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April 04, 1952 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1952-04-04

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i I

Eisenhower's Speech

Associated Press News Analyst

report on the progress of unified Euro-
pean defense serves several purposes.
By the same token that it warns Europe
that American patience and money are
not unexhaustible, so it states his policy to
the American people on an important po-
litical matter.
European commentators were quick to
point out that the report was not only from
the commander of the Allied forces in Eur-
ope, but also from an important candidate
fq the American presidency.
In Britain, particularly, the General's em-
phasis on the importance of economic se-
curity to a sound military establishment was
well received. A large section of American
opinion undoubtedly feels the same.
Russia, however, will not be able to
infer weakness from the General's re-
port. He said that Europe could fight now,
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writer only.
This must be noted in all reprints.

whereas last year it could not, although
he admits that even now the stand might
have to be made west rather than east of
the Rhine. But that was a needle, too, to
spur arrangements for German rearma-
ment. With Germany in line, he said, a
firm front would be established from the
Baltic to the Alps. And there he touched
something that runs through the pros-
pects for 1952 and 1953 like an exposed
nerve. Will Russia wait for the establish-
ment of such a line? Or will she.-strike for
Germany, for the mobilization of the
Ruhr and the rest of German military
might, as the prelude to world war?
Part of the Eisenhower report, discussing
the application of new weapons to tactical
arrangements in Europe, suggests this may
be the key to defense of Germany pending
her own participation. Atomic tactical wea-
pons already being supplied to NATO forces,
are "instantly available" to some units now.
Eisenhower reiterated his belief in the
American policy of establishing "positions
of strength" from which to negotiate for
disarmament and peace.
Do what we have to do now, he says, and
"we may see fulfilled the universal hope ex-
pressed in the United Nations charter to
reduce the diversion for armaments of the
world's human and economic resources." In
other words, stick it out a little longer and
maybe there will be no war.

Washington Merry-Go-Round

ON THE DAY President Truman moved
back into a completely rebuilt White
House, Westbrook Pegler entered a Boston
hospital. Maybe the shock was too great.
Pegler had argued that the White House
"ought to be destroyed. It is symbolic of
royalty and privilege and of the verminous
infestation of the American government
by traitors, vile opportunists peddling im-
perial favor and trimming suckers." . . .
Matt Connelly's jaw almost dropped off
when he heard his boss, the President, an-
nounce he wouldn't run again. Though a
White House secretary, Matt made it all
too clear he wasn't .in the know .. . Said
magnanimous Jonathan Daniels, first Tru-
man biographer, to recent Biographer Bill
Hillman, author of "Mr. President": "Your
sense of timing was better than mine.".. .
Attorney General McGrath may not be ef-
ficient, but at least he's frank. He now ad-
mits that he didn't really expect Newbold
Morris to do a real job of investigating the
Justice Department, after all.
AFTPEOPLE now talk more and more
of a convention deadlock at Chicago, in
which case some want a deal with General
MacArthur-Mac for president; Taft for
vice president. They figure Taft would end
up in the White House before the end of
the term ... What some GOP leaders don't
realize is that, with a preponderance of
Democratic voters in the nation, they need
a candidate who will woo Democrats. The
two Republicans who can do it best are
Eisenhower and Warren of California .. .
Charles Van Devander, retired publicity ex-
pert for the Democratic National Committee,
may be replaced by astute Tim McInerny,
former brain truster for Tom Clark . . .
Twice in the past two weeks, the President
has pulled the rug out from under his Demo-
cratic party chief, Frank McKinney-once
at Key West when he denied that the ques-
tion -of running again was linked with the
Korean Truce; again at the Jeff-Jackson
dinner when Truman spilled the no-run
beans without tippink a word to McKinney
first ... The palace guard is also trying to
pull the rug out from under McKinney. le's
not easy enough for them to handle.
another tanker scandal. It involves the
North American Shipping and Trading
Company,which racked up a fabulous profit
on a dozen tankers and liberty ships sold
by the government for a song. Under the
law, the ships were supposed to be sold only
to American citizens. But the investigators
found that the company was just a front
for Stravos Naichos, a Greek citizen, who
financed the deal behind the scenes for
three million dollars ...The OPS is re-
moving price controls from more expensive
ladies' dresses . . . Hate-mongers from all
over the country met in Columbus, Ga.,
recently to plan a hate campaign against
the United Nations and minority groups.
Tom Hamilton of the South Carolina Ku
Klux Klan and Bill Hendrix, the Florida
Ku Kluxer, harangued the meeting . . .
Government clean-up man Newbold Morris
is so determined to win Senate support that
he is making personal calls on all but three
senators. He hopes to visit one senator in
the morning and two in the afternoon every
day until he has talked to all 93. The three
he won't bother with ar McCarthy of Wis-
consin, Nixon of California, and Mundt of
South Dakota, who opposed him in com-
THE JOB OF White House Secretary Matt
Connelly is solely to arrange presidential
appointments. He has to decide who should
not see the President, who should see him
and for how long. His duties end there.

"I wish to God this thing wouldn't drag
out until November in the interest of the
He signed the note simply "Matt" and
attached it to a sheaf of secret papers
sent from the White House to the Penta-
This is the first time anyone has pinned a
frank political label on the Korean truce
talks in writing-though hiits of politics
came when Democratic Chairman Frank
McKinney indicated that if peace came in
Korea, the President would not run.
Following this statement, Secretary of
State Acheson phoned the President at
Key West and expressed concern that Mc-
Kinney's statement would give the Com-
munists the cue to hold out for further
concessions. Acheson had been talking to
Secretary of Defense Lovett and said both
were concerned. Acheson didn't say so,
but in the State Department it was felt
that the McKinney statement was almost
equivalent to letting the Chinese select
the next president of the United States.
This was the reason for the President's
quick denial next day.
AT ABOUT THIS TIME General Ridgway
was quite upset over a truce concession
suggested by Washington which eliminated
Pyongyang, the North Korean capital, as a
port of entry for truce negotiation teams.
Pyongyang is the hubcap of the Communist
operation in North Korea and Ridgway
wanted it opened to neutral observers during
the armistice.
Washington at first ruled otherwise, but
now it looks as if Ridgway will get his
way-despite Matt Connelly. For the truce
negotiators have orders to make no more
major concessions. The United States is
standing pat.
NOTE-This is not the first time Connelly
has interfered in major policy matters. He
euchred the President into okaying the all-
important amalgamation of Pan American
Airways and American Overseas Airways; is
also credited with talking the President out
of firing Attorney General McGrath.
THE PRECEDENT set in the United States
Senate last week of letting two oil lob-
byists help direct Senate debate on Tide-
lands Oil is going to plague that august
body for many months to come.
Already educational leaders and school
teachers who want the Hill Amendment
passed giving Tidelands Oil royalties to
schools and colleges rather than to three
states are demanding the same right of
sitting on the Senate floor as was given
the oil lobbyists.
Not in some one hundred and fifty years
of senate history has Washington witnessed
a scene similar to that of last week when the
two Tidelands Oil lobbyists were permitted
to sit on the senate floor and coach the de-
The man who asked permission for the
two lobbyists to sit in the Senate was Sena-
tor Spessard Holland of Florida, Democrat,
who led the fight for states' rights owner-
ship of the oil lands which jut out under
the ocean adjacent to California, Texas and
Only a few senators were on the floor
when Holland made this unusual request,
and it was granted. Had more senators been
present, unquestionably there would have
been objection. However, during the rest of
that day's debate, Walter Johnson of the
National Association of Attorney Generals
who has been carrying the ball for the oil
companies, together with John Madden, as-
sistant Attorney General of Louisiana, sat
on the floor of the most distinguished legis-
lative body in the world and coached Sena-

WASHINGTON - It is time to say blunt-
ly what neither General of the Army Dwight
D. Eisenhower, nor his deputy, Gen. Alfred
Gruenther, who is now testifying on Capitol
Hill, can say in public. It is time, in fact, to
point out that there has been a downright
disgraceful failure to deliver weapons and
war goods to Gen. Eisenhower's command
in anything like the quantity promised.
Figures are apt to be dull, but those
given below deeply and directly affect the
security of the United States. Since the
aggression in Korea, about $10 billion has
been appropriated to strengthen Western
Europe against renewed aggression, the
bulk of this money for arms. Of this great
sum, only about $1.4 billion worth of
weapons has actually been delivered to
this country's Western allies. And much
even of this comparatively miserable sum
represents arms from surplus stocks in the
United States and in Germany.
Even by June 30, when the current fiscal
year ends, the most reliable unofficial
estimate is that not more than $2 billion
worth of arms will be delivered, 50 per cent
behind schedules already revised downward.
Of the great appropriations already made, a
whopping $5 billion has reportedly not even
been obligated - the money is lying unused
in the Treasury, and no contracts have been
let against it. And the current estimate is
that when the next fiscal year ends on
June 30, 1953, there will still be an unex-
pended balance of well over $5 billion.
THESE figures are a record of abysmal
failure. It was to protest in the strong-
est possible terms against this failure that
Gen. Eisenhower returned to this country
last November. As a result of Eisenhower's
protest, President Truman issued a direc-
tive upping the priority on arms for Eisen-
hower's command, which had previously
rated in practice below the National Guard.
But the current and future figures cited
above show clearly that the record of fail-
ure still continues.
This having a deeply dangerous effect
throughout the Western alliance. As
Winston Churchill told the British Par-
liament recently, British rearmament has
been delayed for at least a year because,
although "there is no question of reproach
on either side," Great Britain "has not
received aid in keeping with our defense
burden undertaken by the late Prime Min-
ister." The effect on the other NATO
partners is even more serious than on the
British, who produce the great bulk of
their own arms. Arms promised for France
and other continental allies simply have
not been delivered. This long lag in de-
livering the goods is directly connected
with the current crisis in France and else-
But what is really important to Americans
is the effect of this failure on the security
of this country. Unless virtually every
strategic expert is dead wrong, the United
States itself will be in deadly danger if
Western Europe is still indefensible when the
Soviets have a decisive stock of atomic
bombs - and this time is coming soon now.
Thus the failure to produce and supply the
planned and promised margin of arms which
the Europeans cannot produce themselves
directly endangers the United States. And
this is only a part of a larger failure. For by
any reasonable test, the United States is
losing the arms race with the Soviet Union
in which we are now engaged.
* * *

SURELY THIS life-and-death race is one
which this country, with its superb, in-
dustrial equipment, should be able to win
hands down. The failure is, indeed mys-
terious. In Europe, the job Gen. Eisenhower
has done seems all the more prodigious
since he has really had so little to work with.
The top mobilization civilians in this coun-
try, including men like W. Averell Harriman,
Robert Lovett and Charles Wilson, are with-
out exception very able men. And there
has certainly been no lack of money approp-
There are all sorts of partial explana-
tions - the heritage of the Johnson era,
the mysteries of "lead time," the bungling
of the military, especially where the Mu-
'tual Security Program is concerned. But
the central explanation seems to lie in a
curious, mutually contradictory attitude
about the American economy. On the one
hand, we have heard so much about the
"miracles of American production" that
we have become complacent. The Ameri-
can economy is now performing miracles
of a sort, to be sure. On top of a defense
program which is very large on paper, the
United States is producing at the rate of
5,000,000 cars and a million houses a year,
and the price trend is down if anything.
But cars and houses, or refrigerators and
television sets, do not weight heavily in
the scale against Soviet jet planes and
Soviet tanks.

Theology.. .
To the Editor:
A UNITARIAN student group
chairman, in a letter cap-
tioned S.R.A. Dispute (Fri., Mar.
28) states that "a religion is a
way of orienting man's life to his
surroundings, etc., and that some-
thing is moral or immoral in so
far as it aids or retards this."
Religion is impelled by the rec-
ognition by man of a Supreme
Matter. It is the manifestation of
man's acknowledgement of depen-
dence on Him. Religion is the
orienting of man toward this Su-
preme Being Who proclaimed a
divine moral law binding for all
human beings. The ten command-
ments of God are an expression
of this divine law.
This moral law was fixed by
Divine Ordinance through all
eternity. It cannot change nor be
changed due to the divine attri-
bute of immutability. That which
conforms to divine law is moral,
that which transgresses divine law
is immoral and must be rejected.
God also implanted in man the
natural law operating through
man's conscience.
Non-theistic individuals who
are religious are merely expressing
a natural impulse of the human
soul, recognizing that there are
superior beings and that they owe
them honor and homage.
The writer mentions authori-
tarianism and freedom. Life itself
is a continuous round of obedience
to authority and .regulations. Chil-
dren are subject to their parents
and teachers. Students observe
school regulations. Good citizens
recognize the local, state, and fed-
eral statutes. Those in authority
bow to convention and uphold
codes of ethics largely determined
by divine and natural law.
Freedom itself implies obedience
to the law: divine, natural and
civil (legally constituted). Trans-
gress the law of God and you do
not enjoy real happiness. Fail to
observe the civil laws and you
may findyour freedom of passage
or worldly possessions curtailed.
Break nature's laws and implac-
able sanctions are impelled.
-Marc Laframboise
* * *
Genocide . . .
To the Editor:
REGARDING your letter to the
Daily on March 26th on Mr.
"McPhaul's Speech." I concur in
your opinion that the "adminis-
tration can do a great service to
the campus," by lifting the speak-
ers ban. I also agree that "it is
unfortunate that Mr. McPhaul
could not speak on campus," but
for reasons different from those
you stated.
The haste with which you
choose to deny the fact that geno-
cide is a policy of government,
indicates to me that you have not
read the petition, "We Charge
How is genocide defined by the
governments participating (United
States included) in the convention
for the prevention and punish-
ment of the crime of genocide.
"In the present convention
(Convention on Genocide) geno-
cide means any of the following
acts committed with intent to
destroy, in whole or in part, a
national, ethnical, racial or reli-
gious group, as such:
A. Killing members of the group;
B. Causing serious bodily or

ficient numbers the attrocities
against the Negro people, direct
result of policy of the U.S. Govern-
ment or the absence of policy to
protect the Negro people from the
inhuman treatment received.
It is ignorance of fact or utter
stupidity for one to conclude that
the murder, floggings, lynchings,
and being confined to the worst
housing (commonly called ghetto)
does not come under the confines
of genocide.
I share with you and others the
desire to have the students decide
the question. Therefore, let me
take this opportunity to challenge
you to debate the question before
the student body. Is genocide a
policy of government? Does the
indifference of state and national
government on the treatment of
Negroes constitute complicity in
Your refusal to accept the chal-
lenge will be taken by me and all
those familiar with your position,
that you are not interested in the
facts but are more interested in
defending an unholy practice-
that of White Supremacist every-
-Balza Baxter Jr.
* * *
YR Liberalism.. ..
To the Edi
I'D LIKE to reply to Mal Schlus-
berg's letter concerning the
YR convention keeping two
thoughts in mind: (1) By what
standard do we label one man a
conservative;anotherpa liberal?
(2) Where can we place Eisen-
hower, using this standard, if any?
Mal seems appalled that Mc-
Carthy was referred to as a "real
gentleman." Some of McCarthy's
methods, while in bad taste, have
been the result of Administration
pressure, when he was reluctant
to name names. Certainly he has
done a service in bringing the ex-
treme leftist element in govern-
ment into public view. Should we
believe that the Messers. Hiss,
Vincent, Clubb, Service, Lattimore,
et. al. are the "real gentlemen"?
Our pompous Secretary of State
seems to think so. So perhaps we
can't blame you, if you do, Mal.
I will not quibble over whether
Herbert Hoover is the greatest liv-
ing American. Certainly he is one
of the greatest, and his recom-
mendations for government re-
organization, which you also voted
support of, Mal, are among the
most constructive presented dur-
ing the present Administration.
You claim that we"made a farce
out of civil rights"-How so, Mal?
We endorsed compulsory state
FEPC, and amendment to the
McCarran Act and Taft-Hartley
Law. These measures were de-
signed to eliminate questionable
practices, making existing condi-
tions more equitable- How does
Ike stand on these issues, Mal?
In an editorial supporting him,
Life allowed that his "hostility to
government paternalism leaves no
room for compulsory FEPC."
We endorsed using Nationalist
Chinese troops in the Korean War.
I'm sure Ike doesn't go along with
the old Administration argument,
which is still their sole one,that
use of these troops would provoke
the Chinese Communists into
Korea- but then, no, I'm not sure
-he hasn't said.
If and when Gen. Eisenhower
comes home and takes his stand
I will anxiously and broad-mind-
edly listen to his views-until
then, it seems asinine to rally

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construe-
tive notice to all nembers of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (11
a.m. on Saturday).
VOL. LXII, No. 131
Regents' Meeting: Friday, April 25, at
3:30 p. m. Communications for con-
sideration at this meeting must be in
the President's hands not later than
April 17.
Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for DROPPING
Friday, April 4. A course may be dropped
only ,with the permission of the class-
ifier after conference with the Instruc-
Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for REMOVAL OF IN-
COMPLETES will be Fri., April 4. Peti-
tions for extension of time must be on
filed in the Secretary's Office on or
before Fri., April 4.
Blue Cross Group Hospitalization,
Medical and Surgical Service: During
the period from April 14 through April
24, the University Personnel Office
(Room 3012, Administration Building)
will accept new applications as well
as requests for changes in contracts
now in effect. These new applications
and changes become effective June 5,
with the first payroll deduction May 31.
After April 24, no new applications
ar changes can be accepted until Oc-
tober, 1952.
General Undergraduate Scholarship
applications must be filed at the
Scholarship Division, Office of Student
Affairs, 113 Administration Building by
5:00 p.m., today.
Library Hours During Sprin Recess:
From Fri., April 4, through Sat., April
12, the General Library will be open
weekdays from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. The
two study halls in the building will be
open as follows: the First Floor Study
Hall will be open from 9 to 12 noon
and from 1 to 4 p. m., and the Base-
ment Study Hall will be open from 10
to 12 noon and from 2 to 4 p. i., ex-
cept on Saturdays when they will close
at noon. The Graduate Reading Rooms
will be open from 9 a. m. to 12 noon
and from 1 to 5 p. m., except on Sat-
urdays when they will close at noon.
Library Science Study Hall will be open
1:30 to 5 p. m., Mon. through Fri., April
7 through 11, closed mornings and Sat-
urdays. There will be no Sunday serv-
ice on April 6 and 13.
The Divisional Libraries and Angell
Hall Study Hall will be openon short
schedules, 1. e., 10 to 12 and 2 to 4
daily. Exceptions are: the East and west
Engineering Libraries and the bureau
of Government Library which will be
open from 9 a. L ,to 12 noon and 2
to 5 p. m. daily, except on Saturdays
when they will close at noon; Math-
ematics-Economics Library will be open
8 to 12 Mon., through Fri. and 10 to
12 Sat.; the Physics Library will be
closed for decorating: Fine Arts Read-
ing Room will be open from 1 to 5
p. m. Mon. through Fri., April 7 through
11, closed mornings and Saturdays; the
Study Hall at willow Run will be
open only the regular evening hours
6:30 to 10 Mon. through Thurs. and on
Sun. 1 to 5:30 and 6:30 to 10.
Schedules will be posted on the doors
of the Divisional Libraries, and informa-
tion regarding library service during
the vacation may be obtained by tel-
ephoning the Director's Office, Ext. 750.
Beach Aircraft Corporation of Wich-
ita, Kansas, has openings for Design
Engineers, Electrical, Mechanical, Struc-
ture, Aerodynamics and Tool Engineers.
Application blanks are available for
those students interested.
The Rhinelander Paper Company, in
Rhinelander, Wisconsin is interested in
a Business Administration or Economics
student to fill a position as Industrial
Relations Trainee. They, would like a
draft-exempt individual.
Plaskon Division, of Toledo, Ohio, is
in need of a Research Chemist with
an M. S. or Ph.D. degree for work in
analytical organic chemistry and also
a Research Chemist with a B. S. degree.
In addition to this, they have open-
ings for Junior Salesmen with a degree
in Chemistry or engineering.
startling in this letter, but I feel
that Miss Voss's review of the re-

centtperformance of Bach's "St.
Matthew Passion" showed such
poor judgment that attention
should be called to it.
To begin, Miss Voss iain-
tains that the use of large chorus
and orchestra was unsuited to the
"intricate and deeply expressive"
music contained in the work. This
music is intricate and expressive,
but it is also dramatic.
The Passion is not a chamber
work like Bach's cantatas and
motets; it tells a dramatic story
and does this with a fine sense of
the pictorial, and. even the the-
atrical. Otherwise, how would one
account for the use of the string
section to accompany the words
of Jesus? The short, impassioned,
outbursts from the chorus? It
seems to me that the resources
employed Friday night were not
only appropriate, but were highly
Also, Miss Voss said that the
performance was not well inte-
grated. I believe that a simple
contradiction is in order; it was
well integrated. Surely the choral
portions were thoroughly prepared
and (except for several perilously
difficult entrances) came off very
well indeed. And, despite .the lack

The Freeman Chemical Company of
Detroit is engaged in a government
project and is in need of Chemists,
Chemical or Electrical Engineers, and
Physicists. For further information,
contact the Bureau of Appointments.
The Flint Civil Service Commission
has several openings for Civil Engineers
in the Department of Public Works.
The Roddis Plywood Corporation of
Marshfield, Wisconsi-n, has openings
for Industrial Engineering Trainees.
Mechanical and Civil Engineers as well
as Industrial Engineers, graduating in
June, can make application.
The Ethyl Corporation of Detroit has
openings for Organic and Physical
Chemists with a Ph. D. degree and
Chemical Engineers with a B. S. de-
gree in the Patent Section.
For further information and applica-
tion blanks, contact the Bureau of
Appointments, 3528 Administration
Building, Ext. 371.
Radioactive Products, Inc., of Detroit,
has openings for graduate engineers
and physicists. The minimum require-
ments are a B.S. degree in Physics or
Electrical Engineering, and high aca-
demic standing. Industrial experience
is desirable but not necessary.
The Otis Elevator Company, Detroit,
is interested in talking to students
during vacation. Electrical and Me-
chanical Engineers are needed to fill
openings. They will probably be here
to interview during May.
For further information, contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin-
istration Building.
The Lasalle and Koch Company (an
affiliate of R.H. Macy and Co., of New
York) in Toledo, Ohio, will have a
Career Day on April 12 and 14 for
seniors interested in positions on their
Junior Executive Training Squad. Stu-
dents are invited to come in at 10:00
a.m. or 2:30 p.m. in the Training De-
American Chemical Society Lecture:
The University of Michigan Section pre-
sents Dr. Harold G. Cassidy, Associate
Professor of Chemistry, Yale University,
In a lecture on "Oxidation-Reduction
Polymers", Tues., April 8, at 8 p.im.,
in Room 1300 Chem. Bldg. Visitors are
Special Lecture on Applied Mathe-
matics, sponsored by the Department
of Mathematics. Dr. N.W. McLachlan,
of London, England, and the University
of Illinois, will lecture on "The Type of
Solutions of Certain Nonlinear Differ-
ential Equations with Reference to
Mathematical and Engineering Aspects.
Today, 3:15 p.m., Rm. 247, W. Eng. Bldg.
All interested are invited.
Academic Notices
Mathematics Lectures: Professor M
H. Stone, of the University of Chicago,
will give a series of four lectures on
Spectral Theorems and Locally Com-
pact Abelian Groups the week of April
14. The first lecture is scheduled for
Mon., April 14, at 3 p.m, in Room 3011
A. H.
Student Recital Postponed: The pro-
gram by Betty Wiles Ohlheiser, soprano,
previously announced for Tues., April
15, in the Architecture Auditorium, has
been postponed. The new date will be
announced later.
Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial
Hall. "Accessions to the Museum Col-
lections: Paintings by Hortense Gor-
don" through April 25. Weekdays 9 to
5, Sundays 2 to 5. The public is invited,
Events Today
Motion Pictures, auspices of Univer-
sity Museums. "Continent of South
America," "Brazil-Tropical Lowlands."
X7:30 p.m., Kellogg Auditorium. No ad-
misson charge.
Coming Events
Deutscher Verein: Members of the
GermansClub and others interested may
attend a genuine German dinner at
6:30 p.m., Tues., Apr. 15, at the Pound
House, 1024 Hill, by taking their name
and small fee to 108 Tappan Hall.
Colored slides on Germany and Austria
will be shown afterwards.

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Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Chuck Elliott ........Managing Editor
Bob Keith ..............City Editor
Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director
Vern Emerson..........Feature Editor
Ron Watts .............Associate Editor
Bob Vaughn..........Associate Editor
Ted Papes..............Sports Editor
George Flint ....Associate Sports Editor
Jim Parker.Associate Sports Editor
Jan James ....... ...Women's Editor
Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor

Bustness Staff
Bob Miller..........Busines Manager
Gene Kuthy. Assoc. Business Manager
Charles Cuson ... Advertising Manager
Milt Goetz....... Circulation Manager


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