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December 12, 1951 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1951-12-12

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The Ike Boon

T"HE EISENHOWER for President move-
ment has seemed to most people to be
shrouded in mystery. Whenever one suggests
that Eisenhower is the best candidate, he is
likely to find both agreement and questions.
His listeners immediately want to know if
Eisenhower is available for the job, if he will
get out and try for the nomination, if he
can win the nomination and election, and
what his policies will be.
With the formation last night of a,
"Students for Eisenhower" club on cam-
pus coming. as evidence of the conviction
of his campus followers that he can be
nominated and elected, it might be well
to consider the whole movement to make
Eisenhower president.
According to Senators Duff, Lodge, and
the other men who are securing delegates
for him, Eisenhower will be very much
available. The exact time he is going to be
available is still the unknown element, but
observers have lately been predicting that
Eisenhower will resign his European post
and declare himself a candidate sometime
after the first of 1952. It might be added
that the presence of the 155 Eisenhower
clubs in Michigan alone attests to more than
mere hope on the part of his supporters
that the General will be a candidate.
If Eisenhower does resign his post and
announce himself, there is no doubt in any-
one's mind that he will make an extensive
and positive campaign. However, he is go-
ing to have to do some hard work to cap-
ture the convention's nomination from Taft
who is making strong progress toward con-
trol of a majority of the delegates.
Assuming that Eisenhower will be avail-
able, it would be wise to consider his views
on foreign and domestic policy. While
President of Columbia University, he out-
lined a formula for peace. It is consis-

tent with what we could expect from an
internationalistic president after present
conflicts have been'resolved. One has con-
fidence that the man who did so much
to achieve military and diplomatic vic-
tories in the last war, could make this
formula a reality. This is his proposal:
"first; justice, freedom and opportunity
for all men; second; international under-
standing; third, disarmament; fourth; a
respected United Nations."
Perhaps the greatest mystery about Eisen-
hower is his domestic policy. A statement
that he made at Columbia gives more than
a hint on his idea on the central domestic
question-extension of governmental power
and control. He said:
"Government ownership or control of
property is not to be decried principally be-
cause of the historic inefficiency of govern-
mental management of productive enter-
prises; its real threat rests in the fact that,
if carried to the logical extreme, the final
concentration of ownership in the hands of
government gives it, in all practical effects,
absolute power over our lives."
Without going into a detailed survey of
Eisenhower's strength throughout the
country, it may safely be said that if nom-
inated by the Republicans on a platform
of strong American international leader-
ship, domestic conservatism, and reforn
in government to wipe out the current
corruption, he can easily win the Presi-
It should, therefore, be interesting to
watch the Eisenhower club on this campus
and those all over the country as they work
to bring Eisenhower and his policies to the
public, and to the party leaders so that he
may be -nominated and elected next year.
-Harry Lunn

City Editor's
ONE OF THE weakest areas in Michigan
law came into dramatic focus on campus
this past weekend with {the reporting of the
accidental death of a youthful University
hospital patient.
The death occurred under an almost
fantastic set of circumstances. There were
clear signs of carelessness and even hints
of actual criminal neglect:
1) a new hospital employe sent a con-
tainer of lethal adrenalin into the operating
room by mistake.
2) then she accidentally filled a hypo-
dermic needle destined for the patient with
equally deadly cocaine, instead of the in-
tended novacaine.
3) a doctor who discovered the cocaine
emptied it out, but then-through another
mistake-filled up the needle from the mis-
placed container of adrenalin. Shortly after
this was injected, the patient died.
4) through it all the head nurse failed to
spot anything wrong, again through error.
Clearly there was a possibility that gross
criminal negligence was involved some-
where along the line, and it was a possi-
bility that deserved investigation by com-
petent law enforcement agencies.
Yet police and prosecution officers were
not informed at the time and probably
would be in the dark even now, were it not
for a tip by newspapermen.

"Some Of The 1951 Returns Are Coming In Already"


The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
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I .A & - A . .It A A A . A A A . a A j a .-AAASCAAAAA*AAAAA4

SPORTING AN above-Garg-average cover,
the brrrkkk edition lives up to this ad-
vance notice of better things to come.
After passing the initial Letters to the
Editor column, the Gargoyle meanders
into a bit of poetic gemology. Entitled
"The Night before Last," this work of art
would be the best thing in this issue were
it not competing with "Curfew Must Not,
etc., Ring Tonight." "Curfew" is tremend-
The above-mentioned bits of doggerel are
accompanied by line drawings by Ann Dixon
and Stuart Ross which herald the approach
of two more high caliber cartoonists to the
ranks of the Garg staff. In fact, if there is
any place where Garg shines particularly
brightly this issue, it is in the zany pen
strokes of the artist.
"Bridget is a Bridge," with apologies to
Gertie Stein, is aimed at the Bridge set and
should be enthusiastically received by them.
Who knows, even the Canasta players may
like it.

Although extended over an unusual num-
ber of pages, "The Devil and Hubert Prun-
dle" is pretty clever, in a longish sort of
fashion. A take-off on Faust, the work de-
picts the life of a University student who has
exchanged his soul for a "fabulous senior
Still in the supernatural vein, Scrooge
rises-in the best Phoenix tradition-from
his ashes, splattering the Gargoyle with
whimsical splats of c-minus Marley.
"Who StoleMy Dinosaur," of course, is
omniscient and we do love it dearly. It is
a valuable column if only from the stand-
point of an antique collector. But, for real
humor, look unto the ads, where Larry
Scott bubbles through as a commercial
type artist extraordinaire.
All in all, while not displaying the bal-
ance of the previous issue, the winter Gar-
goyle is easily worth two bits and the hearti-
est huzzah.
-Diane Decker

Religious Survey

(Continued from Page 1)
been accomplished by readopting many cus-
toms. Among the modern elements that Re-
form Judaism originated were Sunday morn-
ing and late Friday evening Services, the
elimination of dietary laws, the. equality of
women, and the introduction of a predomi-
nance of English into the Hebrew service.
Mena uncovered their heads in the syna-
gogues, and the Rabbi's role was changed
from that of the Orthodox law interpreter
to a community minister.
Between the Orthodox and the Reform
stands the Conservative Jew. His beliefs
are for the most part Orthodox. His ob-
servances include much of the Reform rit-
ul. English is a small part of his service.
The Talmudic law is followed but not with
unbending rigidity. Conservatism regards
the Orthodox as too strict and the Reform
as too lenient.
To all Jews, man is mortal, born with
good and evil in him and subject to sin. To
the Orthodox, sin is any infraction of the
written law. To the Reform, sin is the
breaking of the spiritual code of the Ten
Commandments. Repentence and return for
the sinner comes on the holiest of holy days
in the Jewish year, Yom Kippur, the Day of
Atonement (a day of abstinence from food
and water for the Orthodox and Conserva-
tive and for some Reform). It is then that
each Jew asks for forgiveness and for the
blessing of a good and healthy new year.
* * *
ALL ORTHODOX AND some Conservative
Jews look to the coming of a Messiah, a
mortal descendent of the House of David.
His coming will usher in a world of physical
and spiritual happiness on earth. At his com-
ing the dead will be resurrected to be judged
by God. There is, however, no specific refer-
ence to an after life in the Torah. The Re-
form Jew, rothe other hand, believes neither
in the resurrection of the dead nor in the
coming o. a Messiah. He believes only in
the coming of the Messianic Age when there
will be universal peace, and all mankind will
have learned to live in harmony with a uni-
versal concept of social justice.

Messiah. "The religion of Jesus was un-
derstandable to them; it was Jewish. The
religion about Jesus was beyond their re-
cognition." Today the Jewish attitude to-
ward Jesus has been conditioned by cen-
turies of persecution in his name. Yet, he
is slowly being included in Jewish history
as a prophet of significant stature.
Ever since the Diaspora, the return of the
Jews to Palestine has always been a part
of the Jewislr religion except among the
early Reform Jews. Zionism, the political
movement to establish a Jewish nation has
always found sound support among the great
majority of Jewish people. The existence of
the Jewish state of Israel was declared on
the fifth day of the Jewish month of Iyar in
the Jewish year 5708. This new nation serves
a three-fold purpose. It is a homeland for
the nationalistic Jew, a haven for the perse-
cuted Jew, and a cultural center through
which Jewish values and customs can experi-
ence a renaissance. To the American Jew
Israel serves as this cultural, religious cent-
er, but it also serves as an object of intense
pride in that co-religionists could establish
a nation founded on democratic principles
in a time of international degeneration and
Conversion, in the sense of actively
going out and seeking converts is not a
feature of Judaism. The voluntary pro-
selyte is in fact discouraged. There is, how-
ever, a definite moral mission in Judaism.
It is found in the desire "to win mankind
to the ideas of one God, one humanity,
the Golden Rule, justice for the oppressed
and compassion for the unfortunate." To
embrace these spiritual concepts one does
not have to embrace any religious ritual,
Jewish or otherwise. In the judgment of
Judaism such a moral code is all a man
needs. What name he calls it is not im-
It is in this emphasis on moral living in
this world that Judaism gains its strength.
Judaism promises no haven in an afterlife.
It does not ask for righteousness to avoid
punishment. It seeks no obedience to a
heirarchy of rules and regulations. The Or-
thodox Jew chooses to adhere to the Tal-

And the intriguing part of it all is
that information about this initially ques-
tionable death was withheld from police
in a way that was completely legal. It
was entirely up to the county coroner-
in this case Dr. Edwin C. Ganzhorn-to
decide whether law officers should be
called in. After a cursory look at the
body and a talk with hospital authorities,
Dr. Ganzhorn decided it wasn't necessary.
Under state law, this is perfectly proper.
A coroner (who, incidentally, need have no
qualifications whatsoever outside of a ma-
jority vote of the electorate), may exercise
full discretion in such grave medical and
legal matters-matters which should right-
fully be decided only after thorough inves-
tigation by persons with extensive profes-
sional training.
THE law's many weaknesses in this area
are well-known, and have been widely
condemned by competent authorities on civ-
il administration. The very idea that the
coroner should be an elected official is it-
self questionable. Worse still is the absence
of any required qualifications for the office.
A man with no medical or legal training
whatsoever may be placed on the ballot.
Equally serious is the point brought out
in the recent University Hospital tragedy,
namely, that if a coroner doesn't wish to
inform police of questionable deaths, he is
not legally bound to do so. This freedom
of action of course places a great trust and
responsibility on the coroner in fulfilling
his duties to the community and to the
electorate. At the time of the Hospital
episode, I do not feel that the local cor-
oner met that responsibility.
Dr. Ganzhorn's decision not to call in law
officers had at least two unfortunate effects:
1) Police were delayed a full week in start-
ing an investigation. Not only had the
"trail grown cold," but, because of Dr. Ganz-
horn's decision not to order an autopsy,
there was no longer a possible source of es-
tablishing proof of the cause of death-
something vital should it be necessary to
carry the matter into court.
2) The Hospital was almost allowed to
bury one of its most freakish and careless
mistakes in years without the slightest in-
terference or knowledge of agencies entrust-
ed with enforcement of the law.
S*3* *
THE Hospital's legal obligations were ful-
filed when it reported the death to Dr.
Ganzhorn. Further action was then up to
him. Should he have felt a moral obliga-
tion to pass his information on to the city's
legal agencies, the law then would have had
ample opportunity to take its course. But
he felt no such obligation.
It was not the first time Dr. Ganzhorn
has been lax in such matters. Several
years ago the body of a baby allegedly
born to a University Hospital nurse was
found in a waste-basket. The coroner did
report the matter, but only belatedly and
with what law officers considered unne-
cessary reticence.
While many attempts have been made to
alter and strengthen the law in regard to
coroners in this state, so far the movement
has not been successful. Since there seems
to be little hope at present of changing the
law, it would seem that, locally at least, at-
tention ought to be focused on the feasibi-
lity of changing the coroner-or, more hap-
pily, at least bringing him to realize the re-
sponsibilities of his position.
-Bob Keith

Foreign Policy.. ..
To the Editor:
WEDNESDAY night's debate on
foreign policy left much to be
desired on the part of the two
Young Republican orators. Though
basically in agreement with the
Democratic administration's policy
of aiding Europe so that it can re-
sist Communism, Mr. Halby and
Mr. Levenberg, like their idol,
Senator Taft, seemed to think that
you can place an absolute limit on
such aid.
Statements such as that seem
to indicate to me, at least, that
the love and thanks of man and
in America and her ability todo
great things when called upon to
do so. They seem to indicate that
America cannot meet the challenge
when offered her.
I for one am proud to be a mem-
ber of the party which still be-
lieves that the people of this na-
tion are unlimited in their capac-
ity to meet the test-unlimited in
their will and ability to do a job
In 1776, Tom Paine said, "The
summer soldier and sunshine pa-
triot will, in this crisis, shrink
from the service of their country;
but he that stands it now deserves
the love and thanks of man and
woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not
easily conquered; yet we have this
consolation with us, that the
harder the sacrifice, the more
glorious the triumph."
One hundred and sixty-nine
years later, a great American Pres-
ident said this in his last words to
his people, "The only limit to our
realization of tomorrow will be
the doubts of today. Let us move
forward with strong and active
Amid the pessimistic attitude of
clever politicians who today are
seeking to walk into the White
House on a program of faithless-
ness and timidness, let us remem-
ber these words of wisdom.
If we do, we will not have to
fear the future, no matter how
much the cynics rant and rave.
-Gene Mossner
Decker's Religion ...
To the Editor:
CONCERNING Miss Decker's edi-
torial, "Morning Religion," it
is with much embarrassment and
regret that I feel obliged to make
public the following confession,
denial, and statement:
1. I confess that I taught Miss
Decker and sixteen other fresh-
men in the same section of History
11 just about everything I know
about Mohammedanism. I con-
fess that Miss Decker received
from me an above-average grade.
I confess (and this is most humi-
liating of all) that I have there-
fore failed in my calling and be-
come a disgrace to the teaching
2. I deny most vigorously that
I have ever stood before a class
and stated, hinted, or implied that
the Supreme Being of the Moslem
faith was Mohammed, as Miss
Decker would have us believe. We
all know (and Miss Decker must
have read on page 188 of her text)
that the Supreme Being is Allah
and that Mohammed is but his
prophet. (I disclaim any respon-
sibility for her statement about

Buddha since he did not fall with-
in the scope of the course.)
3. It is a dismal feeling to find
oneself an utter failure so early
in life. Broken, dejected, humili-
ated before my colleagues, I have
but one path before me. I am
trading my battered old brief-case
for a second-hand monkey wrench
and heading for the assembly line
at K-F. That's east - toward
--W. H. Kincaid
1 Morning Religion ...
To the Editor:
IN HER editorial "Morning Reli-
egion" (of December 6), Diane
Decker states that "a child need
not know the intricacies of reli-
gious faith to be brought to the
realization that there is a Su-
preme Being.. ." Here Miss Deck-
er inserts the word "intricacies"
so as to obscure the necessity for
religious experience as a sine qua
non for believing there is such a
Religious training necessarily
precedes the realization of a Su-
preme Being, and such training is
denied the public school student
by the First Amendment, as in-
terpreted and applied to State
action. Can Miss Decker think
that all children, "except those of
atheistic background," do now, or
are ready to, understand "that
there is Someone supreme above
man, regardless of His name?"
This condition does not now exist,
since large numbers of public
school children do not have a re-
alization of what Miss Decker
terms the "Someone supreme."
The practice of prayer, if it is
to be meaningful, presumably re-
quires an attitude of belief that
there is an intelligence with which
to communicate. As should be
generally known, many and many
a child doesn't have that attitude,
and our Constitution bars that
particular indoctrination in pub-
lic schools. Thus it is that those
wishing to instill, at such schools,
the "principles of brotherly love
and spiritual faith in the hearts
and minds of children" are faced
with a sort of dilemma.
Dilemmas, by definition I sup-
pose, have no quick nor easy solu-
tion, and my present effort is
merely to clarify. I will point out
only that public-school-taught
morality must, so long as the
constitutional prohibition holds
good, depend on less dramatic,
and therefore probably less useful,
techniques than that of commun-
ing with an anthropomorphic de-
ity-the concept of which presum-
ably being necessary for effective
-Arthur H. Graham
* * *
Basketball Deem phasis
To the Editor:
IT WAS A welcome thing, indeed,
in these days of football scan-
dals and basketball fixes, to note
the outcome of the recent basket-
ball game between the University
of Michigan and Central Michigan
Ernie McCoy and all his staff
deserve the heartiest congratula-
tions for the remarkable job they
have done to de-emphasize bas-
ketball at the University of Michi-
gan. Taking over from Ozzie

(Continued from Page 2)
Rumsey, Gomberg House, victor Vau-
ghan, and Alpha Epsilon Phi.
AIEE-IRE. Field Trip to Trenton
Channel Plant of the Detroit Edison
Co. Busses will leave from the front,
of East Engineering at 12:30 p.m. All
Engineering students invited. Trans-
portation charge.
Wesleyan Guild: Do-Drop-In for tea
and chatter, 4 to 5:30 p.m., in the
lounge. School for Christian living,
at 6:15 p.m. Supper followed by
devotional period, in the social hall.
Guild cabinet meeting, 8:30 p.m. In
the Green room.
Gilbert & Sullivan Society:
Organization meeting, 7:15 p.m..
League Ballroom. This is for the spring
show. If you cannot attend, call Miss
Lois Gauger, phone 23225.
Michigan Arts Chorale will meet in
Hill Auditorium, 7 p.m. Please enter
and leave by the door near Burton
Ulr Ski Club: Meeting to discuss be-
tween semesters ski trip. Room 3B,
Union, 7:30 p.m.
U. of M. Rifle Club will have their
Michiganenslan pictures taken at the
ROTC RIFLE RANGE. A shoulder to
shoulder match with the AA Rifle Club
is scheduled. All members should be at
the range at 7:15 p.m. A posta match
is to be fired concurrent with the other
Vnion Weekly Bridge Tournament:
Cowles, McCoy, in but a few short
years, has reached levels that I
never dreamt were attainable in
This is obviously the shot in the
arm that collegiate sports needs
today. What hope this one contest
will give to schools as Alma, Ken-
yon, and Slippery Rock! Let us
hope that Mr. Cisler can find
room for more schools of this cali-
ber on the University of Michigan
basketball schedule, so that Mc-
Coy can carry on this great cru-
sade to return basketball to the
humble peach-basket, where it
-Hugh J. Blecki
Oxnard, Calif.
SL Bookstore.. .
To the Editor:
"SOMETHING'S rotten in S.L."
I cant understand the posi-
tion of Student Legislature on the
question of a student bookstore.
If S.L. claims to represent student
opinion on campus, why don't
they make a sincere effort to get
one? Ever since the question has
come up, it has been the victim of
a series of political maneuvers
which have delayed action on the
question. Why doesn't S.L. act in
a manner fitting the importance
of the question? I think (and I'm
sure that most people will agree)
that the problem of a campus
bookstore is one of the major is-
sues on campus. Yet, S.L. has seen
fit to ignore the issue and bury it
in committee, where it has been
resting peacefully for the last nine
months. After- last week's S.L.
meeting, the question was put in-
to hibernation again. Thus far
the attention given the problem
by S.L. shows an indifference to
the student opinion, which they
claim to represent.
The one big obstacle seems to
be the University's agreement to
refrain from competition with
Ann Arbor's merchants. Why does
the University serve meals in the
dorm? The "poor" Ann Arbor
business man is being ruined. Or,
for that matter, why have dorms
in the first place? The Ann Arbor
folks can't rent out their rooms
and are losing a source of income.
If the University Regents can
maintain these facities for the
students, I can see no reason why
a student bookstore is impossible,'
especially now when prices are so
high. If every student saved $2.00
a year, that would mean that we
would save $32,000 every year,
some of which would still be spent

in Ann Arbor stores. The present
policy of the University hindersI
the student from getting an edu-
cation by making him pay more
for books than he should have to.
Why doesn't S.L. present this case
to the University of Michigan Re-
gents? .
Rather than take any positive
action, S.L. seems content (with
one notable exception, Bob Perry)
to act more like a bunch of hot
air politicians with a lot of grand
promises and very few actions.
(The recent library question andr
long struggle for Thanksgiving
holiday representing the most im-
portant steps taken so far). No
wonder the campus is so apathe-
tic on election day. I'm fed up
with campaign promises too. We
maintain that, "Action speaks
louder than words." If SL ever
wants to gain the prestige it de-x
serves, it will have to change its
way of acting in regard to thisz
vital question.
-Maurice Oppenheim S

7:15 p.m., Terrace Room, Union. Ad-
mission charge. Coeds may obtain 11:30
permission from their housemothers.
Winners will receive two-weeks' free
admission. Everyone is invited.
Student Legislature. Meeting, 7:30
p.m., South Quad. All students are in-
Congregational-Disciples:Guild: Sup-
per Discussion Groups, 5:30 to 7 p.m.,
Guild House. Freshman Discussion
Group, 7 to 8 p.m.. Guild House.
Hillel Social Committee. Meeting,
7:30 p.m., Lane Hall.
Literary College conference. Steering
Committee meeting, 4 p.m., 1011 AH.
Roger Williams Guild. 4:30-6 p.m.
The Hanging of the Green. Guest of
honor: Dr. Frank Sharp, National Sec-
retary of the American Baptist Board
of Education.
Intercollegiate Zionist Federation of
America (IZFA). Study Group in Basic
Zionist Problems will meet at 7:30 p.m.,
Lane Hall.
UNESCO Council Panel: 7:30 p.m.,
Room 3M, Union. Follow up discussion
on last week's topic: "How is western
Education Influencing The East?" For-
eign students from Pakistan, India,
Ceylon, and Israel will participate.
Society of Automotive Engineers:
Meeting in auto lab at 8 p.m., for ex-
perimenting and, improving of a model
airplane engine. Anyone Interested In
working on this interesting proect is
Canterbury Club: Evening Prayer.
5:15 p.m.; Chaplain's Open House at 02
Tappan Avenue, 7:30 p.m.
Polonia Club. Meeting, 7 p.m., Inter-
national Center. All students of Polish
descent and their friends are invited.
Coming Eveents
International Center Weekly Tea for
foreign students and American friends,
4:30-6 p.m., Thurs., Dec. 13.
U. of M. Sailing Club. Meeting, 7:30
p.m., Thurs., Dec. 13, 311 West Engi-
neering. Shore school for new mem-
Deutsche Kaffeestunde. German Cof-
fee Hour, 3 to 4:30 p.m., tomorrow in
the Round Up Room, League.
AIEE-IRE. Meeting, Thurs., Dec. 13,
7:30 p.m., 2080 E. Engineering. Mr. R.
Foulkrod, Michigan Bell Telephone Co.,
will speak on "INTERTOLL Dialing."
Short business meeting and refresh-
ments. All E.E's are invited.
Anthropology Club. Meeting, Thurs.,
Dec. 13, at 7:30 p.m., East Lecture
Room, Rackham Bldg. Movie and slides
of a rural fishing community in Japan.
Everyone welcome.
Informal Student-Faculty Coffee
Hour. 4-6 p.m., Thurs., Dec. 13, Terrace
Room, Union. Honored guests: History
Department faculty. Students are in-
vited to meet the faculty. Everyone is
Graduate History Club. Thurs., Dec.
13, 8 p.m., East Conference Room, Rack-
ham Bldg. Prof. David will speak on
"Musicology and History."
American Pharmaceutical Association.
Meeting, Thurs., Dec. 13, 7:30 p.m.,
1300 Chemistry Bldg. Debate on the
Durham-Humphry Bill.
International Relations Club. Open
meeting, Thurs., Dec. 13, 7:15 p.m., Rm.
3K, Union. Student speakers and dis-
cussion on the subject of "Should the
continued existence of the state of
Israel be assured by the U.N.?" Inter-
ested students are invited to attend.






Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
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Student Publications.
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Chuck Elliott........Managing Editor
Bob Keith................City Editor
Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director
Vern Emerson ..........Feature Editor
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Bob Vaughn ...........AsIciate Editor
Ted Papes..............Sports Editor
George Flint ...Associate Sports Editor
Jim Parker ... Associate Sports Editor
Jan Jlames ........... Women's Editor
Jo Ketelhut. Associate Women's Editor
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A feeling of intellectual independence is
essential to the proper fulfillment of the
teacher's functions, since it is his business to

Only the older ones seem to
ready Professor. The young

"Dear Home Owner: If you are
contemplating a mortgage on
..-- r ht .mg;. nnnlls ic n

It was left of your house, Mr. Baxter,
obvio.sly intended for you ....What
i a mnrtaane? And what is a bank?


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