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May 20, 1952 - Image 1

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VOL. LXII, No. 162





Ann Shore
To Give Talk
Off Campus
Place of Debate
Moved to Church
Civil Rights Congress officer
Ann Shore, barred from campus
by a Lecture Committee decisior
Saturday, will debate the issue of
genocide in an off-campus meet=
ing at 7:30 p.m. today at the
Unitarian Church.
Officers of the Unitarian Stu-
dent Group, sponsors of the four-
member debate, said last night
they felt "fully justified in assum-
ing that if a religious group is
denied the use of University facili-
ties it has the right to hold pri-
vate meetings at its church."
EXPLAINING Saturday's deci-
sion to ban Mrs. Shore, Lecture
j, Committee spokesman Prof. Carl
G. Brandt of the English depart-
ment said yesterday: "Mrs. Shore
was refused speaking privileges
partially because she was a mem-
ber of a group which is listed as
'subversive' by the Attorney Gen-
Prof. Brandt stated that the
Lecture Committee's judgments
were based on "common knowl-
edge" and "general reputation"
of the individuals and groups
concerned. In Mrs. Shore's case,
there were no positive factors
to balance the negative ones, he
Prof. Brandt also remarked that
} the Committee did not know until
reading The Daily that approved
speaker Lebron Simmons had
x been called before the House Un-
American Activities Committee in
its Detroit hearings.
. s* * s
AS PREVIOUSLY scheduled,
Mrs. Shore and Simmons will take
the "pro" side in tonight's debate:
"Is the U.S. Government Practic-
ing Genocide against the Negro
People." Prof. Preston Slosson of
the history department and John
Ragland, Ann Arbor lawyer, will
support thenegative stand.
Original co-sponsor of the de-
bate, the Students for Demo-
cratic Action yesterday withdrew
sponsorship of the off-campus
According to a member of the
SDA executive committee, the
withdrawal followed a statement
by Dean of Students Erich A.
Walter that SDA would "not be
acting in good faith" if it chose
to sponsor the debate off-campus.
s* *
DEAN WALTER told The Daily
last night that the Student Affairs
Committee "could not give ap-
proval" for a recognized group to
sponsor a debate off campus
which had been declared illegal
on campus.
SDA President Ted Friedman,
'53, said SDA would appeal to the
Board of. Regents to reverse the'
latest banning. Civil Liberties
' Committee officers indicated they
would probably endorse the appeal
at an executive meeting today.
Canned Foods
Ceiling Raised
ernment issued a price order yes-
terday which it said will mean a
boost of one to two /cents a can
in many stores for most popular

canned vegetables, fruits and
The order affects profit margins
of wholesale grocers. The Office
of Price Stabilization (OPS) said
the action, effective today, was
needed because of "markedly low-
er earnings" being realized by
The increased ceilings will apply
to corn, green beans, ,peas, toma-
toes and tomato juice, canned
fruit cocktail, pineapple, peaches
and pears.
OPS officials said further in-
creases in a wide range of items
can be expected soon under an
order permitting retailers to in-
crease their mark-ups on many
types of food. These will include
such things as concentrated cof-
fee, dry cereals, cookies, and many
canned meats except tuna and
Court Takes O)ver

City Council Tables
Excise Tax Motion
New Charter Revision Proposal
Would Place Issue on Fall Ballot
In a carefully considered move last night, the City Council tabled
until their June 2 meeting a motion for a revision of the city charter
providing for a new 10 per cent excise tax on amusements in Ann
Cecil O. Creal, president of the Council, said the action was taken
to enable more general public discussion of the issue. The motion for
the revision if passed at the June 2 meeting will be placed before the
voters in a referendum on Aug. 5.

Living Costs
LONDON -- (A) - Britain's
Queen Elizabeth II asked Par-
liament yesterday to figure out
what salary she is to get and
hinted she thought her hus-
band, the Duke of Edinburgh,
ought to get a raise.
Her formal request also ask-
ed that provisions be made for
her younger sister, Princess
Margaret, "in the event of her
marrying." And looking far
ahead, she requested some pro-
vision for her youngest child,
Princess Ann, and "any future
wife" of her four-year-old son
Prince Charles.

'U' Refuses SL
Budget Hike ea
$5000 Allocation from Student
Fees Vetoed by Administration
The University has denied a Student Legislature request for
$5,000 in student fees to help operate SL activities during the coming
year, it was revealed yesterday.
University action was announced yesterday afternoon in a meeting
attended by University Vice-President in charge of financial opera-
tions, Wilbur K. Pierpont, Dean of Students Erich A. Walter, SL
president Howard Willens, '53, and members Bob Baker, '52 BAd,
SL vice-president Phil Berry, '53, SL treasurer Bob Neary, '53 cabinet
member-at-large Rog Wilkins, '53 and past president Len Wilcox, '52.
* * * *
THE MOVE came after SL members had prepared a brief for
University executives outlining present needs and finances and future

West .Reich
Set to Sign
Peace Pact
BONN, Germany --(P)- West
German Chancellor Konrad Ade-
nauer said yesterday his govern-I
ment will sign a historic peace
contract tying West Germany
politically and militarily to the
West next Monday.
He told newsmen a parallel
European army treaty linking the
forces of Germany, France, Italy,
Belgium, The Netherlands and
Luxembourg will be signed the
same night in Paris.,
* * *
ADENAUER released the sched-
uled dates after a meeting with
the British, French and American
High Commissioners. They had
hoped to complete the document
today, but a hitch over financial
arrangements necessitated anoth-
er meeting which Adenauer said
will be held Wednesday.
Earlier, West Germany made
a last minute compromise money
offer in an effort to break down
the final major barrier to the
signing of the contract.
Adenauer's Bonn regime offered
to raise the amount she would pay
to support Allied troops which'
will remain in West Germany after
the proposed contract is signed.
* s s
ADENAUER met for the 31st
time today with Allied High Com-
missioners to try to complete the
contract which, it is hoped, will
be signed by West Germany and
the Big Three Foreign Ministers
within a week.
The final moves, toward giving
West Germany -almost full sov-
ereignty and integrating it into
the European defense system went
ahead despite ominous threats by
East Germany Communists of
Soviet-imposed blockades, repris-
als and possible civil war.
Immigration Lawvs
WASHINGTON -(p)--Senators
opposing a controversial bill to
overhaul the immigration laws
lesterday lost their fight to have
the measure sent back to the
Judiciary Committee for recon-
The Senate voted 44 to. 28
against recommital and promptly
resumed an acrimonious debate
which has been going on for seven

THE NEW proposal avoids the
broad generality of the so called
"football tax" amendment which
failed by a 4 to 3 vote on the
April 7 referendum. It would em-
power the city to levy a 10 per
cent excise on the established price
of 26 cents or more for movies,
plays, dances, concerts, athletic
events and other entertainments.
Returns from the proposed tax
would be marked "25 per cent
for acquisition, development and
operation of parks and recrea-
tional areas and 25 per cent for
municipal improvement."
The Council unofficially esti-
mated that returns from football
games alone would be close to
$1,000,000. It was pointed out,
however, that there is a definite
legal question as to whether the
city can tax University athletic
* *
THERE WAS NO indication of
how much the city would collect
from other amusements sources.
With Council's consent to re-
tain the chair, President Cecil
0. Creal went on record as
strongly' opposed to the motion.
Lashing out at whatthe termed
an "attempt to foist on the pub-
lic a tax they rejected in April,"
Creal declared that it is wrong
to tax high school events and
University football.
He went on to point out that
the city can operate in the com-
ing year without the additional
tax. Describing the proposal as
one more step in a trend to wring
more taxes out of the public, Creal
emphasized the "basic evil in
labeling taxes for a specific pur-
In debate favorable to the mo-
tion it was pointed out that there
is a possibility of the city's losing
$75,000 to $80,000 in revenues
from the state within the next
few years. The proposed tax would
compensate for this loss.
Soviets Block
West German
Rail Traffic
FRANKFURT, Germany-(P)---
East Germany's threatening Com-
munists barred passenger) trains
on a branch line to the West yes-
terday in the first blow at inter-
zonal railway traffic since the Ber-
lin blockade. Freight trains were
allowed through.
The Soviet zone's crackdown did
not hit Berlin directly but it rasp-
ed the nerves of many Germans
already fearful that the Russians
will stop at nothing to paralyze
West Germany's military and poli-
tical integration with the West.

Plan to End
Rail Dispute
Brought Ou
WASHINGTON -(')- John R.
Steelman, acting Defense Mobiliz-
er, presented to union and man-
agement yesterday a proposal for
settlement of the long standing
railroad dispute and asked both
sides for their answer last night.
Steelman, who is acting De-
fense Mobilizer and Chief Labor
Adviser to President Truman, pre-
sented his settlement proposal to
both the union and railroad man-
agement yesterday.
* * 1
STEELMAN previously had been
in conference with representatives
of the railroad brotherhoods in-
volved and with carrier officials.
The carriers accepted Steel-
man's proposal soon after it
was officially offered. At that
time, it was indicated both sides
would have until midnight (11
p.m. Ann Arbor time) last night
to accept or reject the plan.
However, one of the unions must
clear the proposal with its 100-
man policy committee. That com-
mittee is here but the outlook was
that the unions would not reply
until tomorrow or later.
THE PROPOSAL would lower
the work week for yard service
employees to 40 hours and would
bring a four-cent pay boost for
men affected.
The long rail dispute dates
back to March, 1949, when the
Conductors and the Brother-
hood of Railroad Trainmen
made their 40-hour-week de-
mands on the road.
The dispute has been dotted
with strikes and walkouts. The
Trainmen, who settled their dis-
pute in May, 1951, staged a series
of "sick" strikes just before
Christmas, 1950, and the follow-
ing January and February.
In March of this year, the engi-
neers, firemen and conductors
struck the New York Central west
of Buffalo. Three days later the
government obtained a no strike
court order which is still in effect
and bars any walkout by any of
the three unions whose disputes
are still unsettled.
Brazil Major
Gains Control
of Captors
BELEM, Brazil-(P)--A Brazil-
lian major radioed last night that
he had turned the tables on the
rival jungle mission which held
him and an American hostages
and had taken control of his cap-
The latest act in the weird
jungle drama near the spot where
a Pan-American World Airways
plane crashed last month came
after the Brazilian Air Force sent
three planes with 38 parachutists
to rescue the captive pair. There
was no word that they had
The message to Belem said
an official expedition to the
scene of the wreck found the
area ransacked and all money
and jewelry which the plane
gone. Arrangements are being
made here to search the unoffi-
cial group which reached the

crash first when they arrive in
The radio message from Maj.
Miranda Correa said he had a

VYING VENDORS-Yale University students flee for cover in
New Haven, Conn. as firemen unlimber hose to break up a free
for all fracas which took place last week as the aftermath of a
controversy between two competing ice cream vendors. Last night
Northwestern also got into the act, touching off a riot on the
Evanston, Ill. campus.
Symphony To Present
Twilight Concert Today

... to conduct concert
New, Schools
Hop on Riot
EVANSTON, Ill.-(W)-Men stu-
dents at Northwestern Uniyersity
adopted last night the campus fad
of raiding women's dormitories.
The demonstration brought 30
Evanston policemen to the cam-
pus and set off some hand-to-hand
combat in which some police uni-
forms were ripped by the students.
Nine students were taken into
custody but all were released aft-
er being lectured by police.
Several hundred men still roam-
ed the campus several hours after
the raids were stopped and police
stood by to prevent a recurrence.
Meanwhile some 500 men stu-
dents at the University of Minne-
sota joined the national "pantie
raid" craze last night with a sur-
prise raid, on three women's dor-
The rash of college raids also
hit the University of Wisconsin'
last night as a mob of 1,000 to
1,500 students broke into three
women's dormitories.

An opportunity to listen to mu-
sic under the stars will be offered,
students and townspeople by the
University Symphony when they
present the first of their annual
twilight concerts at 7:15 p.m. to-
day on the steps of the Rackham
Conducted by Prof. William D.
Revelli, the band will play "Pro-
cession of the Nobles" from the
Opera "MIlada" by Rimsky-Kor-
sakov; a march, "Noble Men" by
Henry Fillmore and the Hit Pa-
rade favorite, "Blue Tango" by
Leroy Anderson.
Also included in the program
will be the Mass from "La Fiesta
Mexicana" by Owen Reed; Fan-
tasy on Negro Spirituals--"River
Jordan" by Maurice Whitney and
Finale from Symphony in F minor
No. 4 by Tschaikowsky.
* * *I
A HIGH point of the evening
will be a coronet trio consisting
of Paul Willwerth '52 SM, solo
trumpeter of the band, Donald
Haas, '53 SM and Donald McCo-
mas, '55 SM who will play "The
Three Trumpeters" by G. Agos-
tini. Willwerth, who is at the Uni-
versity for his masters degree, was
formerly with the Oklahoma City
The two twilight concerts, giv-
en tonight and May 27, will close
the season for the Symphony
In case cf bad weather tonight,
the concert will be presented at
7:15 tomorrow evening. Guests are
requested to bring blankets for
sitting on the grass of The Mall.
Joy Leaves Post
On Truce Team
MUNSAN, Tuesday, May 20-(P)
-Vice Adm. C. Turner Joy pre-
pared today to leave his wearing
assignment as head of the United
Nations Command truce team as
the talks remained bitterly dead-
locked for another day.
Although an armistice seemed
far away, the 57-year-old Ad-
mniral feels his job is done.
"The rest is up to the Commun-
ists," he said in a statement, add-
ing that the Reds "seem more in-
terested in talking than signing."

plans and projected budgets. SL
had asked for 33;/3 cents from stu-
dent fees for the coming fal
semester, 66 2/3 cents the follow-
ing year and one dollar the year
Lack of available funds was
given as the reason for the de-
nial of the fund request. One
top University official said last
night "we felt that we did not
have sufficient funds in our
total budget to put into that
part of our student activities."
Commenting that the Univer-
sity already gives fee money to
four groups, he added "we are not
prepared to grant a fee allocation
to a fifth organization."
At present the Union, League,
Men's Athletic Fund and Women's
Board of Control of Intercollegiate
Athletics and the Alumni Associa-
tion receive money from this
source. A study of reorganization
of the relation between campus
groups was suggested in the meet-
One administrator commented
that some thought had been given
to a study of the functions of cam-
pus groups, but maintained that
this study was not proposed as a
condition for granting of funds nor
a reason for the refusal of SL re-
IF THE ST requested-grants had
been approved, proposed expendi-
tures would have been raised from
the $4,340 spent this year to $6,380
in the 1952-53 fiscal year, $11,205
for 1953-54 and $16,480 for 1954-
55. Yesterday's action has put a
stop to these tentative plans and
SL must now look for other rev-
enue sources.
At present the University has
appropriated $1200 to support
student government for the com-
ing year. Other funds come from
Homecoming Dance, Cinema
Guild, ballot fees, election fees
and patrons.
However Homecoming and Cin-
ema Guild projects are subject to
wide fluctuation and cannot be
accurately estimated or counted
on for revenue, SL members point-
ed out.
The proposed allocation had
been crucial for SL finances for-
the next few years. As their ex-
haustive 21 page brief stated,
"failure to act, at least on the im-
mediate needs of. the Legislature
for next fall, will seriously cripple
and disrupt student government."
* *~ *.
IN THEIR study, SL members
ruled out student taxes, extensive
fund raising and substantial Uni-
versity appropriations from the
Office of Student Affairs as im-
practical means of deriving income
in the future.
Even without this item. SL will
have to find new income to carry
out the projects done this past

Britons Want'
To Vacate
Red China
LONDON -(A)-- Britain in-
formed Red China yesterday that
Britons have decided they can't
do business inside that Communist
country and want to get out.
British holdings in China have
been estimated worth $840 million
s * *
IN A NOTE delivered in Pei-
ping, Britain asked the Commun-
ist regime to facilitate the disposal
or closing down of British busi-
ness interests and to grant exit
visas for some 120 British business
men. The Communists in the past
have refused, to give exist visas
in some cases.
The note told the Communists
that the decision to pull out was
made by the business men. A
foreign office spokesman said
Britain would maintain its con-
tacts-"such as they are' O-AI
G.E. Mitchell; Vice - Chairman -
of the China Association, an or-
ganization representing British
business interests in China, indi-
cated that Britons still hope to
trade with China, though not in
MITCHELL said there were two
main reasons why British firms
decided to get out of Red China.
"The first is that they can-
not continue indefinitely to op-
crate at a loss," he said.
"The second reason is that the
managers and other British em-
ployes of the firms have the great-
est possible difficulty, and exper-
ience prolonged delays, in obtain-
ing permission to enter or leave
the country."
Sinclair Signs
Oil Strike Pact
DENVER - () - A return-to-
work move picked up speed among
striking oil workers yesterday
promising an end soon to the
strike, now in its 20th day, and
replenishment of the nation's
dwindling stores of aviation gaso-
The biggest break in the strike
front occurred yesterday when
the Oil Workers International Un
ion (CIO), announced 10,000 mem-
bers striking against the Sinclair
Refining Co. had signed a wage
* * *
SINCLAIR is the only major
company negotiating on a nation-
wide basis. Other wage confer-
ences have been conducted at in-
dividual plants.
The . Sinclair agreement, CIO
union president O. A. Knight re-
ported, was based on the formula
recommended last week by the
Wage Stabilization Board.
Body of Student
Found in Abyss
SPIRIT LAKE, Wash. -(IP)--
Ski patrolmen pulled from a yawn-
ing crevasse near the summit of
Mt. St. Helens yesterday the brok-
en body of a University of Wash-

Meeting To Discuss Place
Of Religion in Education

"Religion in Education, Why
and How?" will be the topic of
the sixth and final literary col-
lege conference of the year to be
held from 7: 0 to 9:00 p.m. today'
in the League.
Students, faculty. and admin-
istration members will have a
chance to informally discuss the
much publicized topic. Such ques-
tions as "Is there a place for re-
ligion in our education?" and "If
there is, how can it best be worked
into the curriculum?" will be aired.
Robertson and Acting Dean Thu-
ma have said that they will an-

concerned with religion into an
area program similar to Religion
and Ethics Program now offered,
Berson said.
The committee also recommend-
ed the addition of courses in com-
parative religion and the history
of religion. -
* * *
IF MORE religion is to be
brought into the curriculums, Ber-
son added, such problems as work-
ing it into the fields of study,
method of teaching, and selection
of teachers,; will have to be worked
Several of the proposed al-
ternatives will be discussed to-

Second Drama Series Play To Open

* * *


In her role as Lola in William
Inge's "Come Back Little Sheba,"
opening at 8:30 p.m. today in Ly-
dia Mendelssbhn Theatre, Joan
Blondell is cast in a part striking-
ly different from that of the at-
tractive comedienne she usually
The second Drama Season play
concerns a dumpy, lazy 40-year
old wife of a hopeless alcoholic,
who is finally forced to face reali-
ty and give up the dreams of her

including a clerking job at Gim-
Finally she received a small part
with a Chicago company and be-
gan her way up once more. Luck
sped the process when, by coinci-
dence, the police just happened to
raid the theatre in which she was
appearing in "My Girl Friday."
The publicity did wonders for the
almost unheard of show, and at-
tendance skyrocketed.
From then on she appeared in
a variety of shows including a part
with Bette Davis in "Tarnish" at



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