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January 11, 1952 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1952-01-11

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Airline Training Program Prepares
Hostesses for Career in the Sky
Stewardess Needs -
"Good evening, ladies and gen-
tlemen; welcome aboard your
plane, 'The Southerner.' This isr
your stewardess Miss Knox.""
In this way Miss Donna Knox
greets her passengers over the
loud speaker as her gleaming sil-
ver Flagship is airborne at Dallas,
A Texas.=
Yet to earn her silver wings
r that identify her as an airlines
hostess and a career in the sky,<
Donna had to undergo extensive ''=
* * *

TO EVEN consider becoming a
1 hostess, Miss Knox had to meet
these exacting standards: age, 21
to 28 years; single marital status;
5' 2" to 5' 7" in height, weight not
exceeding 130 pounds, and vision
not requiring the use of glasses.
Hostesses must also be at least
high school graduates and some
college training is desirable. At-
tractive appearance, pleasant
disposition, sales personality,
even temperament, good judg-
ment and good character are
also necessary.
I, Training, according to Miss
Knox, was not the machine shop
surrounded by oil drums that she
had expected. Instead she would
never have realized she was not
S. living and studying at a fashion-
able girls' academy.
IN HER classroom she found a
full scale mock-up of the flagships
on which she would serve. One ac-
tually simulated the motion of a
plane in flight so that students
can learn the proper way to walk
during turbulent flight conditions.
On the first day of school, the
trainees are fitted for the trim,
blue uniforms they don one
month later. The classes offer
instruction in meteorology, the-
ory of flight, technical details
of aircraft, the routes of all air-
lines, governmental agencies,
ticketing, passenger and food
service and fight dispatching.
The students take trips to han-
gars to watch maintenance pro-
cedures and mechanics at work.
Senior captains explain the work-'
ings of the instruments used in
EMERGENCY procedures used
in evacuating disabled aircraft
and first aid are also included in
the extensive training.
Midway in the course comes
"H-Day"--and tears. "H-Day"
climaxes the section of the

MECHANICALLY MINDED-Student stewardesses Elsie Yeaton,
New Hampshire and Donna Knox and Betty Kent of California
listen as a mechanic describes workings of a Convair motor dur-
ing part of their instruction to become airline hostesses.

* * *
training period devoted to per-
sonality and personal grooming.
The students are shorn of their
long hair and given short hair
cuts to conform to company
During the last week of school,
students make observation trips
on regular flights to Dallas, New
York and Los Angeles watching
the manner in which regular ste-
wardesses perform their duties.
THEN, AFTER final examina-
tions, stewardess trainees are pre-
sented with their diplomas and
silver wings identifying them as
members of the Airlines' Steward-
dess Corps for their particular
There is a continuous need
for women to enter the airline
hostess profession, for the aver-
age stewardess works for about
two years and then marries.
Starting salary in this profes-
sion is around $185 a month. It is
increased to around $275 a month
after about a year. Most compan-
ies pay for trainees' tuition, room,
board and classroom expenses
while they are in training.
Since hostesses rarely fly more

* * *
than eighty-five hours a month
they have more time off than in
almost any other kind of regular
work. Often they are granted va-
cation passes up to 7,000 miles per
year to fly to scenic spots all over
the world.
Mrs. Roosevelt
'Smart' Lady
For the fourth consecutive
year, Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt was
selected to top the list of the
"world's 12 smartest women."
The wife of the late president
again placed first in the poll con-
ducted by editors of the Book of
Newspaper writers, parents and
educators of the children's insti-
tute panel were questioned as to
their preferences by the pollsters.
Mrs. Roosevelt was selected on
the basis of her individual
achievements during 1951, accord-
ing to Dr. Ellen W. McLoughlin,
editor-in-chief of the encyclope-
Included on the list for the
third straight year were four other
women. They were Sen. Margaret
Chase Smith (R-Me.), Dr. Flor-
ence Rena Sabin, Anne O'Hare
McCormick, foreign correspondent
of the New York Times, and Mme.
Vijaya Lakshmi, former Indian
ambassador to the United States.
Others included on the 1951 list
of intelligent women were Mar-
guerite Higgins, reporter from
Korean battlefields to the New
York Herald Tribune and Kather-
ine Lenroot, former head of the
Labor Department's Children's
Also included in the top 12 are
physicist Lise Meitner; Princess
Elizabeth; assistant defense secre-
tary Anna Rosenberg; Mrs. Ogden
Reid, publisher of the New York
Herald Tribune, and actress Judy
Holliday, who achieved stardom by
portraying a dumb blonde in the
movie, "Born Yesterday."
JGP Tryouts
Junior Girls' Play will con-
tinue preliminary tryouts from
4 to 6 p.m. tonight in the Lea-
gue. All eligible junior women
are urged to try out for sing-
ing, dancing or speaking parts.

Blue Book Ball
To Help Ease
Exam Worries
Union's Record Whirl,
Membership Dances
To Climax Semester
Bluebook Ball
Students will be able to stiffle
those "pre-exam blues" at the
Union's traditional Bluebook Ball
to be held from 9 p.m. to midnight
Saturday, January 19 in the Union
Clare Shepard's band will set
the relaxing musical mood to help
students forget their studying wor-
A bright blue and white crepe
paper false ceiling and huge blue-
books will decorate the ballroom
and lend an academic atrosphere.
Studious couples can brush up
on their last minute caculations
for astronomy and math on the
eight large blackboards in the
hallway leading into the ballroom.
A super-size bluebook will pro-
vide a backdrop for the band-
stand, while minature bluebooks
are to be given out for programs.
Dancers will be able to rate their
dates on the programs by filling
out the blanks inside the cover.
Tickets for the dance are priced
at $1 per couple and can be pur-
chased at the dance or in ad-
vance at the Union main desk.
The Bluebook Ball has become
another traditional campus dance
that is held each semester under
the auspices of the Union just be-
fore the final exam period starts
as a final social whirl.
General chairman for the dance
is Joel Baron. Other members of
his committee include Tom Glover,
decorations; Stan Herman, Pro-
grams; Nick Radell, entertain-
ment end Ken Rice, publicity.
* * *
Membership Dance
The regular Union membership
dance will be held from 9 p.m. to
midnight Saturday in the Union
Clare Shepard will wield the
baton at the bandstand as he has
each Saturday night since his
Union debut last September.
Shepard's band took over the
Union spotlight after Frank Tink-
er, band leader from '47 to '51
graduated from the University.
Tickets for the dance are $1 per
couple and can be purchased at
the Union main desk.
Record Dance
Climaxing the weekend's social
activities will be the regular Union
record dance to be held from 8
to 10:30 p.m. Sunday in the ter-
race room of the Union.
The latest popular records will
be featured along with the old
favorites by couples, and couples
will be able to play cards.
Students worried about final
exams can use the facilities of the
Union study hall in Room 3D.
Admission to the dance is free
and Union officials urge interested
couples to attend the last record
dance of the semester.
Students may sign up for tu-
toring service today and Mon-
day in the Merit-Tutorial of-
fice in the League.

Behrens - Sloane
The Christmas holiday wedding
of Jody Behrens and Charles C.
Sloane III took place Dec. 29 in
the National Cathedral, Washing-
ton, D.C.
Mrs. Sloane, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Carl F. Behrens of Wash-
( * *

A sophomore in the literary col-
lege, Miss Brennan is affiliated
with Gamma Phi Beta sorority.
Mr. Booth, a senior in the
School of Business Administra-
tion, is affiliated with Sigma Al-
pha Epsilon fraternity.
Baird - Halstead
During the holidays, announce-
ment was made of the engagement
of Mrs. Claribel Baird and Prof.
William Perdue Halstead, both as-
sociate professors of speech at the
In Chicago for the convention
of the American Educational The-
ater Association, the couple made
the announcement during an af-
ter-theater party at the Stevens
The wedding date has been set
for late June.
* * *

ington, D.C., is a junior in the
literary college and is affiliated
with Kappa Kappa Gamma soror-
The son of Col. and Mrs. Char-
les C. Sloane, Jr., of Ann Arbor,
Mr. Sloane formerly attended St.
Lawrence University and the Uni-
ted States Military Academy. He
is affiliated with Phi Delta Theta


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* * *
Dec. 23 during a family dinner in
the Gram home.
Miss Gram is a junior in the
School of Nursing.
A graduate of the University
engineering college, Mr. Baguley
is at present employed in Wal-
tham, Mass. He is a member of
Tau Beta Pi, professional engi-
neering fraternity, and Eta Kap-
pa Nu.
The couple is planning their
wedding for Feb. 3 after which
they will make their home in Bos-

Coeds Reveal Weddings and Engagements

J-Hop Tickets
To Go on Sale
For AllCampus
Junior, senior and graduate stu-
dents will have a last opportunity
to purchase their 1952 J-Hop tick-
ets from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. today
at the booth in the Administration
Bldg., before general sales begin.
All-campus sales will begin at
8:30 a.m. tomorrow and will last
until noon. The tickets, priced at
$6.50, will also be sold from 8:30
a.m. to 4 p.m. every day next week,
Representatives of houses hav-
ing a 70 per cent ticket sale may
turn in their lists any time today,
tomorrow or next week. Five
houses have reached the quota so
This year's J-Hop, "Artistry in
Orchid," will be presented from
9 p.m. to 2 a.m. Feb. 8 and 9 in
the Intramural Bldg.
In keeping with the theme,
palm trees, sandy beaches and
clusters of orchids wil transform
the building into a South Seas
paradise. Women attending the
dance will receive large purple
orchids as their favors.
The orchestras of Johnny Long,
"backward" violin player, and
Charlie Spivak, "sweet" trumpet
player, will be featured at this
year's presentation of the 75 year
old campus event.

* * *
Begole - Freatman
Mr. and Mrs. Mac F. Begole of
Ypsilanti have announced the en-
gagement of their daughter, Mari-
lyn Joyce, to Ellis Bernard Freat-
man, Jr., son of Mr. Ellis B. Freat-
man, also of Ypsilanti.
Miss Begole, a member of Delta
Zeta sorority and Zeta Phi Eta,
honorary speech sorority, is a
graduate of the University and is
enrolled at present in graduate
Mr. Freatman is a junior in the
law school.
Nodate has been set for the
' * , ,*
Gram - Baguley
Mr. and Mrs. Percy R. Gram of
Caro, Mich. have announced the
engagement of their daughter,
Betty Lou, to John Keith Baguley,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Irl L. Bagu-
ley also of Caro.
The announcement was made


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League Interviewing Council
To Hear Projects of Petitioner

* * *
Hutchinson - Kent
Announcement of the engage-
ment of Nancy Hutchinson to
Charles Edwin Kent has been
made by Miss Hutchinson's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Hutch-
inson of Battle Creek.
Mr. Kent is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Karl Kent of Augusta, Mich.
Miss Hutchinson attended the
literary college for two years and
is now a junior in the School of
A graduate of the University
engineering college, Mr. Kent is at
present with the Signal Corps En-
gineering Laboratories in Fort
Monmouth, N.J.
No date has been set for the
Brennen - Booth
At an open house held Jan. 5,
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Brennan of
Bi'rmingham, Mich. announced the
engagement of their daughter,
Beverly, to Demosthenes J. Booth,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D.
Booth of Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.

SUITS... washable
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IM Ann A ' .


tl .^III I1

p4 508 E.W


Who's who in the League is not
determined by national authorities
but by the Interviewing and
Nominating Committee headed by
Chairman Marianne Van Duzer.
The Interviewing committee ac-
cepts all petitions for League po-
sitions and holds interviews for
petitioners giving them an oppor-
tunity to declare how they would
like to manage the job they are
* *.*
THE COMMITTEE then nomi-
nates two of the petitioners for
the position. The Board of Rep-
resentatives makes the final ap-
pointment for the League position.
According to Miss Van Duzer
the committee is anxious that
every woman be active and well
placed in her position.
"It's your interest, enthusiasm
and plans that count," she de-

INFORMATION a n d advice
about petitioning, interviewing and
available positions can be obtained
from members of the committee in
the Undergraduate Office.
The other members of the In-
terviewing committee besides
Miss Van Duzer are Evelyn Ha-
ger, secretary; Jeanne Marshall,
Carol Pearson and Sue Wladis,
junior members; Phyllis Bett-
man, Susan Riggs and Jacque-
line Schiff, sophomore members.
Women interested in Senior
Night positions, senior positions,
including offices in the League
and chairmenships of Administra-
tive Committees, junior positions,
including JGP, sophomore posi-
tions, including Soph Cab, are in-
terviewed 'by this committee.
Juniors wishing to hold senior
positions next year must turn pe-
titions into the committee by Feb-
ruary 19.

1 allRuABL #(uPineed ...






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