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October 02, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-10-02

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Latest Deadline in the State



American Called
Revolt Leader
By The Associated Press
President Peron charged yesterday that former U.S. Ambassador
Spruille Braden was the "originator" of Friday's luckless revolt in
which hundreds of soldiers and politicians were arrested.
Sources close to the army said 200 officers and men had been
seized in a relentless police dragnet over the weekend in a move to
clush out vestiges of opposition to the Peron regime before the Nov.
11 election.
MANY LEADERS in the opposition Radical, Nationalist, Com-
munist, Socialist, and conservative parties were listed by political
circles as in custody.
Among those arrested by secret police, informants said, was
Guillermo Gainza Paz, cousin of Alberto Gainza Paz, editor and

Jessup Put
On Carpet
By Stassen
WASHINGTON-(')-Harold E.
Stassen testified to senators yes-
terday that Secretary of State
Acheson and ambassador-at-large
Philip C. Jessup once advocated
cutting off military aid to nation-
alist China as a dramatic "move
for world peace."
Stassen made the statement
while appearing as a subpoenaed
' witness before the senate internal
security subcommittee. The group
is investigating charges that left-
ists wormed their way into the
institute of Pacific relations, a
private organization, and influenc-
ed U.S. far eastern policy.
STASSEN, president of the Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania, former
governor of Minnesota, and one-
time aspirant to the G.O.P. presi-
dential nomination, testified that
he learned about the Acheson-
Jessup recommendation from the
late Senator Vandenberg (R-
Stassen said Vandenberg told
him the recommendation was
made at a White House confer.
ence. He couldn't recall the date
a of the meeting, but said Vanden.
berg told him about it in Novem-
ber, 1950. Vandenberg was at
' the White House meeting, Stas-
sen said.
Stassen added that the pro-
" posal to stop aid to Chiang had
been advocated at a roundtable
meeting in 1949 sponsored by the
state department. The step was
one of 10 proposed by Owen Lat-
timore, Johns Hopkins University
professor and Asian expert, who
was present at the roundtable.
Stassen said Lattimore also ad-
vocated that the U.S. recognize
Communist China. Stassen added
that there was "much evidence"
that the state department was
proceding "to implement the Lat-
timore program" before war broke
out in Korea.
OPS Cracks
Down Whip
on Violators
WASHINGTON - (') - Price
Stabilizer Michael Di Salle said
yesterday maximum penalties will
be sought against persons accused
of beef price control violation in a
nationwide drive.
Di Salle reported the week-old
enforcement campaign has un-
covered violations in 443 slaughter
houses of the 1,192 checked
throughout the country.
He said this means about 38
b per cent of those checked have
been found in violation. He said
the total number of violations
now is 1,052, or an average of
more than two for each slaugh-
"Some court orders already are
being sought to force compliance
,with the regulations and others
illbe asked, Di Salle told report-
HE ADDED that wherever ro
lations are found to be willful,
,the Office cf Price Stabilization
will urge that criminal charges
be brought as warranted. This
could mean a penalty of up to a
year in jail or up to a $10,000
fine, or both.

publisher of the expropriated in-
dependent newspaper, La Prensa.
He is identified with the Radical
At his news conference, Presi-
dent Peron revived his long-stand-
ing feud with Braden, ambassa-
dor here for four months in 1945
and assistant secretary of state for
Latin American affairs until 1947.
..IN NEW YORK Braden said
Peron's charges were "perfectly
ridiculous" and showed "how weak
and wobbly he (Peron) is." He
added that Peron "must be in a
very poor position to make wild
assertions of that kind."
Peron also attacked again
John Griffith, former cultural
attache at the U.S. Embassy,
who was expelled from the
country in 1948 and accused of
being involved in a plot to as-
sassinate the Argentine presi-
Declaring Friday's military re-
volt the "action of madmen,"
Peronsalluded to Braden asga "ne-
farious character" in a long chain
of events, and asserted:
"The origin of all for me is the
actions taken by Mr. Braden in
1945. He is the originator of what
has now occurred. He used the
staff of the embassy and all the
money he was able to command
and every other means for forma-
tion of the Union Democracia
(the coalition that opposed Peron
in the 1946 presidential election).
* * *
Free Press.-
Free Peoplei
Editor Says

Gen. Bradle
But;Reds Fight
Korea-(AP)-Gen. Omar N. Brad-
ley said today the United Nations
could bring the Korean war to a
successful "military conclusion" if
the suspended Korean truce talks
break off completely.
But the Reds seemed to be dis-
regarding the General's threats
and fought back viciously.
* * *
ALLIED jet pilots, however, re-
ported they shot down two Red
jets today in the second succes-
sive day of air battles over noth-
west Korea.f
Aground, South Korean troops
seized a 3,500-foot peak in
eastern Korea which they had
assaulted for three weeks
against North Koreans.
The sky and hill actions under-
scored an Allied warning to the
Reds that if they want to fight in-
stead of talk truce, the Allies are
ready to hit them smashing blows.
- « *
THE 20-MINUTE air battle was
pressed by 36 F-86 Sabres against
a formation of MIGs 15 miles
north of Sinanju. The jets made
theirpasses at heights ranging
from 5,000 up to 30,000 feet.
Two peaks were won by the
South Koreans in East Korea
yesterday. In addition to the
3,500-foot height, South Kor-
eans alsowon a peak lost to a
Red counterattack Sept. 28.
The 3,500 foot height was cap-
tured northwest of the punchbowl,
more than 20 miles north of paral-
lel 38. The South Koreans had
been battling stubborn North Kor-
eans for the height since early
. * * *
NORTH OF Yanggu, also in the
east sector, Red artillery and mor-
tars heavily pounded Allied posi-
tions on the slopes of "Heart-
break Ridge." The Communists
apparently expect an all-out at-
tack on the Red-held crest.
"North Koreans know they
are going to get some trouble,"
an Allied officer said.
Pushing an autumn offensive,
other Allied infantrymen partly
cleared a Communist ridgeline on
the central front. ,
Town Ht it by
Fl ashFl ood
A considerable slosh of rain de-
scended on Ann Arbor at 12:15'
a.m. today, to assume, in a few
particularly wet streets, the pro-
portions of a flash flood.
South University near Washte-
naw was under five inches of wa-
ter a few minutes after the ini-
tial downpour, to produce soggyI
brakelinings for unwary motorists.'
To add to the trouble, lights mark-
ing a barricade across Washtenaw
near the corner of North Univer-
sity were doused.
However, police reported no ac-
cidents directly traceable to the'
pluvial mishap.



Jim Ilearn's five-hit pitch-
ing gave the New York Giants
a 3-1 victory over the Brooklyn
Dodgers and a 1-0 lead on the
Bums in their best two-out-of-
three playoff for the National
League pennant at Ebbetts'
Field yesterday.
The two arch-rivals go at it
again in the Giants' Polo
Grounds this afternoon.
For complete details on this
and other sports news, turn to
sports, page three.
R- ed C a inrs
U.S. Hurts
Truce .Plan s
TOKYO-(')-Red China's top
military man accused the United
States yesterday of undermining
the Korean truce effort and pre-
paring for a new war, but the
Communists still kept silent on
Thursday's Allied demand that
the armistice talks be resumed at
a new site.
The attack on the United States
was a passing reference contained
in an order of the day by Gen.
Chu Teh, Commander-in-chief of
the Chinese Red Army. Chu also
charged that the U.S. had "invad-
ed" Formosa and counseled his
soldiers to "stand firm and alert
at your combat positions."
* *a a
IlS ORDER, broadcast from
Peiping. was part of the Reds'
celebration of the second anni-
versary of their Chinese regime.
The order was devoted mainly to
a review of the past two years.
The birthday "party" preoc-
cupied the Peiping radio to the
exclusion of everything else.
The air was filled with texts of
congratulatory messages from So-
viet Premier Stalin, from all the
Soviet satellite countries and from
leaders of such non-Communist
countries as Indonesia, Pakistan
and India.
A military review at the gate
of heaven in Peiping was the high
spot of the observance.
The radio said 400,000 persons
attended, cheering Chu, Chair-
man Mao Tze-Tung and other
Red leaders.
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Members of
the Republican national commit-
tee from 21 eastern and southern
states gave a unanimous standing
vote of confidence yesterday in
chairman Guy GeorgeGabrielson.
The group was gathered in a
regional conference to chart stra-
tegy on next year's campaign.
States formally rejected yester-
day Communist Czechoslova-
kia's demand for return of some
20 Czechs who fled into west-
ern Germany aboard a train.
The Czech regime has de-
manded their immediate extra-
dition as "terrorists" who vio-
lated Czech laws in arranging
the train flight.
F *v*

WASHINGTON -- The Senate
foreign relations committee yes-
terday voted 8 to 2 to recommend
Senate confirmation of Chester
Bowles, former Democratic gov-
ernor of Connecticut, as U. S.
ambassador to India.
Senators Hickenlooper (R-Iowa)
and H. Alexander Smith (R-N.J.)
told newsmen they voted against
the confirmation.

Britain Concedes to Mossadegh;




"FLYING BOXCARS"-Equipment and reinforcements are on their way to our front line troops
as this armada of "Flying Boxcars" wings its way across ,the Korean peninsula.

EVANSTON A-" ) - Argentine
editor Alberto Gainza Paz said
yesterday that people without a
free press "are blind-destined to
suffer all manner of indignities
and tragedies."
Gainza, publisher of La Prensa
of Buenor Aires which was seized
last March by the Peron Govern-
ment, was convocation speaker at
Northwestern University which
awarded him the honorary de-
gree, doctor of journalism.
* * 0 -
GAINZA SAID the modern day
dictator "does not suppress the
printing press, but reduces it to
a single voice.
"Dictatorship wants a kept
press, just as it wants a politi-
cal party and popular assemb-
lies-but only as an expression
of a single thought.
"Thus, live pages of information
and comment, when stifled by
rulers who will not tolerate or
recognize differing opinion, lan-
guish and die; those pages no
longer belong to journalism."

Prof. Willet Forrest Ramsdell,
of the natural resources school,I
died Saturday at the University
Hospital at the age of sixty afterj
a brief illness.
Funeral services for Ramsdell, a
prominent member of University,
industrial, and civic activities, will
be held at 4:30 p.m. today at St.
Andrews Episcopal Church.
A iMEMBER of the University
faculty since 1930, Prof. Ramsdell
also received his bachelor's and
master's degrees here in 1912 and
After sixteen years with the
U.S. Forest Service, he took a
professional position in the for-
estry school and became active
in state and national forestry
Sigma Xi, scientific honor so-
ciety, the American Association
for the Advancement of Science,
and the Michigan Foresters Alum-
ni Association are a few of the
many professional societies to
which Prof. Ramsdell belonged.
Prof. Ramsdell is survived by
his wife Lucille.
links Ch' arge d
* *.
Wi thVi olence
MANILA-(P)-Death, violence
and charges of political terrorism
mounted in the Philippines over,
the weekend, six weeks in advance
of the Nov. 13 elections which
Communist Huks are striving to
Defense authorities, who hate
served notice they will call out
10,000 army reserves to preserve
order during the congressional
and provincial elections, placed
the blame for most violence on
Luzon Island to Reds.
In the latest violence tvo
Liberal (administration) Party
leaders in Bulacan province,
just north of Manila, were kid-
napedSunday night by Huks.
The beheaded body of one was
found about 30 miles north of
Manila on the eastern fringe of
the Candaba swamps. The other
is still missing.

In a letter to a University stu-l
dent, Radio Moscow has denied
a Russian charge, made last year,
that University football players are
carried directly from the field to1
the grave.'
The letter was just received by
a surprised Wilbur Friedman, '52,
After a three hour examination
in Municipal Court yesterday
morning, the three youths who
less than two weeks ago confessed
the mallet slaying of Nurse Paul-
ine A. Campbell for beerand gas
money, were bound over to Cir-
cuit Court.
Miss Campbell was found dead
less than one black from the Uni-
versity's new women's dormitory
Sept. 16. The incident terrorized
the community for several days
before the alleged murderers were
IMMEDIATELY after the trial
the trio was taken to the county
jail to await their Oct. 16 trial in'
the higher court.
Meanwhile, two officials of
the Michigan Liquor Control
Commission were expected to-
day in Washtenaw county to
follow up tips given them by
the teen-age youths as to where
they purchased beer on both the
night of the murder and previ-
ous occasions.
Teenagers, mostly girls, lined
the walls of the small courtroom
until ordered by Judge Francis
O'Brien to return to their high
school classes.
The three youths, William R.
;Morey and Jacob M. Pell, both 18
years old and from Ypsilanti. and
David L. Royal, 17 years old from
Milan, appeared outwardly calm
and unaffected throughout the
entire proceedings.

who delights in tuning in on Radio
Moscow with his short wave set.
* * *
IN RATHER quieted terms, the
station replied, "We doubt that
particular statement was made in
any of our broadcasts.
It is true, however, that we
do not favor rugby as a sport
and prefer soccer. Soccer foot-
ball is very popular here and
the games are as exciting and
popular as football is anywhere
in the world."
Friedman also had some doubts
as 'to the status of minorities in
Soviet Russia. To this question
Radio Moscow broke out into a
spirited answer.
dice rumors are groundless. They
are refuted not only by the Soviet
law and practice and also by the
very principles of human rights on
which our society is based.
"Already in November 1917
the Soviet government proclaim-
ed its Declaration on the Rights
of the Nations of Russia which
laid down the principles of equal-
ity and sovereignty of all the
Nations of Russia."
The letter continued: "Arid the
Soviet government has never de-
parted from these principles. Ra-
cial and national discrimination
having no place in our way of
life, it stands to reason, despite
all malicious rumors that all min-
orities enjoy full equality."
Enclosed in the letter was a
picture of the Lenin Mausoleum.
Religious Dispute
Hits Minnesota 'U'
MINNEAPOLIS---(P) - District
Judge William A. Larson yester-
day refused to issue an order pro-
hibiting religious activities on the
University of Minnesota campus.
W. L. Sholes, a Minneapolis at-
torney, asked for the order. He
contended the University Board
of Regents has violated the prin-
ciple of separation of church and
state by permitting religious
groups to use campus facilities and
by hiring a religious coordinator.
Sholes asked for a writ of man-
damus-an order to compel the
regents to halt religious activities.

Radio Moscow Denies
Field o Grave' Carges

By The Associated Press '
Britain bowed to Premier Mos-
sadegh's "get-out" ultimatum yes--
terday and ordered all her 350 oil-
men to evacuate the refinery at
Abadan without waiting for action
by the United Nations Security
The refinery was Britain's Iast
stronghold in the billion dollar oil
empire she has built here in the
last 50 years. For several days
armed Iranian soldiers at the
gates have been in control of the
* * *
THE ACTION was announced
by Alec Mason, manager of the
nationalized Anglo-Iranian Oil
Company, to a news conference at
All but a handful of top exe-
cutives will leave, probably on
the cruiser Mauritius, tomorrow
for Basra in neighboring Iraq
he said. If the Iranians do not
permit the warships to dock, the
technicians will be taken out in
The order for the Middle East
Dunquerque was flashed from
London after Iranian spokesmen
had declared the expulsion order
would be carried out regardless of
action pending before the Security
U.S. Ambassador Loy Heder-
son appealed to Mossadegh in vain
for half an hour this morning to
delay the ouster.
, MEANWHILE in New York, the
Britons began a last-ditch fight in
the United Nations to preserve
her stake in the rich Iranian oil
industry after Russia failed by a
vote of 9 to 2 to block debate in
the Security Council.
Sir Gladwyn Jebb of Britain
told the Council that the Iran-
ian government is creating a
situation which might threaten
He said the Iranian order ex-
pelling the 350 technicians from
Abadan was an action "entirely
contrary to the elementary prin-
ciples of international usage."
"MOREOVER, it is our conten-
tion that by so doing the Iranians
are creating a highly inflamma-
tory situation which may well be
a threat to international peace
and security."
In all of this, Sir Gladwyn
continued, the Irainian Govern-
ment is rushing madly down a
steep hill in pursuit of an il-
lusory objective.
Soviet Delegate Semyon K.
Tsarapkin argued that the oil na-
tionalization question and the
ousting of the British technicians
both were internal matters for
Iran and tried to get the British
complaint rejected.
Dulles Praises
HST's Action
On JapTreaty
GATLINBURG, Tenn. - PA') -
John Foster Dulles said yesterday
President Truman made a "sol-
emn and necessary decision" to
sign a Japanese Peace Treaty
with the knowledge it might pro-
voke Russia a n d Communist
China to "open war."
"That was a risk which the
President and his responsible ad-
visers weighed," Dulles said. "To
have given in to the threats would
have been to invite immeasurable
disaster. They did not give in,
but went ahead."
~ **
DULLES, Republican adviser to
Secretary of State Acheson and
chief architect of the Japanese
Treaty, told of the decision in an

Continue UN
Fight To Hold
Iran Oilfields
Russia Attempts
To Block Debate

Faulty Heating System
Warms South Quad M 1en

A torrid heat wave swept into
"it's terrific" South Quad yester-
day inecnveniencing the pro id
residents who have all the con-
Temperatures climbed up to an
estimated 85 degrees in the sky-
scraper as thermostats wen; on
the blink and unharnessed heat
poured out of the radiators.
* * *
PIRSPIRING students woke up
ye- texday morniag win htad-
aches, i-ar ched throats, and1 upset
stomriach.', according to a general

And one seventh-floor inhabi-
tant, Dave Weaver, '52, reported
that "it was the first time as far
as I can recall that I've wakened
in the morning with a terrific de-
sire foi a cold beer."
IN THIE WESTERN end of the
Quad, however, Kelsey House ad-
herents were busy wrapping blan-
kets around themselves. Apparent-
ly, here too, the thermostats were
rather ill-adjusted,
Peter A. Ostafin, resident di-
rector, blamed the anomalous
tenioeratures nointePiv on the

Reds Losing, Indonesian Says

The Communists are losing
ground in Indonesia.
That was the judgment of Aus
Suriatna, editor of "Voice of the
People," the largest native-
language newspaper in the six
year old republic.

tionship between Indonesian Com-
munism and Communism else-
where," Suriatna said.
AT PRESENT the Reds hold
only 13 seats in the Indonesian
130-seat Parliament and are not
represented in the cabinet.

need for the duplication. Politi-
cians form parties just to force
their way into the cabinet."
The Djakarta editor was cri-
tical of Indonesian President
Sukarno, who has headed the
nation's government ever since
its 1945 inception.

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