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April 02, 1952 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1952-04-02

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Latest Deadline in the State




























* * *




Campus Voting
Continues Today
Officials Cheered by Big Turnout;
Ballot Counting To Begin Tonight



Taft Gains
Victory in


Kefauver Leads
In Both States
By The Associated Press
Gen. Eisenhower grabbed the
lead from Sen. Taft of Ohio last
night after he had trailed the Sen-
ator in first returns from the huge
Nebraska presidential primary.

Senate Drops 'U'
Funds for Natural Science Building
Approved by Finance Committee
Special to The Daily
LANSING-The Senate Finance Committee, in a surprise move
last night, added $325,000 to the University capital outlays appropria-
tion for rehabilitation of the Natural Science Bldg., but failed to
include a request for $650,000 to begin a projected $5,000,000 Univer-
sity hospital modernization program.
Last week, after a Finance Committee visit to Ann Arbor Thurs-
day night, it was reported that the committee intended to provide
funds to start the hospital program, but would probably hold off on
the other rehabilitation requests.
CHANCES FOR getting started this year on the long-range hos-
pital project are now very slim. Only rarely this session are amend-
"mments being made from the floor
7fTH- YEAR:-on money bills, and never in an
7 H A upwards direction .
The breakdown of the $325,000
B irthdayface-lifting program on Natural
Science Bldg. shows that the
largest individual chunk, $75,-
000, will go to overhauling the
C elebrated electrical wiring system.n
The obsolete heating and plumb-
ing systems will be modernized at
By Rithven a cost of $50,000. $60,000 more
_____would gp to replacement of the
Retied Uiverity resientexisting elevator and installation
Retired University President of a second one in a vacant shaft.
Alexander G. Ruthven celebrated * *

In Wisconsin, Taft appeare
headed toward a victory givin
him at least 24 of the State's 31
Republican presidential nominat
ing delegates.
ON THE Democratic side, Sep
1 Kefauver of Tennessee appeare
to have tucked Wisconsin's 2
Democratic presidential nominat
ing votes under his belt, while run
ning ahead of Sen. Kerr of Okla.
homa in Nebraska.
Eisenhower surged into his
slim lead on the basis of com-
plete reports from 145 of
Nebraska's 2,058 precincts with
Harold Stassen running a strong
Here are the latest results hi
Nebraska: Republicans - Eisen.
hower 3,370, Taft 2,945, Stassez
Democrats (163 precincts)-Ke.
fauver 2,757, Kerr 1,918.
consin's precincts counted, delayer
returns from Milwaukee and somt
rural areas pushed Gov. Earl War.
ren of California into second plac(
over former Gov. Harold E. Stas-
2 sen of Minnesota.
Warren was ahllenging Taft
in district races in Milwaukee
where four delegates were being
chosen. He also was a threat to
take two delegates in the second
district embracing Madison.
Both Stassen and Warren's sup-
porters had bid .for votes fron
friends of Gen. Dwight D. Eisen-
hower, Eisenhower's name was not
on the ballot and could not be
legally written in.
In state-wide rdces to elect the
10 at-large delegates, the count
from 1,949 of 3,204 precincts was :
Taft 155,273, Warren 108,806,
Stassen 83,243.
In district races, where 20 of
the GOP delegates are chosen,
Taft's men led for 16 places. .
CLC Objects
To Expulsion1
Of Meisner
The Civil Liberties Committee
unanimously accepted a motion
last night to formally object to
the expulsion of Wayne Univer-
sity student Lorraine Meisner in
a letter to Dean David Henry of
The group also voted to urge the
Michigan Senate Judiciary Com-
mittee to reject the Michigan
Communist Control Bill, known as
the Trucks Rill Reentlv nasedr

his 70th birthday yesterday in a
quiet, routine fashion.
In his sequestered mansion near
Dexter, Ruthven spent an unpre-
tentious day writing a summary of
the progress in a course on higher
education, which he is presently.
teaching at the University.
But his professorial seclusion
did not prevent friends, alumni
and other well-wishers from send-
ing their congratulations by way
of phone and telegram.
The septuagenarian and Mrs.
Ruthven were kept busy through-
out the day answering messages
which came in from all over the
United States.
Ruthven was particularly pleas-
ed with a resolution adopted by
the State Senatercongratulating
him on his 70th birthday.
How does it feel to be 70 years
old with a distinguished past be-
hind you? His only answer was
the singular Ruthven chuckle.

CLASSROOMS are scheduled to
get acoustical treatment for a sum
of $45,000. A general revamping
of the auditorium seating and
lighting will take $35,000.
The area now occupied by the
psychology department is slated
for a $60,000 remodelling job to
convert it to classroom and lab-
oratory use in other natural
sciences. The Psychology de-
partment will shift its head-
quarters to the Angell Hall Ad-
dition upon its completion this
The building was completed in
1915. University officials were re-
ported to have privately placed
more importance on obtaining
funds to rehabilitate this structure
than to begin the University hos-
pital modernization.
Practically no major repair work
has been done on the Natural
Science Bldg. during its 40 years
as a campus landmark.

Ban Put On
'Responsibility' of
YP Questioned
The Young Progressives have
been temporarily barred from
sponsoring a campus speaking ap-
pearance by William Hood, secre-
tary of Ford Local 600 (UAW-
CIO), pending a clarification of
the organization's "responsibility,"
it' was learned yesterday.
The University Lecture Commit-
tee informed YP Co - chairman
Joan Berler, '54A, yesterday morn-
ing that it could not approve the
petition for Hood's appearance
until a "review" had been made
of YP.
* * *
HOOD HAD been tentatively
scheduled to speak today on the
internal troubles in the gigantic
local. Hood, along with other of-
ficers of the local, has been re-
cently relieved of his duties by a
special administrative committee
appointed by UAW chief Walter
Reuther after charges had been
made of Communist leadership in
the local before the House. Un-
American Activities sub-commit-
tee in Detroit.
The Student Affairs Commit-
tee is entrusted with recognizing
student organizations. Any "re-
view" presumably will be han-
dled by the SAC, composed of
student and faculty members.
Prof. Carl G. Brandt, secretary
of the Lecture Committee, said
that no decision had been made
on whether Hood would be al-
lowed to speak on campus.
He added that, since Hood
lived in Detroit, another date
could probably be arranged
without too much difficulty if
the YP status is confirmed and
Hood is eventually approved as
a speaker.
Otherwise, he declined to elab-
orate on the action till a decision
has been made on YP.
YP LEADERS were indignant
over the temporary ban, charging
that the "review" of the group
was a subterfuge to justify a ban.
In a prepared statement, Miss
Berler declared, "The YP has not
violated any regulations and can
see no reason for being "reviewed'
* . . The Lecture Committee, by
this non-legal device to ban a
speaker, has . . . exceeded its
powers and is using the 'review'
to rationalize its position."
The decision to invite Hood
was made at a meeting March
19, at which only eight members
were present. However, Miss
Berler pointed out that another
vote was taken on the invita-
tion March 24, at which time 17
members were in attendance.

DOING IT-Joan Heyman, '55, a student volunteer, passes out
ballots to chmpus voters at the Angell Hall polling table yester-
day. More than 4,000 students cast their ballots in the first of
two days of all-campus elections.
Red A tack Repulsed;Joy
Hopes for Truce Soon
By The Associafed Press
Allied infantrymen yesterday hurled back some 1,500 bugle-
blowing Chinese Reds who penetrated United Nations lines South of
Panmunjom last night.
Fierce hand-to-hand fighting marked the three-hour battle,
heaviest along the Korean groundfront in nearly two months. A front
line division officer said Red casualties were "severe."
* *~ * *
THE GROUND ACTION flared one day after Allied -warplanes
racked up their second biggest bag of Communist MIGs. of the war:

Taking advantage of the unex-
pected dry weather, more than
4,000 students tramped to the
polls yesterday in the first day of
the all-campus elections.
Student Legislature election of-
ficials were jubilant over the turn-
out. Monday they had set their
two day aim at 7,848 voters but
Jury Finds
Sutton Guilty
Of Stickup
NEW YORK-(IP)--The State
won a hollow victory over Willie
(The Actor) Sutton yesterday,
adding a new bank robbery convic-
tion to his long criminal record.
An all male jury in Queens
County Court took more than 10
hours to find the 51-year-old Sut-
ton guilty with Thomas (Scup)
Kling of a $64,000 stickup in
Queens two years ago.
"The fairest trial I ever had,"
Sutton called it-before the ver-
dict arrived in the gray hours of
early dawn,
It took two weeks and several
thousand taxpayers' dollars to
convict Sutton, who already owed
society the rest of his misspent
life. The new rap makes him liable
to 30 years or more in prison. No
date was set by Judge Peter T.
Farrell for sentencing.
Y'D's .Discuss
South Position
The position of the South in
the Democratic Party was the
topic of a forum at a meeting of
the Young Democrats last night.
Jim Orford, '53, took the posi-
tion that, although the Southern
Democrats "are not a desirable
element in the Party," their votes
are necessary in order to put
through any Democratic program.
The South controls 130 electoral
votes which the Northern Demo-
crats cannot afford to lose, Orford
Bernie Backhaut, '55, claime4
"There is no need to apologize for
the record of the Southern Demo-
crats." They are a loyal element
of the party, Backhaut said. He
quoted figures which showed that
86% of the votes cast by Southern
Democrat senators were in favor
of Administration policies.

forecasts of "scattered showers,"
had dimmed their hopes for a
large electorate.
THOUGH the skies were dark
all morning and a frisky wind
whipped the campus, no rain ap-
peared and polling tables remain-
ed outside all day long.
The polls will be open again
from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. today and
ballot counting will begin at
7:30 p.m. tonight in the Unio
The weatherman has forecast
another grey day for the final bal-
loting but he promises that there
will be no rain. Temperatures
should run in the middle 50's.
YESTERDAY'S vote was some-
what larger than opening day fig-
ures for last fall. At that time
3,500 ballots were cast on the open-
ing day. In all, 6,582 students
voted in the two day fall election.
Men's Judiciary Council pres-
ident John Merow, '52E, report-
ed that there were io imajor
irregularities in yesterday's vot-
ing procedure. However, a con-
troversy has arisen over J-Hop
candidates from the School of
Architecture and Design.
Only students of the class of
'54 were to have voted or run for
the committee, but election offi-
cials yesterday feared that several
candidates were only sophomores
by architecture school standards
and were not going to graduate in
1954. The fate of these candidates
will be decided toright by the ju-
* * * -
STUDENTS were also warned
to make sure their ballots for sen-
ior class officers and Union vice-
president have a red crayon mark
through the slate of officers from
the school of the voter. It is fear
ed that this was not done by se-
eral poll tenders, and all such
ballots will be invalidated tonight.
The traditional marathon bal-
lot counting procedure is ex-
pected to attract a large crowd
of spectators tonight. In addi-
tion to the on-lookers, hundreds
of student volunteers and SL
incumbents not up for re-elec-
tion, will be on hand to count
the votes. Phil Berry, '52, SL
treasurer is in charge of the
One crew of tabulators will
count SL ballots, using the Hare
system. Another group will count
the six other elections,, three at a
time. The entire count should be
completed early tomorrow morn-
Major and any of hi canine
friends will pose no problem for
the counters this semester if they
appear as write in candidates.
Men's Judiciary has ruled out all
write in votes and they will be
ignored in the tabulations. How-
ever, ballots with written in votes,
will not be invalidated. Instead
the rest of the conventional votes
on the ballot will be counted.
*' * *
Election Results
To Be Broadcast
Students unable to attend the
ballot counting session tonight in
the Union ballroom will be favored
with comprehensive radio cover-
The Southwest Radio Network,

Meals in League, Union
May Become Tax-Free
Students may in the near future be exempted from sales tax on
meals at the League and Union, if a recent interpretation of the tax
law has been correctly translated by the Student Legislature.
SL members interpret a communication from the Department of
Internal Revenue to mean that non-profit educational institutions
which operate eating places need not charge students 'sales tax if
separate records of sales to students and non-students are kept.
THE LETTER APPARENTLY reverses an earlier ruling from the
Department which indicated that when food sales were made to both
students and non-students, tax

10 destroyed, three probably de-<
stroyed and 10 damaged.
Five of 16 unsuspecting Red
jets were shot down in a spec-
tacular aerial ambush by 26
Sabres led by Col. Francis S.
Meanwhile, at Panmunjom, staff
officers finished their haggling
over Russia's role in Korea's post-
armistice affairs arrd turned the
question back to higher-level sub-
Col. Don 0. Darrow, Allied staff
officer, warned the Reds that the
UN Command's rejection of Russia
as a neutral would not change at
either subcommittee or full dress
A note of optimism was sounded
by sources close to Vice Adm. C.
Turner Joy. They said he hopes to
have achieved an armistice before'
he leaves early this summer to be-
come superintendent of the U.S.
Naval Academy at Annapolis.

'U' Symphony
To Play Today
Debut and magnitude willkbe the
two bywords of the University
Symphony Orchestra Spring con-
cert today at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Au-
Highlighting the program will
be the American premiere of Prof.
Ross Lee Finney's "Concerto in E
major for Piano and Orchestra."
The concerto had its first interna-
tional performance in Switzerland,
A mass expansion in the Orches-
tra took place in order to play the
"Symphony No. 1 in D major" by
Mahler, which will make up the
latter part of the concert. The
group was enlarged to 110 instru-
mentalists for this "titanic" sym-


Sawyer Announces Scholarships

YP has a membership of ap-
rjnwr2zu~tneiy.:U.On uorm



must be charged to everyone.
University attorney Edmui
A. Cummiskey reported yeste
day he has written to Reven
Commissioner Louis M. Ni
for an appointment to discu
the matter. Union General Ma:
ager Frank C. Kuenzel will a

proximatel o q
enzel and Cummiskey said that if specified in the constitution.
nd the tax elimination becomes off i-
r cial they will try to put it into ef- Arnall FearsN
ue fect. Elimination of sales tax aI
nz would mean an approximate $12
ss saving per year for the student Steel Settlement
n- who eats two meals a day in either
c- of the establishments. WASHINGTON - (R) - Grave

One hundred and ten fellowship Dykstra, Edward Gilbert, Robert
and scholarship appointments for Hermann, Patty Grapel, Dale
next year were announced yester- Haskin, James Hean, Jack Horo-
day by Dean Ralph A. Sawyer of witz, Panos Hountras, Nelson
the graduate school. Isada, Billy Keeling, Mary Ker-
The awards are granted to top lin.
students from universities and C-i.
colleges throughout the United Charles Kreidler, John Lemish,
States and Canada for work on Aistid Lindenmayer, Yung Huo

Bilaniuk, George Bluestone, Don-
ald Bremmer, Harold Chadwick,
Harry Chase, Ann Cornog, Jack
Davis, Robert Emery, Samuel Fill-
David Fox, .John Gary, Fred-
erick Giles, Nancy Hays, Elta
Jayne, Jack Jennings, Nafe Kat-

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