soviet Union
did publish a. reply to the war
articles' in such magazines as
The Soviet magazine "New
Times", which is available in
English, published in its January
issue an article pre-dated Janu-
ary, 1956. It is written on the
assumption that the U.N. had
reached agreement on banning
the A-bomb and that the Big
Five had signed a peace pact in
December, 1952. It says "Three
years have passed since the Peace
Pactwas signed, and with each
month 'we have felt its beneficial.
influence more and more. The cold
war is over, normal economic
relations have been restored be-
tween West and East, the burden
or armaments, which weighed so
heavily on the peoples, has been
substantially diminished ... And
in Britain today--the results can
-be seen in the rows of brand-new
houses and schools, and in the
better stocked larders, now that
rationing is gone." According to
William Stoneman (Chicago Daily
News, January 28th), this article
has been widely reprinted In
Britain, Holland, France, Dn-
mark and Italy.
In view of the editorial note
accompanying "I Killed the Presi-
dent", with its stated purpose of
"making those U.S. citizens (re-
sponsible for the war articles) see
the obviously detrimental effect
their pieces have had on the
world's uphill struggle for peace",
this information is particularly
relevant. Mr. Thomas' piece, under
the guise of a genuine reprint
from' a Soviet journal, has the
effect of another attack on the
Soviet Union. He could have
found, with just a. little more
effort, the actual stand taken,
-Ethel Schechtman
Sallie IH. Sears
Paul Graubard
Patricia Murphy
SL Thanks ..
To the Editor:
O N behalf of the Student Book
Exchange Board of the Stu-
dent Legislature, I wish to express
my sincere appreciation for the
work that was done, and the hours
that were spent, by the many
students who helped make the
operations of this semester a suc-
-Phil Berry, Chairman
Student Book Exchange Board




- .


Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board of Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Chuck Elliott.........Managing Editor
Bob Keith...............City Editor
Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director
Vern Emerson ..........Feature Editor
Rich Thomas ..........Associate Editor
Ron Watts .............Associate. Editor
Bob Vaughn ...........Associate Editor
Ted Papes.............Sports Editor
George Flint ....Associate Sports Editor
Jim Parker .....Associate Sports Editor
Jan James............Women's Editor
Jo 'Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Miller.........Business Manager
Gene Kuthy, Assoc. Business Manager
Charles Cuson ....Advertising Manager
Sally Fish...........Finance Manager
Circulation Manager ........Milt Goetz
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all' other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor. Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.



T HE FIRST Ann Arbor appearance of the
Singing Boys of Norway last night was
an unfortunate example of what piecemeal
programming and superficial conducting.
can do to potentially good chorus material.
It is difficult to understand why a
group such as this one should feel com-
pelled to scatter Norwegian folk-songs
throughout their program, apparently at
random, to hold the attention of the audi-
ence. And it is unnecessary for a chorus
capable of as diversified arrangements as
a boys' choir to intersperse violin and
piano solos in their program for the sake
of variety. No choir, not even a group as
appealing as a boys' chorus, can trans-
form worthwhile music into a listenable
concert without some sense of unified pro-
Ragnvald Bjarne, who conducted the con-



i"2 52

Let's all go into the dining room and
cut the cake-Now where's Barnaby?

Come, Barnaby. You have to blow out the candles-




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