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April 19, 1952 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1952-04-19

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Trieste Dispute


AMONG THE WORLD'S trouble spots,
none is more incendiary in all aspects
than a picturesque little port on the Adri-
atic-known now as the Free Territory of
The recent riots in Italy and in Trieste
by a neo-Fascist, Communist combine and
answering demonstrations In Yugoslavia
have projected the problem into the news
again. At present a London conference is
underway to deal with administrative
problems of the 'A,' or U.S.-British zone
of the territory.
The Italians want an Italian administra-
tion of the whole territory, including the
Slovene-dominated rural comunities. The
Yugoslavs, on the other hand, do not de-
mand complete acquisition of the area, as
they had immediately after World War II,
but are willing to reach a compromise set-
Marshal Tito and his Yugoslav Commun-
ists are hopping mad about the present U.S.-
British talks, which aim toward Italian ad-
ministration of the 'A' zone, which under
the U.N. postwar agreements is still under
military occupation. '
Tito told his national assembly that a
unilateral agreement on Trieste (ignoring
Yugoslavia) might mean withdrawal of
the Yugoslavs from the Western Euro-
pean defense structure. As such, the rela-
tively unimportant, though explosive
problem of Trieste's disposition is magni-
fled by its effect on U.S.-Yugoslav amity.
The simplest and best solution to the Tri-
este problem is one the Italians are unlikely
to agree to without undue Anglo-American
pressure. It is to leave the rural Slovene
communities around Trieste in Yugoslav
hands, with provision for U.N. supervision
to protect the Italian minority, and give
the administration of the populous port
area over to Italy. At the same time, the
important economic aspect could be with-
drawn from naltonalistic forces through
neutral administration of the port.
Trieste is at present, and has been for
many years, what is known as a 'free' port.
In other words, goods in transit through the
port are free from national customs duties
or revenues. It is to the best interests of all
concerned that this freedom of transit be
preserved. The original U.N. decision on
Trieste in both the economic and political
aspects was neutral administration, through
a governor selected by the interested parties
plus the Big Four.
This simply didn't work out, because
Russia exercised her power of non-cooper-
ation and no governor could be agreed
upon. If the port alone were neutrally ad-
ministered, it's quite likely that an agree-
ment could be reached.
The Yugoslavs could conceivably accept
such a settlement although they retain bit-
ter feeling toward Italian aggression in
World War II and might equitably claim
all of Trieste as the spoils of conflict.
Whether the extremist groups in Italy would
support it is another question.
What makes the Trieste problem such a
knotty one, aside from the Italo-Yugoslav
rivalry, is its analogy to the Danzig ques-
tion after World War L A German majority
population-wise in Danzig was set off against
the Polish need for a port and the Polish
minority in the hinterlands. The same is
true of Trieste. Yugoslavia has attempted to
build up Fiume and her southern ports on
the Mediterranean, but much of her heavy
trade must go through Trieste for maxi
mum expediency.
Yugoslav administration In the 'B' zone
has been poor, with a virtual police state
existent and much dissatisfaction among
the Italians living in Capodistria and sur-
rounding area. As such the status quo is
obviously impossible of retention, but as
to the ultimate settlement, it's anybody's
The London talks may produce a more
concrete arrangement, but it is certain that
dissatisfaction will continue on both the
Italian and Yugoslav sides of the irreden-
tist fence.

-George Flint
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writer only.
This must be noted in all reprints.

IN THE PAST WEEKS the name of Trieste
again appeared upon the world scene.
Violent riots occurred in that city and in
other Italian towns when the Allied police
clashed with citizens and students demon-
strating for the return to Italy of this dis-
puted Adriatic port.
Trieste is a crucial point in Europe, a
point to be considered very carefully by
General Eisenhower if he wishes to insure.
European military and political unity.
Therefore what is behind these events?
Why are the Italians so stubborn about re-
claiming this territory?
In spite of the Fascist movement, which
created the misconception, Italy is not a
very nationalistic country. Actually Italians
are very willing and able to amalgamate
with different populations and set aside ev-
ery nationalistic feeling. Many proofs of this
statement can be given such as the perfect
integration of millions of Italians into the
life of the U.S. There is also the adjustment
of many thousands of Italiansin South Am-
erica, in Argentina and in the vast zones of
Libya and Eritrea.
Concerning one question only does an
Italian become a nationalist. This one is
Trieste. The name of this town is on the
lips of every citizen, even the most ill-
terate. Sometimes this problem is sleep-
ing and nobody apparently seems to re-
member it. Other times the mere name
stirs their souls. In this last case it is a
very short step betweenthe words and the
events. It is an easy step to take as has
happened these past days since the fourth
anniversary of the British-U.S.-French
declaration favoring return of Trieste Free
Territory to Italy.
It would be better to go back some years
and look at the history of Trieste after
World War II. At that time, 1945, Italy was
a defeated country and, from many points
of view, still considered an enemy. In order
to please Marshal Tito's numerous requests
and make of him a safe and loyal ally, the
U.S., England and France assigned to Yugo-
slavia part of Trieste's territory, and decided
to create a new neutral state embracing
Trieste, Its port and the zone of Istria
around it. To this new state was given the
name of Free Territoroy of Trieste (F.T.T.)
and its important harbor, the best one on
the Adriatic Sea, was intended to serve
simultaneously Italian and Yugoslavian
This decision of the Allied powers was
then confirmed in articles No. 21 and 22 of
the Peace Treaty with Italy signed in Paris,
on February 10th, 1948. This decision had no
logical foundation. In the 400 square mile
territory, completely and geographically
pertinent to the Italian peninsula, live a
population of approximately 350,000 per-
sons of whom the majority is Italian. They
have never lived under a Yugoslavian gov-
ernment and they feel ridiculous when they
are assigned a Trieste passport and have to
say: "I am from Tieste, not from Italy."
This situation is as shocking for them as it
would be for a U.S. citizen compelled to say:
"I am from Brookyn, not from the U.S.
These people had no affiliation with the
In reality, the situation was so absurd
that the Western powers, only one month
after the signature of the Peace Treaty
proposed to Russia the return to Italy of
the territory. However, because of stub-
born Soviet opposition, the situation is
unchanged and Trieste is still divided in
two zones: one under Anglo-American
control, the other occupied by Yugoslavia,
Every Italian protest has been in vain.
What is worse, the protests sometimes as-
sume the form of riots, like in the last
few days.
The same Italian communists which in
1945 favored the annexion of Trieste to Yu-
goslavia, now desire its return for political
purposes. At present with Tito no longer
under the thumb of Stalin, they find it con-
venient to completely reverse their policy,
they wish to. oppose Tito and ask for Tri-
este's return to Italy. Their maneuver, if
naive is still efficient. No Italian will ever
easily forget that 600,000 persons died in
World War I for the freedom of Trieste
and that their sacrifice may now be consid-

ered vain and useless.
Until Trieste's situation is changed, ten-
sion and unrest shall exist in the zone. This
tension shall probably flare up again at the
first occasion and disorders will occur. The
task of the Allied occupation forces is be-
coming harder and so is the delicate task of
General Eisenhower, engaged in keeping
harmony among the NATO's armies and
peoples. l-Aldo Canonici

WASHINGTON-Without attracting much
serious attention, the foreign policies of
this country, of Britain and France, have
now entered a truly agonizing crisis. The
cause is the so-called peace offensive now
being carried on by the masters of the Krem-
lin. The gravity of the situation may be
measured by the remark of one of the wisest
American top officials that "the crises now
confronting us are probably just as serious as
the crises presented by the Berlin blockade
and the Korean aggression.
The most urgent choice, of course, is that
concerning Germany, In two critical notes
which this election-absorbed country has
hardly noticed, the Kremlin has offered the
unification of East and West Germany, on
the ostensible basis of free elections, with
the sole proviso that the new, unified Ger-
many shall not enter any such combinatioI
as the Atlantic Pact.
Acceptance of the Kremlin offer means
sacrificing the West German divisions which
are intended to be the capstones of General
of the Army Dwight D. Eisenhower's NATO
edifice. But if America, Britain and France
reject the Soviet proposal; the West Ger-
mans, enraged at being disappointed in their
hope of national unity, are unhappily very
likely to refuse the NATO divisions anyway.
MOREOVER, this is only one part of a
much larger pattern. The recent Moscow
trade meeting dangled tempting offers of
much-needed business before the assembled
British and European industrialists. But if
these offers are accepted, the existing ban
will be brokenon strategic shipments to the
Soviet empire.
Almost simultaneously, Stalin's reply to
the recent questionnaire by a group of
American editors has indicated approval of
a meeting of the Soviet, American, British
and French heads of government, to try
to bring the cold war to an end. Stalin
himself has made the same point, in even
stronger language, in his farewell inter-
view with the retiring Indian Ambassador
to Moscow. And the Communist negotia-
tors in Korea have hinted a new willing-
ness to compromise, thus vastly raising
State Department and Pentagon hopes for
the long-awaited Korean settlement.
In the face of these developments, a strong
body of opinion in the American government
still opposes negotiating with the Soviet at
this time. And the thought is that the Krem-
lin, in the last analysis, understands no
language except the language of superior
power. It is argued that the current peace
offensive (awful phrase) is solely intended
to embarrass and impede the Western re-
armament effort. And the conclusion is
drawn that the only thing to do, for the time
being, is to ignore the peace offensive and
go forward with rearmament.
In the first place, however, this is prob-
ably not a practical course to adopt. There
is no use saying, "We'd rather have Ger-
man divisions than gamble on German
free elections and German unity," if the
Soviet offer of free elections and unity is
likely to mean we cannot get the German
In the second place a minority of the
American policy makers, which nonetheless
includes several of the most judicious men
in the government, holds that this Soviet
peace offensive may mean a great deal more
than its predecessors. The test, obviously, is
Korea. If the Communists come through
with the concessions needed to end the
Korean fighting (which many people now
predict may happen before May 1) this group
of policy makers asserts that the Soviet
peace offensive must be taken really seri-

THEY ARGUE that the Kremlin may al-
ready be genuinely alarmed by the new
unity and strength of the West, and may
even be prepared to talk turkey about a
serious world settlement. They do not sug-
gest slowing down the NATO effort or aban-
doning German rearmament at this time.
Under any circumstances the rebuilding of
the strength of the West must continue; and
the bold decision to include Germany in
NATO was precisely the final push needed
to bring the Soviets to a new frame of mind.
To change course now, they therefore say,
would be to throw away our whole bargain-
ing power.
At the same time, these men advocate
taking the German gamble if the Kremlin
proves to be truly sincere about free elec-
tions; and they further urge high-level
Four Power talks about other East-West
differences. To refuse to take these steps,
they point out, will place us in the posi-,
tion of opposing peace, with appalling
effects on world public opinion. The re-
fusal, they point out further, will also in-
vite a Soviet conclusion that the West is
genuinely preparing an aggressive war,
and will thus spur the Soviets to attack
first. On the other hand, these men add,
negotiating with the Soviets will risk
nothing, if we avoid making improper
compromises. That, of course, is not a
great danger any longer.
There are two other dangers, however.
The first is that the French, who have been
perfectly horrified by the Soviet proposal for
Germany, will prevent the right kind of rea-
sonable, all-out exploration of the Kremlin's
sincerity. And the second is that the ruck of

"Or How About A Coonskin Cap?"
a $
~aR . sw..
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the


Late Permission .. .
To the Editor:
Dean Bacon announced that
there will be no more late per-
missions granted during the week
for Arts Theater Club, effective as
of that date. Perhaps a majority
of girls have not attended this
function on week nights but there
is still a minority who for one
reason or another cannot enjoy
the plays at other times. Also re-
servations for the weekend are
difficult to obtain. Past behavior
has shown that there has been
no abuse of this privilege.
Because of these facts it might
be wise for Dean Bacon to recon-
sider further restriction of Michi-
gan coeds who have given no evi-
dence that they should not con-
tinue to be allowed to enjoy such
educational experience.
-Sandra Gaines
* * *
Taft Posters.. ..
To the Editor:
RETURNED from vacation last
Monday morning to find the
beaming countenance of our be-
nevolent savior, Robert A. Taft,
learing at me from every direction,
every corner, and at every angle.
For a university which is so strictly
against any activity of a political
nature, this use of campus prop-
erty would seem quite paradoxial;
it strikes me, at best, a being ex-
ceedingly distasteful.
Mr. Taft's young admirers were
not content, however, with merely
posting their oversized faces; so
important did they deem the view-
ing of these posters that they took
it upon themselves to slap their
signs on bulletin boards quite dis-
regarding any other notices which
the rest of us poor ignorants might
have put up. It appears that we
should not have had the short-
sightedness to post in the space
which was to be used for the Hon-
orable Robert A. Taft. It might
be of some interest to Mr. Taft's
followers to know that many of
the signs they choose to hide were
notices of official University func-
tions; functions which, unlike Mr.
Taft, are limited to the use of Uni-
versity bulletin boards as their
chief method of publicity. Such
action only helps to confirm my
previous suspicions concerning the
type of person who supports Rob-
ert Taft.
Ted Burrows
* * *
Taft Speech ..*
To the Editor:
YESTERDAY, "The Great Sena-
tor Bob" came to this quiet
little college town of Ann Arbor to
state his "Positive Program." But,
alas, all the good Robert did was
tell us what he was AGAINST! He
does not like corruption. He does
not like socialism (unless conduct-
ed on a local level), and he cer-
tainly does not like the foreign
policy of the present Administra-
The question still remains in my
mind: "What is Bob Taft FOR?"
On one point he was very, very
clear. He said that he believed that
the Wisconsin Smear Artist-Joe
McCarthy - was rendering his
country "a great public service"
by exposing "Reds" in the govern-
ment. We must give the honorable
Senator credit for telling us where
he stands on this question. At
least now we know that there is no
denying the fact that Robert Taft
not only condones McCarthvism.

vive and grow again. With new,
progressive leaders, it may some-
day return to the ideals of its once
proud leaders-Abraham Lincoln
and Teddy Roosevelt.
But, until that day comes, the
American people will have to con-
tinue their trust in the leaders and
policies of the party which has so
faithfully served it for the past
twenty years.
-Gene Mossner
* *~ *
Lecture Committee.. ..
To the Editor:
A SHORT time ago, at our most
recent campus election a ma-
jority of the voting student body
expressed their desire to eliminate
the "Lecture Committee," the fac-
ulty committee which can ban
campus speakers.
This vote does not place any
legal obligation upon the Board of
Regents to act toward eliminating
the Lecture Committee. However,
the Regents are morally obliged to
consider the wishes of the student
body for whose welfare this in-
stitution is supposedly operated.
In this connection there is also
a very clear obligation placed up-
on our elected representatives on
the Student Legislature. One of
the strongest arguments advanced
in favor of Student Government
is that it offers a constant, satis-
factory sounding board for stu-
dent opinion. There can no longer
be any doubt about student opin-
ion on this important local issue.
If student government in this
school is to fully justify itself the
SL must take over the leadership
in the fight against the Lecture
Committee. It must arrange talks
with the Regents to satisfactorily
settle the question. It must use
all the power at its disposal to
carry out a clearly expressed stu-
dent opinion.
Since legislative bodies compos-
ed of diverse elements have a ten-
dency to procrastinate on impor-
tant, controversial issues, it is now
the job of the independent liberal
groups on campus to act as a re-
minder to the student legislators
that their first task is to carry
out the wishes of their constitu-
ents. In the unlikely and unfor-
tunate event that the SL refrains
from acting the groups that spon-
sored the referendum will have to
take it upon themselves to actin
behalf of the student body in this
issue before the Regents and the
general public.
Regardless of who takes the
initiative one fact is now certain:
the Lecture Committee must go!
-David J. Kornbluh
Mark Reader
* *' *
Tax and Tax...
To the Editor:
SENATOR TAFT'S speech was
evidence of his well-deserved
reputation for speaking out bold-
ly his beliefs. Of the many fearless
blows he struck, however, there
was at least one that was aimed
below the belt.
On March 22, 1950, Taft told a
group of Washington reporters
that he had told McCarthy to
"Keep talking, and if one case
doesn't work out, proceed to an-
other." Taft claims to have been
misquoted, but the evidence is
overwhelmingly against him. Cor-
respondents of the Associated
Press, the United Press, and the
New York Times say that they
did not consult each other before
writing their stories, but all three
quoted precisely as above. Further-
more, the next day Taft reeated

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (11
a.m. on Saturday).
VOL. LXII, No .136
University Lecture, auspices of the De-
partment of Fisheries, School of Natur-
al Resources. "Problems in Stream Bi-
ology" (illustrated). PHILIP WOLF,
President of the Swedish Salmon and
Trout Association, Mon., April 21, 4:15
p m, 2054 Natural Science Bldg.
Academic Notices
Seminar in Complex Variables. Mon.,
April 21, 3 p.m., 247 W. Engineering
Bldg. Miss Beater will discuss Fabry's
Doctoral Examination for James Ed-
ward Larson, Political Science thesis:
"Fiscal Capacity and State Aid in Mich-
igan Counties," Sat., April 19, ,West
Council Room, Racham Bldg., 9:30
a.m. Chairman, J. W. Lederle.
Doctoral Examination for George Wil-
liam Byers, Zoology; thesis: "The Crane-
Fly Genus Dolichopeza in North Ameri-
ca," Mon., April 21 2047 University Mu-
seums, 9 a.m. Chirman, J. S. Rogers.
published by Frank R. Kent and
then by Joseph Alsop, Robert Kin-
ter, and Arthur Krock, although
Alsop and Kinter said that the
phrase was "probably apocryphal."
Later the phrase was the subject
of an investigation by the Senate
Commerce Committee. Kent, Al-
sop and Krock were called to tes-
tify. Alsop and Krock appeared in
person and refused to reveal the
source of the quotation. Kent was
the only one of the three who had
actually talked to this source, and
while he did not appear before
the committee, he did write a let-
ter saying that he couldn't reveal
the source. During the investiga-
tion Krock admitted that he had
not interviewed any of the wit-
nesses to Hopkins' remark, in-
cluding Hopkins, and went on to
say, "It was a most logical state-
ment, it seemed to me, of what
Mr. Hopkins might have said."
It was later revealed that the
anonymous source was a Max
Gordon, who at first had reported
that the remark took place at a
race track in 1938. Also present
were Heywood Broun and Daniel
Arnstein, neither of whom could
recall that during the conversation
of the afternoon Hopkins had
made the famous statement. Gor-
don later admitted that the phrase
was what he thought Hopkins had
meant at one point.
Such a resurrection of a four-
teen year old misleading misquo-
tation of what was at best an
offhand remark by a man no
longer able to make a refutation
is made all the more deplorable
by Taft's indignation at his being
quoted. These tactics are hardly
consistent with Taft's aim of re-
storig honesty and integrity to
government, and they are certain-
ly beneath the supposed dignity
of a U. S. Senator, let alone a
man aspiring to the presidency.
-C. A. Sleicher
* *
Samra's Policies' .
To the Editor:
able to hear Mr. Taft's speech.
But I happened to pick up Thurs-
day's Daily and read Cal Samra's
article, "Taft's Policies." I might
say that several of my friends, in
commenting on Taft's remarks,
expressed disappointment in the
fact that the Senator's approach
seemed to be "negative" (as indi-
cated by Samra. If so, all Taft
supporters have a right to be dis-
couraged, as it would be disheart-

ening, to say the least, if we were
to have another Republican candi-
date with no positive program.
But I come to bury Samra, "al-
beit respectfully and dispairingly."
Some of Samra's phrases, such as
"myopic isolationism," "Chinese
blood bath," etc.; seem to partake
of the flavor of the "demagogic
oratory" of which he accuses the
One sentence of Samra's calls
for particular comment. He writes:
". .. the Senator still will not rec-
ognize the steelworker's right to a
just wage boost, after 15 months
of lavish profiteering by the steel
industry." It is my contention that
anyone who espouses the doctrine
that a particular productive re-
source has an indisputable "right"
to receive income, irrespective of
the underlying, and constantly
changing, economic conditions, is
on very dangerous ground. And
just what does Samra mean by a
"just wage boost?"
Samra's most reckless phrase is
"lavish profiteering." He does not
recognize (or at least doesn't ac-
knowledge) the fact that under in-
flationary conditions any "profit"
figures are misleading and utterly
unreliable as a basis for vital pub-
lic policy decisions.
In short. Samra doesn't nome

Aircraft Icing Research Seminar.
Mon., April 21. 3:30 p.m., 4048 E. Engi-
neering Bldg. Mr. Charles Slecher will
discuss the work of Chapman and
Rubesin on heat transfer from a non-
isothermal flat plate.
Student Recital: Julia Hennig, pian-
.st, will be heard at 8:30 Saturday even-
ing, April 19, in Architecture Auditor-
ium. Miss Hennig is a pupil of Marian
Owen. The program, played in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree of Bachelor of Music, will in-
clude compositions Oy Beethoven,
Bach, Schubert and Messiaen, and will
be open to the public.
A Display of the Ukrainian National
Art is being held Saturday and Sunday,
April 19 and 20, in the International
Center (MichiganUnion); sponsored by
the Ukrainian Students Club.
Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial
Hall. "Accessions to the Museum Col-
lections: Paintings by Hortense Gor-
don" through April 25. Weekdays 9 to
5, Sundays 2 to 5. The public is invited.
Events Today
School of Music Student Council:
Meeting, Room 808, BMT. The new
council will meet at 1 p.m. to elect
officers for next year. At 1:30 p.m. there
will be a business meeting for both old
and new council members.
Faculty Sports Night. 7:30-10 p.m.
IM Bldg. All equipment will be avail-
able to families of the University Fa-
culty.cNo children will be admitted un-
less accompanied by parents. This will
be our final Sports Night.
For further information call Mrs. Dix-
on, 25-8475.
Inter-Arts Union. Meeting, 2:30 p.m.,
League. Important that all members
Annual Meetings Mid-West Chapters
Musicological Society and the Music
Library Association, April 18-20. Regis-
tration Saturday, 9 a.m., Rackham As-
sembly Hall; papers 9:30-12:00; lunch-
eon Michigan Union 12:00-1:30. Papers
1:30-3:00 Rackham Assembly Hal. 3:30-
5:30 Clements Library, papers and con-
cert of 18th Century American Music,
with student ensemble under the direc-
tion of Robert Courte, and the Tudor
Singers, conducted by Homer Haworth.
8:30 Henderson Room, Michigan Lea-
gue, program of Contemporary Ameri-
can Music, played by Lydia and Robert
Courte. Benning Dexter, annd Oliver
EdeL. Sunday, 9:30-11:00 a.m. papers;
11:00-12:00 businessmeeting, Hussey
Room, Michigan League.
Coming Events
American Society for Public Admin-
istration Social keminar. Charles Stauf-
facher, Executive Assistant Director of
the Bureau of the Budget and Assistant
to the Director of Defense Mobilization
will discuss his work in Washington on
Mon., April 21, at 7:30 p.m., in the west
Lecture Room, Rackham Bldg. Members,
wives, and friends are invited.
Economics Club. Meeting, Mon., April
,l, 8 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater.
Prof. Lawrence H. Seltzer, Department
of Economics, Wayne University, will
speak on "Theory and Prate ofCap-
tal Gain Taxation." Staff members and
students In Economics and Business Ad-
ministration are invited. Others .who
are interested will be welcome.
Graduate Outing Club will meet at
the rear of the Rackham Bldg., -at 2
p. in., Sun., April 20.
volunteer Naval Research Reserve
Unit 9-3. Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Mon., April
21, 2082 Natural Science Bldg. Speaker:
Mr. Stanley Lefond. Subject: "Oil Ex-
ploration in Tunisia."
International Center: During regular
Sunday tea (April 20), there will be
slides of Paris shown under sponsor-
ship of the Cercle Francais
Hillel Council Meeting. 10:30 a.m.,
Sun., April 20, at the new building.
Mimes. Meeting, sun., April 20, 8 p.m.,
Rm. 3B, Union. very important that all
members be present.
Le Cercle Francais: Meeting, Mon.,
April 21, 8 p.m., Michigan League, fea-
turing songs of Ravel, movie on Nor-
mandy, and slides of Paris.
International Students Association.
Meeting of the General Council, Mon.,
April 21, 7:30 p.m., Room 3B, Michigan

ul 4r




Flood Control

WASHINGTON-A hardy perennial has
washed into Washington with the
spring floods. It is the atempt to substitute
multiple river planning for the scatter-shot
flood-control projects of the Army Engi-
So far the Engineers have always tri-
umphed. Their power rests upon the poli-
tical value of their projects to individual
members of congress. It is virtually a pri-
vate arrangement which amounts to giv-
ing congress its own patronage organiza-
tion paid for by the taxpayers through
the medium of the famous rivers and har-
bors bill, commonly known as the pork

struck again last week end, he had ready a
reorganization plan to transfer flood control
and rivers and harbors work from the Engi-
neers to the Interior Department. The
Hoover Commission (on the organization of
the executive branch of the government)
recommended the transfer,
Another hard, possibly fruitless, battle
had been forecast for the proposed transfer
when the new midwest disasters occurred.
Now President Truman has decided to in-
spect the scene himself and confer with
Governors of the seven affected states in the
full spotlight of publicity.
It is an excellent setup for public review
of the faults of the present approach to the
problem. If the long-suffering Midwest can
be moved to open its collective mind to

Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Chuck Elliott.......Managing Editor
Bob Keith ...............City Editor
Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director
vern Emerson ..........Feature Editor
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George Flint ....Associate Sports Editor
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