_______________________________________________________________________________ S I
Lederle Suggests Basis
For Election Reform
Increased emphasis on publicity
of election expenditures rather
than fixed limits on campaign
spending was seen as a basis of
real federal election reform by
Prof. John W. Lederle, Director of
the Institute of Public Adminis-
Prof. Lederle has served in an
Jackson Riots
End; All Eight
Guards Freed
(Continued from page 1)
THE FAMILIES of the guards
greeted the eight men in a wave
of hysteria and emotion. While
flash bulbs popped, women-some
with babies in their arms-rushed
S16 the men. The guards were vis-
ibly torn with emotion and strain,
and for a moment, few of them
were able to speak.
Aterwards, however, Guard
George A. Brown said that they
were treated "very well."
Another guard, in an emotional
moment, said that Earl Ward "was
a great man."
The flaming rampage which be-
gan Sunday night ended with one
convict dead, eleven injured, and
over $2,500,000 damage. No prison
personnel or policemen sustained
more than superficial injuries.
Governor G. Mennen Williams
arrived in Jackson after the re-
lease of the guards. "I came
down," the governor said "to pay
my respects to and congratulate
the men who did the work of
bringing the prison back to good
order without the bloodshed which
appeared to be impending."
Teachers Hold
Annual Meet
A busy day has been planned
for the high school teachers at-
tending the annual Michigan
Schoolmasters' Club Conference
' ollowing registration, there will
be a business meeting at 9 a.m.
at the Rackham Lecture Hall and
a general session which will hear
an address by Henry Ford II,
president of Ford Motor Co., on
"Education for the Second Half-
A reception and dinner will take
place at 5:30 p.m. in the Union
Ballroom where Vice-President
Marvin L. Niehuss, Lee M. Thurs-
ton, superintendent of public in-
struction, and Dean Emeritus
James B. Edmonson will address
the group.
Positions Due For
'S3 Union Opera
Positions now open for petition
on the executive committee of next
year's Union Opera are programs,
promotions, music and production
committee chairmen and the gen-
eral secretary, according to Jim
Yobst, '52, general chairman of
the 1952 Opera.
The petitions should be address-
ed to General Chairman, Michi-
gan Union Opera and must be de-
livered to the Union's main desk
by 5 p.m. Tuesday, Yobst said.
advisory capacity to the Senate
Sub-Committee on Privileges and
Elections which is currently inves-
tigating illegal campaign activities
in order to recommend legislative
Although the committee has not
yet written a new corrupt prac-
tices act, it has been soliciting sug-
gestions and has heard testimony
from various party leaders. "Even-
tually they will write a bill which
will improve conditions, though
not eliminate the evils of money in
elections," Prof. Lederle predicted.
* * *
THE FOLLOWING provisions
might be embodied in such a bill,
he 'said:R
1) Upward revision or elimi-
nation of ceiling limitations on
campaign expenditures by can-
didates or national political
2) Provision to make candidates
personally responsible for expen-
ditures and literature used on
their behalf.
3) Extension of the act to in-
clude all primaries and nomi-
nating conventions.
4) Broadening of definition of
political committees to include all
groups which influence federal
elections. (Under the present act,
a political committee is defined
only as one which is attached to
the national committee or is op-
erating in two states.)
5) Extension of act to cover ac-
tivities of Presidential and Vice-
Presidential candidates in seeking
both nomination and election.
* * *
BUT PROBES of election fraud
charges from the 1950 campaign
have taken the committee's time
and prevented it from achieving
the primary aim of real remedial
legislation, Prof. Lederle said.
Under investigation were the
Maryland election which saw
Democratic Senator Millard Ty-
dings defeated, the Ohio cam-
paign from which Sen. Robert
A. Taft emerged victorious and
the Hanley letter which figured
in New York's senatorial elec-
In addition the group has had to
consider Sen. Benton's (D-Conn.)
resolution to expel Sen. Joseph
McCarthy (R-Wis.) from the Sen-
Sen. McCarthy would not an-
swer Benton's charges before the
committee and challenged its jur-
isdiction over the matter. Through
a technical maneuver on the Sen-
ate floor, committee members suc-
ceeded in defending their juris-
diction, Prof. Lederle added.
* * *
IN MARYLAND a widely circu-
lated composite photograph show-
ed Senator Tydings chatting with
Earl Browder, Communist Party
leader in the United States. As a
result of the Maryland investiga-
tion, a scathing indictment of
composite photographs and scurri-
lous literature was issued by the
Senate group,
Charges of campaign fund ex-
penditures beyond legal limits
were hurled by both sides in the
Ohio senatorial race, but the com-
mittee has not yet made public
their report on the election.
Recently the group has heard
testimony of radio and television
executives which has emphasized
the huge cost of running election
campaigns, and difficulties of
making time for political messages
at the expense of regular pro-
Top Honors
Granted 91
By Phi Bete
Ninety-one University students
and recent alumni who receiv-
ed the top scholastic honor of ini-
tiation into Phi Beta Kappa will
be among those honored at today's
Honors Convocation,
The following students have4
been elected to the society:
Albert J. Bernatowicz, drad.:
John R. Briley, Grad.; Denise M.
Buffington, '52; Monica David;
James B. Fish, M; Saul Gottlieb,
'52; Margaret L. Graham, '52; Le-
nore J. Guth; John B, Hunting-
ton, '55M; Patricia Ann Joy, '52-
SM; Kathleen E. Keely, '53; Hom-
er I. Larson; John E. Riecker, 54-
L; James M. Ross; William A.
Scott, Grad.; William B. Stason
'53; Nancy E. Van Dyke; and Ste-
phen B. Withey, Grad.
Ivan D. Steiner; Kenneth K.
Marcus, '52; Robert J. Reynolds,
Grad.; Margaret J. Huebshman,
'52; Milton M. Green, '52; John C.
Hall, '55; Renah LaMed; Ann
Lindbloom, 52Ed; Victor H. Mies-
el, Grad; Stanley M. Millman, '53;
Robert Radner, '54L; Joyce J.
Winter, '53; Lillian M. Vaughan,
'52SM; and Barbara J. Rassweil-
er, '53.
Keith H. Averill, '55M; Ken-
neth E. Averill, '55M; Martha J.
'ell, '52; David J. Jahsman, '55-
M; and Robert H. Bloom, '54L.
THE INITIATES continue with:
Hiroaki Kakierchi, '52; Susan
Dwan, '52; Joan R. Alpert, '52;
Jerold S. Solovy, '52; Nanette M.
Wilhelmi; Glen E. Guthrie, BAd;
Eleanor C. Schulz, '52; Frederick
F. Fischbach, '52; Victor W. Glad-
stone, '53; Ina Sussman, '52; and
Dorothy J. Watson.
Arthur N. Wright, '52; Joel J.
Baron, '52; Alfred Berend, '52;
Alan C. Berson, '52; Thomas M.
Strauss, '52; Melvyn B. Zerman,
'52; John LeValley; Stanley Mir-
sky; Donald S. Dean, Grad.;
Nancy J. Porter, '52; Alice E.
Sutton; and Lyle A. Carr, '53.
Walter L. Meyer, '53; Herbert
Erwin Katz, '53; William M. King,
'52; AnitaE. Keller, '52; and
Franklin C. Norman
The list concludes with Mary A.
Elferdink, '52 Ed; Donald F. Nel-
son, '52; Theodore C. Papes, Jr.,
'52; William J. Marcoux, '52L;
James A. Hildebrand, '54L; Norma
K. Stecker, '53; Frederick H.
Pierce, '55M; Marie Diamond, '52;
Robert W. Moulton; Berne L. Ja-
cobs, '53; John B. Rogers; William
G. Warren, '52; Robert T. Hart-
man, '52; James C. Sisson, '54M;
Allison D. Shumsky; Carl A. Hey-
er, '52; and Barron Brainerd, Grad.
Movieland Comedy
Ends Tomorrow
The third performance of the
comedy "Once in a Life Time"
will begin at 8 p.m. today in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theater.
Tickets for the play by Kauf-
man and Hart can still be pur-
chased at the Lydia Mendelssohn
box office. The final performance
will be given tomorrow.
Read and Use
Daily Classifieds
-Daily Bruce Knoll
LOOK MA! - Monkeys aren't
the only ones who can climb.
Events Today
SPEECH-Mrs. Ruth O. Mc-
Carn, assistant dean of students
at the University of Chicago and
president of the National Asso-
ciation of Deans of Women, will
address the spring conference of
the Michigan State Association of
Deans of Women and Counselors
of Women at Lloyd Hall.
* * *
OPEN HOUSE - The Depart-
ment of Astronomy will hold the
first of four visitors' nights. Stan-
ley P. Wyatt, Jr., instructor in
astronomy, will discuss "Radio
Waves in Space" at 8 p.m. in Rm.
3017 Angell Hall and the student
observatory on the fifth floor of
Angell Hall will be open until
10 p.m. for observation of Saturn
and a double star.
LECTURE-Robert Motherwell,
professor of drawing and painting
at Hunter College, New York, will
talk on "What is Modern About
Modern Painting," at 4:15 p.m. in
the Architecture Auditorium.
LECTURE -Professor Vincente
Llorens of Princeton University
will speak on "Origins of Spanish
Romanticism" at 8 p.m. in Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.
Coming Events
MOVIES--The Pakistan Student
Association will sponsor two films,
"Progress of Pakistan," and "Four
Years of Pakistan" at 8 p.m. Sun-
day at the International Center.
A display of native handicrafts
will also be on exhibit.
Read and Use
Daily Classifieds
A small plot just behind the
University Museums building is
the site of one of the Museums'
most lively exhibits-the zoo.
More officially known as the
University Museums' Animal
House, the circular building which
houses the 'animals is the home
of 16 assorted wild-life represen-
tatives and provides a source of
study and entertainment for hun-
dreds of people each week.
* * *
INCLUDED on the current
boarder list are two black bears,
10 racoons, including three in-
fants, a badger, a skunk (deodor-
ized) and two foxes.
They all live in apparent feli-
city in the small seven-pen den:
which makes up almost the en-
tire physical plant of the zoo.
The only other structure for the
menagerie is a small moat, the
"Turtle Stadium," off one side of
the building. During warm weather
the moat is filled with non-poi-
sonous Michigan snakes and vari-
ous turtle types. According to Jim
Mosemann, '52, the keeper, the
snakes will be out as soon as he
can catch them.
The animal house, the gift of
an anonymous donor in 1929, was
originally built with the idea of
providing some special entertain-
ment for children confined at the
University Hospital.
At that time, the crippled chil-
dren's ward was located in the
ROTC Building on N. University
and the children were able to tra-
vel to the zoo on nice days with-
out much difficulty.
* * * .
GENERALLY attempting to
show Michigan wild life, the Ani-
mal House up to a couple of years
ago harboured a "foreign" animal
-Teppy, the famous Alaskan Wol-
Brought to town in the 30 's
'U' Museums Manages Miniature Zoo
. * * .
Student Letter
Writers Sought
By Committee
Student Legislature's Interna-
tional committee is looking for 200
students who want to write, ac-
cording to committee member Au-
die M'urphy, '53Ed.
The students are needed to write
letters to the same number of for-
eign students who plan to attend
the University this summer and
fall. The committee plans to send
letters to the students to acquaint
them with college life.
Sign-up lists for all interested
people have been distributed to
sororities, fraternities and dormi-
tories. Miss Murphy has asked
that people handling the list in
their respective houses turn them
in to her at the Alpha Omicron
Pi box in the League, or mail
them to 800 Oxford Road,
SL is also sponsoring a letter-
writing exchange with over 100
foreign students who do not plan
to attend the University. Further
information may be obtained by
calling Miss Murphy, 2-3153.
-Daily-Bruce Knoll
COO-COO-The tamest, most gentle of the University Mu-
seum's zoo raccoons posed on his swing for a Daily photographer.
One of 16 residents of the Animal House behind the University
Museum, Coo-Coo likes milk, eggs, vegetables and lots of visitors.
as a football publicity stunt,
Teppy was turned over to the
Zoo by the Athletic department
and lived to become the oldest
Wolverine in captivity.
During his more than 21 years
here he became one of the tamest
and most popular animals in the
A friendly bunch, the animals,
according to Mosemann, have
"distinct personalities."
Among the personality boys are
Brother, a bear who has made his
home in the zoo for 18 years, and
Coo-coo, a frisky racoon. "Brother
is very easy-going, Mosemann ob-
served, "but he gets mad if he
has to wait for his dessert."
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