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January 08, 1952 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1952-01-08

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WASHINGTON - President Truman has
hinted again that he will soon reveal
his 1952 intentions, and a galaxy of aspiring
Democrats is reverberating like a harp in
the wind.
If the President does not choose to run,
his heir-apparent remains the Chief Jus-
tice of the United States, Fred M. Vinson.
A national magazine has already fore-
handedly dispatched a staff writer to the
Supreme Court to prepare its own word
picture of the great man and the writer
perceived at once that the Chief Justice
was not precisely taken by surprise.
All the Vinson biographical notes were
summarized and arranged and his political
memory had been well oiled. Anecdotes
suitably illustrating each phase of his long
career in government tripped lightly from
his tongue. Mr. Vinson was more than co-
operative; he was well prepared.
Despite the advantage of his close asso-
ciation with the powerful incumbent, the
Chief Justice is not the only statesman pre-
paring at the drop of a word to receive the
homage of his public.
Sen. Estes Kefauver's formal announce-
ment will not be long delayed. He was en-
couraged by a decision of the CIO's Poli-
tical Action arm to support him for Vice-
President on a Truman ticket; he is as-
suming that can be translated into first
place if Truman retires.
Sen. Robert S. Kerr of Oklahoma has a
modest committee organized which is ready
to go on to bigger things when the time is
right. Friends of Secretary of the Interior
Oscar Chapman have been hinting to the
old Roosevelt wing of the party that he
and not Senator Kefauver is the logical heir
to their support.
Vice-President Barkley threw a tin hel-
met into the ring in Korea. The Veep and
the Chief Justice are both Kentuckians and
Kentucky politicians are still torn by the
prospect that they may have to side for and
against a Kentuckian. They can get no
hints, much less assurances, that this may
not be their hard fate.
Considerable political activity is report-
ed also in the vicinity of two close friends
and cooperators, Sen. Lyndon Johnson of
Texas and W. Stuart Symington, the retir-
ing RFC administrator.
Democrats who have recently swung
through the west, southwest and midwest
report it in two ways. Some suggest that
Senator Johnson is willing to make the
sacrifice. Others put forward the novel
idea that the Senator is only managing
Mr. Symington's candidacy for Vice-
President on a Vinson ticket.
Mr. Truman's party appears to want him
to act decisively on the administration scan.
dals but it is prepared decidedly to renomi..
nate him. Party regulars insist he can beat
Senator Taft easily, and General Eisenhower
with a slam-bang effort.
Yet the candidates among them declare
the scandals injure Mr. Truman only, not
the party. They are all genuinely eager to
snatch the nomination and if he does bow
out, his choice, Justice Vinson or another,
will by no means have it all his own way.
(Copyright, 1951, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writer only.
This must be noted in all reprints.

Eisenhower's Answer

Associated Press News Analyst
CLOSE FOLLOWERS-and leaders-of the
Eisenhower for President boom showed
little sign yesterday of interpreting too liter-
ally the General's words about taking a per-
sonal part in the pre-convention campaign.
There was no more question about his
willingness to accept the nomination.
There had been none for the last four or
five months in the minds of those who
knew something of his relationship with
Columbia University, of which he is Presi-
dent-on-leave, and of his true political
Nor was there any further question about
his party affiliation, just as there had been
none in these same circles all the time.
There was the question, however, of what
Eisenhower considers the requirements of
the "present assignment" in Europe which
he says he will not seek to escape in order
to participate in the pre-convention cam-
On the face of it, this sounds as though
he wishes to accept the Republican nomi-
nation if his friends can obtain it for him,
but that he will not come home to run
for it. He says in his statement that actual
nomination would transcend his present
duty, and virtually says that running for
it does not.

The question in the minds of his support-
ers, however, was at what point he would
consider his present assignment to have
ended naturally.
They have expected all the time that, once
the tables of organization for European de-
fenses have been drawn, Eisenhower would
consider himself free to come home. The
North Atlantic Treaty Organization has
been feverishly at work on this in recent
weeks. In some capitals there is great opti-
mism-in others not so much-that most
of the important questions will be settled at
Lisbon early next month.
The timing of the real, concrete, Eisen-
hower boom, with the announcement of
his entry in the New Hampshire primary,
the New York Times and Chicago Sun-
Times endorsements, and his own state-
ment in Paris, seems to be connected with
the end of a year's work in NATO. His
assignment was to get European defense
started. He was never expected to stay be-
yond "the end of the beginning." He and
he alone will have to determine when that
point has been reached sufficiently to re-
lease him from his pledges to it.
Statements from his backers yesterday,
however, showed no signs of worry that he
would not get home in time for the two or
three big speeches they have planned for
him before the convention.

"If There's Anything I Hate It's Sloppy Neighbors"




(Continued from Page 2)

Washington Merry-mGO-Roulid}
- -


WASHINGTON - Though the future of
England depends to some extent on the
Churchill-Truman conferences, there will
be two groups of people watching the Chur-
chill conferences just as intently as the Bri-
tish. They are:
1. The master-planners inside the Krem-
2. The leaders of Western Europe-the
French, Belgians, Dutch, Italians, whose
farms and factories have been fought over
for centuries.
Both groups will be watching for the
same reason: to see if President Truman
is able to win Churchill over to European
unity; or whether the reverse happens and
a new Anglo-American alliance is super-
imposed on top of the North Atlantic
Pact as its domineering directors.
If the latter happens, there will be joy in
the Kremlin and sorrow in Western Europe.
But if the former happens, and Churchill
is won over to a United States of Europe,
there will be much gnashing of teeth in the
Kremlin and much joy in Western Europe.
T HASN'T been published, but some ad-
ministration advisers have been pushing
a plan for an all-out United States of Eur-
ope. They even propose that in the future
the United States refuse to put up money
for the individual nations, but put up money
in a central pool for a United States of Eur-
Thus, if the British wanted to stay out,
they would get no dough. If they came in,
they would get their pro rata share of the
money in the U.S. of E. kitty.

At The Michigan . .
DETECTIVE STORY, with Kirk Doug-
las and Eleanor Parker.

Whether or not the President will be able,
or will even try hard to sell this to Churchill
remains to be seen. But here are the. argu-
ments used backstage by administration ad-
A. The American people are tired of
spending tax money to aid Europe with no
end in sight. They are willing to spend mon-
ey if it accomplishes a definite, set objective;
but they are not willing to pour money into
a bottomless pit.

It encouraged just the opposite of a United
States of Europe. Thus, the French steel
industry was rebuilt to compete with the
Belgian steel industry and with the steel
industry of every other country. There was
no pooling. of resources or breaking down
of unhealthy customs barriers.
C. Eisenhower has been trying to get North
Atlantic Pact nations to pool their war in-
dustry as well as their armies. Thus, each
could make a specific weapon instead of all
competing against each other in making the
same weapon. So far his success has been
D. Moscow's best argument is that Europe
cannot go back to its old patchwork system
of small, rival countries and survive. Euro-
peans know that in this at least the Com-
munists speak the truth. Europeans know
this is true just as Detroit knows it could not
survive if it were permitted to sell automo-
biles in Michigan only; just as Pittsburgh
knows it could not survive if its steel markets
were restricted to Pennsylvania.
The Communists argue that Europe's
only salvation is unity under the Soviet.
More advanced West European leaders,
such as French Foreign Minister Schu-
man and Count Sforza of Italy, argue that.
to offset this there must be European
unity-not under Russia-but in coopera-
tion with England and the U.S.A.
Those are the arguments that some ad-
ministration advisers have put up in back-
stage discussions.
M* *
N CONTRAST, here is what the British
have done to oppose European unity:
DIVIDE A[) RULE-Traditional British
policy has been to balance the two strongest
continental nations against each other-
usually France against Germany. Inevitably
this leads to war.
tration of how British aloofness encourages
war took place on March 7, 1936, when Hit-
ler invaded the Ruhr. All Athat day the
French Cabinet sat, telephoning to Londoi,
asking a pledge of British support if the
French army steeped in to block the Nazis.
But London refused a commitment, and
with the vital iron and coal fields of the
Ruhr in Hitler's hands, war then became
only a matter of time.
After the war, German officers told U.S.
examiners how Hitler had given the invad-
ing Ruhr army two sets of orders-one to
advance; the other to retreat in case of
French resistance.
when England feared for its life and need-
ed an occupied France as a partner, Chur-
chill sent an impassioned plea to French
Premier Reynaud:
"At this most fateful moment in the
history of the modern world, the govern-
ments of the United Kingdom and the
French Republic make this declaration of
indissoluble union ... . The two govern-
ments declare that France and Great Bri-
tain shall no longer be two nations, but
one FrancolBritish union .. ."
That was how far Churchill was wliling
to go in 1940.
Ten years later when the French urged,
begged, implored British cooperation in the
Schuman plan for the cooperative owner-
ship of that age-old cause of war-the Ruhr
-Britain remained aloof.
And last month, when Eisenhower urg-
ed Churchill during their lunch in Paris

WASHINGTON7-The real story of Winston Churchill's American
visit looks like being depressingly simple. The great British Prime
Minister came to this country to offer an embrace. But when the
caller walked in the door, he found the temperature in the parlor al-
ready glacial, and the young ladies sitting with extreme primness on
the extreme edge of the hardest sofa. Under the circumstances, the
embrace is all too likely not to be offered after all.j
This perhaps too frivolous image expresses an immensely
grave choice by the American policy-makers. This choice is still
tentative, and may perhaps be altered in the marathon conversa-
tions that are now going on. But even before Churchill arrived,
President Truman, Secretary of State Dean G. Acheson and their
advisors had rather obviously decided not to grant the British
leader what he mainly wanted, which was a strengthened part-
nership between America and Britain.
A conflict of world views was involved. In the world view of Wins-
ton Churchill, a strong, intimate and organic partnership between
America and Britain is the only possible core and center of the West-
ern alliance. He is known to believe that the two nations' wartime
partnership has lately been allowed to lapse in a most dangerous way.
And although there were many other vital issues to discuss, his main
object in coming to this country was to restore the Anglo-American
partnership to full working order.
* * . *
THE CHURCHILL world view was formerly shared by many of the
wisest American policy-makers. As recently as 1949, the brilliant
Ambassador-Designate to Moscow, George Kennan, all but got ap-
proval for a plan of the sort that would appeal to Churchill.
But the State Department of Dean G. Acheson now fears that
closer partnership with Britain will entail "sacrificing Europe."
This Acheson State Department remembers with, resentment the
foot-dragging British approach to the various projects of Euro-
pean union. It shrinks from bruising the feelings of the French
and other, lesser Allies, by forming special links with Britain. And
it shrinks also from involvement in Britain's liabilities outside
Europe, such as the bitter unpopularity of the British in the Mid-
dle East.
For these reasons, Acheson does hot want what Churchill wants.
He is even reported to have said that he could not see why the Prime
Minister bothered to come to Anerica, since everything was being
satisfactorily handled by himself and the British Ambassador, Sir
Oliver Franks. This general complacency about existing arrangements
has also been expressed in the claim that Britain and America "are
partners already."
*t * *~ *
IN FACT, however, the links that still survive from the former Anglo-
American intimacy today conceals a frightening deterioration of
Anglo-American relations. At the same time, Britain's world power
position is now decaying with frightening speed. And these processes
of deterioration and decay in turn confront the American policy-
makers with a brutal dilemma, which they are wishfully seeking to
If these processes continue unchecked, what remains of the
old Anglo-American collaboration must at some point break down;
and the Western alliance will thus lose its present substitute for
a backbone. Meanwhile power vacuums will appear, in the Middle
East and other strategically vital regions, where British power is
now, so to speak, only hanging on by the skin of its teeth. Ameri-
ca will be left to carry the entire burden of Western leadership,
which'is too great a burden. The power vacuums will be filled-
but by Soviet power. And so the Western alliance will come to ruin
in the end.
On the other hand, these looming consequences can still be
avoided-most narrowly avoided-by pooling the power and influence
and resources of Britain and America, in the partnership Churchill
desires. The price of forming this partnership will be considerable, no
doubt. American aid must be provided, to find some relatively endur-
ing solution of Britain's economic problem. A truly joint European
policy, involving important departures from the present British view
point, must somehow be hammered out. Other thorny differences of
view must somehow be smoothed away.
But this price, which Secretary Acheson seemingly does not wish
to pay, will really buy something. In truth, it will buy survival, for
America and the British Commonwealth together and united will con-
stitute a commanding combination, that will rally the weak, reassure
the waverers and-deter the aggressors. It is to be hoped, therefore,
that Winston Churchill's old magic works again, and that this op-
porutnity to give real strength and power to the Western alliance--
which-may well be the last opportunity-will not be willfully lost.
(Copyright, 1951, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)

In this firm. A man graduating in
February with an Actuarial Science de-
gree is eligible.
Beech Aircraft Corporation of wichi-
ta. Kansas has openings within the
firm for Electrical, Mechanical and
Aeronautical Engineers to fill positions
as Designers, Draftsmen, and Techni-
The University of California, Los Ala-
mos Scientific Laboratory at Los Ala-
mos, New Mexico is again having a
summer graduate -program which is
open only to graduate students or to
those who have obtained their under-
graduate degrees and intend to carry
on their studies. Men in Physics,
Chemistry, Mathematics, and Civil, In-
dustrial, Mechanical, Electrical, and
Metallurgical Engineering may apply.
The California State Personnel Board
of Sacramento, Calif., announces an
examination for a Junior Civil Engi-
neer, which will be held on March 1.
February graduates may accept tem-
porary authorization following gradua-
tion until the test is taken in March.
Applications must be postmarked not
later than February 2. The blanks are
available in the Bureau of Appoint-
The Spencer Chemical Company of
Charlestown, Indiana, needs a Mechan-
ical or Chemical Engineer for their
Maintenance department.
The Toledo Scale Company of Toledo,
Ohio, has openings for men in their
Sales and Administration departments.
Engineers interested in sales work and
Business Administration students are
Bowser, Inc., of Fort Wayne, Indiana,
has available positions for Industrial
Engineers to work as Tool Engineers.
Application blanks are available.
The County of Kalamazoo, Kalama-
zoo, Michigan needs a woman to serve
as Assistant Probation Officer. A wo-
man holding a Sociology or Psychology
degree that has full-time use of a car
is eligible to apply.
The J. I. Case Company, of Racine,
Wisconsin needs Mechanical, and In-
dustrial Engineers as well as Business
Administration students to fill posi-
tions as Product Engineers and Man-
agement Trainees.
For further information and applica-
tions contact the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 3528 Administration Building.
University Lecture, auspices of the
Department of Geology. "Mountain
Building Chronology and the Nature of
the Geologic Time Scale." Professor
Edmund M. Spieker, Chairman of the
Department of Geology, Ohio State Uni-
versity. 8 p.m., Wed., Jan. 9, 2054 Na-
tural Science Building. Prof. Spieker
is lecturing under the auspices of the
Distinguished Lecturers Committee of
the American Association of Petroleum
Geologists. The public is invited,
Sigma Xi Lecture. "Autoradiography
and Applied Nuclear Energy Research
Method." Dr. Henry J. Gomberg, As-
sistant Director of the Michigan Me-
soral - Phoenix Project. 8 p.m.,Wed.,
Jan. 9, Rackham Amphitheater
Academic Notices
Engineering Mechanics 2A Experiment
Make-Up Opportunity. ,There will be
an instructor in the laboratory (Room
102 WE Bldg.) on Thurs., Jan. 10, 1 to
4 and Fri., Jan. 11, 1 to 4 to' direct
the make-up of experiments unavoid-
ably missed during the semester.
Actuarial Seminar: Thurs., Jan. 10,
10 a.m., 3010 Angell Hall. Mr. R. J.
Myers,yChief Actuary, Federal Social
Security Administration, will speak Dn
the topic: "Atuarial Basis for Social
Insurance in the United States and
Great Britain."
Astronomy 11 make-up laboratory will
be held at 2 p.m., Tues., Jan. 8, and
Wed., Jan. 9.
Doctoral examination for George T.
Baxter, Zoology; thesis: "The Relation
of Temperature to the Altitudinal Dis-
tribution of Frogs and Toads in South-
eastern Wyoming", Tues., Jan. 8, 2089
Natural Science Bldg., 2 p.m. Chair-
man, L. R. Dice.
Docotral examination for Albin Paul
Warner, Education; thesis: "The Mo-
tor Ability of Third, Fourth, and Fifth
Grade Boys in the Elementary School,"
Wed., Jan. 9, West Council Room,
Rackham Bldg., 2 p.m. Chairman, P. A.
Doctoral examination for Tom C. Bat-
tin, Speech; thesis: "The Use of the
Diary and Survey Method Involving the
Questionnaire-Interview Technique to
Determine the Impact of Television on
School Children in Regard to Viewing
Habits and Formal and Informal Edu-
cation", Tues., Jan. 8, East Council
Room, Rackham Bldg., 2:30 p m. Chair-
man, G. R. Garrison.

Composers' Forum, Wednesday after-
noon, Jan. 9, 4:15, Rackham Assembly
Hall, under the direction of Ross Lee
Finney. The program will open with
Aaron Copland's Sonata (1943), fol-
lowed by Four Preludes by Roland Tro-
gan, Sonata by Rolv Yttrehus, Suite for
Oboe and Piano by Elaine Friedman
and two compositions by George Cac-
ioppo, Music for String Orchestra and
Trumpets, and Festival Overture. The
public is invited.
Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial
Hall. Drawings from the Museum Col-
lection, Abstractions with Thread, and
Photographs of American Architecture
through January 27. Weekdays 9 to 5,
Sundays 2 to 5. The public is invited.
Events Today
Science Research Club. Meeting, 7:30
p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre. Program:
"Applications of an Electronic Comput-
er to Research Problems," by Robert M.
Howe, Aeronautical Engineering; "An
Investigation of a New Technique for
the Determination of Cardiac Output

in Animals and Man," by Robert G.
Farris, Surgery.
Christian Science Organization: Tes-
timonial meeting. 7:30 p.m., Upper
Room. Lane Hall.
Congregational-Disciples Guild: Tea,
4:30 to 6 p.m., Guild House.
Square Dance Group meets at Lane
Hall, 7:15 p.m. Opportunity for in-
struction. All students invited.
Michigan Dames. Regular monthly
meeting, 8 p.m., Rackham Building.
Mr. Ragnar Arnesen, an Ann Arbor ar
chtiect, wil speak on home planning
and will also show slides.
Coming Events
Undergraduate Botany Club will meet
near the East entrance of the Natural
Science Bldg., 7:20 p.m., Wed., Jan. 9,
for transportation to home of Dr.
Meeting Relative to the University's
New Electronic Calculator,
In view of the expected acquisition
this spring by the Tabulating Service
of a Card Programmed Electronic Cal-
culator from the International Bus-
iness Machines Corporation, a meeting
will be held Wed., Jan. 9, 4 p.m., in the
Rackham Amphitheatre, to explain the
capabilities of this machine and the
conditions under which it will be avail-
able for use. This electronic digital
computer is much in advance of any
computer the University now possesses.
and it is hoped that all staff members
and graduate students whose research
could be aided by modern calculating
equipment will be present. An expert
from the I.B.M. Corporation and mem-
bers of the staffs of the rabulating
Service and the Statistical Research
Laboratory will speak and answer ques-
Congregational-Disciples Guild: Sup-
per Discussion Groups, Wed., Jan. 9,
5:30 to 7 p.m., and Freshman Discussion
Group, 7 to 8 p.m., Guild House.
Literary College Conference Steering
Committee. Wed., Jan. 9, 4 p.m., 1011
Angell Hall.
Folk and Square Dance will meet at
Barbour Gym, 8 p.m., Wed., Jan. 9.
Michigan Arts Chorale. Meet at 7 p.m.,
Wed., Jan. 9, University High School
Union Weekly Bridge Tournament.
7:15 p.m., Wed., Jan. 9, in the small
Ballroom, Union. Everyone is welcome.
Coeds may obtain late permission from
their housemothers. Winners will re-
ceive 2-weeks' free admission. Runners-
up will receive 1-week's free admission.
Civil Liberties Committee. Meeting,
Wed. Jan. 9, 8 p.m., Room 3D. Union.
All those interested are welcome.
Society for Peaceful Alternatives.
8 p.m.,. Thurs., Jan. 10, Union. All
those interested are invited. Questions
of a five-power conference, and policy
in general will be discussed.
U. of M. Rifle Club wil meet at the
ROTC Rifle Range, Wed., Jan. 9, 7:15
p.m. All members shoul attend to
practice for the shoulder-to-shoulder
match at Columbus, Ohio, on Sat.,
Jan. 12.
tir Ski Club: Meeting to discuss
weekend ski trip and between-semesters
ski trip. Movies. 7:30 p.m., Wed., Jan.
9, Room 3-A, Union.
American Society for Public Adminis-
tration Social Seminar. Thurs., Jan.
10, 7:30 p.m., West Conference Room,
Rackham Building. Speaker: Former
Congressman Albert J. Engel. "Con-
gressional Control of the Bureaucracy"
Members, wives, and friends are invited.




: t




IT IS NOT very often that the difficulties
of translating a stage play to the mo-
tion picture screen are overcome as effect-
ively as they have been in "Detective Story."
If there has been an equally successful adap-
tation in the last couple years, it is prob-
ably "The Heiress," which was also directed
by the master of the "mature love story,"
William Wyler.
What Wyler does is simple enough. Re-
cognizing the completely dramatic focus
of a one-set play like this, he makes it a
virtue and the driving motive of his movie.
He does not worry about having fresh
scenes written into his scenario or force
the camera to perform like a jumping-
jack, catching this cute angle and that
pretty shadow.
In "Detective Story," he has coaxed from
Kirk Douglas the finest job of his short
career. Force is the keystone of Douglas'
personality, but he has managed to invest
his role of the viciously moral detective with'
dignity besides, something his characters
have rarely possessed. Each of the other ac-
tors, four from the original Broadway cast,
are brilliantly used to catch the vivid pre-
cinct-house atmosphere. Horace McNally
as the lieutenant and Lee Grant as the
shoplifter are perhaps the best.
The substance of the story itself may

B. The Marshall Plan built up European
countries in competition with each other,

At The State

* * e

TEN TALL MEN, well-muscled by Burt
Lancaster and ably adorned by Jody Law-
ACROSS THE burning sands come the
bad Riffs, across the burning sands
come the good Riffs and, inevitably, across
the burning sands come Sergeant Burt Lan-
caster and a small band of degenerate For-
eign Legionnaires.
For five technicolored days and nights
Lancaster and terribly-outnumbered-com-
pany (who have kidnapped a Riff prin-
cess) play hide and seek with the kit and
kaboodle of outraged Riffs. The wind
blows, the sand flows, the sun performs
its thirsty duty but, though treachery and
death lurk beyond every sand dune, Lan-
caster engineers a completely satisfying
No one, in fact, ever doubts that he will;
andi the onl h7harteomn~ro rf this .hnr

Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board of Control of
Student Publications.
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Chuck Elliott........Managing Editor
Bob Keith ........... .City Editor
Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director
Vern Emerson.........Feature Editor
Rich Thomas ..........Associate Editor
Ron Watts ............Associate Editor
Bob Vaughn .,.........Associate Editor
Ted Papes..............Sports Editor
George Flint ...Associate Sports Editor
Jim Parker ... Associate Sports Editor
Jan James ............Women's Editor
Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Miller.........Business Manager
Gene Kuthy. Assoc. Business Manager
Charles Cuson ... Advertising Manager
Sally Fish.............Finance Manager
Stu Ward..........Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-I
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
or all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor. Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
gear: by carrier, $6.04: by mail, $7.00.






Cars 4, 7 and 9! Cars 9, 4 and 7! Alarm

Barking atpQ



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