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January 12, 1952 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1952-01-12

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See Page 2

Latest Deadline in the State




Truce Talks Still
Stalled; Jets Fight
UN Negotiator's 'Exasperated'
Reds Dodge Air Power Problem;











MUNSAN, Korea, Saturday, Jan.
12-0)-The Communists again
refused to answer the key question
of building North Korean air fields
today while four of their jets were
being shot down during a series
of five air battles, one within 30
miles of Panmunjom.
The Reds again dodged an an-
swer on whether they intend to
Big Powers'
Talks End
In Secrecy
WASHINGTON - () - A high-
level conference called to map
strategy in case Red China tried
to turn Indochina into another
Korea ended list night in an at-
mosphere of deep secrecy.
No statement was issued as the
military chiefs of the major Paci-
fic powers concluded their deliber-
The only words that had
emerged from the conference room
all day expressed grief at the
death in Paris of French Gen.
Jean De Lattre De Tassigny, best
known fighter against Communism
in Indochina.
Word of his passing at the age
of 61 was received by the conferees
as they faced up to the major is-
' sue before them: what will the
U.S., Britain and other nations
with high stakes in Southeast Asia
' do if Red China invades Indo-
* * *
T H E SECRECY which had
shrouded preparations for the
t meetings continued throughout the
day. The only official guidance
about the purpose and scope of
the high level session came in the
Churchill - Truman communique
earlier this week. That statement
said the military leaders would
consider specific measures to
strengthen the security of South-
east Asia.
Although none of the partici-
pating nations-the U. S., Bri-
tain, France, Australia, Canada
and New Zealand-have publi-
city framed solutions to the In-
dochina question, diplomatic
sources indicated these lines of
No sensational solution may be
expected. The U. S., Britain and
the British Commonwealth repre-
sentatives probably will recom-
mend to their political superiors
prompt and energetic support for
any French appeal to the UN in
the event of an invasion in Indo-
The deliberations may also tie
in with the security treaties the
U. S., has concluded with Aus-
tralia, New Zealand and the Phi-
lippines. These agreements are
now before the senate for ratifi-
Skipper Lands
By The Associated P'ress
A tired little sailor in borrowed
clothes, Capt. Kurt C a r 1 s e n
stepped ashore a hero yesterday
after losing a gruelling fight to
save his Flying Enterprise from
Atlantic gales.
The dauntless skipper-20 days
out of Hamburg on a voyage that
ended in his first shipwreck-
landed at the Prince of Wales pier
in a small Cornish port with
Mate Kenneth Dancy of the Bri-
tish tug Turmoil, who rode the
hurricane-cracked freighter with
him for the final week of a two-
week epic.

The Enterprise plunged to the
bottom Thursday.
In New York, insurance of $800,-
000 on the Isbrandtsen Company
boat-64 per cent of the insur-
ance coverage on the ship - was
paid yesterday.
The ship was insured for a total
of $1,200,000. The remaining $400,-
000 is understood to be covered

build up air power in Korea dur-
ing a truce.
EXASPERATED Allied negotia-
tors warned them yesterday there
could be no progress toward a
truce until the Reds make their
intentions clear.
But Maj. Gen. Howard M
Turner, head of the truce sup-
ervision subcommittee, emerged
from a 50-minute meeting today
and said there was no progress.
"We continued to press for an
expression from their side on
their intent with regard to air-
fields," he said. "They will not give
us a clear answer. So we recon-
vene at 11 a.m. tomorrow."
A second subcommittee on ex-
change on war prisoners met on
Meanwhile, Communist j e t
planes made their farthest pene-
tration south yesterday, but four
of them were shot down and one
was damaged in a series of five
air battles.
In the past the Red planes
have stayed within running
distance of the Manchurian bor-
der, over which American air-
men are forbidden to pursue.
Explaining their southward sor-
ties, Maj. William Waltman, U. S.
Fifth Air Force briefing officer,
said ,"They are probably just get-
ting more and more experience
under their belts. Our boys up
there today did not have any pic-
Don't Be Coy'
Senator Urges
WASHINGTON--(M)- Republi-
can Sen. George Aiken of Vermont
suggested yesterday Gen. Dwight
D. Eisenhower should "come out
swinging and not be so coy" if the
General wants to be President.
Aiken, who has not openly en-
dorsed anyone for the GOP nom-
ination, declared the voters are
"entitled to know Ike's views." He
added to newsmen:
"If Gen. Eisenhower wants to be
President he should ask to be re-
lieved of his present job and make
his views known on domestic is-
The General said on Monday he
would obey a "clear-cut call to
political duty," but would not him-
self campaign for the GOP nom-
ination and would not ask Presi-
dent Truman to relieve him from
his post as Supreme Allied Com-
mander in Western Europe.
* * *
THE CAMPAIGN to nominate
Eisenhower got under way official-
ly yesterday in Concord, N. H.,
when six prominent Republicans
filed entries for the New Hamp-
shire primary election, listing
themselves as "favorable to" the
Gov. Sherman Adams led the
group of candidates for delegates
to the GOP national convention.
Indications multiplied that Sen.
Robert A. Taft (R-Ohio) would
also be represented in the New
Hampshire elections, although no
candidates listed as "favorable" to
nhim fled entries on the first day.
Among the Democrats, James D.
McPhail of Manchester became
the first man in the country to file
as a candidate favorable to Presi-
dent Truman.

AkReport Calls
For Action
On Five Now
Need Funds First
'U' Officials Say
Immediate razing of five Uni-
versity classroom buildings as fire
hazards and eventual replacement
of five others was called for in a
report by State Fire Marshall Ar-
nold C. Renner made public yes-
University officials expressed
quick agreement that the build-
ings should be razed-but pointed
out that no funds were available
at this time to replace the much-
needed classroom space.
* * *
RENNER and five state police
detectives made a detailed survey
n of some 120 campus buildings this
fall, following out an order of Gov-
ernor G. Mennen Williams to in-
-Al Reid spect all state buildings after the
;NTURY disastrous state office building fire
last February.
It was pointed out by Director
of University Relations Arthur L:
Erandon that these buildings had
See Pages 2 and 4

-Daily-Malcolm Shatz -Daily-

been labelled as fire hazards in
previous reports. "We are making
slow but steady progress in elim-
inating our old structures," he
The 50 page report recom-
mended for immediate razing
the following: West Medical
Building, Romance Languages
Building, Pharmacology and
Economics Buildings, temporary
journalism department quarters
at 512 S. State and East Ha-L
The report further urged the
following buildings be replaced
eventually: Temporary Class-
room Building, Engineering Re-
search Annex, School of Music
Maynard St. building, West En-
gineering Annex and Automobile
West Medical, a brick and wood
joist structure built in 1903, should
be torn down because of "the type
of materials used and the very de-
plorable means of egress," Renner
* * *
RENNER also strongly criticized
the storage of explosive volatile
and inflammable liquids in the
basement, and suggested construe-
tion of an underground vault iso-
lated from the building.
The other buildings, all of
19th century vintage, contain
wooden partitions and Floors,
open stairwells and wooden
joists, fire hazards characteristic
of architecture of this period.
However, all but the temporary
journalism department building
will continue in use for some time,
University officials indicated. The
journalism department will move
to the new Angell Hall addition as
soon as it is completed, probably
next fall, with the final disposition
of the dingyr red stone structure
the department will vacate not
See 'U' BUILDING, Page 4

-Daily-Al Reid
Prur ue elad Ugs CAEnf orei

-Daily-Al Reid


CINCINNATI - (/P) - President
Frederick L. Hovde of Purdue said'
yesterday that the National Col-
legiate Athletic Association, ratherI
than the academic accrediting
agencies, should enforce the ath-
New Controls Put
On Hoe B .e
ernment put the brake on homeI
building and almost all types of
civilian construction yesterday.
Announcing a new allocation ofj
strategic metals for the construc--
tion industry, the Defense Produc-
tion Administration (DPA) said itI
would provide for a level of only
600,000 new home starts this year.
This is 45 per cent below the
total of 1,100,000 dwellings begun
last year and compares with a
current starting rate of 350.000
homes a year.,I

letic code proposed by the Presi-
dents' Committee of the American
Council on Education.
In a sharply-worded "keynote"
Address before a joint meeting of
the NCAA and the American Foot-
ball Coaches association, Hovde
said it was "not right in principle"
that violations of the athletic code
should be punished by withdrawal
of academic accredidation.
The coaches put forth a program
in answer to his statement in a
hurried meeting of the American
Football Coaches' Association,
"THE PENALTY would be in-
flicted upon those members of the
faculty and student body who are
not in any way involved in the
violation," Hovde said. "In my
judgment, violations of the athle-
tic code should be penalized by
athletic penalties, not by academic
The Purdue presMent, a for-


mer star quarterback at Minne-
sota, severely criticized the foot-
ball coaches for failure to de-
velop high standards of ethics{
and for condoning unethical
practices because "the other fel-
low does it."
A year ago, he said, the Big Ten
coaches unanimously voted among
themselves to discontinue bowl
games but were not willing "to get
up on their hind legs and say this
"WHY DON'T you get together
as professional men and really de-

World News
By The Associated Press
Marines yesterday called for 28,-
600 draftees in March-a figure
far below average.
BONN - The West German
Bundestag, the lower house of
Parliament, voted yesterday to
share Ruhr coal and steel with
five other European nations for
the next 50years.

Coast Guard

Finds Clues
Of LostShip
SEATTLE - UP) -Coast Guard
planes and a search vessel last
night reported finding wreckage
and debris near the last known
position of the missing freighter
The report was received by Seat-
tle district headquarters from the
cutter Klamath. 'it said aircraft
and the Canadian weather ship
Stonetown had located debris 34

velop and enforce professional rImiles southeast of the Pennsyl- 1
standards of conduct and action vania's last radioed message. Congressm an
comparable to those of the meii- NEW YORK - Federal Judge No survivors from the crew of!1
cal, legal and scientific profes- Sylvester J. Ryan ruled today that4 4 s were U.ges
televising of the hearings was no 45 or 46 persons were seen. 'U '
lions?" Hovde asked. ecs o otsiya ie nesfe g s A to
The coach's reply embraced e sforacketeer Frank Cos- The report brought intensified
four main devices. tello's refusal to testif at the plans for a wider aerial and sea
four main devraes
1. Administration of all finan Senate crime probe last March. search today.
cial aid by the proper educational WASHINGTON-(RP)-Rep. C
agency, regulated by conferences. 'TRY TOLL GATES': tis (R-Mo.) said yesterday he
2. Publicizing of each institu- ask congress to force the rem
the coaches association as a con- O - 9 6M r of Attorney General J. oP
sulting group in policy formation.1 1e McGrath, appointed to head P
3. Establishment of common ime n .
standards for admission and eli -S X ;campaign.
gibility.-Subsfit . partment, Curtis said in a A
4. Curtailment of spring foot- ------- -- ment, "should be the subjec
ball practice and elimination of ' metysholdLe te sbje
saprgamte.n enBAboras the'Athens of America' investigation and cleanup eff
spring names. - By CAL'AMRao--- _hen of . _not in charge of them.

IBill May Open 'U'ecords to State

t of

University officials were puzzled
yesterday at news of a bill report-
ed out of a State Senate committee
in Lansing which seeks power to
open records of all state agencies

complete put out by any institu-
tion in the country."
The measure, reported out by
the State Affairs Committee1
with unprecedented speed on the
second day of the Senate ses-
sion, would give legislative com-
mi- z nnw+r oruinena re-

agencies and institutions cre-
ated by both the legislature and 1
the state constitution."1
At present, constitutional cor-
porations and agencies are not
obliged to open their records to;
Lansing authorities, according tof

In a last minute development A suggestion tnat Mayor'Wil-
the NCAA voted in favor of con- liam E. Brown erect toll gates on
trolled football television for 1952. all Ann Arbor roads and charge 50
The vote was 163 for the NCAA cents per vehicle was advanced
program and only eight against. yesterday by Detroit News sports
______editor H. G. Salsinger.
Needling the mayor, columnist
U N Disarmament Salsinger offered the suggestion
" r rith. it fo fr, "Trn-r- -s tf

and make them pay for the
privilege of visiting the city,"
No one could then accuse
'Brownie' of trying to tax football
out of existence," Salsinger con-
tinued, "and what's more, he
would in the end collect a great
deal more money."

i IL V 1 1 aaa . lt-j va a".+v.

THE ATTORNEY general has
not announced details of his gov-
ernment housecleaning program,
But before he left yesterday- on a,
brief trip to New York he said he
plans an early conference with J.
Edgar Hoover, chief of the Fed-

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