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January 12, 1952 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1952-01-12

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State of the Union

Associated Press News Analyst,
T'S AN OLD truism that the way things
look depends on where you are standing.
In the United States, President Tru-
man's State of the Union message was re-
ceived, judging from the weight of com-
ment I have seen and heard, as something
less than masterful.
His assessment of 1951 as a year of great
gains has been widely questioned, and the
message in general seemed uninspiring.
In Britain, however, the report seems to
have been well received. The Manchester
Guardian, tagged as liberal, even compared
it with Prime Minister Churchill's Christmas
broadcast in grimness and uncompromising
devotion to the tasks of world affairs.
The News Chronicle of London, also
tagged liberal, looked at the domestic rath-
er than the international angles of the
address and decided that the President
was steering "well left of center," but
that, because of political reasons, his so-
cial program will never be fully carried out
"though there is no real economic reason
why it should not be. The American eco-
nomy is so strong that it could carry the
enormous burden of armament without
reducing the standard of living of its
The Independent London Times said "it
was an awesome picture that Mr. Truman
sketched of industrial America armed and
arming, of a huge machine moving to-
ward its greatest speed and momentum."
Then it adds slyly:
"To steer it well will call for the highest
wisdom, and sober counsel to the helmsman
will be the duty of America's friends and al-
lies," chief of whom, of course, aresthekBri-
tish for whom the Times seeks to speak.
A lien Camps
MOST AMERICANS have forgotten the
unfortunate "detention camps" in the
United States which, during World War II,,
held 100,000 Japanese Americans.
But the architect of these "relocation
centers," former Attorney General, Tom
Clark laid the constitutional groundwork
for what is happening now in this coun-
try-the construction of concentration
camps to be used "in case of emergency."
These camps, which are being built by At-
torney General McGrath, with federal pri-
son labor, are in construction at Wicken-
burg and Florence, Arizona, and El Reno,
The Supreme Court decision supporting
the Japanese American camps will be used
as the precedent for upholding the provi-
sions of the McCarran act which make these
camps possible.
Typical of the McCarran act, these provi-
sions are vague and unsatisfactory. Under
this act any person who "there is reason-
able grounds to believe" might conspire with
others to commit acts of sabotage or es-
pionage may be arrested in an emergency
and held in the concentration camps now
being built.
The camps, which it is reported will
hold around 3,000 potential spies, repre-
sent a part of the trend in this country
towards totalitarian methods for the pur-
pose of "expediently" meeting the world
The threat of internal Communism or
outside invasion does not warrant the pre-
sence of concentration camps on the Ameri-
can scene. By using the McCarran act to
arrest suspected spies, these concentration
camps may well become filled with thous-
ands of Americans who have been deprived
of their basic civil right--a prompt trial by
jury. y --Aice Bogdonoff
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writer only.
This must be noted in all reprints.

WASHINGTON-The news in President
Truman's State of the Union message is
not in what it contained, which is familiar,
nor in its reception by the Republicans and
their allies, the Democratic underground, for
that coalition has increasingly thwarted
him, but in Mr. Truman.
The President often has hurled pro-
grams at Congress he didn't expect to
get, but he hitherto has managed to act
as if he ought to get them. In the past,
certain fierceness underlying his unshaded
delivery conveyed very well the impression
that his opposition was unworthy of the
great American people.
Thus, Mr. Truman managed to campaign
effectively on the issues he raised, no mat-
ter how ineffectually he sometimes seemed
to govern. On the basis of Wednesday's per-
formance, he can do neither.
He thereby has reinforced the conviction
of his party that he does not intend to run
Some members professed to find desir-
able what they called the President's more
conciliatory attitude this year. The atti-
tude of the Republicans, as Mr. Truman
droned on, showed how much chance ex-
ists of conciliating the differing points of
view at the two ends of Pennsylvania Ave-
nue during this campaign year.
Had he suddenly indorsed the Ten Com-
mandments, without a suitable pause to al-
low it to sink in, they hardly would have
raised a handclap. Deafening silence greet-
ed even the most laudable statement of his
Republicans, of course, are not really for
poor health, underprivileged lives, and in-
justice to labor. They are only adamantly
suspicious of Mr. Truman's packaging, and
they will not risk a cheer for his principle.
It adds up, again, to the fin de siecle. An
era is ending. It is unclear what will suc-
ceed it, and it is not irrevocably a Republi-
can year, but change is in the air.
In the present atmosphere, restlessness
among the Democrats will grow. Many of
them sincerely do not believe that all is
A source of their encouragement is the
new National Chairman, Frank McKinney,
whom few ever had heard of when Mr. Tru-
man named him. McKinney impresses them
as a man who is not accustomed to losing,
and would prefer not to begin now. His busi-
ness career supports their feeling.
Several say bluntly that he looks like the
first real chairman the party has had since
Jim Farley. If it proves true, it would be
ironic that Mr. Truman should have picked
him out of the blue when his own days are
The California situation tosses another
straw into the prevailing wind. As usual,
California Democrats are fussin' and feud-
in'. Washington scouts reported to the
White House that a strong hand from
Washington was vital if the state were
to be saved for a Truman re-election
The President refused to be interested.
Instead, McKinney, as in Minnesota, is re-
commending that the convention delegates
get behind an almost unknown favorite son,
State's Attorney Edmund G. (Pat) Brown.
Then, there is the matter of Attorney
General McGrath's tenure. Various Truman
advisers had it rigged to send McGrath as
ambassador to Spain, and replace him at the
Department of Justice with former Judge
Justin Miller, president of the National As-
sociation of Broadcasters. This, they said,
would be housecleaning enough.
McGrath politely declined, at an evening
session at Blair House, to consent. He would
leave, he said, if the President wished, but
he wanted no other post. His show of firm-
ness won.
The President told a cabinet meeting
that there would be no changes in the
cabinet this year. Hence, the Attorney
General's gayety on leaving that meeting.
Again, too, the prevailing belief is rein-
forced that Mr. Truman will not run again.
(Copyright, 1951, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.)



"See - He's Still Got His Hat On"



WASHINGTON - The same dangerous
mine conditions which killed 119 miners
at West Frankfort, Ill., also exist at Orient
No. 3 mine twe'nty miles away, according to
miners who work there. Both mines are
owned by the same company.
It was a combination of escaping gases
and explosive coal dust that blew up Or-
ient No. 2 and a United Mine Workers
safety committee has protested that Ori-
ent No. 3 at Waltonville, Ill., also could
become a death trap and has warned that
it should be shut down.
The safety inspectors found tunnels heavy
with coal dust that had not been mixed with
rock dust, though a 65 per cent mixture of
rock dust is considered necessary to make
the coal dust non-explosive. A 6- to 24-inch
layer of coal dust was also discovered under
the conveyer belts. In addition, no escape-
way has been installed in the rear of the
Despite all this, Illinois mine inspectors
had already given the Orient No. 3 a safe-
to-operate permit.
While the federal government lacks the
power to enforce its safety findings, John
L. Lewis has the power, under his con-
tract, to order men out of an unsafe mine.
He is waiting to learn the outcome of a
federal inspection before deciding what
to do. Meanwhile miners say they have so
many Christmas bills to pay they are will-
ing to gamble their lives by continuing at
Orient No. 3.
* * *
ment that he was available as a Repub-
lican brought wide and interesting private
reactions in Washington. Here are some of
conferring when the General's Paris state-
ment was handed them. Churchill raised
his eyebrows eloquently. Truman grinned
like a boy who's been keeping a secret. "I
knew he was running and as a Republi-
can," he confided.
-"This means that Taft has real big league
competition," was the private reaction of
Chairman Guy Gabrielson. (Gabrielson has
kept aloof from Taft's battle to corral dele-
gates, which is why Taft wants him out,)
Gabrielson opined privately that Taft
would not be able to hold the majority of
the convention delegates he now claims, also
observed that Ike was not smart to let the
Dewey professionals openly take over his
drive for the nomination. (Dewey is not
popular with GOP regulars.)
old manager, Herbert Brownell and New
York National Committeeman Russell
Sprague, are already busy lining up dele-
gates. Both are shrewd politicians. Their
ability should offset Dewey's unpopularity.
TAFT CAMP-The Taft brain trust will
1. put out the idea that Ike is a Dewey
"stooge;" 2. Predict that Dewey will be Ike's
Secretary of State and adopt a Wall Street
foreign policy; 3. Get General MacArthur to
train the big guns on his old comrade-in-
arms. MacArthur is especially burned up
over Ike's slip that he was once MacArthur's
ghost-writer and is itching to let loose with
all he's got. (Ike wrote MacArthur's fare-
fell to the Army when Mac retired as Chief
of Staff-a stirring message.)
-Regular Democratic leaders privately are-
n't happy about Ike's announcement. They
have long wanted to help the Republicans
nominate Taft, believe Taft would be the
easiest Republican to beat. That long-range
strategy began back in 1950 when Demo-
cratic bigwigs helped put a weak candidate,
Jumpin' Joe Ferguson, up against Taft in
the Ohio election. They wanted Taft kept
in the Senate as the ultimate opponent
against Truman.
from Tennessee took Ike's announcement
in his quiet stride, continued with plans to
toss his coon-skin hat in the presidential
can to benefit from the Eisenhower-Taft
battle will be the Governor of California. A

deadlock between the two could put Warren




000011~, "s ow 40'..

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (11 a.m.
on Saturday).
Art Print Loan collection: All prints
must be returned to 510 Admin. Bldg.
during the week beginning Mon., Jan.
14, Hours are 8-12 and 1-5. A fine
f five cents per day will be charged
after Friday.
Choral Union members whose records
of attendance are good, are reminded
to pick up their courtesy pass tickets
admitting to the Cincinnati Orchestra
concert Mon., Jan. 14, on the day of
the concert between the hours of 9 and
11:45, and 1 and 4, at the offices of the
Musical Society in Burton Tower. Aft-
er 4 o'clock no passes will be issuedl
University Women:
Mon., Jan. 14, is the final date for
registration for rushing No exceptions
will be made expect for those who be-
fore that date have obtained permis-
sion to register late.
School of Public Health Assembly.
Address: "The Animal Kingdom, a
Reservoir of Human Disease." Dr. Karl
F. Meyer, Director of the George Wil-
liams Hooper Foundation, University
of California Medical Center, San Fran-
cisco. 4 p.m., Mon., Jan. 14, School of
Public Health Auditorium.
Academic Notices
Bacteriology seminar, Mon., Jan. 13.
10 a.m. in Room 1520 East Medical
Subject: The Application of Some
Physical Apparatuses to Biological Re-
Spaekers: The Beckman Spectropho-
tometer, P. C. Rajam. The Sonic Os-
cillator Apparatus, M. F. Barile. Elec-
trophoretic Analysis with the Tiselius
Apparatus, D. Alonso.
Psychology Concentrates who plan to
graduate one year from this February
and who qualify for the Honors Pro-
gram are invited to discuss the possi-
bility of beginning the program next
semester with Dr. Atkinson, 4127 N.S.,
between 9-9:30 a.m. before the end of
this semester.,
Doctoral examination for Robert P.
Weeks, English; thesis: "H. G. Wells as
a Sociological Novelist," Sat., Jan. 12,
West Council Room, Rackham Bldg., 9
a.m. Chairman, A. L. Bader.
Doctoral examination for Charles
Rush Layton, Political Science, thesis:
"The Political Thought of John Bright,"
Sat., Jan. 12, East Council Room, Rack-
ham Bldg., 9:30 a.m. Chairman, E. S.
Doctoral examination for Noah Sher-
man, Physics; thesis: "The Effect of
Atmospheric Temperature variations on
Cosmic-Rays Underground," Sat., Jan.
12, 2038 Randall Laboraotry, 10 a.m.
Chairman, W. E. Hazen.
Doctoral examination f o r Robert
Crary Baldridge, Biological Chemistry;

thesis: "The Metabolism of Ergothi-
oneine in the Animal Organism," Mon..
Jan. 14, 313 west Medical Bldg., at 1:30
p.m. Chairman, H. B. Lewis.
Events Today
School of Music Student Council:
Meeting, Sat., Jan. 12, 11 a.m., 404 BMT.
Saturday Luncheon Discussion Group,
Lane Hall, 12:15 p.m. Rabbi Herschel
Lymon will discuss "Jewish Customs
Frequently Encountered by Christians."
Telephone reservations to Lane Hall.
Coming Events
Graduate Outing Club: Meet at the
rear of the Rackham Building Sun,
Jan. 13, 2 p.m.
Cancellation: The Economics Club
meeting which was announced for Mon.
night. Jan. 14. has been canceled. Dr.
Clague has notified the Economics De-
partment that he is unable to appear
as scheduled.
I tgal IL



Miami Bombing ...
To the Editor:
ON THE NIGHT of December
24th, 1951, a bomb exploded in
a Florida home. This resulted in
the immediate death of Harry T.
Moore and the subsequent death
of his wife. Mr. Moore, an educa-
tor, was a Negro who held an off i-
cial position in the National As-
sociation for the Advancement of
Colored People (NAACP).
Up until the time of his death,
Mr. Moore had been spearheading
a campaign, sponsored by the NA-
ACP, to bring about the indict-
ment and prosecution of a sheriff
of Groveland, Florida. This sher-
iff, Willis McCall, shot two hand-
cuffed prisoners, killing one and
seriously wounding the other,
while they were in his custody.
The prisoners, Walter Irvin (who
survived) and Samuel Shepherd,
had been convicted of rape in
what Supreme Court Justice Jack-
son termed "one of the best ex-
amples of one of the worst men-
aces to American justice." (The
conviction was not upheld by the
Supreme Court and a retrial-
which was never held-was or-
Previous to this time, attacks
had been made on Florida homes
and places of worship. These in-
clude bombings of Jewish syna-
gogues, the attempted bombing of
a Catholic church, and desecra-
tion of Jewish cemeteries in Mi-
ami, as well as burning of homes
and routing of more than 400 Ne-
gro residents in Groveland.
We can only feel, as every other
fair - minded American, abhor-
rence at these lawless and shame-
ful acts. Protest has already been
made by several national groups,
including NAACP, National Coun-
cil of Churches of Christ in Amer-
ica, UAW-CIO, National Confer-
ence of Christians and Jews, AFL
and others.
On this campus, Student Legis-
lature and the Civil Liberties
Committee have already taken ac-
tion. We urge all students and
student organizations to join in
this nation-wide protest.
-Joy Faily
Paul Graubard
Kathryn Hanchon
Shirley Jamoneau
Norma Stecker
Diane Styler
Robert Schor
* * *
Miami Bombing.,..
To the Editor:
TODAY THE Civil Liberties
Committee sent the following
letter to President Truman, Attor-
ney General McGrath, Senators
Homer Ferguson and Blair Moody,
and Representative George Mead-
"The Civil Liberties Committee
of the University of Michigan de-
plores the recent Florida bomb-
ings and deaths of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry T. Moore. We feel that
these events constitute a threat to
all Americans. This destruction of
life and property has been vir-
tually ignored by Florida authori-
ties. The bombings of synagogues,
churches and homes in the past
two months show an incompe-
tence on the part of Florida auth-
orities in maintaining law and or-
der. We therefore request strong
federal action for the welfare of

the nation. We also urge that you
undertake an investigation of theI
general status of civil liberties in3
the state of Florida. We further
request that you personally takeI
an interest in these disastrous
events and exert all possible in-
fluence to prevent any further
outbreaks of such organized vio-
We sent a similar letter to Gov-
ernor Warren of Florida, ommit-s
ting the word "federal" and the
sentence about an investigation of
the status of civil liberties.
-Devra Landay, Chairman
Leonard Sandweiss, Secretary
* * *
Religious Survey . .
To the Editor:
THE STUDENT Religious Asso-
ciation executive committee
and council wish to thank the
Daily for the series "The Bases of
Faith in Our Time" which was
published between December 11
and December 21. We were very
glad to see this recognition of the
importance of the influence which
a man's religious background and
belief has on his thinking in all
fields; recognition also of the citi-
zen's need, as he makes his deci-
sions, to understand the founda-
tions not of his own thinking but
of others' as well. Your series was
a fine introduction to these ques-
We would like to remind those
who read this letter that religion
is, after all, personal. Mere read-
ing of articles or books, no matter
how excellent,, is not enough to
gain understanding or insight in-
to such a many-sided thing as be-
lief; it is necessary to think, neces-
sary to talk with and listen to
those who have faith, to those who
are seeking it, and to those who
have it not. We are very grateful
to the Daily for having brought
these problems to so large an au-
dience; we sincerely hope that
this praiseworthy effort has sti-
mulated your thinking, as it has
The Student Religious Association
Executive Committee and Council
* * *
Judy Be Good.*..
To the Editor:
LAYING ASIDE for the moment
the study of law and consid-
ering the recommendation to ex-
tend the girl's hours, I have the
following suggestions to make.
The present hours are tanta-
mount to an all night vigil con-
sidering they are spent with a
Michigan Co-ed. The "Judy Be
Good" hours while ostensibly de-
signed to protect the "innocent
darlings" from the ". . . world of
drinking parties, illicit affairs, and
the worldly wise," in truth protect
the men from spending more time
than they do with Judy Co-ed and
her glaring intellectual inadequa-
Four or five hours on any Fri-
day or Saturday night is more
than enough time spent with the
typical co-ed who is on the per-
renial cocktail party, shouting as
she jumps to and fro on her sor-
ority engraved pogo stick "I'm vi-
vacious, I'm vivacious!"
Men unite. Let us shorten the
hours. We must act now or an ex-
tension will be in the offing.
-John Sumner Lowry
Harvard, '50

Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board of Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Chuck Elliott .........Managing Editor
Bob Keith................City Editor
Leonard Greenbaum. Editorial Director
Vern Emerson .........Feature Editor
Rich Thomas ..........Associate Editor
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Bob Vaughn . ........Associate Editor
Ted Papes..............Sports Editor
George Flint ...Associate Sports Editor
Jim Parker ... Associate Sports Editor
Jan James ........Women's Editor
Jo Keteihut. Associate Women's Editor
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Bob Miller.........Business Manager
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Charles Cuson ... Advertising Manager
Sally Fish...........Finance Manager
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All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
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Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00: by mail. $7.00.





'..Powder Keg'




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a , .a n r. a r a . m m r. e ...s s .y

At Hill Auditorium .
Louis Barrault and Arletty.
T HERE is much too much complexity even
in the plot of this splendidly profound
movie for summary in this small space. To
call it a tragic romance seems deceivingly
vapid, although its main theme is that--
over and over. But on the way to the ac-
complishment of the romances and the tra-
gedies, it explores the emotional insides of
a very unusual group of people with an un-
derstanding and cold precision that Hem-
ingway has at his best.
The variety of characters share only
their credibility as they wind their way in
and out of a story as colorful and desper-
ate as the 1.9th Century Paris life it de-
Foremost. of course, is the mime, Baptiste,
played by Jean Louis Barrault. Barrault is
one of those extraordinary creatures of great
attraction who seem to have no physical
claim to it. But his gaunt face, framing

At The Orpheumr.. .

and David Tomlinson.

Leo Genn

THE TIME has passed when just any pic-
ture about the last war proves entertain-
ing. Time-tested plots have been used and
re-used to extinction.
It is therefore a pleasant surprise to find
a well-made British import that adequate-
ly fills most of the requirements of a good
war movie.
German prison camps---the atmosphere
and escape therefrom-were rather common
fare for script writers of five years ago; a
few innovations and the time that has pass-
ed help this account, purportedly factual,
surmount the heap of already discarded
In "The Wooden Horse" th6 prison camp
is not the usual hysterical and confused
mass of violence, brutality and blood. The
inmates are treated humanely, and (further
evidence of the time lapse) the German
.nra -rt in nfnnv .4-, nw hvnand +h ir

* * *
THE PRESIDENT'S remark to Churchill
that he knew Ike would run as a Repub-
lican was based on two conversations which
George Allen and Averell Harriman had with
Eisenhower. To both, the General made it
clear he would accept the GOP nomination
if tendered.
Truman, in turn, sent word to Paris that
he had no objection to Ike's running, in
fact was glad to have an anti-isolationist
Republican oppose Taft's isolationism. But
the President said he hoped Eisenhower
would remain on the job in Europe until the
North Atlantic Pact was working.
NEW HAMPSHIRE'S high-strung Senator
Charles Tobey is so broken over his sec-
ond wife's death that he can hardly talk
without weeping. She died after a hip injury
received while nursing him. Tobey broke into
tears repeatedly as fellow Senators came
around to comfort him on the Senate's open-
ing day... . Shirley Temple has been giving
her former movie friends the brush-off since
she became the wife of Commander Charles



FIRE HAZARD-State Fire Marshall Arnold C. Renner urged
the immediate razing of the West Medical Bldg. as a fire-trap.
He had strong criticism for the "deplorable egress" facilities and
the storing of volatile and inflammable liquids in the basement.
The building was constructed in 1903.





Your Fairy Godfather will take on
vor don's defense. Barnab. at his


Santa Claus, probably. To get
back to my case. In a week or

liii .dA~


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