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September 28, 1951 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1951-09-28

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McCarthy Resolution

TODAY will mark a new and significant
step forward for the group of liberal
Republicans and Democrats who have been
engaged in a running two-year fight
against Sen. Joseph Raymond McCarthy.
The Senate Rules subcommittee will
open a hearing today on Sen. William
Benton's unprecedented resolution aimed
at bringing about the expulsion of the
noisy Wisconsin Senator. There is little
hope that these proceedings will result in
the actual removal of McCarthy, but
nonetheless they represent a most im-
portant triumph for the anti-McCarthy
Even if that sub-committee should ap-
prove the Benton proposal, the chances are
that any further expulsion proceedings
would have to go through the Judiciary
Committee, where dyspeptic, reactionary
Sen. Pat Mcarran, recently hailed by a
poll of Capital correspondents as one of
the nation's worst Senators (a list which
incidently placed McCarthy at the top),
would probably block action.
The main virtue of the hearings lies in
the opportunity they afford the anti-Mc-
Carthyites to ruffle the Senator's feathers
with a few broadsides of their own. Up
till now, genial Joe has managed to main-
tain the offensive throughout. kut with
national attention brought to focus on this
hearing, Joe's foes may be able to put the
"Big Lie" on the skids, and force Wisconsin's
most distinguished cheese into a tactical
It seems that McCarthy has at last
been given enough rope-and may soon
find that he has hung himself. Last
week, in one fell swoop, he managed to
alienate the large and potent group of
Southern Senators who had up till now
tolerated his mouthings.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

In a surprise attack, using his usual perch
of Congressional immunity, Senator Joe
opened both barrels on Sen. Tom Hennings
(D-Mo.), an essentially Southern Democrat
who had not received Administration sup-
port in his last campaign and had taken
no part in any of the previous Congressional
attacks on McCarthy. Using his usual web
of innuendo and distortion of fact, joltin'
Joe demanded before the Senate subcom-
mittee that Hennings should withdraw from
its consideration of the Benton resolution
because a legal partner had handled a brief
for a convicted Communist before the Su-
preme Court.
As it turned out, the, partner in question
acted for constitutional reasons, feeling that
in the trial it was necessary to protect cer-
tain civil rights of the \defendants regardless
of his political associations. He had also
defended upon occasion Gerald L. K. Smith.
whom not even McCarthy could suspect of
pinkish activities.
The reasons for this latest sally are ob-
scure. About all the lusty legislator accom-
plished was to antagonize a formerly inert
segment of the Senate. Significantly enough,
the Benton resolution already had been
considered safely pidgeon-holed, but right
after the attack on Hennings, it became
very much alive.
Furthermore, much of McCarthy's suc-
cess has been due to the silent support of
the potent Taft cheering section}in secur-
ing him favorable committee assignments.
However, the unholy alliance has not been
so solid that it could not be broken. Taft
was hurt by his alliance with the now
largely discredited MacArthur legend. It
is more than likely that he has learned to
disassociate himself from discarded public
Today the machinery which may bring to
an end the greatest threat to freedom of
speech since the Alien and Sedition Acts
will be set into motion. May this mark the
ebbing of McCarthy's tide of lies, slanders,
libels and character assassination under the
shabby guise of super-patriotism.
-Crawford Young

The Muddled
THE PUBLICATION in this newspaper of
several articles dealing with the Middle
East provides an opportunity to make some
fairly obvious assertions about that area.
The Middle East is extremely important
to the West and, axiomatically, just as im-
portant to the Soviet Union. Its strategic
location makes it the bridge of three con-
tinents. Its oil fields endow it with even
greater import than its geographical po-
The USSR appreciates this full well. With
Middle East oil, Soviet armies could roll
across Europe assured of a sufficient fuel
supply. And with the fields in Soviet hands
the West would be forced to draw upon al-
ready dwindling stocks of the United States.
Recognizing this, a* single stake in the
Middle East game, it is not surprising that
the Soviet Union should be trying to win the
Arab world to her side.
With underground Communist parties in
Arab countries, the USSR is using every trick
in her repertoire to incite riots, mob violence,
and anti-Western sentiment.
Along these lines, frequent rumors hint at
a projected tie-up between the USSR and
the extremely dangerous Mufti of Jerusa-
lem, who appears to be the director of a
far-flung apparatus devoted to assassina-
tion and terrorism.
The Soviets are abetted by a wave of na-
tionalism, thrown still higher by a ground-
swell of grinding poverty.
These manifest themselves in the Abadan
crisis, the current impasse over use of the
Suez Canal, the incessant demand of Iraq
for a greater share of the Iraq Petroleum
Company's profits.
Against these the West has mustered:
1) an attitude on the part of British ne-
gotiators which an observer has character-
ized as "stubborn, conservative, shortsighted
and totally lacking in imagination."
2) a do-nothing, follow-the-Brit3h role
which has earned for us the resentment and
bitterness of a sizeable chunk of the Moslem
World, already angry over our support of

"Your Slips Are Showing, Dearie"



The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the


. ,
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Participation .
To the Editor:
THERE IS ALWAYS much criti-
cism aimed at organizations
which desire to correct what they
consider to be the shortcomings of
society. But like the weather, no
one tries to do anything effective
about changing or modifying the
offending groups. People discuss
them, ridicule them, and refuseto
join them, not because they dis-
agree with the aims of the group,
but rather with the methods used.
No one realizes that the best way
to mold an organization to one's
liking is to join it, and then work
from within, democratically - in-
troducing various reforms.
Whereas directed criticism is
helpful and necessary for the ef-
fectiveness of such a group, apathy
is not. The apathetic person may
accept every aim and method of
the group. Yet he is too busy to
work for what he believes, too lazy.
He lets other people work for him.
Perhaps they are less capable; and
so, perhaps too, the goal will nev-
er be accomplished. The other side
of apathy is tacit criticism. How-
ever, if no one is made aware of
the criticism then obviously no-
thing can be done about it, In this

way a valuable idea may be rele-
gated to limbo.
In short, only by verbalization
and participation can ideas be
sifted through in order to find the
most effective and happy "design
for living." If that is your desire,
do something about it!
-Judith Levine
Jackson's Football...
To the Editor:
THREE CHEERS to Al Jackson
for his critical remarks of
big-time college football in this
month's Atlantic Monthly.
Mr. Crisler's reply that Jackson's
article is understandable because
"he is an exhibitionist and sensa-
tionalist" is extremely difficult to
swallow. Have you forgotte, Mr.
Crisler, that less than six weeks
ago, you gave a banquet speeh in
which you openly and frankly cri-
ticized big-time college football
pointing out many of the 4same
evils of college football which were
so cogently discussed by Mr. Jack-
son. Why the sudden shock, Mr.
Crisler, because this time Michi-
gan is involved?
-Dave Frazer

Washington Merry-Go-Round






PARIS-A rather cheerful picture of the
fighting potential of the recreated
French army has recently been presented in
this space. In order to put the shade as well
as the -light into this picture, it is worth
describing two sharply contrasting incidents
The first took place in the sergeants' mess
of an army barracks. It was a brief and rath-
er embarrassing episode. There were about a
dozen French non-coms, tough, genial men,
gathered around a table. Rather hesitantly,
this reporter began to ask questions about
such matters as the danger of war, the threat
of Soviet aggression, American foreign policy
and French communism.
The French soldiers muttered a few
non-committal answers, out of sheer po-
liteness, and then relapsed into self-con.
scious silence. The reason was clear. They
had never really bothered their heads
about such matters. At least on the com-
pany and battalion level, the French army
simply does not concern itself with poli-
tical matters. This is one of the most re-
assuring facts about it.
Yet no army lives in a political vacuum.
A soldier, however unconsciously, breathes
the same political-air as a civilian. And this
is why it is worth describing the second, very
different episode, which took place, not in
the army, but in a small factory in Paris,
where this reporter spent an afternoon talk-
ing with the workers.
T'h e T as 7k
A head
DURING THE decade ahead of us, we
must be willing to strive and sweat and
sacrifice enough to wage the peace with
high skill and consecration. Our purpose
must be not only to redeem the promise of
freedom for our children and our children's
children but also for those of peoples held
in bondage by the Soviet Union. This is the
challenge, and this the reward for the bold
hard tasks which confront us in our pilgrim-
age toward peace. We have now the oppor-
tunity to convert this mid-point of the twen-
tieth century into the great turning point of
all time. Only if we heed this opportunity
and take hold of it with faith in ourselvet
can we keep faith with mankind. Only thus
can we hope to find, when this decade of de-
cision ends, that we have shaped the be-
ginnings of the first durable peace that men
have ever built,
-Paul G. Hoffman
THE INSTITUTE believes that one of the
greatest dangers of the present cold war
and of the present fear of Communism is
the danger that they will cause America to
relinquish or distort or weaken basic civil

FIVE OUT OF SIX were women. They talk-
volubly, and with that passionate vital-
ity which is the Parisian's special charm.
There was no trace of personal ,hostility in
what was said-what has been written about
French hatred for Americans, as Americans,
is silly nonsense. Yet the fact remains that,
although only one was an avowed Commun-
ist, everything these French workers said
was a remarkable tribute to the effectiveness
of the Moscow line.
"The Russians," they said, often in iden-
tical words, "want nothing but peace."
And since this was so, why should poor
France be called on again to prepare for a
war more terrible than ever? The danger
of war, if there was danger, sprang from
the desire of the American rich for high
Wars had already ruined France-"We are
only a poor, weak country now." (This pro-
found lack of self-confidence is also found
in the army, although it is steadily lessen-
ing.) As for the Americans, they knew noth-
ing of war. "I speak frankly," said one wo-
man. "If there is war, I hope you will win in
the end, because I love liberty. But I hope
you also, you others, the Americans, will suf-
fer terribly before the end."
Finally, why must the Americans think
and talk only of weapons and of war? One
woman (who had been living for fourteen
years with three children in a single room
of a building condemned as uninhabitable
in 1937) spoke for the rest. "You Americans
talk of cannons. One cannot eat a cannon.
One cannot lodge oneself in a cannon."
** *
IT IS CERTAINLY possible to exaggerate
the meaning of this sort of thing. Almost
each worker, including the Communist, also
said proudly, "After all, I am profoundly
French." Even the Communist would prob-
ably violently resist an actual Russian in-
vasion of France, if there were means of re-
sistance at hand. Yet surely this apparently
almost universal acceptance by French wor's-
ers of the basic tenets of the Moscow line
has its importance, military as well as poli-
Given the necessary arms and equip-
ment, France is already visibly capable of
producing a good army, made up of good
soldiers. Yet an army cannot be more than
an expression of the nation which pro-
duces it. It is odd to find a professional
soldier, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, so
deeply aware of this fact. Undoubtedly
with the current deep slashes in economic
aid in mind, Eisenhower has been telling
all visitors that the military potential of
France is indivisible, that it cannot be
measured in divisions alone.
Military strength is, of course, the essen-
tial ingredient of every other kind of
strength. The stronger the West becomes, the
more the sense of naked vulnerability from
which all Frenchmen suffer diminishes, the
more surely will the desperate wishful think-
ing which leads to the eager swallowing of
the Moscow peace line diminish also.. Yet it

To be sure, to our credit we have fostered
the Fulbright program of exchanging schol-
ars, we have begun Point Four operations
and we have supported UN assistance to some
Middle East nations.
With continuation and expansion of these
we may yet regain some of our lost prestige
But more than prestige is involved and
therefore more than Fulbright and Point
Four programs are needed.
The situation in the Middle East calls for
an unwavering, independent foreign policy
based on a full realization of its importance
to us.
We dare not persevere in our present
course, affected by pressure groups at home
and abroad and hamstrung by vengeful con-
Perhaps this warning, spoken by a schol-
arly Iraqi not long ago, should be inscribed
on every desk in the Congress and commit-
ted to memory by every State Department
"We don't like to go Communist-but we
feel helpless," the man told his American
visitor., "In time, unless we have help from
the West, we will go under."
-Zander Hollander
Roman Gamble
Associated Press Correspondent
ROME-The U.S., Britain and France are
gambling that Italy never again will be-
come a totalitarian country.
That is the interpretation informed cir-
cles here give to the unexpected announce-
ment that the Big Three are willing to
cancel three political articles of the 1947
Italian peace treaty.
Observers had anticipated Big Three sup-
port for Italy's request to rearm. Abolition of
punitive clauses in the treaty also was ex-
What raised eyebrows in Rome was the
news yesterday that the Big Three also agree
to do away with articles 15, 16 and 17.
Article 15 guaranteed "without distinction
as to race, sex, language or religion, the en-
joyment of human rights and of the funda-
mental freedoms, including freedom of ex-
pression, of press and publication of religious
worship, of political opinion and of public
In other words it was sort of Bill of
A pledge not to prosecute or molest Ital-
ians who aided the allies was contained in
Article 16.
Article 17 guaranteed Italy would never
permit a resurrection of Fascism.
The Italians felt the articles superfluous
because similar guarantees are contained in
the new constitution in force since Jan. 1,
The peace treaty gave the World War
II victors the right to intervene if there
was a revival-o if fundamental rights
were violated by suppression of free speech
or a free press.

. o
WASHINGTON-The nation's capital today is witnessing the most
nauseating spasm of large and petty graft since this newsman
began covering Washington.
There are several reasons for this, as previously enumerated in
this column, one of them being the fact that government officials
have lost their sense of smell.
When the man at the top in government can't smell the bad
odor arising from the distribution of deep freezes by his military
aide, or when he defends the commodity grain speculation of his
White House doctor, and tolerates airline lobbying by his chief
secretary, then the olfactory nerves of those around him get dull
Another important reason forthe sickening spectacle of graft and
favoritism, however, is the current system of political campaign con-
tributions. This is something the public little realizes.
It has now become a standard practice for both big business and
labor unions to obligate congressmen. After you have made your con-
tribution to a congressman's political campaign, you then benefit by
influencing his vote on legislation of interest to you, or gtting him to
call up government agencies in order to secure loans, priorities or gov-
ernment contracts.
This practice has become so widespread that many otherwise fine
senators and representatives get so in hock politically that they can
hardly call their souls their own.
HERE IS HOW the system works: out in Los Angeles, members of
the Harvey Machine Company contribute heavily to the campaign
funds of several congressmen. Most of the time they bet their money
on Democrats, because the Democrats are in power. But sometimes
they also back Republicans. In addition, Lawrence Harvey wants to be
Democratic National Committeeman from California, chips in $1,000
at each of the last two Jackson Day dinners and serves on the $100-a-
plate committee welcoming Truman to Los Angeles October 8.
Simultaneously the Harvey Company wants a big loan to build
an aluminum plant. A lot of wires are pulled, congressmen who are
recipients of campaign contributions go to bat, and to and behold,
Harvey comes up with a $46,000,000 loan. There's a lot more to the
story than that, but one of the most important features is the way
certain very fine congressmen have to become messenger boys, for
Harvey largely to pay off a political debt.
It doesn't make for clean or efficient government.
* *' * *
OR TAKE ANOTHER CASE. When Senator Bridges last ran for re-
election in New Hampshire, Alfred Kohlberg, who lives in New
York, not New Hampshire, contributed $1,000 to Bridges' campaign.
Kohlberg just happens to be the key man in the China lobby.
Another Bridges contributor, in fact his heaviest, also lives a long
way from New Hampshire-in San Francisco. He is Edward Heller,
whose wife happens to be Democratic National Committeewoman for
California. Yet Heller, a Democrat, contributed $3,000 to help Senator
Bridges, a Republican, stay in the Senate from New Hampshire.
Significantly, Heller is Director of the Wells Fargo Bank of
San Francisco, biggest repository of Chinese Nationalist money.
Significant also, Bridges, both before and since his election, has
gone out of his way to defend Chiang Kai-Shek. Once as chairman
of the Senate Appropriations Committee he even sent a lobbyist
for Chiang's brother-in-law on a propaganda mission to China,
cloaked as senate representative-though actually paid by the Chi-
ang family.
Obligating a senator has become so common that long rows of
campaign contributors from the Delaware Du Ponts turn up in South
Dakota, while Texas oilmen sent several thousand dollars to Maryland
last year to elect GOP Senator Butler.
ON THE OTHER HAND, John L. Lewis kicked in half a million dol-
lars on behalf of the United Mine Workers to elec Roosevelt in
1936, while labor all over the nation poured money into Ohio in 1950
to try to beat Taft.
The tragedy is that under the present system, money from
somebody or other is absolutely necessary. You can't run a political
campaign without it. Billboards cost about $1,000 each. Radio
time can run into hundreds of thousands, while TV is going to cost
even more. Governor Dewey turned the tide of the New York
election last year in his last 24 hours of television, thereby setting
a pattern which every important candidate will have to follow at
tremendous cost and the necessity of passing the hat for more
campaign funds.
Best way to prevent all this probably is to abolish all campaign
funds and have a national kitty put up by Congress for each party.
If the Democrats and Republicans each were voted $5,000,000, to be
allocated state-by-state on the basis of population, it would save five-
times-five-million dollars in the elimination of graft and favoritism.
(copyright, 1951, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

(Continued from Page 2)
Phi Sigma Kappa
P1 Lambda Phi
Psi Omega
Psi Upsilon
Sigma Alpha Mu-Sigma Iota Chapter
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Sigma Chi
Sigma Phi Epsilon
Tau Delta Phi
Theta Chi
Theta Delta Chi
Theta Xi
Wenley House
Zeta Beta Tau
Zeta Psi
September 30-
Alpha Tau Omega
Hinsdale House - Alice Lloyd
Phi Delta Phi
Academic Notices
Law School Admission Test: Appli-
cation blanks for the November 17 ad-
ministration of the Law School Admis-
sion Test are now available at 110
Rackham Building. Application blanks
are due in Princeton, N. J. not slater
than November 7.
Events Today
Roger Williams Guild: Meet at the
Guild House fifteen minutes before
Pep Rally. Wiener roast, 8:30 p.m.
Lutheran Student Association (Na-
tional Lutheran Council). Open House
at the Student Center, Corner of Hill
and Forest, after the Pep Rally.
Wesleyan Guild: Guilders and guests
meet at 8 p.m. at Guild for hike and
wiener roast, followed by social danc-
Informal Social Night at Canterbury.
All students are welcome. Refresh-
ments served at Canterbury House, 218
N. Division St., following the Pep
Congregational - Disciples Guild:
BLOW BOWL post-pep-rally party, 9-12
midnight, Memorial 'Christian Church,
HHl & Tappan St.
Hilel: Friday evening services, Lane
Hall, 7:45 p.m. After services Rabbi
Lymon wil begin the series "Orienta-
tion to the Jewish Community."
Westminster Guild. Scavenger Hunt,
8 p.m., First Presbyterian Church. Wear
blue jeans.
There will be a meeting to arrange
Seminars in the Department of Mathe-
matics, 4 p.m., 3011 Angell Hall. Those
who are interested are invited.
Newman Club: Open House Party,
8-12midnight, basement of Saint
Mary's Chapel, William & Thompson
Sts. All Catholic students and their
friends are invited.
Fraternity Rushing:
Men planning to rush a social fra-
ternity this semester MUST REGISTER
with the Interfraternity Council be-
tween 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. in the Michi-
gan Union Lobby before Wed., Oct. 3.
Rushing will begin with Fraternity
Open Houses, Sun., Sept. 30.
Rushing Councilors are available to
answer general and specific questions
about the Michigan Fraternity System
between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. on the
third floor of the Union until Oct. 14.
American Chemical Society Lecture.
Dr. J. O'M. Bockrs, Lecturer on Chem-
istry, Imperial College of Science and
Technology, London University, will
talk on "Mechanism of Electrode Re-
actions and Overvoltage," 8 p.m., 1300
Chemistry Bldg. All interested persons
are invited.
Congregational - Disciples Guild: A
party will be held after the Pep Rally
at the Disciples Church at the corner


of Hill and Tappan. Dancing and
games. All those planning to attend
should notify the Guild House (phone
5838) by Friday noon.
Coffee Hour: The regular Weekly
Coffee Hour will be held at Lane Hall,
4:30-6 p.m. Freshmen are especially
invited guests this week.
Coming Events
Sigma Alpha Iota: First formal bus-
iness meeting, Mon., Oct. 1, 9 p.m.,
League. All former members please at-
tend. Transfer SAT's are especially wel-
Hillel: Open Council Meeting, Sun.,
10:30 a.m., Lane Hall. Open to Hillel
members and would-be members.
La p'tite causette will meet every
Monday and Thursday from 3:30 to
5 p.m., starting October 1, in the
south room of the cafeteria of the
Michigan Union. All students interet-
ed in learning how to speak ,renc
in a friendly atmosphere _are invited.
Reserve Unit 9-3. Meeting, Mon., Oct.
1, 18 Angell Hall, 7:30 p.m. Cmdr. Har-
old Allen will report on the ONR Sem-
inar held in June.
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity. Meeting,
Sun., Sept. 30, 2 p.m., Room 3-,, Un-
ion. All former members and transfer
students are urged to attend. Bring
your dues.

Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by studekts of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board of Control of
Student Publications.
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Bob Keith................City Editor
Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director
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Ted Papes ...............Sports Editor
George Flint ...Associate Sports.'Editor
Jim Parker ... Associate Sports Editor
Jan James ........... Women's Editor
Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's ,ditor
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Entered at the Post Office et Ann
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Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.


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mow ' b~w TN b. .i.km^..- -
Gosh, Pop was dCrmor/
keeping that He'll be proud to donate
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1! oin and ask him anyway-
Assure him your
Fairy Godfather

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+esucxeaa--hma: w m J6
r nd, Bornaby, ask your dad to
order a magnum of champagne.
For our launching ceremony-(



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