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January 11, 1952 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1952-01-11

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FRIIDAY, JANUAitY 11, 1.52 k


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WITHIN the last two months, five articles
dealing with the Ann Arbor nurse mur-
der have appeared in as many pulp-type
detective magazines. Last week, I trudged
out to the newsstand and collected the lot.
Not being too familiar with this species
of literature, I wanted to see how they
would treat a case which I did know some-
thing about. The five articles-totalling
some 30 pages-proved pretty heavy going,
from the standpoint of accuracy, decent
writing, and moral tone.
Out of all five, only two had been written
since the trial took place, and they alone
contained a report of the verdict returned
against the convicted trio of youths. One
of the reports was itself not correct.
Taken together, the articles paint a gar-
ishi and ugly picture. What seems most.
curious to me, however, is the fact that each
story has a highly moral, almost holy tone.
To get it, the writer had to twist and de-
molish facts right and left, insert strange
psychologies, and generally make the three
boys sound like degenerate maniacs-the
victim and, incidentally, the other youth
that turned the trio over to the police, re-
semble angels, or gods.
Diametrically opposed to this worthy
project is the form taken by the printed
articles. Illustrated with photographs of,
bloodstained clothing, murder weapons
and the three boys, the stories mull care-
fully over gory details. Each is angled in
a different direction-one from the point
of view of the police detectives (making
them sound like veritable Sherlocks), one

from Max Pell's outlook ("the boy that
loved his car more than any woman"),
one from the point of view of Barbara Fer-
guson, a girl asleep in a nearby house at
the time of the murder-and so on.
Pathos, of course, plays a key part. Every-
thing is blown up, exaggerated, and invent-
ed almost beyond factual recognition, al-
ways with an eye to pointing out how hellish
bad the convicted murderers were, and mak-
ing the reader feel a morally legitimate ha-
But it is useless and certainly unpleasant
to chronicle what has been printed in these
five magazines. It has been done in this
case, and we can be sure that most of the
more spectacular future crimes will be han-
dled in much the same fashion. The only
thing that can be safely done at this point,
perhaps, is to draw some kind of a conclu-
sion on the mental character of persons who
buy and read such magazines regularly.
I am no psychologist, so perhaps my
feeling that these magazines are unjusti-
fiably preying on depravity-both the ex-
pressed sort and the kind still latent
among some readers-could be criticized
as scientifically "inadequate. Neverthe-
less, disapproval is inescapable when one
tries to find a purpose served by this "lit-
Sensationalism, even when diluted with
facts, is bad enough; clogged with a phony
morality, it is much worse. There is quite
enough expression of base and abnormal
instincts in our society already, without ag-
gravating and exciting them to further ex-


THE COMMENTARY on General Eisen-
hower which David Kornbluh wrote for
these columns yesterday is interesting from
the standpoint that it serves as an indi-
cator of the arguments that enemies of Ike
and the Republican Party will use to try
and avert his nomination for the Presidency.
By charging that Eisenhower is a poli-
tical babe in the woods and by stirring up
traditional American prejudice against
military presidents, they will try to weak-
en the Eisenhower boom, Then by soft
peddling, corruption and government en-
roachments of individual rights and pock-
etbooks, they will try to show that domes-
tic and foreign problems are so vexing
and complex that no one but the Demo-
crats with their long tenure of office will
be able to handle them.
Kornbluh couldn't have looked too closely
into Eisenhower's activities when he states
that "Eisenhower has had no experience in
civilian politics." Ike was not idle during his
term as president of Columbia University
and took time to do extensive speaking and
research on contemporary domestic prob-
lems. More recently he made a study of the
Mexican "wetback" situation with recom-
mendations on the problem which subse-
quently appeared in the Congressional Rec-
ord. The American public can be assured
that Eisenhower is in touch with the coun-
try's domestic problems and will have in-
telligent advisors to aid him in his work if
he is nominated. Such able men as Senators
Lodge and Duff are now working for this
nomination and undoubtedly will be leaders
in the ensuing campaign.
It is interesting to see Kornbluh caution-

ing that "our most responsible public fig-
ures have informed us time and again that
experience is essential in a competent pub-
lic officer." It is strange in the face of such
comment that an administration with 19
years of experience could have made such a
failure as they recently have. Such men as
Truman and Acheson, reputedly responsible
officials, are long on experience but extrem-
ely short on results.
Furthermore, to pass off Eisenhower's
European successes as due to administra-
tion policy combined with competent ad.
ministration is a shallow argument. The
policies have only succeeded because a
man of Eisenhower's stature and ability
was putting them into effect, and helping
in their formulation. His huge success
during World War II in administering the
European theatre of war qualify Eisen-
hower as one of the best administrators
and politicians of the century, for the
European job was as much a matter of
political entanglement as of administra.
tive difficulties.
Indeed if everyone had had the Eisenhow-
er vision at the end of World War II, we
would have never gone into our tragic de-
armament which weakened us inestimatably
at the start of the Korean War and which
worsened our position in international diplo-
macy when we bargained against powerful
Russia. However, Ike's ability before Con-
gressional committees prevented the mili-
tary budget from being cut right to the
bone, and he gained the confidence of the
legislators which will stand him in excellent
stead when he is elected.
-Harry Lunn

SL's Field
sed a fine principle last night by resolv-
ing to dispatch a communication to Attor-
ney-General J. Howard McGrath demanding
action on the bombing of Negro leader Har-
ry T. Moore's home and other civil rights
There is no disagreement that the mur-
der of Moore is completely deplorable, and
that the FBI should redouble its present
efforts to find and prosecute those res-
ponsible. However, the whole issue is ob-
viously beyond the realm of SL, which is
devoted to student affairs.
Specious arguments may be advanced
that, where civil rights are nibbled away
elsewhere, student rights are indirectly en-
dangered. But admission of this point would
give to SL an impossible scope, binder its
functioning as an organization providing
direct services to the student body.
If a resolution such as this is to be passed,
why not take a stand on poll tax legislation,
anti-lynching laws, a fair employment prac-
tices act, and the whole gamut of civil
rights issues? Or why not send Stalin a
letter protesting the violation of the rights
of William Oatis, Associated Press corres-
pondent now serving a long prison sentence
in Czechoslovakia on trumped-up spy
In its beginning days, while lacking ef-
fective power and struggling for recogni-
tion, SL spent most of its time sending
letters to legislatures, congressmen, at-
torney-generals and similar destinations.
But as it developed into a functioning
student government, it found it could best
serve the students it claims to represent
by devoting its attention to campus af-
Two years ago, the principle of taking
positions on national and international is-
sues was decisively rejected by refusing to
involve itself in the housing issue, one which
is of far more direct concern to the student
body as a whole.
There is no gainsaying the deep convic-
tion which led Jules Perlberg, Rog Wilkins,
Valerie Cowen and Bob Perry to rather
passionately support the motion. It must
also be conceded that this particular piece
of business occupied little of SL's time,
did not prevent consideration of any cam-
pus affairs.
But nevertheless, it represents a danger-
ous precedent for SL, a retrogression towards
a time when the Legislature was a far less
important body than it is today. Students
have a right to expect their Legislature to
refrain from dissipating its energies in fields
outside its sphere,
-Crawford Young
At Lydia Mendelssohn . .
presented by the Speech Department.
WORKSHOP theater for thirty cents a
ticket is evidently designed for the ac-
tors, directors, set designers, and bookhold-
ers rather than the audiences. Despite this,
however, the audiences of one act play pro-
grams reap some happy and spontaneous
surprises from these bills. Because of the
set-up's freedom, individual performances
often overcome the inherent unevenness of
the bill as a whole. This slapdash program-
ming seldom makes for good individual
plays, but on not infrequent occasions it
produces moments that transcend anything
found in the rigidly directed longer plays.
Two good performances keynote the
current bill. Women as usual are found in
quantity on stage during one-act nights,
and the characterizations of Sue Ralston
in the title role of the cut version of
"Medea" and of Frances Castner, the

monologist in Strindberg's "The Stronger"
make the numerical edge mean something.
Miss Ralston, by the strength of her per-
formance, is, in fact, able to suggest some-
thing of the power of the Greek drama de-
spite a rather general insufficiency of her
supportint cast. She brings a kind of Kath-
arine Hepburn vitality to the role, giving it
both color and classic grandeur without over-
stylization. In the cut version of the Murray
translation she is allowed few moments of
relief in her performance, but nearly con-
vinces the other actors of the magnitude of
her problem. Unfortunately, however, the
only really adequate reaction is registered
in the unhappy contemplation of one of her
eight-year old sons.
In "The Stronger" Miss Castner effective-
ly brings off a difficult monologue role as a
uniquely garrulous housewife who meets a
"friend" in a -tea-room.
Strictly a tour-de-force, the part calls
for the protagonist to run what has been
called "the gamut of emotions" without
allowing her companion to wedge in any-
thing more than a titter and a few well-
chosen expressions. Shirley Messing duly
registers them, without particularly prov-
ing to anyone's satisfaction that she is the
"weaker," which seems to be the intended
result of the elocution.
"Sham," the opening play on the bill, is
one of those outdated satires that can be
found in most outdated high school texts.
Its performance was presumably calculated
to give comic balance to the evening. Actu-
ally, it is hard to see how even the most
expert performances could resurrect any
humor in the play. The four people involved
in it here certainly were unable to. Most

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W~ashington Merry-Go-Round

WASHINGTON-Inside reason for the governmental exit of Stuart
Symington, one of the best men to serve the Truman adminis-;
tration, is the soul-consuming jealousy of the White House staff.
It's also the reason why Clark Clifford, the best staff member
Truman had, left the White House, and why it's difficult to get
good men to work for the President these days.
The little band of mediocrities around the President just do not
want brainier men than they are close to him. It shows up their own
inadequacy. This little band of mediocrities is:1
1. Matt Connelly, an ex-WPA investigator, and former Wall
Street clerk, who, whenever he enjoys a convival evening, reverts
to type.
2. John Steelman, a former country schoolteacher, who tried to
put the skids under his former boss, Secretary of Labor Frances
Perkins, and made life insufferable for the late Secretary of Labor,
Lew Schwellenbach. Steelman has wanted the balance of labor control
to remain under him and is probably responsible for many of Truman's
labor headaches.
3. Donald Dawson, who had his wife in the RFC, pulled
wires to get RFC loans, and accepted hospitality from a Florida
hotel which was applying for an RFC loan.
4. General Harry Vaughan of deep-freeze fame, who has made
it his job to tell the President how badly the press abuses him.
Reviewing the news, Vaughan remarks: "That sob-sister . . . Faker
... pure lies . . . New Deal whiner."
* * * , *
SYMINGTON'S FIRST TROUBLES began when he was put in the
highly important spot of chairman of the National Security Re-
sources Board, hitherto temporarily under Steelman. This made
Symington senior adviser to the President on mobilization matters,
with Steelman on the sidelines, a place John did not relish. So it was
Steelman, who little by little began cutting -Symington down to size,
finally convinced Truman mobilization should be completely under
Charles E. Wilson.
Later, when Symington was given the tough job of cleaning
up the RFC, he fired, among others, Mrs. Donald Dawson, together
with Dawson's close pal, Don Smith. Dawson had made Smith
chief of RFC personnel which gave him a pipeline into the RFC
on all jobs.
Naturally Symington's clean-up incurred more resentment from
the White House mediocrities. "Little Lord Fauntleroy" was their
sneering name for him. And they droppd hints that Symington,
whose father-in-law, ex-congressman Jim Wadsworth of New York,
is Republican, was playing into GOP hands.
Tired of the sniping, Symington finally quit.
Not long ago, an old senate friend of the President, worried over
the corruption issue, remarked:
"There's no use going to Harry and urging reform, because
there's no one on the White House staff capable of following up
and carrying through that reform. Since Clark Clifford's gone,
Harry Truman's about as hard to reach as Joe Stalin."
This is what has happened to Truman's good intentions in trying
to get Judge Tom Murphy to clean up corruption. There has been no
follow-through, and has been none since Clark Clifford's departure.
Clifford's reason for getting out was also White House jealousy.
Steelman made it his business to plant stories with the press that
Clifford was responsible for various unpopular policies, while Matt
Connelly made presidential appointments for politicians likely to knock
Clifford's ideas down.
Clifford had brains; and they didn't want brains too close to
the President. So finally Clifford quit.
NOTE-Though General Vaughan's influence is usually on the
side of the mediocrities, it should be noted in fairness that he has put
across some good appointments. His recommendation of Jiggs Donohue
to be District of Columbia Commissioner, though opposed at first by
local residents, has turned out to be one of the healthiest things hap-
pening to Washington, D.C. Likewise Milton Kronheim, Jr., for whom
Vaughan helped get a police judgeship, has turned out to be an A-1
SILVER-THATCHED Senator Guy Gillette, Iowa Democrat, has been
pulling backstage wires in the Senate elections committee first to
kill, later to tone down, the probe of Senator McCarthy under the
Benton resolution. This is the resolution asking for McCarthy's ex-
pulsion from the Senate.
It didn't leak out officially, but when the first vote was taken on
whether to investigate Benton's charges against McCarthy, Sen.
Gillette was the only man who opposed.
He argued that McCarthy was a powerful figure, would retaliate
against senators voting against him, therefore the committee should
turn down the Benton investigation.
However, when Gillette saw that debate inside the committee was
going against him, he did not have the courage to stand on his own.
Quickly reversing himself, he voted with the majority. That made it
(Copyright, 1951, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

I P,

(Continued from Page 2)
tion announces a meeting of all stu-
dents who expect to receive an ele-
mentary teaching certificate in Feb-
ruary, June, or August. Opportunities
for teaching at the elementary level
will be presented. The meeting will
be held in 25 Angell Hall, Fri., Jan. 11,
at 4 p.m.

Michigan Union Student Offices will
cose Wed., Jan, 16, for the duration of
finals, and will reopen at the begin-
ning of the second semester.
Personnel Interviews
The National Cash Register Company,
of Toledo, Ohio will be on the campus
Mon., Jan. 14 to interview students ma-
joring in Accounting and Marketing for
positions for Accounting Machine Sales
and for Cash Register Sales. February
graduates are eligible.
GoldblattBrothers, Inc., of Chicago,
will interview on Tues., Jan. 15, men
graduating in February who are ma-
joring in Marketing or are interested
in retailing.
The NewYork Life Insurance Com-
pany of Detroit will be here Tues., Jan.
1, to interview February and June
graduates who areinterested in going
into this firm as trainees in Group
Service and Sales. They will also see
men who would like career underwrit-
ing as well. After a training period the
individuals would be sent to various
locations throughout the country.
Personnel Requests
Scott Air Force Base of Illinois has
positions open for civilian instructors
for the Technical Radio Schools. De
tailed information as well as applica-
tion blanks are available at the Bureau
of Appointments.
The Detroit Civil Service announces
positions open as Procurement Inspec-
tor (Filling positions as Ordnance Ma-
terial Inspector, Inspector of Naval Ma-
terial) Grades GS-3 to GS-11.
Argus of Ann Arbor has an opening
for a Detail Draftsman. A Mechanical
Engineer, preferably with a year of ex-
perience, is eligible.
The Department of the Army, Over-
seas Affairs Branch of Chicago, Illinois
has positions open in the following
areas: Japan; Europe; Alaska; Okinawa;
T rie s te; and Panama. Application
blanks are available.
The Connecticut State Personnel De-
partment of Hartford, Conn., is in need
of Junior Medical Social Workers. The
duties would consist of performing me-
dical social work in the State Depart-
ment of Health and doing related work.
Two years at a graduate school of so-
cial work is required, or six years' ex-
perience. Applicants must be citizens
and residents of the State of Connecti-
cut for at least one year prior to filing
The Sixth U.S. Civil Service Region
of Cincinnati, Ohio announces positions
open as wage Stabilization Investiga-
tor, Wage and Hour Investigator, and
Wage Adjustment Examiner, Grade GS-
7. Detailed information is available.
Chrysler Corporation of Detroit has
available positions for Engineers in-
terested in doing Technical Writing.
The job would consist of compiling and
writing illustrated articles and special
reports on technical and semi-technical
automotive subjects.
Personnel Requests
The Traverse City State Hospital in
Traverse City, Michigan has an opening
for a Medical Laboratory Technician.
Any man taking Bacteriology, Chemis-
try, or Biology graduating in February
is eligible.
Batelle Memorial Institute of Colum-
bus, Ohio has openings for Aeronauti-
cal Engineers. Men interested in doing
research work in this field can obtain
further information at the Bureau of
Accountants are needed at the Sco-
veil, Wellington and Company in New
York City. Both experienced and in-
experienced men may apply.
The Square D Company of Milwau-
kee, Wisconsin, has an available po-
sition as an Administrative Assistant
to Controller. Men in Accounting and
financial fields with a general know-
ledge of business systems and proce-
dures are eligible.
Arthur L. Weinreich of Dayton, Ohio,
is in need of a man for a Junior Ac-
countant position.
The Sun Life Assurance Company of
Ann Arbor is interested in obtaining
men to work as Group Insurance Work-
ers. No seling is involved and travel
would cover Ohio, Kentucky, Michi-
gan, Indiana, and Ontario.
Calumet and Hecla Consolidated Cop-
per Company of Calumet, Michigan has
positions open for Industrial Engineers
to servesas departmental assistants.
The Euclid Road Machinery Company
of Cleveland, Ohio has openings for
Mechanical, and Industrial Engineers,
and Business Administration students.
The J. M. Brennan, Inc. of Milwau-
kee, Wisconsin needs a Mechanical En-
gineer for commercial andrindustrial
plumbing piping layout work.,
The Burgess Battery Company of
Freeport, Illinois has a Factory Man-
agement Training Program for which
young men with an Engineering back-
ground, Statistics, Chemistry or Time
Study are qualified.
For further information and appli-
cations contact the Bureau of Appoint.
ments, 3528 Administration Building.

West Council Room. Rackham Bldg., 9
a.m. Chairman, A. L. Bader.
Doctoral examination for Charles
Rush Layton, Political Science, thesis:
"The Political Thought of John Bright,"
Sat., Jan. 12 East Council Room, Rack.
ham Bldg., 9:30 a.m. Chairman, E. S.
Doctoral examination for Noah Sher-
man, Physics; thesis: "The Effect of
Atmospheric Temperature variations on
Cosmic-Rays Underground," Sat., Jan,
12, 2038 Randall Laboraotry, 10 a.m.
Chairman. W. E. Hazen.
Seminar in Anthropology, for concn.
trates and graduate students, Mon.
Jan. 14, 3 to 5 p.m.. 3024 Museums
Building. Topic to be discussed; "The
Choice of a Dissertation Problem and
Field Work Area."
Psychology Concentrates who plan to
graduate one year from this February
and who qualify for the Honors Pro-
gram are invited to discuss the possi-
bility of beginning the program next
semester with Dr. Atkinson, 4127 N.S.,
between 9-9:30 a.m. before the end of
this semester.
Collegium Musicum sponsored by the
School of Music and the Museum of
Art and directed by Louise Cuyler and
Jean Paul Slusser, 4:15 Sunday after-
noon, January 13, Main Concourse, Mu-
seum of Art, The program will include
compositions by Dandrieu, Couperin
and Charpentier; four French Folk
Songs sung by Ross Lee Finney of the
School of Music faculty; works by 14th
and 15th century composers. Open to
the public without charge.
Events Today
Laboratory Play Bill. The Department
of Speech presents its second Labora-
tory Play Bill at Mendelssohn Theatre,
8 p.m. Three short plays will be given.
These are directed and staged by stu-
dents in the theatre courses of the
University. Tickets on sale at the box
office 10 a.m. thru 8 p.m.
Motion pictures, auspices of the Uni-
versity Museums. "North to the Hud-
son Bay," "Road to Gaspe," "Alaska-
The Eskimo Hunters." 7:30 p.m., Kel.
logg Auditorium.
Graduate Mixer Dance. 9-2 p.m.
Guest of honor wi be the School of
Social Work. Dance features Paul Mc.
Donough's quartet and refreshments.
Hillel Foundation. Friday evening
services, 7:45 p.m., Lane Hail.
SRA Coffee Hour, Lane Hal, 4:30-S
JGP. Meeting of the central commit-
tee, 4 p.m., League.
Joint House-Presidents will meet at
4 p.m., Club 600, South Quad.
IZFA. Executive Board Meeting, 3:30
p.m., Room 3K, Union. All members
please attend.
wesleyan Guild: MMSM Student Con-
vocation Jan. 11, 12 and 13 at Ypsilanti.
Don Crocker of Champaign, Ill., guest
speaker. Theme: "Christ and the
Campps. Guilders will meet at 7p.m.
Friday at the Guild to attend the con-
vocation in a group.
Coming Events
Cancellation: The Economics Club
meeting which was announced for Mon.
night, Jan. 14, has been canceled. Dr.
Clague has notified the Economics De-
partment that he is unable to appear
as scheduled.
School of Music Student Council:
Meeting, Sat., Jan. 12, 11 a.m. 404 BMT.






''4 ,






State Primaries

WASHINGTON-Gen. Dwight D. Eisen-
hower is a distinguished public servant,
and a natural-born baby-kisser. The New
York Times and his other journalistic sup-
porters are excellent publications, and kind
words will never die, never die, never die.
However, professional politicians dom-
inate the primaries, and the primaries are
the pay-off. They test the actual popular
appeal of candidates as distinct from what
their admirers say about them.
A good showing in the primaries is a must
for the General. If he shows strength, his
problems are solved.
His band wagon will roll, and he can stay
in Europe certainly until the convention.,
Possibly he can even risk a refusal to cam-
paign, though that would be a matter for-
prayerful consideration.
If he flops in, the primaries, he is
through. The j party organization which
dominates the 'convention will stampede
to the winner. That must be, if General
Eisenhower fails, Senator Taft.
Senator Taft is playing for keeps. He
has money, energy, conviction and a trained
cadre of infighters who know the political
ratholes, the front and back alleys, and
where the bodies are buried. He knows it is
now or never for his long-held ambition to
give the undeservipg American people the
kind of life-with-father guidance they have
so inexplicably resisted since 1940.
He is formidable in the primaries, what-

on what primaries the General ought to
enter, and zealous amateurs must be pre-
vented from involving him in risks not wat
For example, an Eisenhower clique in Wis-
consin is sticking its head up. Professionals
know, however, how Americans of German
descent cut Wendell L. Willkie's throat after
they discovered that, despite his German
descent, he was for the war. They had no
use for Roosevelt, either, but President Tru-
man, who is putting Germany back on her
feet, carried Wisconsin in 1948.
Nebraska conceivably is too great a risk
for General Eisenhower, also for much the
same reasons. In New Jersey, Oregon and
Pennsylvania, he ought to do well. This
is the kind of decision only great exper-
ience can dictate wisely.
Dispatches from New Hampshire, scene of
the first Eisenhower effort, indicate that
some tricky maneuvering may be in process.
This will be standard operating procedure
from now on.
How well the Eisenhower camp is prepared
for it ought to show shortly. He has some
resolute and experienced people like Sena-
tors Lodge and Duff with him, but their job
is here; they are not a substitute for local
management by the bread-and-butter poli-
ticians. Probably the Eisenhower backers in
business are lining up these forces now; they
should be.
Ctn,.. I F Ii ,,.w.,inac never now

The William W. Cook Lectures on
American Institutions, seventh series.
Dr. Howard Mumford tones, Professor
of English, Harvard University. Gen-
eral subject, "The Pursuit of Happi-
ness." First lecture, "The Glittering
Generality." 4:15 p.m., Mon., Jan. 14,
Rackham Lecture Hall.
Academic Notices
Algebra Discussion Group: Fri., Jan.
11, 8 p.m., East Council Room, Rackham
Bldg. Prof. R. M. Thrall will speak on
Astronomical Colloquium. Fri., Jan.
11, 4:15 p.m., the Observatory. Mrs.;
Joyce Newkirk, graduate student, will
speak on "The Evolutionary Theories
of von Weizsacker."
Doctoral examination for Robert P.
Weeks, English; thesis: "H. G. Wells as
a Sociological Novelist," Sat., Jan. 12,

- 9E~ - Bili n
Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board of Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Chuck Elliott .........Managing Editor
Bob Keith................City Editor
Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director
Vern Emerson ....... ...Feature Editor
Rich Thomas ..........Associate Editor
Ron Watts ............Associate Editor
Bob Vaughn ..........Associate Editor
Ted Papes ................Sports Editor
George Flint ...AssociateSports Editor
Jim Parker ... Associate Sports Editor
Jan James ............Women's Editor
Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Miller .........Business Manager
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Sally Fish .............Finance Manager
Stu ward..........Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-I
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann
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Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.





4 .



Our dog? Yes, we've missed
him-What?... He was picked
up WHERE? In the BANK?


The Professor has spots and a big
tail. tie's from another planet.
Gorgon was showing him around-


Mr. O'Malley, my
Fairy Godfather,
says that it's

Silly? Breaking into
a bank is a serious
offense! He'll need


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