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March 22, 1952 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1952-03-22

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Sir i4au




See Page 4

Latest Deadline in the State


VOL. LXII, No. 120







* *



oRegents, Press
Open Meeting Controversy Moves
Towards Possible Compromise
The open meeting controversy moved towards a possible compro-
mise yesterday, as the Regents agreed to negotiate further with the
Representatives of the Michigan Press Association, which has
been leading a drive to open the meetings of the Board of Regents
and Michigan State College's State Board of Agriculture, discussed the
problem With the Regents at a luncheon before the Board's March
* * * *
THE REPORTEDLY amicable discussions centered around the
issue of admitting qualified reporters to the meetings as representa-
tiveis of the public.
i Satisfactory' progress was reported-and an MPA sub-
committee prepared to meet fur-

ther with the Regents to con-
tinue the, discussions.
The Regents were said to be in
full accord with the principle that
the public is entitled to full in-
4 formation regarding actions taken
at the meetings. But it was point-
ed out by some of the Regents
that three-fourths of the debate
at meetings dealt with material
which it would not be "in the pub-
lic interest" to have printed in
newspapers while in the discussion
IT WAS emphasized by the Re-
gents that at present all informa-
tion is made public after action
is taken.
It was felt after the meeting
that a compromise could be
worked out -- probably through
holding a press conference after
each session.
At Michigan State, where simi-
lar negotiations have been under-
way for a month, t has been re-
' ported that some such compro-
mise settlement may be in sight.
AFTER THE regular business
'meeting, which was, as per usual,
closed, it was announced that a
distinguished French composer,
Darius Milhaud, will be at the
University next year by virtue of
being selected Oliver Ditson Fel-
low for 1952.
The traditional Ann Arbor
Drama Season, featuring a se-
ries of well-known plays and top
actors every spring, has been
taken over by the University,
it was announced.
Henceforth, the name will be
"The University of Michigan Dra-
ma Season." Previously, the dra-
ma festival had been a community
s* *
A TOTAL of $124,482.57 in gifts
and grants was accepted by the
The bulk of the money came
from the Rockefeller Foundation
of New York, which gave $84,-
650 for use by the Survey Re-
search Center in two statistical
* Grants of $5,000 each were
forthcoming from the Carnegie
Corporation of New York for a
Neal Eastern Studies summer fel-
lowship and Parke Davis and Com-
pany of Detroit for a tuberculosis
immunization project under the
direction of Prof. W. J. Nungester
of the medical school.

NINE FACULTY appointments
were announced by the Regents.
The literary college added
three to its staff for next year.
The speech department picked
up two associate professors, Ed-
gar E. Willis, from San Jose
State College, and Edward Sta-
sheff, television supervisor of
station WNYE, New York.
Reynolds McDonnell Denning
will join the Department of Min-
eralogy, after seven years on the
faculty at Michigan Tech.
* * *
TWO FULL professors will join
the business administration school
next year. Frank P. Smith from
the University of Rochester will
be professor of finance and direc-
tor of the Bureau of Business Re-
search. Another new professor of
finance will be George W. Wool-
worth, returning from Dartmouth
College after 22 years. He taught
at the University from 1925 to
The Law School named as
professor S. Chesterfield Oppen-
helm of George Washington
University while the engineering
college added a professor of elec.
trical engineering from Cornell.
Joseph G. Tarboux.,
Lester W. Anderson from Ari-
zona State College will join the
faculty of the education school as
assistant professor.
Dr. Henry Renfert, Jr., a re-
search associate in the institute of
Industrial Health, was named as-
sistant professor of internal medi-
THE FOLLOWING eleven fac-
ulty members were granted leaves
by the Regents:
Prof. Lewis W. Simes of the Law
School, Prof. Catherine B. Heller
of the architecture college, Prof.
Konstantin Scharenberg of the
medical school, Prof. W. E. Brit-
ton of the English department,
Prof. Walter W. J. Gores and Prof.
Frederick C. O'Dell of the archi-
tecture college, Prof. Leslie White
and Prof. Mischa Titiev of the
Anthropology department, Prof.
Valentine B. Windt of the speech
department, Prof. C. M. Sliepce-
vich of the engineering college and
Prof. Robert G. Rodkey of the
business administration school.
Prof. R. K. McAlpine and Prof.
R. J. Carney of the bhemistry de-
partment were allowed to retire a
year early.

Property Loss
Great; 200 Hurt
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. --)-
At least 113 persons were killed
by tornadoes which cut a long
swath through Arkansas and hit
neighboring sections of Tennessee
and Missouri.
More than 200 others were in-
jured. There was tremendous pro-
perty damage.
Ninety-nine were known dead
in Arkansas alone in the worst
disaster ever to strike the state.
Eight were killed in Tennessee and
six in Missouri.
* * *
ARKANSAS was raked by the
whirling, powerful winds from one
end of the state to the other.
All told, about 25 towns and
rural communities were hit by
the twisters. They hurled houses
off their foundations and tossed
victims about like match sticks.
The death-dealing winds hop-
scotched across Arkansas from the
southwest to the northeast, and
hit in west Tennessee and south-
east Missouri.
HARDEST HIT was the area
around Searcy, about 50 miles
northeast of Little Rock. Orval
Faubus, administrative assistant
to Gov. Sid McMath, reported 26
persons had been killed in that
area, and more than 100 injured.
Reports of new disaster areas
and additional dead came so fast
it was difficult to keep the casual-
ty counts up to date. The tornado
reports started late in the after-
noon and continued late into the
Chinese Reds
Aid Viet Mi,
of Defense Lovett testified yester-
day that "some" Chinese Reds
and "substantial quantities" of
Chinese equipment have turned up
in strategic Indo-China, where
Communist-led troops are battl-
ing the French.
Some Congressmen and others
gained the impression that Chi-
nese Communist combat troops
had gone into the fighting. But
later high Pentagon officials said
this wasn't so, so far as they
knew. They said Lovett' meant
Chinese arms supply officers and
truck drivers.
* * *
LOVETT told the House Foreign
Affairs Committee there was no
indication that "substantial" num-
bers of Chinese had crossed the
But he said it was "always
possible" that their entry could
mean the same kind of buildup
that preceded the first Chinese
offensive in Korea last Novem-
Lovett's statement was made
during a hearing on the $7,900,-
000,000 Foreign Aid program.
The French mninistry for the
Associated States of Indochina
said in a statement issued in Paris:
"We have received no information
allowing us to suppose that Chi-
nese troops have crossed the Indo-
china border."

The secretary devoted most of
his testimony to a fresh appeal
for approval of the full aid pro-
"Unless Congress can find soft
spotĀ§ in it," he said, "any cut
would mean a decrease in our
Hatcher To Speak
At 'U' Convocation

H ouse







M Athletic
Prof its Drop

In Past Year
Board in Control
Raps ACE Code


Daily Sports Editor
Michigan's athletic policies and
activities were thrown open for
public inspection yesterday when
the Board in Control of Inter-col-
legiate Athletics submitted its an-
nual report to the University's
Board of Regents.
The comprehensive 37 - page
statement was signed by Athletic
Director H. O. Crisler and Marcus
L. Plant, Secretary of the Board.
It contained the following main
I-A financial statement. re-
vealing that net operaing reve-
nue from the sports program
for last year was $446,277.16, a
29.8 per cent decline from fig-
ures of the previous fiscal year.
2-A review of Michigan's eligi-
bility standards and their appli-
3-A comparison of University
sports policy with that outlined
recently by the American Council
on Education, and an indictment
of the latter as inferior to regula-
tions now in force in the Western
NATIONWIDE concern over re-
cent trends in inter-collegiate, ath-
letics presumably precipitated the
relatively long and detailed re-i
port. The critical condition of
amateur sports morality came to
a head during.the past year in the
-West Point "cribbing" scandal and
the wave of "fixes" in college bas-
The report opened with a
brief statement of finances and
revealed that once again foot-
ball and hockey were the only
varsity sports showing a profit
from operations.
Despite the fact that the Wol-
erines turned in their first losing
season on the gridiron in fifteen
years, a margin of $662,502.96 was
realized. That, plus a $4,761.71
profit turned in by Michigan's
NCAA Champion hockey team,
were the offsetting figures for de-
ficits in every other varsity sport
including basketball, baseball,
track and swimming.
* * *
WITH FINANCIAL details out
of the way, the report continued
with an outline of varsity eligibil-
ity regulations which had recent-
ly been under fire from members
of the faculty.
It was pointed out that no
double standard is in effect in
cases of athletic eligibility as op-
posed to eligibility for other cam-
pus activities. Big Ten regula-
See 'M' ATHLETIC, Page 2
Steel Battles
NEW YORK-(A'P)-Mobilization
Director Charles E. Wilson flew
here yesterday as the steel in-
dustry bristled angrily beneath a
wage boost recommendation from
the government.
The industry did not flatly re-
ject the Wage Stabilization
Board's recommendations of
Thursday for a 17% cent wage in-
crease plus a union shop.
But a nnresman for th in-

The House, Ways and Means
Committee yesterday reported out
a slashed University operating
budget of $16,936,650 for 1952-53.
The recommendation was $1,-
500,000 less than the University's
request of $18,575,000 and $214,000
below that of the state budget
* * *
"THE AMOUNT proposed is be-
low that needed to support ade-
quately the services of the Uni-
versity," Vice-President Marvin L.
Niehuss said in a statement. Ho
expressed a hope that the amount
will be revised before final pas-
This is the second blow to be
dealt 'U' officials by the legisla-
ture this week. Last Friday the
Senate appropriations commit-
tee knocked out a University de-
ficiency request of $476,000 in
reporting out an omnibus state
def-iciency appropriation bill of
However, a $150,000 request for
increased instructional facilities
for the medical school, contingent
on a fall entering freshman class
of 200 or more, was left intact. A
similar provision in the present
'budget appropriation resulted in a
freshman, medical class of 204.
* * *
ND ACTION has yet been taken
on the capital outlay budget re-
quest of $5,385,000 which includes
funds for new construction, mod-
ernization and rehabiiltation of
campus buildings.
The proposed operating bud-
get request, which is $3,730,000
over last year's figure was de-
signed to make salary and wage
adjustments, provide general
operating and instructional sup-
plies, staff increases and equip-
ment replacement and to meet
lncrea'sing costs.
See FUNDS, Page 6
Backers Hint
He Will Run
By The Associated Press
The political scene was full- of
the customary names of Mac-
Arthur, Taft and Warren yester-
day as the "Wisconsin and New
Jersey April primaries loomed on
the horizon.
Boosters of Gen. Dougla Mac-
Arthur expressed new hope that
he would run if offered the Re-
publican Presidential nomination,
and suggested that Senator Robert
A. Taft take the No. 2 seat on the.
General's bandwagon.



-Daly-Auan ReUi

* * * *I

Arthur Eugene Benford, his;
trumpet and "Serenade in Blue,"
Thursday set off a chain reaction
which resulted in more than seven
hours of good-natured "rioting"
that involved 2,000 University stu-
Benford, who lives in Allen-
Rumsey House, West Quad, ex-



plained yesterday that he was just
attempting to relax a bit when he
began trumpeting after dinner.
* * *
BUT BENFORD'S serenade
brought an answering trombone
blast from the neighboring South
Soon men from both the
dorms were streaming down to

World News
By The Associated Press
MJNSAN, Korea, Saturday, March 22-Communist truce negotia-
tors toay produced new maps outlining in detail the areas around
their ports of entry where neutral inspection teams can operate during
a Korean armistice.
But the Reds also explained their "compromise" for exchanging
prisoners; the Allies said it didn't yield an inch on the Communist
demand for forced repatriation.
*I * * *
SEOUL, Saturday, March 22-U.S. fighter-bombers lasted
freight cars and buildings in the North Korean capital's port of
Chinnampo yesterday and attacked Red front line positions.
CORPUS CHRISTI-Ten Navy airmen were killed yesterday in
the crash of a four-engine privateer patrol bomber.
WASHINGTON-The government's cost-living index yester-
day showed a drop of 0.6 per cent in February, for the first drop
since June.
* * * *
HAVANA-Cuba's new revolutionary government turned back
two Russian diplomatic couriers on their arrival here yesterday by
plane from Mexico, it was learned from reliable sources.

Madison St. and the evening's
escapade, which was to touch
every University housing unit
on campus, had begun.
The roving band of students fin-
ally dispersed at 1:15 a.m. yester-
day after they were thoroughly
doused by rain and water from a
fire hose wielded by Betsy Bar-
bour residents.
THE DRENCHING climaxed one
of the most chaotic nights seen on
campus in a long time, and left
students talking of strange inci-
One woman in Vaughan
House reported that during a
raid a man, grinning broadly,
entered her room with suitcase
Other stories and pictures' of
the campus melee on pages
4 and 5.
in hand. He announced he was
the coed's new roommate and
asked where he could "stow his
In West Quad, during a coed
counter-attack, a resident ad-
visor, who is also an instructor,
spied one of his women students
parading through a third floor
She greeted him by sticking out
her tongue, then fled down the

* * *
publisher and National President
of the Draft-MacArthur Move-
ment, interpreted a new statement
by MacArthur as meaning that
the General "will accept the nomi-
But MacArthur, in a state-
ment Thursday night, said there

Arts Festival To Present
Second Program Today


'U' Blood Campaign Nets 1000 Pints

was no nconsistency between
his 1948 declaration that he
would not shrink "from any
public duty to which I might be
called" and his present unwill-
ingness to permit his name to
be used in party primaries.


The second program of the 1952
Inter Arts Festival will be held at
8:30 p.m. today in Rackham As-
sembly Hall.
Beginning the program will be a
Concerto for Chamber Orchestra,
by Ed Chudacoff, Grad., and con-
ducted by Richmond McCulver.
Rolv Yttrehus' Violin Sonata,
played by Unto Erkkila, violin;
and Frederick Don Truesdell. pi-

Grad., baritone. They will be ac-
companied by Guinevere Dorn,
'52M, piano. Sara Graf will read
the poems of Anne Stevenson,
'54M, Robert Rickert, '55M,
Saul Gottlieb, '52, Donald Hope,
Frank O'Hara and Kathleen
Following the music and poetry,
"Generation, Pro and Con," will
hb discussemd hv a. nenl Prof Mar-

The more than 1,000 pints of
blood received during the two-week
donation period of the University's
all campus drive make this the
largest single campaign in Wash-
tenaw County, according to Mrs.
Ethyl Atkinson, executive-secre-

He added that although the
drive is officially over any stu-
dent or faculty member who
has pledged to give blood but
has not been able to donate and
any others who have not yet
signed a pledge card will still be
able to narticinate.

Red Cross, the state health de-
partment and University officials.
James H. Robertson, assistant
dean of the literary college, has
conducted the faculty and staff
division of the drive, which has
led the student division a close

Meanwhile, a spokesman from
the Taft headquarters said that
the Senator from Ohio will ask
formally that his name be with-
drawn from the ballot for the
April 15 Presidential Primary in
New Jersey.
Taft withdrew from the pri-
mary Thursday, where he faced a

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