1 #
Latest Deadline in the State
S ! .
VOL. LXI, No. 118
Ike Shows Power
In Stassen State
Eisenhower Trails Taft by Eighteen
In National Delegate Committments
MINNEAPLIS--(A')-Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower performed
political magi with a strong write-in vote in Minnesota's Presidential
Primary Tuesday.
Tabulations yesterday indicated he finished a good second to
favorite son" Harold E. Stassen. Stassen, former Minnesota governor,
had been expected to take the primary in a walk.
.WITH 3,550 of 3,769 Minnesota' precincts reporting; Eisenhower
.piled up, 106,788 write-ins, compared with 128,134.votes for Stassen,
* * , #
Early Peace'
May Decide
Hs. TEntry
KEY WEST, Fla.-(P)-Chalr-
man Frank McKinney of the
Democratic National Committee
said yesterday President Truman
may not "choose to run" for re-
election in the event of an early
peace in Korea.
McKinney told a news confer-
ence he believes the President
would then feel he has achieved
his major goal and would step
aside without any attempt to dic-
tate a possible successor.
"I AM FR*ANKLY of the opin-
ion, and. it is only m personal
opinion, that this decision will be
predicated on the success or f al-
ure of resolving the Korean situa-
tion satisfactorily," McKinney
said, ending a two-day series of in-
timate talks with the President at
the winter White House here.
McKinney's comment, per
hap the most significant yet in
the nation-wide guessing game
over Truman's intentions, came
ds Ohatches from Korea re-
portd that Communist news-
' n with the Red truce delega-
tion were talking of cease-fire
agreement in three or four
Communist newsmen have fre-
quently reflected the views of the
official Red delegation through-
out the long-drawn truce talks.
* * *
MCKINNEY'S suggestion pro-
vided a new twist to widespread
speculation over any set of cir-
cumstances that might induce
Truman not to run again. Political
bigwigs of both parties have ad-
vanced numerous theories, but un-
til yesterday none had hit on the
relatively simple explanation that
Truman might be guided by the
outcome of the conflict his oppo-
nents have dubbed "Truman's
The statement by McKinney
served to turn the spotlight back
on Truman's oft-repeated as-
sertion that his only desire is
fo peace.
McKinney told newsmen he has
hopes the President will announce
his decision before May. 15 when
the Democratic Executive Com-
mittee meets in Chicago to select
a keynoter and other officers for
the national convention in July.
Frank Millard
Michigan Crib
State Attorney-General Frank
0. Millard will address an open
meeting of the Michigan Crib at
7:30 p.m. today in the League.
Millard will talk on the respon-
sibilties of the office of attorney-
general and legal issues in the
state government. The speech and
ensuing discussion will be open
to members of the pre-law society
and the general public.
A 1916 graduate of the Univer-
sity Law School, Millard Is cur-
rently serving his first elective
ternm as attorney-general. Prior to
his election, the Republican law-
yer was president of the Genesee
County Bar Association and held
various ofices In GOP organiza-
Millard will be introduced to-
night by Laurence A. Price, assis-
tant attorney-general.
whose name was printed on the
The only other name on the
printed GOP ballot was that of
Edward C. Slettedahl, a politi-
cal unknown, who polled 20,021
votes. Other Republican write-
ins were Sen. Taft, with 22,461
votes (8.34 per cent of the total);
Gen. Douglas MacArthur, with
1,476, and Gov. Earl Warren of
California, with 4,888.
Eisenhower supporters had mod-
estly campaigned for 50,000 write-
With only 219 widely-scattered
and sparsely populated precincts
not reported, the Associated Press
ended its unofficial tabulation of
the vote.
# *
STASSEN appeared certain to
win the 25 Republican National
Convention delegates at stake in
Switch to Ike ..' .
Campus Young Republican
President Floyd Thomas, '52, a
staunch Taft backer since 1940,
switched allegiance to Gen. Eis-
enhower yesterday as conclusive
returns poured in from the Min-
nesota primary.
"Ike's victory over Taft in a
Midwestern state clearly makes
him the people's choice," Thom-
as said. "If the Republican
Party igpores the people this
July, the people will ignore the
Republican Party this Novem-
the primary, but there was an in-
dication Eisenhower backers would
attempt to take them away.
Eisenhower's 100,000-vote
showing yesterday touched off a
furious Republican bidding con-
test for "Ike" votes in Wiscon-
sin's pivotal primary election,.
April 1.
Eisenhower is not entered in the
Wisconsin election, and write-in
votes are not counted here.
* * *
WITH 13 TWO-PARTY primar-
ies and two Democratic primaries
yet to be held, the Republican and
Democratic delegate lineups for
the Presidential nominations stood
last night as follows:
Republican - Total delegates
picked 127, divided as follows:
Favoring Taft 50
Favoring Eisenhower 32
Favoring Stassen 25
Favoring MacArthur 2
Uncommitted 18.
Democrat-Total delegates pick-
ed 53, divided as follows:
Favoring Humphrey 23
Favoring Kefauver 8
Favoring Truman '12
Uncommitted 10.
'Vote Yes' 0
-Daily-Don Campbell
NOT JUST CLOWNING-Bill Winkler, '55 Ed, is shown above
going through a few zany antics on the trampoline, Just before
winning the All-Campus trampoline finals last night at the 21st
annual Intra-Mural Building Open House.
ATO Takes Cage Crown
With Win over Phi Gais
Six intramural basketball teams were crowned champions of their
respective divisions last night .at the twenty-first annual IAOnen.
Four of the six squads were playing in defense of their league
ALPHA TAU OMEGA gave a repeat performance by defeating Phi
Gamma Delta, 36-31, for the second consecutive year. Allen Rumsey
took the 'A' crown away from Fletcher Hall, 56-48, and Newman
" Club dropped Michigan Christian
DAY EARLY: Fellowship, 41-30.
In other championship games,
Law Club won a thriller from
Rain To Greet Phi Delta Phi, 46-45; and in 'B'
title games, Sigma Chi beat Phi
S * Delta Theta, 30-25, and Fletch-
er Hall turned back Williams
House, 49-41. Both Sigma Chi
and Fletcher Hall were defend-
With, the weatherman expect- ing champions of their respec-
ed to dish up more rain and cold, tive leagues.
YP's Petit jon
For Return,
Of MePhaul
Outline of Talk
To BeSubmitted
Campus-Young Progressives vot-
ed last night to submit a new
petition to the University Lecture
Committee for an on-campus talk
by banned speaker Arthur Mc-
McPhaul, Executive Secretary of
the Civil Rights Congress' Mich-
igan branch, was barred from
speaking here two weeks ago by
the Lecture Committee. His ap-
pearance three days later at a
Union private dinner is currently,
being investigated by a faculty-.
student committee.
* * *
THE YP'S will submit to the
Lecture Committee a topic out-
line of McPhaul's proposed speech
on "genocide" as a policy of gov-
ernment against the American
A motion to invite to campus
William Hood,, Ford Local 600
recording secretary, was also
passed on at last night's YP
meeting. If approved, Hood will
discuss the recent crackdown by
UAW leaders on the Local's top
The YP's also passed a resolu-
tion to join the Vote Yes Commit-
tee, which is attempting to co-
ordinate political club action fa-
voring the anti-speakers ban ref-
-erendum.-YP was the. fifth and
last campus political group to af-
filiate with the Committee.
New officers elected at last
night's meeting were: Marge Buck-
ley, '54, chairman; Ivan Gluck-
man, '52, vice-chairman: Joan
Berler, '54, secretary; Vincent Gu-
liano, '52, treasurer; Barbara Hoe-
field, '53, cultural director; and
Gordon MacDougal, '52, educa-
tional director.
Only eight members attended
the meeting, which also discussed
a project to publish "a history of
the left-wing movement during
President Ruthven's administra-
HATCHER SPEAKS-University President Harlan H. Hatc
addressing a joint session of the State Legislature yeserday
Lansing, warned of a huge enrollment increase in seven ye
and stressed the need of building up our educational institutio
SAsLit School Candida
The bid of an architecture student to run for literaryc
senior president ,was blocked last night as Men's Judiciary'
Doug Lawrence, 153 A&D, ineligible fora candidacy.
After more than two hours of deliberation. Judic decided a
Lawrence on the presumption that "only L.S.&A. studentss
vote or be elected officials of the L.S.&A. Senior Class." Judic
their stand partly on assumption, and partly on its own By-Laws
ACCORDING TO the By-Laws (Sec. III-A) the president
represent the senior class of his respective college. Again in S
V-2, the By-Laws say that each f
4U' Preside
Sees Influx
in 7Year
Hits Inadeqt
.~ Worn Faciliti
Special to the Daily
LANSING-In an address
State Legislature yesterday,
'versity President .Harlan H.
"cher warned there are "only
more years" before a great:
creased enrollment hits Ami
educational institutions.
Speaking on the eve of the
versity appropriations vote,
dent Hatcher urged the lawn
to "take stock of our preseni
ation and prepare for what
suredly coming toward us."
* * *
"THERE WERE 80,482 ch
born in 1933; there were i
her, in 1950 - exactly doubled.
y at they will be asking for the e
for education that we as p
tar want desperately for the
ns. have," the president said.,
"What we do now will d
mine whether we advance
high level or recede inte
company of the second ra
te New buildings on the Uni'
campus were described as a
send" by President Hatcher.
But then he added gI
College tell you frankly and honest1
found" much, of our plant and.equi
Is outmoded, worn with u
gainst inadequate."a
should PQINTING OUT that seve
based versity buildings are classif
s. fire hazards, he said, "Ourp
is very much like trying t
must modern jet fighters in fa
ection designed for the biplanes
first world war."
The cost will be great
president said, but he epi
J, e d that the money spent c
single battleship would
handsomely" al American
[an puses, and the cost of pi
one B-29 in the sky over
would build a college libr
ut the laboratory.
d for- "When we consider these V
exten- he said, "we get a vivid se
profi- our present direction."
unt of * * *
er dis- OUTLINING future pla
meet- the University, Presidet E
specifically called for: "coni
cation to bring together the best
dorse- and spirits available in the
r, the to form our faculties"; 'c
e Hall, away the fire hazards; rehal
prove." ing the hospital and labor
entary and solving the "urgent
mend- roblem."
, by a The president remindei
legislators of the new exte
chair- plan north of the Huron
dvisors which will include a cent
umittee atomic research, the Sch(
started Music and "other units
plana- squeezed into the cramped
easons fines of Ann Arbor."
Among "The University throug
plan by years has been a monume
were an inspiration to the natic
tudent the world," the president s
Spring will cautiously rear its head
at 11:14 a.m. today.
This is nearly three-fourths of a.
day earlier than last year when
Spring arrived at 5:26 a.m. on
March 21.
The earlier date is due to the
addition of the extra leap year
day in February, according to
Prof. Hazel M. Losh of the as-
tronomy department.
"Daylight today will be the same
length as darknes since the sun
crosses the equator and rises and
sets exactly at the east and west
points," Prof. Losh said.
In the ATO-Phi Gam game, the
victors were led by Jack Maas and
Don Fackler; each man registered
10 points. The night's scoring hon-
ors, however, went to Phi Gam
Jack Stumpfig, who collected a
total of 13 tallies.
The game was played on even
terms until midway in the
fourth quarter when ATO built
up a five point edge.
In the closing moments of the
game, the victorsmsuccessfully
froze the ball.
height to turn back a fast-break-
ing Fletcher five, 56-48, in the
Residence Hall's first place cham-
pionship game.
The victors were led by Murry
Van Auken who collected 18.
points on eight field goals and
two free throws. Teammates Ken
Dorner and Tom Propson were
runners-up with 13 and 10
markers, 'respectively.,
World News
By The Associated Press
LANSING-After two and a half
hours of sometimes acrid debate,
the House yesterday defeated a bill
to set up a State Fair Employment
Practices Commission (FEPC).
The vote was 45-46.
MUNSAN, Korea -- Communist
negotiators yesterday accepted an
Allied-proposed list of ports of en-
try for neutral supervision of a
Korean armistice.'
But still to be settled is the mat-
ter of Russian participation and
construction of military airports.
The staff officers had wrangled
for days over which five ports in
North Korea and which five in
South Korea would be used.
On the Seoul front, American
Sabre jet pilots yesterday damaged
for the first time a new type MIG
petitioner shall present signatures
of members of his own school or
The Judiciary statement, read
at the SL meeting, also recom-
mended 'that only L.S.&A. stu-
dents be permitted to vote in an
L.S.&A. election."
The statement also maintained
that "pertinent factors were care-
fully considered in detail but they
were not felt to be of great
enough weight to rebut the pre-
* * *
BY PERTINENT factors, the
body in part referred to a dubious
constitution of the senior class,
by which architecture students
were permitted to take part in
literary college senior activities.
However, Judiciary could find
no, trace of the constitution's
legality. It had been turned ups
by Phil Berry, '52, SL treasurer.
Another factor referred to was
precedent, which at times has al-
lowed architecture student parti-
cipation in literary class activities.
But on other occasions, architec-
ture students have been barred
from these activities.
When contacted last night Law-
rence declined to comment on the
action. It was known that he had
already gone to some expense in
the preparation of his- campaign.
SL Postpone
Action on U
A motion which would p
Student Legislature: oni
against the faculty-approve
eign language requirement!
sion to four semesters, or
ciency equal to that amou
study, was tabled for furth
cussion at last night's SL
The Culture and Edu
Committee moved for en
ment of the plan. Howev
motion was amended by Pet
'52, to read "does not app
After debate on parliami
procedure involved in an a
ment which nullifies as I
the amendment was passed
21-13 majority.
Prof. Benjamin Wheeler,
man of the concentration a
and of the curriculum con
which initiated the plan;s
.the ball rolling with an ex
tion of the plan and the r
for favoring adoption.I
charges leveled against the p
the SL opposition faction
"faculty paternalism" and s
MaeDenied Status
The Ad Hoc Vote Yes Commit-
tee, still unrecognized by the Stu-
dent Affairs Committee, may soon
find itself without campus 'status,
it was revealed last night.
Speaking to the Student Legis-
lature, Bob Baker,1 '52, claimed
that unless a student organiza-
tion, such as SL, takes the com-
mittee under its wing, it very well
might be told to disband by the
* * *
ACCORDING to Baker, SL had
been requested by the Office of
Student Affairs to sponsor the
nanmittam if flid amA In o n 010n <k
dents oppose the empowering of
the University Lecture Committee
to restrict any recognized campus
organization in its choice of speak-
ers and subjects.
The committee is made up of
the presidents of the Young
Democrats, Young Progressives,
Young Republicans, Students for
Democratic Action and the Civil
Liberties Committee.
Despite Baker's claims, Ted
Friedman, '53, acting chairman of
the Committee and president of
SDA made a fiery speechafrom
the galleries, charging that the
East Quad May House Coeds Next Year
Women may be living in the East Quadrangle next year.
This step is now receiving serious consideration from University
officials, openly concerned over the possibility that there may not
be enough men to fill East, West and South Quadrangles, already a
little short of capacity.
ACCORDING TO Frank C. Shiel, manager of University service
enterprises, there are three alternatives being discussed by the Uni-
versity for next var
NO DECISION will be made for about six weeks, he indicated,
when there should be a fairly accurate estimate of the number of
students to be housed in the dormitories next fall.
One encouraging sign comes from the admissions office-
freshman applications are running about ten per cent ahead of
last year, indicating that an anticipated enrollment drop may
not materialize.
Shiel pointed out that, with large bonds on the dormitories being
financed from current room and board proceeds, the plain economic
"But it must be constant
ished and recreated. It
to let it slip back among ti
ly good. But it is precisely
precious margin between
dinary and the average thi
ness flourishes.
HE. URGED we proceed
and reasonably, but stead9
with the wisdom and fore
our fathers, building on
unit by unit."
"Any other policy," he m
will lead us into a grave
gency with most serious
quences a few years hen
t« - i1a i . anA nir