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September 30, 1951 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1951-09-30

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Fraternity Rushing

W ITH THE 1951 FALL rushing season
swiftly assuming all the characteristics
of a buyers market, it looks as if rushing
may develop into a head-long dive for the
highly coveted signature on a pledging card.
Prospective fraternity members have be-
come consistantly more scarce since the
post war peak An enrollment. And this
fall's season is shaping up to be one of the
most critical for fraternities.
Not only are they faced with a small num-
ber of rushees (slightly more than 500), but
many of the traditional incentives for join-
ing fraternities no longer will appear so con-
vincing to the rushees.
For example, approximately 45 houses bid-
ding for the favor of the neophyte-socialites
can no longer sneer with such asurance at
quadrangle facilities.
The exclamations over the new South
Quadrangle have hardly been music to the
Greek letter men. Certainly no fraternity
can hope to compete with the physical com-
fort offered by the palatial housing unit. The
sliek lounges, private phones, sound proof
music rooms and other modern facilities
could not help but look like a "good deal" to
Michigan's newest men.
And a spot check with old-timers around
the quads show that the controversial food,
has improved considerably this fall.
Although the University officials have al-
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Deity staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

ways stoutly denied it, the housing they pro-
vide for students will become a more serious
competitor with fraternities. The South
Quad is a good example.
And from the remarks made by President
Harlan H. Hatcher at last week's rushee
meeting, the South Quad will not be the end
of Michigan's Housing Plan.
Of course, too, there's always the problem
of fraternity race and religious discrimina-
tion. To the young and impressionable rushee
who has not yet adopted the attitude of a
fraternity House President's meeting toward
the situation, bias clauses may be a surpris-
ing discovery.
In spite of all these problems faced by
fraternity row, the Greeks have always
been able to resort to the argument that
nothing in the quads and private homes
can provide that unknown quantity of so-
cial "satisfaction" that affiliations do. But
even evidence that this last citadel is
crumbling became more clear with the re-
cent request of Victor Vaughn men. They
asked that the group not be scattered fol-
lowing the closing of the house to men, and
as a result more than 100 have been trans-
ferred to Kelsey House in the New South
Quad. Records show that no man's name
from this house appears on the Inter-
Fraternity rushing list.
All this can mean only one thing. Frater-
nities are heading into a period of rough
sledding. Some of the weaker houses will
drop out of the fight. The rushees will be in
a better position to pick the house of their
choice as well as influence the affiliates in
adjusting the fraternity ideal more to the
rushee's liking.
-Ron Watts

Washington Merry-Go-hound
_ _

WASHINGTON-At a recent closed-door
meeting of a Senate Armed Services
subcommittee new Defense Secretary Robert
Lovett did some plain talking about the dan-
ger of depending on mere military defenses
if the United States is ever atom-bombed
from the air.
Recalling his testimony a few days be-
fore at another secret senate hearing, Lov-
ett declared: "I testified that if we got a
third of the Invading planes we would be
shooting par for the course. General Van-
denberg (Chief of the Air Force) thought
if we got 25 per cent or thereabouts, it
would be more than we had a right to ex-
Therefore, continued Lovett, a strong and
continuing civil defense program is impera-
tive. "Military forces," he added, "are not
a substitute for civil defense."
Air Secretary Tom Finletter was even
blunter, declaring: "Possible enemies of this
country, according to our best information,
now have a substantial number of atomic
weapons and also have the planes to carry
these weapons in an attack on this country.
"The potential violence of such an attack
will increase as time goes on. Whether or
not such an attack wil in fact be made can
only be guessed at, but .. .we must assume
that it may and must make our plans ac-
IT ISN'T SUPPOSED to .be known outside
the industry, but the oil lobby will kick off

a slam-bang publicity campaign" on tide-
lands oil this fall. The aim is to pressure
Congress into passing legislation, at long
last, to take the under-ocean oil deposits
away from the federal government and re-
turn them to California, Texas and Lou-
Incidentally, the oil lobby will also seek
to prove that there is no oil lobby-with
the help of contributions from the oil
The Supreme Court has already ruled that
the offshore oil deposits belong to all 48
states. However, the oil companies are pres-
suring Congress to overrule the supreme
court and turn the submerged oil lands over
to the states, where local legislatures are.
sometimes more "friendly" to the oil com-
"A slam-bang campaign, with advertising
in the nation's daily newspapers is being
planned," reports the oil man's newspaper,
which is circulated inside the industry.
"Strategy would call for preparations this
fall-with an aim toward getting legislation
returning submerged lands to their former
state owners through Congress early in 1952.
"With a little 'guts and dough' on the part
of U.S. citizens and the industry," the indus."
try publication adds, "the submerged lands
could be disposed of in record time. Tales
about a mysterious 'oil lobby' could be prov-
en false with no trouble at all."
In other words, the oil lobby would try to
prove that it doesn't exist.
(Copyright, 1951, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

W ITH THE PROPOSED expulsion of Sen-
ator Joseph McCarthy before a Senate
subcommittee many Americans are taking
this opportunity to parade their "liberal
tendencies" by supporting the "distortion
and deceit" charges against the Wisconsin
But as vicious as McCarthy is, he re-
mains fortunately an extreme case. But
unfortunately he is not solely responsible
for "MCarthyism."
The American people would do well to
examine the more quiet, but just as vicious
loyalty purges such as the recent decision by
the State Bar of Michigan to disbar "Com-
munists and other disloyal members."
For further emphasis the lawyers voted an
amendment to have state police investigate
"complaints of disloyalty" and report to the
state bar's Board of Commissioners as well
as the usual law enforcement officers.
Dean E. Blythe Stason, sponsor of the
amendment, supports it on the ground
that anyone who advocates violent over-
throw of the government is committing a
"moral crime." Apparently it does not seem
important that in the process of prevent-
ing a small minority of Communists from
holding bar membership, he and his fel-
low members are themselves committing
a "moral crime" by dangerously threat-
ening American civil liberties.
The federal government has not set an
admirable precedent for such organizations
as the State Bar of Michigan. Loyalty hear-
ings are being conducted in the administra-
tion which contradict every basic concept
of democratic court procedure.
Now, the Michigan lawyers have taken it
upon themselves to carry into their organi-
zation the government's present policy of
hushed investigations.
By their recent actions the Michigan state
bar and the federal government have proven
that they can not efficiently investigate sus-
pected Communists without employing such
totalitarian tactics as arbitrary court hear-
ings and state police secret investigations.
There are two values then and one must
choose between them. Which is more im-
portant-that a handful of actual Com-
munists be arrested or that the American
people maintain their basic rights and re-
main free to think, discuss, and criticize
without fear of being secretly investigated,
labeled and tried unjustly?
Since the U.S. is now fighting Communism
to supposedly protect democracy, the choice
is not difficult.
In is unfortunate that Dean Stason and
his compatriotss are, like so many today,
forgetting that "ends and means" applies to
democracy as well as Communism and that
the means used to expose a handful of Com-
munists are much more dangerous to demo-
cracy than any secret plan to overthrow the'
government.-Alice Bogdonoff
Am rbassador
ATHENS-Henry F. Grady is returning to
Washington from his unsuccessful mis-
sion to Iran without a chip on his shoulder
but prepared to fight for the principle that
the United States as the dominant power in
the Middle East must pursue an American
policy there.
The former ambassador to Iran believes,
as do many here, that his country does not
sufficiently appreciate either its own
strength or British weakness in this area
so long marked for its own by the em-
pire on which the sun has set. He fully
shares the military convictions of the im-
portance of the Middle East to the defense
against Russia; he is therefore ready to
battle a policy of drift or feeble optimism

with respect to the Iranian crisis.
Mr. Grady, however, unlike some others
who have not been satisfied with the urgency
of the American effort in their part of the
world, expects to do battle from within the
administration ranks. He is both a political
liberal at home and an internationalist
abroad; the Grady's happen to be also party
democrats-Mrs. Grady is a former national
committeewoman from California and state
It was understood in Washington when he
yielded to White House pressure to under-
take the difficult Iranian chore that Mr.
Grady had expressed a desire to be his coun-
try's first ambassador to Japan and that
promises from high authority were categori-
cally expressed to him. Lately, however, even
before he raised questions about U.S. tactics
in Iran, his name has not been mentioned
in that connection.
The former Ambassador is confining his
interviews en route home to the seriousness
of the situation in Iran. He is wholly candid
about that and though he does not explicitly
state it, his desire that his country shall be
the honest broker in the conflict between
Iran and Britain, rather than Britain's un-
questioning backstop, shines through.
What he will do when he returns, beyond
reporting to the State Department, he will
not discuss publicly. But of course he is far
too knowledgeable about Washington not to
understand the angles.
The Gradys-Mrs. Grady is as much a
leader and perhaps a better politician than
he is-have been troubleshooters for

The Week's News

-Daily-Bill Hampton
"And remember, men: Michigan expects her gridiron heroes to
be indomitable, indefatigable and inarticulate . ..."
, , , ,:
ALLEN JACKSON came to the University to get a full education
from the classroom and enjoyment from the football field.
This week, in the Atlantic Monthly, he told the nation he got
neither. In a soberly written indictment of the Michigan football sys-
tem, the Rose Bowl star charged that "big-time football is a poor
bargain for the boys who play the game."
Citing "overorganization" and "overperfection" in the gridiron
sport, he attacked the University athletic administration for emphasiz-
ing winning games "as an end in itself" and taking precious time from
players' schoolwork.
Yesterday, as the magazine was fast being plucked from the
newstands, "bigtime football" in Ann Arbor started another season.
Michigan State won, 25 to 0.
** * *
ENROLLMENT-Close to 17,000 students filed into classrooms this
week as campus enrollment took only a slight dip from last year. Des-
pite the draft, most of the men came back and were bolstered by a huge
freshman class.
The 3 to 1 male-female ratio was altered in the decimal column
and beaming faces seemed to indicate that social prospects are on the
way up.
. * * ,
LIBRARY CUT-General Library officials announced two econo-
my cuts in student service this week. A dinnertime shutdown Friday
and an all-day lockout Sunday, experiments tried last spring, were
expected to hit hard at week-end crammers.
While the Union readied for more extensive study room service,
Student Legislature members began a protest campaign to restore the
old library hours.
CAMPUS PARKING-Two uniformed motorcyclists started their
rounds of campus parking lots and nearby streets this week in a new
effort to crack down on parking violations.
Under a University-city agreement forming the foundation for
better police protection on University property, the pair of Ann Arbor
police are authorized to enforce Regents' parking rules.
International .
STILL DEADLOCKED-Korean truce talks remained stymied as
the Allies awaited an official answer from Peiping on Gen. Matthew
Ridgway's proposal to switch the talks from controversial Red-held
Kaesong to Songhyon, a spot in no-man's-land between the opposing
armies, six miles from Kaesong. While the Reds remained silent, Gen.
Omar Bradley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, flew to Tokyo
for conferences with Gen. Ridgway, possibly presaging a shift in UN
In the skies, the Air Force announced the usual quota of record-
smashing encounters, as history's longest and biggest jet battles were
fought on successive days. The Air Force reported many MIGs shot
down, while American losses were said to be slight.
HOT OIL-The fires in Iran were turned up a little last week, as
the tense situation headed for another climax. The British planned to
lay the matter before the Security Council, where they would ask in-
tervention in behalf of the 350 British oil technicians about to be
given the boot by the Iranian Government. Meanwhile, Premier Mo-
hammed Mossadegh negotiated franticly, was rumored to have Ger-
man technicians lined up to operate the wells. Afghanistan, Czecho-
slovakia and Poland reportedly stood ready to buy some oil, but not
nearly enough to keep the big refineries running profitably. And na-
tionalism is a luxury Iran can support only as long as there are funds
in the treasury.
REVOLT IN ARGENTINA-Argentinian President Juan Peron
yesterday announced to his citizens that a pre-election revolt and an
assassination plot had been squelched. However, the rebellion had cer-
tain phoney aspects to it. Many wondered whether it wasn't merely
window dressing for further rigging the election and extending Per-
on's already considerable dictatorial powers.
Natioial... ,
McCARTHY HEARINGS-A Senate rules subcommittee began hear-
ings Friday on a resolution by Sen. William Benton (D-Conn.) aimed
at bringing about expulsion proceedings for Sen. Joe "You're a Com-
munist" McCarthy. The Wisconsin Senator ranted, raved, called Ben-
ton an odd little mental midget. But Benton, first witness in the hear-
ings, accused McCarthy in 25,000 well-chosen words of "perjury, fraud
and the deception of the American people."
-Crawford Young and Barnes Connable

Young Republicans.. ..
To the Editor:
IT HAS BEEN frequently said
that the old guard of the Re-
publican Party should look to their
younger membership groups for
new ideas and future leadership,
but if the first meeting of the
Young Republicans this semester
is any indication of future leader-
ship, the old guard had better con-
tinue to keep council among them-
Scarcely twenty people attended,
which was not enough for a voting
quorum, so no official business
was transacted beyond recording
the opinions of those present on
future speakers. Even with this
small group it was hard to get a
speaker schedule set up which
would reflect the policy of the club.
Many were interested in hearing
Senator Taft, but it was difficult,
if not impossible, to tell whether
those present favored Taft for the
It was proposed that intelligent
representatives of industry, labor,
and farming should come at sepa-
rate meetings to discuss the role
of the party in these fields. How-
ever, a group at the meeting
thought it would be a fine idea
for the club to bring in Senator
McCarthy so he "could have a
chance to be heard." How this
could do the club any good is be-
yond my understanding, but it is
typical of the short-sighted policy
attitude reflected by those present.
When Dave Cargo, the president
of Y R, and several others protest-
ed bringing in McCarthy because
he had been heard many times
before and had had full oppor-
tunity to air his accusations else-
where, they were told that they
were afraid of publicity and should
invite McCarthy here to show some
fearlessness and fighting spirit.
No real solution was reached, but
it is evident that unless the Young
Republicans make more of an ap-
peal to the campus Republican
who wants to participate in a defi-
nite program and come to meet-
ings with intelligent speakers dis-
cussing important questions, they
are not going to be a strong or-
ganization. It is also very evident
that if Senator McCarthy is
brought here it will be the biggest
fiasco that could possibly occur
and will destroy much of the pres-
tige of the group.
The next club meeting, which
will be announced in a week or so,
is going to be crucial. There should
be a good speaker and probably
an important election. If the cam-
pus is apathetic toward participa-
tion in the club, we will have Sen-
ator McCarthy and his ilk paraded
in front of us in a masquerade of
Republicanism. But if enough in-
terested Republicans or Indepen-
dents will come to the meeting,
join up, and defeat the short-
sighted interests in the club, the
Y R should have a successful year.
-Harry Lunn
w * e
Young Republicans , ..
To the Editor:
THIS, FRANKLY, is a plea to
liberal Republicans and liberal
Independents on campus to help
us save the Y.R.s from being
seized by a group of reactionaries
that seemingly have banded to-
gether to accomplish, what I con-
sider to be some very questionable
ends. To give you some idea of
the composition of this group I
only need to give a few illuminat-
ing examples of their demands on
myself and the Club. They are in-
sistent on our sponsoring a cam-
pus speaking engagement of Sen.
McCarthy in Hill Auditorium and
I have been threatened with im-
peachment because I won't go
'along with them. I'll be damned if
I'll lower myself to that level of
' They also are equally insistent
that we abandon all of the Party's

- traditional stands on Civil Rights
and join with Sen. Mundt and the
Dixicrats in a new Knownothing
It is also their contention that
we should bring in such speakers
as Fulton Lewis, Sen. Jenner, Sen.
Cain, -ad nausea.
These are but a few of this re-
actionary group's objectives and
believe me they have hundreds
more like them to bring forward
in the future. The whole point of
this letter, however, is that if you
students want the U. of M. Y.R.
Club to remain, or continue to be
constructively conservative or even
3liberal you must come to the meet-
igsand fight for the principles
that I believe a majority of you
stand for.
It is not enough for you to mere-
, ly write and talk about the short
comings of our political parties-
you must participate in the party

organization to control it. I am
bringing the present situation in
the Y.R. Club out into the open
because I feel that once you get
these characters out of the back-
rooms and out into the light they
can be defeated. I have no fear of
the criticism and abuse that they
will heap upon me but I want to
continue at least a partion of the
Mich. G.O.P. in the fine tradi-
tions of Arthur Vandenberg.
-nDavid Cargo
President of the U. of M.
Young Republican Club.
* * *
Loyal Lawyers .. .
To the Editor:
THE STATE BAR of Michigan,
following a recommendation of
the American Bar Association and
under the sponsorship of Dean
Stason of the Law School, has
made disbarment of lawyers pos-
sible for the familiar charge of
"Communist" or "subversive."
Moreover, the State Police will be
required to furnish lists of such
lawyers as their investigations re-
Won't that be the day!
Any lawyer defending an accused
communist would certainly be a
suspicious person. But then, who
would defend an accused com-
munist? No lawyer, certainly.
That's just the point. Where does
the accused obtain a fair trial,
legal council, and "due process of
It is high time that we stop the
inquisition of our "suspicious"
scapegoat and set about to rein-
force our basic tenet of democracy
for all.
Who will be next? Rich man,
poor man, begger man, thief; doc-
-Walter R. Tulecke
** *
Movie Reviews .. .
To The Editor:
IT IS NO SURPRISE that "Daily"
movie criticism begins the new
academic year in the same taste-
less, irresponsible, and immature
vein which characterized it last
Mr. Gottlieb may find the death
of one's family hysterically funny,
but the Thursday night audience
at the Michigan did not. One ques-
tions the veracity of Mr. Gottlieb's
statement about the uproarious
Wednesday night audience.
To anyone who has lost some-
one close, even for the "Daily"-
and that's a big allowance-to
laugh at such complete tragedy
is going too far. It is a sad tom-
mentary on a newspaper which
prints such unthinking drivel, and
equally uncomplimentary to an
educational institution which fos-
ters such a mental vacuum of at-
tempted sophistication. Thi defi-
nition of sophistication, M. Got-
tlieb, is not sneering superficiality.
--Shirley Weller
~iiapjzn &i

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of tao







At The State .. .
Jeanne Crain.

Cary Grant,

WITH THIS FILM, based on a famous
German play of 1933 entitled Dr. Prae-
torius; Darryl F. Zanuck offers a production
which deserves to stand among Hollywood's
best. Having taken a discomforting swing at
suburban life in "A Letter to Three Wives"
and another at the theater in "All About
Eve," acutely able writer-director Joseph L.
Mankiewicz now takes a thrust at our social
mores and government economics (it seems
we have too much of the former and too
little of the latter) . . . . And as if this were
not enough to cope with, Mankiewicz goes on
to ride roughshod over the medical profes-
sion, his philosophy being that hospitals
were built for patients, rather than doctors
and nurses. Since this is the last of his Hol-
lywood offerings, we must forgive the direc-
tor if his plot seems a bit crowded, he ob-
viously had a lot he wanted to get off his
chest. Suffice it to say that Hollywood's
loss is Broadway's gain.
The story itself revolves around an ec-
centric, though very charming (and there-
fore suspicious) Dr. Praetorius, aptly por-
trayed by Cary Grant. The doctor's ec-
centricity is exemplified by the fact that
he has befriended and is harboring a mur-
derer named Shunderson (Finlay Currie
is well remembered as the convict in
"Great Expectation." The doctor's charm
is instanced by his marrying Jeanne Crain'

At The Michigan .,..
SATURDAY'S HERO, with John Derek
and Donna Reed.
ARRIVING propitiously on the opening
day of football season, the film version
of Millard Lampell's novel, "The Hero" con-
tinues the current cycle of sports pictures.
It is a pretty good movie. Because it is a
"message" picture, it must often bow to the
tight demands of its social propaganda.
Happily, however, the propaganda is dis-
pensed intelligently and with the additional
assets of good photography and effective
minor characterizations, it comes off well.
Readers of The Atlantic Monthly will
quickly understand its purpose. When
John Derek, as the high school halfback,
arrives at Jackson U. (sic), he expects to
earn his right to study engineering by
means of a football scholarship. He soon
learns, however, that he has made a bad
bargain, and eventually, a sad but wiser
man, he returns to his humble beginnings
ready to make a new start.
Amid all the evidences of "over-empha-
sis," perhaps the picture's most salient point
is that football ought to be fun, but some-
how isn't any more. Some of the best
scenes of the movie, practice field and lock-
er room shots, illustrate this sharply, a point
also mentioned by Allen Jackson in his re-

Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board of Control of
Student Publications.
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Chuck Elliott ....,....Managing Editor
Bob Keith ............ ....City Editor
Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director
vern Emerson..........Feature Editor
Rich Thomas........Associate Editor
Ron Watts ...........Associate Editor
Bob vaughn.........Associate Editor
Ted Papes ................Sports Editor
George Flint ....Associate Sports Editor
Jim Parker .., Associate Sports Editor
Jan James ............Women's Editor
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Mr. O'Malley, here comes


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