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February 17, 1952 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1952-02-17

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Northwestern Refuses
To Take Stand on Bias






Fraternity men and the admin-
istration at Northwestern Univer-
sity simultaneously declared re-
cently they do not intend to do
anything about the fraternity
bias clause issue.
Both, the university officials
and Interfraternity Council issued
statements saying they would
wait for the various national fra-
ternity groups to act on the issue.
The 'FC president noted their
stand with, "We decided last year
that all local chapters would work
through their nationals; we might
possibly take up the issue in the
future, but it depends upon how
busy we are."
Dean of Students F. George
Seulberger maintained simply,
"We'll let things stand as they
IN THE EAST, Yale men argued
last week over a student Political

Union decision not to invite left
wing writer Howard Fast to ad-
dress the Union. The group said
they believed the university would
oppose an invitation.
Fast has been refused speak-
ing engagements at Columbia
and New York Universities in
the past. No comment has been
forthcoming from the Yale ad-
Scholastically the men of Eli
may get a boost in their class fa-
cilities. Class planners are cur-
rently considering a plan which
would double the number of semi-
nars open to undergraduates. The
increase in academic opportunity
would come as a partial compen-
sation for recently increased tui-
tion fees, according to officials.
BACK IN THE Big Ten social
life at the University of Illinois
received an oficial boon last week
when the Student Senate legalized
weekday "coke" dates. The ac-
tion opened the doors of student
residences for middle-of-the-week
The Senate tagged a few re-
strictions onto the ruling:
Social chairmen of the houses
must attend the functions.
Members of house groups may
not be forced to attend the coke
Parties may not be held in wo-
men's houses unless there are
"proper recreation facilities so
that girls trying to study will not
be disturbed."
A crackdown on the "queen
racket" is being considered by the
Panhellenic association at Ohio
State University. Worried over
what they feel are "mercenary
and promotional reasons" for
queen contests, a special Panhel
committee-on-queen-contests has
recommended eliminating all but
homecoming a n d May queen
A recent survey by the student
newspaper, the OSU Lantern, re-
vealed that 31 queen contests are
usually conducted each year on
the Columbus campus.


KEEPING AN OLD LANDMARK GOING -.View of famed Brooklyn Bridge
from lower Manhattan, N. Y., shows extensive repair work being done on approaches and structure.


Roger Elkins, 8 years old, is in
the hospital at Louisville, Ky.,
with his 20th leg fracture, the
50th in his family. The Elkins
family has osteogenests imper-
fecta, a type of congenital de-
fect in bone structure.



Student Players' Director
Marks Chaotic Anniversary

FUNERAL CORTEGE PASSES LONDON LANDMARK-Some 150 white-gaitered Royal Navy sail-
ors draw the gun carriage bearing the coffin of King George VI through London's Hyde Park Gate on
its way to interment at Windsor, ancient shrine of sovereigns. Marchers in the mile-long procession
stretch out along the tree-lined road in the backgr ound. More than a million mourners lined the route
from Westminster Hall, where the monarch's body had rested in state, to Paddington Station. Wo-
men wept, and men bared their heads amid reverent silence.

As Student Players' director
Marie D. Miller celebrates her sec-
ond anniversary with the .group,
she can look back on many chal-
lenging aspects of production.
Perhaps none of these have
proved more difficult to overcome
than the latest necessity for "Joan
of Lorraine"-a big, live horse,
white, if possible. Property de-
partment members, long used to
requests for rare herbs, shotguns
and the like, were bowled over by
the enormity of their assignment.
* * *
GENE BOHI, '53 has to don full
medieval armor for his part in
the production, and the Players
recognize the fact that a knight
has to have a horse. Hence, the
search began. Bohi, a former
cowpuncher, had no wories about
riding but shared the general
'Ensian Asks
For Business
Staff Tryouts
The opportunity of handling
funds for a busines worth $50,000
is open to all at 4:00 p.m. Tues-
day, at the Student Publications'
Bldg. when the 'Ensian business
staff will hold the first tryout
meeting of the semester.
Not only will the tryout gain
valuable business experience for a
future job, but he will also acquire
social poise, according to promo-
tions manager Gordie Hyde, '54.
The bulk of the tryout jobs con-
sist of selling, but they will be able
to work under several different
people to discover where their
main interests lie. Then they
have a choice of six departments,
sales, accounting, advertising
(both national and local), pro-
motions, distributions and con-
Interested students who cannot
attend the scheduled meeting are
urged to come to the Student
Publications Bldg. any weekday
between 3 and 5 p.m. and talk to
any staff member.
Regent To Visit
Mrs. Vera B. Baits, University

worry that no animal large
enough to carry him and armor
could be found.
His worries were well-found-
ed, and the problem of finding
a draft, horse, broken to the
saddle, coupled with an an-
nouncement from the adminis-
tration that the horse could not
be used on campus for publicity
purposes have almost led Di-
rector Miller and the Players
to abandon the search-but not
While the property crew has
pondered this problem, the male
members of the cast have been
worried about still another, the
"doggy" look. "Joan of Lorraine"
is a period production, calling for
long hair, and none of the men
have had a haircut for over a
At weekly intervals, the Play-
ers' barber attends a rehearsal
and trims the wigs of those who
feel too "sheepdoggish", but, as
one cast member pointed out, "le
really just thins it, and mine is
getting to be a nuisance."
Despite such dificulties, t h e
Players hope that "Joan' of Lor-
raine" will be another smash hit
for the group. It will run Wed-
nesday through Saturday at Ly-
dia Mendelssohn Theatre. Tickets
can be obtained at the boxoffice
for a special student opening
night rate of 50 cents. All fol-
lowing performances will cost $1
and .75 cents.
Ike Backers
Meet Secretly
(Continued from Page 1)
to have a majority of the dele-
gates (to the national conven-
tion). And I think we have an
excellent chance to do so.
"I am not out here to lose any
Michigan delegates."
* * ,
THE IKE campaign in Michigan
calls for a three-pronged attack.:
1) Individual contact with
state convention delegates.
2) Statewide publicity.
3) A "coupon campaign," in-
volving petitions.
When asked about the political
predilections of Michigan Na-
tional Committeeman Arthur
Summerfield, the source retorted:
"One of the main things we're
trsn nAn is oa lmm__na

MASS RELIGIOUS C O N V E R S I O N -Jehovah's Witnesses line Frankfurt, Ger-
many. swimmine 1ool to see converts baptized by immersion at sect's international congress.



T R 1 O O N T H E W I N G - Three Supermarine Attackers, part of British Royal Navy's R O O M S W I T H A V i E W - Eleven new tall buildings, part of Parkmerced housing
operatiojnal squadron of jet fighters, fly over naval air station at Ford, Sussex, Eng. project at San Francisco, afford a view of Lake Merced and the Pacific Ocean (upper background).


.~ .jARMEN.


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