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March 27, 1952 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1952-03-27

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a a


THE ASCENDANCY OF "Nye" Bevan, the
recalcitrant left wing member of Eng-
land's Labor Party may not be too far be-
yond the horizon.
Two definite concessions to the obvious-
ly increasing power displayed by Bevan
and his following were made by party
leader Clement Attlee recently. First,
Attlee dropped his "toe the line" policy
toward Bevan, and second, he dropped
discussions in Commons on'both the ques-
tions of rearmament and social improve-
ment plans.
The "toe the line" policy said in effect
that either the discordant leader come back
into the fold or risk excommunication from
the party. Bevan's principle disagreement is
that, as a result of the American 'red' scare,
Britain has been allocating too much of its
money to rearmament at the expense of
weakening its social welfare program.
The rift between Bevan and Attlee is not
new. It began before the 1951 parliamentary
elections but was silenced and smoothed ov-
er for the sake of maintaining party unity.
That Bevan's power constituted a real threat
even at election time was evidenced by the
fact that not one of his more than fifty
followers was defeated for reelection. This
growing power was also shown in the elec-
tions to the Executive Committee of the
Party Conference in which Bevan and his
followers received the three highest number
of votes.
Another example of the schism present in
the party was revealed after the election.
This occurred on a vote of confidence on
Churchill's rearmament program in which
the Bevanites abstained from voting, al-
though the Parliamentary Labor Party had
instructed its members to vote for the pro-
The nature of the British party system
is such that party dissension cannot be
tolerated. The rift has been smoothed over
on the surface. But underneath a rumbling
can be heard from an ever increasing dis-
gruntled Bevan faction-a rumbling which
might eventually reveal itself in the over-
throwal of the present power in the Labor
Party and the rise of Bevan to a position
of recognized prominence.
As a result of this rise, Labor Party policy
would witness a greater shift to the left.
This would make it impossible for the party
to represent the widespread and divergent
views of a majority of the voters-a factor
which would inevitably cause a defection of
a large number of these voters and contin-
ued loss at the polls.
-Bob Jaffe
At Lydia Mendelssohn . .
by the Department of Speech.
HAV1NG PARED Shakespeare down to
about two hours running time in their
last venture, the Speech Department has
allowed Robert Sherwood to dawdle on for
over three in the current production, which
is concerned with the Finnish resistance to
the Russian invasion in 1939.
The length of the drama is unfortunate
particularly because Mr. Sherwood, a his-
torian and newspaperman, has exhausted
everything he is going to say about the
subject In about ten minutes. Pacifism
versus patriotism, expressed In these
terms is no longer an issue. It is old, it Is
tired, it is untimely, and despite the fact
that the cliche, "these men were not
heroes," is probably true; it is nonethe-
less a cliche. The play is undramatic be-
cause the war represents the menace, and
formidable as it is, no character achieves
anything through it except nobility, and
it is obvious they were all noble from the
Perhaps the difficulty is that "there is an

undertone of tragedy in all this," as one
of Mr. Sherwood's cast remarks near the
end. Having found it so, the author feels
it necessary to exalt the physical evidence
with the second-hand poetry of Socrates, St.
John, Goethe, and "Auld Lang Syne," none
of which do quite as well as Mr. Sherwood's
own words in the declamatory speech in the
schoolhouse, but by that time, it is a little
late, and the fierce inspiration of everybody
concerned has been dissipated by the tedious
wordiness of everything that has gone be-
Assuring men in times of stress that they
are on the side of the good, the decent, and
the right is fine, but to inspire one must,
first of all, be fresh and unstudied. Being
on the side of the angels alone is not enough.
The performances in the play were uni-
formly good. They captured at least a
certain flavor, albeit one without sub-
stance. Nafe Katter, in the Ibsenesque
role of the Nobel Prize winner who dies
in battle, does well. Unfortunately, the
character requires little fundamental re-
adjustment from the start and Hatter
exerts himself only in the schoolhouse
speech, which is well done. Bette Ellis
returns to Play Production in the role of
his wife, a part to which she gives color
and feeling. Ed Griffin offers a very well
controlled interpretation of a world-
weary commentator.
But it goes on and on and on. By eleven

WashWington Merry-iERound

"Okay---Now L ets Open It"




WASHINGTON-Senatorial colleagues fig-
ure there is more than meets the eye
behind the $10,000 transaction between Sen-
ator Brewster of Maine and Henry Grune-
wald, undercover lobbyist, wire-tap expert,
and tax fixer.
The Senator from Maine appeared brief-
ly before the King Subcommittee last
week and testified he had paid Grune-
wald $10,000 in order to cover up two
$5,000 contributions given to the primary
campaigns of Senators Nixon of California
and Young of North Dakota. Grunewald,
Brewster claimed, had served as the con-
duit to pass the money on to their cam-
However, Senators Nixon and Young knew
nothing about the deal and were sore as
blazes when Brewster sprang his out-of-the-
blue testimony.
It would be a matter of mere routine
investigation for the King tax-fraud com-
mittee to have delved deeper into the strange
relations between the Senator from Maine
and Washington's most unusual tax-fixing
lobbyist. Nevertheless, Brewster was asked
few questions by the King Committee.
He was not asked why he had saved
Grunewald from a contempt citation by the
Senate; or why he had used Grunewald in a
wire-tapping deal; or whether he, as chair-
man of the Republican Committee on Sena-
torial Elections made it a practice to ignore
the rules of his party and contribute to one
Republican's nomination as against another
Furthermore, Brewster will be asked none
of these questions later. It's against the
rules of the club. Members of Congress just
don't embarrass each other.
Other witnesses can be grilled, day after
day. They can be insulted and badgered
on the witness stand. They can be thrown
into jail if they refuse to answer questions.
But the unwritten law of Congress is that
you don't ask embarrassing questions of a
fellow member of Congress. The King com-
mittee has done an excellent job on other
matters, but it won't violate this rule.
HOWEVER, since the public is entitled to
know all the facts regarding the men
who write the laws which the public has to
follow, it is altogether fair to point to some
highly significant facts in the relationship
between Senator Brewster and mystery-man
Henry Grunewald which the King Commit-
tee passed over.
Grunewald, who has refused to name
the source of about a quarter of a million
dollars, was such a familiar person around
Brewster's office that Brewster and staff
called him "Henry." He was also on
familiar terms with Pan American Air-
ways; for whom he admits "checking"
telephone wires.
Brewster also happens to be close to the
giant Pan American Airways combine-in
fact, has done so many favors for them
that he Is sometimes called "the Senator
for Pan American.
In 1946-47, Brewster was pushing his
I Paint What I See
A Ballad of Artistic Integrity
"WHAT DO YOU PAINT, when you paint
a wall?"
Said John D.'s grandson Nelson.
"Do you paint just anything there at all?
"Will there be any doves, or a tree in fall?
"Or a hunting scene, like an English hall?"
"I paint what I see," said Rivera.
"What are the colors you use when you
Said John D.'s grandson Nelson.
"Do you use any red in the beard of a
"If you do, is it terribly red, or faint?
"Do you use any blue? Is it Prussian?"
"I paint what I paint," said Rivera.
"Whose is that head that I see on my
Said John D.'s grandson Nelson.
"Is it anyone's head whom we know, at
"A Rensselaer, or a Saltonstall?

"Is it Franklin D.? Is it Mordaunt ,Hall?
"Or is it the head of a Russian?"
"I paint what I think," said Rivera.
"I paint what I paint, I paint what I see,
"I paint what I think," said Rivera,
"And the thing that is dearest in life
to me
"In a bourgeois hall is Integrity;
"However.. . *
"I'LL TAKE out a couple of people drinkin'
"And put in a picture of Abraham Lin-
"I could even give you McCormick's
"And still not make my art much
"But the head of Lenin has got to stay
"Or my friends will give me the bird today
"The bird, the bird, forever."
"It's not good taste in a man like me,"
Said John D.'s grandson Nelson,
"To question an artist's integrity
"Or mention a practical thing like a fee,
"But I know what I like to a large degree
"Though art I hate to hamper;

"chosen instrument" bill to abolish competi-
tion between different U.S. Airlines Over-
seas, putting all of them in the hands of
one company instead. Pan American wanted
this bill passed, was lobbying vigorously for
it, figured Pan Am would be the "chosen in-
strument" to handle all U.S. air traffic over-
But Trans-World Airlines, headed by
Howard Hughes, was opposed. Hughes
figured that under the Brewster bill TWAI
would be amalgamated with Pan Ameri-
can. He favored free American competi-
Brewster, whose business was to legislate
not negotiate private business deals, made
an amazing approach to Hughes, asked him
to sell out to Pan- American. Hughes re-
BUT BREWSTER was also chairman-in
1947-of the powerful Senate Investigat-'
ing Committee, formerly under Sen. Harry
Truman. And with the Republicans con-
trolling Congress in 1947, Brewster began
a probe of Howard Hughes. Many people
felt that it had all the earmarks of a black-
mail probe to force Hughes to do business
with Pan American Airways.
At about this time, Brewster also stoop-
ed to the un-American act of having the
Washington police tap the telephone wires
of Howard Hughes and his attorneys at a
Washington hotel.
Most of this came out during the wire-tap
investigation by the Senate District of Co-
lumbia Committee in the summer of 1950.
This was where Grunewald was voted a con-
tempt citation for refusing to answer ques-
tions, and where Brewster saved him from
going to jail,
The amazing thing about the wire-tap
on Hughes' telephone was that it was
done by the Washington police, with
Brewster and Grunewald operating in the
background. The police officers who ap-
plied the tap and listened in testified that
reports went to Grunewald. They were
also instructed to listen especially for in-
formation about airplane deals.
The use of these Washington policemen
occurred in a free democracy, not in a
police state such as Russia or Argentina.
And the man who got them assigned to the
job was none other than the senior senator
from Maine.
(Copyright, 1952, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
C :11

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

Sunland Special .. .
To the Editor:

dale principles, which condemn
all forms of discrimination.
"We know that because of con-
ditions in Florida certain members

Just to clear things up . . ; of our house could not go along
0BSERVING the hoards of "M" on this trip as full and equal par-
students who, during past ticipants. We feel that if any stu-
spring vacations have flo~ced to dent group plans any campus-
Fort Lauderdale and vicinity, the wide trip it should pick a place
Wolverine Club thought it would where all the students are able to
be doing the campus a genuine intermingle freely. We think it
service by under-taking a reduced- improper that any organization
rate tfip, with all the trimmings. should request campus support
Apparently we were mistaken; for an event from which certain
response was so negligible - only students are entirely excluded or
a handful of students made reser- in which they are by law forced
vations - that to still run the trip to remain apart from the main
would have been financial suicide.group of participants.
Swedchanellednit - alexcie.t "For these reasons we are re-
So we cancelled it - all, except turning your letter and your post-
the housing arrangements wx hich er. We hope that in the future you
we have made, and will continues show more discretion in planning
to make, for Florida-bound vaca- ,our trips."
tioners. J. D. Duah A
J. . Dah gyemon-Dickson

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is constru-
tive notice to allumembers of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (11
a.m. on Saturday).
VOL. LXII, No. 124
The Queens University, Belfast, Ire-
land, offers, through a reciprocal ar-
rangement with the University of Mi-
chigan, an exchange scholarship for a
graduate from the University of Michi-
gan, which will provide for fees, board
and lodging for the next academic year.
Economics, Geography, Mathematics,
Medieval History, Philosophy, and Ro-
mance Languages are suggested as es-
pecially appropriate fields of study.
Further information is available at the
office of the Graduate School and ap-
plications should be filed with Gradu-
ate School' before April 19.
Residence Hall scholarships: Women
students wishing to apply for Residence
Hall Scholarships for the academic year
1952-53 for Helen Newberry Residence
and Besty Barbour House may do so
through the Office of the Dean of
Women. Applications close April 1. Stu-
dents already living in these two resi-
dences and those wishing to live there
next fal may apply. Qualifications will
be considered on the basis of academic
standing, need, and contribution to
group living.
Personnel Requests
The Sioux Falls Recreatieal Council
of Sioux Fals, South Dakota, has4 open
a position for a woman to fill the
vacancy as an Assistant Recreation Di-
rector. A June graduate is eligible to
The Veterans Administration Hospital
of Dearborn, Michigan, has several va-
cancies for Exercise Therapists. Appli-
cants must be a graduate from a
school of Physical Education.
Globe Industries, Inc. of Dayton,
Ohio have, an opening for an Electrical
or Mechanical Engineer. This company
makes precision motors of Aircraft de-
sign and electric motor products.
Central Grain and Malting Company
of Piqua, Ohio, has an opening for a
Chemist to learn the art of malting.
Minneapolis - Honeywell Regulator
Company of Chicago, Ill., has vacancies
for a Mechanical Engineer or Physicist
for Research and Development work.
They prefer one with a year of experi-
ence either in research or development
which could be applied to their pro-
Saul Parker a Certified Public Ac-
coutant in Detroit has open some po-
sitions for Junior Accountants.
Electric Auto-Lite Company of Bay
City, Michigan, advises that they have
openings for Methods Engineer and
Electrical Engineer. EngineeringSchool
training is preferred particularly in the
electrical field but mechanical students
with some electrical courses will be
The American Thread Company of
New York has openings for Trainees
for their Sales Division; Trainees for
their branch office in Los Angeles, Dal-
las or Chicago; Industrial Relations
trainee in Conn.
The Public Service Company of Nor-
thern Illinois in Chicago needs Engi-
neers in addition to women for Office
Gransden Hall Company of Ann Ar-
bor has vacancies for Clerk Typists.
Women are needed to fill positions.
.Quaker Oats Company of Detroit,
Mich., has an opening for a. Retail
Salesman. Man is needed for DetroIt
and one for Flint area.
A doctor in Ypsilanti has an opening
for a Receptionist. Typgin is not re-
quired, and one should have an interest
in handling people.
Southfield Township School of De-
troit has an opening for a Burrough
Bookkeeping Machine Operator. Person
will be trined by Burroughs to run the
Fairbanks, Morse and Company of De-
troit has an opening for a Sales Engi-
neer Trainee. A graduate Mechanical
or Electrical Engineer is eligible.
Batelle Memorial Institute of Colum-
bus, Ohio, has the following openings:
Metallurgist, C h e m i c a 1 Engineers;
Chemists; Mechanical Engineers; Phy-
sicists; Electrical Engineers and Cera-
mic Engineers.
The Cleveland Tank Plant of Cle-
land, Ohio, is in need of Accountants
for open positions within the firm.
The Detroit Arsenal of Center Line,
Michigan, has a vacancy for a Physicist
to test, and for research and develop-
ment duties in the field of illumination
and sound.
For further information contact the

Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.
Bldg., Ext. 371.
Committee on Student Affairs took
the following action at its meeting on
March 25:
Mar. 28, 29-Cinema Guild-Student!
Players, movie "Baker's Wife," Arch.
April 22-Young Democrats-speaker,
Mrs. Minnie Schwinger, Union.
W.S.SF. plans for soliciting funds.
1 c+.....a...,+ T,ai .&I *,encon ferenie onf

room, Barbour Gymnasium, as fol-
Fri., March 28-7:30 a.m.-12 noon; 1-
4 p.m.
Sat., March 29-8 a.m.-12 noon.
Graduate Students in Zoology who
wishto be qualified as applicants for
the doctorate this semester must file
their declaration of intention by Fri.,
March 28. Forms for this purpose are
available in the Zoology office, 2092 N.S.
Aero Seminar: Dr. J. E. Broadwell
will talk on "Viscous Compressible
Flow in Ducts," Thurs., March 27, 4
PTm.. in Room 1504 East Eng. Bldg.
Those interested are welcome.
Seminar in Applied Mathematics:
Thurs., March 27, at 4 p.m., In Room
247 West Engineering. Mr. Arthur
Downing will speak on "A Special So-
lution of the Wave Equation."
Seminar in Electrochemistry. C. Y.
Cheng will speak on "Electropolishng,"
Thurs., March 27, at 7 p.m., Room 1016
Chem. Bldg. Visitors are welcome.
Seminar in Transonic Flow: Fri.,
March 28, at 4 p.m., in Room 1508 E.E.
Mr. McCully will conclude the discu-
sion of the work by Tomotika and To-
mada. Mr. Sellars will discuss the cor-
responding work of R. Bauer.
Psychology Colloquium, Fri., March
28, 4:15 p.m., Rackham Assembly Hall.
Dr. Dwight W. Chapman, Visiting Pro-
fessor of Psychology, will speak on:
"Two Recalcitrant Problems of Soclal
Psychology." Refreshments at 3:45.
Student Recital: Benjamin Gray, pi-
anist, will present a recital at 8:30
p.m., Thurs., March 27, in Architecture
Auditorium, in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Music. A pupil of Av
Comin Case, Mr. Gray will play com-
positions by Arne, Paradisi, Bach, Beet-
hoven, and Rachmaninoff. The gen-
eral public Is invited.
Rudolph Serkin, Pianist, will give the
last concert in the Choral Union Beries,
Mon., March 31, 8:30 p.m., HUl Audi-
torium. He will play the following pro-
gram: Prelude and Fugue in A minor
(Bach); Sonata Hammerklavier); B-flat
major Beethoven): Berceuse and Per-
petuum mobile Busoni); Invitation to
the Dance, Op. 65 (Weber); Barcarolle,
Op. 60, and Bolero, Op. 19 (Chopin).
Tickets are available at the office of
the University Musical Society in Bur-
ton Memorial Tower daily; and will al-
so be on sale at the Hill Auditorium
box office after 7 p.m. the night of
the performance.
Events Today
Candidates Open Houses
I 4:30-6:00-International Center, Un-
ion Building.
5:00-6:00-Alpha Delta Pi, 722 S. For-
5:00-6:00-Delta Zeta, 1824 Geddes.
6:15-6:45-Lambda Chi Alpha, 1601
6:30-7 :30-Sigma Chi, 548 S. State.
6:30-7:30-Alpha Chi Omega, 1004 Oli-
7:30-8:30-Kappa Kappa Gamma, 1204
7:30-8:30-Robert Owen Co-op, 1017
Deutsche Kaffeestunde-German Cof-
fee Hour will take place from 3 to 4:30
p.m. in the Round Up Room of the
La p'tite causette meets from 3:30
to 5 pin, in the south room of the
Union cafeteria.
Committee on Religion: S.L., S.R.A.
and Interguild representatives will meet
at 4 p.m. In S.L. House, 122 S. Forest.
Dr. Angus Campbell, Director of the
Survey Research Center of the Uni-
versity of Michigan, will speak on "Re-
search in Consumer Behavior" at the
Student Marketing Club at 4:15 p.m.
room 131 in the Business Administra-
tio&, Bldg. Everyone invited.
International Center Weekly Tea for
foreign students and American friends,
4:30-6 p.m.


At The Michigan
NEVER TOO LATE, 32nd Annual Union
SACKINGTHE pretention which helped
spoil the 1950 and 1951 productions,
"Never Too Late" is the most enjoyable
Union Opera of recent years. With the ex-
perience gained in last night's performance,
the cast will probably relax and lose their
stiffness and be even more entertaining to-
night and tomorrow.
For the first time in several years the
director (Fred Evans) has understood and
exploited the peculiarities of an all-male,
college production. To begin with, the Union
Opera is a farce, taking off not only on its
particular material but upon a Broadway
musical as well.
Past Director William Holbrook never rea-
lized this fact. His "girls" were made up to
look exactly like girls and act like girls.
This not only defeated the purpose of put-
ting wolves in sheep's clothing but it always
made me feel a bit uneasy. Those "girls"
and their actions, were just a little too real
to assure the audience of the normality of
men who were portraying them.
In last night's production this situation
was corrected. One was always aware
that the "girls" were men and the result-
ing lampoon of the weaker sex's foibles
was steadily amusing.
Also, instead of trying to turn out a
smoothly professional show, Evans exploited
the enthusiasm and vitality of his amateur
cast well. Occasionally, however, the spon-
taneity was carried a bit too far. The spe-
cialty act of footballers Green, Zatkoff and
Stribe was so "unrehearsed" it was raggei.
The musical score was generally good. I
especially liked "Can't Imagine," "Some-
thing Out of Nothing," and Midnight Train.'"
"Can't Imagine," in fact, has one of those
tunes you carry out of the theatre with you.
The chorus, however, could use some more
practice and every now and then even the
soloists ran away from the orchestra.
The cast handled their parts compe-
tently, although Lloyd Evans' burlesque
on the "average housewife" Jenny Jenks)
became too energetic at times. Bill
Schreiner as Maude Hanrahan and Jim
McGlincy portraying Uncle Jack were es-
pecially good.
On the debit side of "Never Too Late":
First, musical plots, though traditionally
weak, should never be as anemic as this. At
several important points in the story, there
appeared to be absolutely no reason for the
characters behaving as they did.
Second, though I am not one to cavil at
bawdy jokes, I must insist that they at

We are sincerely sorry to dis-
appoint those few people who did
make plans to go on our trip. More
sorry are we to have created any
animosity in regard to the dis-
criminatorynproblem; certainly
the last thing we wanted to do
was to lend any favor to the de-
plorable restrictive conditions
down south. That we did so un-
wittingly was unfortunate and not{
to our credit.
We would like to thank the'
Daily, which was extremely co-
operative; and the various units,
and to the Senior Class Comm.
who also tried to stimulate in-
terest, all to no avail.
--Bob Golten
Special Trips Comm. Wolverine
Recruiting . . .
To the Editor:
IN RECENT articles in the Daily
wita reference to the swimming
team championship won by Ohio
State, there were many snide re-
marks about the number of Ha-
waiian members of their squad.
The implication was clear that
there was something unfair about
recruiting athletes from so far
away. How sour can the grapes
get? In yesterday's Daily you listed
the varsity "M" winners in three
sports - hockey, wrestling and
gymnastics. Fifteen of these menI
were from states other than
Michigan, fifteen from Canada,
and only six from the State of1
Michigan. As a matter of fact,
if you want to put the records
on the line, during the season
1950-51 Ohio State issued varsity
letters to 247 men in 11 different
sports. Of these, 211 were from
the State of Ohio. I doubt ser-
iously if that percentage can be
matched by Michigan, I personally
have no objection to varsity ath-
letes from outside the state, and
I love sports and enjoythe rivalry
between these two schools, but let's
be careful not to let the pot call
the kettle too black.
Gordon C. Brown
Associate Professor
Dept. of Epidemiology
* * *
Co-Op Protest ...
To the Editor:.
FOLLOWING is the content of a
letter which a majority of per-
sons at Nakamura Co-Operative
House voted to send to Mr. Bob
Golten, Special Trips Chairman.
of the Wolverine Club:
"Recently we received a letter
from you informing us about the
trip to Florida the Wolverine Club

John Nakamura House
To the Editor:
THERE HAS been a good bit of
criticism about the lack of stu-
dent interest and participation
in the Campus Blood Drive. I
would like to air a few facts con-
cerning just one house that took
part in this drive.
In our house a total of thirteen
men pledged a pint of blood to
the drive. Of these, I have con-
tacted six to find out how much
action followed the signing of their
pledge. Not one of the six received
any notification of when or where
to donate his blood. Three of the
six men finally went, on their
own, over to the South Quad and
gave their blood. It took one of
these three men three phone calls
to the Office of Student Affairs
to find out where his parent's
permission card was, before he
could donate blood.
Since we were told that we
would be notified when and where
to report, I feel that at least part
of the responsibility for the
seemingly low turn out should be
placed rn those persons who
failed to follow up the pledges
with the assignment of appoint-
-Ronald Dalton


@ ja

Sivty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board of Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Chuck Elliott.......Managing Editor
Bob Keith............City Editor
I Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director
Vern Emerson ..........Feature Editor
Ron Watts...........Associate Editor
Bob Vaughn . ..Associate Editor
Ted Papes ................Sports Editor
George Flint ....Associate Sports Editor
Jim Parker ...Associate Sports Editor
Jan James...........Women's Editor
Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
IBob Miller ..........Business Manager
Gene Kuthy. Assoc. Business Manager
Charles Cuson ....Advertising Manager

Studtent Legisazure comrnev
week-end of May 31.
Granted recognition as student or-
ganizations: Undergraduate B o t a n y
Club, Evangelical United Brethren Stu-
dent Guild,
Recommended revision of constitu-
tion of Young Progressives.
Student Loans for Men. Students un-
able to pay, in full, loans which are
now due should see Miss McKenzie,
1059 Admin. Bldg. The Loan Commit-
tee will meet April 1 to approve new
loans. Please have applications sub-
mitted before the meeting.
University Lecture. Auspices of the
Department of Library Science. "Print-
ers' Pleasantries" (Illustrated). Charles
B. Shaw, librarian, Swarthmore College.
Thurs., March 27, 4:15 p.m. Rackham
Amphitheater. _____
Academic Notices
Application for admission to the Doc-

Kappa Phi: Supper and program at
5:30 p.m. at the Methodist church. All
members and pledges are requested to
be present.
Canterbury Club: Evening Prayer at
5:15 in the Chapel.
Albert Schweitzer Seminar meets at
Lane Hall, 7 p.m.
Modern Dance Club. Discussion with
the ballet club of the Inter-Arts pro-
gram at 7:15 in Barbour dance studio.
Regular technique lesson at 7:45.
The Modern Poetry Club will meet
at 7:30 in the Ann Arbor Room of the
League. Poems to be discussed are:
Auden's September 1, 1939, Canzone,
and It's No Use Raising a. Shout. Pro-
fessor Barrows of the English depart-
ment will participate in the discus-
sion. All interested are invited.
U. of M. Sailing Club, meeting 7:30
p.m., 311 West Engineering. Shore school
on dinghy handling. Movie on sails by
Ratsey. Work parties Sat. and Sun. at
English Journal Club: Mr. Charles
Feinberg, book-collector and whitman
authority, will speak on "The Friends-
of Whitman," at 8 p.m., E. Conference
Room, Rackham Building.
Beacon Association. Address by British
Consul General, Detroit. Michigan Un-
ion, 8 p.m. Thurs., March 27. Not in
League as annouced earlier.
Coming Events
Canterbury Club: Holy Communion
at 7 a.m., Fri., followed by breakfast at
Canterbury House.
Barnaby Club: Supper and discussion
meeting at Lane Hall, Mon., March 31,
at 6 p.m. Phone 5838 for reservations be-
fore 10 p.m. Saturday.
Motion Pictures, auspices of the Uni-
versity Museums: "The Work of Rivers,"
"Ground Water," "Limestone Caverns."



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