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March 20, 1952 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1952-03-20

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French Crisis

HAS been over one week since the new
French Premier, Antoine, Pinay, and his
inet were voted into office by the French
ional Assembly.
Within the next few days M. Pinay faces
e acid test which toppled his past two
edecesors, Rene Plevin and Edgar
ure, that of pushing the national budget
rough the Assembly.
'he main problem in getting the budget
sed is the 1952 rearmament program call-
for $3 billion more in expenses than
rent revenues provide. The obvious
wer seems to be to increase taxes. or
non-defense outlays.
nfortunately the answer is not as simple
it appears. No government yet has been
to get by the Assembly's left-wingers
introducing a tax increase, or by the
it in cutting expenditures. Many French-
i doubt whether the new government
have any better luck.
ro lick this problem M. Pinay has de-
ed a program calling for a tax "am-
sty" which would allow millions of habi-

tual tax evaders to pay up without prose-
cution. The hope is that if revenues In-
crease, the Government can float a public
M. Pinay's predicament exemplifies the
general condition of France; that the coun-
try's economic footing is extremely weak
and near bankruptcy.
One alternative is to induce stricter en-
forcement of the tax laws and clamp down
on the tax evaders. Unfortunately, however,
the majority of the tax evaders are living
on a bare subsistency now. Increasing taxes
would only make overall conditions worse.
Therefore it is up to the Assembly's
right-wingers to allow non-defense ex-
penditures to be cut, thereby permitting
the national budget to be passed, and the
new Premier and his cabinet to remain in
This would solve the problem of having
to find another Premier and cabinet, and
also increase revenues by using Pinay's
tax "amnesty" plan.
-Bob Apple


Washington Merry-Go-Round



kSHINGTON -Two capitol cloak-room
maneuvers recently have illustrated
the public gets disillusioned over the
>le-morality standard of Congress.
2aneuver No. 1--Was the strategy used
Republicans and Southern Democrats
ry to kill the Internal Revenue Reform
putting tax collectors under Civil Ser-
iginally proposed by Herbert Hoover,
reform should have had 100 per cent
backing. Instead, the cloak-room stra-
of Republican leaders was to pressure
mators not up for re-election this year
te against it.
hind this strategy was the fact that
leaders knew the public was for the tax
m. They also knew that any Republican
or facing election this year would have
to for the reform. But after a year or so
figured the public would forget.
hat was why the heat was put on Sen.
ik Carlson of Kansas, an Eisenhower
, to vote with the old guard. Only re-
ly elected, leaders figured Carlson
d weather public reaction, and the
ie would have time to forget before his
lection in 1956. Though most Eisen-
er senators voted for the tax reform.
son knuckled under to GOP leaders.
at was also why such old guard Re.
cans as Brewster of Maine and Bricker,
11o voted against the GOP leadership.
are up for re-election this fall, and a
against tax reform might have hurt
At was also why the heat was put on
sliA's newly appointed Fred Seaton.
he is not running for re-election, col-
es figured he.had nothing to lose. How-
Seaton, a forthright newspaper pub-
and one of the best new members of
nate, voted his convictions-for taking
llection out of politics.
a * a

members not only write the tax laws but
have a habit of black-balling anyone who
seeks membership on their (committee who
does not agree with them.
However, the young clean-up team of
freshmen Moody, Monroney and Humph-
rey not only opposed them but slapped them
down to resounding defeat.
MANEUVER NO. 2-Was the strategy of
certain senators in attacking corruption
clean-up man Newbold Morris. Basically,
this was the strategy of smearing Morris
before Morris could smear them; and behind
this is the fact that you can investigate
everyone in Washington-provided you don't
investigate a member of that exclusive club
called Congress.
One solon who learned this lesson the
hard way, and who participated in the
Newbold Morris smearing, is GOP Sen.
Homer Ferguson of Michigan.,
As a member of the'old Senate Investigat-
ing Committee, Ferguson started a probe of
the commodity speculation of Sen. Elmer
Thomas of Oklahoma.. Shortly thereafter
Thomas wrote Ferguson a pungent, private
letter in which he warned the Michigan
senator to lay off or he, Thomas, would ex-
pose certain operations of Ferguson's son-
in-law with Chrysler Airtemp Sales Corpor-
ation; also insinuated that ladies in the Fer-
guson family had received presents of fur
coats. 1
"You will no doubt be surprised to know
that among my letters and reports," wrote
Senator Thomas," *. charges have been
made that certain wealthy automobile in-
terests, acting through lady members of
their inside organizations have made gifts
of valuable coats, dresses and other items
to certain members of your family.
"I have personally written this note in
order to keep it strictly private," Senator
Thomas concluded. "However, for fear I
may hereafter need a copy, I have had the
sheets photostated, but I do not plan to
make the contents public unless I deem the
public interest will be served thereby.

WASHINGTON-Sometimes a great, his-
toric process takes place so haltingly
illogically, and amidst so much confusior
that it goes on almost unnoticed. It is ex.
traordinarily difficult to take seriously th
notion that the ancient dream of a federa
union of Western Europe may actually b
realized-there are so many excellent rea
sons for believing that it will never happen
Yet sober and experienced men, like forme
Ambassador to France David Bruce an
even General Dwight D. Eisenhower, serious
ly believe that it may well happen, anc
quite soon.
The timetable for the establishment of
a European army, as it is perhaps rather
wistfully projected by the American pol-
icy-makers, seems to support this conclu-
sion. The agreements reached in general
terms at the Lisbon conference, including
the European army plan, should be worked
out in detail and formally approved by
the participating governments by the end
of April.-
This will set the stage for the ratification
of the European army agreement, by the
parliaments of France, Germany, the Low
Countries, and Italy. It is hopes-again,
perhaps rather wishfully-that all these
parliaments will have ratified by July 1, or
a little later. The Schuman Plan will almost
certainly have been ratified already by July
1. If and when these two agreements come
into legal existence, Western Europe will
have taken an enormous step forward, at
least, on paper, towards federal union.
THE MILITARY significance of the Euro-
pean army plan lies, of course, in the
fact that Germany will thus be enabled to
make a contribution to the defense of the
West. But even if all goes well, the Euro-
pean army will not make a great deal of
difference militarily for two years or more.
The timetable calls for the recruitment of
the first German soldiers by midsummer,
and the training and equipping of two or
three German divisions by the end of 1953.
But Germany will not make a really import-
ant contribution, of ten or twelve divisions,
before the end of 1954 at the earliest.
The over-riding, immediate significance
of the European army plan is political
rather than military. European leaders
like French Foreign Minister Robert Schu-
man and German Chancellor Konrad Ade-
nauer are perfectly aware that the plan
they have hatched cannot possibly work
without some sort of European Federal
Union. A nation without an independent.
army cannot have an independent foreign
policy. A group of nations collectively
supporting a collective army must have
joint economic and financial policies.
For such reasons, it is now intended to
call a conference of the governments of the
six participating nations, shortly after the
European army plan is ratified, in order to
try to lay the groundwork for actual Euro-
pean federation. It is intended to consider
at this conference such matters as a central
European political authority limiting each
nation's sovereignty; a Point taxation and
financial policy, and the lowering and
eventual elimination of customs barriers.
ALL THIS SOUNDS extraordinarily un-
realistic-and it may well be. In the
first place, any one of a number of perfetly
possible developments - another explosion
over the Saar issue, the triumph of a Charles
de Gaulle in France or a Kurt Schumacher
in Germany, the emasculation of the mutual
security program by the American Congress
- could cause the whole flimsy paper struc-
ture to fall to the ground. And the Soviets
are already doing everything possible to
tear it down.
In the second place, the whole move-
ment toward European union has been
illogical, accidental, and through the back
door. The European army plan was pro-
posed initially by the French, essentially
as a device for delaying or preventing the
creation of a sovereign Germany army.
No one took the idea very seriously until
last summer, when General Eisenhower,
after a good look at the European scene,

embraced the plan enthusiastically.
Eisenhower's support for the European
army plan in turn shifted the movement to-
ward European unity from the realm of
vague, high-minded talk to the area of
practical planning. And thus what started
as a French tactic for delaying a decision
on a German army might possibly end with
the federation of Western Europe.
This may not be so odd as it seems.
Great historic changes, after all, are more
likely to come about, not as a result .of
constitution-making and conscious plan-
ning in advance, but as a result of a series
of more or less spasmodic reactions to the
pressure of immediate events. And even if
it does happen this way, and Western.
Europe achieves a unity which can only
be a paper unity at the beginning, there
will be no reason to think that the United
States can hail the "solution" of Europe's
troubles, and cheerfully wash its hands of
American support and leadership have
been the essential ingredients in what prog-
ress has yet been made, as the crucial part.
played by General Eisenhower suggests.
American support and leadership will con-
tinue to be essential ingredients for a long
time to come, if the Western alliance is to

(4gtM1 W.wMH.e *llzm


"I Think Very Highly Of You ---- Have A Seat"
- -

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication In it Is constru-
tive notice to all mnembers of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (11
a.m. on Saturday).
VOL. LXII, No. 118
Graduate students who are interested
in applying for a position as Residence
Counselor or Resident Assistant in resi-
dence halls for women for 1952-53
should make appointments with Mrs.
Healy in the Office'of the Dean of Wo-
men as soon as possible.
Summer Positions: The director of
Camp Q-Gull, a co-ed camp located on
Lake Charlevoix, will be at the Bureau
of Appointments and Occupational In-
formation from 1' to 5 p.m. Thursday,
March 20 to interview general counsel-
ors and riding counselors. For appoint-
ment call at Room 3528 Administration
Building or telephone University Ex-
tension 2614.
Personnel Interviews
The B.F. Goodrich Company of Akron,
Ohio will have a representative here
Tues., March 25, to interview men grad-
uating in June in accounting for their
Accounting Training Group and Field
Auditing staff, in addition to individu-
als interested in training for Produc-
tion Management and Time Study
The Mueller Brass Company, of Port
Huron, will be interviewing in the Me-
chanical Engineering department to-
morrow. They are interested in talking
to Bus. Ad. students who are interested
in sales work.
Personnel Requests
General Motors Truck and Coach Di-
vision of Pontiac, Michigan, has open-
ings for junior and senior layout men,
product engineers and checkers. Engi-
neering or drafting is preferred in addi-
tion to two to three years experience.
Weirton Steel Company, of Weirton,
West virginia, has openings for metal-
lurgists. They are interested in indivi-
duals who have had some experience.
June graduates who have had experi-
ence contact the Bureau of Appoint-
The City of Dearborn has an opening
for a Research Writer. Some experience
is required, however, if an interested
individual has a degree in journalism
he may apply.
Edward Valves, Inc., East Chicago,
Indiana, has openings for the following
positions: metallurgist (research); jun-
ior sales engineer; mechanical engineer;
draftsman; engineer (machine and pro-
cess); product development engineer;
and tool designer.
The Michigan Bel Telephone Com-
pany, Lansing, has open a position for
a layout artist. The opening is in Flint
and interested candidates must have
the ability to draw.
American Airlines, Chicago, is inter-
ested in having women contact them
who are interested In becoming an
AirlinerStewardess. Requirements in-
clude age 21 to 28, unmarried, height
5'2" to 57", weight 130 pounds maxi-
mum in proportion to height.
The Norris Grain Company, Chicago,
has an opening in its Merchandising
Department and is interested in a busi-
ness administration or economics grad-
uate for the position.
Corn Products Refining Company,
New York, is looking for two young
ladies, preferably with graduate de-
grees in marketing for their Market
Research Staff. Office, field, or faculty
experience is desirable.
The Chas. Pfizer and Company, Inc.,
Terre Haute, Indiana, has openings for
technical servicemen, chemical sales-
men and farm salesmen..
The New Holland Machine Division of
the Sperry Corporation, New Holland,
Pa., has openings for mechanical engi-
Fansteel Metallurgical Corporation,
North Chicago, Illinois, would like to
have interested physicists or chemists
contact them in regard to vacancies
within their firm.
McKesson and Robbins, Inc., Detroit,
has openings for college graduates as
salesmen in the wholesaling industry.
For further and more detailed infor-
mation, contact the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 3528 Administration Bldg., Ext.

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on (mttrsof
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed,. edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

4:15 p.m., Fri., March 21, Rackham Am-
Mathematics Lecture: Prof, Irving
Kaplansky, University of Chicago, will
speak on the fifth lectureof a series
on Thurs., March 20, 3 p.m., 3010 A.H.
Topic: "Torsion-free groups and mo-
Academic Notices
Aero Seminar: Prof. A. M. Kuethe
will talk on "Concepts in Turbulence
and Practical Implications," Thurs.,
March 20, 4 p.m., 1504 E. Engineering
Building. Interested students, faculty,
and researchers are welcome.
Seminar in Applied Mathematics.
Thurs., March 20; 4 p.m., 247 W. Engi-
neering. Prof. C. L. Dolph will speak on
a Eigenvalue Problem Occurring in
Anomalous Propagation.
Seminar in Analytical and Inorganic
Chemistry. Mr. Robert J. Meyer will
discuss "Disproportionation Reactions,"
Thurs., March 20, 7:30 p.m., 3003 Chem-
istry Bldg. Visitors are welcome,
Seminar in Electrochemistry. Prof. L.
0. Case will speak on "The Electro-
chemistry of Fused Sats," 7 p.m.,
Thurs., March 20, 1016 Chemistry Bldg.
Visitors are welcome.
June Teacher's Certificate Candidates:
The Teacher's Oath will be admiister-
ed to all June candidates for the
teacher's certificate on Thursday and
Friday, March 20 and 21, 1437 U.E.S.
This is a requirement for the teacher's
Doctoral Examination for William A.
Pruitt, Jr., Zoology; thesis: "An Analy-
sis of Some Physical Factors Affecting
the Local Distribution of the Shorttail
Shrew (Blarina brevicauda kirtlandi) in
Northern Lower Michigan," Thurs.,
March 20, 2089 Natural Science Bldg.,
1:30 p.m. Chairman, W. H. Burt.
The School of Education Testing Pro-
gram (for all students working toward'
a teacher's certificate) will be adminis-
tered in two sessions on Tues., March
25. Students should report for the af-
ternoon session at 4:15 p.m. and for
the evening session at 7 p.m. The tests
will be held in 130 and 131, Business
Administration Bldg.
"The Howard T. Keating House Com-
petition," sponsored by the Michigan
Society of Architects is the current ex-
hibition in the College of Architecture
and Design,st floor exhibition corri-
dor. It will run from March 17 through
April 12.
Events Today
U. of M. sailing Club. Meeting, 7:30
p.m., 311 W. Engineering. Shore school
on crewing. Work party at Whitmore
on Saturday and Sunday.
La p'tite causette meets from 3:30
to 5 p.m. in the south room of the
Union cafeteria.
International Center Weekly Tea for
foreign students and American frinds,
4:30-6 p.m.
Literary College Conference Steering
Committee. 4 p.m., 1011 Angell Hall.
Civil Liberties Committee. Meeting,
7:30 p.m., Room 3B, Union. All inter--!
ested people are invited.
Albert Schweitzer Seminar meets at
Lane Hall, 7 p.m.
Hillel. All those soliciting member-
ships for Hillel please turn in the
money at the Hillel Office.
Assembly Newspaper. Staff meeting,
4 p.m., League. All copy must be in.
Hillel. People interested in either
soliciting or doing office work for
U.J.A. come to the Hillel Office at
Lane Hall after 3 p.m. Ask for Bill
Society of Automotive Engineers:
Joint meeting with A.S.M.E., 7:30 p.m.,
Union. Mr. Francis G. Tatnall who is'
Mgr. of Testing Research, Baldwin-
Lima-Hamilton Corp. will speak on
"New Thoughts in Design by Measure-
ments." Everyone welcome.
Canterbury Club. Married Students',
Club, Potluck supper, 6:30 p.m,.
Coming Events

Wrong Method .. .
To the Editor:
THE Student Legislature did not
protest the suspension of Lor-
raine Meisner, as was recently
stated in The ?aily. S.L. did not
pass judgment on the suspension
of Mrs. Meisner, but merely ob-
jected to the method used because
it was a direct violation of the
thirteenth section of the U.S.N.-
S.A. Student Bill of Rights.
This Bill of Rights guarantees,
"the right of students to be advis-
ed in writing of any charge that
might lead to his suspension, ex-
pulsion or other severe disciplin-
ary action and the right to file an
answer, and, at the option of the
accused, the right to trial by a
body including student voting re-
The method used in suspending
the Wayne coed was obviously a
violation of this Student Bill of
Rights which has been adopted by
the Student Legislature as a mem-
ber of the United States National
Student Association.
Whether or not Mrs. Meisner
should have been suspended, S.L.
cannot say. That the method used
in suspending her was wrong, we
did say.
-Leonard Wilcox, president, S.L.
Leah Marks, cabinet member
at large




Negro Action,. .
To the Editor:
I HAVE BEEN on campus for two
years. During that time I have
witnessed many issues raised and
many bitterly fought. Many of
these issues directly involved or
concerned the civil rights of Ne-
groes. To name a, few: the show-
ing of Birth of a Nation, the al-
leged "Quota" System, B i a s
Clauses in the constitutions of
various organizations, the McGee
Case, the Florida bombings, and
the assault case at the University
One would expect Negroes to be
the first to lash out against these
injustices and chatnpion their
own causes. Of course, m'aing de-
mocracy work is everybody's busi-
ness. But it is very striking to ob-
serve, apathy on the part of those
who suffer these injustices most.
Could it be that Negroes on this
campus feel that discrimination,
segregation, prejudice, lynchings,
are not injustices which should be
(campaigned against? Are they
sitting back and waiting for
George" to do it? What is the
NAACP doing?
There must be some explana-
tion for the willingness of Negro
students here to accept these evils
and injustices "lying down." Vari-
ous explanations could be offered.
Their reluctance to align them-
selves with other organizations
allegedly fighting for civil rights
may be due to the fear that these
organizations are not sincerely in-
terested in the problems of minor-
ities, but have ulterior motives.
Of course, no one likes to be used
as pawns, but it seems that this
would have been another incen-
tive for them to form and/or sup-
port. an organization to insure
their own interest being served.
And I imagine' that there is a
somewhat pessimistic outlook con-
cerning economic, social and po-
litical opportunities. Of course a;
minority's opportunities will al-
ways be limited if it sits back and
does nothing about them. I'm sure
Negroes here must realize this.
There may also be the feeling
among some that the race issue
has a psychological basis and can't
be combatted by external pres
sure. But even if this is true, a
great deal can be done in elimi-
nating the evil manifestations of
these psychopathic tendencies.
So it appears these explanations
are quite unsatisfactory and I can
think of no others that would
adequately explain this shameful
apathy of Negro students on cam-
pus. Maybe, as I before suggested,
they like to reside in their second-
class status, but this is hard for
me to understand or believe.
-Barbara Lewis '55
Meisner Expulsion...
To the Editor:
IT SEEMS to me deplorable that
the expulsion of Lorraine Meis-
ner from Wayne University has at-
tracted so little protest here. Her
case is certainly one of the most
clear-cut violations of academic
freedom in this state in a long
Let's try to see why she was ex-
pelled. This summer Mrs. Meisner
attended. the mammoth World
Youth Peace Festival in Berlin. In
this country the tremendous bar-
rage of propaganda directed
against the meeting shows how
much concern this festival had
caused to the forces tat are lead-
ing the rearmament offensive. Ev-
ery method has been used to dis-

Now why was she expelled? "Re-
fusal to cooperate with the com-
mittee" was the main reason given.
In other words she refused to be-
come a stool-pigeon.
It is time for us, the students of
Michigan, to raise our voices, The
Harvard Crimson had protested
Mrs. Meisner's suspension. Let's
do the same!
-Stephen Smale
* * *
Blood Drive. .
To the Editor:
TO HECK with this blood drive.
It's all just a bunch of pro-
paganda. I've got important
things to do. Why there's a new
show on at the State and I know
where there's a party with all
the beer you can drink. Well,
maybe if you give me $15 I can
spare the time. After all that's
what the hospital pays and why
should I donate my good blood
when other guys are getting paid
for theirs?
Boy' did I see °something funnMy
the other day. I'm still laughing.
A couple of South Quad'er4 spot-
ted two girls going to donat
blood. You should have heard the
heckling they gave those girls. It
was a nic. I'm glad that I'rm
in the know because I sure would-
n't want to look as foolish as they
I figure that if the students at
Texas want to give their blood,
it's their business. I'm glad I go
to a more famous school where
people really know the score. So
I wish you false patriots would get
off your soap boxes and leave us
alone. After all 90% of the stu.
dents aren't giving, and that, big
of a majority must be right.
--Jim Nickelson
'U' Speakers . ,.
To the Editor:
FJIERE has been a great deal
of controversy about who shall
speak at the University recently.
I should like to discuss, not who
should speak, but rather what
they shall speak about. In the
near past I have had two lecturers
highly recommended to me by fac-
ulty and students alike, so I
dropped everything to listen to
'John Crowe Ransom and, Ivar
Armstrong Richards. One is a
noted poet and the other, a mted
author. I expected to hear, an
intelligent discussion of some
topic in the field of English which
would be comprehensible and of
some general interest, if not to
everyone, at least, to someone who
was an English major and had'
done. a fair amount of reading.
However, both lectures werehuge
disappointments. The lectures
consisted of elaborate discussions
of minute details of poetry which
only someone who had done a
great amount of research on the
related' subject would find inter-
esting and could understand. The
average student found the only
interesting part of the lecture his
view of the lecturer and the op-
portunity to sit in e comfortable
seats at Rackham,, I have onl~y,
one question to ask. Why can't a
lecturer speak to us on a subject
which would be of interest and
could be understood by the aver-
age student? Then a persop would
not be persecuted by such a frus-
trated feeling after he has spent
an hour listening to a great man
speak about something completely
beyond him.
-Elaine Rothman







E SENATORS who really put across the
ax-reform were a team of three youngj
men; i Mike Monroney of Oklahoma,
Moody of Michigan, and Hubert Hum-
r of Minnesota, all Democrats. These
youngsters, serving their first terms
e senate, hammered home the point
Congress couldn't merely talk about
ption, it had to can up corruption.
i so doing they risked the undying
ity of old-timers like George of Geor-
ind other members of the aristocratic
ate Finance Committee-one of the
t powerful bodies in Congress. Its
en tons Stand
>ISPLAY OF courage seldom seen,
nong the usual political bickerings on
oor of Congress was displayed Tuesday
'emocratic Senator William Benton
n. Benton, who bitterly attacked Sen.
arthy, has waived his senatorial im-
ity giving the demagogic senator a
ce to sue him.
s obvious that McCarthy has been put
spot. In the past McCarthy has made
anderous statements behind the pro-
shield of senatorial immunity. But
hiat Benton has bared himself to the
ses of a lawsuit, McCarthy has been




THIS WAS ENOUGH for Senator Ferguson
of Michigan. He promptly dropped the
probe of his fellow member of the Senate
However, the charges made by Senator
Thomas against Ferguson never have been
probed, including Ferguson's votes for the
automobile industry and the favors ex-
tended to his son-in-law by Chrysler, and
a stock interest by Mrs. Ferguson in the
Chrysler Airtemp Sales Agency.
Various other congressmen have interest-
ing- records the public has a right to know
something about, which is the real reason
for the move to deny Newbold Morris the
power of subpoena.
The public has a right to know, for in-
stance, about the peculiar operations of
Congressman Frank Boykin of Alabama in
getting a $750,000 RFC loan for the Mobile
Paper Co., after which he and his four chil-
dren showed up with stock in thatvompany.
The public also has a right to know about
the tax influence of GOP Sen. Styles Bridges
of New Hampshire regarding the $7,000,000
tax case of a Baltimore liquor dealer, at
which time Bridges proposed a salary in-
crease for the man he asked to go easy on
the case-Chief Internal Revenue Counsel
Charles Oliphant. Immediately following
publication of these facts, Republican sena-
tors confirmed their belief in a double-mor-
ality standard for congress by electing
Bridges Republican leader.
But while Congress reserves the right to
investigate every other official in Wash-
ington, it wants no one investigating it.
And word has got out that Newbold Mor-
ri .,a 4,,in efanh,.a, .. i 4t,,,rn, 4h


Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board of Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Chuck Elliott.......Managing Editor
Bob Keith.... . .City Editor
Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director
Vern Emerson ..........Feature Editor,
Ron Watts .............Associate Editor-
Bob Vaughn ...........Associate.Editor
Ted Papes..............Sports Editor
George Flint ....Associate Sports Editor
Jinx Parker ,. ...Associate Sports Editor
Jan James........... Women's Editor
Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Miller ..........Business Manager
Gene Kuthy. Assoc. Business Manager
Charles Cuson ....Advertising Manager
Milt Goetz...;....Circulation Manager


4cCarthy takes the case to court and
nton proves his charges, the Wis.
1 senator will be branded a slanderer.
e other hand, if McCarthy chooses
sue, his bitter attacks will be judg-
st as false as if a court had pro-
,d them so.




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