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May 10, 1952 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1952-05-10

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c 1-

Latest Deadline in the State




tllli i 3 ii 4 .r. 1 C"



VOL. LXII, No: 154




U. S. Acts To Stop
Further Oil Loss







DENVER-( )-The governm
acted yesterday to protect dwi
ling gasoline supplies as a natii
wide strike of 90,000 oil work
passed its 10th day with prosp
of immediate settlement grow
The Government directed b
gasoline plants, terminalsa


By Senate


ate Judiciary Committee yesterda
voted 8 to 4 to approve Presiden
Truman's nomination of Feder
Judge James P. McGranery a
Attorney General of the Unite
Senator Ferguson (R-Mich
who opposed McGranery in four
day committee hearings, prompt
ly announced he will continue hi
fight to block confirmation of th
56-year-old Philadelphia jurist o
the Senate floor.
Ferguson told newsmen he wi
also file a minority report settin
forth the reasons for his opposi
* * *
ings variously described McGran
ery as a tyrant on the bench wh
set Federal attorneys quaking wit
terror, and as a man of unchal
lenging integrity and great abilit
Senator Watkins (R-Utah),
who opposed McGranery, told
reporters yesterday he also would
speak out against the nomina-
tion on the Senate' floor, but
that he assumed the Adminis-
tration has enough votes to put
the nomination over.
Chairman McCarran (D-Nev
said he would send the nominatio
to the Senate without delay, bu
would refrain from asking th
Senate to act until Ferguson'
minority report is completed. Fer.
guson said it would take three o
four days to write the report.
Calls Braves
To Wigwam
Listen to this tale of romance
Tale of Indian warriors bold-
In the early moon of green leaves
Came they forth, the stoics val-
Forth they romped to paleface
Wigwam one of friendly Great
Came they forth to take their
token -
Then to the mighty oak of
Dashed the screaming, yelling
redmen; t
To the tree of Indian legend
Where the white men pale and
Stood around the mighty oak
Warriors choice of paleface
Choice of tribe to run the
Down the warriors, painted
Swooped and caught their prey
like eagles
Loud the war cry stirred the
As they seized their haples
Forth they bore them to their
There to torture at their
} pleasure
They ate around the glowing
Heard the words of mighty

e i
ll C
- 1
S b


large filling stations in 32 Eastern
and Midwestern states and the
District of Columbia to reserve
supplies of motor gasoline for
possible allocation to maintain es-
sential transportation.
The order went into effect at
2:01 a.m. today and may affect
about one-half of all filling sta-
tions in the covered area.
"OVERALL, the nation still has
at this time adequate supplies of
automotive gasoline," the Petro-
leum Administration for Defense
(PAD) said in a statement. "Local
shortages may occur, however, in
the Eastern and Central states
because of difficulties in trans-
porting products to the point of
A Chicago Motor Club survey,
completed today, including In-
dianapolis, Cleveland, St. Louis,
Minneapolis, Des Moines, Madi-
son, Wis., Detroit and Omaha
said while some stations are
picketed there is enough gas
available for week-end trips.
O. A. Knight, President of the
CIO Oil Workers International,
largest of 22 unions involved, said
the strikers won't go back to work
without a settlement.
Chairman Nathan Feinsinger
said Thursday he still felt there
was a 50-50 chance at settling the
dispute without turning it- back to
the White House.
President Truman said he is
working hard to settle the dis-
pute. He added it isn't serious
enough yet to invoke injunction
powers of the Taft-Hartley law.
At the Interstate Oil Compact
Commission meeting in Phoenix,
Frank Porter, President of the Am-
erican Petroleum Institute, said
the oil industry has stockpiled
products in most sections to keep
motorists , from walking until
about mid-June.
SiX Nations <
.Sign Joint,
Army Pact
PARIS--WP)-Six West Europeanr
nations tonight initialed the draft s
of a treaty aimed at pooling their c
military resources in a unified ar- n
my more than a million -strong.
This army, intended to include v
[00,000 West German troops, is to b
be placed at the disposal of the I
North Atlantic Treaty Organiza- h
ion (NATO) in the Western front i
against aggression . s
'But how soon West Germany
will be able to start putting sol-
Biers in uniform remains one of
he big imponderables of the uni-
ication plan.
The parliaments of the six mem-
er nations-France, Italy, West
ermany, Belgium, the Nether-
ands and Luxembourg-must act it
n ratification of the treaty after i
heir foreign ministers sign it, g
robably before the end of this ir



Ike Repeats
Intent of Not
Hasn't Changed
Former Stand
OSLO, Norway-(A')-Gen. Eis-
enhower last night reaffirmed his
intention "not to campaign for
the Presidential nomination."
Speaking to reporters during a
coffee and brandy hour that fol-
lowed a state dinner given for him
by the Norwegian Government, he
"If the people want me for
President, they will know where
to find me."

-Daily-Jack Bergstrom
ON THE WARPATII-Michigauma braves lead the young bucks besmeared with brick dust on the
long duck-walk trail to the Union tower during annual Rope Day ceremonies on campus yes-

Troops Ready To Battle
No Yielding To Deman
*4 * *

Inside WSB
S ugges ted
WASHINGTON -- (P) - Chair-
man Barden= (D-NC) of the House
Labor Committee declared yester-
day there is a pronounced feeling
in Congress and the nation tha1
the Wage Stabilization Board
(WSB) is stacked in favor of or-
janized labor.
He said he slid not mean the
Board was "stacked with dishonest
men," but that "there are too many
men put on there who were of the
same mind." The public members
of the Board, he said, "have been
mixed up in the labor movement.'"
BARDEN'S bristling. statement
wound up a three-day appearance
before the committee of Nathan P.
Peinsinger, WSB chairman, who
has undergone pointed question-
ng about the board's controversial
teel wage decision.
Feinsinger replied that the six
public members of the board
were not protagonists of organ-
ized labor, but he readily con-
ceded that a number of them-
himself included--were active in
the labor relations field.
"I believe in collective bargain-
ng, and I believe in labor organ-1
zation," he said. "And if you're
oing to have collective bargain-
ng you've got to have labor or-


Quad Blaze
For a minute last night it
looked as though women might
not move into Prescott House in
East Quad next semester.
Four Ann Arbor fire engines
raced. to. the. dorm. as .East
Quadmen Louis Krzych, '53E,
and William Winkler, '55, man-
ned the fire hose to dowse a
blaze in room 202.
Onlookers from Prescott
House speculated on-how long
it would take Dean of Women
Deborah Bacon to call to see if
the house were still intact.
The fire was started by a cig-
arette in a waste basket in the
room of Art Nicholas, '53E, 20
minutes after he leftsthe dorm
at 7:30 p.m.
Damage including a burned
mattress, drape, bed-clothes,
and singed floor and wall sec-
tions amounted to about $125.00
in the estimation of the Fire
Nicholas' first concern when
he returned at 8:15 p.m. was
for his lecture notes.

Fox To Talk
A t Natural
Science Anud
Special To The Daily
JACKSON-Fact-finders looking
into the mutiny at Southern Mi-
chigan prison interviewed their
last scheduled witness today and
began to study a week's worth of1
The three-man body, appointed
by Governor Williams to study
causes of the costly revolt, was pre-
pared to remain in session over the
* * *
IN ANN ARBOR in response to
an overwhelming demand to hear
Dr. Vernon Fox, the former psy-
chologist at Jackson prison, the
Student-Faculty Committee of the
sociology department announced
his talk will be transferred from
Kellogg auditorium to the Natural
Science Auditorium.
Dr. Fox will speak at 7:30 p.m.
Monday on "Prison-Administra-
tion and Riot Control." Accord-
ing to sociologists here, Dr. Fox
believes that prison is a place
of rehabilitation, rather than
Chairman Lester P. Dodd, Presi-
dent of the State Bar Association,
said he hoped to have the final re-
port in the Governor's hands by
tomorrow night. The committee
may find it necessary to recall
some witnesses or interview new
ones, he added.
LAST OF THE scheduled wit-
nesses to appear was Corrections
Commissioner Earnest C. Brooks.
He denied the state was too
soft with the prisoners, whose
four-day revolt caused an esti-
mated $1,500,000 damage and
the life of one rioting inmate.
"You can call it that (too soft)
if you want to," he told the fact-
finders. "But I call it the humani-
tarian approach. We have two
principal objectives: one is keep-
ing the inmates in custody: two
is having their confinement harm
them as little as possible.

THE GENERAL, who came to
Norway in the course of his fare-
wel tour of North Atlantic Treaty
Organization (NATO) countries,
said he has no plans for speeches
in the U.S. after he gives up his
job as Supreme Allied Commander
around June 1 except a long-
planned speech in his hometown,
Abilene, Kan., June 4.
Eisenhower told the newsmen
that "I have said before and I
say now that I do not plan to
make any campaign" for the
Republican Presidential nomin-
The General said he still does
not know the date he. will return
to the U.S. other than "around
June 1." He added he will spend
"at least one day" in Washing-
ton, then fly to Abilene.
* * *
enhower, attended by 130 guests,
was given in historic Akershus
Castle, a 14th century Norse fort-
ress built at the edge of Oslo
Eisenhower began his response
by quoting "one of my old com-
manding officers who told me
always to take your job seriously,
never yourself." He said that
"all the things I support" as
Supreme Allied Commander in
Europe "I would continue to
support wherever I am and
whatever my favor shall be."
Earlier today on his arrival from
Paris Eisenhower hailed the ini-
tialing of the European Army
Draft Treaty in the French capi-
tal as a "real milestone in the de-
velopment of Europe's defenses."
YP Decision
Not Made By
The Lecture Committee failed
to take action yesterday on the
Young Progressive petition to al-
low Arthur McPhaul, Lorraine
Meisner and William Hood to
speak on campus.
McPhaul, executive secretaryof
the Civil Rights Congress was
temporarily banned on March 3
until the YP's could submit "suffi-
cient evidence that the speech
would not be subversive."
Miss Meisner, who was suspend-
ed from Wayne University on
charges of "conduct unbecoming
a student," and Hood-the secre-
tary of Ford Local 600 (UAW-
CIO) - were also temporarily
It was expected that action
would be taken yesterday but the;
Committee adjourned without set-
ting a date for the next meeting.;

. . .,held captive
Press Given
N"ew Support,
By Judiciary
Louisiana judge who acquitted five
newsmen accused of defaming 16
public afficials and three gamblers
declared last itght all individual
freedom would perish if freedom
of the press should die.
-And warned Judge J. Bernard
Cocke of New Orleans "the press
itself is the principle guardian of
its own freedom."
* * *
NEWSPAPERS must "adhere, to
principle 'above desire for selfish
gain and not become the advocate
of special Interests" to perform
their duties and retain their pow-
ers, the New Orleans judge said.
The newsmen, members of the
Lake Charles American Press staff
were indicted for their parts in
an anti-gambling crusade waged
by the American Press. Their
trials attracted nationwide atten-
* *, *
JUDGE COCKE, in an address
prepared for delivery before the
Louisiana Bar Association, said:
"The more democratic our
nation becomes, the greater the
danger that temporary majori-
ties, intolerant of opposition,
may succeed, in destroying all
opposition by individuals and
"The continued concentration
of power in the national govern-
ment and its subordinate commis-
sions also tends to increase the
temptatins todutilize that power
for selfish aggrandizement and
self glrfcto.
Wolverine Club
Set To Interview
Appointments for Wolverine,
Club junior position interviews can
be made through Monday morning
in Rm. 1020 Administration Bldg.,
according to Larry Bloch, '53, Wol-
verine Club president.
Interviews will be held in Rm.
3D of the Union Monday, 4 to 9
p.m. All undergraduates are eli-
gible to compete for chairman-
ships of Pep Rally, Flash Cards,
and Special Trips Committees. 1

By The Associated Press
SEOUL, May 10-An American
General held captive for three
days by tough North Korean pris-
oners of war on Koje Island asked
the Eighth Army today not to at-
tempt his rescue by force until full
Communist demands are made
But battle-tested Eighth Army
infantrymen stood ready to storm
a Koje Island compound of 6,000
surly Red war prisoners and rescue
Brig. Gen. Francis T. Dodd, who
was kidnapped three days ago.
* * *
GEN. JAMES A. Van Fleet dis-
closed today that the Allied Com-
mand already had granted the
hot-head Communist prisoners
some minor demands in an effort
to obtain the release of Gen. Dodd.
But the Eighth Army commander
made clear he never would yield
to "unreasonable" demands from
the Reds. He insisted that the
52-year-old General be released
"We have granted minor re-
quests of the Communits and
have asked them for a statement
. of their demand--telephones,
writing paper, admittance of
representatives to other com-
pounds," Van Fleet said in a
"Gen. Dodd in a telephone con-
versation with camp authorities
last night requested that there be
no violence," Van Fleet said. "Dodd
indicated that conferences within
the hide-away were being held on
a peaceful plane."
* * .
THE HIDE-AWAY apparently
referred to the building or tent'
inside Compound No. 72 where
Dodd is held captive. Allied so
dier guards outide e compon
do not know Its precise locatioji'4
Van Fleet, who made a trip by
plane to the Southeast Koreasu"
Island Friday, said it was ex-
pected the Communist leaders
would conclude their talks witk
Dodd this morning.
Dodd commanded the sprawling
prisoner of war camp on Koje Is-
land when he was seized Wednes-
day by North Korean prisoners.
He has since been replaced by
Brig. Gen. Charles F. Colson.
* * *
THE LAST WORD out from be-
hind the barbed wire of the grim
compound was that Dodd was be-
ing well treated. By telephone he
said he apparently was in little
Dodd was captured by the
prisoners of Compound 7 at
3:15 p.m. Wednesday as he stood
r talking at the gate with their
leaders. Lt. Col. Wilbur R. Ra-
ven also was seized, but grabbed
a gate post and pulled free.
"The gate was a wide one," an
Army spokesman said. "Dodd wash
standing in the center of the gate
When the prisoners grabbed him,
it was an organized mob and he
was swept inside.
"Ever since the guy was whisked
in, nobody has seen him or knows
where he is."
* * *
"THE EVIDENCE as to what
happened at the time of Gen.
Dodd's capture is so conflicting
that no clear picture is possible
now," Van Fleet said.
Dodd is just another American
soldier now. The moment the
Reds seized him he lost his com-
mand status, a spokesman ex-
plained. This also has been ex-
plained to the Reds.
While this incident claimed the
Korean spotlight the eleventh
month of Armistice talks began
with no settlement in sight bar-
ring a switch in Red strategy on
orders of some far-off Communist
Yesterday's 10-minute session
produced nothing but the usual

Am f refusin to neg tiate an
preventing agreement on a truce.
Communist truce negotiators
yesterday charged that the Allies
were planning a massacre at Koje
Island to recover Dodd, a hostage
of Red prisoners there.
Wisconsin Wins
- ..

'U' Glee Club To Give
Annual Spring Concert1-I


The oldest musical organization
on campus will present its 94th
annual spring concert at 8:30 p.m.
today in Hill Auditorium.
Philip A. Duey will conduct the
Men's Glee Club in a program of
both classical and popular music
that will include "Laudes Atque
Carmina," "Night and Dreams,"
"Good Fellows, Be Merry" as well
as "Garden in the Rain," "Dark-
town Strutters Ball" and "Casey

The popular side of the program
will be sung by the Novelaires,
winners of this year's Gulantics,
who will also present a group of
traditional Michigan songs.
Established in 1859, the group
has at various times included a
band, a small orchestra, native
Hawaiian artists, a banjo quintet,
bird imitators, impersonators and
mandolin acts.
In fact, the club was known in
the early 1900's as the University
Glee and Mandolin Club and it
was not until the beginning of the
1922-23 season that it received its
present title.
Since its establishment, the
Glee Club, which is student man-
aged, has achieved national fame
through numerous concerts and
performances on radio and tele-
vision. It recently made a picture
short entitled "Songs of the Cam-,
Among its well-known former
members are Chase Baremeo, a
former Met bnv T h nn . N-pu T

World News
By The Associated Press
Chicago lawyer proposed to the
IUnited Nations yesterday that it
establish a "UN writ of habeas
corpus" procedure to get corres-
pondent William N. Oatis out of
jail in Czechoslovakia.
WASHINGTON - Secretary of
State Acheson and Gen. Omar
Bradley yesterday opposed any
slash in the Administration's $7,-
900,000,000 foreign aid budget.
Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower said
"reasonable cuts" would not be
fatal to Western Europe's defense..
man Gordon Dean of the Atomic
Energy Commission said yester-
day that a proposed new atom-
ic expansion program costing
something under five billion dol-
lars, probably would go to Con-
gress within 10 days.
thy (R-Wis.) said yesterday a Sen-
ate Rules Subcommittee investi-
gating him tried to subpoena "as
a star witness against me" a man
who has been committed to a
hospital for the criminally insane1
for observation."
* * *

Red Church Blasts United Nations



Smoked the pipe of peace and 11a
,- friendship
Thus there came to Michigauma:To
Phil Berry, Dave Brown, Carl
Brunsting, Al Connable, John Da-
vies, Jack Ehlers, Al Green, Mer- Presi
ritt Green, Bruce Haynam, Don speak t
* Hurst, Wally Jeff ries, Bill Jentes, his edu
Doug Lawrence, Laurie LeClaire, Preside
John Matchefts, Bob Northcott, Monday
Lowell Perry, Pete Thorpe, Rog Sue P
Wilkins, Howard Willens, Craw- secretar
ford Young. Honorary Sachems: three d

teher Set
dent Harlan Hatcher will
o University students about
Lcational philosophy at a
nt's Convocation at 3 p.m.
iy in Hill Auditorium.
Popkin, Student Legislature
ry, reported that about
dozen questions have been

ZAGORSK, U.S.S.R.-(P)--The
leading churchmen of the Soviet
Union sought today to rally all
churches and faiths of the country
to the Communist peace campaign.
White-bearded Nizolai, Russian
Orthodox Metropolitan (Bishop)
of Moscow denounced the United
Nations as an instrument of war
in a 90-minute address to scores
of prelates and renresentatives of

every religious person in every
(Both ignored denials from the
West and the fact the Commun-
ists have refused to permit an in-
vestigation by the International
Red Cross or other neutral agen-
IT WAS the Patriarch who last

of the Presidium the Rev. W. S. H.
Van Dalen, Dutch pastor of the
Reformed Protestant Church of
Colignsplaat, near Amsterdam, as
one who destested the kind of life
"American imperialists" were- try-
ing to force upon the world.
He also warmly praised Dr.
Hewlett Johnson, the "Red
Dean" of Canterbury. who won

CHICAGO - Michael J. Boyle,
AFL vice-president urged labor
leaders yesterday to seek a six-
hour day with no pay cut to "stave
off" a depression he said might hit1
-L . a., -.- -

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