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See Page 3
Latest Deadline in the State
VOL. LXH, No. 136
_ .
New Flood
Threat Rises
In Omaha
Missouri Bursts
Dike Sewer Line
OMAHA, Nebr. -(WP) -A new
flood threat to Omaha developed
suddenly last night when the
mighty Missouri blew out a sewer
line running under the dike.
The tremendous water pressure
from the Missouri blew out a big
cocrete sewer line four blocks
fromx the levee. The water ripped
out road pavement for 120 feet
and sent gysers spouting into the
U. S. Army engineers rushed
hundreds of men and scores of
trucks with sandbags and gravel
into the danger area. Water be-
gan spilling over a large section of
the lowland industrial area.
'p * * *
THIS heartbreaking develop-
ment came after the raging Mis-
souri had thrown all the strength
it could muster at the Omaha and
Council Bluffs Levees, failed to
smash them, and then began to
It appeared to be a sort of
surrender for the mighty Mo un-
til the sewer line blew out. The
danger was that the rush of
water would rip out the sewer
line and undermine the levee.
Near 1 a.m., water was running
through the streets of low-land
areas. Long convoys. of trucks
were pouring through the water
carrying sandbags and other ma-
THE HOPE that the furious
river has met its match at Omaha
and Council Bluffs was never dup-
licated downstream,as new towns
and new thousands of acres in
Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri and Kan-
K sas yielded to the river's relent-
less rise.
Creeping paralysis began to hit
river cities in Iowa and Illinois.
Western Union
Strike Talks
reopening of negotiations in the
Western Union strike collapsed
yesterday when the AFL Commer-
cial Telegraphers Union rejected
a company proposal.
The company asked the em-
ployes to return to work for 60
days, while negotiations were car-
ried on.
The union said the company
was not offering 'one red cent"
toward the wage increase the em-
ployes are asking and therefore
it was rejecting the plan.
The conferences, with federal
mediators sitting in, were reopen-
ed Thursday after earlier discus-
sions were broken off.
About 31,000 employes are in-
volved in the strike, which began
16 days ago.
Signs of the Season
--Stu Ros
Oh, to be in botany now that April's here*...
SpringmS truck Students
Shun Studies, Seek Sun
Spring struck the classrooms yesterday, leaving professors be-
moaning the fact that more empty seats than usual stared back at
them during class hours.
The steps of Angell Hall were continuously crowded with scholars
wondering whether or not to go to class.
APPARENTLY HAPPY that the season has finally changed stu-
Die as Plane
Hits Hillside
Airline Ordered
To CeaseFlights
scheduled New York-Los Angeles
airliner crashed and burned yes-
terday in the Puente Hills 25 miles
from its destination, killing all
29 persons aboard.
The plane, a C-46 two-engine
transport operated by North Con-
tinental Airways, smashed into a
low hill as the pilot, Capt. Lewis
Powell of Los Angeles, was trying
to find his way through a thick
early-morning fog to the Los An-
geles International Airport.
It was a non-scheduled flight
operated by North Continent Air-
lines, Burbank, Calif. The two-en-
gined C-46 left New York yester-
day and made stops at Chicago,
Kansas City, Amarillo, Tex., and
Phoenix, Ariz.
* * *
A FEW HOURS after discovery
of the wreckage the Civil Aero-
nautics Administration in Wash-
ington grounded the airline.
Administrator Charles F.
Horne ordered the line to "cease
air carrier operations immed-
iately," stating that the action
was predicated upon "an operat-
ing history involving violations
of Civil air regulations and the
Civil Aernautis act, and by the
accidents to aircraft operated
by the company."
Horne's telegram was addressed
to Robin Airlines, Inc., doing bus-
iness as North Continent. Airline
which operated the ill-fated plane.
The plane was cleared for an
approach and landing at Los An-
geles International Airport. The
flight was switched there from its
intended landing point at Lock-
heed Air Terminal, Burbank, be-
cause of the murky weather.
* * *
..HARRY BACHELOR, secretary
of the airline, said it was impos-
sible to say what might have caus-
ed the crash. The plane left New
York yesterday and made stops at
Chicago, Kansas City, Amarillo,
Tex., and Phoenix, Ariz.
It apparently scraped the top
of a 400-foot hill, then plunged
into another. There were grooves
on the first hilltop barely six feet
from the top, apparently from the
plane's landing gear.
Bits of wreckage were scattered
down the two hillsides and the in-
tervening ravine, but perhaps 95
per cent of the plane was in a
tangled heap, the bodies torn and
charred. A few were thrown clear.
7- - - - - - - -
dents took to pleasant blouses, za
World News
By The Associated Press
LAS VEGAS, Nev.-The Atomic
Energy Commission announced
yesterday that the next atomic
explosion will take place, weather
permitting, between noon and 1
p.m. Tuesday.
WASHINGTON-Secretary of
Agriculture Charles Brannan
yesterday criticized a 049 per-
cent of parity farm price sup.
port program for fear that it{
might start "another wave of
inflation which in turn could
bring more harm than benefit
to farmers."
* * *
LANSING-A hometown rally
in Holland Monday night will
start Lt. Gov. William C. Vanden-
berg's campaign for the Republi-
can nomination for governor.
Vandenberg will open campaign
headquarters in Detroit thereafter
and in May will start a state-wide
* * *
LANSING-A campaign to cut
the number of liquor licenses in
Detroit's skid row was announced
yesterday by the state Liquor Con-
trol Commission.
any T-shirts, ice cream cones and
salt in their beers.
Many professors have even re-
signed themselves to the fate
that their classes were smaller
than usual. Some said the only
students who seemed to be show-
ing any enthusiasm were the
ones that went on field trips or
Botany hikes to the famous gar-
den spot just off Geddes Ave.
glad to see the temperature and
ice cream sales rise. But coffee
buying has dropped off in some
Whilerdroves of women took
out their sun tan lotions and
basked on their lawns and roofs,
(see picture, page 4) the men
celebrated by dragging out the
baseballs, and tennis rackets.
The less enthusiastic of both
sexes just slept.
The sunset sent most people in,
but one spot just wasn't affected
by the passing time. Long after
the botany hounds had put aside
their notebooks, the Arb was still
being steadily invaded by nature
1Aw T 94 r
Loot Call
Unmentionables, trophies and
other spoils carried off by Uni-
versity men and women from
various dormitories in the giant
March 20 riot are now being
collected for redistribution.
Boxes have been placed in
the various men's quads to col-
lect stray possessions lifted
from the women's dorms, while
women are gathering up ar-
ticles they stripped from men's
rooms when they raided the
quads in the huge spring up-
rising. 1
Students who lost anything
in the raid may look over the
collected material and reclaimi
their articles Wednesday in the
League and in the South Quad.
It is hoped especially that
trophies taken from several
women's dorms will be returned
according to Nancy Ovian, Spec.
Of course, all of the other ex-
pensive and emtarrassing ar-
ticles taken by male raiders
would be welcomed by the coeds,
she said.
Defense Cut
Action Hit
By Truman
Truman said yesterday that if
Congress balks at voting the
money he thinks is needed for
national defense, he will keep it
at work all year, calling a special
session every day if necessary.
He said "dangerous and destruc-
tive" attempts to cut funds for
the defense program and for for-
eign aid will imperil the nation's
security if they succeed.
And he accused those who seek
to make blanket cuts in these pro-
grams of risking the lives of Amer-
ican soldiers in a grab for election
year headlines.
TRUMAN spoke at the dedica-
tion of a new national headquar-
ters for Amvets. He departed from
his prepared text to make the re-
mark about keeping Congress in
session throughout the year.
He said he will see to it that
the slash of about six billion dol-
lars which the House has voted
in his 522 billion dollar request
for the defense establishment is
put back.
He said this will be done "if I
have to call a special 'turnip day'
session of Congress" every day
from now to New Year's day. This
was a reference to his call, in the
speech in which he accepted nom-
ination in 1948, for a special ses-
sion of Congress to meet on July
26 of that year. Truman noted
then that July 26 is known as "tur-
nip day" in Missouri.
Declaring that "our national
defense can't wait on politics"
Truman said:
"This may be an election year
here, but the Kremlin is not going
to take a vacation simply because
of our politics. If we weaken, the
Kremlin will see a chance to move
jo urnalists
Freed by Judge
decisions stoutly supporting free-
dom of the press, a judge acquit-
ted yesterday five Louisiana news-
papermen accused of defaming 16
public officials and three gamb-
The indictments grew out of a
crusade waged by the Lake Char-
les American press against gamb-
ling in Calcasieu Parish (County).
The controversial cases began
last August when the newsmen
were indicted by a grand jury that
had been called to investigate
W. Averill Harriman's entrance
into the Democratic Presidential
race was regarded yesterday by
University political science experts
as "a trial balloon sent up by
Democrats to get public reaction."
Neither Prof. Joseph E. Kallen-
bach nor Prof. Samuel J. Elders-
veld, both of the political science
department, believed foreign aid
administrator Harriman had yet
been selected as the Administra-
tion's choice for the Democratic
* * *
"SINCE THEIR four top possi-
bilities (Eisenhower, Vinson, Ste-
venson, and Truman) are out of
the Democratic race, party leaders
must find a new candidate" Prof.
Kallenbach said, "so they throw
many hats into the ring."
But New York Democratic
chieftains insisted yesterday
that the fledgling boom for W.
Averill Harriman, hailed by
President Truman as a "great
liberal," will develop into an all-
out campaign to nominate Har-
riman for the Presidency.
"This is not a gesture, nor a
holding operation," Sen, Herbert
Lehman declared, shortly after
Harriman won the endorsement
of the New York State Democratic
Lehman made the statement in
the wake of reports that Harri-
man would figure largely as a
"holding' candidate" to keep a
tight rein over New York's 94-
vote delegation to the Democratic
National Convention in July.
* * *
MEANWHILE, there were grow-
ing signs that none of the entries
in the wide-open Democratic race
will go to the nominating con-
vention in Chicago with anything
like a winning hand in terms of
delegate strength.
Prof. Eldersveld suggested that
Gov. Adlai Stevenson of Illi-
nois who had been Truman's
heir apparent until his an-
nouncement Wednesday that he
"could not accept the nomina-
tion," has not irrevocably with-
drawn from the race. "I beleve
Stevenson could be drafted if he
were persuaded it would serve
the best interests of the party.
Professor Kallenbach thinks
Stevenson is looking to 1956 as
the year to make his race. "I do
not believe he honestly wants the
nomination now," Professor Kal-
lenbach said, "although he might
accept a draft."
* * *
ACCORDING to Professor El-
dersveld, a buildup for Senator
Paul Douglas of Illinois may be
in the offing. Senator Douglas
could win over Eisenhower, in fact
a good many Democrats could beat
him," he predicted.
But Professor Kallenbach does
not believe Douglas will take the
nomination as "he honestly does
not want it and is reported to
be in poor health."
"I am beginning to think Sena-
tor Kefauver can make the strong-
est race of any of the Democratic
candidates," he said.
Both he and Prof. Eldersveld
think Kefauver would have an
excellent chance to beat Eisen-
hower. Prof. Kallenbach suggest-
ed that Eisenhower's campaign
might well be like the 1944 and
1948 Dewey campaigns in that
"every time he spoke, he lost
. . trial balloon?"
I 7
Marital Series.
Ticket Sales
To Begin Soon
Tickets for the 1952 Marriage
Lecture Series are scheduled to
go on sale next week.
The tickets, pegged at $1.50 for
four lectures, will be sold from
10 a.m. to noon and 3 p.m. to 5
p.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday. Ticket booths will be
set up at the Union, the League,
the Administration Bldg. and at
Lane Hall.
Ivan W. Parker, chairman of the
Marriage Lecture Series, empha-
sized that the tickets sales will be
open to all students on the first
day. In the past the first day sales
had been open to only senior and
graduate students.
"Students must show their ID
cards when purchasing the tick-
ets," Dean Parker said. Hq urg-
ed all married students to buy
their tickets at Lane Hall where
one person will be able to buy
tickets for both husband and
The first of the lecturers will be
Dr. Allan C. Barnes, head of the
obstetrics and gynecology depart-
ment at Ohio State University.
He will speak May 5 on the topic
"The Anatomy and Psysiology of
Reproduction," and May 6 on
"The Medical Basis for Sane Sex
* * *
DR. BARNES will be followed
on May 13 by Prof. Ernest G. Os-
borne of the education school at
Columbia. His topic will be "Psy-
chological. Factors in Marriage."
The series will be rounded out on
May 20 when Dr. Evelyn M. Du-
vall, past executive secretary and
past president, respectively, of the
National Council on Family Re-
lations, will speak on the subject,
"How to Get Married and Stay
Professors Skeptical
Of Harriman's Entry
Sawyer Threatens Steel
Industry with Pay Hike
of Commerce Sawyer fired an ul-
timatum at the nation's govern-
ment-seized steel industry yester-
day with the announcement that
he will boost steelworkers' wages
unless a settlement is reached by
next Monday or Tuesday.
Sawyer said he was going ahead
with plans for a wage hike because
it has thus far been impossible to
obtain an industry-union agree-
ment which would "get the gov-
ernment out of the steel business."
, * * *'
STEEL industry lawyers were
prepared to go into court the in-
stant Sawyer tries to grant the
CIO steelworkers a raise over man-
agement's head. They were expect-
ed to argue that no warrant for
such an action is to be found in
the Constitution or laws.
Sawyer's announcement late
in the day as a group of Senate
Republicans, quarterbacked by
Senator Knowland (R-Calif),
opened legislative maneuvers
designed to choke off any fed-
eral funds for government oper-
ation of the seized steel mills.
Knowland claimed some Demo-
cratic support for the move in
which Senators Bridges (R-NH),
the senate GOP leader, Ferguson
(R-Mich) and Mundt (R-SD) also
* * *
A CROSS-FIRE of bitter debate
broke out on the Senate floor as
the Republican group sought to
challenge President Truman's 10-
day-old seizure of the steel indus-
try. Ferguson said Truman's seiz-
ure showed the president consid-
ered himself "above the Consti-
tution and above the law." The
Senator declared "we must check
this power" and demonstrate to
Truman and the world "that con-
gress has control of the purse
Senator Humphrey (D-Minn)
an administration stalward, de-
nounced the GOP strategy as
"back-handed, backdoor, slip-
shod way" of attempting to hit
back at Truman.
He said the Republicans should
have the "courage" either to at-
tempt to impeach the President
or seek legislation to curb his pow-
ers directly.
Secthtary Sawyer's warning to
the steel companies of an impend-
ing wage increase was set forth
in these words:
"I feel that I should, under the
President's directive, begin con-
sideration of and action upon the
terms and conditions of employ-
ment mentioned therein.
Earlier, there had been talk that
the government might grant the
highest figure the industry has
offered publicly-12/ cents an
hour and about five cents more
in "fringe" benefits.
Allies, Reds
Resume Talks
On Prisoners
MUNSAN, Korea, Sat., April 19
SIW)-Allied and Communist staff
officers today resumed their sec-
ret discussionsron the exchange
of prisoners of war-one of three
major roadblocks barring a Kor-
ean armistice.
The group met for 22 minutes,
then recessed for one hour.
In a neighboring tent at Pan-
munjom, sub-delegates discussing
armistice supervision threw in the
sponge and, turned their problems
back to another group of staff of-
The sub-delegates began meet-
ing more than two weeks ago at
the suggestion of the Communist
delegation. Their sessions were
entirely non-productive.
Rain closed in all along the 155-
mile battleline today and sharply'
restricted air and ground action.
Allied troops on the central Kor-
ean front yesterday stormed and
captured hill positions from which
the Reds had poured down hot ar-
tillery fire for a day and a half.
Navy Seeks More
Aviation Officers
WASHINGTON-()-The navy
yesterday issued a call for volun-
Air Defenses Temporarily
Alerted by Strange Planes,
McPhaul Dinner Guests
Face Judiciary Action
Disciplinary action against 14 students charged with violating a
Regents' by-law by attending the celebrated McPhaul dinner may
be forthcoming today.
Joint Judiciary Council, which is holding hearings on the charges,
is expected to wind up defense testimony and make a recommendation
tw'uxx~ie on iicpmetisatmon
co ue UniversiTy sup-committee on discipln hsatron
ACTION BY THE sub-committee, which meets whenever the
need arises, could take place today, although there is some specula-
tion it will hold over until next week.
Nine students who attended the March 6 Union banquet
honoring banned speaker Arthur McPhaul, executive secretary
of the Civil Rights Congress' Michigan branch, testified Thursday
" before the Judiciary. The re-
WASHINGTON -()- The en-
tire U.S. Air Defense Command
was put in a state of "special
readiness" during the early hours
Thursday because of reports of
unidentified aircraft over Alaska
and New England.
It never was established that
any planes were over Alaska.
Three planes over New England
turned out to be an Air Force
transport and two commercial air-
* * *
THE FACT of a state of special
readiness was disclosed yesterday
by the Eastern Defense Command
at Newburgh, N.Y., which said "our
detection system developed a pat-
tern of unknowns which appeared
potentially dangerous."
Air Force headquarters here
supplied the details later. This
is what it said happened:
Ground observers in northern
Alaska sighted what the Air Force
calls "contrails" (vapor trails) at
Trenton Prison
TRENTON, N. J.-(P)-Sixty-
nine famished convicts, who held
out in a barricaded print shop of
very high altitudes. This word
was promptly passed to Air Force
headquarters in Alaska and a
state of readiness was ordered.
WHILE THIS state of readiness
was underway, three unidentified
aircraft were spotted at 18,000 feet
over New England. Fighter inter-
ceptors of the Eastern Air De-
fense Command took the air and
minutes later found that the three
airplanes were friendly and had a
right to be there.
In the meantime the vapor trails
had disappeared over Alaska and
were not seen or spotted by radar
thereafter. The whole state of
special readiness was then called
Dean Parker
would not be
said that tickets
sold for separate
, .,
Play Series To Feature 'Fourposter'
Police Begin
LANSING - (P) - State police
yesterday were receiving forms for
the registration of Communists
and members of Communist front
organizations under the new
Trucks Act.
maining six are slated for ap-
pearances today.
McPhaul addressed the "private"
dinner three days after being
barred from speaking on campus
by the University Lecture Com-
* * *
ALTHOUGH close to 30 students
attended the dinner, a special
faculty-student investigating com-
mittee appointed by President
Hatcher could only uncover the
* * F,
The. prizewinning Broadway-
bound production of "The Four-
poster" with Betty Field and Bur-
gess Meredith will highlight the
first University Drama Season, to
be held May 13 to June 14 in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theater.
The Jose Ferrer production of
the Jan de Hartog play will be
Tandy and Hume Cronyn in the
starring-and only-roles of the
An unusual play for Broad-
way, "The Fourposter" has only
two characters. It was the win-
ner of the 1952 Antoinette Perry
Award for the "outstanding play
of the year." The award is the
* * 'p
mam ; o
f-F -4 AMWW.