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May 27, 1952 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State












Sales Tax I ed
Exemption Ruling To Affect Student
Dinners at Union. League Next Fall
Students will no longer have to pay sales tax on meals at the
League and Union cafeterias, beginning definitely by the 'fall semes-
ter and possibly with the summer session, Union General Manager
Frank C. Kutnzel announced yesterday.
The tax exemption stems from a recent' interpretation of a State
Department of Internal Revenue ruling providing that non-profit
educational institutions which operate eating places need not charge
students sales tax if separate records of student and non-student
sales are kept.

High Court
Rules Out
Movie Bans
By The Associated Press
The Supreme Court ruled yester-
day that (A) it's all right to broad-
cast music and commercials to
street car and bus riders, and (B)
it's unconstitutional for a state to
ban a movie on the grounds that
it is sacrilegious.
But the Court said nothing on
the biggest question before it: did
President Truman exceed his pow-
ers when he seized the steel indus-
try? It adjourned until Monday,
June 2, without a hint as to when
it would be ready with the steel
the Court in the case of the Italian
movie, "The Miracle," produced by
Roberto Rosselini.
It was banned in New York
after strong protests were made
by some Roman Catholics, in-
cluding Francis Cardinal Spell.
The Court was unanimous in its
opinion that the state was wrong
in banning "The Miracle."
S" s
preme Court movie decision cent-
ered around several different
DeWitt C. Baldwin, religious
director of Lane Hall, comment-
ing on the Court's position in the
case, said, "It is not within the
province of the state or national
government to make a ruling on
the basis of what is considered
religious or irreligious by any one
Prof. Frank L. Huntley of the
English department, declared that
the Court was right in its action,
adding that although he did not
see "The Miracle," he had talked
to people who had been religiously
moved by the picture.
Religion Month
Asks Einstein
Albert Einstein, world famous
scientist, will be asked to be one
of the Religion-in-Life speakers
next fall, it was revealed at a pol-
icy committee meeting yesterday.
John Foster Dulles, John Cam-
eron Swayze and Harry Emerson
Fosdick are the other speakers that
the committee will ask to speak
in the fall series of addresses
bringing outstanding men to deal
with the vital topic of religion. The
general theme is "This I Believe."
Dewitt C. Baldwin, Director of
Lane Hall, stated the tentive plan
of the fall meeting. October 28,
Dulles, noted as the leading Re-
publican spokesman on foreign
policy, will tentatively speak on "A
Foreign Policy for Peace." Out-
standing in the field' of national
issues in an election year, Sway-
ze's topic on Nov. 4 will be "Ethi-
cal Problems of Public Life." "Man
and His Universe" is to be the topic
of Einstein's proposed address on
Nov. 11. Fosdick is to speak on the
individual and his faith to end
the series on the 18th of Novem-

THIS RULING reverses the pol-
icy, under which the Union and
League have been operating-that
when food sales are made to both
students and non-students, tax
must be charged to, everyone.
Because of the dual bookkeeping
necessitated by the changeover,
neither the League nor the Union
are in a position to put the tax
exemption into effect until chang-
es are made on the preesnt cash
registers. Kuenzel said that this is
being taken care of.
The exemption will affect only
meals in the cafeterias of the
two establishments, Kuenzel
He also said that the only way
the plan can be carried out is by
insisting that all students show
their ID cards at the League and
either their ID cards oratheir
Union membership cards at the
Union cafeteria.
Although this will slow down the
line to some extent, the League
now checks ID cards at lunchtime
in its cafeteria for the student
special, and the line is not slowed
ELIMINATION of sales tax will
mean an approximate $12 per year
for the student who eats two meals
a day in either of the establish-
The exemption is a culmination
of a year of work by Student Leg-
islature members who have been
corresponding with Revenue Com-
missioner Louis M. Nimz. Final
arrangements for the sales tax
plan were made by Kuenzel and
University attorney Edmund A.
Cummiskey on a recent trip to
Lansing to speak to Nimz.
By The Associated Press
MIAMI, Fla.--Senator Richard
B. Russell of Georgia will bid for
Florida's 24 Democratic Conven-
tion delegates in today's primary
with a handicap of having too
many candidates running as Rus-
sell supporters.
It looked like a case in which
too many cooks could possibly
"spoil the broth" for the Georgian
by watering down his vote in his
delegate fight against Sen. Estes
Kefauver of Tennesse-. But Rus-
sell was confident he would cap-
ture at least 18 delegates.
In other political developments
it was announced that Democrats
in President Truman's home state
of Missouri will send an unin-
structed delegation with 34 votes
to the Democratic National Con-
* * *

New Border
Awaits Approval
By The Associated Press
Shortly after the United States,
Britain, France and West Ger-
many signed their historic peace
contract yesterday, the Commun-
1st East German government
announced it was immediately
strengthening its forces facing
West Germany.
The cabinet in the Russian-oc-
cupied East Zone, at a special ses-
sion, issued a decree directing
Wilhelm Zaisser, chief of the Red
secret police, to set up special con-
trols all along the border between
East and West Germany.
There was no mention of Berlin,
which also is divided along East-
West alines, but has ostensibly
been under Four Power control.
* * *
Communist-zone government came
on the heels of demonstrations by
organized mobs of blue-shirted
Red youths along the edge of East
Berlin yesterday. The youths pro-
tested against the peace contract
signed at Bonn.
It was speculated that it was
a dress rehearsal for things to
come-the shaking of a fist by
the East German Communists,
who have threatened to take'
drastic measures including an-
other blockade of Berlin in pro-
test against the Bonn act.
The Contractual Agreement
signed at Bonn-when and if rati-
fied-will end the Allied occupa-
tion, bring West Germans into the
European Defense Community as
an all but sovreign nation, and
permit the Germans to contribute
about 403,000 troops to Europe's
Western army.
* * *
RATIFICATION will also final-
ize the split between East and
West Germany unless the Rus-
sians and the West can at some
later date agree to union. Mean-
while, Allied troops remain in
West Germany as part of the
Western European defense set-up.
At times during yesterday's
solemn signing ceremonies, the
ministers appeared to be speak-
ing directly to Moscow. They
vowed that their unanimous in-
tent was to unite all Germans,
including those in the Soviet
zone, by peaceful means.
Meanwhile, Pravda, in a front
page editorial, mirrored Kremlin
anger at events in West Germany
by announcing yesterday that the
Soviet Union would give "sym-
pathy and support" to all Ger-
mans who opposed the signing of
the Contractual Agreement.
Tutoring Service
Offered by Union
Students needing tutoring ser-
vice for final exams and those in-
terested in offering tutoring ser-
vices are invited by the Union to
enter a special tutoring program,
Steve Fuerth, Union councilman,
anounced yesterday.
All those who wish to sign up
for the program may do so in
the Union student offices between
3 and 5 p.m. any day until Thurs-

ISA Demands

PEACEFUL INTERLUDE-Prisoners of war in Compound 605 on Koje Island, watch the progress
of a soccer game. The camp has been the scene of constant rioting among prisoner factions. Brig.
Gen. Haydon Boatner, new commandant of the UN prison camp, strengthened its troop garrison re-
cently and took other steps to gain full sontrol over the prisoners.
* .rb D s*s*e K li* * s
KojeProbe Discloses Red K iins

By The Associated Press
The Reds murdered 115 of their
own number in gaining control in-
side Koje Prison compounds be-
ginning with savage struggles last
September, it was disclosed yes-
At least that many were beaten

Center Dismissal
In a stormy meeting last night, the International Students Asso-
ciation issued a sharp prbtest against the "impulsive and unwarrant-
ed' dismissal of an International Center staff member by the Center
Board of Governors.
The resolution passed hit at the recommendation of Prof. Esson
M. Gale, Center director, in the refusal to renew the appointment of
Erle L Stewart, Grad., inter-cultural activities coordinator.
THE MEASURE threatened a request by ISA for a University
investigation and Prof. Gale's resignation if the director refused to

to death, hanged or died from
slow torture-some of them "exe-
cuted" after sentence by kangaroo
courts. One man was buried alive.
* * *
INFORMED sources said the
worst battle was from Sept. 16 to
Sept. 20 in an episode in which 100

'U' Symphony Band to Close
Season with Concert Tonight

The University Symphony Band
will close an eventful 1951-52 sea-
son with the presentation of a twi-
light concert at 7:15 p.m. today
on the steps of the Rackham Bldg.
Conducted by Prof. William D.
Revelli, the band will open the
program with a march, "U.S. and
You" by Louis Castellucci. Among
their other selections will be "Ca-
chucha" from the Suite "In Mala-
ga," by Frederic Curson; "The
Trumpeter's Lullaby" by Leroy
Italians Cast
Record Vote in
Crucial Races
ROME-(P)--A record vote jam-
med ballot boxes in the key cities
of Rome and Naples last night in
Italy's crucial local election con-
test between Democracy, resur-
gent Fascism and Communism.
A total of 938, 031 Romans,
84.92 per cent of the electorate,
ballotted in the two day voting
for a municipal government.
This was about 38,000 more than.
on April.18, 1948 when Premier
Alcide De Gasperi's anti-Com-
munist Christian Democrats beat
back a Red bid for power in na-
tional parliamentary elections.
In Naples, first scattered unof-
ficial and incomplete returns from
200 of the city's 820 boxes gave a
Democratic bloc a lead over both
Communists and Neo-Fascists. A
total of 518,939 ballots, 83.80 per
cent of the electorate and 23,000
more than in the 1948 election,
were cast in Naples.

Anderson with Marvin Anderson
as soloist; the Finale from the
"New World" Symphony No. 5 in
E. Minor by Dvorak and Liebes-
lieder Waltzes by Strauss-Leidzen.
Also to the program will be a
concert marchr "Paraphrase My
Hero" from "The Chocolate Sol-
dier" by Strauss-Alford; a tone
poem "Mannin Veen" by Haydn
Wood and "Semper Fidelis" by
John Philip Sousa.
A UNIQUE undertaking will be
attempted as part of the evening's
concert when University Caril-
lonneur Percival Price accompa-
nies the band playing "The Great
Gate of Kiev" from "Pictures at
an Exhibition," by Moussorgsky.
In addition to tonight's program,
one of the past symphony band
concerts can be heard at 10:30
p.m. today on station WWJ. This
is the third in a series of broad-
casts featuring tape recordings of
former band concerts.
Harry Lundeberg, head of the
Sailors Union of the Pacific
(AFL) called a Pacific coast
maritime strike last night after
the shipowners' Pacific Mari-
time Association (PMA) re-
jectedeabproposal that a wage
dispute be taken to the Wage
Stabilization Board.
In extending a three-day-
oldkwalkout into a formal
strike Lundeberg, however,
agreed to release a crew for the
American President liner Pres-
ident Wilson, tied up here since
Saturday .by the dispute.

prisoners were wounded, 15 fatally.
A dozen Allied guards were hurt,
including three American infan-
trymen, as they tried to stop the
Attesting to the strong domi-
nation of the barbed wire stock-
ades by the Reds, these sources
said officials were able to screen
only half of the 80,000 inmates
now in Koje to determine which
ones want to return to Red rule.
The Red compound leaders
toughly rejected screening for all
prisoners in some stockades, al-
though many anti-communists
were believed to be among them.
* * *
MEANWHILE armistice negotia-
tions resumed in Panmunjom to-
day after athree-day recess and
slipped right back into their fa-
miliar pattern.
North Korean Gen. Nam II, sen-
ior communist delegate, warned
that Red troops "decidely can not
sit by while seeing their captured
fellow combattants being slaugh-
tered by your side at will."
* * .*
ON THE SEOUL front, Allied
fighter-bombers, unmolested by
Communist jets, struck yesterday
at the main Red railroad supply
line in Northwest Korea.
The Fifth Air Force reported the
heaviest blow was concentrated on
the Pyongyang-Sukchon line. Pi-
lots said they scored hits in 52
Meanwhile, a new disclosure in
Korean politics showed yesterday
that the Communists were send-
ing secret funds across the border
into South Korea to foment dis-
Dawson Expected
To Enter Contest
At a meeting of Ann Arbor
Democrats at 8:15 p.m. today in
the City Hall, Prof. John P. Daw-
son of the law school is expected
to announce his candidacy for a
Congressional seat in the coming
If nominated, Prof. Dawson
would oppose incumbent Repub-
lican Rep. George Meader.

reconsider the case.
A second motion passed at
the meeting appointed a special
committee to investigate -the
"general dissatisfaction" of for-
'eign students toward policies of
the Center.
Prof. Gale said last night that
Stewart's dismissal would probably
be reviewed at the end of the fiscal
year and that "it was not a deci-
sion made on a personal basis."
* * *
THE DIRECTOR said he was
"surprised at the attitude behind
the motion, which certainly had
not been apparent to me in my
relations with the foreign stu-
The Board's move was made
"in relation to the adjustment
of the Center to new needs
which have arisen during the
past year," he said He stated
that the Board and the Inter-
cultural Relations Committee
were considering the establish-
ment of a new position of 'con-
siderable rank and higher com-
pensation to handle Stewart's
present duties."
"A man with more experience
than Stewart will be necessary in
this job," Prof. Gale said.
Prof. Gale added that "certain
misunderstandings had cropped
up concerning the Center's budget
in Stewart's department."
Meanwhile, UNESCO delegate
to the ISA Dick LaBarge, '55,
who resigned from ISA as a re-
sult of the action taken last
night, said in a letter to ISA
that the move "was an equally
impulsive reaction to deplorable
policies of the Center director
which precipitated the discus-
However, the only voting dele-
gate to ISA supported the meas-
ure, which was passed by an 8 to
1 vote.
Those voting for the action were
the African Union, the Beacon
Association, Cercle Francais, Deut-
scher Verein, the India Students
Association, the Inter-Guild Coun-
cil, UNESCO and the World Stu-
dents Service Fund.
Only opposition came from the
Polonia Club. Abstaining were the
Chinese Students Club, the Hillel
Foundation and the Turkish Club.
Martin Club
To Disband
A group of students intending
to organize a Martin for Senator
Club have decided to call off their
plans after confering with Dean of
Students Erich A. Walter.
The club, designed to support
the Congressional candidacy of
State Auditor-General John Mar-
tin, drew up a constitution and
submitted it to Dean Walter for
Dean Walter pointed out to the
group that it would not be "good
sense" for the University to recog-
nize political groups supporting a
candidate running for any office
less than the Presidency, because
of the confusion too many small
campus clubs would cause.
Dave Belin, Grad., one of the
organizers of the Martin for Sen-
ator club, said he believed the
Dean was justified in recommend-
ing the group abandon their ideas
for the project.
7T -- - 1_ rT _ n _

HST Hints
OfUtfil its
WASHIDI TON-W)--President
Truman yesterday threatened a
Justice Department investigation,
of the private power companies'
whom he accused of "following
the Soviet and the Fascist lines,
and deliberately and in cold blood
setting out to poison the minds
of the people."
Truman said the power com-
panies in scientific surveys found
out that the people think public
power operations are all right, so
they set out to convince the pub-
lic that "public power, and all' the
things the people think are good,
for them, are all part of some big
plot to socialize the country."
* * *
SMEAN WHJLX &. constitutional

amendment which would bar W
President from seizing any private
property except under specific
laws was urged in congress yes-
terday by Sen. McCarran (D-Nev.)
McCarran, Chairman of the
Senate Judiciary Committee,
has long been at odds with
President Truman, whose sei-
zure of the eight billion dollar
steel industry to avert a strike
has ignited one of the hottest
constitutional debates of recent
years .
Later yesterday Truman called
two of the country's top organ-'
ized labor leaders - Presidents-
William Green of the AF'YL. and
Philip Murray of the CIO - to
the White House for discussion
of the nation's political situation.
Truman also denounced house
cuts in his defense budget as "a
foolish, reckless act" which may
require this country to make sub-
stantial demobilization of its arm-
ed forces in "an hour of peril."

Local Police
Return Moore
To Chicago



passed a bill yesterday extending
President Truman's emergency
war powers until June 15.
nally (D-Tex.) told the Senate
yesterday to vote $6,900,000,000
for foreign aid if it didn't want
"the world to go to hell."
* * *
DETROIT-Truckers last night
ended a boycott at the Detroit
Produce Terminal after an agree-
ment was reached over handling
an alleged black market in pota-

*T rucks BllInor(
The Trucks Bill, ostensibly passed to control the Michigan
Communist Party, has to date been ignored by that party (only two
have registered), but was immediately put to use by Secretary of
State Fred M. Alger to bar the Socialist Workers Party from the
State ballot.
Signed on April 17 by Gov. G. Mennen Williams, the bill prohibits
nominees of the Communist Party from appearing on the State ballot
or holding non-elective government offices and requires all Commun-
ists to register with the State Police.
* * *
HOWEVER, ALGER brought the bill into force against the Social-

by ommunists _
that the party is a "dissident Communist group" and that, although
it is not affiliated with the United States Communist Party nor recog-
nized by Moscow, it falls within the definition of an organization seek-
ing to alter the form of U.S. government by unconstitutional means.
State party chairman Howard Lerner retorted, upon news that
his party was banned, "Under guise of outlawing ideas expressed by
the Communist party, the Trucks Act can be used against all minority
The complex Trucks Law defines Communists as persons who:
1. Are Communist party members, whether or not they are
carrying cards and paying dues, or persons who knowingly con-

Richard C. Moore, former South
Quad dishwasher who was shot in
the thigh while trying to escape
Ann Arbor police May 6, was re-
turned to Chicago by Cook Coun-
ty police yesterday to face a
charge of assault with intent to
Moore or "Rick James" as he
was known by friends at South
Quad left Ann Arbor yesterday
afternoon after signing extradi-
tion papers at court in the morn-
ing. Police authorities described
Moore as being most cooperative
during the time he was in their
* * *
A CHAIN of events starting in
December of 1950 led eventually
to Moore's arrest in Ann Arbor
May 5.
Faced with the prospect of an
assault charge in December 1950
after a quarrel with a Chicago
policewoman in which she was
described as being "maliciously
beaten with a gun butt," Moore
fled Chicago coming ultimately
to Ann Arbor.
Local police got word of Moore's
being in Ann Arbor early in April.
Byr the. weepkof Aril 928theyv hsad

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