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May 03, 1952 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1952-05-03

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The Politicians
And The Prison
THE POLITICAL locusts have descended
on Jackson this week.
Twenty-five members of the State Leg-
islature have arrived at the prison, and
their statements on the causes of the
recent riot may be expected any day now.
State Auditor General John Martin, Jr.,
campaignng for the Republican nomination
for U.S. Senator, put the football in play
he other day by asking for wholesale in-
vestigation and discharges. State Republican,
chairman, Owen J. Cleary, plunged through
the line shortly afterwards with charges that
'politics" of "the present administration"
had caused the riot,
Meanwhile, Dr. Vernon J. Fox, the psy-
hologist who secured the release of eight
hostage guards and ended the riot, has con-
inued to raise a lonesvoice in an explana-
ion of what really happened at the prison.
)r. Fox, however, was removed from his po-
ition as assistant deputy warden late Sat-
urday, and fromthe shape of events since,
t grows clear that he is expendable in the
,urrent crisis.
Unfortunately much more is at stake
than Dr. Fox's job. The preset battle for
power in the prison finds the whole pro-
gram of progressive penology hanging in
the balance. A prison administration that
Lowell L. Carr, University sociologist, has
called "the best in the history of the
state" is teetering. Its defenders are
afraid, uncertain and inarticulate.
Governor Williams, in the heat of a pol-
ical campaign of his own, has neatly strad-
led the fences. Commissioner Brooks weighs
he mail reaction daily and holds his ear to
he ground. Warden Frisbie, who has backed
Pox all along, is under a forced gag from
Meanwhile, educators and social reform-
rs seem to be somewhere gathering wool.
the work of years is in jeopardy, but they
re quietly standing by while a handful of
pportunists make hay,.
Politicians are ever more sensitive than
ducatoIs, of course, and there was never
ny doubt that a loss of $2,500,000 of "tax-
ayer's money" is a ready-made election is-
The true facts, as Dr. Fox has constantly
reiterated, are that much of the loss was
suffered not by the taxpayers, but by
the inmates themselves, who had financed
with their own funds the entire recrea-
tonal program, including the gym and the
library. Secondly, the riot destruction was
not caused by the men in Fifteen Block
whom Fox "congratulated," but by other
prisoners in a "sympathy riot." The men
of Fifteen Block never left that building
during the entire disturbance.
Thirdly, charges of recklessness in the
uarding of Ward and Hyatt have also prov-
I unwarranted, since it is now established
iat the original attack on a guard was
lade by neither of these men, but by a
iung Detroit prisoner who was regarded as
latively harmless. He took the keys and
leased the rebel leaders.
And it bears repeating: the "congratu-
atory" message was issued before the
nutiny ended, not after, and was part of
he psychological campaign to dislodge
,he hold-outs. The Detroit Free Press,
iowever, thinks differently about the
whole matter, and as it happens, their
journal circulates to a great many more
people than have read Dr. Fox's defini.
ive works on practical criminal psychol-
Quantities of people are, of course, par-
cularly important in election years, and
e sacrifice of one man of learning and
urage is a small enough price to pay for
litical advantage.
-Bill Wiegand

Washington Merry-Go-Rond

"Where Are We Now?"

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the


(Copyright, 1952, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
WASHINGTON -- Ex-Defense Mobilizer
Wilson, testifying before the Senate
Banking and Currency Committee at the
height of the steel crisis let loose a fiery
tirade at CIO President Phil Murray. It
was so hot that even though the senators
were sitting in closed session, he asked the
stenographer not to record it.
Senator Fulbright of Arkansas touched
off the Wilson blast by Inquiring about
certain amendments to the bill extending
stabilization controls. Asking that his
answer be off-the-record, Wilson replied:
"The chief situation you should consider
is the growing control of labor over this
"I am not talking about the rank-and-
file of labor," Wilson continued, "but about
their leaders.
"One man," he said, referring to Murray,
"has the power to shut down not only steel,
but aluminum, copper-all the metals indus-
"Is there any use," asked Senator Ful-
bright, "in having the government try to
control labor, since labor is tending to
control the government?"
Wilson declined to answer.
LAST WEEK END everything was all set
inside the government to give the Steel-
workers a wage increase, regardless of the
courts and whether the Steel Industry liked


Mess age
HAD A very strange experience last night.
Along with several hundred other people,
I went to see a movie, a film which, I was
told, had a message in it, as well as being a
fairly sharp piece of comedy.
The report was correct. The message was,
there, all right, and struck pretty close to
home. As explained here yesterday, The
Male Animal is about a young professor who
decides that he will defy the trustees of
Midwestern University by reading an an-
archist's letter to his English class. The
trustees are conducting a purge of Reds at
the time,. and all the forces of reaction line
up against the professor.
But wait. This is a comedy, and the
good and bad has to be pretty clearly out-
lined. As it happens, the trustees are
represented by an unpleasant "stadium-
builder," whose prime goal is bigger and
better football teams. On the other side,
with our sympathies thoroughly in hand,
Is the young teacher. '
And it's encouraging, somehow, to be able
to be vicariously prejudiced along lines that
agree so well with our own point of view.
The whole matter is thin enough that no
philosophical arguments are ever any deeper.
than the action, and nothing is at all con-
fused. The end can be seen from the be-
ginning, and we know that Right will tri-
umph over the blackguard trustees.
Thus far, the experience is a pleasant one.
But in the last scenes, after the professor
has read the controversial letter, the triumph
is carried to its logical extreme-logical in
terms of this kind of movie. The students
are overwhelmed with joy and even the
"stadium builder" can be seen cheering the
courageous liberal.
All of a sudden, In these few moments,
I realized what I had been looking at. It
was film made in 1938, a film made on
the same basic pattern as hundreds of'
others. But fitted into the pattern were
a completely reversed set of values than
those we are so used to today. Our Black
was their White; our idea of Right was
their Wrong. Everything seemed to be
backward, and the only reason it had ap-
peared convincing was the unique charac-
ter of the turnabout.
It is a rather too obvious commentary-that
this film could not be made today. The
turnabout would bring its producers under
unbearable fire in a moment. Actually, it is
no whit less superficial than its current
fellows-but in this very superficiality serves
better than anything I have yet seen to
crystallize the vagrant nature of national
-Chuck Elliott

it or not. This was before Judge Pine's de-
cision that seizure was illegal. Suddenly the
plan was called off.
Reason for the last-minute switch was
not *the argument before Judge David
Pine or protests by the steel companies,
but the intervention of the Railroad
Brotherhoods. Here is what happened.
Hearing that the Steelworkers were due
to have a wage increase handed them by
the Government, Roy Hughes, president of
the Brotherhood of Railway Conductors, got
in touch with Charles Murphy, counsel to
the president, told him of a letter the broth-
erhoods had received from Karl Bendetsen,
Assistant Secretary of the Army, who is now
operating the railroads on behalf of the
Bendetsen had written Hughes that
under the executive order by which the
Army took over the railroads, he was not
authorized to grant a wage increase. He
expressed his sympathy for such an in-
crease, but said that under the circum-
stances he was powerless.
The railroads have now been operated
under the Government for about two years,
Hughes reminded White House Counsel
Murphy. If a wage increase is now granted
to the Steelworkers after less than a month,
with no wage increase granted to the Rail-
road Brotherhoods, then there would be real
trouble among railroad labor.
In fact, Hughes intimated that it would
be extremely difficult to prevent a strike
-even against the Government of the
United States.
White House Counsel Murphy dashed back
to the White House, stopped the proposed
wage increase to the steelworkers.
The recent A-Bomb test in Nevada was
so spectacularly successful that plans are
under way for a new series of tests this sum-
mer on Eniwetok Island.
A fantastically powerful bomb is to be
tested there-one so destructive that our
scientists have been afraid to set it off with-
in the U.S.A. Work on the Hydrogen Bomb
has also been moving forward at such a rate
that we will probably test our first experi-
mental H-Bomb sometime this fall.
If these tests are successful, they will
revolutionize the equipment and tactics of
our armed forces, probably making it neces-
sary to devote one-third of the 1953 defense
budget to the Atomic Bomb and defenses
against it.
SL's Finance
submitted a plan to the administration,
designed to stabilize its income.
Specifically, SL recommends that the
group be financed by a fixed allocation
from student fees, to be graduated on a
three year basis of 33% cents per student
the first year, 66 2/3 cents the second year
and one'dollar the third year.
If such a plan were put into effect next
fall, SL would be able to maintain its pre-
sent level of operations and hire a full-
time secretary. If the plan is not employed,
the group faces a $1,400 deficit next year.
Other colleges contacted by SL receive
fixed amounts from their administrations,
ranging from $600 at Boston University to
$95,000 at UCLA.
SL, however, is dependent upon an ap-
propriation from the Office of Student
Affairs, which varies annually from $500
to $1200. This appropriation is not, in
itself, enough to keep the group operating.
Consequently, the entire success of the
Legislature depends upon attendance at
the Homecoming Dance and similar SL
sponsored activities, which are not suit-
able functions for a legislative body.
By refusing the group's request at this
time, the administration will seriously jeo-
pardize SL's future..
-Diane Decker
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writer only.

This must be noted in all reprints.

___ -

WASHINGTON-As primary succeeds primary, the question of what
Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower is going to say when he gets home
looms daily larger and larger. It is like the famous cloud that was no
bigger than a man's hand on the horizon but washed out the priests
of Baal when it got overhead.
So far, we have been given two intimations of the sort of line
Gen. Eisenhower may take when he starts discussing domestic
policy. On the one hand, replying to a letter from Rev. Adam
Clayton Powell asking for his stand on civil rights, the General
has written that his military duties have not allowed him time to
reach a conclusion on this difficult issue.
On the other hand, replying to a letter from his chief Texas sup-
porter, Jack Porter, the General has written that "in principle" he
favors a return of the federally owned tideland oil resources to the
Coolness toward compulsory civil rights legislation and approval
of state ownership of the tidelands are what may be called character-
istic right-wing attitudes to current American politics. So too is the
approval of a sales tax, just voiced by Gen. Eisenhower's associates
although not by the General himself. And the great question about
what Gen. Eisenhower is going to say when he gets home may be
more realistically rephrased: "How far to the right is Gen. Eisenhower
going to go?"
As the tidelands case shows, Republican pre-convention politics
may tend to push the General pretty far to the right. The broad
mass of dominant Republicans are very conservative people. At
Chicago, the General will be better able to make inroads on Sen.
Robert A. Taft if he and the Ohio Senator seem to agree on do-
mestic policy while differing on foreign policy. And if Eisenhower
is nominated, a strongly conservative domestic policy will also
increase the General's already excellent chance of carrying several
Southern states.
In short, the temptation to be strongly conservative will be con-
siderable. But if the General yields too completely to these tempta-
tions, the penalties can be even heavier. The same strong conservatism
which will appeal in the Sduth will quite inevitably disenchant many
Northern voters, in states like New York for example, who are now
Clumsy handling of this delicate problem might even expose the
General to defeat, although the polls now show that nearly 60 per
cent of the American people want him for President.
(Copyright, 1952, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)

Yeah, Uh huh.. .
To the Editor:
IN THE ARTICLE on tuition
increase printed in yesterday's
Daily we noticed the following
statement, "With the tuition in-
crease University officials expect-
ed to have ... an increased schol-
arship program to deal with hard-
ship cases arising out of the fee
hike. "
As three prospective hardship
cases we are anxious to know how
soon we coud apply for one of these
honorific refunds. Perhaps we
could arrange it so that the schol-
arship would be granted before we
pay the tuition, thereby eliminat-
ing a great deal of bookkeeping
for both the University and our-
-Meredith McSweeny
-Carol Miles
-Mari Lou Anselmi
* * *
Religious Education...
To the Editor:
IN WEDNESDAY'S article con-
cerning New York's released
time for religious education there
was expressed the idea that reli-
gious taining does not belong in
education for it is too personal a
matter, and therefore should be
left to the church and home. To
me, this seems completely opposed
to a mature concept of education.
Religion, if anything, does have
claim to a prominent place in for-
mal education. .
I will certainly grant that some
aspects of religious training do
have their place in only the church
or home, but not all religious train-
ing should be so considered. The
aim of education should be to in-
crease the ability and character
of each individual. If we neglect
religion in education, we leave the
student only half educated. The
knowledge gained in the classroom
must be integrated by higher goals
than just the goal of attaining
academic facility. Religious train-
ing fulfills this need. It gives the
student purpose for the knowledge
he has gained. Without this pur-
pose the student is left to ride off
in all directions, arriving nowhere.
Religion in education helps make
the individual a thinking being.
I do not advocate anyone being
forcibly exposed to religious train-
ing, but for those who wish it, we
should make all possible allow-
ances to see that it can be obtain-
ed. Especially today, during the
war of ideologies, we of the West-
ern World should not think too
lightly of religious training in edu-
John Surbis
* * *
Enlightened M.I.T...
To the Editor:
LACK OF SOME pertinent facts,
perhaps unavailable to Mr.
Conrad Teitell, has led him to the
wrong conclusion in regard to M.
I. T.'s suspension of Prof. Struik.
In the first place, it is important
to note that Prof. Struik was "sus-
pended" at full salary, which, in
the words of a Michigan mathe-
matician is, "plenty full." This act
is a far cry from dismissing him
altogether; in fact, it is precisely
the opposite in motivation and ef-
fect. Far from regarding Prof.
Struik guilty, the large majority
if not the entire M. I.-T. adminis-
tration regards him as innocent
of any crime and in particular of
a violation of the Massachusetts
law under which he was indicted.
The suspension might more prop-
erly be called a leave of absence;
it has enabled Prof. Struik to de-
vote full time to his defense, which
was just what he was doing in
Ann Arbor.
But even a true suspension with
no salary would be no proof that
he is regarded as guilty. M. I. T.
by virtue of its responsibility as

a large academic institution has
no choice, it is forced to assume a
neutral attitude. This is an accept-
ed practice, for there is always
some basis, false or not, for an ar-
rest warrant. The point is that
Prof. Struik has been indicted for
breaking a law, and though M. I.
T. may not like either the law or
the indiction, such dislike is no
justification for disregarding the
law or its effects. Surely, if a
Michigan professor were indicted
for embezzlement of funds, there
would be no worries about violation
of academic freedom because he
was suspended pending trial.
Another bit of relevant informa-
tion concerns M. I. T.'s policies.
M. I. T. is well known for its lack
of restrictions on the academic and
social freedom of both its students
and faculty. An example is the
almost complete lack of dormitory
rules regarding women and alco-
holic beverages. Another example
is given by the non-secret dimner

T. has not received some grants.
Unfortunate as that may be it is
part of the facts of university life.
Prof. Struik, however, has not been
dismissed because of this financial
If all universities had policies
as liberal as those of M. I. T., there
would be virtually no complaints
about the violation of academic
--Charles Sleicher
And That's That..
To the Editor:
etry in the last two issues of
Generation has led me to the fol-
lowing conclusions:
Jascha Kessler is quite distinct-
ly the finest poet of the group.
Saul Gottlieb, despite his con-
siderable talents, tends to be prosy
and discursive "including the hon-
ors we strive for so diligently we
know we do not deserve"); also,
he could express himself with
greater economy. Perhaps he
writes too much too fast.
Kathleen Musser, in addition to
the limitations of her thermatic
material, is uneven. She destroys
the effectiveness of her best lines
("Peeling twigs of wonder down to
wands of Truth") by placing them
in the same poems with well nigh
deplorable lines ("Bridged the leap
between mind and matter with
Anne Stevenson, as lyricist, sub-
ordinates thought to musicality,
and there is too little of the for-
mer in proportion to her volume.
Most of the third stanza of "New
Year's Eve" seems little more than
padding to fill out a structure. The
greatest poems I have read seem
chiseled down from something
larger-or squeezed into their
structure, struggling to get out.
Frank O'Hara, though he has
remarkable control over his com-
ponents, seems to be driving to-
ward an elimination of all bonds of
common experience with the read-
er ("the castle is for playing nifty
dreams to yourself and thinking
about asparagus soup").
Allan Hanna, in "Holy Nuns at
Choir," has not achieved poetry
at all. His language is largely ab-
stract and denotative, while poetry
requires the concrete and conno-
tative (this is also true of Gottlieb
at- times), and his sing-songy rimes
are not worth the labor they must
have cost him. This judgment,
however, does not deny the possi-
bility that the piece may be of
value as something else than po-
etry, as it undoubtedly is to Hanna.
On the other hand, Jascha Kes-
sler, in "Across the Pacific,"
achieves density, precision, phy-
sical immediacy, and structural
excellence. His is a finely polished
craft. His exploitation of a broad
central symbol in terms of its
particulars leads to simultaneous
evocation of profoundest thought
and deepest feeling. This is Gen-
erations at its best; the arrival of
such a poem justifies the mediocre
and even poor work which has ap-
peared in previous issues.
-Jack Danielson
Mouths of Babe .. .
To the Editor:
ers with tired legs are asking
themselves tonight whether it was
worth standing in line 4 hours 15
minutes for 1952 drama season
tickets. Even my 4 year old daugh-
ter who stuck it-out with me, tired
and hungry though she was, could
offer a suggestion for an improve-
ment in the system of ticket-pro-
cessing. Complained she: "They
should of had more ticket-seller
-Margaret Markert

i~ci~tttu I1












Second May Festival Concert, Friday
Evening, May 2.
L AST NIGHT at Hil Auditorium Thor
Johnson led chorus and orchestra
through the tricky score to Berlioz' Damna-
tion of Faust with control and an even sense
of timinfi. The old Romantic piece, sub-
sisting on Berlioz' dreamed over version of
Qoethe, produced at once some grim inepti-
tudes in English, not a little viruosity, and
much real beauty.
Musically the drama provides far less sub-
stance than the orchestral picture pieces
like Marguerite's romance.
We met real extremes in the work of
the singers. It is a pity the Svanholm's
tenor, always penetrating, once heroic, is
now onyl tough. Worse than the wooden
mouthpiece he dubbed for Faust was his
seeming inability to carry through a well-
started phrase wtihout a breathy warble,
or even from tone to tone for that matter.
On the other side, there could be little so
poignant, so womanly tender as Patricia
Neway's reading of Marguerite. Both
George London and Philip Duey, of our
own campus, gave performances distin-
guished by musicianship and welcome ar-
To speak of the chorus is again to offer
heartfelt praise to the conductor. Every-
where he set a clear tempo geared to sweep

_. v v a v _ g ~ ~
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The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices shouldbesent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (11
a.m. on Saturday).
VOL. LXII, No. 148
Student Loans for Men. Students un-
able to pay, in full, loans which are
now due should see Miss McKenzie,
1059 Administration Building. The Loan
Committee will meet May 6 to approve
new loans.ePlease havetapplications
submitted before the meeting.
Co-op rooming applications for men
and women are now being accepted for
those students desiring membership In
cooperatives for the summer and fall
sessions. Students should make appli-
cation in person, or write to Luther!
Buchele, 1017 Oakland. Office hoursj
from 1 to 5 p.m. Phone 7211.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Stewart,
Henry Rewoldt, Business Administra-
tion; thesis: "Some Economic Effects
of Marketing Research," Sat., May 3,
Conference Room, 7th floor, Business
Administration Bldg., 9:30 a.m. Chair-
man, D. M. Phelps.
Doctoral Examination for George
Richard Lawrence Gaughran, Zoology;
thesis: "A Comparative Study of the
Osteology and Myology of the Cranial
and Cervical Regions of Blarina brevi-

Philadelphia Orchestra; Alexander Hils-
berg and Marguerite Hood, conductor.
Saturday, May 3, 8:30. Wagner pro-
gram. Astrid Varnay, soprano; Set
Svanholm, tenor; The Philadelphia Or-
chestra; Eugene Ormandy, conduc or.
Sunday, May 4, 2:30. Walton's "Bel-
shazzar's Feast;" Mack Harrell, bari-
tone; Jorge Bolet, pianist; Philadelphia
Orchestra; University Choral Union;
Thor Johnson, conductor.
Sunday, May 4, 8:30. Artist night.
PatriceMunsel, soprano; Philadelphia
Orchestra; Eugene Ormandy, conduc-
Concerts will begin on time and doors
will be closed during numbers. Tickets
on sale at Hill Auditorium box office.
Events Today
Inter-Arts Union. Meeting, 2:30 p.m.,
Midwest Co-op Conference: Co-op
students from Ill., Ind., Mich., O., and
Canada will attend the Midwest Co-op
Conference, Sat., May 3.
Students interested in the organiza-
tion of cooperatives are invited to come
to the following sessions:
10:45 a.m.-Discussion Groups on Uni-
versity relations, financing student co-
ops,eand publicity and membership
problems, First Methodist Church,
State and Washington Sts.
1:00 p.m.-Group Dynamics in Stu-
dent Co-ops. Dr. H. Gerard, Research
Center for Group Dynamics. First
Methodist Church.
3 p.m. Group discussions on co-op
spirit and education, the role of an
inter-cooperative council and co-op
purchasing plans. First Methodist
4:45 p.m.-The role of a national stu-
dent co-op organization. First Metho-
dist Church.
7:30 p.m.Movie: "Men of Rochdale."
Memorial Church, Hill and Tappan Sts.



At The Orpheum .. .
TlHIS LONG-AWAITED Japanese import
is actually much too powerful to be
described in mere words. The full impact
can only come first-hand.
As a combination of beauty and bru-
tality the picture is paralyzing. The vio-
lent story deals with a seduction and mur-
der, but neither word seems to be at all
New Books

adequate for the action. These events are
too natural to be covered with words that
contain moral values. We could no sooner
call a fight between animals a war. The
realization that this is all basically hu-
man is as shocking as the violence itself.
The realism of the fight and the emotional
jolt of the characterizations make it hard to
believe that "Rashomon" is only a movie,
with actual people acting the parts. Machi-
ko Kyo, as "the woman," is primitively beau-
tiful, both physically and as the passionate
wife she portrays. Her ability to be both
fierce and innocent is amazing.
Perhaps the only detectable complaint

Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
h Editorial Staff
Chuck Elliott ........Managing Editor
Bob Keith ..................City Editor
Leonard Greenbaum~ Editorial Director
Vern Emerson ...... ... .Feature Editor
Ron Watts ........:....Associate Editor
Bob vaughn ...........Associate Editor
Ted Papes .................Sports Editor
George Flint ... .Associate Sports Editor
Jim Parker ..,..Associate Sports Editor
Jan James .......Women's Editor
Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor
Busimss Staff
Bob Miller..........Business anager
Gene Kr..hvw Assoc. BusinessM ?a.nager~



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