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October 03, 1951 - Image 1

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See Page 4


Latest Deadline in the State

VOL. LXII. No. 8



orea Truce
aiks Hang
n Balance
Red Radio Hints
Negative Answer
TOKYO - IP) - Efforts to end
he Korean war by negotiation
ung in delicate balance yester-
The Communist radio hinted
e Reds would refuse to agree to
t .e Allied proposal to move the
talks to neutral ground.
Gen. Omar Bradley, Chairman
if the Joint Chiefs of Staff, talked
confidently of the Allies fighting
e war to a successful end should
he truce talks blow up.
North Korean Premier Kim II
ung was no less confident of vic-
' ry for Communist forces. In a
xuiessage to Chinese Communist
ten. Peng Teh Huai, broadcast by
'eiping radio, he expressed hope
iat the Chinese can "win still
:reater victories in the noble
ruggle to wipe out the common
nemy of the Korean and Chinese
eople -- the American aggres-
r >.
iand waited through the seventh
,raight day yesterday for a for-
: :1Communist reply to the UN
F oposa for shifting the talks to
\onghyon, a village in no-man's
v ind six miles southeast of Kae-
ong, original conference site.
Bradley, who flew back to
okyo yesterday from a two-day
inspection of the Korean front,
as asked about a possible re-
turn to Kaesong, where the
A eds suspended negotiations on
, g. 23.
"It all depends on the circum-
s noes," he said. "We've sug-
sted a peace with equal rights.
So far we have haid no answer."
i. tPyongyang radio in a com-
r ntary early yesterday did pro-
v de an answer. Frequently the
Rd-controlled radio reflects of-
I ial opinion at the time. It said:
{"The delay in resumption of
~he truce talks hinges not in a
hange of its site. It lies, as
9xeneral Matthew B. Rdgway
;himself well knows, in the viola-
ion of the neutrality zone.
t, The Americans are using the
delay in truce talks as an excuse
ta launch new assaults. We will
nt listen to any conspiracy that
willfully aims at breaking up the
truce talks."
"I don't think the Communists
n hurt us," he told correspond-
ts in Korea after a first-hand
iErpection of front-line units.
* * *
Reds Blasted
B .y UN Guns
ear Kaesong
'UARTERS, Korea-(A)-Massed
lied artillery yesterday began
0ye of the biggest bombardments
o the Korean war against hill-
errenched Reds less than 15
es away from the site of the
sx ypended truce talks in western
The import of the barrage by
s, eral hundred guns, and what
it, ossibly presaged, was veiled in
G orship.
Shells began pounding Reds on

h1 s and ridgelines from Korang-
p northeastward.
* * *
LASHING U.S. Sabre jets shot
d 'n six Russian-type MIG's in a
° zing renewal of high speed air
; t]es over Northwest Korea, the
! , :h Air Force reported.
Tying the record for enemy
S is destroyed in a single day,
j' th Air Force pilots also prob-
a, ;ly destroyed one MIG and
d amagedsanother in two furious
e' gagements. The Air Force
s id all allied planes returned to
b ses.
"he two dog fights involved 193a
ph nes.
n the ground, fiercely re-
sisi liig Chinese Communists again
st&{fledran Allied ridgeline drive in
W¢ ter"n Korea. Red mortars and
Artyleryushells fell for morenthan
iou ; hours or. UN positions at
theL rate of 100 shells an hour.
4 der To Address
City Republicans

'Brandon Appointed
'U' RelationsHead
Arthur J. Brandon has been appointed Director of University
Brandon, who has been University Relations Counselor and Direc-
tor of Information Services since 1946, will take office immediately,
according to President Harlan Hatcher.
Duties in the new office will include some of those previously
carried on by Dean of Faculties Marvin L. Niehuss while he was
Vice-President in Charge of University Relations.
* *
IN EXPLAINING THE FUNCTION of the new office, President
Hatcher said: "The director will serve as an administrative assistant
to the president, and several units- * *

r ,

Rule Hinted nators



By Churchill
Will Be Formed PssFo egn Ai1B l
If Tories Win

of the University will be geared to
the president's office through him.
"The director will coordinate
such information and interpre-
tation units as are currently
supervised by the University Re-
lations Counselor."
' Alluding to Brandon, President
Hatcher commented that "his rich
experience and great reputation
which first caused the University
to seek his service have been wid-
ened and deepened by his six years
of service here. All who have work-
ed with him hold him in high
esteem and respect."
A NATIVE OF Philippi, W. Va.,
Brandon is active on several Uni-
versity committees: the Broad-
casting Service, of which he is
chairman; the Institute of Social
Research; the Phoenix Project;
publications, and the President's
Conference, a new student-admin-
istrative group which he helped
Brandon, 53 years old, is also

* *
secretary of the University Press
Club of Michigan.-
In the past .the administrator
held public relations posts at the
University of Texas and Bucknell
University. He was also president
of the American College Public
Relations Association.

On College
Con ference
Members of the Student Legis-
lature will meet today to hear a
report on .the National Student
Congress prepared by seven Uni-
versity delegates and to vote
on whether or not SL will renew
membership in the congress for
the coming year.
The seven representatives were
among more than 500 delegates
to the fouth annual congress held
at the University of Minnesota
this summer.
* * R*
won national positions at the con-
gress, highlighted by the election
of Student Legislature president
Len Wilcox, '52, as chairman of
the national executive committee.
Wilcox also won the position of
chairman of the Michigan region,
while Phil Berry, '52, was elected
student government chairman and
Joe Sabin, '53, chairman of stu-
dent affairs for the region.
Delegates representing 670,000
college students emerged from
the week of meetings with plans
for reorganizing the structure
of the congress itself and resolu-
tions aimed at qualifying theiz
rights as students. Many nation-
al questions directly concerning
the delegates as students were
also discussed.
One of the most important re-
organizational measures taken was
to centralize full authority of the
NSA in the president. This will
be the first time since the congress
was organized in 1947 that the
president has been held personally
responsible for the work. Another
vice-presidential post was also, es-
tablished and a national interim
committee set up to determine
policy between meetings of the
national executive committee.
See SL, page 6

Burn's Rush
NEW YORK--(P)-Brooklyn
bombed the New York Giants,
10-0 yesterday on Clem La-
bine's six-hit pitching to even
their playoff series for the Na-
tional League pennant before
38,609. They will play the fi-
nal game today at the Polo
In the decisive game tomor-
row Sal Maglie (23-6) of the
Giants will oppose Don New-
combe (20-9).
Despite a 42-minute delay of
rain in the sixth, the 25-year-
old rookie from St. Paul check-
ed the rampant Giants without
a hit in the last 4 2/3 innings
after Monte Irvin singled with
one out in the fifth.
Senate Group
Asls Livestocl
QuotAa Measurle
ate Banking Committee yesterday
recommended passage of a modi-
fied bill restoring the controversial
quotas on livestock slaughtering.
The committee, in a report, said
it approved the measure because
quotas were necessary to hold
meat prices. It urged "courageous
enforcement" to stop what it
termed black market meat opera-
The proposed bill, the committee
added, would eliminate the main
congressional objection to quotas
by prohibiting the Office of Price
Stabilization from using them to
limit total marketings.
President Truman and OPS of-
ficials have urged re-establishment
of slaughtering quotas. They were
eliminated in the 1950 Defense
Production Act.
The OPS reported meanwhile
it will continue its week-long drive
against violations of beef price

LIVRPOOL -(A)-- Winston
Churchill yesterday guardedly
promised to revive Britain's war-
time coalition government in order
to fight through world dangers
and economic crises if his conserv-
atives win the national election
Oct. 25.
Greeted by a tumultuous ovation
from thousands who threw flowers
and raised his old "V for Victory"
sign, the 76-year-old Churchill
clearly indicated in his first elec-
tion speech that he wants to head
a "broadly based" cabinet of Con-
servatives. Socialists and Liberals.
"This will be no vindictive tri-
umph for Tories over Socialists,"
he pledged, "no dull exdusion of
Liberal and Independent forces,
but rather a period of healing and
"WIIAT WE NEED is a period
of steady, stable administration
by a broadly based government
wielding the national power and
content to serve the nation's in-
terest rather than give party sat-
"What is required is a govern-
ment with the power to carry
on a tolerant, non-partisan.
non-doctrinaire system of policy
for a considerable time.
"I ask for a substantial and solid
majority to bring an end to this
period of unavoidable but mis-
chievous party strife, to let the
nation get on with its work with
the least political interference and
to promote the greatest measure
of agreement among ourselves."
IS ADDRESS before a party
rally of ,000 in Liverpool Stadium
caught the British people by sur-
prise. There has not been the least
hint that Prime Minister Attlee's
Labor Party would react with fav-
or to a bid to serve in a cabinet
under Conservative leadership.
Churchill spoke only a few
hours after Aneurin Bevan, a
left-wing rebel in the Labor
party, had thrown a chill into
the Attlee leadership by cap-
turing four of the seven seats in
the political division of the par-
ty's National Executive Commit-
This demonstration of rank and
file support for the leftwingers
was at the party's conference in
Theb28-member committee still
was easily under the control of
Attlee's moderates, but they fear-
ed the surprising strength shown
by Bevan would create doubts as
to the party's ability to carry
through its rearmament program
and would drive off the "floating
vote" which may decide the elec-
Review Boardl
Clears Jessip
Of Disloyalty
WASHINGTON - (A2) - Chair-
man Hiram Bingham of the Civil
Service Loyalty Review Board dis-
closed yesterday that the board
has found "no reasonable doubt"
as to. the loyalty of Anbassador-
at-large Philip C. Jessup.
At the same time, however, he
denied a statement by Senator
McCarthy (R-Wis.) that Bingham
had told him that if the loyalty
board had had the authority "to
turn him down as a bad security
risk, it would have done so."
* * ,
BINGHAM, advised of McCar-
thy's statement, denied it flatly.
"I never told him tMcCarthy)
any such thing," Bingham told a
He said he had had "no com-'
munication with Senator Mc-
Carthy since a panel of the
board took up the Jessup case."
Furthermore, he said, he never

talks about board actions in any
such fashion.
Neither, he said, has he ex-
pressed any opinion of his own on
Jessup as a security risk.
Official (1ears
Jessiip, Achesoti
Department in a point-by-point
answer to Harold E. Stassen de-j

THIS IS IT-Prof. George G. Cameron, leader of this summer's University expedition to the Near
East, leans against the prize which he went through snow, storms, explosions, rock slides and dip-
lomatic troubles to reach. This seven-foot chunk of solid rock was found in the mountains of
northeast Iraq. (See Page 6 for story of expedition.)
Call Increased Goverment Cuts TrTade
For November ~~~nI

1 N'

.as. v .i. ... . v : v. .. .sa.v v.....

LANSING - (P) -- An increase
from 2,417 men to 2,797 men for
the November draft call was an-
nounced yesterday by State Se-
lective Service Headquarters.
State draft Meads said there will
be 2,238 men actually inducted
under the new call with an over-
call of 25 per cent to take care of
last minute emergencies and de-
. The increase was termed Mich-
igan's share of the revised call
issued from Washington. Selec-
tive Service headquarters said the
original call had not been issued
to the draft boards so their noti-
fications will include the in-
The original call asked Wayne
county for 1,132 men and the re-
vised figure upped it to 1,310 men.
Fraternity rushing registra-
tion will end at 5 p.m. today,
according to Pete Thorpe, '53,
Interfraternity Council rushing
Thorpe said the sign-up
booth in the Union lobby will
be open from 9 a.m. until the
deadline. A student must be
registered as a rushee to be
eligible for fraternity member-

WASHINGTON-4(P)-The gov-
ernmentryesterday virtually sus-
pended trade between the United
States and Communist Czechoslo_
The Treasury and State Depart-
ments invoked technicalities which
experts predicted would block
about 90 per cent of Czech imports
to this country.
* , * ,
THIS WAS the latest in a series
of steps whittling down commer-
cial relations between the two
countries as political differences
Exports controls already have
cut American exports to Czecho-
slovakia below 20 per cent of
normal - less than $100,000
Yesterday's move will cost the
Prague government about $2,160,-
000 a month of the dollars it has
been trying to earn through for-
eign trade.
THE STATE Department an-
nounced it would suspend the
granting of required invoices for
Czech imports. The Treasury said
it would tighten its vigilance to
prevent the entry of Czech goods
without the invoices.
In announcing this move,
neither department mentioned
the case of William N. Oatis,
imprisoned Associated Press cor-
But his conviction on what

the State Department has called
trumped up espionage charges has
climaxed steadily deteriorating
Washington-Prague relations. Con-
gress demanded suspension of all
trade in a resolution. President
Truman said Oatis' release would
be a good way of starting to im-
prove relations.
* * *
EARLIER yesterday Truman or-
dered the cancellation on Nov. 1
of all trade concessions granted to
Czechoslovakia. This followed a
Congressional directive to elimin-
ate special tariff rates and other
privileges for all Communist areas.
This has been done for Bul-
garia, Romania and 13 other
Red-controlled states. Notice of
impending cancellation has gone
to Russia, Poland and Hungary.
In Czechoslovakia's case, the
suspension of trade concessions
would be secondary to the new
State-Treasury move. But it would
mean higher prices for the 10 per'
cent or so of Czech imports not
affected by invoice restrictions.
Here's how the State-Treasury
"squeeze" will work:
Czech goods shipped to the Unit-
ed States need certified invoices
from the U.S. embassy at Prague.
This is normally a routine step.
But yesterday the State Depart-,
ment said that issuance of the
invoices by the Prague embassy
I "is being definitely delayed."

$'7.5 Billion
To Be Spent
In One Year
Action Sets Up
ate yesterday abolished the Eco-
nomic Cooperation Administration
in a measure which calls for a
vast one-year outlay of $7,483,-
400,000 in foreign military and
economic aid.
Passed by a 56 to 21 vote, the
bill sets up a new Mutual Secur-
ity Agency whose $22,000-a-year
director, under the President,
would have full power to settle
disputes arising between various
agencies handling the money.
* * *
CHAIRMAN Connally (D-Tex.)
of the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee said the money, which
raises the Senate's earlier foreign
aid figure by $197,150,000, will
meet the needs of Gen. Dwight D.
Eisenhower in building up a Euro-
pean defense force to guard
against Soviet aggression.
The Administration, through
Secretary of State Acheson, was
served notice that the money is
only the first installment of a
three-year program estimated to
cost American taxpayers around
The bill gives the White House
the final authority t coordinate
the program and to allocate funds
to beneficiary countries.
The Defense Department would
determine military needs of eane-
ficlairF countries, and the State
Department would administer the
program for aid to underdevelo-
ed areas.
and divided administration were
put in as a response to Republi-
can complaints that the State De-
partment was attempting to hold
sway over the military on the arms
phases of the program.
Thirty-seven Democrats and 19
Republicans voted for the bill on
final passage. Three Democrats
and 18 Republicans voted no.
As the next step, the House is
expected to act on the bill today.
Then it goes to the White House
for President Truman's signature.
The Senate-ap'proved measure
is a compromise recommended by
a Senate-House conference com-
mittee to settle points in conflict
between the separate versions pas-
sed earlier by the two chambers.
Bricker Calls
Truman News
WASHINGTON - (l) - Sen.
Bricker (R-Ohio) yesterday de-
nounced President Truman's
clamp-down on some types of
Government news as a "gag or-
der'' and an insult to Congress
and the nation's press.
In a speech to the Senate,
Bricker declared: "A free people
will demand the repeal of this dis-
gusting iron curtain order of the
"THE SWEEPING nature of
this executive order suggests that
Mr. Truman is more concerned
with suppressing information re-
ative to corruption, disloyalty and
the general incompetence which
is the trade mark of his adminis-

The order authorizes more than
60 Federal agencies to withhold
information from the public when
deemed necessary for national se-
curity. The Defense and State
Departments have had such auth-
ority all along.
Professor To Sit
11 IlK1E R n Id]


World News Rounrdup


By The Associated Press
UNITED NATIONS-A suggestion was formally advanced today
that regional defense forces, such as Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower's
European Army, should be called upon to fight under a UN banner in
case of an attack.
The suggestion came from a sub-committee of the General
Assembly's Collective Measures Committee, which has been studying
the whole field of political, economic and military measures that might
be used against a future aggressor,
* * * * * *

I~riis~~urrnde IraianOil oda

(R-Mass.) informed the Senate
yesterday that the Joint Chiefs
of Staff have agreed to increase
American air power by about
50 per cent.

DETROIT - Philip Murray
hinted strongly yesterday that
the CIO United Steelworkers
would not settle in forthcoming
negotiations for what might be
allowable under present wage
.nnt rnl

ABADAN, Iran-P)-Downcast
British oilmen early this morning
took their leave and surrendered
to the Iranians a vast oil empire
built up through half a century.
The evacuations, which began
at 9 a.m. (12:30 a.m. Ann Arbor
time) marked a black day for the
British who are ending the Anglo-
Iranian Oil Company's lucrative

British out have been realized.
They credit President Truman
with easing tension by his ad-
vice to the British not to use
Iranian sources/said there were
about 12,000 troops around Aba-
dan who would have resisted any
British landing attempt.
* * *

lowed to dock for the embarka-
Deputy Premier Hussein Fatemi
said Iran would proceed immedi-
ately to hire other foreign techni-
cians to replace the British.
SOVIET RUSSIA made court-
ship gestures in Tehran in a bid
to replace the United States in
the role of Iran's big friend.


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