See Page 4
YI r
Latest Deadline in the State CLOUDY AND COLDER
Gas Fumes Peril
Snowheld Train
Rescue Teams Brave Blizzards
To Reach Stricken Passengers
COLFAX, Calif.-(A)-An Army rescue team pushed slowly toward
the snow-buried luxury streamliner City of San Francisco in 7,000-
foot high Donner Pass last night and-at last reports-was a tough
six miles away.
But even after the Army's three weasel snow tractors reach the
stalled Southern Pacific train, the 192 passengers and 30 crew mem-
bers still aboard face their third snowbound night-their second night
without heat. A new blizzard, with gusts up to 40 miles an hour, was
whipping the pass in the Sierra Nevada.
SIXTY OF THE passengers were described by four who left the
train as sickened by gas fumes, with 27 of them regarded as litter
Britain Sends
New General
,iTo Malaya
LONDON -()- Britain yester-
day assigned a strong-arm gen-
eral to the tough job of clearing
Communist guerrillas from the
jungles of the tin and rubber fed-
eration of Malaya.,
Prime Minister Winston Chur-
chill personally named Gen. Sir
Gerald Templer, 53 years old, as
High Commissioner for Malaya
and also gave him wide powers as
commander of military and police
TEMPLER succeeds Sir Henry
Gurney who was killed in a Red
ambush last October. He takes
over at a time of persistent but
unconfirmed reports of prep ara-
tions by Red China for a possible
push in Southeastern Asia and of
charges in Moscow that the West-
ern powers are planning "another
Korea" in that area.
The Churchill government has
given high priority to crushing
the Red raiders in Malaya whose
tactics have hindered production
of tin and rubber, a big source
of dollars for the sterling area's
hard-pushed economy.
Britain has some 42,000 troops
and more than 60,000 police in
Malaya battling between 3,000 and
5,000 armed guerrillas, mostly Chi-
nese. ,
Templer's appointment was an-
nounced at a news conference by
Colonial Secretary Oliver Lyttel-
ton, who recently returned from a
first hand look at the situation.
Templer, slender and tough but
known as a just soldier, was Bri-
tain's youngest general in World
War II.
Lyttelton said Templer would be
given more equipment such as ar-
mored cars, power to reorganize
the military and police and a new
directive underlining Britain's
long-range aim of uniting Malaya
A and moving it toward self-govern-
Britain Denies
'Burial' of Red
Atomic Plan t
PARIS - (P)-- Britain's Selwyn
Lloyd yesterday welcomed the re-
vised Soviet atomic control plan
as worthy of full study.
He denied a charge by the So-
viet Bloc that the West plans to
bury the proposal in the United
Nations' new Disarmament Com-
The Russians, except for mem-
bers of their own small bloc, gain-
ed no support for their proposals
in the UN Political Committee.
The West-picked up further back-
ing for its plan to kill every sec-
tion of the Moscow resolution be-
fore the Committee except the sec-
tions on atomic energy, which
w ould be sent to the Disarmament
Lloyd spoke after Kuzma V. Kis-
selev of White Russia told the
Committee that the Western idea
to send the atomic sections to the
Commission was an attempt to
give it "a first-rate burial."
Smith Will Head
Red Cross Drive
om a ; ,asys - ,44 n . - t
patients. Later, however, only a
few passengers were reported still
sick. The passengers huddled in
blankets to keep warm.
One of the passengers, a Cin-
cinnatiphysician identified only
as Dr. Roehl, treated the 60 pas-
sengers with the help of five mil-
itary nurses and several service-
men aboard the 15-car train.
The passengers were overcome
by fumes Monday night. A gas-
oline-powered emergency light-
ing plant was blamed.
Another physician, Dr. Law-
rence Nelson of Truckee, reached
the train with medical supplies
after being taken to Nyack Lodge
on a dogsled from Norden--on the
east side of the pass-and thence
from the lodge five and a half
miles to the train by a snow trac-
A SOUTHERN Pacific spokes-
man in San Francisco said there
"was little likelihood of any at-
tempt to take off the passengers
last night because of night haz-
ards and the storm."
The blizzards, which already
have piled 25-foot drifts in the
area, last night blasted powdery
snow over the tops of the
streamlined cars. The snow level
inched up beyond the windows
last night.
The Army's snow rescue vehicle
-the weasel-is a unique mechan-
ical creature. Roughly boxshaped,
it is able to crunch over soft snow
with its full caterpillar treads. But
it can carry only four passengers
or two litter patients.
To help the three Army weasels
already near the scene, the Army
and private owners of weasels
were sending 10 more toward the
pass from Colfax last night. But
even with all the weasels on hand.
it meant a number of shuttle trips
to bring out the stranded pas-
* * . .
AMONG those believed aboard
was Republican National Commit-
teeman J. Russell Sprague, en route
from New York to San Francisco
for tomorrow's opening of the GOP
National Committee Conference.
Some other delegates to the con-
ference also were aboard.
The stalled train is about 150
air miles northeast of San Fran-
cisco and about 35 miles north-
east of Colfax. It was described
as stalled somewhat beneath a
rocky ledge, and apparently safe
from any avalanche.
Four servicemen who got off the
train and reached Nyack Lodge
aboard a utilities company weasel
described how they had helped the
passenger-physician revive those
overcome by fumes last night.
They said they worked without
sleep for nearly 20 hours to help
remove passengers from closed
WSB Delays
Wage Ceiin
Case Decision
Decision has been delayed in the
J. D. Hedin Construction Co. case
involving alleged payment of
$150,000 in over-ceiling wages to
bricklayers on the Veterans Ad-
ministration hospital northeast of
Ann Arbor, a Wage Stabilization
Board official revealed yesterday
in Detroit.
The decision had been expected
yesterday from the Regional En-
forcement Commission, based on
the three-day hearings held last
month in Detroit.
Actinnw use ntnnnd fn11nwiw
House Votes
To Increase
Military Pay
UMT Offered
As Money Saver
approved a 10 per cent cost-of-
living raise for the Armed Forces
yesterday, voting to boost military
payrolls about 832 million dollars
a year.
Thevote for passage was 269 to
The bill now goes to the Senate
where Chairman Russell (D-Ga.)
of the Armed Services Committee
said his committee would take
early action.
* * *
AS PASSED BY the House, pay
raises for privates right up to gen-
erals would go into effect on the
first day of the month following
the signing of the bill by President
Mr. Truman favors the mea-
sure, which would raise the pay,
quarters and sub'sistence allow-
ances of all service personnel,
active and retired, in the Army,
Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps,
Coast Guard, Public Health Ser-
vice and the Coast and Geodetic
Michigan's Congressional dele-
gation voted 11-5 with the major-
ity in the House approval.
* * *
CONGRESS ALSO received a
bill yesterday presenting Universal
Military Training as a money sav-
Former Sen. James W. Wads-
worth, Chairman of the Nation-
al Security Training Commission
which prepared a UMT plan at
the lawmakers' direction, made
the economy argument in ask-
ing the House Armed Services
Committee to act quickly on the
He said the commission believes
that "by a reduction in the Armed
Forces and a reduction in the rate
of the draft and by building up
of UMT, we would save billions of
The plan worked out by Wads-
worth, and his commission calls
for training 18-year-olds for six
months, then shifting them to re-
serve status for seven and a half
Meanwhile, the Army announc-
ed yesterday it will call to active
service next summer all officers
commissioned from the Reserve
Officers Training Corps who were
deferred from draft induction to
complete their college courses.
Legal Ruling
Seen for Gas
Tax Increase
LANSING - () - The State
Board of Canvassers rolled in dis-
tress like the S. S. Enterprise yes-
terday as it tried to find a course
between legal storms over a refer-
endum on the 1951 gasoline tax in-
Late yesterday, Secretary of
State Fred M. Alger, Jr., said he
would toss the whole matter to the
Attorney General for a legal ruling
as to whetherthe referendum is
legal. Alger is board chairman.
The Board meets tomorrow to
decide whether to place on the
November election ballot the State
CIO's referendum on the one-and-
a-half-cent-a-gallon-gasoline tax
increase, effective since last June
The Michigan Good Roads Fed-
eration, which sponsored the gas
tax hike, is rumored to be seeking
court action to block any decision
by the Board to put the issue on
the ballot but it has made no an-
Prize Package'
Red Broadcasts
Hint Final Truce
Talk Breakdown
aIlso Charge UN Bombers Killed
10 in Communist Prison Camps
MUNSAN, Korea, Wednesday, Jan. 16 - (A) - Communist radio
broadcasts today hinted at a complete breakdown in Korean truce
talks after Red negotiators balked again yesterday at handing over
South Koreans in the North Korean Army.
The "Voice of the United Nations Command" in a Tokyo radio
broadcast last night predicted the Reds would continue a "blockade
of armistice progress" until new high level instructions were received.
Both sides turned to the air waves when the snarled truce talks
showed no sign of agreement. There was no progress yesterday
on the outstanding issues-truce1,-----
supervision and prisoner exchange.
S * e
NEGOTIATORS scheduled an..
other meeting in Panmunjom at
11 a.m. today (9 p.m. yesterday,
Ann Arbor time).
The U. N. Command broadcast
accused the Reds of causing
the "present impasse" by insist-
ing on building airfields during
an armistice and by refusing to
accept the idea of voluntary re-
patriation of war prisoners.
-UuL courtesy News S
PALLADIUM ARRIVES-Cylinder containing small strip of "hot" palladium is checked for r
activity immediately after its closely-timed arrival at University's Willow Run for tests on je
automobile engines. Holding geiger counters are Jack Nehemias, health physicist (center) and A
Emmons, associate radiologic safety director. The metal was shipped by plane from Ottawa,
in lead-lined wooden box at left.
* * * * * * * * *
''Speeds'Hot' Meal Research
t d ,l
. University researchers worked
feverishly all last night and well
into this morning over a tiny bit
of "hot" metal rushed by plane
from Canada to their Willow Run
The metal is radioactive palla-
dium foil, six inches long, an inch
wide and 1,000th of an inch thick.
The scientists began tests to de-
termine how radiation affects jet
aircraft and automobile engines.
* *S*i
SPEED was essential in the ex-
periments because the metal rap-
idly loses its radioactivity. By the!
time researchers got to work on it
at 7:15 p.m. the metal had only 201
to 25 percent of its radioactivitys
left. It had been hoped the metal
would have at least half of its
radioactivity by the time it reach-
ed the laboratory.
Prof. Lloyd G. Brownell, of
the engineering college, heading
the project, said he expected the
experiments would have "some
success." The researchers
thought the radioactivity
last until 2 a.m.
Results of the all-night
ment will not be announc
a later date when the s
have been able to compile a
lyze their data.
FOG HAD delayed arrive
palladium, which was ship
lead-lined wooden box.
It was flown from the
River atomic reactor near
Ont., to the Windsor, Or
port, arriving at Walkerv
port in Windsor at 4:25 p
A waiting University
O l I eilwagon picked up the be
rushed it to Willow Run.
rivedat Willow Run at
By The Associated Press but it took one hour and]1
NEW YORK-The National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis utes to prepare the metal
announced yesterday the award of a total of $1,775,393 to 24 institu- experiments.
tions for further polio studies and professional education, including a t Heavy fog Monday hadc
$105,000 grant to the University for virus research.m the Windsor airport, forci
ponement of the experime
Prof. Brownell said othe
WASHINGTON-The Senate Foreign Relations Committee could be used but would
yesterday unanimously approved bringing Turkey and Greece into dangerous in case of accid
the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). experiments, he said, ma
how to quicken fuel con
SEATTLE - Two overturned lifeboats, tossing on the stormy and produce more horsepo
North Pacific, with no signs of survivors, told yesterday of the un- said they also may show
, doubted fate of the crew of the motorist would be protect
'lost Japan-bound freighter Penn- radiation by the thickness
t Carlsen Flie,0 the automobile combus
CeAnother experiment at
WASHINGTON-Secretary of
Back to U.S. AiGtn asered Run is slated for Feb.
!Agriculture Brannan asserted pandt l ic f
yesterday that misconduct by a planned to fly a piece ofk
LONDON-P)-Still bewildered few individuals in the gra ive metal from the Brookc
by the commotion over his ex- trade is being used by his po- ng sarN eact
ploits, Capt. Kurt Carlsen flew litical foes to discredit federal next tests are intended t
homeward last night over the At- farm programs. mine the effect of radioac
i 3 tiudiesel engines.
iaCommunist radio broadsides
rthur concentrated on the U.S. Air
Ont., Force. Following up charges that
U. S. planes flew over Manchuria
Sunday, the Reds alleged yester-
day that Allied bombers killed 10
and wounded 60 Allied prisoners
in a raid on Kangdong Prison
The Fifth Air Force denied both
charges. Gen. Matthew B. Ridg-
- way ordered a further investiga-
would tion, however.
experi- U. S. SABRE jets yesterday car-
ed until ried the air war deep into North
cientists Korea and damaged two out of
nd ana- 190 Communist MIGS encountered
in two sky battles.
The 145-mile snow-covered
al of the battlefront was almost quiet ex-
ped in a cept for the occasional boom of
artillery. The U. S. Eighth
e Chalk Army reported only two small
Ottawa, ground actions.
nt., Air-
ille air- The two Communist MIGS were
.m. damaged in a clash of 36 Sabres
station and 40 Red planes in Northwest
ox and Korea. Other Sabre pilots cover-
It ar- ing fighter-bombers exchanged
6 p.m. firing passes with 150 more MIGS.
15 min- The major air effort was direct-
for the ed at Red rails and supply faci-
closed in --- - ----
ng post-
'nt. . Keiauver
r metals
be too Silent on Talk
ent. The
ay show
bustion Wlit hTruman
wer. He
that a WASHINGTON-{A'}-Sen. Estes
ed from WAHN Tenn()- who iston
of walls Kefauver (D-Tenn.), who is on
tion en- the verge of running for the Dem-
ocratic presidential nomination,
Willow talked with President Truman for
Willis 30 minutes yesterday, but kept si-
radioac- lent on any political decisions they
Haven, may have discussed.
or. The The tall, soft-spoken Tennes-
o deter- sean declined to say whether he
tivity on believes Mr. Truman will seek re-,
election. As for himself, Kefauver
told newsmen: "I will give a defi-
nite statement of my intentions
Safe about Feb. 1.,'
- * *
IN OTHER political develop-
ments yesterday:
Jury Averts
Of Costello
NEW YORK-()-The Govern-
ment failed by an eyelash yester-
day in another attempt to trap
Frank Costello, this time for con-
tempt of the Senate.
A tired, deadlocked jury report-
edly stood 11 to one for conviction
when it finally gave up after 23
hours and 20 minutes.
* * *
HOWEVER, IT was so hopeless-
ly split, it couldn't agree on a sin-
gle one of 11 contempt charges.
They were lodged against Costello
as a result of last year's Kefauver
Crime Committee hearings, which
millions watched on television.
The charges were based on
Costello's refusal to answer
questions and for twice walking
out on the Senate committee. U.
S. Attorney Myles J. Lane said
the Government will try Costello
again as soon as possible.
Costello, who faced up to 11
years in prison and $11,000 in fines
if convicted yesterday, was asked
by newsmen how he felt about the
hung jury. "I feel all right," he
rasped in his chronic croak.
M * ,
IT WAS the fourth time in 25
years that Costello has sidestepped
Federal Government attempts to
put him behind bars on one charge
or another. He has faced rum-
running, stolen jewel and tax
The only time he ever tripped
was in 1915, when the state of
New York jailed him for 10
months for carrying a gun. In
his 20's then, Costello grew into
a shadowy middle-aged under-
world figure without ever going
to prison again. He will be 61
years old Jan. 26.
The contempt jury had the case
almost a full day before foreman
Harold Miller gave in. He told
the court the 10 men and two
housewives "have reached a hope-
less deadlock."
Federal Judge Sylvester J. Ryan
refused to poll the jury on how the
members stood. But one juror-
who declined use of his name-
' said only one man held out for
Costello was continued in $5,000
bail. Legal preliminaries for a re-
trial of the contempt case were set
for Friday.
New Measure
Stirs Senate
Special to The Daily
LANSING - A bill which may
give State Legislature committees
power to subpoena the University's
records was the center of a heated
controversy in the Senate yester-
The measure seeks to empower,
the Legislature to force open the
books of all agencies and institu-
tions in Michigan, including those
which are constitutionally pro-
However, state Sen. Harry F.
Hittle (R), East Lansing, spon-
sor of the bill, said yesterday "it
is perfectly obvious that the
Legislature has no jurisdiction
iantc tna ciie i ying t
He took with him a silver me
for "meritorious services at se
awarded by Lloyd's Insurance U
derwriters and a royal decorati
from his native Denmark.
The shy New Jersey skipp
faces a ticker tape paradei
Broadway today.
"I feel I have not done anythi
that deservessany recognitio.
Carlsen said as he received t]
medal. "I tried as a seaman
prove what a seaman is expect
to do."
-n -
W. Va.-The NCAA Football Rules
Committee made it mandatory yes-
terday that a player who flagrant-
ly violates the unnecessary rough-
J-Hop Ticket
1 Close Frid-
ness rule be suspended from the Sale of tickets for the 1952 J .e
per game.-Iop will end Friday, ticket chair- 1 Senator Robert A. Taft (R-
* Ho il n riatiktchi- Ohio) was formally entered in
up . man Margie Boos, '53, announced' ho a omlyetrdi
LANSING-The State Adminis- m a M the Illinois primaryrscheduled
yesterday. frArl8 upressi hy
ng trative Board yesterday. charged The tickets may be purchased pril 8. upporte satey
nh" aina rdcio uhrt today, tomorrow and Friday from plan to run a complete slate of
the National Production Authority y8:3 a.m. to 4 p.m. Miss Boos delegates pledged to the Ohio
to with reneging on its promise of aid urged students to pick up their senator.
ted to Michigan's metal-starved auto- tickets early as "they're going Backers of Harold E. Stassen,
mobile industry. fast." another GOP candidate, said they
S-~ ~~ - Ialso plan to enter a slate of dele-
gate candidates on Stassen's be-
U.S. Aid Helps French in Indo-China
(Editor's Note: The French and the
Communist-led Vietminh have been
fighting five years for control of Indo-
china, a French Union outpost which
is the gateway to Southeast Asian
lands rich in tin, rice and rubber.
U. S. military equipment is playing a
big part in helping the French and
their Indochinese allies keep Indo-
china out of Red hands. Here tarry
THE FRENCH are losing no
time moving this equipment from
the ports of Saigon and Haiphong
to the front lines, where they are
urgently needed to beat back at-
tacks by the forces of Ho Chi
UP NORTH IN Tonkin, French
pilots fly American fighters and
B-26 bombers. Artillerymen use
American field guns and armored
units roll along in American tanks.
A French fear that Chinese
Communist troops might join in
to wage war by land, sea or air.
American military aid is gener-
ally credited with being a power-
ful factor in France's victories
over the Vietminh during the past
year. Since American aid began
coming in, the French have not
nnircnrn lfln[Tnm ivvt Aiix
2. A group of Southern Demo-'
cratic senators, whose decisions
may wield powerful influence over
the presidential election, held a
closed-door "strategy meeting,"
but kept silent on the outcome.
3. In Louisiana, voters went to
the polls to choose among nine
Democratic candidates for gov-
The field included the first Ne-
gro to seek the governorship since
post-civil war reconstruction days,