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September 30, 1951 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1951-09-30

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League To Be Site
Of AIM, Assembly
- e
Traditional A-Hop
Past Themes Portrayed Football, Other World
Ideas; Two Band System Introduced Music
Suiting Varied Tastes of Attending Dancers

Traditional Independent-spon-
sored A-Hop will soon take the
limelight in campus social activi-
Following the paths of previous
years, the Association of Inde-
pendent Men and Assembly, or-
ganization for unaffiliated women,
join forces to present the annual
Coed Ca1e~ndar
Fortnight Committee - Inter-
viewing for Fortnight positions on
central committees will be held
in the League, Thursday, Oct. 4
from 3 to 5:30 p.m. Positions open
are decorations chairman and two
publicity chairmen.
* * *
Soph Cab Parts - Tryouts for
' Soph Cab will be held from 7 to
9 p.m. on Tuesday and from 2
to 5 p.m. and to 9 p.m. on Wed-
Snesday in the League.
There are principle speaking,
dancing, and singing roles to be
filled as well as parts in the sing-
ing and dancing choruses.
The room number will be
* * *
Mass Meeting-All women in-
terested in becoming League Fall
/ Dance chairmen or committee
members, serving as President's
tea hostesses or working on the
League Travel Service Bureau are
urged to attend the mass meeting
at 5 p.m. tomorrow in the League

A-Hop October 13, in the ball room
and second floor of the Women's
. * *
THIS YEAR'S theme cannot as
yet be divulged, but Anita Heort,
publicity chairman, has said that
it will be called "Kick-Off."
Miss Geort also said to be
sure and watch for the huge
stein of beer on the diag. As a
matter of fact, Miss Heort doubt-
ed if anyone could miss it.
The dance is the fourth one
sponsored by both Assembly and
A.I.M. In previous years Assembly
alone gave the dance and it was
kept on a smaller scale.
*. * *
DURING the war A-Hop was
discontinued entirely but started
again in 1947, with A.I.M. and As-
sembly combining their efforts.
The A-Hop themes have var-
ied through the years from ce-
lestial settings to football fields.
Last year, students danced on
the moon, with appropriate decor-
ations, in the theme "Out of This
World." In the center of the dance
floor was a reproduction of a huge,
quite realistic (if moon rockets are
realistic) space ship.
' * *
THE WALLS of the League ball-
room portrayed weird, imaginery
scenes from the world of the
moon. Even the programs carried
out the 'other world' theme.
In 1949 a football theme, "Wel-
come Army," tied in with the
weekend of the Army-Michigan
game, played home that year.
Scenes of a typical football day
were portrayed around the walls
and in the rooms of the second
floor of the League.
Last year saw the initiation of
a two orchestra system which is
being followed this year. This way,
the committee says that there will
be music which will appeal to the
tastes of everyone.
For those who like "swing," a
combo provides it, strictly for lis-
tening. While lovers of slow and
dreamy dance music will enjoy
themselves in the Ballroom.
The dance will be informal, as it
has been in previous years and
late permission will be granted.

-Daily-Myles Gray
THERE'S THE WHISTLE-Joyce Dudkin, manager of the WAA
Coaches and Officials Club, is pictured above in a typical scene in
Barbour Gymnasium when members of the club meet to learn
the skills of coaching and officiating.
* * *' *
WAAClub To Begin Season

Panhel Plans
Dean Bacon to Speak
On Coeds' Problems
Members of Panhellenic will
meet for the first time this year
at 5 p.m. Tuesday in the League.
Beverly Clarke, president, has
requested official members to at-
tend, and has urged all affiliated
women to come if it is possible,
since Panhel and Assembly have
asked Dean Deborah Bacon to
speak on several issues of impor-
tance to coeds.
*' *
ELAINE MADDEN, '52, will
speak on the new system planned
for electing committee members
for Panhel Ball.
The members of Panhel are
chosen by their respective hous-
es to attend the weekly meet-
ings, take Panhel announce-
ments to their houses and
bring suggestions to the meet-
However, the meetings are open
to all affiliated women and more
than one member of every house
attends most of the metings.
S* *
THE PANHEL Board, which is
composed of seven members and
one associate member, meets at 4
p.m. Monday to discuss the issues
which will be brought up in the
regular meeting.
Beverly Clarke, as president
of the Board as well as the As-
sociation, conducts both these
At the meeting Tuesday, Dean
Bacon will discuss the problems
of the use of false identification
and of the so called "Dean's pro-
Other matters of current im-
portance will be discussed and the
plans for the coming year will be
Friday Dead line
Set for Petitions
On League Posts
Petitions are due Friday for
several League positions, an-
nounced Mariann Van Duzer,
chairman of the Interviewing
These positions are: assistant
costume chairman, posters chair-
man, and dance chairman for
J G P, assistant special booths
chairman, assistant dance chair-
i'an, and assistant music chair-
man for Soph Cab.
Two junior captains and two
sophomore captains positions are
available on the Dance Class Com-
mittee. The League has junior
positions open for assistant Tra-
vel Bureau head an dassistant on
the Social Committee.

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Gaining practical experience and
receiving sound advice are just
two of the advantages of being
members of the WAA Coaches and
Officials Club.
This recent newcomer to the
sports clubs will hold its organiza-
tional meeting at 5 p.m. tomorrow
at the WAB.
4 * *
JOYCE DUDKIN, manager of
the Coaches and Officials Club, ex-
tends a welcome to all women in-
terested in learning how to offici-
ate or coach athletic teams.
Miss Dudkin guarantees a
program full of fun and activity,
for members of the club this
year, and the manager insists
that no skill or before-hand
knowledge is required.
During its short history on cam-
pus, the club has usually been di-
vided into two sections: coaching
and officiating.
* * *
IN THE COACHING section of
the club, coeds deal primarily with
the fundamentals and techniques
of the three campus tournament
sports, volleyball, basketball and
Volleyball enthusiasts can
learn such things as the best
type of service for the individual,

the different methods of team
play, how to "spike" the ball
and all other fundamentals of
the game.
Those interested in basketball
will discover what the qualities are
that make a good guard and for-
ward, various plays for defense
and offense, the different types of
shots and the advantages and dis-
advantages of certain techniques.
* * *
tion, members will learn such very
fundamental things as the best
way to grip a bat, how to throw ef-
fectively and the skills of pitching,
batting and running bases.
In the officiating section of
the club, members will first
learn the rules of refereeing and
umpiring. They will study the
duties, dress and signals of of-
Intramural tournaments provide
an opportunity for the members
to get practice in officiating, and
those earning a national rating
will be paid for refereeing or um-
piring in the games.
Members of both sections of the
club will observe men's varsity
games as well as women's tourna-
ments to receive additional hints
on coaching and officiating.

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