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January 13, 1952 - Image 1

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I (I)

Latest Deadline in the State CLOUDY AND COLDER

VOL. LXII, No. 81




Icers Triumph;
Hoopster s Lose
Ikola Shines... Undefeated .

0 .

The Wolverine hockey team
closed with a third period rush to
down Minnesota 6-1 last night at
the Coliseum.
A four goal splurge by the Mich-
igan pucksters wrapped up the
contest that stood at 2-0 as the
final stanza began.
THE PERIOD was less than a
minute old when reserve forward
Paul Pelow sent a hard twenty
footer into the nets behind Minne-
sota goalie Larry Ross to make
it 3-0 Michigan.
Pelow saw a great deal of ac-
tion as the replacement for Pat
Cooney on the line with Chin
and Captain Earl Keyes. Cooney
was sidelined as a result of a
head injury he received in Fri-
day night's encounter.
Just a little more than three
minutes after Pelow's goal Bob
Heathcott scored his second goal
of the evening and fifth of the two
game series.
then temporarily interrupted as
Pete Stouerwald of the Gophers
ended all hopes of a shutout for
Willard Ikola when he rapped a
rebound past the Michigan goal-
Minnesota tried to continue
their attack but the Wolverine
defense did not give them an-
other chance. Then in the clos-
.ing minutes another pair of
Michigan goals sewed up the
The two clinchers were sent
home by Johnny McKennell and
Doug Philpott within 51 seconds
of each other just around the 17
minute mark. Both were ably as-
sisted by their linemate and cen-
ter, John Matchefts.
'* * *
ACTUALLY the game was won
in the first period when Michigan
scored its first two goals.
Heathcott began where he left
off the night before by opening
up matters at 5:34 when he com-
pleted a Wolverine power play
with a goal shot from just outside
6' the Minnesota crease.
Captain Keyes passed to
Heathcott from behind the nets

Illinois' high-flying basketball
team chalked up its tenth consecu-
tive victory last night when they
downed Michigan, 67-51, before a
near-capacity crowd at Yost Field
The Fighting Illini have won
three conference games, while the
Wolverines have yet to win their
first league tilt while in competi-
tion with the three TP schools of
the Big Ten.
' ** *
IRV BEMORAS, a 6'3" Illini
forward, turned in the evening's
finest performance as he tallied
seven field-goals and eight free
throws to register 22 points. Fif-
teen of his markers came in the
first half, helping to give the vic-
tors a 41-24 lead at the intermis-
Scoring honors, and probably
any other honors which can be
thrown Michigan's way, went to
guard Doug Lawrence. Lawrence
hit on six long set shots, one of
them coming from mid-court as
the third quarter horn was blow-
The Orange and Blue jumped off
to an early 7-1 lead when guard
Jim Bredar hit on two field goals
and a free throw in the opening
USING A MAN to man defense
and a fast breaking offense, Illinois
extended its lead to 22-7 at the
ten minute mark. The Wolverines
registered their first point of the
game on a free throw by Dick Wil-
liams at 2:26.
In the first quarter, the visi-
tors hit for eight of 23 shots for
a 35 percent average, while the
Maize and Blue connected on
only three of 18 tries for a lowly
16 percent mark.
During the second quarter, the
Illini could only increase their
lead to read 41-24, out-scoring the
'M' squad by two points. Bemoras
was the big gun in. the quarter,
tallying 10 points.
s * .
AFTER THE intermission, the
Wolverines closed the point gap
to 11 (49-38), but Bredar, who
See ILLINOIS, Page 3

Plan in Part
Practise Limited
CINCINNATI-(A')-The Nation-
al Collegiate Athletic Association
rebuffed the college presidents in
one respect yesterday, but in many
others brought its own program
closer in line with the proposals of
the 11 man National Council on
Education Committee.
The NCAA delegates firmly re-'
jected legislation which would have
outlawed Spring football practice
and out-of-season basketball drills.
Instead they restricted such prac-
tices to 20 sessions in each sport.
THEY ALSO altered their prin-
ciple governing financial aid to
athletes, putting such aid more
securely under the control of the
individual institutions and they
adopted a principle calling for
sound academic standards.
The influential NCE Presi-
dents' Committee, which report-
ed on its study of athletics this
week, declared that there should
be no out-of-season practice ses-
sions. It also ruled out football
"bowl" games and other post-
season team contests and called
for closer restriction on other
athletic practices.
The NCAA merely called for
further study of post-season games
by a special committee and mean-
while placed a ban on making new
committments for such games to,
be played after Jan. 2, 1953.
WINDING up a busy session, the
convention also established a new
ethics committee, which will have
broad powers to investigate any
incident which the NCAA council
deems "detrimental to the wel-
fare of intercollegiate athletics as
a whole."
It also turned down an effort
to eliminate the "platoon sys-
tem" from football by means of
restrictive rules.
The anti-platoon move, which
was something of a surprise to
many delegates, came on a reso-
lution from the Pacific Coast Con-
ference calling for a "mandate"
to the football rules committee to
make the change. After lively de-
bate, it was rejected by a lopsided
Hugh C.- Willett of Southern
California, who was re-elected
president of the NCAA, took no-
tice in his concluding speech of
widespread comments that the
presidents had taken over the
NCAA's powers.
"The last two years have been
over stormy waters," Willett said.
"We are stronger than we ever
have been before. We are not done
for. We will see this thing
Citizens Request
Ladd Annexation
Ann Arbor will pick up a tidy
parcel of real estate if a petition
filed yesterday with the county
clerk bears fruit.
The petition, signed by 486 Ann
Arbor residents and 71 residents
of Ann Arbor township, asks the
annexation of a large tract of land
in Ann Arbor township east of
the city. The area extends gener-

ally from Washtenaw Rd. north to
Devonshire Rd.
The annexation, which must be
voted on by the electorate, could
be put on the April 7 ballot, if the
County Board of Supervisors gives
the go-ahead signal in time.

Russia Proposes
Atomic Controls
Vishinsky Advocates International
Inspection; U.S. Belittles Plan
PARIS--()-Andrei Y. Vishinski yesterday proposed simultaneous
prohibition of atomic weapons and establishment of strict atomic
controls under which international agents would come and go on
continuous inspections in any country, including Russia, whenever
The Soviet Foreign Minister told the United Nations Political
Committee in a speech outlining his new ideas on atomic control that
the international control organ should have the right "to conduct
inspection on a continuing basis; but it shall not be entitled to inter-
fere in the domestic affairs of the

POW'S TURN TO NEEDLE-Communist soldiers in UN prisoner-of-war camps on Koje-do Island
off Korea busy themselves making socks and gloves for Korean orphans.
* 4 ' * * * *
Van Fleet Says Eighth ArmyBet0ter
Than Ever, Could Stop Any Attack

By The Associated Press
As truce negotiations drew a
little closer, Gen. James A. Van
Fleet. said yesterday his U. S.
Eighth Army was "in better con-
dition than ever" and any all-out
offensive by the Reds would meet
"with complete disaster both on
the ground and in the air."
Van Fleet told AP correspondent
William C. Barnard that the Reds
have increased the size of their
air force. But he said the Eighth
Army would "handle" any Red
aircraft sent over UN lines in a
major offensive.

"THOSE PLANES would fall
like rain," he said. "It would be
something to see."
The General said the Com-
munists now have more artil-
lery in Korea than the Eighth
Army and that they have also
reinforced their armor. But the
greatest buildup, he said was,
in the Red Air Force.
Van Fleet's remarks about the
buildup of Red air power came
one day after the Far East Air
Forces announced their costliest
week of the air war in Korea-

three sabre jets shot down in
dogfights and 13 other planes de-
stroyed by Communist ground fire.
FEAF LISTED Communist loss-
es for the period-the week end-
ed Friday-as 12 Russian-built
MIGS shot down and 14 damaged
in air battles. The Air Force re-
ports Red losses from day to day,
but now lists Allied losses only by
the week.
An Air Force spokesman said
the weekly average Allied loss
since last spring has been about
seven planes. Recent weeks have
averaged 10 planes-attesting to
the growing challenge of Red
air power and anti-aircraft.

THE RUSSIANS in the past
have rejected the idea of perma-
nent inspection teams, contending
they would spy for the West. Vi-
shinsky declared his plan was a
"tremendous and momentous step
forward" and called on the West
to match the proposal.
American delegation spokes-
men immediately minimized the
value of Vishinsky's plan. They
declared it contained mostly
"old stuff." They said the provi-
sion that inspectors shall not
interfere in the domestic affairs
of the states would nullify the
inspection machinery.
U.S. Ambassador Ernest A. Gross
told the political committee the
United States would consider the
Vishinsky made clear to report-
ers after the committee adjourned
until tomorrow that he wants the
UN Assembly to proclaim now-at
this session-an unconditional ban
on atomic bombs.
* * *
OTHER UN developments:
1-The UN Assembly approved
51 to 5 (Soviet bloc) a plan for
collective security measures to
meet aggression which would per-
mit the UN to appeal for help
from regional pact armies such as
the North Atlantic forces. Argen-
tina, India and Indonesia ab-
2-Vishinsky denounced the UN
formula for concluding an armis-
tice in Korea. He proposed again
the Russian formula-for a cease-
fire and withdrawal of both sides
to the 38th Parallel in 10 days,
with all foreign troops and foreign
volunteers (Chinese Communists)
to leave Korea within 90 days.

y Spring Season Productions
Announced by Arts Theater

The Arts Theater announced
yesterday that its spring season of
productions will include three un-
familiar works of modern play-
wrights plus a traditional Shakes-
pearian drama.
Scheduled to open Feb. 8, the
new group immediately follows the
last play of the current season,
Ibsen's "Little Eyolf," opening Fri-
day and running through Feb. 2.
* * *
IN ALL but one instance the
four productions follow the Arts
Theater's established policy of
Court Refuses
Stacy Appeal
For Hearingy
The Michigan Supreme Court
has refused to hear an appeal filed
in behalf of Robert Stacy, former
University teaching fellow convict-
ed of setting fire to Haven Hall on
June 6, 1950.
The Court gave no reasons for
the denial.
The application fox' appeal was
filedhby Stacy's lawyer, Leonard
Young, more than six months after
the lean Latin scholar began serv-
ing a five to ten year sentence for
arson on Jan. 13, 1951.
Circuit Judge James R. Break-
ey, who presided over the arson
trial and sentenced Stacy, said
last night that an initial delay
in his certification of the appeal
stemmed from the absence of
certain affidavits which the

presenting "obscure but worthy
plays." The exception is Shake-
speare's "Othello".
An unpublished work by a
contemporary German drama-
tist, Bertolt Brecht, will be the
first production, running from
Feb. 8 through Feb. 24. From
Feb. 29 to Mar. 16, George Ber-
nard Shaw's second play, "Mrs.
Warren's Profession" will be pre-
sented. Clifford Odet's "Rocket
to the Moon" is scheduled to run
March 21 to April 6, and "Othel-
lo" will close the season.
Arts Theater actors Strowan
Robertson and Dana Elcar, who
chose the four-play bill, explained
that it was a result of a "constant
search for important experimental
Brecht's "A Man Equals a Man",
being given its first performance in
English by the Arts Theater mem-
bers, was chosen for its adaptabil-
ity to a small group of actors. The
most revolutionaryof modern play-
wrights, Brecht often writes for
elaborate casts of up to 50 mem-
bers, Robertson explained.

Cincinnati Orchestra Slated
To Appear Here Tomorrow
The. 85 piece Cincinnati Sym- von Weber" by Hindermith in
phony Orchestra under the dires- their evening of entertainment.
tion of conductor Thor Johnson*
will appear in theix annual Ann THIS WILL be the first pxesen-
Arbor concertnat 8:30 p.m.tomor- tation of the latter two works in
row in Hill Auditorium. Ann Arbor.
Featuring a program of both The music to "The Wasps" of
new and old music, the orchestra' Aristophanes, from which an
will include "Symphony No. 8" by orhsaluieasbnmd,
Dvorak, "A Night on Bald Moan- a a cnrsiteihasbet ade
tain" by Moussorgsky, "Overture was a contribution to that free
to 'The Wasps'by R a 1 p h and easy presentation of Greek
Vaughan Williams and "Sympho- drama which is characteristic of
nic Metamorphosis of themes by English universities.
Hindemith, recognized at one
time as the foremost young com-
i i yv l poser in Germany, was condemned
Hsi Z Ifor composing un-German works.
His "Symphonic Metamorphosis"
List E ared which will be heard at tomorrow's
concert, has an air of sustained
and bantering cheerfulness.
The University Musical Society Thor Johnson, who has been
yesterday announced the names of at the helm of the Cincinnati
six additional May Festival solo- group for five years, is one of
ists, the University's most disting.
Included in the group are four uished graduates. He succeeded
vocal artists: Eleanor Steber and Eugene Goossens in his position,
Astrid Varnay, sopranos, Set Svan- making him one of the few
holm, tenor, and Mack Harrell, American musicians ever to at-
baritone. Violinist Nathan Mil- tain the conductorship of a ma-
stein and Brazilian pianist Guio- jor American orchestra.
mar Novaes complete the group. The Cincinnati Orchestra is a
Previously announced soloists perennial concert favorite in many
for the 59th annual festival are cities and gives approximately 100
Patrice Munsel, Patricia Neway, concerts each season. In the
Anton Dermota, George London, course of its existence, the 'group
and Prof. Philip Duey of the music has performed about three thou-
school, sand compositions from the pens
Though details are still notcom- of 650 composers.
plete a skeleton outline of the four Tickets for tomorrow's concert
day festival has been set forth. will be on sale for $1.LA50.$200 andl

Meanwhile, Allied and Red
truce negotiators haggled iruit-
lessly for one hour and 10 min-
utes today on how to supervise a
Korean armistice.


An official UN spokesman
said nothing new was offered
by either side. The subcom-
mittee adjourned until 11 a.m.
tomorrow (9 p.m. EST, today).
The question of military air-
fields was again the stumbling
block. It is the last point of dis-
agreement holding up a solution
to the truce supervision question.
In a neighboring tent, Commun-?
ists and Allies tried again to thresh
out an agreement on exchange of
prisoners of war.
Maj. Gen. Claude B. Feren-
baugh, a UN command delegate
to the truce supervision talks, said,
"we tried to get an expression
from them on airfields and were
unable to do so."
SL Schedules
Book Bargains
The entire stock of the now-de-
funct Interfraternity Council book
exchange will be on sale tomorrow
through Wednesday, according to
SL public relations chairman Sue
Popkin, '54.
More than 500 unclaimed text
and reference books can be bought
at "terrific savings," Miss Popkin
said. Prices are expected to range
fx'om one cent to one dollar.
The sale will be conducted by
the SL student book exchange
committee, under the chairman-
ship of Phil Berry, '52 BAd, and
will take place from 3 to 5:30 p.m.
in the SL Bldg., 122 S. Forest.

World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-President Tru-
man has about decided not to ask
this election-year Congress for
new boosts in income or excise
tax rates, but will hit hard for a
program of tighter tax law en-
forcement and the plugging of
government "loopholes," according
to informed officials.
** *
1 TE RH AN -- Iran ordered
all nine British consulates and
vice-consulates in Iran closed
by Jan. 21, and jailed an Iranian
citizen who has been acting
correspondent of the British
NewssAgency Reuters.
* * *
LONDON-A Prague court sen-
tenced five Czechs to death on
charges of spying for the United
States, boosting to 130 the an-
nounced executions and death sen-
tences behind the Iron Curtain
since enactment of the U.S. mu-
tual security law.
WASHINGTON-Hearings on a
proposal to give Korean War vet-
erans the same treatment accord-
ed the men of World War II under
the GI Bill of Rights will get
underway Feb. 6.

Cash Gains
All Refused
By Car lsen
FALMOUTH, England - () -
Capt. Kurt Carlsen stubbornly re-
jected yesterday all fat offers to
cash in on his 14-day saga aboard
the Flying Enterprise.
He said he was just not inter-
* * *
HE HID OUT most of the day
in a Cornish hotel five miles from
town, dodging promoters with con-
tracts all ready to sign for story
and movie rights, television and
radio appearances and endorse-
ment of commercial products.
Disappointed and somewhat be-
wildered, these men sat around
hotel lobbies and most of them
conceded there was no chance now
at least of changing the courage-
ous skipper's mind.
When he stepped ashore yes-
terday Carlsen said "I most cer-
tainly do not want honest ef-
forts to save my ship to be com-
mercialized in any way."
He has turned a deaf ear to of-
fers totaling between $84,000 and
$112,000 which have come from
the United States, Britain, France
and Denmark.
S * * *
sleep he lost aboard the ill-fated
Enterprise, Carlsen said he wants
only to get back to his wife and
two children in Woodbridge, N.J.,
and then get another ship and g
back to sea. His company, the
Isbrandtsen Line, has assured him
that another ship, perhaps an-
other Flying Enterprise, will be
assigned to his command.
But before returning to his life's
work at sea he will be lionized at
a luncheon in London tomorrow
and a ticker tape parade in New
FBI Moves
Into Florida
Bomb Deaths
J. Edgar Hoover has turned a large
force of G-men loose in Florida to
hunt down the night-riders whose
bombs have killed two Negroes and
terrorized the Miami area in re-
cent months.
It's an intensive man-hunt,
spurred by the official belief that
a denial of civil rights is involved
in the series of bombings and at-
tempted bombings which began
last September,
AGENTS HAVE been rushed in-
to Florida to bolster the state's
FBI staff. They have "complete
and unlimited authority" from At-
torney General McGrath to use
the resources of the Federal gov-
ernment in their hunt.
It is known that Hoover gave
the go-ahead signal for a full FBI
investigation after the bombing
at Mims, Fla., on Christmas night
which killed Negro leader Harry
T. Moore and fatally injured his
wife, Harriet.
The Miami bombing had aroused
local concern earlier this week.
The Civil Liberties Committee had
voted to send protest letters to
President Truman, McGrath, Flo-
rida Gov. Fuller Warren, and
Michigan's representatives in Con-
gress. The Student Legislature
had also passed a resolution to
send a protest letter to McGrath.

i :. a -- vas -.- .a va W .V , z v c l

The first concert May 1 will fea- ( $2.50 at the offices of the Uni-
ture Miss Steber. Vocalists Varnay versity Musical Society in Burton
and Svanholm will be in an all- Memorial Tower. They may also
Wagner program May 3 and Miss be purchased at Hill Auditorium
Munsel will close the series May 4. box office after 7 p.m. tomorrow.

"In 'Mrs. Warren's Profession',
we are presenting one of the
'unpleasant plays' which sky-
rocketed Shaw to the eminence
which he still maintains," Rob-
ertson stated. Because "Mrs.
Warren's Profession" written in
1898, represents an attack on
organized prostitution, it was
originally banned to English
Clifford Odet's "Rocket to the
Moon" is, like the Shaw play, an
early work of an influential dra-
matist. It is a serious story of a
man hemmed in by his unfortun-


Issue of Asian War Becomes More Urgent

Ffanow YUH% HIKOKU j
Ha~w Shanghai'
Chatngsha Wencho- Sea .
aKweiyang Foochow. i0- OKtNAWA -L
*Kunmin Amoy " ~RYtYUJE/t}_g -I." y


WASHINGTON-(MP)-The f ate-
ful issue of whether the United
States should fight any more
Korea type wars around the bor-
ders of the Kremlin's Red empire
was injected with new urgency
this week into grand strategy
planning of the State Depart-
ment, White House and Pentagon.

selves-what the Communists
will do in either Southeast Asia
or Korea.
The slow buildup of Allied
strength, an important factor in
Truman-Churchill discussions to-
morrow and Tuesday, was recog-
nized by the President in his mes-
sage to Congress Wednesday. He

Asia was the over-riding topic of
discussion in a conference of Am-
erican, British and French general
staff chiefs Friday at the Penta-
All the talk revolves around this
point :
Britain and France are doing,
in their estimate, about all they

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