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May 17, 1952 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1952-05-17

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SATURDAY, MAY ';. x,$552,

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Lecture Committee

corded another victory Wednesday night
when it was announced that henceforth two
students, to be appointed by SL, will sit in
without vote on the proceedings of the con-
troversial Lecture Committee.
This represents the culmination of a
frustrating two-year struggle by the Leg-
islature to win representation although
it was not the voting representation that
they had been aiming for, and a non-vot-
ing delegation often turns out to be of
infinitesimal influence.
However, those particularly excited over
the new arrangement point out that the
three-man Lecture Committee seldom de-
cides anything by a vote, but rather tends
to thrash out the problems until a group
rapprochement is reached. Further, it is
claimed that this is a stepping stone to
eventual voting representation-and that
even without the vote, the student members
can work to liberalize some of the more ab-
horrent Lecture Committee policies, such as
the recent usurpation of power in the refusal
to pass on the petition by the Young Pro-

gressives for ousted Local 600 secretary Wil-
liam Hood.
On the other hand, there is always a
danger in winning an incomplete victory
that its significance will be overrated. The
tabling by the Legislature of Herb Cohen's
motion calling for a restatement of a long-
implied SL hypothesis that the very ex-
istence of the Lecture Committee is wrong
in principle seems to reflect either an un-
happy lack of conviction or an undue
SL has thus far avoided taking any action
in light of the 60 per cent "yes" vote on the
anti-Lecture Committee campus referen-
dum, understandably in lieu of the pending
acceptance of student representation. But
the time has now come to reaffirm an im-
portant basic ideal. The representation on
the Committee will be in fact a defeat for
student freedom if it is accepted As a final
solution to the problem, if the Legislature
fails to keep always in mind what its ulti-
mate goal is.
--Crawford Young

MacArthur -- The Candidate?

THE UNIVERSITY was honored with the
presence of General Douglas MacArthur
yesterday morning when, passing in his
caravan of lush convertibles on his way to
Ypsilanti and Detroit, he paid a brief visit
A huge curious crowd greeted him at,
the Rackham Building, but seemed unim-
pressed by his deified manner or his trite
remarks. Indeed there was surprisingly
little applause from so large a crowd, per-
haps because it was composed largely of
rational college students.
When he left, it was interesting to specu-
late on what his. barnstorming tour of Mi-
chigan and particularly his Lansing visit
It became increasingly evident, as Mac-
Arthur moved through his crowded sched-
"ANOTHER YOUNG law graduate is
planning to set up shop in Ann Arbor.
George L. Meader of 506 Catherin St., who
emerged from the University Law School
last year with a J.D. on his diploma, was
admitted to the bar this morning.
"We wailt to be frank about it George.
There is mighty little chance these days
for a young man in politics, if that is what
you have in mind."
-From the pages of the Ann Arbor
NIews, May 16, 1932

ule at the State Capital Thursday, that the
trip involved more than a mere speech be-
fore the Legislature.
Every word of his speech before the
Legislature, every gesture, every inference
seemed to convey the message: "Well,
boys, here I am-a Presidential candidate.
I'm not announced, but if Taft fails, you
lean stop Eisenhower with me."
The speech itself was significant because
MacArthur assailed the threat of "the mili-
tary" in the White House, but was written
in such a manner that it applied only to
Gen. Eisenhower, and not to MacArthur
If the General was plumping for Senator
Taft, as some political observers would con-
tend, he was also putting in a good word for
Thus the whole jaunt from New York to
Lansing became a rather subtle political
trip with no overt dealings in evidence,
but with emphasis on meeting as many
State politicos as possible. Representa-
tives of all GOP party factions were in
Lansing, and a few score politicians were
sporting "MacArthur for President" but-
These politicians came to see a probable
candidate. Others who came merely as
spectators were asking themselves: "What if
he does get in-what then?" They were con-
vinced that the result might be something
MacArthur himself had warned against in
his speech-"a nilitary junta."
-Harry Lunn

Freedom at 'U'
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following editorial is re-
printed from the May 15 issue of the Michigan
State News, MSC student newspaper.)
WHAT HAS happened to intellectual free-
dom at the University of Michigan?
On March 6 Arthur McPhaul, executive
secretary of the Michigan Civil Rights Con-
gress, spoke at a private dinner in the
Michigan Union. The Civil Rights Congreses
has been listed as a Communist front organ-
ization by the Justice Department.
On May 3, five students, who attended the
dinner were put on probation for failure to
co-operate in University investigations into
the background of the dinner.
Also involved in the "MePhaul case"
was the University Lecture Committee,
empowered with authority to pass on the
fitness of any individual invited to speak
on the campus. On March 3 the Commit-
tee had denied the U. of M. Young Prog-
ressives the right to hear McPhaul at one
of their meetings.
The formula laid down by the University
Sub-committee on Discipline on rights to
hear speakers is almost as disturbing as the
conditions leading 'to it.
One of the prime purposes of a university
is to provide a clearing house for ideas. It
is a long standing tradition with roots in
the earliest university system in Western
The existence of a Lecture Committee
empowered to decide which views are ac-
ceptable and which are not is denying the
student the right to his own evaluation of
ideas. Establishment of such a body by a
university constitutes the surrender of
one of its major reasons for existing.
When McPhaul was barred from public
appearance on University property, some
individual or group of individuals fell back
on their right to meet in private, hearing
whomever they chose. Their mistake in
hearng McPhaul, a University policy deci-
sion pointed out, was that when the student
newspaper, The Michigan Daily, was invited
to attend and report the private gathring,
it became public.
McPhaul's views as reported in The Daily
were obviously unfounded. One person at-
tending the dinner stated that "anyone with
an eighth grade ducation could have poked
holes through the speech."
How much better it would have been for
the University to have allowed the student
body to hear an decide for itself what
weight should be given McPhaul's views.
Instead the University placed itself in
the unenviable position of having to screen
ideas before they reach student ears with
the obvious implication that young Amer-
icans are too immature or dull-witted to
make their own judgments; or worse, that
our system is not strong enough to with-
stand attack from one intending to re-
place it.
At the time of these events, the U. of M.,
along with other educational institutions in
the state was being placed in an unfortunate
light by the House Un-American Activities
Committee Investigation in Detroit. This
factor, coupled with vulnerability of state
universities dependent on legislative support,
helps explain, but not justify the University's
A state college or university cannot allow
itself to become the instrument of politically
inspired control over student access to con-
flicting ideas. In whatever measure on does;
this, a college or university gives up its
moral claim to the cherished title of a free
educational institution.

Washington Merry-Go-Round
WASHINGTON-This column has obtained an alarming secret cable
" from the American Embassy in Moscow warning that Japanese
business leaders are negotiating a new trade alliance with Communist
Russia-because Jap goods are barred from the United States by high
This is causing considerable worry at the State Department.
American diplomats have been doing their best to dissuade Euro-
pean and non-Communist Asiatic countries to ban trade with
Russia and China. But every time they make a stab in this direc-
tion, Congress or the tariff commission hikes tariffs higher.
The secret cable from Moscow, sent by Hugh Cumming, Minister-
Counselor of the American Embassy, tells how two prominent Japan-
ese are in Moscow to arrange a trade deal with Russia because Japan-
ese tuna fish and Japanese chinaware have been barred from the
United States. The two Japanese leaders are Miyakoshi Kisuke, mem-
ber of parliament and President of the Tokyo Machinery Co.; with
Hoashi Kei, ex-member of the House of Councillors and leader of the
Japan Industrial Council.
Here is the secret embassy cable:
"From: Moscow
To; SecState (Secretary of State)
"Emb (Embassy) learned Miyakoshi trip here motivated by U.S.
tariff hikes on Jap Tuna and ceramics plus fears further increases.
Japs as result feel must seek markets in Soviet and China mainland.
Hoashi came because present critical situation Japan with peace in-
dustries in slump and war plants unnaturally stimulated by buying
for Korean war. Hoashi view Japs have to get along with both Sov
(Soviet) and U.S.
Signed: "Cumming"
* * * *

"You Read Awhile -I've Got A Sore Finger"
- L
r~t& Po) N A'~ O.I
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the



GENERAL EISENHOWER has decided not to follow the precedent
of Wendell Willkie toward the oil barons of Texas, including fabulous-
ly wealthy Roy Cullen.
When Willkie toured Texas during his 1940 presidential cam-
paign, he was warned in advance to be especially nice to Cullen.
The big oilman, Willkie was advised, was good for heavy cam-
paign contributions.
However, Willkie, either forgetting or ignoring this advice, shook
hands with Cullen rather casually when he got to Dallas, did not
single him out for special attention. Later, when told that he had
slighted the big oilman, Willkie observed:
"You know, the good Lord put all this oil in the ground, then
someone comes along who hasn't been a success at doing any-
thing else, and takes it out of the ground.
"The minute he does that," observed Willkie, "He considers him-
self an expert on everything from politics to petticoats."
FRIENDS OF politically green Ike Eisenhower are seeing to it
that he doesn't make the same faux pas. That's why the hands of
Texas oilmen Roy Cullen and Sid Richardson are seen in the letter
Ike has written to Jack Porter of Houston putting himself on record
in favor of the oilmen in regard to tidelands oil.
The fact that Eisenhower, after refusing to take a position on
any other domestic question, and after letting it be known he
would make almost no speeches before the Chicago Convention
in July, finally takes a position on tidelands oil, is no accident.
It was arranged first by Sid Richardson, who took a special trip
to Paris for the purpose. Second, it was calculated to win the support
of Roy Cullen. For Jack Porter, to whom Ike wrote the letter, long
has been Cullen's henchman and political messenger. Cullen has sent
Porter to Washington from time to time to keep an eye on the 27% /
per cent oil-depletion tax allowance which sets oilmen apart from
others so favorably when it comes to figuring out their income taxes.
Porter also dumped $5,000 into the Joe McCarthy campaign
to defeat Senator Tydings in Maryland, who was a strong sup-
porter of Ike's policies, while McCarthy has been a bitter opponent
of Ike's. Five thousand dollars is a lot of money for a Texan to
send all the way to Maryland, and a lot of people are wondering
why;,and whether some of it might have come from Culle'n.
Porter also is close to ex-speaker Joe Martin, a potent backer of
General MacArthur, and no friend of Eisenhower's. Porter even teIls
friends that he had $50,000 available from Cullen to help Martin dur-
ing the 1948 convention in case of a deadlock and a chance to nomi-
nate Joe.
These are some of the things that Eisenhower undoubtedly didn't
know when he wrote the tidelands "Dear Jack" letter to Jack Porter.
(Copyright, 195', by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

Knowland Might Be Possible
GOP Vice-Presidential Choice

Religion . .
To the Editor:
IN RESPONSE to Bob Jaffe's edi-
torial I would suggest that the
basic premise of the report of the
Student Committee on Religion
was that it is the University's
function "to explore all areas of
knowledge and human experi-
ence." Few would deny the influ-
ence of religious values on the
development of our civilization
and our nation. Over 60% of the
state colleges and universities have
recognized this, including Michi-
gan State College (with a Depart-
ment of Religion). No program of
this sort is compulsory. No rights
to "non-belief" are denied.- 4
To say that the state has been
perfectly neutral to religion and
God would lead to ridiculous con-
sequences. All our coins would have
to be called in, for they have the
words "In God We Trust" imprint-
ed on them. "Prayers in our legis-
lative halls; the appeals to the
Almighty in the message of the
Chief Executive; the (presidential)
proclamations making Thanksgiv-
ing Day a holiday; 'So help me
God' in our courtroom oaths -
these and all other references to
the Almighty that run through our
laws, our public rituals, our cere-
monies would be flouting the First
Amendment ... We are a religious
people whose institutions presup-
pose a Supreme Being."
No, these are not the words of
SL, or SRA, or my own. They are
quoted from the Supreme Court's
majority decision on released time
for religious instruction, given on
April 28. They are the words of
Justice William O. Douglas, an
outspoken defender of the Bill of
We are most fortunate in having
as President of our University one
who has forthrightly recognized
and declared the need to "create
an atmosphere in which certain
spiritual values would be recog-
nized on campus." I sincerely hope
that President Hatcher's program
will be adopted by this University.
-Alan Berson
Lungs & Grads
To The Editor:

and I have heard that Michigan
men are hard breathers. In view
of all this, could be get, along with
learning, some of that springy air?
Drapes or lungs-that is the ques-
-R. Marti, Grad.
* * *
Hail Away.
To the Editor:
HAIL MacKAY! She is to be
lauded-indeed canonised-
for her neat little synthesis of Col-
lege life in America. Infantilism
and boorishness (under various
other names, such as school spirit)
continue to pass unnoticed, even
condoned, while integrity( always
under its true label) remains ec-
centric or sftrilegious.
It might be added that the vac-
uous ratiocinations of a certain
Judic member before the CLC last
week were just as tragically ludi-
crous as the groveling display be-
side the General Library.
It is hoped that one of these
days we will rise above the Ameri-
can Legion manners and morals
of our fathers
-Jack Danielson
McPhaul.. .
To the Editor:
HAVEN'T YOU just about milk-
ed the McPhaul case dry? It's
amazing how you can find front-
page news every day for weeks on
end about something so uncom-
Who are these "martyrs" to be
receiving all this publicity? We
often hear the opinion expressed
that the Communists and. their co-
horts are only winning new friends
and sympathizers through the ac-
tivities of the Un-American Com-
mittee, the Trucks Bill, et al, all
of which only help to keep them
in the 'limelight. I can't say that
Daily publicity has won any new
friends. but it certainly has kept
its spotlights focused. You'd think
nobody had ever been put on pro-
bation before ...-
--Roy Seppala


WASH3 GTON-In a deadlocked nation-
al convention, the rival camps tend to
bait their hooks with the vice-presidency
and start fishing in the nice, big pivotal
states. They angle for two things: a large
hunk of votes and a candidate who will ex-
ert a pull on voters and sections distrustful
of their op man.
At The Orpheum .. .
Niven, Kim Hunter and Roger Livesey.
GENERALLY fantaises about trips to and
from heaven are quite enjoyable, if not
on the highest intellectual plane at least as
pure entertainment. "Stairway to Heaven"
is no exception; it goes even further than
usual, inserting ideologies about prejudice,
love and justice where they might just as
soon have been omitted.
David Niven is cast as an RAF officer
who, through no fault of his own, doesn't
die at his appointed hour. The angel sent
to fetch him apparently got lost in a
ghastly English fog, giving him about
twenty extra hours of life. During the
interval Niven manages to fall in love
with a young lady from Boston, Kim
When his angel finally does find him
Niven refuses to go, demanding an appeal
to a "higher court" on the grounds of his
new love. The appeal is granted and he is
taken before the heavenly multitude for
judgment. Raymond Massey, a bigoted anti-
British American of Revolutionary War vin-
tage, is appointed prosecutor. The trial,
complete with the music of the celestial
spheres, develops into a case of England-
has-more-faults-than-America, and vice ver-
sa; Massey is particularly perturbed because
this foul Englishman has used his charms
on the innocent American girl.
Niven's "attorney," Roger Livesey, turns
the tables on the prosecutor by proving
that Miss Hunter is really in love with
the officer, who is promptly given a Iong

For many reasons, California and Its
Senior Senator, William F. Knowland, of-
fer a likely prospect for both Senator Taft
and General Eisenhower when and as the
expected neck-and-neck race between the
two materializes.
Not the least reason is that Senator Know-
land stands an excellent chance of coming
to Chicago on a great wave of national pub-
licity as a result of the famous cross-filing
primary system of his state. California
Democrats, feuding and scandal-ridden,
have been so busy striving for personal ad-
vantage they have done practically nothing
to help their candidate, Rep. Clinton Mc-
Kinnon, who is seeking the nomination to
run against Senator Knowland,
Representative McKinnon stands well
in his district and has a good House rec-
ord but in the big State of California all
this is not a substitute for funds to adver-
tise your personality and policy. Senator
Knowland, whose family sponsored Gov-
ernor Warren's political career, had serv-
ed in both Houses of the legislature before
Governor Warren appointed him to the
U.S. Senate. He has since been elected
for a short and a long term.
Republicans declare Representative Mc-
Kinnon is operating at a serious disadvan-
tage in the California situation and that,
on June 3, Senator Knowland may repeat
the performance which won national repute
for Governor Warren in 1942-nomination
on both California tickets.
As Senator Knowland's friends see it, his
youth would complement either the Senator
or General; his internationalism would soft-
en the nationalist bias of the Senator and
his advocacy of a strong Far East policy
would be helpful to the General who is iden-
tified only with European cooperation.
Geographically, he is equally suitable.
It is frequently suggested that General
MacArthur would strengthen a Taft ticket
and the Senator always replies politely that
he Jhardly thinks the General would be in-
There are reports, however, that Gen-
eral MacArthur is interested. He again
came to Senator Taft's aid with a speech
Thursday to the Michigan Legislature, at-
tacking the New Dealers and Democrats

College Riots
Here & There
AP Columnist
NEW YORK-(-The nationwide rash
of raids by college boys on coed dormi-
tories strikes a cheerful zany note in a mad
and angry world.
Others may cavil at these antics, but
they restore my faith in youth and higher
education. They show that the young of
our land still have the quality of mild re-
bellion under the influence of spring and
a full moon.
Most of these mass raids have been in
quest of coed bras and panties, and some of
the blue-nosed gentry will surely see this
as a new sign of moral decadence and ask
"What ado the boys want with those
things anyway?"
The answer to this is simple and prac-
tical. Soaked in cold water and tied around
a throbbing head, these garments will
help many a fellow bone up for his final
exams. They beat a towel all hollow.
There is a historical precedent for this.
In the days of chivalry the knight always
rode off to battle carrying a token-usually
a glove-from his lady fair. The trouble with
a glove is that you can't tie it around your
The epidemic of group student raids is
naturally worrisome to deans of men and
local police. And, of course, it would be bad
if they really got out of hand.
But sometimes college boys have to
erupt and show they are something more
than tame receptacles to be stuffed with
stale knowledge. A little larking now and
then helps teach those in academic au-
thority to respect the fact that these
young "hones of tomorrow" have the nual-

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (11
a.m. on Saturday).
SATURDAY,. MAY 17, 1952
VOL. LXII, No. 160
Late Permission: Because of the In-
terfraternity Council Ball, all women
students have a 1:30 a.m. late permis-
sion on Sat., May 17.
Fuibright Grants-Graduate Students,
and Staff Members. Miss Ciprania Scel-
ba, Executive Secretary of the Fulbright
Program in Italy, will be at the Tni-
versity Monday afternoon and Tuesday,
May 19 and 20, and would like to see
graduate students and staff members
who are applying for or interested in
Fulbright grants for study in Italy. Ap-
pointments may be made by calling
Mrs. Fox at the office of the Graduate
Summer Position: The director of
Camp Allegro, a private camp located
in Canada about thirty miles from De-
troit, is seeking a man for the position
of supervisor of physical education ac-
tivities. Must be qualified in swimming,
tennis, archery, badminton and base-
ball. The camp will operate for six weeks
beginning June 29. For further infor-
mnation call at 3528 Administration
Building or telephone University ex.
tension 2614.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Joshua Cho-
ver, Mathematics; thesis: "On Homo-
geneous Measure and Operator Decom-
positions of Hilbert Space,"' Sat., May,

Doctoral /Examination for Martin T.
Wechsler, Mathematics; thesis: "A
Characterization of Certain Topological
Spaces by Means of their Groups of
Homeomorphisms," Mon.,hMay 19, 2
p.m., 3014 Angell Hall. Chairman, H.
Doctoral Examination for Jean Knox
McDonald, Astronomy; thesis: "Hydro-
gen Absorption Lines in the Spectra of
B-Type Stars," Mon., May 19, 2 p.m..


Obeat L. H. Aller. - HAVE YOU ever been, on a
Aircraft Icing Research Seminar: Hspring night, inside the lounges
Mon., May 19th, 3:30 p.m., 4084 East of the Rackham Building? Out-
Engineering, Dr. Myron Tribus will con- side you can breathe a new in-
clude the discussion of the work of spiring breeze, sweet scents car-
Chapman and Rubesin on heat trans- ess your trained nostrils, the ex-
fer from a non-isothermal flat plate. perience is invigorating-you can
Seminar in Lie Groups: Will not meet actually feel the brand-new oxy-
on Mon., May 19, but a suggested alter- gen molecules merging happily in-
nate time is Fri., May 23, at 4 p.m., in to your bloodstream.
Room 3011 Angell Hall. If this suggested With a melancholic sigh you
time is not convenient, please contact th lanc i ou
Professor Sarnelson, Room 3018 Angell abandon this elating media to en-
Hall. ter that of the Rackham lounges.
At first you are again impressed
Lectures by the drapery, the oriental rugs
and the exquisite finery that swal-
Phi Sigma Lecture. Mon., May 19, 8 lows the noise of your footsteps.
p.m., Rackham Amphitheater. Dr. Henrylosteniefyurottp.
J. Gomberg, Laboratory Director of the Blandly you recline in an over-
Michigan Memorial Phoenix Project will stuffed armchair. But alas, little
speak on "Phoenix Project Research in by little the stale and misty air
Biology." The public is invited. begins to sap your energies, you
feel tired, dejected, smothered in
Concerts this heavy and all but unhealthy
Festival of Organ Music played by atmosphere. But why, oh, why!
School of Music students under the di- There are plenty of windows, yes,
rection of Robert Noehren, Saturday, albeit locked and can't be opened.
May 17, 4:15 p.m., Hill Auditorium. The But why, oh why?.
program will cover works by Lubeck,
Bach, Franck, Vierne, Reger, Walther, It appears that, for fear the
and Mendelssohn, and will be open to wind and rain might soil the drap-
the public without charge. eries and finery, the windows are
kept closed. It appears further
Events Today that from 3 p.m. onwards only
Inter-Arts Union. Meeting at 2:30 in one lonely janitor remains in
the League. Election of officers. Plans charge of the building. It is also
for next year. charged that one janitor could not



Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of -Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Chuck Elliott ........Managing Editor
Bob Keith................City Editor
Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director
Vern Emerson ..........Feature Editor
Ron Watts .............Associate Editor
Bob Vaughn ...........Associate Editor
Ted Papes..............Sports Editor
George Flint ....Associate Sports Editor
Jim Parker .....Associate Sports Editor
Jan James..............Women's Editor
Jo Keteihut, Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Miller..........Business Manager
Gene Kuthy. Assoc. Business Manager
Charles Cuson ... Advertising Manager
Milt Goetz....... Circulation Manager

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