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October 04, 1951 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1951-10-04

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t UR




U ____________________________________________________ U


Democratic Republicans

AT THE CLOSE of last week's provocative
Young Republican meeting a small in-
formal cauicus was held by several of the
"left wing" to discuss steps to be followed
to cope with the reactionary turn which the
:lub seems to be taking.
It was then suggested to the president
that he control the floor more strictly and
that they (the liberals) do everything pos-
sible to "quiet" the reactionaries. This
concern by the more progressive YR's is
certainly justifiable on the grounds that
speakers like McCarthy will "hurt the
prestige of the club" and hinder any pro-
gressive measures.
But as detrimental to the Young Republi-
cans as the staunch conservatives might be,
the fact remains that a majority of those
taking an active part in the meeting voiced
their eagerness to hear McCarthy.
Here lies the true and probably most dif-
ficult test of the executive of any democratic .
club. Is he able to let the group make its
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily stafff
and represent the views of the writers only.

own decisions, no matter how distasteful
those decisions might be to him?
It is quite easy to understand why the
president of the Young Republicans is so
tempted to over-ride the proposed policies of
the reactionaries. However, to do this would
be to make the mistake that many supposed
liberals make-that of indiscriminately stif-
ling others in order to accomplish an end
which the so-called liberal is certain is the
"right" end.
#This does not mean that the Left in the
YR should sit back and watch the Right
endorse a program of reaction. Certainly
not. The more progressive element needs the
support and encouragement of all YR's and
independents who are interested in seeing a
constructive club.
But if the independents and liberal YR's
do not give the president their support
and out vote the reactionaries, the club,
if it is to be run democratically, must
give way to the majority, which will in all
probability be the extreme right.
Those who are so eager to "quiet" the op-
position need keep in mind that perhaps
soon the reactionaries will get in office and;
they who are doing the "quieting" now will
be the group to be "quieted" later.
--Alice Bogdonoff


MAi1\Tr T







W ASHINGTON - The American policy-
makers hope that United Nations Se-
curity Council action on the Persian oil dis-
pute will lead to a fourth resumption of ne-
gotiations between the Iranians and the
British. They hope further, in whispers, that
this additional gift of time will allow the
government of the extravagantly irrational
Dr. Mohammed Mossadegh the time it needs
to hang itself. Then, they say, the Iranian
problem may be solved.
Unfortunately, however, with the single
exception of W. Averell Harriman's bril-
liant intervention, American policy-mak-
ing in Iran has been a pitiful tissue of
'false hopes and phony assumptions ever
since the real crisis there began. Certain-
ly the time has come to face the real
facts. There are two major facts that must
be faced. What threatens in Iran is an
unmitigated disaster. And this disaster,
which most Americans, comfortably dis-
miss as another hard knock for the Brit-
ish, is in fact just as much a disaster for
the United States, for the following rea-
e ons.
First, as was long ago predicted in this
space, the Mossadegh government have res-
ponded to the pressure of economic and po-
litical sanctions by opening negotiations
with Moscow. For the present, as in the
case of Hitler and Stalin in 1939, these ne-
gotiations are ostensibly limited to renewal
of a trade agreement. But Mossadegh is a
cornered demogogue, who has listened to
nothing but the sound of his own voice for
the last fifty years. He cannot carry on the
Iranian administration without cash to pay
the army and the police. As he himself has
said to American representatives, if he has
to get that money from Moscow, "Why, so
much the worse."
, * *
IT IS EASY enough to imagine the contract
for exploitation of the Iranian oil resource
and oil shipments to, Russia and the satel-
lites, which will be the inevitable side deal
involved in any Soviet loan or subsidy to
Mossadegh. Until very recently, the world at
large has taken for granted the optimistic
theory of the State Department and British
Foreign Office, that the Soviets cannot ex-
ploit the Iranian oil resource for their own
But now that disaster actually threatens,
the Pentagon experts have waked up to the
strategic implications of the problem. They
are not influenced by the State Depart-
ment's malignant, escapist optimism, and an
entirely different analysis has now been
In brief, according to this analysis, there
is no doubt at all that the Soviets can find
technicians in the satellite states and else-
where to run the Iranian oil wells and

great Abadan refinery, if a Soviet-Iranian
oil deal is finally made. Furthermore--
and this is the key point-there is hardly
more doubt that the Soviets can get the
oil to Russia. They cannot depend on the
Iranian railroads, or build a pipeline ov-
ernight. But they can use tankers, and
there are nearly 500 T-2 tankers under
foreign registry in the world tanker fleet,
as well as another fifty or more such tank-
ers which are actually American-owned,
but none the less purchaseable by the So-
viets. According to the best estimate, the
Soviet Union can easily buy over 100 T-2
tankers on the world market, if they offer
the right price.
This means, in turn, if the Iranian wells
and Abadan refinery are producing anything
like their capacity of 24,000,000 tons of oil
annually, that the Soviets can hope to lay
down in Black Sea ports enough oil to end
their own shortage. An increase of Soviet oil
income of between 50 and 80 per cent is the
most immediate menace.
THE SERIOUSNESS of this is simply illus-
trated. Gen. Eisenhower habitually uses
the Soviet oil shortage as the first proof that
Western Europe can be defended with limit-
ed forces. And the Pentagon estimates that
the ending of the Soviet oil shortage will in-
crease American defense. requirements (by
multiplying Russian strength) by a factor of
40 per cent or more.
Second, the State Department has been
formally warned, both from Cairo and
from Baghdad, that an Anglo-American
show of weakness In Iran will lead to out-
breaks of the same disease in Egypt and
Iran. Trouble has already started in these
countries. The truth is that if Dr. Mossa.
degh is now permitted to triumph over the
British (who symbolize the Western pow-
ers in Middle Eastern eyes) there will be an
explosive chain reaction throughout the'
whole of the Middle East. This will involve
both the American oil properties and, what
is more important, the whole vital strate-
gic position of the West in that region.
Third, the economic consequences of a
defeat in Iran, t.o Britain, to the Western
Europeans, to the Indians, the Pakistanis
and others, will be inevitably passed on to
this country in the form $t requests for in-
creased economic aid. Indeed, this is hap-
pening already.
Total, unmitigated " disaster is not too
strong language to describe these conse-
quences of a failure to find or to force a
reasonable solution of the Iranian problem.
But the State Department Middle Eastern
division, which appears to care far more
about international popularity contests than
American vital interests, does not seem to be
aware of any of these things.
(Copyright, -1951, New York Herald Tribune. Inc.}

STUTTGART, Germany - The perennial
question of where will the Germans
stand if trouble comes presses with special
urgency upon the military commanders who
are required to put her in apostureof de-
fense with allied forces. The answer they get
from the civilian authorities who are coping
with the political and economic questions
basic to the military solution invariably is a
counsel of reserve.
With the exception of the West Berlin-
ers and their doughty mayor, Ernst Reu-
ter, whose fortitude under the Russian
guns is legendary, the Germans seem to
be in no hurry to take sides. On the con-
trary, they appear to many Americans,
especially those outside such main cities as
Bonn and Frankfort, to enjoy their bar-
gaining powers too much.
It should be added immediately that the
Germans, of course have had a psychologi-
cal turnabout to make similar to that of the
original U.S. Army of Occupation. In the
early postwar period, they were harangued
about their militarism and warned it must
never rise again; now their military skills
are wanted and the old German General
Staff's views are practically the favorite
topic of conversation.
It would be asking too much of human
nature that they should sweetly embrace
the change and not seek to capitalize on it.
Nevertheless, it is considered prudent by
some experienced Americans for Congress
not to count too much too fast on what they
will do.
The Adenauer government is being
strongly challenged on rearmament by the
Social Democrats in somewhat the same
way that the Labor government of Britain
is being baited by Aneurin Bevan. Un-
fortunately, it is one of the not-too-strong
center governments with which General
Eisenhower must cope in other countries.
The problem, of course, is to help those
who wish to help us but avoid the appearance
of domination. The resulting operations bear
a rather close resemblance to some kinds of
politics at home. So far General Ike has
managed to be helpful without falling into
any traps, and it is at the least excellent
practice for what may lie ahead for him if
Americans have their way.
To a frequent postwar visitor the Germans
seem to be making remarkable progress
though they still have many severe prob-
lems. Their story is that their rebuilding ha
been accomplished at great sacrifice; they
cannot calmly view policies which offer the
possibility at least that their fine new
bridges and roads will be blown up again.
In some quarters t is suggested that
the job of explaining America to the Ger-
mans at this point might be put before
Americans of German extraction as a
special duty. These include a recent visitor
tQ Yugoslavia who came away convinced
tlyat the Yugoslav people had led Tito
away from Moscow and not.,the contrary,
largely because of close ties maintained
there with Americans ofsYugoslav origin.
The Yugoslavs, he inssts, were indoctri-
nated with Americanism by their kin who
found homes and freedom here; they could
not be sold the Communist creed of hate
for this nation.
The Marshal is a strong man, according
to this view, but he was also politician
enough to bow to realities, seize the ball and
run with it.
(Copyright, 1951, by The Bell Syndicate, In';.)

W ashington Merry-Go-Round
W ASHINGTON-Sen. Owen Brewster of Maine is leading an under-
cover dive to depose GOP National Chairman Guy Gabrielson--
because Gabrielson won't join the covert anti-Eisenhower campaign.
This is what was back of the slam-bang attack on Gabrielson by
isolationist Republican Senators Dirksen of Illinois, Welker of Idaho
and Jenner of Indiana, all faithful friends of Brewsters.
For some time there has.been bad blood between the amiable,
conservative Gabrielson-who feels he must be neutral as to all
GOP candidates-and Brewster, who is both the strategist for ex-
treme right-wing forces in the Senate and likewise Taft's campaign
adviser. Gabrielson is privately pro-Taft, but he refused to go
along on the anti-Eisenhower smear campaign recently distributed
in Maine.
In fact, Gabrielson told a Senate Elections Subcommittee he was
"surprised and shocked" at the circulation of the "Partisan' Republi-
cans" pamphlet linking Eisenhower with the Communists.
Therefore when conscientious Republican Senator Williams of
Delaware criticized Gabrielson's connection with RFC loans to Car-
thage Hydrocol, Brewster saw his chance. He called In other Republi-
can senators, asked them to join Williams "far the good of the party."
*.* * *
SPEAKER SAM RAYBURN, usually an easygoing soul, gave Con-
gressman Clarence Cannon of Missouri, chairman of the House
Appropriations Committee, a private dressing..down last week.
Cannon, who has had a tough time getting appropriations
okayed in his committee, dropped into Rayburn's office to ask for
a fourth 30-day extension to permit the government to operate
another month while waiting for its appropriation bills to pass
Congress. The bills were supposed to pass by the end of the fiscal
year, June 30, and ever since that date, the government has been
operating on a month-to-month piece-meal basis.
The Speaker listened to Cannon's request and then hit the ceil-
ing. He told the startled Missourian that this is the first time in his-
tory that Congress has had to give four extensions on appropriations
bills. Then he ordered Cannon bluntly to hurry up and finish the ap-
'propriations bills so Congress could go home.
* * *
SOREST PEOPLE against the British in the Iranian oil dispute are
other oil men in the Middle East. They point out that the British
oil concession in Iran was obtained by corruption, that Britain kept
certain members of the Iranian parliament on its payroll for years,
and that everyone in Teheran knows this.
They also point out that the royalties paid by the British are
so niggardly that the Iranians were bound to kick over the traces.
In Indonesia, American companies pay 60 per cent royalty to the
Indonesian govenment, keep 40 per cent. In Arabia the split is fifty-
fifty. But in Iran, Britain officially pays only 25 per cent to Iran,
though unofficially and through secret bookkeeping the split is re-
ported nearer 12 per cent for Iran; 88 per cent for Britain. The Anglo-
Iranian Oil Company, of course, is government-owned.
Worst tragedy is that the State Department failed to move in with
our British friends long ago to head off obvious disaster.
N RECENT MONTHS the State Department has been on the ball,
but this was far too late. In 1949, for instance, Justice William O
Douglas came back from Iran to warn the State Department what was
bound to happen. On January 30, this column also warned: "Moscow
is waging an extremely effective campaign to take over Iran by friend-
ly infiltration. Simultaneously, the United States has so bungled its
diplomacy that Iran is on the verge of tossing aside its traditional
friendship with the U.S.A. . . Iran has cut the Voice of America,
given free play to the Moscow radio, has negotiated a new trade treaty
with Russia .. ," .
For months,- however, U.S. ambassadors had instructions not to
discuss the British oil problem. This was Britain's baby, they were ad-
vised, and we should keep hands off.4
Premier Ali Razmara, our great friend, was assassinated partly
because he made no progress solving the British oil problem. We re-
fused to discuss it with him.
Now, however the entire Middle East is on the verge of a crisis-
and possible war-because of this bungling.
NOTE-British doctors were wise enough to operate on the King
of England before it. was too late. Diplomacy is much like medicine.
If there is too much delay the patient never recovers. -And in the case
of Iran, the sore has been allowed to fester so long that almost
no diplomacy can save it.
(Copyright, 1951, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

r- '

I you hIn On A Secret. There's A
Connection Here"
(a(I v

Football Tickets . .*
To the Editor:
beabig business with the
University. Neither students (with
the exception of the Seniors) or
interested alumni get decent seats.
It seems to be the attitude of those
responsible for football ticket dis-
tribution that the students and
alumni will come anyway 'so let's
just put them anywhere and save
the good seats for big businessmen
and other outsiders.
As a Junior here at the Univer-
sity and as the daughter of an
alumnus who has regularly bought
season tickets for the games, I am
registering a double complaint.
Having been a student here for
two years I have finally got a seat
on the FIVE YARD line. What
goes on at the other end of the
field is almost a mystery. At one
time students were given seats be-
tween the 25-yard lines on one
side of the field. Why not now?
Furthermore even the alumni who
send in for tickets as soon as they
are notified manage only to get
seats on the 10- or 20-yard line
most of the time.
Perhaps you may argue that the
students do not pay for their tick-
ets so why should they get good
seats. This seems to be a rather
weak argument, but in answer to
it you have only to ask a part-
time student who pays a reduced
tuition to find that they receive
no football tickets. Ours are paid
for by our tuition.
One question remains in my
mind:- Is college football a sport
supported by school spirit or a big
--Sylvia Wagner
* *


certain that the library will again
be opened if you take the time to
explain how much it is needed.
-Leah Marks
* * 1
Young Republicans..
To the Editor:
THE SPLIT in the Young Repub-
licans, as revealed in Sunday's
letter by David Cargo, president of
YR, and in yesterday's editorial by
Crawford Young has been exagt-
gerated by some factual errors.
Cargo said the club's conserva-
tives insisted Sen. McCarthy (R-
Wis.) be sponsored in a Hill Audi-
torium speech. That is not true.
The right wingers only want Sen.
McCarthy to talk at a regular,
club meeting in the Union or
The.YR president went on, "I
have been threatened" with im-
peachment." Cargo himself is the.
only member who mentioned im-,
peachment. He said if the club
voted to hear Sen. McCarthy he
would not invite him or introduce
him, and if the club did not like
it they could impeach their presi-
After that some diehards still
tried to convince Cargo, but none
said they would even consider im-
Young, in his editorial, rejoiced
that Sen. McCarthy, Sen. William
Jenner (R-Ind.) and radiorator
Fulton Lewis Jr. had been rejected
as possible speakers. He took this
to mean the conservative wing
would not be heard this year.
Only Sen. McCarthy was turned
down. The club is not opposed to
hearing conservative opinion. It
refuses to sponsor McCarthy, not
because he is a reactionary, but
because he is a slanderer.
Young is happy also because
students will not have the privi-
lege of hearing the head of the Re-
publican party, Sen. Robert Taft
(R-O.). Actually, a committee ap-
pointed by Cargo is now arranging
to have Sen. Taft address the pub-
lic in Hill Auditorium this fall.
The Young Republican dispute
involves merely the answer to one
question: "Should Sen. McCarthy,
a known slanderer,berallowed to
continue his lying under the spont- '
sorship of the Young Republi-
cans?" -
Most of us do not think so.
-Floyd Thomas
* * *

The Datily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
, general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

Library Shutdown .

. .

'Fo the Editor:
THE STUDENT Legislature, in
its last nreeting, discussed the
problem of the closing of the gen-
eral library on Friday afternoon
and Sundays. The feeling of the
group was that in order to gethany
action on the re-instating of serv-
ice on these days, there would
have to be a general protest from
the student body. We all seem to
feel that the move on the part of
the directgr, whether economic or
not, is overshadowed py the stu-
dents' desire to use thefacilities of
the library on those days. Until
now, however, protest has taken
the form of scattered complaints
and the ' often heard phrase,
"Something should be done."
As an organizer of student opin-
ion and a channelizer of student
action, SL, with campus support,
will be able to re-instate library
service on the days in question
What then is the. best course of
action? If every student who is af-
fected by this cut in service would
write a sincere, concrete letter to
the Library director, stating his
own reasons for protesting, the of-
ficials would see that library serv-
ice is needed and should be re-
established. Dr. Rice is earnestly
interested in students' opinion on
the subject. The address is: Dr.
Warner G. Rice, Director, Univer-
sity Library, 210 General Library.
We can even avoid paying post-
age by mailing the letter in the
University mailbox in the Ad-
ministration Building.
Our combined efforts will mean
the return of our needed library
service. l
-Joe White
Chmn. Public Relations Com.
* * *


To the Editor:
T+CN of the times:
l The University has closet
the main library on Sundays.
2. The University has hired
three additional "campus cops."
-Dave Belin
Lay then the axe to the root
and teach governments humanity.
--Thomas Paine



British Issues;
Associated Press News Analyst
THE POLICIES and world position of the
United States have, almost incredibly,
become major issues in the British election
The one heartening thing about the
willingness of the Labor party left wing-
ers to tamper with relations which are al-
ready difficult enough at times is that,
unlike an election campaign in the United
States, the forensics have only three weeks
to run.
Aneurin Bevan's left wingers, who see in
the United States a danger which is hardly
secondary to that offered by Russia, who
oppose British rearmament and everything
else which interferes with their socialistic
program, have virtually captured the Labor
To emphasize their split with the Attlee-
Morrison governmental group which cooper-
ates with the United States and in Europeam
defense, the Bevanites ousted from the party
executive committee two men whose own at-
titudes have been sufficiently left of Attlee
to worry Americans interested in allied se-
curity, but who have gone along with the
government. These are Defense Minister
Shinwell and War Minister Strachey.
The Bevanites, who also swept most other
government supporters from the committee
and took control of party tactics, intend to
make a last ditch fight, against what most
observers consider an ineviatble Churchill
victory, on the protestation that return of

Library Shutdown .
To the Editor:

. *

EACH WEEKEND study hours Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director
ar ated beas the ibar Vern Emerson ....... ..Feature Editor
are wast because te irary Rich Thomas........Associate Editor
is no longer opened during valu- Ron Watts..........Associate Editor
able study times. This is a situa- Bob Vaughn ...,....Associate Editor
tion which prompted the Student Ted Papes ................Sports Editor
Legislature to vote unanimously in George Flint ...Associate Sports Editor
Jim Parker ..., Associate Sports Eaditor
favor of opening the library once Jan James...... .....Women's Editor
again to those students who study Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor
on Friday and Saturday nights as
well as Sunday. Business Staff
In answer to this unanimous vote Bob Miller..........Business Manager
supprtin theimprtane oftheGene Kuthy, Assoc. Btusiness Manager
supporting the importance of the Charles Cuson .. Advertising Manager
library for our students use on Sally Fish .......,..Finance Manager
weekends, an administrator was Stu Ward.........Circulation Manager
heard to exclaim, "But we have
had no real student reaction Telephone 23-24-1
against this new plan!"
Therefore, I swallow my pride Member of The Associated Press
as a member of our Student Legis- The Associated Press is exclusively
lature Cabinet and ask you, each entitled to the use for republication
one of you, to give that desired re- of all news dispatches credited to it or
oeotherwise credited to this newspaper..
action, to support the Student All rights of republication of all other
Legislature which speaks for you matters herein are also reserved.
in all its actions. Entered at the Post Office at Ann
If ypu send a letter to Warren G. Arbor. Michigan, as second-class mail
Rice, Director of Libraries, Gen- Subscription during regular school
eral Library, Ann Arbor; I feel year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.


Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authorityofathe Board of Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Chuck Elliott.......Managing Editor
Bob Keith .. ........ .. ..City Editcsa

At The Michigan.
BLY SUPPORTED by a seasoned Broad-
way cast, including Patricia Collinge and
John Ericson, Pier Angeli gives an outstand-
ing perfornance in her first appearance on
the American screen.
Unfortunately, despite an honest and
sincere attempt, the production falls short
of its mark. The reason for the failure
seems to lie in the movie's form rather than
its content. The director emiploys a poorly
organized flash-back technique which ulti-
mately results in confusion. Counled with

foreign backdrop. The music, which is ty-
pically sentimental, adds nothing to the
already drab atmosphere of the story.
The plot concerns itself with a malad-
justed war veteran who has recently re-
turned from the Italian campaign. Reared
by a selfish and dominating mother, he is
too weak and ineffectual to disclose the
fact that he has married Teresa while over-
The mother discovers the secret marriage
and after a fit of self-pitying hysteria and
a great deal of Sturn und Drang, the unfor-
tunate war-bride is brought to the States.
Torn between the ever-present desire to
please his demanding mother (DUTY) and

v .


You can't get a rocket ship upI

Barnaby, trot down to the

On second thought, i go myself...




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