Assembly Ball To Be Visited
By Famous Femmes of Past
Goddesses of All Ages Will Be Depicted;
Harbard, Leopold To Provide Musical Ma
Leaping through the years with the ballroom, which will be
decorations of famous femmes rated with famous women
fatales in history, Assembly As- ancient Greek goddesses
sociation will present their annual mythological cupids to He
Assembly Ball from 9 p. m. to 1 Troy and Scarlet O'Hara.
a. m., Friday, Feb. 29 in the y r H
League Ballroom. A HUGE TIME chart is t
L a t e permission has been the scene in the concourse
granted all women students for the Bob Leopold and his comb
night of the dance. play and several other roo
the second floor of the Leag
ASSEMBLY Association, the or- be dedicated to different f
ganization of independent women fatales.
on campus, planned the semi- nt uns.p
formal, coed-bid dance to fall on Introducing a new pla
the extra day of leap year. year refreshments will be
for the price of admission,;
Carrying out the leap year for the all-campus dance.
theme decorations are created During the war years As
and designed to illustrate fa- combined their dance with
mous femmes fatales. hellenic's dance.
Johnny Harbard and his or- * * *
Petitions Available Tomorrow for WAA Posts
Scroll Will Present Leopold
In Informal Jazz Concert
n from
elen of
to take
bo will
oms on
gue will
n this
h Pan-
chestra will provide the music in
WAA Notices]
Coaches and Officials-Women
interested in becoming members
of the Coaches and Officials Club
may attend the meeting to take
place at 5:10 p.m. tomorrow in
Barbour Gyr. Basketball will be
the sport discussed. Old members
are also requested to attend by
the manager.
* * *
Bowling-There will be a reor-
ganizational meeting of the Bowl-
ing Club at 5 p.m. tomorrow in
the WAB.
Rifle Club-Members of the
Rifle Club are asked to attend a
reorganizational meeting to be
held at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the
* * *
Badminton Tournament-Those
interested in entering the bad-
minton tournament must have
their names turned in at the
athletic manager's meeting on
Wednesday. House athletic man-
agers will give participants f'urth-
er information.
Badminton Club-The regular
meeting of the Badminton Club
will be held from 7:15 to 9 p.m.
tomorrow in Barbour Gym.
Basketball Tournament-The
basketball tournament schedule
for the week is as follows: Monday
at 5:10 p.m.-Kappa Kappa Gam-
ma II vs. Kleinstuck I; Delta
Delta Delta I vs. Alpha Phi I.
Tuesday at 5:10 p.m.-Jordan I
vs. Jordan III; Mosher I vs.
Mosher II; at 7:15 p.m.-Barbour
II vs. Henderson I; Alpha Gamma
Delta II vs. Mosher III; at 8 p.m.
-Stockwell I vs. Alpha Gamma
Delta I; Jordan V vs. Palmer I.
Wednesday at 5:10 p.m.-Chi
Omega I vs. Kappa Kappa Gam-
ma III; Stockwell V vs. Cook II.
Thursday at 5:10 p.m.-Kappa
Alpha Theta I vs. Jordan II;
Alpha Omicron Pi II vs. Barbour
I; at 7:15 p.m.-Alpha Xi Delta
I vs. Pi Beta Phi I.
AFTER 1940 the two campus
women's organizations held their;
dances separately.
That year decorations at As-
sembly Ball followed the theme
of "High Tide," and created an
underwater scene.
The 1948 Assembly Ball had for
its theme "Heart Bid" and the
next year's theme was "Asembly
Reigns", with decorations appro-
priate to Ann Arbor weather.
* * *
IN 1950 the theme of the dance
was "Kandy Kingdom" and the
Union ballroom was decorated with
giant gingerbread men, candy
kisses and lollipops.
Last year the showboat docked
at the independent women's
dance and offered songs from
the broadway musical and deco-
rations befitting a gala river
boat scene.
The general chairman for this
year's dance is Sue Alderman.
She will be assisted by the fol-
lowing committee chairmen: Iris
Pomroy, finance; Jan ZurSchmiede
and Evelyn Grossman, publicity;
Mimi Blau, decorations; Ines
Krause, programs; Lorraine Bald-
win, tickets; Della Galloway, pa-
trons; and Frances Kochin, build-
ing and grounds.
League To Offer
Bridge Lessons
To 'U' Students'
The League Social Committee
is sponsoring of set of ten bridge
lessons to begin Tuesday evening
in the League.
Lessons will start at 7:30 p.m.
for beginners and 8:30p.m. for
Tickets may be purchased in
the Undergraduate Office of the
League any afternoon from 2 p.m.
to 4 p.m. or at the door the eve-
ning of the lessons. The price is
$3.50 per person.
The lessons were given last
semester and were very success-
ful. The same instructors will be
teaching this semester and the
Social Committee hopes that the
set will make as big a hit with
students as did the one last fall.
Petitions for board positions of,
the Women's Athletic Association,
will be available tomorrow in the
League, Barbour Gym and the
A mass meeting will be held at
5 p.m. Thursday in the WAB for
all women interested in petition-
ing for the various positions on:
the Executive Board and for the
managers' , posts of the sport
PETITIONS will be due on
March 4 and interviewing will be-
gin on March 5 and continue un-
til March 14.
Positions available to eligible
students on WAA include presi-
dent, two vice-presidents, secre-
tary, treasurer, dormitory man-
ager, sorority manager, league
house manager, AFCW repre-
sentative, participation chair-
man, Daily publicity manager,
general publicity manager and
co-recreation chairman.
All positions on the executive
board are open to seniors, juniors
and sophomores, with the excep-
tions of president, and two vice-
presidents, which are available
only to seniors.
THE HEADS of the various
sports include ballet, ice skating,
folk and square dance, modern
dance and town and country,
which are co-recreational clubs.
The other women's sport clubs
are badminton, basketball,
bowling, camp counselors, fenc-
ing, field hockey, golf, michi-
fish, officials and coaches, rifle
softball, tennis and riding.
In order to obtain any position
on WAA, the interested person
must write a petition and be in-
terviewed by the senior members
of the board.
THE SAME procedure as that
used for the League appointments,
is followed by the WAA board.
The Women's Athletic Ass-
ciation, which is sponsored by
the Department of Physical
Education for Women, aids in
the promotion of recreational
activities through its clubs and
organized tournaments.
WAA is an associate member
of the Michigan -League Council.
THERE ARE many traditions
connected with the WAA at the
University, including the cam-
pus-wide event, Michigras. The
huge carnival, which is held in
Yost Field House, is co-sponsored
wtih the Union.I
Last year, in place of Michi-
gras, the Union and WAA spon-
sored an open air dance, Tennis
Ball, which was held on the
tennis courts at Palmer Field.
Co-recreation, which has been
In the WAA club program for past
years, is continually gaining in
participation. This year a co-
recreational board was formed,
under the direction of the co-
recreational chairman, who serves
on the executive board of the
IT IS HOPED by everyone con-
nected with the WAA and other
sports interested groups that it is
the beginning of a new era at
Michigan in offering new oppor-
tunities for menrand women to
participate in sports together.
Lantern Night, the all-cam-
pus women's sing honoring sen-
or women, is another tradition-
al event sponsored by WAA.
Intramurals is an important
and worthwhile activity sponsored
by the WAA. The program offers
an opportunity for all women's
groups on campus to compete in
the major sports.
* Ox *
MEMBERS OF the executive
board this year include the presi-
dent, Abby Funk; vice-president,
Ruth Spillman; vice-president,
Pat Smith; secretary, Beverly
Howell and treasurer, Betty Com-
Others on the executive board
are AFCW representative, Nancy
Fitch, participation, Barb Busch-
man; sorority manager, Barb Ri-
ley; dorm manager, Lois Middle-
ton, league house manager, Nancy
Lewis; public relations, Pat Walk-
er; Daily publicity, Lorraine But-
League Posts
Petitions for League senior
posts will be due at 5 p.m. to-
morrow in the League Under-
graduate Office. Applicants
should sign up for interviews
when they turn in their peti-
ler; and co-recreational chair-
man, Mary Peterson.
Managers of the various sports
this year include the co-recrea-
tional managers, ballet, Ann Al-
bert; ice skating, Stewart Brown;
folk and square dance, Allison
MacArthur; modern dance, Doris
Melleky; and town and country,
Glen Musselman.
The womens sport managers
include badminton, Marian Swan-
son; basketball, Margaret Safer-
ian; bowling, Beri Miench; camp
counselors, Gloria Yough; fenc-
ing, Jackie Bergey; field hockey,
Pat Texter; golf, Elizabeth Clap-
ham; Michifish, Barbara Beckley;
officials and coaches, Joyce Dud-
kin; rifle, Barbara Meir; softball,
Sue Boll; tennis, Barbara Wild-
man; and riding, Ann Henderson.
Duties of all the members of
the WAA board will be discussed
in a following article in the Daily.
Jazz enthusiasts on campus can
listen to their ears' content to a
full evening's "Jamboree in Jazz
No. 2" from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. this
Presented by Scroll, honorary
society for senior affiliated
women, this jazz concert will be
rendered by one of the campus
favorites, Bob Leopold and his
Ann Arbor Alleycats.
By popular request this is the
second informal jam session to
be given at the University. The
first was offered last semester and
received much acclaim from all
"Jamboree in Jazz No. 2" will
again be held in the League Ball-
room. Tables and chairs will be
set up to enable the audience to
sit back and enjoy such favorite
jazz selections as "Alexander's
Ragtime Btnd," "When the
Saints Come Marching In," and
"She'll Be Coming Around the
Also featured will be Robin
Renfrew singing "A Good Man
Nowadays is Hard to Find."
Don Herman, Master of Cere-
monies of the last show, will
again MC this second concert.
Tickets may be purchased
at the door for 50 cents single
and- 75 cents a couple. For those
who wish to mix food with music,
refreshments will be sold at the
Gay, young and brand new
Jane Irwill's darling
new batwing all
wool knit suit.
Its adorable pattern
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everybody. Choose yours °
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Sizes 10-18.
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A mid-season tonic for your suits and skirts in
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. ;,
Union Opera
There will be an important
meeting of t h e promotions
committee of the Union Opera
at 5 p.m. tomorrow in the
Union, announced Mark Sand-
ground, promotion committee
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